Remedies for mosquito bites. Folk remedies

Starting in May and ending in October, we try hard to avoid contact with blood-sucking insects. A mosquito is not as terrible as the diseases it carries. Well, mosquito bites are very unpleasant. Itching immediately occurs, you want to scratch, and irritation appears. Whether you want it or not, your hands reach out and scratch themselves. In my last article I told you, today I want to talk about remedies for mosquito bites.

Firstly, there is no need to scratch the bite site. The more you scratch, the more it will itch. At the site of the bite it is released biologically active substance histamine, which causes itching.

Alcohol tincture will help relieve itching after a bite. Disinfect the bite site, for example, with tincture of calendula or propolis; itching and irritation will be relieved by hand.

Ammonia perfectly relieves swelling and itching. Mix spoon ammonia with three spoons of water. Wipe the bite area with this solution, it helps a lot.

If you don't have ammonia, use a soda solution. Dissolve half a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water. Itching and swelling will quickly go away.

You can prepare a remedy for mosquito bites that will last you all summer.

It is very easy to prepare the product: just mix all the ingredients and pour into a dark bottle. The product can be stored all season in a dark place.

In fact, there are a lot of folk remedies for mosquito bites: this and laundry soap, dissolved in water, and “Star” balm.

By the way, very good remedy not only after bites, but also repels mosquitoes, which is also not bad. And for some, regular kefir doesn’t help much.

That's all I wanted to tell you today, if you have anything to add or know any effective means after mosquito bites, leave messages in the comments, I am always glad to hear from you.

From mid-May until autumn, people are attacked by various blood-sucking insects. Most often you can suffer from mosquito bites. Adults who do not have an allergic reaction to a mosquito bite usually do not experience any serious consequences from encountering a mosquito. The bite stops causing itching after just a few hours, and after a couple of days the red spot disappears. In children and people intolerant to mosquito saliva, an acute reaction develops after being attacked by insects, which requires the use of various drugs to relieve swelling and itching.

Symptoms of a mosquito bite

Usually, due to the analgesic effect of the components included in mosquito saliva, the moment of the bite remains unnoticeable to humans. Its symptoms appear a few minutes after the mosquito flies away, and are the body’s response to the foreign substances of mosquito saliva that penetrated during the bite. The main symptoms of a bite are:

  • itching (of varying intensity);
  • burning;
  • local swelling (for allergies);
  • local inflammation of the skin.

If there is an acute allergy, especially in young children, the body temperature may rise to thirty-eight degrees. In addition, an acute allergic reaction can develop as a result of a massive mosquito attack, which leads to numerous bites.

Folk remedies to speed up the healing of mosquito bites

Today, to relieve the main symptoms of bites, it is easy to buy various ointments and creams at the pharmacy. However, we should not forget about traditional medicines, which will cost much less, but will bring no less benefits. In addition, in folk remedies What is also attractive is that they do not have side effects and can be used even for small children.

