Medicine ball throwing 400 g standard. Medicine ball: definition, purpose, exercises

The test is designed to determine the speed and strength qualities of volleyball players, associated with changing the direction of movement and alternating acceleration and braking.

Execution method. Medicine balls (7 pieces) are placed on the volleyball court in the hall. The student must touch all the balls, returning each time to the central ball, first on one side of the court, starting with the far ball, then on the other. The first touch of the central ball starts the stopwatch, and the last touch of the central ball turns off the stopwatch.

Throwing a medicine ball from various starting positions with one and two hands

1. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, medicine ball in front of chest. Throw forward and upward.

2. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, medicine ball behind your head. Throw forward and upward.

3. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, medicine ball below. Throw forward and upward.

4. I.p. - standing, feet shoulder-width apart, one hand in front, medicine ball in the other. Throw forward-left (right).

5. I.p. - standing in a forward bend, feet shoulder-width apart, medicine ball below. Throw forward and upward.

6. I.p. - standing in a forward bend, feet shoulder-width apart, medicine ball below. Throw up and back.

7. I.p. - on your knees, medicine ball in your hands at your side. Throw forward and upward.

8. I.p. - on your knees, medicine ball in your hands below. Throw up and back.

9. I.p. - on your knees, bending over, medicine ball behind your head. Throw forward and upward.

10. I.p. - on your knees, one hand in front of your chest, a medicine ball in the other hand. Throw forward and upward.

11. I.p. - standing on one knee, bending over, medicine ball behind your head. Throw forward and upward.

12. I.p. - sitting, legs apart, medicine ball in front of chest. Throw forward and upward.

13. I.p. - sitting, legs apart, medicine ball behind your head. Throw forward and upward.

14. I.p. - sitting, legs apart, medicine ball in front between the legs. Throw up and back.

15. I.p. - lying on your stomach, bent over, medicine ball behind your head. Throw forward.

16. I.p. - lying on your back, medicine ball to your chest. Throw up.

17. I.p. - standing, medicine ball behind your head. Movement of the body back and forth, to the sides, circular movements of the body.

18. I.p. - standing, hands in front, medicine ball grasped by feet. Jump up with a medicine ball thrown forward and upward.

19. I.p. - standing still. Throwing a medicine ball in pairs (in motion).

20. I.p. - standing opposite each other. Throwing two medicine balls in pairs in place and in motion

Standing long jump

Performed in gym. Markings are applied to the floor: starting line, at a distance of 80 cm from it, every 5 centimeters are drawn fine lines for measuring jump distance up to 260 cm. On the side, numbers indicate the distance from 80 cm to 260 cm.

Starting position. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, slightly bent. Hands down in free state. Toes at the starting line.

Execution. When squatting, move your arms back. Extending your legs, swinging your arms forward and up, pushing with both legs, flying and moving your legs forward, landing on both legs.

Measurement. The distance of the jump is determined by the distance from the starting line to the landing mark located closer to the starting line (3 attempts).

Security requirements. The exercise is performed on the floor in shoes that provide tight grip on the floor when pushing off. It is recommended to place a felt pad under the heels. If you lose your balance and fall backward after landing, do not put your hands behind your back. To mitigate falling backwards, tested students must be taught to softly roll backwards from a crouching position.

Arranging students by calculating“Six, three, on the spot - Calculate”, “According to the calculation, step by step - March!”

Guys, now we will get acquainted with unusual exercises whereStretching exercises, static poses (asanas) and dynamic complexes, where one pose smoothly replaces another, predominate.

    Set of exercises “Hatha Yoga”

    Hatha Yoga exercise "Frog".

I.p.: Standing straight, legs together, arms down along the body. Place your right leg to the side, extend your arms to the sides. Sit down, bend your arms at the elbows.

OMU: Keep your back straight, don't lower your head. The feet are placed parallel to one another. Dosage - 3 times.

    Hatha Yoga exercise “Rashteira”.

IP: Stand up, nn. wider, turn your knees outward. Turn your left foot to the left, while simultaneously lunging in this direction: the left knee is bent at a right angle, the right leg is straight. Hold for 1-2 counts. Maintaining a low position above the floor, rotate on your heels and move into a forward lunge, then lower your hands to the floor to perform 10 push-ups. Shift your body weight to the left side and lunge to the right to complete the exercise. Dosage – 1 repetition in each direction.

5. Corrective exercise "The Steadfast Tin Soldier".

I.p.: kneel down, press your hands tightly to your body. Bend back as low as possible, keep your back straight, and then straighten up.

OMU: Keep your back straight, don’t bend. Sit on your heels and relax. Dosage - 3 times.

6. Hatha Yoga exercise “Sleeping Dragon”

IP: Sitting on your heels, hands on your knees. Spread your heels to the sides, knees together, move your body back, move onto your elbows. Then lie down on your back.

OMU: Do not bend at the lower back, relax. Delay for 15 counts.

7. Hatha Yoga exercise “Starfish”.

I.p.: Sit down, legs bent at the knee joint, lay on the floor in the form of a “fan”, lie on your back, arms to the sides.

OMU: Lie down, arms at your sides, relax and calm. Dosage – 1 time.

8. Hatha Yoga exercise “Water strider”.

IP: Lying on your stomach, arms extended forward, head resting on your hands. Spread your arms and legs apart, raise your head up.

