Decorative sunflower: photo, sowing, growing method. Sunflower - cultivation, beneficial properties and contraindications

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Everyone knows sunflower How beautiful plant, reminiscent of the sun and produces a tasty and healthy product - seeds, which almost fully satisfy the needs of an adult, both in polyunsaturated acids and vitamin E. Thus, sunflower preparations are able to relax smooth muscles in a short time internal organs, lower body temperature, stimulate appetite. At the same time, not only the kernels (or seeds) of sunflower are useful, but also its other parts, namely inflorescences, leaves, roots, stems. We’ll talk more about the use of sunflower in medicine and its beneficial properties later.

Description of the plant

Sunflower name ( Helianthus) is translated from Latin as “flower of the sun” (or solar flower). And it is not by chance that this name was given to it, because large sunflower inflorescences, which are bordered by bright yellow petals, really resemble the sun. In addition, the sunflower has a unique ability, which consists in the fact that the plant turns its head behind the sun, thereby traveling with it from sunrise to sunset.

It should be noted that most sunflower species are annual plants, although there are also perennials, which are mainly herbaceous plants.

Sunflower is distinguished by a thick and strong root, rough and pointed leaves at the top, of which there can be from 15 to 35. The top of the stem has a large inflorescence-basket, surrounded below by green leaves, but outside the basket there are golden flowers.

The sunflower fruit is an achene with a kernel. Depending on the type of plant, the skin of the achene is white or black.

Where do sunflowers grow?

The homeland of sunflower is Peru and Mexico (it was from here that this plant was brought to Russia). Sunflower prefers warm climates and fertile soil, therefore grown in the southern part of Russia. In intense sunlight, as well as providing moisture and nutrients directly in the soil this plant develops powerful root system, has large leaves and gives enough good harvest seeds

Sunflower varieties

The sunflower genus has about 108 species, with two rightfully considered the most famous:
1. Oilseed (annual).
2. Jerusalem artichoke (perennial).

Annual sunflower (oilseed or ordinary)

The annual sunflower, which is also called oilseed or ordinary, has a stem reaching a height of two to three meters, heart-shaped triangular leaves, placed alternately on the stem. The powerful stem is topped with a large basket-shaped inflorescence, the diameter of which varies between 10 – 35 cm. Bottom part the inflorescences are surrounded by green, tiled-shaped leaves, while the flowers in the central part of the basket are smaller in size and bright yellow in color. It must be said that by the time flowering begins, the baskets droop.

The thick stem of the plant is covered with stiff hairs. The fruits of annual sunflowers are oblong and slightly flattened achenes of white, gray or black color (the achenes can also be striped). This type of sunflower blooms from July to October. As an oilseed crop, it is grown in fields, vegetable gardens and orchards.

Perennial sunflower (Jerusalem artichoke)

This is a tuberous plant, which in Russia is better known as “earthen pear,” but in Europe, perennial sunflower is called “Jerusalem artichoke.”

The homeland of the earthen pear is Brazil, it was from here that this plant was brought to Europe along with American Indians from the Tupinambus tribe (hence another name for the plant - “Jerusalem artichoke”).

This light-loving and drought-resistant plant is used as decorative element, food product And medicinal plant. Thus, Jerusalem artichoke tubers contain inulin, macro- and microelements, pectins, vitamins C and B, and iron salts. But harmful substances and Jerusalem artichoke does not accumulate nitrates.

Inulin is a polysaccharide, the hydrolysis of which produces fructose, a sugar that is harmless to diabetics.

Jerusalem artichoke contains large number iron, manganese, calcium, as well as magnesium, potassium and sodium. In addition, this type of sunflower actively accumulates silicon directly from the soil. It is impossible not to say that Jerusalem artichoke contains proteins, pectin, amino acids, beneficial organic and fatty acids.

Important! Jerusalem artichoke contains 8 amino acids that are synthesized exclusively by plants (that is, not synthesized in the human body). We are talking about histidine, arginine, valine, isoleucine, leucine, lysine, methionine, tryptophan.

Thus, biologically active substances are the basis healing properties Jerusalem artichoke.

Jerusalem artichoke is similar to an ordinary sunflower, but at the same time it has underground shoots (so-called stolons), on which potato tubers are formed. Perennial sunflower grows in one place for 30 (or even 40) years, although it produces a high yield only in the first three to four years.

