Is it possible to plant a vegetable garden after Easter? Is it possible to plant Palm Sunday beliefs on Maundy Thursday before Easter?

Whether certain plants need replanting can be determined, firstly, by the state of their root system: the roots come out of the drainage hole, and the earthen ball is completely entwined with them (you can verify this by removing the plant from the pot). Secondly, this can be decided based on size, age and growth rate. Young and fast-growing species are replanted annually. Large and slow-growing - once every 2-3 years.

Plants in very large containers are replanted quite rarely (once every 5 years). But it needs to be changed quite often top layer land, since it is here that, due to the poor quality of irrigation water and constant fertilizing, it accumulates large number salts

When transplanting, you need to follow a few simple rules:
The new pot should be only a few centimeters larger than the earthen ball. The opinion that the larger the pot, the better plant will develop, erroneously. In fact, only that part of the soil that is actively penetrated by roots works; the rest of the soil turns sour, and a large number of pathogenic bacteria are formed here, which negatively affect the development of plants. Ideally, between the earthen lump and the walls of the new pot there should be a distance equal to two fingers (in width).
A month before transplantation, the plant needs to be fed with a urea solution, since after transplantation this can be done no earlier than 2-3 weeks later and the plants may starve.
The day before transplanting, indoor flowers are watered abundantly.

In some plants, during the growth process, a large mass of roots is formed, which, like felt, entwine an earthen ball (asparagus, chlorophytum). In this case, you need to cut off part of the roots from below, and, if necessary, from the sides.

If the plants have grown greatly, spring is the time to start dividing them. Each division is planted in a separate pot, observing all the above rules. During the first time after transplantation, it is recommended to spray the plants more often (with settled water), and once every 7–10 days, additionally spray them with Epin, increasing their resistance.

To give indoor flowers a certain shape and regulate their growth, shoots are cut and pinched. And it is best to do this again in April–May, since the growth of new shoots will occur during increasing daylight hours. By the way, you can carry out not only formative pruning, but also sanitary pruning, removing all old, damaged shoots that have grown over the winter. Mandatory rule– pruning is carried out on the bud directed outward. Otherwise, the regrown shoots will be directed inside the bush, which is not only unsightly, but also harmful to the plants - they will receive less light and develop worse.

If you need to rejuvenate a plant (for example, a ficus that has been growing on one stem for several years), then it is pruned quite heavily, removing most of the shoots. The same applies to overwintered pelargoniums, fuchsias, indoor roses. No more than 3–5 buds are left on each shoot.

In the spring they are heavily pruned and many hanging plants(ivies, philodendrons, syngoniums, tradescantia), in which weak shoots form in winter due to lack of light. They try to trim them to the so-called “last year’s growth,” that is, above the leaves that formed at the end of last summer. After this, as a rule, strong shoots are formed that make up the skeleton of the plant. Need to trim sharp knife or pruning shears.

Shoots of plants with small growth, as well as shoots individual species that need to be given a certain shape are pinched. In this case, only the top is removed. They usually pinch by hand during the entire active growth period, that is, from April to the end of July. This should not be done later, since young shoots will form with decreasing daylight hours and this will negatively affect their quality.

Need regular replanting. Alas, otherwise they won't be good enough! And it is very important to coordinate such an important action as replanting home flowers with the lunar calendar, the site clarifies!

So, when should they be replanted?

It is in the spring that it grows very actively root system, so it’s best to focus on spring. The best phase of the moon will be the waxing moon or the new moon. After the new moon itself, the waxing moon period lasts for another twelve days, so there is a lot of time left. The main thing, says JoeInfoMedia journalist Diana Lynn, is not to forget that during this period the Moon is waning, so keep an eye on the lunar calendar and don’t rush for a transplant right now!

By the way, it makes sense to take into account the sign in which the Moon is located. Plants bloom best in the signs of Pisces, Libra, Taurus, Cancer and Scorpio. However, choosing a constellation only makes sense when everything is in order with the plant. If it withers and turns yellow, then it doesn’t even matter whether the Moon is waning for an hour - replant it immediately!

What should the pot be like?

As a rule, replanting is carried out because the flower has simply grown out of its pot and roots are visible on the surface. Choose new pot It’s very simple: put the old pot in a new one, and so that there is a gap of one centimeter between the pots, you can do it a little more, but not too much: a violet, for example, should occupy the entire pot with its roots, only after that it will bloom again, so the flowering may slow down. In addition, the soil in a large pot can simply “sour”, because the plant simply cannot “pump” moisture...

