How to make a lump of padding polyester. To help the preschool teacher

If you like to decorate fir branches, windows, or various New Year's crafts with artificial snow or frost, these tips will definitely suit your taste. We will tell you about homemade and very budget alternatives to store-bought cylinders. The most important thing is that it will not be difficult to repeat any of the seven ideas with your own hands, and in some cases, spraying will be even more durable and strong than the store-bought version.

Stock up on pine branches, New Year's wreaths and other paraphernalia - let's start decorating!

Method one: regular cotton wool

If you don't want to fuss for too long, this method is just for you.

What do we need?

  • cotton wool or cotton pads
  • PVA glue
  • tweezers
  • glitter (optional)

How to do it?

The cotton wool needs to be torn into small pieces - the smaller the better. If you use cotton pads, then only the inner, soft part will be used.

Dip each piece in glue for a few seconds and immediately apply it to where we are creating the spray.

Before the glue has time to set, sprinkle the product with glitter - you get the effect of sparkling snow.

When everything dries, the accessory will look no worse than powdered with ready-made artificial snow.

Method two: foam

You'll have to rustle, of course. If you are annoyed by the creaking of polystyrene foam, this master class is not for you. And if you don't care and want to get artificial snow quickly, inexpensively and, ultimately, beautifully - here you go.

What do we need?

  • polystyrene foam
  • grater
  • PVA glue

How to do it?

You just need to grate the foam on a grater (medium and oblong). If he is not himself good quality and simply breaks, then crumble it into grains with your hands.

Now we grease the spruce branches (or any other accessory) with glue and simply sprinkle them with the prepared material.

The foam sticks well to the glue and looks really realistic. Especially if you manage to grate the “flakes”.

Method three: snow made of salt

If you don't mind tinkering a little, this tutorial is for you. Don't worry, everything is simpler than it might seem. And most importantly, the result will definitely please you.

What do we need?

  • salt (take regular coarse stone salt) – 1 kg
  • water – 1.5 liters
  • blue paint, copper sulfate or ink (optional)

How to do it?

First you need to prepare a strong brine. To do this, pour salt into the water and put it on low heat, stirring constantly. As soon as the water has boiled and all the salt has dissolved, remove the pan from the stove.

At this stage, add dye if you want to get artificial snow blue.

We take coniferous branches (real, not artificial) and immediately lower them into the water: all at once or one after the other - it doesn’t matter. A few seconds will be enough for the salt to cling to the branches.

Now we need to take our future snowy branches out into the cold. If possible - on the balcony, but better - on the street. If both options are not for you, put them in the refrigerator in a bowl.

After 7-8 hours we take out the branches and hang them somewhere. You need to let them dry thoroughly.

In a few hours, our “New Year’s” branches will be ready. They will turn out truly magical and incredibly beautiful. Even artificial snow from a balloon cannot be compared here!

Method four: sweet frost

If spraying needs to be done quickly, this option will be optimal. Just keep in mind that the finished branches should not be stored for too long, because the “snowball” will consist of a food ingredient.

What do we need?

  • sugar
  • liquid glue

How to do it?

Dilute a little in a container with water liquid glue. In principle, you don’t need to use glue at all, but it will still serve a good purpose for more reliable fixation.

Now dip the twigs in this solution, and then take them out and immediately sprinkle them generously with sugar.

When the water dries, the sugar will stick to the branches.

Eat little trick so that this beauty lasts even longer. When everything is completely dry, spray the branches with hairspray. However, there is also a minus: the varnish can extinguish the pleasant pine smell.

Method five: fluffy and soft snow made of yarn

If you want your artificial snow to be not only beautiful, but also pleasant to the touch, make it from yarn. This method is especially good for those who have children in their home. The little one is always drawn to snow-covered Christmas trees. To prevent the kids from injecting themselves and touching the chemicals, without which store-bought artificial snow in balloons is simply unimaginable, replace the decoration with something really pleasant.

What do we need?