Jerusalem artichoke tubers have medicinal properties, which normalize metabolism, which has a positive effect on treatment:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
Preparations from Jerusalem artichoke are used in the treatment of urolithiasis and cholelithiasis, and in the prevention of heart attack. Jerusalem artichoke perfectly removes toxins and all kinds of waste from the body, and also calms the nervous system.

Sunflower collection and storage

The medicinal raw materials of sunflower are:
  • marginal flowers;
  • leaves;
  • seeds;
  • stem;
  • roots.
The collection of raw materials is carried out during the flowering period, and it is important to collect flowers and leaves separately: for example, it is recommended to pick off the edge flowers of the baskets at the beginning of flowering, and the leaves at the end.

In medicine, reed flowers of bright yellow sunflower are used, which are cut off in such a way as not to damage the baskets themselves. collected flowers Dry immediately in a well-ventilated area, which allows you to preserve their natural color. The smell of dried raw materials during the soaking process should be weak and honey-like, but the taste should be a little bitter.

Sunflower leaves are torn from the petioles, and very large leaves should not be collected, especially if they are damaged by rust or eaten by insects. The leaves are dried in the air, but always in the shade (you can use special dryers). Properly dried leaves should be rough and have prominent and heavily pubescent veins. The dried raw material has a dark green color and a bitter taste, while the dried leaves have no odor.

Sunflower roots are collected (pulled out) in the fall (more precisely, at the end of September), that is, after ripening, as well as after collecting the seeds. It is at this time that the roots of the plant have healing properties.

Sunflower seeds ripen by September.

Flowers and leaves are stored in fabric bags for no more than two years.

Composition and properties of sunflower


This is an immunostimulant of plant origin, which greatly increases the body's defenses by neutralizing the negative effects of free radicals.


  • activation of lipid metabolism;
  • normalization of triglyceride levels in the blood;
  • promoting energy production;
  • normalization of the acidity of gastric contents;
  • improving the functioning of the digestive system;
  • preventing fat deposition.


  • promoting fat absorption;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • stimulation of cardiac activity;
  • strengthening the central nervous system;
  • prevention of premature aging.


  • bactericidal;
  • bacteriostatic;
  • astringent;
  • antiputrefactive.

Fixed oils

  • regeneration of tissues and cells of the body;
  • elimination of inflammation;
  • accelerating the wound healing process;
  • protecting the body from negative impact carcinogenic substances.


  • strengthening and improving the elasticity of both capillaries and vascular walls;
  • neutralization of free radicals;
  • regulation of the central nervous system;
  • lowering blood pressure.

Organic acids

  • increased appetite;
  • activation of metabolic processes, which promotes the breakdown of fats;
  • increasing immunity;
  • removal of toxins;
  • normalization of digestion.


By modifying cell proteins, they form protective film, which accelerates the healing process of wounds and neutralizes harmful effects bacteria Tannins are used as anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, bacteriostatic and astringent agents.


Action of calcium:
  • forms teeth and skeleton;
  • normalizes metabolism;
  • strengthens heart vessels;
  • increases immunity;
  • regulates the functioning of the central nervous system.


  • renews skin cells;
  • reduces allergic manifestations;
  • accelerates wound healing;
  • relieves inflammation;
  • increases immunity.


  • diuretic;
  • sedative;
  • vasodilator;
  • expectorant;
  • antimicrobial;
  • disinfectant.


  • reducing the fragility of capillaries and blood vessels;
  • slowing down the aging process;
  • stopping bleeding;
  • strengthening the heart muscle;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • relieving inflammation;
  • normalization of the central nervous system.


  • appetite stimulation;
  • normalization of digestion;
  • restoration of the body in case of exhaustion, weakness, loss of strength, neurasthenia;
  • strengthening the immune system.


This excellent source of energy provides the body with hormones, antibodies, as well as other enzymes that are necessary for the full functioning of the body.


This is the main source of energy for humans, ensuring a complete metabolic process.


  • stimulating liver function;
  • prevention of the development of fatty liver;
  • lowering cholesterol levels;
  • strengthening blood vessels;
  • normalization of the nervous system;
  • activation of fat metabolism.