  • Dandelion juice will quickly relieve itching and redness. The bite site should be well lubricated with freshly squeezed milky dandelion juice and a bandage should be applied on top. Although the signs of the bite will disappear, after three hours you will need to repeat the procedure to consolidate the effect.
  • If the bite is accompanied by severe swelling, which is quite rare, a compress of fragrant rue leaves will help. To do this, mash the leaves until mushy and apply to the affected area. Secure the top with a bandage. Relief will come in the first minutes. The duration of this compress is three hours. If necessary, it must be repeated.
  • You can use plantain to quickly relieve itching. The leaf of the plant should be washed and slightly kneaded. Then it is applied to the sore spot and secured with an adhesive plaster. If the itching does not go away after an hour, replace the leaf with a fresh one.
  • Successfully used in the fight against with the most unpleasant consequences mosquito bite onions. To do this, cut off the onion plate and apply the juicy cut to the affected area. The itching subsides very quickly, and the swelling subsides after a couple of hours. This product is so safe for the skin that it can be used even if it is hypersensitive.
  • In the absence of onions, you can treat the bite with the same success using a ripe tomato. Cut a piece from it, apply it to the affected area with the juicy side for half an hour and then repeat everything. After two hours of such treatment, you can forget about the bite.
  • Garlic will also have a pronounced healing effect. You need to prepare a paste from its clove and dilute it with two teaspoons of boiled water. Soak a bandage in the resulting mixture and apply it to the affected area for forty minutes. After this procedure, the itching goes away completely.
  • If the bite occurred no more than ten minutes ago, it is worth applying ice to prevent the development of severe itching and swelling. An ice cube is applied to the affected area for a couple of minutes, after which it is removed for one minute. This is repeated five times in a row. Holding ice without a break is unacceptable, as in this case frostbite occurs, which will require much more serious treatment than a bite.
  • When a bite is accompanied by a local increase in temperature, sour cream comes to the rescue. The sore spot must be lubricated with a thick layer of this fermented milk product, and then covered with a bandage folded in half. After two hours, the bandage should be changed to consolidate the effect.
  • If you do not have the necessary means to treat a bite at hand, you can use the toothpaste available in every home. Apply it to the affected area and leave the paste until completely dry. After this, it is removed with a damp cloth. Itching and redness are completely removed.
  • The water-vinegar composition soothes itching well and removes local swelling. For it, you need to dilute nine percent vinegar with boiled water in a ratio of one to one. After this, soak the bandage in the composition and apply it to the sore spot.
  • Somewhat unpleasant due to its smell, but a very effective cure for mosquito bites is fish oil. They should lubricate the affected area of ​​skin every half hour for two hours. After such treatment, not only the itching and swelling will be eliminated, but the redness will also disappear.
  • Regular baking soda quickly relieves itching and burning. In order to use it in the treatment of a bite, you need to take a large spoon of powder and dilute it a little with boiled water to the consistency of thick sour cream. This mass should be applied to the bite site and secured with a damp bandage. You need to keep the composition for three hours, after which you either replace it with a new one or remove it completely.
  • In order to relieve itching after a bite and disinfect the skin around the tiny wound left by the insect's proboscis, you should lubricate the affected area with vodka or medical alcohol. Due to the cooling of the skin as the alcohol evaporates, the itching will be significantly reduced, and timely disinfection will help avoid suppuration.
  • If you can pick a few fresh bird cherry leaves, you can effectively use them to eliminate the consequences of a mosquito bite. The leaf should be chewed until mushy and applied to damaged skin. After this, you can tie a bandage on top to secure it. The discomfort will go away within five to ten minutes. The redness will subside in a few hours.
  • A paste made from parsley and mint leaves taken in equal proportions will also help with the bite. It is applied to the bite site and secured with a bandage. You can remove the bandage when the itching completely disappears. This usually takes about one hour.

Measures to prevent mosquito bites

Since mosquitoes can be carriers of very dangerous diseases, while on fresh air you need to protect yourself from their attacks. For this purpose, you can use both special repellents, sold in pharmacies and stores in the form of sprays and creams, and folk remedies to repel blood-sucking insects. Advantages traditional methods is that they are completely safe and suitable for all age groups. Used to get rid of mosquitoes essential oils:

  • tea tree;
  • carnations;
  • juniper;
  • eucalyptus;
  • anise

In addition, to prevent bloodsuckers from flying close when relaxing in nature, and also from flying into an apartment, the following means are used:

  • Tomato tops. It is placed near the door or open window. The smell of the leaves of this plant repels not only mosquitoes, but also many other insects.
  • Fir cones. If during a picnic you throw several spruce or (which is less effective) pine cones into the fire, mosquitoes will long time They won’t bother you, since the smoke from burnt pine cones is poisonous to them. For people, it is completely safe and even useful due to the release large quantity essential oil.
  • Tansy sprigs. Mosquitoes tolerate the smell of the plant so poorly that they will not even fly close to the location of the tansy.

Mosquito bites are better prevented than treated.

Mosquitoes are unique dipterous insects, whose olfactory system is tuned to search for a source of blood. 72 types of olfactory receptors allow detection chemicals, excreted in human sweat. These bloodsuckers can smell you several kilometers away, several meters away thermal radiation and catch up in order to bite. Mosquito saliva contains anticoagulants, to the introduction of which the human immune system reacts. Therefore, it is not difficult to determine the location of the bite by swelling, redness of the skin and itching.

Modern medicine offers a wide selection of drugs to eliminate unpleasant symptoms, but it is not always possible to quickly purchase medicine at the pharmacy. How to relieve itching from mosquitoes in this case? The means available in any first aid kit or household items usually come to the rescue.