  • several twigs (not necessarily coniferous)
  • scotch
  • white yarn (it is best to take shaggy and soft “grass”)

How to do it?

First, the rods need to be cleared of bark. It will be more convenient to work with smooth branches.

We take a thread and glue it to the base of the twig using thin tape. Then we simply wrap the branch to the end. You don’t have to do it very tightly - let the twig show through, it’s even more interesting.

We also secure the end of the thread with tape.

In this way you need to wrap all the rods, and then simply make a composition out of them.

It would be optimal to make something like a bouquet: “snow-covered” branches + ordinary spruce or pine branches and cones. If you want something more interesting, you can twist the rods into a wreath (we have already told you) by adding a few pine branches and various New Year's paraphernalia.

This method is in no way inferior to the others. Yes, it looks less like real snow, but it still looks beautiful and very cozy.

Method six: cold snow from soda

If you want your homemade artificial snow to look and feel like the real thing, try this simple recipe.

What do we need?

  • pack of soda
  • can of shaving foam (take the simplest one)

How to do it?

No tricks: just pour the baking soda into a bowl and gradually squeeze the foam into the container, constantly mixing the mixture with your hands. There is no need for an exact proportion here - it depends on the quality of the foam. As a rule, a 500-gram pack of soda requires a whole can of foam. If you need less, rely on the touch: as soon as the consistency becomes similar to wet snow, from which you can make snowballs, our mass is ready.

If you really want to make something out of this “snow” (snowmen, for example), add a little more foam. If you need a crumbly snowball, you will need a little less.

Method seven: snow from diapers

Yes, yes, we will make snow from diapers. The fact is that they contain sodium polyacrylate - a component that cannot be found anywhere else. And that is exactly what we need.

For clarity, we suggest you watch the video master class - it will be clearer.

As you can see, there is nothing complicated, and the result is really impressive. Perhaps this is one of the the best ways making artificial snow with your own hands.

All these methods will help you make artificial snow at home. From seven master classes, choose the one that meets your requirements for New Year's decor: soft, cold, durable - each has its own distinctive features. Whatever you choose, the result should please you, because snow will help you feel the holiday approaching and create Christmas mood!

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With the beginning of winter, all children wait for the onset of the main holiday - the New Year. From mid-December you can start decorating your home and decorating the Christmas tree. It is very important to do this together with your child.

The main beauty of the New Year is, of course, the Christmas tree. The tradition of decorating a house with a Christmas tree goes back to the countries Western Europe. Later this custom came to Russia. Spruce or pine is decorated with glass toys. But it would be a great idea to make some homemade decorations.

In addition to the Christmas tree, you also need to decorate your house for the holiday. To do this you will need tinsel, colorful garlands, homemade snowflakes and snowballs. If snowflakes are very easy to cut out of paper, then making snowballs will require a little effort. Here are instructions for making cotton wool snowballs - from simple options to complex.

First method: with tinsel

The easiest way to make snowballs from cotton wool with your own hands is also the fastest. You need to take cotton wool and roll it into a tight ball. The ball may be a little uneven, but that's okay. Next, you need to take silver tinsel and wrap this ball tightly, simultaneously leveling out large irregularities. It is better to take tinsel with short pile. Such balls can be strung on a long strong thread. Several threads suspended from the ceiling will create a stylized glittering snowfall.

Second method: sock and cotton wool

To make such snowballs from cotton wool with your own hands, you will need cotton wool, old light-colored nylon socks, threads, and tinsel. The sock should be stuffed with cotton until it reaches the desired size and shape. To get cotton snowballs, you need to cut off the excess from the sock and secure the ball with thread. You should wrap the resulting ball with tinsel, hiding all imperfections. The snowball is ready.

Third method: glue and varnish

Here, in addition to cotton wool, you will need PVA glue and hairspray. How to make snowballs from cotton wool using glue? You need to take a small piece of synthetic wool and drop a little PVA glue in the middle. Roll the cotton wool so that you get a ball. The glue will help maintain the desired shape. The finished snowball should be secured by sprinkling with hairspray. The diameter of the ball can be adjusted independently.