OMU: The head should be high from the floor, legs spread as wide as possible. Lie down and rest. Dosage – 3 times for 8 - 10 seconds.

9. Breathing exercises“Throw” I. p. - o.s., legs slightly narrower than shoulder width, straight arms with a medicine ball placed between the palms, bend at the elbows and place them behind the head. Imitation of throwing a medicine ball from behind the head - inhale, in and. p. - exhale.

10. Psycho-gymnastics "Barbell". A child lifts a “heavy barbell.” Then he throws it away. Resting

    Throwing a medicine ball with both hands from behind the head from a place to a distance. Distribution of students:“In one line - Stand!”

IP: standing facing the direction of throwing, left leg in front, right leg behind on the forefoot, ball in bent arms above your head. 1 - bend your right leg and transfer your body weight to it, move your arms with the ball back; 2 – straightening your right leg, throw the ball forward and up.

OMU: Pay attention to the rotational-extension movement of the right leg, moving the body forward, straightening the legs at the end of the movement. Do not lift your right leg from the support.

Dosage: 10–12 times from a standing position with the right (left) leg in front.

    Medicine ball throws (Wall Ball) are an exercise borrowed from boxing and are currently actively used in CrossFit.

    What muscles are involved and what does this exercise give?

    In the process of throwing a medicine ball at a target, the most important muscle groups for striking martial arts work - the leg muscles, the anterior deltoids, pectoral muscles, triceps, intercostal muscles, oblique and rectus abdominis muscles.

    Regularly performing the described exercise allows you to coordinate the work of the muscles involved in the exercise in such a way that your direct blow with your hand acquires maximum accuracy, sharpness and strength. Plus, due to the fact that several muscle groups are involved in the movement at once, in a fairly dynamic style, you burn large number calories per unit time. If your goal is to lose weight, this exercise is for you, with a surplus calorie balance, you can build muscle mass in your arms and chest, acquiring fairly functional muscles.

    Exercise technique

    We stand opposite a fairly strong wall or a specially equipped complex with a target. Feet stand shoulder-width apart, knees slightly turned to the sides, toes pointing in the same direction as the knees. Hands hold the medicine ball in front of the chest so that the shoulders are pressed to the body, the ball touches chest in the solar plexus area. Next, we perform a squat - we sit down as low as possible, bend our knees at an angle of more than 90 degrees, while trying to sit down under control, keeping tension in the leg muscles. Thus, we accumulate kinetic energy in lower limb.

    © alfa27 -

    We rise from a squat due to powerful extension of the knees and hip joints, at the same time we push the ball away from the chest and throw it at the wall above eye level.

    © alfa27 -

    The medicine ball bounces off the wall, we catch it with our hands, at the same time bending our elbows, absorbing the impact on the elbow joints and lowering ourselves back to the squat position.

    © alfa27 -

    In fact, the described exercise is a version of thrusters, only instead of a kettlebell, barbell or dumbbells, a weighted ball is used.

    Crossfit complexes

The test is carried out on a flat area at least 10 m long. The child stands at the control marking line and throws the ball from behind his head with both hands forward from the starting position standing - one leg in front, the other behind, or legs apart. When throwing, your feet must remain in contact with the ground. It is allowed to move the body forward, accompanying the throw. Three attempts are made. Counts best result.

Standing long jump

The child jumps, pushing off with both legs with an intense swing of his arms from the marked take-off line to the maximum distance for him, and lands on both legs. For landing, you can use a thin mattress or rubber track. When landing, do not lean on your back with your hands.

An adult, using a tape measure or measuring tape, measures the distance between the take-off line and the footprint (along the heels) upon landing (in cm). The best of three attempts counts.

Definition of flexibility

The child sits on the carpet, legs apart, shoulder-width apart, knees straight. The adult presses the child's knees to the floor with his hand. There is a cube between the child’s feet (the heels of the feet and the cube are on the same line).

Task for the child: bend over and push the cube with your hands as far as possible. The distance in centimeters from the line of the heels to the edge of the cube, into which the child rested his fingers, is estimated. The result of only one attempt is counted.

Definition of the equilibrium function

The child stands barefoot, the toe of the rear foot is closely adjacent to the heel of the front foot. Hands down.

Task for the child: stay in this position with your eyes open for as long as possible.

The time (in seconds) of holding the pose is estimated from the moment it is assumed until the moment when the feet move from place to place or the child staggers.

Note. The surface on which the child stands must be flat and hard.

Throwing a sandbag weighing 150-200 G right and left hand

After warming up, the adult invites the child to throw the bags three times with each hand as far as possible. When throwing, the child takes the following starting position: standing with one leg in front, the other at a step distance, hand with a bag behind his head.

An adult takes measurements after each throw and records the best result in the protocol.

Teachers and specialists of preschool educational institutions, at their discretion, can supplement the above minimum required diagnostic techniques.


There are special scales that establish the social maturity of children, their ability to independently satisfy the simplest needs, the ability to adapt to various conditions environment. The Vineland scale is quite well known, designed to study a child’s ability to serve himself and take responsibility. It contains 117 items, grouped by different age levels, and includes eight areas of behavior: general self-care, self-care while eating, when dressing, self-regulation, communication skills, preferred activities, motor skills, socialization.

To assess the level mental development In preschoolers, the Stanford-Vinet scale, Wechsler test and Ravenna test are most often used. Piaget's methods can also be used for the same purposes.