Vinegar will relieve swelling from a mosquito bite

The bite area can be wiped with a cotton pad soaked in a solution of vinegar half diluted with water. The acid, which acts as an anti-poison, will help reduce swelling and eliminate itching. Suitable for alleviating suffering apple cider vinegar, from which it is easy to prepare paste. It must be mixed with cornmeal and apply to the affected area. After drying, rinse with water.

Ice is the simplest folk remedy for mosquito bites

The inflamed area will “calm down” faster if a piece of ice is immediately applied to it, which acts as a local anesthetic.

Aloe reduces itching

Fresh plant juice is suitable and should be applied to clean, dry skin. It is safe, helps reduce itching and eliminates inflammation.

Tea brewing is an excellent way to treat mosquito bites

A solution of strong tea leaves is an excellent folk remedy for irritation after mosquito bites. To relieve itching, simply apply a cotton swab soaked in this solution to the wound. Inflammation is relieved by the astringent tannins present in tea.

Essential oils relieve allergy symptoms

Folk remedies that relieve itching after a mosquito bite include essential oils. An excellent antiseptic recommended for skin inflammation is tea tree oil. Helps calm you down skin lavender, lemon, peppermint oil, and rosemary. These natural substances carefully care for irritated skin, eliminate inflammation, redness and discomfort after a bite.

What to apply after a mosquito bite

Soda paste greatly reduces itching, relieves inflammation and neutralizes toxins that are formed after a mosquito bite, which is an indispensable remedy for people with hypersensitive skin and children. To prepare it you will need 3 teaspoons of baking soda and one teaspoon of water. The prepared paste is applied to the sore spot. After it dries, you can apply a new portion if necessary.

A paste of plantain leaves, bird cherry, parsley and basil will help reduce pain. These folk remedies are also effective against itching.

Lemon juice will ease suffering

To relieve unbearable itching, swelling and pain, you can use lemon as a folk remedy for mosquito bites. Lemon juice should be diluted in small quantities cold water, then moisten the swab and lubricate the bite site.

Folk remedies can stop the itching from mosquito bites no worse than the drugs presented on the pharmaceutical market. They can remove redness, have a disinfecting effect and reduce swelling. Therefore, if you have been attacked by mosquitoes, without being able to use special medications, you can get by using improvised methods.

So that this question does not even arise, you need, first of all, to think about reliable means of protection against arrogant bloodsuckers. But let's imagine that cunning mosquitoes took you by surprise and bit you pretty hard. Your skin is now decorated with pink wounds that itch and itch, turning your everyday life into a complete irritation. Now only one question is spinning in my head - how to relieve this unbearable itch? To find the answer, read about how to treat mosquito bites.

What to do if you are bitten by a mosquito

1. Disinfect

  • The simplest remedy for treating mosquito bites, which is found in almost every home, is baking soda(Did you know that baking soda can be used to clean tarnished silver?). It will help both disinfect the wound and reduce itching. Make a paste by mixing 2 spoons of baking soda with 1 spoon of water and apply it to the affected areas of the skin.
  • Can also be used as an antiseptic table vinegar, potassium permanganate solution, alcohol or alcohol-containing components: calendula tincture, valocordin, corvalol. As a last resort, you can use vodka or cologne. All of the above liquids help relieve itching.

2. Relieve swelling

  • Cold applied to the area will help reduce swelling from the bite.: snow from the freezer or a cold can of drink.
  • Tea bags can also help relieve swelling.– tannin, which is contained in tea, due to its astringent properties, is able to draw out excess fluid from inflammation.

How to relieve itching from a mosquito bite

1. Aloe

It's hard to list all the wealth healing properties, which is contained in this plant. Healers of all stripes used aloe to fight various ailments. It will also serve as an excellent remedy for treating mosquito bites.. Just break off a piece and apply the juice to the affected area of ​​the skin - this will not only help relieve the itching, but will also promote rapid healing of the wound.

2. Essential oils

Essential oils of lavender, eucalyptus and tea tree will help not only protect against mosquitoes, but also treat the consequences of a collision with small bloodsuckers– they relieve redness and swelling, relieve itching and allergic reactions that may occur after a bite.

3. Fermented milk products

Sour cream and kefir are also good for relieving itching and skin irritation.. So you can use these products not only when you are sunburnt, but also when you are the victim of an attack by buzzing vampires.

4. Banana peel

After eating a banana, do not throw away the skin - if mosquito bites rub inside banana peel , the itching will not be as severe, and the wound itself will dry out faster.

5. Toothpaste

Oddly enough, but Ordinary toothpaste , only if it is not made on a gel basis.