  • acceleration of oxidative processes;
  • ensuring normal fat metabolism;
  • improving brain function;
  • normalization of the cardiovascular system;
  • increasing the body's resistance to toxic substances;
  • stimulation of bile secretion;
  • participation in the process of formation of red blood cells and hemoglobin.

Vitamin A

  • participation in oxidative as well as reduction processes;
  • regulation of the process of protein synthesis;
  • normalization of metabolism;
  • participation in the formation of bones and teeth;
  • slowing down the aging process.

Vitamin E

  • inhibition of membrane destruction and calcium leakage from cells;
  • optimization of metabolic processes inside the cell;
  • removal of toxins;
  • normalization of reproductive function;
  • regulation of RNA and protein biosynthesis.


  • removal of radionuclides, salts of heavy metals;
  • suppression of putrefactive intestinal flora.


  • thinning of sputum;
  • removal of mucus from the bronchopulmonary system;
  • preventing DNA synthesis in tumor cells.

Properties of sunflower

  • choleretic;
  • antipyretic;
  • laxative;
  • antispasmodic;
  • antitussive;
  • emollient;
  • immunomodulatory;
  • enveloping;
  • astringent;
  • antirheumatic;
  • antisclerotic;
  • expectorant.

Treatment with common sunflower

Sunflower is widely used for health purposes due to the presence in the plant of many biologically active substances that are vital for the normal functioning of the entire body.

The following parts of the plant are used in medicine:

  • seeds;
  • root;
  • flowers;
  • inflorescences;
  • petals;
  • stem.


Raw seeds have the following properties:
  • help normalize blood pressure;
  • facilitate the removal of sputum;
  • prevent sclerotic changes directly in blood vessels;
  • normalize the functioning of the nervous system;
  • reduce the manifestations of allergies.
In addition, sunflower seeds have expectorant, softening and diuretic effects, therefore they are widely used in the treatment of laryngeal, bronchial, and pulmonary diseases.

Sunflower oil is obtained from sunflower seeds, which is a component of ointments, plasters, and effective oil solutions.


This part of the plant helps dissolve and remove salts from the body, therefore preparations from sunflower roots are used in the treatment of:
  • arthrosis;
  • stones and sand both in the kidneys and in the gall bladder.


Annual sunflower flowers are included in products intended for the treatment of the following diseases:
  • heart disease;
  • cold;
  • neurasthenia;
  • bronchitis;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • malaria;
  • gout;


Sunflower inflorescence is indicated for the treatment of diseases of the liver, stomach, as well as the duodenum, intestines and pancreas, and articular rheumatism.

Sunflower leaves

Preparations from sunflower leaves are used for:
  • fever;
  • neuralgia;
  • psoriasis;
  • gastrointestinal colic;
  • diseases of the spinal cord and brain;
  • bronchial asthma;
  • cold.


An infusion of yellow sunflower petals is used internally for cancer as a diuretic. Externally, products containing sunflower petals are used to treat pemphigus vulgaris and old ulcers in diabetes mellitus.


This part of the plant is used to treat diseases of the genitourinary system, kidneys, and thyroid gland. When using the sunflower stem, which has a pronounced diuretic effect, joint pain may be observed, indicating the cleansing of the joint capsules from harmful deposits.

Application of sunflower

Sunflower preparations are used in the form of decoctions, infusions, and tinctures.


A decoction of sunflower flowers is prepared as follows: 2 tbsp. the raw materials are crushed and poured with a glass of boiling water, then the mixture is placed on low heat for 10 minutes, after which the product is infused for an hour, filtered and brought to the original volume with boiled water. Take a decoction of three tablespoons no more than four times a day, 20 minutes before eating.


Sunflower infusion helps cure colds and relieve fever. To prepare the infusion, 2 tbsp. pour a glass of boiling water over sunflower petals, leave for 10 minutes and drink at night.


Sunflower tincture, prepared from leaves and flowers, is prescribed to improve appetite and enhance gastrointestinal activity. In addition, the tincture is used for malaria, pulmonary diseases and neuralgia.

To prepare the tincture, 3 tbsp. The flowers are poured into a glass of vodka and left to infuse for a week in a dark place. After the specified time, the tincture is filtered and drunk 40 drops, twice a day.