In domestic pedagogy and psychology, several diagnostic packages have been developed that allow assessing a child’s readiness for school. The most important indicators are the level of formation of voluntary attention and memory; cooperation skills,

quality of speech, communication and social skills, general level of culture and the formation of ideas about conventional norms; quality of socialization, understanding of the norms of communication and justice, level of moral judgments and assessments, readiness for moral choice. To monitor achievements under the program, it seems advisable for us to use the following methods in our work:

Methodology “Conversation about school”(modified version by T. A. Nezhnova, D. B. Elkonin, A. L. Wenger)

Goal: identifying the development of the student’s internal position and motivation for learning.

Age: 6.5-8 years.

Assessment method: individual conversation with the child, answers to questions.

Test for the educational initiative “An Unfinished Fairy Tale”

Goal: identifying the development of cognitive interests and initiative.

Age: 6.5-8 years.

Assessment method: reading an unfinished fairy tale in an individual examination.

Methodology for identifying the nature of attribution of success/failure(Reflective assessment - causal attribution of failure)

Goal: to identify the adequacy of the student’s understanding of the reasons for success/failure in activities.

Age: 6.5-7 years.

Question: “Does it happen that you draw, sculpt or put together a construction set and it doesn’t work out for you?”

If the answer is affirmative, another question is asked: “Why do you think it doesn’t always work out for you?”

If the answer is negative, one can conclude that there is low reflection or uncritical self-esteem.

Question: “Which tasks do you like - difficult or easy? »

If you answer “I always succeed,” the survey ends.

Evaluation criteria:

    Own efforts - I didn’t try, I gave up, I need to study, I need to ask for an explanation, help, etc.

    The objective difficulty of the task is very difficult, complex, not for children, for older people, etc.

    Abilities - I don’t know how, I always fail.

    Luck - it just didn’t work out, then (another time) it will work out, I don’t know why, by accident.

Grading levels:

1. The child refers to ability, luck.

2. The child refers to an objective difficulty and insufficient effort.

3. The child refers to insufficient effort. The task is to take into account the motives of the heroes in deciding moral

dilemmas(modified task by J. Piaget, 2006)

Goal: identifying orientation to the motives of heroes in solving a moral dilemma (level of moral decentration).

Age: 6.5-7 years.

Assessment method: individual conversation.

Description of the task: the teacher reads the text of the story to the child and asks him questions.

Story text

The little boy Seryozha wanted to help his mother wash the dishes. He washed the cup and wanted to put it on the table, but slipped, fell and dropped the tray on which the cups stood. Five cups broke.

Another boy Petya, when his mother was not at home, wanted to take jam from the cupboard. The shelf on which the jar stood was high, and he stood on a chair. Trying to get the jam, he caught the cup. She fell and was broken.

1. Which child is more to blame?

2. Who deserves punishment? Why? Evaluation criteria: identifying the motives for the action (answers to questions 1 and 2).

Assessment levels For question 1:

    There is no orientation to the circumstances of the action - there is no answer, both are to blame.

    Focus on the objective consequences of the action - Seryozha is more to blame, because he broke five cups, and Petya only one.

    Focus on the motives of the action - Seryozha wanted to help his mother, and Petya wanted to eat the jam, Petya is more to blame.

To question 2:

    There is no focus on the circumstances of the act - both should be punished: both are guilty, both acted badly.

    Focus on the objective consequences of the action - Seryozha should be punished: he is more guilty, since he broke more (many) cups.

    Focus on the motives of the action - Petya is more to blame, because Seryozha wanted to help his mother, and Petya wanted to satisfy his desires. Focus on the hero's intentions. The manifestation of decentration as taking into account the intentions of the hero of the story.

In other educational areas, traditionally established and proven methods are used, described by the authors in methodological recommendations.

tions to the program. In particular, you will find such programs for examining children in key areas of the formation of elementary mathematical concepts, fundamentals logical thinking child, preparation for learning to read and write 1.

Introduction 3

11 explanatory note 5

Brief description of the program -

()mandatory part 17

I "pinium and younger preschool age (2-4 years)... 18

First junior group(2-3 years) 18

Second junior group (3-4 years) 32

Average preschool age (4-5 years) 45

Senior preschool age (5-7 years) 62

Senior group (5-6 years old) 62

Preparatory group for school (6-7 years old) .... 67

Child achievement monitoring system

planned results of the program 99

Family Interaction 101

Appendix 103

The following books will help teachers and senior educators in organizing monitoring:

    Diagnostics of mental development of older children preschool age/ R. I. Bardina, A. I. Bulycheva, O. M. Dyachenko and others - M., 1996.

    Diary of a teacher: development of preschool children / Ed. O. M. Dyachenko, T. V. Lavrentieva. - M., 2000.

    Zabramnaya S. D. From diagnosis to development / S. D. Zabramnaya, O. V. Borovik. - M., 2004.

    MartsinkovskayaT. D. Diagnostics mental development children / T. D. Martsinkovskaya. - M., 1997.

    Wilson G. Find out the intellectual capabilities of your child / G. Wilson, D. Grylls. - M., 1998.

    Gutkina N.I. Psychological readiness for school / N.I. Gutkina. - M., 1996.

    Diagnostics educational activities and intellectual development of children / Ed. D. B. Elkonin and A. L. Venger. - M., 1981.

