How to install a live Christmas tree at home. How to choose and install a live Christmas tree? Choosing a quality tree

The New Year tree is the main symbol of the holiday

New Year– the most favorite holiday, full of mysteries and expectations of change. This fabulous night has many symbols, but the main one is, of course, christmas tree. This holiday creates a lot of trouble: how to choose, how to install the Christmas tree? And her decoration is a real ritual, in which, as a rule, all family members take part. Presented today huge selection artificial Christmas trees, allowing you to purchase any imitation of spruce or pine, matte or shiny, green or even white, different sizes for every taste. Still, most people prefer to install a live Christmas tree. The fluffy forest guest brings into the house the smell of the winter forest, resin, pine needles, so familiar from childhood, filling the house with the fabulous atmosphere of an approaching miracle.

Don't forget about unique properties live pine needles. The essential oils it contains have bactericidal properties. In addition, the pine smell has a beneficial effect on nervous system. But unlike artificial beauties, a real Christmas tree requires proper care and reliable installation.

How to choose a Christmas tree?

We can talk a lot about the beauty and benefits of a living tree, but we must also remember that spruce needles fall off quickly and we can do everything possible to make the holiday last longer. A lot depends not only on how to put up the Christmas tree, but also on the right choice. What features of the Christmas tree are worth paying attention to:

    The spruce should look fresh and healthy with uniformly colored needles. The width should not exceed the height.

    Inspect the branches. On a recently felled tree, the branches stretch upward, they are elastic and flexible, and difficult to break.

    The needles should look bright and smooth. If in doubt, stretch one needle between your fingers. Fresh spruce needles are easily ground and have a characteristic pine smell. A dry needle means that the tree was cut down a long time ago.

    Look carefully, shake slightly, and if the needles fall off, then such a tree will not stand for long.

As for the appearance and size, it completely depends on the space in the apartment intended for the forest guest. So, if you place the Christmas tree in a corner, you can choose a not very fluffy specimen and turn it on the more beautiful side. But if the center of the room is intended for it, then it is necessary special attention pay attention to the even shape of the crown and spreading nature.

How to prepare a Christmas tree for installation?

The choice was made, and the fairy-tale beauty arrived at her destination. You can give several recommendations on how to properly install a live Christmas tree, regarding its storage and installation location:

    If the tree is purchased in advance, then it must be kept in the cold, for example outside the window, on the balcony, terrace.

    Before installation, do not immediately bring the Christmas tree into warm room, and even more so, installing and decorating, because the tree can die from a sharp temperature change. You need to give it time to stand and freeze in a room with a low but positive temperature, for example in the entrance, in the vestibule.

    Before installing the tree, you need to prepare the trunk, clear it of bark, and you can lightly trim the top.

    The tree should not be placed close to radiators, heaters or fireplaces. It will begin to crumble very quickly, even if it was installed in a bucket of water or wet sand.

    Dimensions New Year's tree should be determined by the size of the room where it will stand and the height of the ceilings. This must be taken into account so as not to create inconvenience by cluttering a small space. And also so that you don’t have to cut off the top or lush lower rows of branches, which will significantly spoil appearance tree.

How to install a Christmas tree without a stand?

There are special devices– stands, crosses, with which you can install a Christmas tree in your apartment. The advantages of this installation are its ease and reliability. However, the lack of opportunity to water and feed the tree is frustrating.

Most easy way protect the tree from quick drying– before installing the tree in the cross, wrap the bottom of the trunk with a damp cloth that can be easily moistened with water.

You can make stands for mounting the Christmas tree yourself. However, if there is no desire or ability to build such structures, we will turn to simpler methods. Let's consider options for how to install a Christmas tree at home without a stand, old the folk way. And there may be several of them:

    Bucket with sand. An ordinary bucket is filled with clean and wet sand. A nutrient solution is added, for which there are many recipes. For example, dissolve a little edible gelatin or glycerin in one liter of water. Another recipe: two tablespoons of sugar and a couple of aspirin tablets. Before installing the tree in the sand, be sure to clean the cut area on the trunk, and also remove the bark approximately 10 cm from below. It is recommended to water the sand every two days and the tree will last a long time.