Contraindications to the use of sunflower

When taking sunflower preparations in therapeutic doses, no side effects occur. But still, experts do not recommend taking sunflower seeds to people who suffer from gastritis or peptic ulcers. It is also undesirable to consume sunflower seeds in large quantities for overweight people, since the seeds of the plant belong to the class of high-calorie foods.

A contraindication to the use of sunflower is individual intolerance to the plant.

Important! Before taking sunflower preparations, it is necessary to determine whether you are allergic to this plant in order to avoid possible complications.

Sunflower allergy

An allergy to sunflower is most often triggered by the human body’s sensitivity to the plant’s pollen, which, penetrating into the bronchi, causes a negative reaction of the immune system. In the worst case, hay fever (or an allergic reaction to pollen) can cause the development of bronchial asthma, a disease that is accompanied by shortness of breath and cough. Therefore, it is important to determine the presence or absence of an allergy to this plant before starting to use sunflower preparations. And an allergist will help with this, who will collect an anamnesis and prescribe tests to clarify the allergen or rule out allergies.

In general, hay fever is often accompanied by allergic rhinitis, which can be recognized by the following signs:

  • severe itching in the nose;
  • paroxysmal sneezing;
  • nasal congestion;
  • decreased sense of smell;
In addition, against the background of hay fever, allergic conjunctivitis may develop, which is accompanied by the following symptoms:
  • itching in the eyes;
  • redness of the eyelids;
  • lacrimation.
The most obvious sign of sensitization to sunflower is the seasonality of the allergy: thus, with the end of the flowering time of the plant, the ailment goes away on its own.

Sunflower honey has a fairly high content of carotene, vitamin A, and aromatic substances, which have bactericidal properties and are therefore used to accelerate wound healing.

This type of honey is recommended to be used simultaneously with apple cider vinegar, for which you should mix a glass of water at room temperature, a tablespoon of sunflower honey and a tablespoon apple cider vinegar. This mixture is drunk in the morning on an empty stomach for at least a month.

Important! Sunflower honey contains a high percentage of pollen, so it is not recommended for people who are prone to allergies.

Beneficial properties of sunflower honey

Unfortunately, in our country, sunflower honey is not always in demand, which cannot be said about European countries, where this honey is compulsorily included in the school and kindergarten diet. Our compatriots do not prefer sunflower honey for the reason that it quickly crystallizes (in liquid form this honey is kept for no more than 20 days, and sometimes crystallizes in the hive itself). Moreover, after crystallization, honey acquires a bitter taste.

But rapid crystallization does not detract medicinal properties this honey, which contains an amount of glucose one and a half times higher than in other types of honey.

Glucose does not need additional processing directly in the stomach, since it is instantly absorbed into the blood, spreading throughout the body.

Properties of glucose:

  • strengthening the walls of the heart muscle;
  • increasing the strength of blood vessels;
  • promoting the normalization of heart function.
Properties of sunflower honey:
  • normalization of arterial and venous circulation;
  • removing toxins from the body;
  • improvement of liver function;
  • preventing the appearance of edema;
  • strengthening the myocardial muscle;
  • promoting the process of hematopoiesis, which accelerates the renewal of the body.

Sunflower Lecithin

Lecithin is an integral component of the growth and development of the body. Lecithin is a component of all cell membranes human body, acting as the main component of the protective shell not only of the brain, but of all nerve fibers without exception. Simply put, without lecithin the normal functioning of the heart, liver, kidneys and other organs is impossible.

Lecithin is responsible for the “repair” and regular renewal of body cells, since it is part of the so-called “good” cholesterol, which removes “bad” cholesterol from the atherosclerotic plaque located in the vessel, thereby helping to restore its lumen.

In general, lecithin has three main functions:
1. Conservation of energy transported throughout the body.
2. Ensuring the construction of cell membranes.
3. Providing adaptive properties of the body.