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1 Appendix 2 to the “Rules for admission to the MAUDO “SDUSSHOR “Balakovo”” Requirements for the level of physical (motor) abilities and psychological qualities of those entering the institution for each stage of sports training in the volleyball department. For admission to groups at the stage initial training Compliance with the standards of general physical and special physical training for enrollment in groups at the stage of initial training in am (Table 1, 2). pass 4 standards out of 5. Fulfillment of standards for general physical and special physical training for enrollment in groups at the stage of initial training in am (Table 1, 2). Methodology for testing indicators of general physical and special physical fitness 1. 30m run. The test is carried out according to the generally accepted method, the start is high (“volleyball player’s stance”). 2. 30m run: 5x6 m. At a distance of 6 m, two lines are drawn - starting and control. Based on a visual signal, the student runs, covering a distance of 6 m five times. When changing the movement in the opposite direction, both legs of the subject must cross the line. 3. Jump up from a place, pushing off with both legs. For this purpose, a device designed by V.M. is used. Abalakova “Oblique screen” or others, allowing you to measure the height of the rise of the general center of mass when jumping up. You cannot push off and land outside the 50x50 cm square. The number of attempts is three. The best result is taken into account. When conducting the test, uniform requirements must be observed (reference point when standing on the entire foot, when jumping from a place - with a wave of the arms). Out of three attempts, the best result is taken into account. 4. Standing long jump. The measurement is taken from the control line to the nearest footprint of the subject upon landing. Out of three attempts, the best result is taken into account. 5. Throw a medicine ball weighing 1 kg from behind the head with both hands while standing.

2 Throwing from a place. The subject stands at the line, one foot in front, holding the ball with both hands below in front of him. Raising the ball up, you swing it back behind your head and then immediately throw it forward. Three attempts are given in each throwing event. The best result is taken into account. Note: Testing of indicators of general and special physical fitness must take place in sports shoes. 1. Completing tests to determine the personal characteristics (qualities) of applicants at the time of admission to the institution (Appendix 1). For admission to groups at the training stage 1. Fulfillment of standards for general physical, special physical training - pass 4 standards out of 5, pass 14 standards out of 23 for technical and tactical training (Tables 1, 2, 3, 4). For admission to groups at the stage of improving sportsmanship 1. Compliance with the standards of general physical, special physical, technical and tactical training for enrollment in groups at the stage of improving sportsmanship (Tables 1,2,3,4). student - pass 4 standards out of 5, technical and tactical training pass 15 standards out of 19. Note: I. Testing of indicators of general and special physical training must be carried out in sports shoes. II. Testing of technical and tactical training indicators is carried out in full game form. 2. Completing tests to determine the personal characteristics (qualities) of applicants at the time of admission to the institution (Appendix 1). 3. Applicants have the First sports category in volleyball.

3 Methodology for testing indicators of general physical and special physical fitness. 1. Run 30m. The test is carried out according to the generally accepted method, the start is high (“volleyball player’s stance”). 2. 30m run: 5x6 m. At a distance of 6 m, two lines are drawn - starting and control. Based on a visual signal, the student runs, covering a distance of 6 m five times. When changing the movement in the opposite direction, both legs of the subject must cross the line. 3. Jump up from a place, pushing off with both legs. For this purpose, a device designed by V.M. is used. Abalakova “Oblique screen” or others, allowing you to measure the height of the rise of the general center of mass when jumping up. You cannot push off and land outside the 50x50 cm square. The number of attempts is three. The best result is taken into account. When conducting the test, uniform requirements must be observed (reference point when standing on the entire foot, when jumping from a place - with a wave of the arms). Out of three attempts, the best result is taken into account. 4. Standing long jump. The measurement is taken from the control line to the nearest footprint of the subject upon landing. Out of three attempts, the best result is taken into account. 5. Throw a medicine ball weighing 1 kg from behind the head with both hands while standing. Throwing from a place. The subject stands at the line, one foot in front, holding the ball with both hands below in front of him. Raising the ball up, you swing it back behind your head and then immediately throw it forward. Three attempts are given in each throwing event. The best result is taken into account. Technical preparation 1. Tests for second gear accuracy. In the tests, conditions are created under which a quantitative result can be obtained: limiters for the distance and height of transmission are installed - slats, colored tapes, hoops, lines are drawn. When passing from zone 3 to zone 4, the transmission distance is 3-3.5 m, the height of the limiters is 3 m, the distance from the net is no more than 1.5 m. If targets are installed (hoop, “beacon”), their height above the net is cm, the distance from the side line is 1 m and cm from the net. When transferring from zone 2 to zone 4, the transfer distance is 5-6 m. Each student performs 5 attempts: the number of passes that meet