Fourth method: from gauze and cotton wool

To make these snowballs from cotton wool with your own hands you will need additional material- gauze. Cut a square out of gauze. Snowballs from gauze and cotton wool are made similarly to method No. 2. Place a lump of cotton wool in the middle. Wrap the cotton wool in gauze and secure it with thread at the bottom. Wrap the ball in tinsel. The snowball is ready.

Fifth method: using paste

This method is more difficult than others. How to make snowballs from cotton wool using paste? It is necessary to cook the paste. To do this you will need a glass of water, a saucepan, two teaspoons of starch, and a whisk. Pour water into a saucepan, put it on fire and add starch in a thin stream. To avoid lumps, you must constantly stir the solution with a whisk. Bring the paste to a boil, but do not boil, remove from heat and cool. While the paste cools, you need to roll cotton balls. Use a brush to apply the composition to the surface of the ball. Sprinkle with glitter if desired. Balloons can also be decorated with confetti and finely chopped rain. After drying, the snowballs will be ready.

Sixth method

The technique for making such snowballs from cotton wool with your own hands is similar to method No. 4. Only the ball should be covered with paste instead of tinsel. Next, you need to wrap the ball in pieces of cotton wool and let it dry. The ball should be fixed with extra-strong hold hairspray. You can use varnish with glitter, then the snowball will turn out more elegant.

In addition to the proposed techniques for making snowballs, you can also make snowballs from foam plastic, white threads, pompons, using the papier-mâché technique, from soap and starch. In a word, there are a lot of options for making snowballs.

Similar to making a snowball, using cotton wool and paste, you can make figures to decorate a Christmas tree. But for this it is necessary to build a wire frame, wrap it in cotton wool, secure it with threads, cover it with paste and again with pieces of cotton wool. The toy should be dried and covered with watercolor or gouache paints.


Very often on New Year's Eve there is a need to make snowballs for a children's party in a preschool institution. At the holiday, children are often invited to play various outdoor games with cotton snowballs. Accordingly, it is necessary that they are not hazardous. These snowballs are also used to decorate New Year trees and music halls in kindergartens. And not only halls for the holiday, but also ordinary groups. These snowballs make wonderful New Year's compositions in the form of snowmen and other figures. Previously, for the New Year, windows were painted with watercolor paint with appropriate patterns. Nowadays, windows are increasingly decorated with snowflakes and garlands of small cotton snowballs. Such garlands are easy to manufacture and install. Snowballs made of cotton wool are strung on threads at equal distances. The threads are attached vertically to the window. There is a feeling of snowfall.

Besides decoration kindergarten, you can also decorate your home with cotton wool snowballs. You can decorate the lower branches of the Christmas tree with small balls. If you collect snowballs in a wicker basket and add fir branches and a couple of New Year's toys small size, you will get a beautiful New Year's composition. You can also add loops of thread and decorate the Christmas tree.

The important point is that such crafts are easy to do together with your child. This develops perseverance and trains imagination. The child feels well connected to his family. It is also useful for the baby to see the results of his work.

Snow. Soft, fluffy, delicate, fresh, sparkling, captivating and alluring. Fun Science today suggests making snow with your own hands. Make snow at home. Children will definitely enjoy snow experiences and experiments. A snow fairy tale awaits you. Welcome, friends.

DIY sparkling snow

Ready to make fluffy, cold and very soft snow? The ingredients are simple and affordable. No dangerous ingredients. Easy recipe. To make snow with your own hands, you need to thoroughly mix the following components together:

  • cornstarch,
  • shaving cream,
  • mint extract (optional)
  • sparkles.

DIY snow plasticine

An unexpected combination, you must agree. If you want to sculpt with snow mass, then write down the recipe. The child will undoubtedly enjoy this experience and will be useful for training motor skills and developing tactile sensations. The magic of this modeling compound is the ordinary ingredients and the shimmering shine. It won't take long to prepare the snow. Take:

  • 2 cups baking soda,
  • 1 cup cornstarch,
  • 1 cup cold water,
  • a few drops of mint extract,
  • sparkles.