It is in such a plant as the common sunflower that contains a large amount of lecithin, which affects the body in the following way:

  • prevents the development of diseases caused by dysfunction of the nervous system;
  • has a beneficial effect on mental development;
  • produces acetylcholine, which ensures normal metabolism of both fats and cholesterol;
  • strengthens memory;
  • normalizes reproductive function (without lecithin, women cannot conceive, bear and give birth to a healthy child);
  • increases the body's resistance to the influence of toxic substances;
  • stimulates bile secretion;
  • prevents the development of multiple sclerosis;
  • improves attention;
  • increases physical endurance;
  • promotes the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K;
  • protects the liver from the negative effects of preservatives, insecticides, toxins, as well as drugs and alcohol.

Recipes with annual sunflower

Tincture for gout

Young sunflower flower and its green small ones lower leaves are crushed well, after which they fill the third part of the bottle, into which vodka is poured to the top. The product is infused for a month in a warm place, shaking regularly. The strained tincture is taken daily in half a glass, diluted with boiled water. The same tincture can be used as warming compresses.

Compresses for the treatment of joints

One glass of crushed sunflower roots is poured into a liter hot water, after which the mixture is cooked over low heat for one hour (the product should boil down by almost half). The finished decoction has a dark, rich color. In the resulting decoction, gauze (or cloth) folded in several layers is moistened and applied to the sore joint. Cellophane is placed on top of the compress, then cotton wool, and then the compress is secured with a warm scarf. This procedure is carried out at night, which will provide rest to the sore joint.

Infusion for stomach cancer

3 tbsp. fresh crushed flowers of the plant are poured with one liter of fresh milk, after which the mixture is simmered in a steam bath until the product has evaporated to half the original volume. The infusion is cooled, filtered and consumed three times a day, a tablespoon, 30 minutes before meals. The treatment course is two liters of infusion. Then there is a break for three weeks.

Decoction for whooping cough

Ripe sunflower seeds are dried in the oven and kneaded in a mortar. 3 tbsp. crushed seeds are poured with half a liter of sweetened water and simmered over fire until the volume of water is reduced by one fourth. The strained decoction is taken for 10 – 12 days.

Decoction for prostate adenoma

Dried sunflower roots (a little less than one glass) are boiled in three liters of water (exclusively enamel dishes are used to prepare the decoction). The decoction is infused for three hours and taken one liter per day.

In addition, for prostate adenoma, enemas from the sediment of sunflower oil, which must be unrefined, are indicated. Enemas are done for 10 days, for which 100 - 150 g of oil with sediment should be poured into a heated enema and inserted into the anus.

Tincture for pneumonia

A half-liter bottle is filled with sunflower flowers, filled with vodka and infused for two weeks. The strained tincture is drunk a teaspoon three times a day. Before use, you should consult a specialist.

Do you want to have a little sun in your flowerbed? Then plant a decorative sunflower.

Helianthus seeds, as this plant is correctly called, came to Russia thanks to Peter I, and they come from Mexico. At first, sunflowers were grown precisely as ornamental plants - they were highly valued for their large and beautiful flowers, capable of turning their “heads” following sun rays. And although these were the most ordinary, as “technical” plants are now called, they aroused the well-deserved admiration of amateurs.

Decorative varieties of the famous oilseed crop appeared relatively recently and quickly gained popularity among gardeners.

The baskets of this extraordinary flower are up to half a meter in diameter, but there are also very small ones - only 10 cm. Unlike an ordinary sunflower, its entire calyx is filled with small flowers, completely covering the brown base. The flower basket is like a crown with multi-colored tubular flowers, the color of which, depending on the variety, can be not only yellow, but also cream, orange, and even white. The shapes of the petals are also very diverse - long, round, twisted or curved.

This plant is an excellent honey plant; insects love to visit it. Therefore, when flowering ends, a large number of seeds are formed, which taste no worse than those that grow on industrial varieties of sunflower.

Helianthus is very unpretentious, but loves open sunny areas. If the soil is fertile enough, you can not fertilize it at all, or feed it with organic matter at the very beginning of the growing season. But we must remember that next year in the place where sunflowers grew, it will be possible to plant only beans or beans. They deplete the soil so much that even fertilizer cannot immediately improve the situation.

Decorative sunflowers are propagated in the same way as ordinary ones - by sowing seeds directly into the ground, and perennial species - by dividing the bush, which is done in spring and autumn.

Divide the bushes in the second or third year. This not only rejuvenates the plant, but also promotes lush flowering.