Photo: pxhere

How to transplant directly?

You can choose a universal primer, but much better - a special mixture. Cacti need soil that is poor in organic matter, but that breathes well. Violet - neutral, moisture-absorbing. Ficus - saturated with oxygen, with peat, sand, turf and leaf soil. Fortunately, a specially prepared mixture is always sold in stores. It is also important to consider drainage: a centimeter layer of expanded clay is best. To save money, you need foam plastic drainage, that is, the foam packaging should be crumbled, but coarsely. You can take broken brick.

Photo: pxhere

We water the plant generously, wait a day, and remove the soil from the pot. If you are satisfied with the soil in which your flower grew, replant it together with an old clod of earth, this will cause less damage to the roots. In any case, place a centimeter layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot, then peat or moss to prevent the soil from being washed away, then a little soil and a plant. It is very important to water it well and put it on the shady side for a week.

Photo: pxhere

We already told you. And in general indoor plants They freshen the air and are generally very useful. Don't forget that caring for them should be quite thorough! And then everything will be fine, and the flowers will be pleasing to the eye.

In order for our beloved plants to develop well, they need to create favorable conditions. They always need to be watered, fed on time and, of course, do not forget to renew the soil and change the pot to a more spacious one. From time to time, indoor flowers should be replanted, but we will try to find out in more detail when this needs to be done.

Replanting indoor flowers

Any plant gradually grows, and its root system also develops. It becomes larger over time, absorbing from soil mixture All useful substances. As the roots grow they it becomes crowded in the previous container. Even if the “pets” are fed and kept in the same pot for several years, their full development will be suspended.

You can often observe when a flower is watered frequently, but the soil in it dries out very quickly. This happens due to the intensive growth of the root system. Another factor is that through the drainage hole you can see some of the roots that are making their way out. If this happens, then it’s time to change the cramped pot to a more spacious one.

Certain species exotic plants do not need annual replanting. Changing the potty has a negative effect on them and they experience stress. They need to be replanted only when the root system has completely entwined the entire pot.

Transplantation helps solve various problems, since they are often interfere with full development:

  • not enough free space in the pot;
  • if pests or diseases appear;
  • shortage nutrients in the soil.

Plants need enough time to become well established before flowering, so best time- period of rest.

When to replant flowers?

After winter, a time of rest, the inhabitants of pots begin the process of active development. They need renewed soil; it can provide the necessary nutrition. Experts believe that the most favorable time for transplantation - spring. If buds appear, they are preparing to flower, then the process should be postponed until next year.

It is recommended to replant perennials at least once every 2 years. Indoor flowers that grow very slowly need this procedure once every three years. Cacti and succulents can easily develop in this container for up to 6 years.

It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the lunar calendar in order to choose the most favorable days. Enough to buy lunar calendar for a year to understand in what lunar days make a transplant. It is believed that they should not be disturbed during the full moon. It is best to do this on days when the moon is waxing. A very good period when the moon is in fertile signs- Pisces, Taurus, Cancer. These signs have a remarkable effect on the development of plants, even with a waning moon.

Which is correct?

First, you need to determine what species the flower that needs replanting belongs to. After that choose a new container for it. It should not be too large, only 2-3 cm in diameter larger than before. A new or old container should be thoroughly treated with boiling water. If the pot is clay, then place it in water for a couple of hours so that everything comes out. harmful substances. It is necessary to lay a drainage layer of 3 cm at the bottom of the container. The following is suitable as drainage:

  • coals;
  • expanded clay;
  • gravel;
  • shards.

Some need a thicker layer, it can occupy 1/3 or half of the pot. The soil mixture must always meet the following criteria:

  • be nutritious;
  • pass air to the root system;
  • contain the required % acidity for a certain type;
  • free from pests and pathogens;
  • do not retain excess moisture.

How to check the need for a transplant?

If there are any doubts about updating the container, they can be checked by removing its inhabitant from the pot. This must be done carefully and always together with the soil. If all the soil is entangled in the root system and the ground is practically invisible, then it’s time to move the plant to a larger container.

When the roots have not completely entwined the container, there is still free space left for further development, Then it's worth waiting a little. The flower easily returns to its original place and continues to grow.