Combine all recipe ingredients except glitter in a large saucepan. Simmer until the ingredients begin to bubble and the liquid begins to thicken. Stirring continuously, puree until smooth. Remove the pan from the stove. Transfer the mixture into a deep cup, let cool, cover with a towel. Once cooled, add rainbow glitter and knead into clay. How long to knead? Until you achieve the desired shine, smoothness, and plasticity. In order for the snow clay to slightly cool children's hands, store it in an airtight container in the refrigerator.

Making your own snow paints

Is it possible to paint with snow? Certainly. But first you need to prepare snow paints. This is exactly what we will do now. We prepared for this task in advance. In the evening we put the shaving foam in the refrigerator, and in the morning we put the glue in there (for 10 minutes). When everything was ready, we began to experiment.

In a deep cup, in equal parts mixed shaving foam and glue. Added glitter + a few drops peppermint(to add a fresh smell) and mix everything thoroughly. As you may have noticed, the recipe is simple. And what wonderful drawings you get. Try it! Your child will love this fun! See even more recipes for homemade and safe paints.

Making “silk” snow with your child at home

When you can't go outside to play in the snow in winter. Or there is no snow, and you miss it, ask your parents to arrange snow fairy tale Houses. And now I will tell you the recipe for silk snow:

  • frozen white bars of soap of any brand,
  • cheese grater,
  • sparkles.

Place a few bars of soap in the freezer overnight. Take out one piece at a time and start grating the soap. The last step In this short process, you will add rainbow sparkles and peppermint extract. Your own homemade snow is ready. It's time to build a snowman.

Snow dough - a super recipe for home cooking

This recipe is based on just two simple ingredients:

  • 450 g corn starch,
  • 250 ml of any cosmetic body lotion.

Friends, to prepare snow dough, just mix these ingredients with each other and that’s it. Adjust the density of the mass at your discretion. A little tip: you can reward the dough with pleasant coolness and special softness if you cool the ingredients before mixing. Want to keep the dough longer? Place it in a tightly sealed bag and put it in the refrigerator. If the dough becomes dry, mix it with hands moistened with lotion.

Liquid snow - prepare it at home with your child

Let me remind you that today we are making snow at home with the children. And therefore, most of the ingredients need to be cooled or frozen before starting the experiment. So, we take the starch out of the freezer and little by little add ice water to it until the consistency is not too liquid.

Friends, if you have never made non-Newtonian fluids before, you are in for a magical surprise. Be careful, with active interaction the mass becomes not only harder, but more viscous, and spreads at rest.

But that's not all. We have prepared for you the most complete selection of snow recipes that you can prepare with your child at home.

Artificial snow made from shaving foam, a simple recipe for making at home

The process of squeezing shaving foam into a basin is a fascinating activity in itself. Entrust this stage to your child, he will be wildly delighted. Empty your can of foam? Great, it's time to gradually add soda (1 pack). At the final stage, add glitter. The artificial snow is ready and you can sculpt figures from it. Cold homemade snow will be pleasant to the touch when it is pre-cooled in the refrigerator. Enjoy your experiments.

“Fragrant gentle snowball” for children’s entertainment

In previous recipes, we added peppermint extract. The fresh smell is amazing. But if you want other flavors, then you will probably like the following recipe:

  • 2 cups flour,
  • ¼ cup baby oil.

The recipe is simple, and the snowball turns out delicate (ideal for children with sensitive skin), with a pleasant aroma. You will need a whisk for thorough mixing.

Important! The presence of oil in the recipe makes it difficult to clean up after playing.

Next up is another recipe for unusual snow. Are you tired yet? Then we continue.