Planting decorative sunflowers

For sowing, it is advisable to choose a sunny place with well-drained soil. Seeds are sown no deeper than 2.5 cm. Sufficient distance must be left between plants, which depends on the size of the selected variety.

Shoots appear in one or two weeks. And flowering begins after another 75 or 80 days. To ensure flowering continues until frost, most varieties can be sown sequentially, starting in May.

Faded inflorescences should be removed immediately. This will speed up the opening of new buds, and the stems will bend less to the ground.

Sow decorative sunflower It is necessary as early as possible - so that it has time to grow and bloom before autumn. But it must be taken into account that all of it annual species They are very thermophilic and therefore afraid of frost. But there is one trick here: to speed up flowering, you need to remove all the stepsons and small buds that are located under the main central one.

If you want to get abundant and beautiful flowering, in dry weather the sunflower must be watered generously at least once a week. It is also important to protect the plant from the wind, which can simply break the tall, thin stems with heavy flower heads.

In the northern regions, perennial helianthus varieties require additional winter care. If there is not enough snow in winter, they can freeze, so the bushes should be covered.

There are many attractive varieties of ornamental sunflowers. They are great for both garden decoration and cutting. One of the most beautiful is “Teddy Bear”. It is low, no more than a meter, with double flowers, blooms well even in the capricious climate of the north-west. If you plant it at the end of May, it will bloom in last days July, and will delight you until the frosts.

Decorative sunflower - planting and care

Other interesting varieties of domestic selection:

The summer resident is a charming, sturdy man no more than 40 cm tall; he looks spectacular both in flower beds and in separate groups.
- Red Sun is a tall variety with velvety burgundy inflorescences with a dark center.
- Light of the Moon – huge lemon-colored inflorescences, up to 45 cm in size; In addition to the central one, the largest, it has a number of lateral inflorescences, which are slightly smaller, but make the plant look like a large bouquet.

Varieties from foreign companies are also popular:

Giant Single - a two-meter giant with golden petals;
- Ginge Nat (Ginger Nat) – yellow, terry, one and a half meters high;
- Moulin Rouge – velvet, dark burgundy color;
- Vanilla Ice – with a black center and pale yellow edges.

All sunflowers are great for making bouquets. And from tall varieties of decorative sunflowers you can make original screen walls that protect the garden from the wind and prying eyes.

Do you want to have a little sun in your flowerbed? Then plant a decorative sunflower.

Helianthus seeds, as this plant is correctly called, came to Russia thanks to Peter I, and they come from Mexico. At first, sunflowers were grown precisely as ornamental plants - they were highly valued for their large and beautiful flowers, capable of turning their “heads” following the sun’s rays. And although these were the most ordinary, as “technical” plants are now called, they aroused the well-deserved admiration of amateurs.

Decorative varieties of the famous oilseed crop appeared relatively recently and quickly gained popularity among gardeners.

The baskets of this extraordinary flower are up to half a meter in diameter, but there are also very small ones - only 10 cm. Unlike an ordinary sunflower, its entire calyx is filled with small flowers, completely covering the brown base. The flower basket is like a crown with multi-colored tubular flowers, the color of which, depending on the variety, can be not only yellow, but also cream, orange, and even white. The shapes of the petals are also very diverse - long, round, twisted or curved.

This plant is an excellent honey plant; insects love to visit it. Therefore, when flowering ends, a large number of seeds are formed, which taste no worse than those that grow on industrial varieties of sunflower.

Helianthus is very unpretentious, but loves open sunny areas. If the soil is fertile enough, you can not fertilize it at all, or feed it with organic matter at the very beginning of the growing season. But we must remember that next year in the place where the sunflowers grew, it will be possible to plant only beans or beans. They deplete the soil so much that even fertilizer cannot immediately improve the situation.

Ornamental sunflowers are propagated in the same way as ordinary ones - by sowing seeds directly into the ground, and perennial species - by dividing the bush, which is done in spring and autumn.

Divide the bushes in the second or third year. This not only rejuvenates the plant, but also promotes lush flowering.

For sowing, it is advisable to choose a sunny place with well-drained soil. Seeds are sown no deeper than 2.5 cm. Sufficient distance must be left between plants, which depends on the size of the selected variety.

