Why are metal tiles short-lived? Metal tile colors. Which one is better to choose? Type of protective coating

Today, metal tiles are one of the most popular materials on the roofing market. It is easy to use, light weight and wide color scheme. When choosing metal tiles, first of all, you should pay attention to the manufacturer, the thickness of the metal, the zinc coating and the type of polymer. The color of metal tiles does not affect its quality in any way and is selected only according to individual preferences. Still, let's figure out what colors metal tiles come in and which one is better to choose?

According to marketing research, the most popular among our population are dark red, chocolate and green and roofing materials.

Factors influencing the choice of metal tile color

When choosing the color of metal tiles, it is worth noting several factors:

  1. Climatic conditions. Under the influence ultraviolet rays metal tiles of dark shades fade faster. It is best to choose these colors if the house is located in the shade of trees, which will provide the roof with protection from the sun.
  2. Quality of material. Any metal tile gradually fades in the sun. A high-quality product burns evenly and almost imperceptibly to the human eye, whereas cheap metal tiles fades in spots, which has a very negative effect on appearance buildings.
  3. Polymer coating. Each polymer has its own warranty period for aesthetic characteristics. Polyester will last up to 10 years without changing its appearance, while pural and plastisol last about 20 years.
  4. Manufacturer. It is best to buy the entire volume of metal tiles from one manufacturer from one batch. At least chemical industry and has stepped far forward, but still the colors of different batches may differ slightly, which will not look very nice on the roof of the house. For different manufacturers, markings of the same color can actually be completely different.
  5. Guarantee. Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the warranty period that the manufacturer provides for the aesthetic characteristics of metal tiles. If the metal tiles begin to fade unevenly before the end of the warranty period, you can request its replacement under the warranty.

There is a misconception among buyers that metal tiles dark colors heats up faster, raising the temperature in the house. This is fundamentally wrong. The color of the product does not in any way affect the thermal conductivity of the material. Physical properties are absolutely the same for both dark- and light-colored metal tiles.

All colors of metal tiles are marked according to a single international standard, which was adopted in Germany in 1927. The abbreviation of this standard is German language– RAL. Its palette includes 213 shades, each of which has its own marking.

Characteristics of various colors of metal tiles

Which color you choose is a matter of taste, but we can tell you a little about the colors themselves:

  1. Brown– symbolizes strength of character and the ability to overcome any difficulties. Most often it is preferred by conservatives, for whom it evokes a feeling of security, restraint and stability. Metal tiles brown or chocolate color goes well with the greenery of trees, so it is recommended to be used for houses surrounded by a garden or park.
  2. Burgundy red– characterizes determination and irrepressible energy, awakening a thirst for activity in a person. Designers recommend it to active people and businessmen. Looks beautiful with accessories of similar shades, as well as in contrast with black or white.
  3. Terracotta– it most closely resembles natural clay tiles. This is a shade brown, reminiscent of fired ceramics. Actively used in the practice of Feng Shui.
  4. Green– associated with nature. Rich green color instills calm and tranquility, while muted tones create an atmosphere of concentration and composure. Psychologists recommend using this color, especially in big cities.
  5. Blue– looks very beautiful in bright light, so when choosing this color you should take care of the evening lighting. Light blue tones bring relaxation and calm, while saturated ones can drive you into depression, so you should be careful with this color. Blue roofing looks perfect in a landscape with bodies of water, be it a lake or a river. It is also perfect for coastal areas. Ideally combined with white accessories on the façade or roof.
  6. Grey– one of the most versatile light shades. Perfect for dark places with insufficient lighting. Gray roofing harmonizes perfectly with the surrounding nature and is considered a symbol of restraint and stability. It is the choice of people who purposefully and calmly move towards their goal.

You can choose the most optimal color, taking into account the facade, accessories and the surrounding landscape, yourself or by contacting professional designers. But the most important thing is not to skimp on the quality of metal tiles, then the chosen color will serve for a long time and be pleasing to the eye.
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One of the very important construction issues that the developer must decide is the choice of material to create the finishing layer on the roof.

It would seem that what is so difficult here?

Won how much different materials offered: slate, tiles, corrugated sheets, soft roof etc.