4 requirements in the test, as well as the quality of the pass execution (a pass in violation of the rules of the game is not counted). Tests in overhead passes at the steppe, standing with your face and back (alternating). The student is located at a distance of 3 m from the wall, at a height of 4 m a control line is made on the step - one must strive to maintain the distance from the step and the height of the passes. The student throws the ball above himself and sends it into the wall, passes over himself and turns 180 (with his back to the wall), passes with his back to the wall, turns in a circle, passes while facing the wall, etc. Passes while facing above you and with your back turned constitute one series. Taken into account maximum quantity series. The minimum number of series for each training is established. 3. Tests on feed accuracy. Basic requirements: with high-quality technical execution of a given serving method, send the ball in a certain direction - to a certain area of ​​the court. These areas are as follows: right (left) half of the court, zone 4-5 (1-2), area at the side lines in zones 5-4 (1-2) measuring 6x2 m, in zone 6 at the end line measuring 3x3 m. Each the student completes 5 attempts. 4. Tests on the accuracy of attacking strikes. The requirements in these tests boil down to ensuring that a particular dad/thrower is able to produce a high-quality technical execution; the students can hit the ball hard enough with a certain accuracy. When hitting from zone 4 to zones 4-5, the impact area is limited to the front, side lines and attack line, at a distance of 3 m from the side line. For kicks with transfer, the area is limited by the side line and a line parallel to it at a distance of 2 m. If the kick is from zone 4, then in zones 1-2, for kicks from zone 2 - in zones 4-5. Each student must complete 5 attempts. 5. Tests on the accuracy of the first pass (ball reception). The tests are aimed at determining the degree of mastery of serve receiving skills. A serve is made aimed at the area where the subject is located. Only under this condition do attempts count. If there is a special “ball thrower” projectile, the ball is sent with its help. Receiving the ball in zone 6 (5), the student must direct it through a mite, stretched at a distance of 1.5 m from the net and at a height of 3 m, into zone 3 or 2. If the ball goes beyond the specified zone or touches the net, then such the attempt is not counted. Instead of tape, you can install a rail. Very good to install on

On site 5 there is a rim with a diameter of 2 m at a height of 1.5 m, which will serve as a target. Each student is given 5 attempts, for children - 8. Feeds in groups of initial training are lower, from years - upper, in years - planning. The number of hits and the quality of execution are taken into account. 6. Blocking tests. When blocking alone, the student is located in zone 3 and at the moment of the pass to strike, goes into the appropriate zone to set up the block. The direction of the blow is known, the height of the pass on the blow is also known. Each participant is given 5 attempts. Tactical training. 1. Actions in second gear, standing and jumping. The subject's location is in zone 3 (or on the border with zone 3). The signal is: the lighting of the lamps behind the net (on the net), the position of the coach's (student's) hands behind the net, a sound signal (command, whistle). The first pass of the ball (“ball thrower” or player) is sent from the depths of the court. The signal is given at the moment when the ball begins to fall down. The tasks follow in in different order. 6 attempts are given (approximately equally in each zone). The number of correctly completed tasks and the accuracy of the transmission in compliance with the rules of the game are taken into account. 2. Actions during attacking attacks. An attacking blow or a “discount” (a jump pass over the net), depending on whether a “block” or a pet is made. The block is simulated special devices(such as a “mechanical block”, etc.). A partner can “block” while standing on a stand. "Block" appears when the attacker is pushed away when jumping. The number of correctly completed tasks and the accuracy of the ball's flight are taken into account. 3. Team actions in attack. These tests test students' ability to interact as part of a team. The content of the tests consists of the following actions: receiving a serve, a second pass by a player on the offensive line or coming from the back line to the net, and an offensive strike by one of the students, others perform an imitation of a strike, surrounding movements in zones, etc. (according to the assignment). The nature of interactions and test conditions are presented in the evaluation table. 6 attempts are given. The requirements are the same as for group actions. Actions in case of single blocking. The main requirement of the test is to identify blocking skills: choosing a place, timely placing hands in the path of the ball. It is necessary to determine the zone from which the blow will be made (fourth, third or second), the direction of the blow - diagonally. Given by

6 10 attempts in each test (approximately equally divided by type of task). The number of correctly completed tasks and the quality of blocking (technical execution) are taken into account. 5. Team actions in defense. The main requirements are team actions when constructing defensive actions using the “forward angle” and “backward angle” system. The attacking team alternates actions in attack: strikes from different zones and into different directions, deceptive blows and “discounts”. 10 attempts are given in two formations, after 5 attempts the front and back line players change places. The number of correctly performed actions and errors are taken into account. Integral training. 1. Exercises for switching in performing technical techniques. First: attacking blow - blocking. A student in zone 4 (3,2) performs a strike in a certain way and in a certain direction, then blocks the methods and direction of the strike known to him. One hit and one block constitute a series. The accuracy of the attacking blow and the quality of blocking are taken into account. Second: blocking - second gear. The student blocks an attacking blow from zone 4 in a diagonal direction in zone 3, after which he makes a second pass to zone 4 or 2 (standing with his back) - according to the instructions, he blocks again. The quality of blocking and second gear is taken into account. Third: receiving the ball from below with both hands - top pass. The student in zone 2 receives the ball from zone 4 and then makes an overhead pass to zone 4. The quality of the reception and the accuracy of the pass are taken into account. In each task you need to complete a certain number of series. 2. Exercises for switching in tactical actions. The tests are aimed at identifying the ability of students to rearrange their actions in accordance with the requirements. Two exercises are given. First: students are positioned in a defensive position: three at the net for blocking, three on the back line. From zone 1, the player serves, after which he opposite side players take shots from zones 4 and 2 in a diagonal direction (from a pass from zone 3), then, on the command “finish the game,” they throw the ball over the net from the “attackers” side. The defenders receive the ball and send the first pass to a back line player, who goes to the net (from zone 1 or 5) and makes a second pass to any of the three front line players. After three hits in a row, blocking again. 3 series are performed, then the lines are swapped, 3 more series: one serve, two blocks and three hits in