Shoots appear in one or two weeks. And flowering begins after another 75 or 80 days. To ensure flowering continues until frost, most varieties can be sown sequentially, starting in May.

Faded inflorescences should be removed immediately. This will speed up the opening of new buds, and the stems will bend less to the ground.

Sow decorative sunflower it is necessary as early as possible so that it has time to grow and bloom before autumn. But it must be taken into account that all its annual species are very thermophilic and therefore afraid of frost. But there is one trick here: to speed up flowering, you need to remove all the stepsons and small buds that are located under the main central one.

If you want to get abundant and beautiful flowering, in dry weather the sunflower must be watered generously at least once a week. It is also important to protect the plant from the wind, which can simply break the tall, thin stems with heavy flower heads.

In the northern regions, perennial helianthus varieties require additional winter care. If there is not enough snow in winter, they can freeze, so the bushes should be covered.

There are many attractive varieties of ornamental sunflowers. They are great for both garden decoration and cutting. One of the most beautiful is “Teddy Bear”. It is low, no more than a meter, with double flowers, blooms well even in the capricious climate of the north-west. If you plant it at the end of May, it will bloom in the last days of July and will delight you until the frost.

Other interesting varieties of domestic selection:

— The summer resident is a charming, sturdy man no more than 40 cm tall; he looks impressive both in flower beds and in separate groups.
— Red Sun is a tall variety with velvety burgundy inflorescences with a dark center.
— Light of the Moon - huge lemon-colored inflorescences, up to 45 cm in size; In addition to the central one, the largest, it has a number of lateral inflorescences, which are slightly smaller, but make the plant look like a large bouquet.

Varieties from foreign companies are also popular:

— Giant Single - a two-meter giant with golden petals;
— Ginge Nat (Ginger Nat) - yellow, terry, one and a half meters high;
— Moulin Rouge - velvet, dark burgundy color;
- Vanilla Ice - with a black center and pale yellow edges.

All sunflowers are great for making bouquets. And from tall varieties of decorative sunflowers you can make original screen walls that protect the garden from the wind and prying eyes.

Useful tips, educational articles for summer residents and gardeners. Planting, care, harvesting. Of course, there is a lot of information about flowers, berries, and mushrooms. On the pages of the website "Useful"

Decorative sunflower is becoming an increasingly popular plant in the garden. Decorative varieties of sunflowers with various colors of elegant baskets are now on sale. Among them there are two-three-meter giants and low-growing plants.

Low-growing varieties of sunflowers wonderfully decorate a flowerbed and mixborder. They are good for group plantings, for decorating balconies, suitable for growing in pots, and are also great for cutting.

The flowering of decorative sunflowers is long and abundant – from July to September.

Decorative sunflower sun for the garden

Let's take a trip into the natural world to learn more about these sun lovers.

Sunflower (Helianthus) is a genus of plants belonging to the Asteraceae family. The genus includes about 90 annual and perennial species. Among them there are many edible (gnawing and oilseed) varieties of sunflower grown for seeds, but decorative varieties of sunflower also occupy their place.

The variety of flowers of decorative sunflowers are very showy in the garden.

Ornamental sunflowers vary significantly depending on the variety:

  • flower diameter (5-30 cm);
  • stem height (40-300 cm);
  • color of the petals (lemon, golden, bright yellow, red, orange, burgundy, brown, etc.).

Numerous attractive varieties of decorative sunflowers with exquisite basket-shaped petals and simple, semi-double and double flowers have been developed. These varieties are very good for decorating the garden and making bouquets.

Decorative sunflower cultivation

Decorative sunflower is an unpretentious plant, and growing it is not at all difficult. Like all sunflowers, it is light-loving. Decorative sunflowers reproduce by seeds, which are sown directly into the ground in the spring.

For sowing decorative sunflowers, choose a sunny location; it is advisable to allocate an area with well-drained soil for it. We plant the seeds to a depth of 2-2.5 cm.

The distance between plants depends on the variety and the future size determined by this variety. Small plants in group plantings for decorative purposes are usually located at a distance of 30-50 cm from each other. The distance between large and giant plants is 70 cm or more. If the purpose of planting is to create a screen wall of tall sunflowers that protects the garden from the wind, the crops need to be thicker.