    There's another one interesting way how to install a Christmas tree without sand. When you can put gravel or gravel in a bucket instead of sand plastic bottles with water, which will tightly fix the trunk, previously wrapped in damp cloth.

    Vessel with water. Please note that you will need hot water, this will help flush out the resin from the wood pores, making it easier for moisture to enter. It is advisable to add acetic or citric acid to the water, or you can replace it with an aspirin tablet. There are many options for the solution, one of them is: a spoonful of gelatin, crushed chalk and half a spoonful of acid.

The twigs need to be periodically sprayed with water, which will allow them to maintain their freshness longer. After installing the Christmas tree, the bucket or container can be decorated with colored paper, fabric, cotton wool, New Year's tinsel and toys.

This way you can keep the tree fresh and beautiful not only during holidays, but also much later. These simple rules for installing a Christmas tree indoors and caring for it will allow you to preserve the holiday atmosphere in your home for a long time, along with the smell of pine needles. It will also help to avoid unnecessary hassle when the time comes to remove fallen needles.

Good luck and happiness in the New Year!

We are all looking forward to coming New Year's holidays. Since childhood, every person associates the New Year with miracles, with the beginning of a new, unknown. But what real New Year's holiday can there be without a Christmas tree. Each of us independently determines. But after acquiring the treasured tree, the question arises: how to place it correctly so that it pleases the eyes of family members for as long as possible and creates a unique holiday ambience.

There are simple, uncomplicated rules that you can follow to extend the life of your Christmas tree for a long time.

  1. You should not immediately bring the tree into the cold warm home. It is better to give it some time to acclimatize to temperature in a cool place.
  2. Install conifer It is better just before New Year's Eve, and until then, store it in a cool place. For example, on the balcony of an apartment.
  3. The Christmas tree should be placed as far as possible from heating devices.
  4. We can distinguish two main ways of installing and securing a Christmas tree: installation using a tripod; installation in a bucket of sand.

Let's take a closer look at the installation methods.

1. When installing the Christmas tree on a tripod, if necessary, trim the lower branches so that the distance from the place of cutting to the nearest branches is at least 20 centimeters. If the tripod is metal, then the tree trunk must be secured in it using clamping screws, and if they are missing, using wooden wedges. If the tripod is wooden, then screws are used to strengthen the tree trunk.

2. When installing the Christmas tree in a bucket of sand (without a stand) It is necessary to first clear the tree trunk of branches by 25 - 30 centimeters. The end of the trunk near the cut is cleared of bark; it is advisable to update the cut itself. After installing the tree, water is poured into the sand.

  • The water must first be prepared: use 1 aspirin tablet and 3-4 tsp. sugar per 1 liter of water.

At the level of the edge of the bucket, the tree is fixed with two strips, which are attached to the tree trunk with screws.

It is preferable to install the Christmas tree in a bucket of sand because the tree will not dry out and will retain its natural appearance longer.

After installation is complete, the bucket can be decorated using white cloth or paper. We decorate the Christmas tree with balls and others, serpentine and decorative rain.

At correct installation and securing the New Year tree, it will delight your loved ones during all the New Year holidays, and after they are over, it will leave less waste and it. Happy New Year to you!

The New Year is already breathing down your neck, and you haven’t put up a Christmas tree at home yet? Moreover, you don’t even have a cross-stand into which you can insert a live spruce or pine? Don't worry about this, Vitalya Paranoid will tell you easy way to install at home live Christmas tree using only available means. Better worry about the fact that another year has passed, and you still haven’t done anything worthwhile and haven’t fulfilled even half of the promises you made to yourself last New Year.

But let's return to the Christmas tree. There are many ways to secure a Christmas tree at home, but who is interested in them when there is one simple one? It does not require a special crosspiece or sand. All you need is a regular bucket - do you even have a bucket in your apartment?

Take 5-7 plastic bottles (I took from mineral water, but you can take from any drink you drink: Jaguar, holy water, etc.) and fill them with tap water. Then you put the bottles in the bucket, tightly, so that the tree shaft fits very tightly between them. I used 1.5 liter bottles for the base and used liter bottles for the finishing touches.

Were you able to put up the Christmas tree without breaking anything? Congratulations, the simplest thing remains: pour water into a bucket in which 2-3 aspirin tablets have previously been dissolved. Make sure that this was not the last aspirin in the apartment, otherwise on the first of January you will have to sip from a bucket to calm down a little headache from excessive and inappropriate consumption of alcohol.