7 of one episode. The correctness of the actions and the technical quality of execution are taken into account. Secondly, after receiving the serve, the team plays the ball in attack, after which it performs defensive actions (blocking or insuring). On the command “to finish the game” he performs offensive strikes. Three series are performed in two arrangements. In one series: serve reception, attacking strike, two defensive actions, two attacking strikes. The number of correctly completed tasks and errors are taken into account. 3. Determining the effectiveness of game actions. The effectiveness of the game actions of volleyball players is determined based on the results of observations in calendar and control games. For this purpose they use various systems recording games (graphically, video camera, etc.). For each student there must be observational data in several games - calendar and control, mainly during the competitive period. Successful solution to the problems of training reserve volleyball players higher ranks impossible without competitive practice, without participation in competitions. Each student must participate in a certain number of competitions. The sections of integral training indicate the number of competitions (games) each in the multi-year training system. This minimum must be provided for every student.

8 p/p Control and translation standards for physical training for youth training levels Table 1 Control standards Stage of initial training Training stage Stage of improving sportsmanship Stage of higher sportsmanship 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3- th 4th 5th No restrictions No restrictions 1 Run 30 m, s 5.1 5.1 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 4.9 4.9 4.9 2 Shuttle run 5x6 m, s 11.0 11.0 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.9 10.8 10.8 3 Standing long jump, cm 4 Standing upward jump with arms swinging , cm Throwing a medicine ball weighing 1 kg with both hands from behind the head, m: from a standing position 12.5 14.0 16.0 16.0 16.5 17.0 17.5 18.0 18.0 18.0 p/n Control and translation standards for physical training for girls' training levels Control standards Stage of initial training Training stage Stage of improvement of sportsmanship Table 2 Stage of highest sportsmanship 1st 2nd 3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th No restrictions No restrictions 1 Run 30 m, s 5.7 5.6 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.5 5.4 5.3 5.3 5.3 2 Shuttle run 5x6 m, s 11.5 11.5 11.2 11.2 11.2 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 11.0 3 Standing long jump, cm 4 Standing upward jump with arms swinging, cm Throwing a medicine ball weighing 1 kg with both hands from behind the head, m: from a standing position

9 12.0 12.0 12.5 12.5 12.5 13.0 13.5 14.0 14.0 14.0 Test and transfer standards for technical and tactical training (girls and boys) p/p Control standards Initial preparation stage Table 3 Training stage 1st 2-3rd 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th Technical preparation Setters Forwards 1. Second pass for accuracy from zone 3 to zone Second pass to accuracy from zone 2 to zone 4 3. Passing the ball over the top with both hands, standing and sitting against the wall (alternating) 4. Serving for accuracy: top straight into the court; years upper straight by zones; 16-17 years. in a jump 5. Direct forward strike from zone 4 to zone 4-5 (for years with a low pass) 6. Attack strike with transfer from zone 2 to zone 5, from zone 4 to zone 1 (for years with a pass behind the head) 7 Receiving a serve from zone 5 to zone 2 for accuracy Receiving a serve from zone 6 to zone

10 for accuracy 9. Blocking a single attacker from zone 4 (2) diagonally Tactical preparation 10. Second pass from zone 3 to zone 4 or 2 (standing with his back) at the signal 11. Second jump pass from zone 3 to zone 4 or 2 (standing with your back) at the signal 12. An attacking blow, or a “discount”, depending on whether a block is made or not 13. Team actions: receiving a serve, a second pass from zone 3 to zone 4 or 2 (according to instructions) and an attacking blow (for 16 years and older, second pass by the exiting player) 14. Blocking single attacking shots from zones 4, 3, 2 from the second pass. The zone is unknown, the direction of the strike is diagonal 15. Team organization of defensive actions according to the “forward angle” and “backward angle” system according to instructions after an opponent’s attack Integral preparation 16. Reception from below upper pass Attacking blow blocking Blocking second gear Transition after the serve to defensive actions , after defensive actions to attack Lost serves in the game, %

11 21. Efficiency of attack in the game %: win loss Useful blocking in the game, % Errors when receiving serves in the game, % Notes. Transfer to the next training is carried out upon passing 14 standards out of 23. Test and transfer standards for technical and tactical training (girls and boys) p/p Control standards Table 4 SSM, VSM without restrictions Technical training 1. Passing the ball from above with both hands, standing and sitting against the wall (alternating) Setters Forwards Setters Forwards Serve for accuracy Forward strike straight from zone 4 to zone 4-5 (for years with low gear) 4. Forward strike with transfer from zone 2 to zone 5, from zone 4 to zone 1 (for years with a pass behind the head) 5. Receiving a serve from zone 5 to zone 2 for accuracy 6. Blocking a single attacker from zone 4 (2) diagonally

12 7. Second pass from zone 3 to zone 4 or 2 (standing with your back) at signal 8. Second pass in a jump from zone 3 to zone 4 or 2 (standing with your back) at signal 9. Attacking blow, or “discount”, at depending on whether a block is made or not 10. Team actions: receiving a serve, a second pass from zone 3 to zone 4 or 2 (as assigned) and an attacking blow (for 16 years and older, a second pass by the outgoing player) 11. Blocking a single attacking blow from zones 4, 3, 2 from second gear. The zone is unknown, the direction of the strike is diagonal 12. Team organization of defensive actions according to the “forward angle” and “backward angle” system according to instructions after an opponent’s attack Integral preparation 13. Attacking strike blocking Blocking second gear Transition after the serve to defensive actions, after defensive actions to attack Lost serves in the game, % 17. Efficiency of attack in the game, %: win loss Useful blocking in the game, %

13 19. Errors when receiving serves in the game, % Notes. Transfer to the next training is carried out upon passing 15 standards out of 19.