However, everything is much more complicated.

After all, each material, in addition to its unique appearance, has weight, technical specifications, installation features.

And it very often happens that the roofing material you like cannot be installed on the roof of your house for a number of reasons.

Nowadays, the most popular roofing material is metal tiles.

These are sheets of profiled roofing steel, on which a high-quality polymer protective coating is applied.

Since the technology for manufacturing metal tiles was invented relatively recently, the equipment for its production is very high-tech.

Which, in turn, allows you to create an imitation of several rows of natural ceramic tiles on a steel sheet.

The main technical characteristic of metal tiles, which can affect the performance properties of the entire roof, is the thickness of the metal.

Also, the reliability and duration of use of metal tiles depend on the type of polymer coating and the quality of its application.

Cold-rolled rolled steel, which is used to make metallic tiles (by the way, it is also used in the manufacture of corrugated sheets), should have a thickness of 0.4 - 0.6 mm.

GOST speaks about this.

To ensure that the sheet of finished material does not deform, is strong and rigid, this thickness is quite enough.

Moreover, the same sheet thickness must be maintained over the entire roof area.

Advantages and disadvantages of metal tiles

Like anyone roofing material there are both pros and cons.

But the fact that it uses steel as a base suggests that this material is very durable.

Advantages of the material:

  • Light weight. One square meter The material weighs only 5 kg.

    There is no need to arrange reinforced rafter system. No special equipment is required to lift metal tiles onto the roof and install them.

  • Easy to install. In order to quickly and efficiently install metal tiles, two people are enough.

    And in one working day, such a team will easily lay 100 square meters. meters of roofing.

  • Availability. Metal tiles are one of the most inexpensive roofing materials.

    Since the installation work is not difficult, its cost is low. For example, it costs the same amount to lay soft bitumen shingles.

  • Very long service life. High quality materials are used for its manufacture.

    And if the technology was not violated during installation, the service life of the product can be 30 years.

  • The beauty of the product and a wide range of colors. From a distance it is impossible to distinguish metal tiles from natural tiles.
  • Resistance to precipitation.
  • High fire resistance.
  • Ecological cleanliness.

Unfortunately, in addition to the undoubted advantages, metal tiles also have a number of disadvantages.

Disadvantages of metal tiles:

However, metal tiles are being used in roofing construction more and more often.

Types of coatings

In total, six types of coating are used for the external coating of metal tiles.

Types of metal tiles differ from each other in different coatings.

Depending on what material is used, metal tiles acquires certain qualities.


  1. Polyester. This material is made on the basis of polyester paint.

    And it has good durability and works effectively in almost any climate. There are two options for polyester: glossy and matte.

    Another undoubted advantage of polyester is its affordable price. Glossy polyester is applied to the metal in a layer 25 microns thick.

    The layer of matte polyester is slightly larger - 35 microns. Glossy polyester looks more attractive.

    But matte polyester is more durable and color-fast. The service life of metal tiles with this coating is 40 years.

  2. Pural. This type of polymer coating is a mixture of polyamide, polyurethane and dyes.

    Thanks to this composition, the tiles are highly resistant to solar ultraviolet radiation, environment, to mechanical damage. Pural can easily withstand temperatures in the range - 45 - + 120 degrees.

    If the coating is damaged, repair painting can be done. The layer thickness is 50 microns.

  3. Plastisol. This material is a mixture of polymer dispersions of special grades.

    Plastisol is applied to the tiles by spraying. The result is an extremely durable coating!

    Plastisol contains polyvinyl chloride. Therefore, such metal tiles are considered not entirely environmentally friendly.

  4. PVDF. The material is exceptionally resistant to precipitation and corrosion.

    The pigment that is part of the material gives the surface of the product hardness and shine. However, metal tiles with such a coating last less than with others - 25 years.

  5. Polyvinyl fluoride. If you see a metal tile with a color range of more than 50 colors, then know that its protective layer is made of polyvinyl fluoride.

    The material is very resistant to high and low temperatures, does not fade, does not delaminate. Does not change color when exposed to ultraviolet light.

    This material has only one disadvantage - it is expensive.

  6. P50. One of the varieties of polyurethane.

    Doesn't fade. Able to withstand high and low temperatures.