If the plant does not have new shoots, it does not throw out buds, the leaves turn yellow, and the earthen lump with roots may bulge out of the pot - it must be replanted.

Process Description

The plant chosen for relocation must be watered one day before to make it easier to remove it from the old pot. It is better to buy soil for planting in a store, selecting a specific soil mixture. In such soil the most suitable suitable composition for full development. Earth from own garden It is better not to take it, since various fertilizers are often added there; such a composition can harm the flower.

When removing the root with a lump of earth, you should pay attention to the presence of pests. If there are any, then you will have to get rid of the soil and wash the roots. Rotten roots must be removed, treated with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkled with ash.

After the drainage layer, you need to pour a little soil mixture into the pot in a layer of about 2 cm. After this, the plant is transferred to a new pot and free space covered with earth. The soil must be lightly patted, watered and sprinkled with a light layer of loose soil to provide air access to the roots. Over time, watering will cause the soil to settle and after that you can add a little more fresh soil.

Proper care

Immediately after moving into a new container, the resident should not be placed in a sunny place. It is better to place the pot in the shady side of the room for five days, while its new “tenant” adapts. After that, if everything is ok, return to normal place. The plant should not be watered for the first week. In the future, watering should also be limited so that the roots, due to lack of moisture, tend to seek it, growing in a new substrate.

Indoor flowers do not need feeding right away. Fertilizers can be applied no earlier than 4-8 weeks after transplantation. It is recommended to spray the foliage almost daily. Hobbyists with extensive experience recommend pinching or trimming the ends of the stems. This improves the nutrition of the flower and its development is intensified.

All these simple rules will certainly be useful to know when to replant plants. They will help create more comfortable conditions for their resettlement and development. Our favorite flowers will soon surprise us with their abundance if the whole procedure is carried out carefully, in a timely manner and correctly.

There are quite a lot interesting signs related to Maundy Thursday, and various questions are often asked. For example, is it possible to plant on this day? Detailed answers are given below.

This day was called “clean” because there is a long-standing folk tradition On the Thursday before Easter, go to the bathhouse and put the house in complete order.

Joyful bustle, cleansing of body and soul, anticipation of Easter - this is the true atmosphere of Maundy Thursday. In Rus', it was Thursday (and also Tuesday) that were considered the most “light”, fertile days.

Therefore, it is not forbidden to engage in any agricultural work (preparing seeds, replanting flowers, seedlings, fertilizing plantings, etc.). However, there is a belief that it is better not to plant potatoes on Maundy Thursday. By the way, in our latitudes at such a time (and this is usually the beginning of April) no one thinks about this - the earth and air have not yet warmed up well enough.

However, all these reflections concern only popular ideas. In reality, each person can do as he pleases. Moreover, the church does not prohibit doing household chores. True, believers should plan their day so that there is time left for both earthly and spiritual matters.

What is the best thing to plant and do in the garden on Maundy Thursday?

Experienced gardeners often adhere to other folk beliefs. They confidently answer positively to the question of whether it is possible to plant a garden on Maundy Thursday. For example, they sow seedlings:

  • tomatoes;
  • cabbage

Despite the fact that the time for these purposes is already quite late, the yields are very good. In addition, seeds of turnips, radishes, beets, carrots, and legumes are also planted. Potatoes are planted according to the weather. They are also rooting new cuttings and planting fruit trees.

Maundy Thursday and lunar calendar

According to the Lunar calendar 2019, Maundy Thursday (it falls on April 25) is the 19th, 20th lunar day, when the disk begins to decrease (it is dark by about a quarter). In terms of planting, this is a fairly neutral time - gardening is not forbidden.

But you can safely resolve business issues, draw up documents, submit applications. All such situations are resolved surprisingly easily and successfully on Maundy Thursday.

Is it possible to plant seedlings and replant flowers?

People also often wonder whether it is possible to replant flowers on Maundy Thursday or to plant seedlings. Again, there are no specific prohibitions.

Moreover, one can often come across the opinion that it is on Maundy Thursday that it is good to prepare the ground for agricultural work. If you have time to do everything in advance - prepare flower seeds, soil - then even after Easter you can quickly grow flower seedlings, and then replant the flowers.

Plantings during Holy Week: the opinion of the church

Holy Week– these are the last 6 days of Lent, which ends exactly on Easter Sunday. People have their own beliefs about whether it is possible to plant a vegetable garden on Maundy Thursday before Easter or on other days of the week. You can find both arguments for and against engaging in agricultural work.