Municipal budgetary institution additional education Zheleznodorozhny district of Rostov-on-Don “Children and youth sports school 5” ACCEPTED: APPROVED: at a meeting of the methodological Director of the MBU

Autonomous non-profit organization additional education "Children and youth sports school for volleyball "Yenisei" Approved by the order of the Director of the ANO DO "Youth Volleyball Sports School "Yenisei" dated 0 0 8 Regulations

St. Petersburg State Budgetary educational institution additional education for children Specialized children's and youth school of the Olympic reserve in the Kurortny district of St. Petersburg

Shuttle run 3x10 m, s for 30 s, times PROTOCOL of test results for general physical and special physical training for enrollment for a period of up to one year and initial training by type

From simple to complex One hundred exercises for teaching volleyball Natalya LADOKHINA, methodologist of SDYUSSHOR, Nazarovo, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Marina POROSHINA, Associate Professor of the Department of Physical Culture and Sports, Institute of Economics

AGREED Chairman of the Council of the Labor Collective of the State Budgetary Institution 1Ш^513 bchsportivnoy POD in ZSHCHUVYM) Kuznetsov 2014 APPROVED by the Director of the State Budgetary Institution KK “Sports Training Club for Games V.N. Kuznetsov 2014 POSITION

Explanatory note Work program sports section "Volleyball" is based on the Federal Law of 9..0 -FZ "On Education in Russian Federation"(edition from 0.0), the concept of Modernization of the Russian

Additional education program "Volleyball" Bolshoi Istok 201 Features of the program Since sectional classes are conducted on the basis of a secondary school, the program was created on the basis of general education

1 EXPLANATORY NOTE DIRECTION OF THE PROGRAM The additional general education (general developmental) program relates to physical education and sports and is designed for children from 7 to 18 years old,

VOLLEYBALL Additional general educational program"Volleyball" 2 REVIEWERS: Candidate pedagogical sciences, Professor of the Department of Theory and Methods sports games NSU named after P.F. Lesgafta Lutkova N.V. Candidate

Work program academic subject At 014-015 academic year Educational area "Volleyball" Subject physical education Class 5 Teacher Shcherbina L A Number of hours per week according to curriculum Quantity

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary secondary school 7" APPROVED by order of MBOU Secondary School 7 dated 05/07/2014. 159 Work program for additional education in volleyball

EXPLANATORY NOTE Program extracurricular activities sports games based on V.I. Lyakh. Grades 5-9 for teachers of general education institutions / V.I. Lyakh. 2nd ed. Moscow. Education.

SCHOOL VOLLEYBALL SECTION PROGRAM Features of the program Since sectional classes are held on the basis of a high school, the program is created on the basis of a general education program for teaching volleyball.

Municipal autonomous educational institution "Gymnasium 2" OPERATION PLAN OF THE "VOLLEYBALL" CLUB Area of ​​activity: Sports and recreational Club director: Sokolov A. V. Category of students:

Explanatory note. Volleyball is one of the most popular sports among high school students. Volleyball competitions are included in the mass sports and recreation plan school events,

Calendar and thematic planning for volleyball for the first year group of students Subject of classes Contents of classes Number of hours Theory Physical culture and sports in Russia. TB in volleyball classes.

With two hands: -sitting m -standing m 5.8 12.5 6.6 13.0 7.0 13.5 Test and translation standards for initial training groups (girls) volleyball department Control standards for initial training groups (on

A set of exercises for learning to play volleyball Exercises for learning and improving the top pass 1. The player performs successive passes of the ball over himself, one after another. Transfer height

Passing scores for completing study groups based on passing the transfer tests and fulfilling the requirements of the EVSK, intermediate and final certification. Stages of preparation Initial training

Standards for general physical and special physical training for enrollment in groups at the stage of initial training in football: At the stage of initial training 1-3 years of study: Developed physical quality

DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION OF THE CITY OF MOSCOW State budgetary educational institution of the city of Moscow “School 113” Work program for additional education of the children’s association “Volleyball” Deadline

1 EXPLANATORY NOTE DIRECTION OF THE PROGRAM: The additional general education (general developmental) program relates to physical education and sports and is designed for children from 7 to 18 years old,

WORK PROGRAM in volleyball for the 016-017 academic year (additional educational program in volleyball, for the initial training group of the first and second years of study) Implementation period: years Teacher

MUNICIPAL BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION "BASIC EDUCATIONAL SCHOOL 1 NAMED AFTER M.A. POGODINA" Minutes dated August 31, 2017 adopted at a meeting of the methodological council. 1 Approved by order


EXPLANATORY NOTE “Children's volleyball”. The work program of the "Children's volleyball" section is compiled in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Primary General

MINISTRY OF EDUCATION OF THE REPUBLIC OF BELARUS VOLLEYBALL Curriculum of elective classes for V-XI grades of general secondary education institutions Recommended by the Scientific and Methodological Institution "National

Calendar-thematic plan for the work of the volleyball section for students in grades 10-11 Goal: Creating opportunities for versatile physical development schoolchildren. Objectives: 1. Teach technical and tactical actions