Setting up a Christmas tree seems simple, but when you come across it on New Year's Eve, you start to get lost in thoughts and come up with different ways.

So that you don't stress before New Year's Eve, we will give you some tips on how to install a live and artificial Christmas tree.

It is worth remembering that before you attach the spruce, you need to buy it. You should buy a Christmas tree a week before the holiday, because the day before New Year's Eve you're unlikely to find a good one.

When choosing a beauty, pay attention to its needles. They should not be broken or yellow.

A tree that is shedding will also not last long, and one that doesn’t have much time left is not particularly pleasant. Therefore, if you did not have time to purchase a live one, then it is better to go for an artificial one.

Adaptation of the Christmas tree before installation

If you purchased a tree at the beginning of December, you should not install it right away, because it is possible that it will not be worthy until the 31st.

Place it on a balcony or other cold place without untying it.

As soon as you bring the spruce into an apartment, house or other warm room, do not rush to untie it. Let her sit and get used to the temperature.

Before installation, be sure to make a fresh cut and clear the trunk by 5-10 cm.

How to install a live Christmas tree?

Various ways some:

  • using bottles;
  • in the sand;
  • on the stand.

How to set up a Christmas tree using bottles

We take plastic bottles up to 2.5 liters and fill them with water so that they hold the tree.

Turn the bottles upside down. Insert the spruce into the center of the bucket and line the bucket tightly with bottles.

Add water to the remaining space in the bucket, not too cold, but not too warm.

We cover the tree with a cloth or a special skirt so that the buckets and bottles are not visible. We get a beautiful and sustainable green beauty.

How to install a Christmas tree in a bucket of sand

The sand and bucket are vintage and traditional ways secure the spruce. Our grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers began to use them, because sand can be obtained for free, and everyone has a bucket.

Choose a bucket for the Christmas tree that is heavier and taller so that it holds the tree well.

You should not place a spruce tree higher than 1.5 meters in the sand, as the bucket may not hold up and turn over.

For large Christmas trees will do next way.

So, fill the bucket with sand mixed with gelatin and glycerin to clean it and give the tree a long life.

Place the spruce in a bucket to a depth of 20 cm. If you need to get rid of the lower branches to do this, that’s okay.

We bury the trunk and compact it tightly. To make the spruce delight you with its aroma for a long time, water it hot water with aspirin or lemon juice.

For 1 liter of water you need to take 1 tablet or tablespoon of juice.

Of course, you can’t leave a simple bucket of sand undecorated, so use a cloth, blanket or.

How to install a Christmas tree on a stand

You can easily make a stand or cross with your own hands. This is what we will talk about.

Basic materials for the stand:

  • metal;
  • tree.

DIY wooden stand for Christmas tree

We will need:

  • boards 35 cm long, each 2 pieces;
  • boards 25 cm long, each 4 pieces;
  • drill;
  • bolts;
  • metal corners.

The thickness of the boards should be the same, approximately 2 centimeters.

We take 25 cm boards and attach metal corners to their ends. We fasten the boards 35 cm each metal corners.

We got 2 benches. We connect them together.

Take a drill and drill a hole in the center of the stand so that it is slightly larger size spruce trunk

For greater stability, attach the tree with bolts screwed into the trunk and center of the stand.

This way it will definitely not fall on you, children and animals.

You can also replace the boards with bars, just keep in mind that they must be equal in length and width.

To make the stand look beautiful, you can make it on it.

DIY metal stand for Christmas tree

Such a cross will serve you for many years, so it’s more profitable to make it.

For a large Christmas tree you will need a metal pipe with a diameter of 6-9 cm.

Take 4 metal plates and weld it to the pipe. We make several holes in the central pipe and insert bolts.

When the spruce is installed in the hollow central metal pipe, screw the bolts to the tree with screws.

Great stand for the Christmas tree!

How to install an artificial Christmas tree

When installing a non-living spruce, do not:

  • place it near walls and radiators;
  • install an artificial tree in the center of the living room;
  • straighten the branches of the tree parallel to the floor and each other.

Installing an artificial tree is quite simple. Since you purchase it from a store, it already comes with a stand. You don't have to bother here.