Making artificial snow from a baby diaper

How far progress has come, science is advancing by leaps and bounds across the planet, and today, we will tell you how to make snow from diapers at home. Well, the components of this recipe are also simple:

  • baby diaper,
  • water,
  • fridge,
  • great mood(by the way, this is a required ingredient in all recipes).

Parents and teachers go to great lengths to bring their child joy, pleasure and ignite a spark of interest in science. After all, we all understand that science is fun. The main thing is to find the right angle from which to show the child all the beauty of what awaits him tomorrow.

Today I suggest you gut your baby diaper and extract the sodium polyacrylate from it. Important note! Transfer the entire mass into a deep cup and gradually, in small portions, add water - continuously! Violation of technology and the snow will turn out too wet. Now it's time to add realism to our project, let's put the resulting snow in the refrigerator.

Dear scientists, are you tired of experiments yet? Fun Science has prepared for you some more entertaining instructions on how to create snow at home. It doesn't matter if it comes New Year tomorrow or in six months. This type of entertainment is relevant in any season. The main thing is the desire and availability of the necessary components at hand.

Do you have soap and toilet paper in your home? If yes, then I suggest making snow from these elements.

Making snow with children from foamed polyethylene

Do you like the idea of ​​sprucing up the whole house before a magical holiday? Prepare some PVA glue and coat the surface you plan to decorate. liquid solution. Now start the process of making snow. Children will especially enjoy working with gloves and it can be an amazing experience. You need to grate polyethylene or foam. As a base, you can use packaging material for equipment, shoe inserts or polystyrene foam. Add sparkles to this airy mixture and enjoy the decorating process.

Making decor, preparing frost from salt

Continuing the decorating theme, I suggest making frost. To do this, you need to prepare a base - a concentrated saline solution. Take a saucepan, pour a small amount of water into it and put it on low heat. Add salt to the pan until it stops dissolving. We dip branches of spruce, pine or any other plant in hot solution and leave it for a while. And now the science is starting to work. The process of crystal formation starts, which goes much faster in warm water! Let the water drain and leave the plants to dry for 4-5 hours. That's it, you get frost-covered branches. Further decor is at your discretion. Send photos of your work in the comments to this article. What innovation can you add to the recipe?

Artificial snow for a “snow globe”

Glass ball- a fascinating children's toy. You can add regular sparkles to such a ball. But then the experiment will not work. Therefore, we take a white paraffin candle and rub it on a fine grater. That's it, the snow is ready. And to create “ snow globe“We will need a ball, water, glycerin and artificial snow flakes. You can add shimmering accents with glitter. We close the container hermetically and when shaken, the snowball smoothly sinks to the bottom.

PVA snow and starch

Take and thoroughly mix the starting components:

  • 2 tablespoons starch,
  • 2 tablespoons PVA,
  • 2 tablespoons silver paint.

Congratulations! You have just received excellent snow for voluminous decoration of any crafts for kindergarten or home decor.

Preparing a mass that imitates snow

Starting Components:

  • fine quartz sand / semolina or foam chips,
  • white acrylic,
  • thick PVA glue,
  • sparkles.

When everything you need is ready, we begin the cooking process. Follow the instructions, follow the steps:

  1. Pour 250 grams (a full faceted glass) of your chosen material into a deep plate.
  2. We begin to gradually add white to this bulk material. acrylic paint. Our task is to ensure that the loose particles stick together, but do not float in the slurry.
  3. Now it's time to add thick (this is important) PVA glue. We try to achieve elasticity and ductility. Add PVA little by little.
  4. And the last, very important touch is glitter. We thoroughly mix our artificial snow and... that's it!!!

Sugar snow

This recipe is suitable for decorating children's (and not only) parties. Before pouring juice, compote or cocktail into a glass, do a simple manipulation. Dip the edges of the glass (glass) into water or syrup. Did you do it? Now you need to dip the wet edges in sugar. It is most convenient to do this on a tray. This is how fast and easy way make festive, snow-covered glasses.

Salty “snow” for meat

Young cooks can provide invaluable help to adults and prepare decorations New Year's table- meat.