In reality, these are nothing more than folk beliefs, which are largely associated with superstitions. In the life of a peasant, farmer and summer resident, not everything depends on him personally - the land either brings it or it doesn’t. And of course, everyone wants to enlist the support of heavenly powers, which is why all kinds of traditions appear.

However, it is worth keeping in mind that there are no specific prohibitions on planting a vegetable garden. Representatives of the church proceed from the fact that a person can act exactly as he sees fit. However, it is also clear that Holy Week and Easter are special times.

Therefore, no household chores should take over our time so much that it completely distracts us from spiritual matters. It is important to spend time with your thoughts, communicating with your family, preparing for Easter, going to church, and generally doing good deeds. This is why many priests believe that work can be done any day.

However, you should definitely finish the main work before Easter. IN last days before the holiday (Good Friday) and, of course, on Easter Sunday itself, we put off all the usual things and devote our time to other activities.

And it turns out that Maundy Thursday is a kind of temporary O th border - after all, this day was the last in the earthly life of Christ. This means that it is advisable to calculate your time in such a way that all important matters are completed on Thursday (below is the commentary of Archpriest Konstantin Madzyanovsky).

Thus, everyone has the right to answer the question of whether it is possible to work in the garden and what to plant on Maundy Thursday or on the Saturday before Easter. Of course, in life there are difficult situations, requiring urgent decisions. And in most cases, of course, we can skillfully plan our time so that we can pay attention to both earthly matters and spiritual thoughts.

With the onset of spring, it becomes important for every gardener to comply with planting dates for various crops. Many people rely on the clues of nature, on the lunar calendar. Some people have questions about linking the timing of sowing to the dates of various holidays. And one of the questions that beginner gardeners are most often interested in is whether it is possible to plant a garden after?

When can you plant a garden after Easter?

Easter is one of the holidays whose date changes every year. It may fall on different dates in April or at the beginning of May. At the same time, for garden crops There are approximate dates when it is most favorable to plant them. So, for example:

  • starting in mid-April, early carrots, parsnips and parsley are planted;
  • at the end of April, zucchini plants are also planted;
  • in the first ten days of May, melons, cucumbers and pumpkins are sown;
  • It is advisable to have time to plant potatoes and beets before May 10th.

Considering that in recent years the weather is not stable, experienced summer residents When choosing the timing for planting a vegetable garden, they are guided by the tips of wildlife. These include the following folk signs:

  • When snowdrops begin to bloom (this happens in early to mid-April), it is recommended to sow seeds of cabbage, tomatoes and cucumbers in the greenhouse. This will help you get vegetables that ripen earlier than open garden bed;
  • when catkins begin to appear on the aspen, you can begin to sow carrots, parsley and parsnips;
  • From the moment the catkins appear, potatoes are planted on the birch tree. Beginning gardeners often wonder whether it is possible to plant potatoes immediately after Easter. As a rule, the moment earrings appear on a birch tree coincides with this holiday;
  • the appearance of green leaves on the oak tree signals that it is time to plant legumes;
  • the flowering of chestnuts indicates that it is time to sow corn, beets (for storage) and beans;
  • when the viburnum has bloomed, you can plant pumpkins;
  • During the blooming of the willow and the flowering of the rowan, seedlings of tomatoes, peppers and eggplants should be planted. During this period, the likelihood of frost disappears;
  • The flowering of the hazel tree indicates that the soil will no longer freeze. At this time in open ground they begin to sow cold-resistant crops, for example, radishes, sorrel, spinach;
  • cherry blossoms will help you understand that you can sow dill, herbs, re-greens, zucchini, pumpkin, and squash.

When to plant and replant after Easter?

Considering that Easter is big religious holiday, believers are interested in: what week after Easter should they not plant? In accordance with church canons, it is generally accepted that you cannot work for the entire next week after this holiday. This time should be devoted to prayer, going to church and turning to God.

On the other hand, everyone who is used to working on the land is familiar with the saying that one spring day feeds the whole year. Therefore, the question more applicable to agricultural work is: on what day after Easter can you plant? In this regard, the rule applies that you can start planting a vegetable garden three days after Easter.

The timing of planting garden crops varies from year to year depending on weather conditions. Spring can be early, timely or late. Therefore, it is important to correctly navigate and decide on the time of planting the garden, as this will help to get a good harvest in the future.