    If repairs are necessary, paint can be applied over the layer.

Appearance of metal tiles and its profile

The appearance of metal tiles can be characterized by such parameters as pattern, profile depth, wave pitch.

Most consumers believe that it is best to use Monterrey metal tiles, which have a wavelength of 35 cm.

Most likely this is actually true.

If you know that of all types of metal tiles, it is “Monterrey” that sells best.

Depending on the profile, metal tiles are divided into:

  • with a wave of small height (up to 50 mm);
  • with a wave high altitude(up to 70 mm);
  • with a symmetrical wave;
  • with an asymmetrical beveled wave;
  • with an exclusive design.

Now you can use any color.

It all depends on what capabilities its manufacturer has and what material it is made of.

When choosing a color, there are two important factors to consider:

  1. Climate. If the region is southern, then the tiles may burn out.

    Therefore, you should focus on light shades. They are more resistant to fading.

  2. Coverage quality. If the model is budget, then burnout may occur unevenly.

    As a result, the roof will be stained, which is very unsightly.

Video about how to choose the right material.


I took Monterrey with a thickness of 0.5. Of course, if you have money, you can take 0.7. What's the point? Installation is extremely simple, so we installed it ourselves. Saved a lot! The second year is worth it. No questions asked. They put mineral water as a damper and insulation. You can still hear the rain pattering.

Alex Bogdanoxich. 31 years old. Minsk

The metal tiles were installed 7 years ago. As soon as you bought a house. Andalusia. Classic color. Since then they have forgotten about the roof. No problem. And this year we built a gazebo. So they remembered that they took several sheets in excess of the norm. It was just enough. So outwardly there is no difference. Although the house has been standing for 7 years already!

Yulia, Moscow.

We live in a private house. Recently, like all private owners, we encountered a problem - the roof needed to be replaced. We went through a bunch of material and decided to take Monterrey. The design is stylish and the quality is okay. Local production, but branded steel. Installed easily. We did almost everything ourselves. It's true that it makes noise when it rains, but we don't care. When there are small children in the house, you don’t pay attention to such little things.

Nikkk, 25, Rostov-on-Don.

When choosing metal tiles, several factors are taken into account. Each of them is important to one degree or another, but none of them should be neglected. All this is important to consider when choosing metal tiles in order to ensure long service life of the roofing and save money. The savings are quite logical, now you choose quality material, but a little more expensive. But then you don’t repair the roof for many years. But if you decide to save now, you may end up paying three times more in the future by constantly repairing and replacing your roofing. Cheap materials often quickly become unusable, namely, they rust and collapse under the influence of climatic precipitation.

To choose good metal tiles need to consider:

  • Profile thickness
  • Zinc layer thickness
  • Availability and type protective coating
  • Manufacturer's warranty
  • Metal tile color

Below we take a closer look at each of the factors and explain why they are important.

Sheet profile thickness

According to European standards, the thickness of the sheet profile should be from 0.5 mm. On Russian market Most often, sheets with a thickness of 0.4 mm are found. Such sheets are intended for covering the roofs of small buildings and sheds. To cover the roof of a house, we recommend choosing a sheet thickness of 0.5 mm. Thin sheets lead to deformation of coatings large area, and subsequently to the destruction of the roofing sheet.

Zinc layer thickness

The thickness of the zinc layer according to quality standards is 275 g/m2. To reduce the cost of the material, some manufacturers reduce the layer thickness to 225 g and even 180 g. Such metal tiles are cheaper, but they are of worse quality. Sheets with more thin layer Galvanized steel is more susceptible to rust. This means that they will have to be replaced sooner than standard metal tiles.

Type of protective coating

When choosing metal tiles, we also recommend paying attention to the polymer layer. It should consist of 3 layers: polymer coating, primer and passivation layer. Unscrupulous manufacturers sometimes do not apply a primer and a passivating layer in order to reduce the cost of production. To check the presence of all layers, ask a store consultant to show a damaged or scratched piece of metal tile; all layers will be visible on it.