For this recipe we will need:

  • a pinch of salt;
  • egg white;
  • mixer.

Place egg white and a pinch of salt in a deep cup. Now turn on the mixer and beat our liquid mass into a stiff foam. What's next, you ask?

We take meat, for example, chicken, and put this improvised snow on it. Did you do it? Amazing. It's time to put the meat in the oven. The result of our culinary experience is a delicious and festive dish: chicken in a snowdrift!

These are the recipes for creating a magical snowy atmosphere at home, prepared for you by Merry Science. Write about the progress of your experiments in the comments. Send your photos. Show off your masterpieces scientific world. Tell us about all the stages of your preparation for the New Year. But remember that if in the summer you want winter, open this page and feel free to make snow. In summer! In your own kitchen with your children! This will be a lot of fun!

We might have missed something in this collection. Therefore, if you have your own recipe “how to make artificial snow at home” and you want to tell everyone about it, we are waiting for your letter. We will be happy to publish your New Year's experiments.

You can bring real snow from outside, put it in a basin and pamper your children. But this magic will not last long as it will melt in a matter of minutes. To decorate the Christmas tree, window sills, candles and other details, you can use artificial snow, which is easily made at home. In some cases, you can even make snowballs from it. We have put together for you the best collection of methods for preparing artificial paraphernalia. Let's look at all the options in more detail.

Candles and talc

To make dry snow, prepare glitter (preferably gold, silver, blue or pearlescent). Also put it next to kitchen grater, unscented baby talcum powder (powder), several paraffin candles white.

Place the candle in the refrigerator for half an hour or in the freezer for 10-15 minutes until it hardens well. After the time has passed, grate it on a medium-sized grater. To create a shimmering effect, add small glitter to the shavings (color of your choice).

The resulting composition leaves no traces, does not dissolve in water and does not change shape upon contact with it. Typically, this kind of artificial snow is used for decoration. New Year's balls and Christmas trees, painting windows and window sills.

Foam plastic

The easiest and most common way to make artificial snow at home. To do this, get a piece of foam from an appliance or electronics box (they have smaller granules). Place the layer on flat surface, take the fork and start moving it intensively back and forth. As a result, the “grains” will fall off; you need to collect them as they accumulate.

In most cases, foam-based artificial snow looks unnatural. It is used to decorate spruce branches, the fir tree itself, window sills, painting balls and filling them, creating small hail and firecrackers.

Paper towels (toilet paper)

Take the white ones paper towels or toilet paper, tear into small pieces. Grind into crumbs in a convenient way white natural soap, place the composition at the bottom of a ceramic or glass container. Place pieces of paper/towels on top.

Place the bowl in the microwave for 30-45 seconds, monitoring the condition of the paper fibers. They should become fluffier and raised. The soap, in turn, will acquire a softer and more pliable consistency.

After the expiration date, take out the mixture, pour in some filtered water and mix everything with a fork. Place in the refrigerator for 3 minutes, then grind again.

It is from this kind of snow that you can sculpt mini-snowmen, play snowballs, and decorate any surfaces and objects.


Boil several eggs with white (not red) shells. Clean them, remove the films. Place in a tight plastic bag, place on hard surface and grind into powder with a rolling pin. Once the shell is ready, you can mix it with glitter and then start decorating. Artificial snow is attached to spruce/Christmas tree branches using PVA glue and used to decorate windows, creating various drawings. The composition is used to stuff transparent New Year's balls.

Baby diapers

No matter how strange it may sound, artificial snow can be made from disposable diapers or white diapers. The thing is that such attributes absorb moisture due to the sodium polyacrylate contained in the composition. In its swollen state, the drug looks like real snow.

To perform the procedure correctly, remove the cotton-like stuffing from the diaper/diaper. Tear it into very small particles, then place it in a deep bowl. Begin to slowly pour in cold purified water and at the same time knead the resulting mixture with your hands. In the end, you will get a decoration that is difficult to distinguish from real snow. The attribute is used to create snowballs, snowmen, and holiday decorations that involve the presence of peculiar snowdrifts.