The instructions clearly state how to assemble it correctly.

Straighten the branches randomly, the more indiscriminately you do this, the more magnificent your beauty will be.

If you want a non-living tree to give you a real aroma, spray it with pine scent.

You should not weigh the spruce, because artificial tree may not stand it.

How to install a Christmas tree so that it stands for a long time?

Everyone wants to enjoy the New Year and the smell of spruce for longer. We will share with you several ways to extend the life of a green tree.

If you think that after cutting down a spruce, it dies - this is not true at all. She is still alive and keeping her alive is good for you.

Give the tree water up to 2 liters per day. To prevent the water from turning sour and spoiling, make the following solutions that will help the Christmas tree stand for a long time:

  • for 1 liter of water add 1 tablespoon of bath salts;
  • 10 drops essential oil for 1 liter of water;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar per 1 liter. water;
  • spoon of mustard per 1 liter. water.

You can spray the needles with water or dissolve chalk and citric acid in water (a teaspoon per liter).

By adding such products, your tree will last a long time, because it will receive the necessary vitamins and not dry out.

Decorate the Christmas tree with garlands and it will definitely delight you for a very long time!

Tested: the longer you wait for a holiday, the less prepared you are for it: We actively purchase gifts, trying not to forget anyone, we manage to stock up on groceries so that we don’t leave the house for the next couple of weeks, and the most important thing - the symbol of the New Year, the Christmas tree - is purchased at best a couple of days before the main holiday. At worst - in a couple of hours. How then can you have time to set the table and set up the Christmas tree? Calmly! There is a way out. Even three or even more! So, the Christmas tree...

....Christmas tree in a chair on wheels

Well, this is the easiest option - just find it somewhere bottom part from office chair- breaking a new one or finding an already broken chair is your choice....
And then simply install the Christmas tree in this stable and mobile cross!
Great base for a Christmas tree!

WHAT YOU NEED: a stick (a pipe, a mop or a regular “lazy one”), the length of which depends on the height at which you are going to hang the tree; strong rope, self-adhesive hook, which after the holiday, if desired, can be easily removed from the wall.
PROCESS. Place the stick against the plinth and fix it at an angle of 40 degrees using a rope and a hook on the wall (photo 1).
It remains to attach (tie) the Christmas tree to the free end of the stick (photo 2). The connection point should be slightly above the center of gravity of the tree: this is necessary so that the green beauty hangs freely.
The New Year's tree will be able to “float in the air”, practically without relying on anything, thanks to the laws of physics: the tension force of the rope and the force of universal gravity will become equal.
This installation of the Christmas tree takes only a few minutes. The rope can be disguised with tinsel or rain. This will give the installation a futuristic look. You don’t have to reveal the secret of “weightlessness” to guests and relatives: just say that you are a wizard (which doesn’t happen on New Year’s Eve!). The main thing is that you don’t forget about the secret yourself, so that on the morning of January 1, when you discover the effect of weightlessness in the apartment, do not try to “go into outer space.”

WHAT YOU NEED: old office chair on wheels, or rather, its lower part.
PROCESS. Carefully disassemble the chair, leaving the support on the casters. The freed bushing will serve as a nest for the Christmas tree trunk. By the way, if there is no old unnecessary chair, you can disassemble the new one and put it back together after the New Year celebration.
We adjust the diameter of the barrel to the hole using an ax or knife, and assemble the structure.
The “mobile tree” is easy to move and therefore will not disturb anyone during the holiday. People who have already experienced this “know-how” claim that after a couple of hours of feasting, many try to invite the Christmas tree to dance.

WHAT YOU NEED: knife, hacksaw, drill, drill and steel pin 10 - 15 cm long along the diameter of the drill. Well, and, of course, the tree itself.
PROCESS. We saw off the lower part of the tree with a tier of branches (the so-called butt), and turn it over. Doesn't it look like a cross? Let's use it. We remove the bark, drill a hole in the butt trunk for a metal rod (Fig. 1) and the same in the main trunk of the tree.
We connect the structure using a rod (Fig. 2). For greater stability, the “cross” branches need to be attached to the floor. On March 8, 2007, when you are supposed to throw away the Christmas tree, don’t forget to leave the bottom part: it will come in handy in a few months!