EXPLANATORY NOTE. The work program has been developed in accordance with the following documents: Federal law“On education in the Russian Federation” 73-FZ dated January 9, 2001; Order of the Ministry of Education

CONTENTS 1. Explanatory note...3 2. Educational and thematic plan. 2.1.NP-1 year of study...7 2.2.NP-2 year of study.. 2.3.UT-1 year of study...11 2.4.UT-2 year of study... 2.5.UT-3 year of study.. 2. UT-

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher Education "North-Eastern federal university named after M.K. Ammosova"

General and vocational education Leningrad region State budgetary professional educational institution of the Leningrad region "Podporozhye Polytechnic College"

Explanatory note Thematic planning compiled based on the requirements of the federal component state standard general education according to the author's comprehensive physical education program

Running 30, 60, 100 meters. Running is carried out along the stadium tracks or on any flat, hard-surfaced area. The 30 m run is performed from a high start, the 60 and 100 m run from a low or high start.

MUNICIPAL AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTION OF ADDITIONAL EDUCATION “CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOL 6” APPROVED by order of the director of MAUDO Youth Sports School 6 dated 09/03/2018 164 A.P. Nikolaev Considered at the pedagogical

Municipal educational institution "Zarechnaya Secondary School" "Considered" at the methodological association of teachers of science and mathematics subjects Head of Education V.S. Zhukov

Work program for volleyball grades 5-11 Explanatory note Thematic planning is based on the requirements of the federal component of the state standard of general education of 2004

X stage 60-69 years; - XI stage 70 years and older. The basis of the GTO complex is the types of tests and regulatory requirements, intended to determine the level of development of basic physical qualities

Explanatory note Thematic planning is compiled on the basis of the requirements of the federal component of the state standard of general education of 2004 according to the author's comprehensive physical education program

Explanatory note Volleyball is one of the most exciting and popular sports that has received nationwide recognition. It is distinguished by rich and varied motor content. To play volleyball

Explanatory note Volleyball - sports team game, where each player acts taking into account the actions of his partner. The program is designed for 204 hours, 6 hours per week (3 hours for boys, 3 hours for girls).

1. Who invented the game of volleyball? Answer: volleyball was invented by William Morgan, a physical education teacher at a college in Helioke, Massachusetts (USA), in 1895. 2. How is the word “volleyball” literally translated?

GAME CHARACTERISTICS Volleyball is a ball sport game in which two teams compete on a special court divided by a net. There are different versions of the game to show its versatility.

Approved by the order of the director of the MAOU Lyceum of ISU in Irkutsk Order 00/ dated 08/08 Additional general developmental program of the volleyball sports section for the 08–09 academic year Age of children: - 8 years Term

Municipal budgetary educational institution high school 2 Volodarsky municipal district Nizhny Novgorod region Considered at the meeting Approved by the Methodological Council by Order on MBOU

Explanatory note The working curriculum is based on curriculum“Comprehensive program of physical education for schoolchildren” (V. I. Lyakh, A. A. Zdanevich. M.: Prosveshchenie, 0g.)

1. EXPLANATORY NOTE The Volleyball work program is developed on the basis of an exemplary sports training program for children's and youth schools, specialized children's and youth schools of the Olympic reserve

Pioneerball. EXPLANATORY NOTE. On modern stage social development, the formation of a healthy, socially active, harmoniously developed personality is of paramount importance. Section program "Pioneerball"

MUNICIPAL AUTONOMOUS INSTITUTION OF ADDITIONAL EDUCATION “CHILDREN AND YOUTH SPORTS SCHOOL 6” APPROVED by order of the director of MAUDO Youth Sports School 6 dated 09/01/2017 154 A.P. Nikolaev Considered at the pedagogical

Rules for holding 3x3 basketball competitions within the framework of the All-Russian stage of the All-Russian sports games for schoolchildren “Presidential Sports Games” 1. General provisions Street basketball competition

Municipal autonomous educational institution of the city of Kaliningrad secondary school 30 ADDITIONAL EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM "VOLLEYBALL" Age of children: 8-11 grade Implementation period

Description of general physical fitness control exercises 1. 30 m run. The exercise can be performed from a “high” start. At the command “Start!” participants take a position in front of the starting line (or take a “low” position

Explanatory note of one of the serious problems In our society there is a problem of strengthening the health of the younger generation. Fulfillment of the tasks outlined in the “Federal Program for the Development of Education

ALL-RUSSIAN OLYMPIAD FOR SCHOOLCHILDREN IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION 2017 2018 academic year. SCHOOL STAGE Obstacle course (with elements of sports games) 5 6 grades Girls and boys 7 8 grades Girls and boys 9 11

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 15 named after Hero Soviet Union Vasily Mikhailovich Mikhailov" "APPROVED" Director of MBOU Secondary School 15 Order 170-os dated

1 4. Transfer of students to groups next year training, to the next stage of training. 5. Carrying out intermediate (current) control standards will allow making operational adjustments to the educational process.

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Secondary school 3" Approved by the Director of the school: Malafeeva E.V. Order 372 of August 24, 2016. Agreed by the Chairman of the NMS: Sukhanova

Agreed by Deputy Director for HR MBOU "Prelestnenskaya Secondary School" Popova G.V. 013 Approved by the Director of MBOU Prelestnenskaya Secondary School Buzanakov V.Yu. Order of 013. Work program of the sports games section: “volleyball”