Baking soda and shaving foam

Pour the soda into a small bottle so that it is convenient to mix it with other ingredients. Squeeze a bottle of foam into a deep container and at the same time add baking soda, then immediately stir. Proceed intermittently: pour in, mix, pour in again. For 1 can of foam there is one and a half packs of soda. When mixing is complete, place the mixture in the refrigerator for 5 minutes. Then take it out and add glitter for decoration. The peculiarity of this method is that the finished snow smells of frosty freshness if you choose foam with the appropriate aroma.


Very often, housewives use bubble polyethylene, which is used to wrap household appliances during transportation to better protect the cargo. Take 1 sq. m. of material, twist it into a tight tube, then grate it with fine divisions. Combine the resulting air mass with pearlescent glitter, add 3-5 packets of potato starch and a little filtered water. Stir until the mixture becomes homogeneous.

After this, dry it on a radiator or under direct sun rays. Shred a little with a fork, then start decorating. The composition looks very beautiful and natural on fluffy artificial Christmas trees and natural spruce trees. To properly attach artificial snow, coat the area to be treated with PVA and then sprinkle it with the compound.


The method is more suitable for spraying on windows, mirrors, balls, and a Christmas tree. As a rule, a stencil soaked in water is applied to the surface for better adhesion. After this, the voids are filled with snow inclusions. It is necessary to spray very carefully, because the drops scatter into different sides. Buy the cheapest white one toothpaste without colored granules. Squeeze half the tube into the container, add a little filtered water to make the composition more liquid and creamy. Dip your toothbrush into it and point it at the object you want to treat. Run your finger upward along the bristles and release to create specks of splatter on the item.

Starch and soap

Grate a bar of white soap on a fine grater and mix it with 3 packets of potato or corn starch. Boil 200-250 ml. water, pour boiling water into the mixture, then beat the mixture with a whisk, forks or mixer until a thick foam forms.

To make snowballs, take a foam ball, dip it in the mixture and dry it on the radiator. If you want to decorate windows or Christmas tree branches with the composition, just dip a toothbrush in the snow and cover the surface with blotting movements. You can dry the mixture and then knead it if you need the snow in powder form.


Very popular in lately became New Year's wreaths decorated with artificial snow. Also, many people do not put up a spruce tree, but decorate the room with its individual branches. As a result, you get a kind of frost. To begin the procedure, take enamel pan, pour 5 liters of water into it and add 2 packs of table salt. Place the pan on the fire, stir and heat until the mixture dissolves. When this happens, turn off the stove, put the branches in the container and wait 4-6 hours. During this time, the salt will be absorbed into the needles and form an original snow crust. At the end of the period, remove the branches and leave them to dry for half an hour.

Edible artificial snow

Experienced housewives pamper their children with artificial edible snow. They can be used to decorate festive table, in particular, New Year's, you just need to show imagination and perseverance. To give baked goods fruit salads or other desserts are magical, just pour them with airy cream and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Boiled chicken protein, grated, is suitable for second courses.

It's easy to make artificial snow at home if you have some various ways. Use polyethylene, foam, eggshell, toothpaste, a mixture of shaving foam and baking soda, paraffin candles and talcum powder. Treat your kids to some edible magic with powdered sugar and cream.

Video: how to make artificial snow with your own hands

It's starting very soon new year holidays. And it’s time to get ready to decorate the house, get the tinsel, Christmas decorations, garlands and other familiar decorative elements. But the same type of compositions created year after year can get boring, so you can try to make original and simple crafts with your own hands from scrap materials.

Cotton balls that resemble real snowballs will look very neat and stylish. These delicate and soft products can be used for play, made into a composition, or, by adding a fastener, hung on a Christmas tree.