The polymer coating primarily performs a decorative function. There are several types of polymer coatings:

  • Polyester is relatively cheap (around 200 rubles per square) and the most common coating. Suitable for any climate. Thickness 25 microns
  • Matte polyester is mechanically stable and resistant to color fading in the sun. Thickness 35 microns
  • Plastisol is resistant to aggressive climatic conditions and mechanical damage. Thicker and denser material. Also more expensive (around 420 rubles).
  • Pural is resistant to corrosion and temperature changes. Polyurethane based material.
  • PVDC is an acrylic-based polyvinyl fluoride coating. Thickness 27 microns. Resistant to UV rays.

Manufacturer's warranty

Manufacturer's warranty varies depending on the type of coating. For plastisol, the warranty can be up to 15 years. For polyester – up to 10 years. It must be borne in mind that this is the maximum guarantee that manufacturers can give. In reality it may be less. The longer the warranty period, the higher quality material they offer you.

Metal tile color

The appearance of the roof and the building as a whole directly depends on the color of the metal tile. There is no single solution for choosing a color. For each case, you should choose a different color that will harmoniously combine with the building, the shape of the roof and the purpose of the building.

  1. Darker and bright colors fade faster in the sun
  2. Any coating fades in the sun, high-quality coating fades evenly and takes longer, low-quality coating fades in spots within 3 years.

In conclusion

When choosing metal tiles, we recommend using the above factors as assistance. All detailed technical characteristics and properties will be explained to you by sales consultants. Don't skimp on materials, and the roof will last for many years. Our foreman will also help you with the choice of metal tiles. The company "Roof-on-Don" will install metal tiles with high quality. Check out the service

Today, metal tiles are one of the most popular materials on the roofing market. It is easy to use, lightweight and comes in a wide range of colors. When choosing metal tiles, first of all, you should pay attention to the manufacturer, the thickness of the metal, the zinc coating and the type of polymer.

The color of metal tiles does not affect its quality in any way and is selected only according to individual preferences. Still, let's figure out what colors metal tiles come in and which one is better to choose?

Factors influencing the choice of metal tile color

When choosing the color of metal tiles, it is worth noting several factors:

  1. Climatic conditions. Under the influence of ultraviolet rays, dark-colored metal tiles fade faster. It is best to choose these colors if the house is located in the shade of trees, which will provide the roof with protection from the sun.
  2. Quality of material. Any metal tile gradually fades in the sun. A high-quality product fades evenly and is almost imperceptible to the human eye, while cheap metal tiles fade in spots, which has a very negative effect on the appearance of the building.
  3. Polymer coating. Each polymer has its own warranty period for aesthetic characteristics. Polyester will last up to 10 years without changing its appearance, while pural and plastisol last about 20 years.
  4. Manufacturer. It is best to buy the entire volume of metal tiles from one manufacturer from one batch. Although the chemical industry has made great progress, the colors of different batches may still differ slightly, which will not look very nice on the roof of a house. For different manufacturers, markings of the same color can actually be completely different.
  5. Guarantee. Before purchasing, you should pay attention to the warranty period that the manufacturer provides for the aesthetic characteristics of metal tiles. If the metal tiles begin to fade unevenly before the end of the warranty period, you can request its replacement under the warranty.

There is a misconception among buyers that dark-colored metal tiles heat up faster, thereby increasing the temperature in the house. This is fundamentally wrong. The color of the product does not in any way affect the thermal conductivity of the material. The physical properties are absolutely the same for both dark- and light-colored metal tiles.

All colors of metal tiles are marked according to a single international standard, which was adopted in Germany in 1927. The abbreviation of this standard from German is RAL. Its palette includes 213 shades, each of which has its own marking.