6. Citric acid

To relieve unpleasant symptoms when treating a mosquito bite: swelling, allergic reactions and terrible itching – use citric acid . To do this, squeeze out half a lemon and dilute the resulting juice with some cold water. Then use a cotton swab to periodically wipe the problem area with lemon liquid.

7. Herbs and plants

If you are attacked by mosquitoes in nature, during a picnic or a walk in the forest, use plants and herbs that may grow nearby or what you have in stock as food. The following will help us in the fight against itching: plantain, mint, parsley, green onions, calendula. Choose one from the list and rub the bite area with one or another leaf until the juice is released.

Finally, it is worth adding: if the bite site rapidly enlarges and turns red after the lesion, and the swelling becomes frightening - run to the doctor immediately, you may have developed a serious allergic reaction to mosquitoes that only a medical professional can treat.

Perhaps you know some other ways cure mosquito bites, if so, share them in the comments. Be healthy and take care of yourself.

Based on materials from the site "How to do it"

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An insect as tiny as a mosquito can cause a lot of trouble for a person. It is worth noting that only female mosquitoes are bloodsuckers, which require blood protein to lay eggs. Males are completely harmless creatures, as they feed on the nectar of flowers.

At the moment of the bite, the female mosquito pierces the skin with its proboscis and injects saliva into it, which contains anticoagulants that prevent blood clotting. Human body regards these substances as allergens, which is why the bite site turns red and itches. Today we will look at how to reduce itching using folk remedies against mosquito bites, and what precautions should be taken if you become a victim of the little bloodsuckers.

First aid for a mosquito bite

First of all, the area should be thoroughly washed with soap to eliminate the risk of germs and dirt penetrating the skin. Allergy sufferers need to take an antihistamine, such as Suprastin or Tavegil.

After this, you can apply lotions against mosquito bites according to folk recipes, which will be discussed below.

Alcohol tinctures

Alcohol-based products are good for eliminating itching in the area of ​​a mosquito bite, namely:

  • boric alcohol;
  • triple cologne;
  • valocordin;
  • Corvalol;
  • propolis tincture.

The best remedy for mosquito bites is calendula tincture. If you don’t find any of these products in your medicine cabinet, you can lubricate the reddened area of ​​skin with “Star” balm or your own saliva.

Medicinal plants
  1. Rue– used in the form of gruel or juice from crushed leaves for a compress. It also helps with wasp and bee stings.
  2. Veronica officinalis– used in the form of a strong decoction, from which a lotion is made. Effective against bites of poisonous insects and spiders.
  3. Dandelion– squeeze out the juice from a freshly picked plant and lubricate the wound with it. A bandage is applied on top and changed every three hours.
  4. Plantain– a fresh leaf is rubbed in the palms of your hands and pasted onto the bite site.
Home Remedies

It is effective to apply the onion with a fresh cut to the skin to the site of the bite - onion juice will disinfect the wound and eliminate itching. Garlic works in a similar way - a few cloves should be crushed into a paste and diluted with water (2 teaspoons). Moisten a bandage in the resulting product and apply it to the wound.

Vinegar also helps against mosquito bites - dip a clean cloth or gauze into it and apply a compress to the reddened area for half an hour.

Another effective home remedy for itching is toothpaste (not gel!).

Soda for mosquito bites

  1. Baking sodabest helper in the fight against discomfort after a mosquito bite. It is used in several ways.
  2. Soda cake– add a little water to 1 tablespoon of the substance to form a thick paste. A cake is formed from the resulting mass and applied to the itchy area. A wet cloth is placed on top. After three hours the cake is changed.
  3. Soda lotion– pour a little soda into a bowl, dip a wet bandage into it and wipe the wound with it. The procedure is repeated several times a day.

Soda is completely harmless. It relieves redness and inflammation, the bite site heals quickly and there are no traces left after it. This method is especially suitable for treating mosquito bites in young children.

Other ways to treat bites

Immediately after an insect bite, it is effective to put ice or something cold on the sore spot.

If there are a lot of mosquito bites, a cool bath with the addition of sea ​​salt, lavender or tea tree oils.

Attention! If the bite site quickly swells, which is accompanied by a sharp deterioration in health (dizziness, nausea, difficulty breathing), you should call a doctor. These symptoms are usually characterized by the bites of malaria mosquitoes, which are carriers of dangerous infections.