How to choose a base for blanks

There is cotton wool in every home, so making snowballs from this material will be easy. You can also involve children in making New Year's decorations, turning this activity into exciting game. There are several ways to make a snowball out of cotton wool. One option: take newspaper or crumpled paper as a base, apply PVA glue to the surface, and wrap the material in several layers. These snowballs will turn out heavy and hard. They are best used for arrangements or as decorations at the bottom of a Christmas tree. Making soft cotton balls requires a little patience and a few readily available materials.

Creating decor from scrap materials

The process of making snowballs from cotton wool with your own hands, step by step instructions which is given below, does not take much time and does not require special preparation. In the central part you can place a padding polyester or a piece of polystyrene foam, an old sock or nylon stocking, or a ball of thread. It doesn’t matter what the base looks like, it still won’t be visible under the cotton wool shell. Therefore, you can use almost any material that is at hand. Of course, it is desirable that the blanks are light or white - then you won’t have to worry that the variegated base will begin to show through top layer. But, if there are no other options, to avoid this, you just need to use more material.

Do-it-yourself cotton wool snowballs: step-by-step instructions

How to make a snowball from cotton wool:

  1. Cooking necessary tools- scissors, white thread with a needle, an unnecessary stocking and cotton wool.
  2. Cut the stocking into pieces.
  3. You can place unnecessary scraps of fabric inside each piece, and then stitch the material so that you get a spherical blank.
  4. After this, it is enough to decorate the surface with cotton wool or a bandage and stitch it with white threads so that the craft does not fall apart.

If parents are engaged in making jewelry with their child, it is best to entrust the choice of material and surface treatment to the children, and leave the work with the needle to adults, since it is a dangerous tool, children can get hurt. The finished snowball will look more decorative if you add sparkles or regular Christmas tree tinsel to the cotton wool.

A quick way to make cotton balls

When doing needlework with your child, you can use one quick way how to make a snowball from cotton wool. For it you will need PVA glue and hairspray with glitter. The technique for creating such a craft is very simple: just drop glue on a piece of cotton wool, roll it into a ball and cover it with hairspray. Of these decorative elements you can create a composition, make a snowman, or make a snow garland by stringing balls on a thread.

If you unroll a skein of cotton wool in the form of a sheet, pour glue on it and roll it into a ball, you get a big snowball. The process of making it is very similar to how real lumps of snow are molded. It is also best to decorate the surface of such a ball with hairspray with glitter. It is advisable to use a strong hold varnish.

How to make a snowball using cotton pads

Cotton pads - affordable and universal material, from which you can create amazing New Year decorations, including snowmen, Christmas tree decorations, garlands, and the Christmas tree itself too. Using a thread, a needle and a little imagination, needlewomen create angels, flowers and decorative panels from these common household items. For snowballs, special blanks in the form of corners are made from cotton pads.

Each circle is folded twice and secured with glue. Then glue is applied to the tips of the resulting corners and assembled in 4 pieces. The resulting parts are connected to each other to form a hemisphere. By collecting two hemispheres, you can get a finished openwork snowball.

Cold method of making snowballs

There is another one interesting option how to make a snowball from cotton wool. But for it you will need to cook a starch paste. Take 2 teaspoons of starch per glass of cold water and bring to a boil over low heat, stirring constantly to prevent lumps from forming. If this does happen, they can be removed with a fork.

The resulting mass should be cooled so as not to get burned while working. Using a brush, glue is applied to previously prepared cotton balls. It is advisable to distribute the glue over their surface thin layer, after which the snowball can be dipped in glitter and dried with a hairdryer or on a radiator.

Turning a snowball into a Christmas tree toy

It’s easy enough to turn cotton wool snowballs into Christmas tree decorations if you glue a ribbon or other fastener to them. The surface can also be decorated with bright threads or painted in different colors using ordinary watercolors or gouache. It is enough to dilute the paints desired color in water and dip the workpiece in it, then dry it on a sheet of paper.

Cotton pads can also be easily painted with gouache. They can be used to create figures made up of various colored parts. The elements are fastened together using paste, but before painting, it is important to dry all the workpieces thoroughly. This is done so that the paint does not flow.