Characteristics of various colors of metal tiles

Which color you choose is a matter of taste, but we can tell you a little about the colors themselves:

  1. Brown- symbolizes strength of character and the ability to overcome any difficulties. Most often it is preferred by conservatives, for whom it evokes a feeling of security, restraint and stability. Metal tiles of brown or chocolate color go well with the greenery of trees, so it is recommended to be used for houses surrounded by a garden or park.
  2. Burgundy red- characterizes determination and irrepressible energy, awakening a thirst for activity in a person. Designers recommend it to active people and businessmen. Looks beautiful with accessories of similar shades, as well as in contrast with black or white.
  3. Terracotta- it most closely resembles natural clay tiles. It is a shade of brown, reminiscent of fired ceramics. Actively used in the practice of Feng Shui.
  4. Green- associated with nature. Rich green color instills calm and tranquility, while muted tones create an atmosphere of concentration and composure. Psychologists recommend using this color, especially in big cities.
  5. Blue- looks very beautiful in bright light, so when choosing this color you should take care of the evening lighting. Light blue tones bring relaxation and calm, while saturated ones can drive you into depression, so you should be careful with this color. Blue roofing looks perfect in a landscape with bodies of water, be it a lake or a river. It is also perfect for coastal areas. Pairs perfectly with white accessories on the façade or roof.
  6. Grey- one of the most versatile light shades. Perfect for dark places with insufficient lighting. Gray roofing harmonizes perfectly with the surrounding nature and is considered a symbol of restraint and stability. It is the choice of people who purposefully and calmly move towards their goal.

You can choose the most optimal color, taking into account the facade, accessories and the surrounding landscape, yourself or by contacting professional designers. But the most important thing is not to skimp on the quality of metal tiles, then the chosen color will serve for a long time and be pleasing to the eye.

Spring is the season when construction and repair work on summer cottages and in cottage villages. Therefore, now is the time to assess the scope of upcoming work and stock up necessary materials, including roofing. As practice shows, optimal choice is metal tiles: today more than 70% of Russians give preference to it. And yet questions always remain. Therefore, it would be nice to first listen to what experts think about the main disadvantages attributed to metal tiles.

Myth 1: metal tiles are expensive

Alexey Ruchan, specialist construction company"Illeonstroy":“This is the best material for today in terms of price/quality ratio. Usually, in terms of price, it is compared with bitumen sheets, but it is more expensive only at first glance, because has a number of advantages. Firstly, metal tiles do not fade over time, unlike bitumen sheets, which will lose their original appearance after 5 years. This is if they are real, and fake ones will “live” even less. In addition, after just a few years of use, bitumen sheets look shabby. At the same time, we have facilities where metal tiles have been lying around for more than 10 years, and during this time their condition and appearance have not changed at all: for high-quality metal tiles, 10 years is the minimum warranty period, but in fact they last many times longer. If you add to the cost of the roofing material the costs of repairing and replacing it over a long period, then bitumen sheets will turn out to be much more expensive.”

Myth 2: a large amount of metal tiles goes to scraps

Evgeniy Lazukin, head of the sales department of drainage and roofing systems of the Metal Profile Group of Companies, a leading manufacturer of roofing and facade systems in Russia:“If you order roofing from a normal supplier, then it will be completed in accordance with your project and the sheets of metal tiles will also be cut and cut in the optimal way. Of course, there will be waste, but its volume is minimal. Large quantity scraps are obtained when metal tiles are simply bought in packs at the market, without first properly calculating the layout of the sheets.”

Myth 3: metal roofs make noise when it rains

Mikhail Sitnikov, builder and installer of the New Cottages company:“Roofs only make noise when they are not installed correctly. For example, if used insufficient quantity self-tapping screws or they are not tightened well, the metal tile sheets may not fit tightly to each other, as well as to the sheathing. Then the impact of raindrops or hail causes noise. In general, roofs above residential premises always have thermal insulation, which provides good protection from external noise, so the scale of the problem is in any case greatly exaggerated.”

Myth 4: the polymer coating on metal tiles often peels off

Sergey Kilchevsky, specialist at AkzoNobel, the world's largest manufacturer of paints and coatings:“Any product can be of high quality or not. If there were technological violations in the production of steel with a polymer coating, then it may come off; if not, it will serve for decades. “Only one piece of advice can be given here: do not chase penny savings and choose a trusted manufacturer and supplier.”
"Even on your own economical product– NormanMP metal tiles – we give a 10-year guarantee, despite the fact that they last many times longer. This is due to the fact that its production, starting with steel rolling at metallurgical plant, is carried out in accordance with strict technological standards and under our strict control.”

Myth 5: metal tiles attract lightning and need to be grounded

Vitaly Moskvin, 6th category electrician:“Any roof, whether it is covered with slate or bitumen sheets, needs lightning protection. To do this, a lightning protection mesh is installed, down conductors are made from it along the façade, and a circuit is installed in the ground. Additionally, a lightning rod can be installed at the highest point. If the roof is metal (i.e. seam, galvanized, or copper), then it can itself act as a lightning rod. In this regard, metal tiles are no different from bitumen sheets or slate, because its sheets, firstly, are covered with an insulating polymer coating, and secondly, they do not have guaranteed contact with each other.”

Myth 6: metal tiles look bad on the roofs of wooden houses

Sergey Fedorov, deputy head of the Vologda Houses construction company:“We are engaged in the construction of houses and baths from profiled timber. At the same time, at least half of our clients prefer metal tiles. If its color is successfully matched to the color of the wood, then they combine perfectly with each other. For example, burgundy, brown, dark green metal roofing will only decorate wooden house».

Myth 7: metal tiles are slippery, so snow falls off them in avalanches

Vasily Lukyanov, chief engineer StroyDom company (Pskov):“As protection against snow slides, tubular snow retainers should be used, which cut the snow mass and make its descent harmless for people and their property (primarily cars parked near the walls of houses). Snow guards are installed along the perimeter of the roof and above the roof windows. Typically, they can be purchased as additional option To roofing system. They are needed not only for roofs covered with metal tiles, because, having gained a certain mass, the snow will slide off any covering, and the less slippery it is, the later this will happen, which means the mass of snow will be greater.”

Myth 8: water seeps under the roof between the sheets of metal tiles

Evgeny Lazukin (“Metal Profile”):“High-quality metal tiles have a clear geometry and correct installation its sheets are overlapped and fit tightly to each other, which prevents water from leaking between them. In addition, to facilitate its drainage, there is a special capillary groove on the first wave of each sheet. Finally, any roof has a layer of waterproofing underneath roofing covering. To prevent leaks through the mounting holes, use special screws with painted head and waterproofing EPDM gasket. Thus, a properly installed metal roofing is not afraid of leaks. But this cannot be said about other materials. For example, bitumen-based coatings do not tolerate frost well and become brittle, so leaks may result from their damage. If we talk about cement-sand tiles, then the hygroscopicity of the materials from which they are made can play a cruel joke on them: first, water is absorbed into the tiles, and then, when it gets colder, it freezes inside. Several such cycles - and the brittle material can collapse. All this is not critical for the warm regions of central and southern Europe, but for Russia and Scandinavia it is quite critical.”

Myth 9: Metal tiles will rust if the coating is scratched.

Sergey Kilchevsky (AkzoNobel):“The polymer coating applied to sheet steel has good resistance to mechanical stress, ranging from budget polyester to particularly durable polyurethane. Therefore, surface scratches do not compromise the integrity of the coating. But even if this happens, the steel will remain protected by a primer, an anti-corrosion layer and a zinc coating.”
Evgeny Lazukin (“Metal Profile”):“As a rule, the culprits of corrosion on metal roofs are careless installers. The fact is that coated steel should never be cut with a grinder, because... the protective layer burns out both at the cut site and over the entire surface of the sheet due to flying sparks. To cut metal tiles, you need to use either cutting shears or a special attachment for a drill. All manufacturers without exception write about this in their installation instructions, but for some reason this is not a decree for some “craftsmen”. In addition, after cutting the sheets, the cut edges should be touched up, the same applies to scratches made through carelessness. Corrosion can also be caused by the use of self-tapping screws that are not intended for this purpose, that do not have a protective paint and an EPDM gasket for fastening metal tiles.”

Myth 10: metal tiles are difficult to install

Nikolay Rebrov, foreman of installers of the Vesta construction company ( Nizhny Novgorod): “If specialists work, installation does not take much time, because Metal tiles are not a type-setting covering; they are laid in large, whole sheets. Moreover, in the summer this happens much faster than in the case of bitumen-based materials, which do not tolerate heat well and “float”, which is why sometimes you can only work with them in the morning and evening.”

So, the myths about the disadvantages of metal tiles have been debunked, so you can safely proceed to roofing work. Well, if you still have questions, ask, we will answer!