If sunflower seeds are planted in fertile garden soil, then the plants do not require fertilizers: decorative sunflowers grow well without any feeding. However, I still fertilize sunflowers. Of course, they will take care of themselves, pull everything they can out of the soil - after all, such a giant needs to grow at the expense of something. But then the soil will become scarce, and next year nothing can be planted in this place. So I fertilize the plants so that I can plant them year after year. For this reason, it is better not to plant them in the flower garden. Decorative sunflowers are good for camouflaging unsightly places on the site - a barn, a fence, a compost heap.

Sunflower is mainly known to gardeners as annual plant, although there are also perennial varieties.

Perennial sunflowers (giant, ten-petalled and hard) in nature exist in North America, and it was from there that they were brought to Europe. They are winter-hardy, reaching a height of 60 to 250 cm. The flowers of perennial ornamental sunflowers are relatively small and do not exceed 5–9 cm in diameter.

Withdrawn garden varieties with simple, semi-double and double flowers: “Soleil d’Or”, “Major”, “Oktoberfest”, etc.

Decorative sunflower varieties with photos

Sunflower Decorative Raspberry Queen

Sunflower Decorative Raspberry Queen – interesting variety decorative sunflower. It was said about it that this is a new luxurious giant variety. It reaches a height of 1.5-1.8 m and has dense, large velvety inflorescence baskets with a dark brown center and petals of a noble, intense crimson color.

I bought a bag of this variety from Search.

I was expecting sunflowers with approximately the same colors as in the first photo.

As a result, the decorative sunflower flowers turned out to be completely different.

They are less decorative, but have a number of advantages. The plant forms four caps at the top, directed in different directions. They bloom alternately, one sunflower flower fades, and another one forms on the side. Sometimes it begins to form without waiting for the previous one to fade. I immediately removed the flowering baskets. When the upper ones bloomed, new flower stalks emerged from the axils. So they bloomed until they were killed by severe frosts at the end of October. We endured slight frosts calmly, but stood sadly until the sun came out.

Decorative sunflower Teddy Bear

Sunflower Decorative Bear is an annual plant up to 40 cm high. The stems are erect, the flowers are double, bright yellow, up to 15 cm in diameter. The bush is very compact and low. Flowering is very abundant, and until late autumn. It is recommended to sow seeds in April-May directly in open ground. Many gardeners in conditions middle zone In Russia, in mid-April, seedlings are planted in cups, and only when the threat of frost has passed, they are planted in the ground on permanent place. The transplant is tolerated well.

A very interesting, rather low-growing variety, with fluffy, cute, touching flowers. It also grows well in partial shade, although it loves a sunny location.

Looks good in flower beds and does not drown out other plants. However, it requires a lot of space in the flowerbed.

Sunflower Decorative Teddy Bear or Teddy Bear

One of the most beautiful varieties Teddy Bear or Teddy Bear. Similar to the Bear cub variety, low, no more than a meter high, with double bright yellow flowers up to 22 cm in diameter, reminiscent plush toy. It blooms well even under not very favorable climatic and weather conditions. Flowering occurs in mid-summer and lasts until autumn.

Decorative sunflower Red Sun

The decorative sunflower Red Sun is a bit like the Crimson Queen. A very interesting variety with red-brown flowers, reaching a height of up to 2 m.

Decorative sunflower Vanilla Ice

Decorative sunflower Vanilla Ice

This variety was bred by foreign breeders. It has charming pale yellow single petals, with a dark center contrasting with them.

Decorative sunflower Moulin Rouge

Decorative sunflower Moulin Rouge is also a variety of foreign selection. In this variety of sunflower, the flower is painted in a rich carmine red color, the petals gradually change color along the length, they are lighter at the edges and darker towards the core.

Decorative sunflower ProCut Red Lemon BiColor

And this is another wonderful work of foreign breeders - decorative sunflower ProCut Red Lemon BiColor

This is an amazing two-color sunflower: the inner half of the petal is dark red, and the outer half is light yellow.

The heart of the flower is black.

Decorative sunflower Kong

There is a variety that reaches a height of 5 meters! This is a decorative sunflower Kong. This is one of the tallest sunflowers, has thick stems and wide leaves. Great solution to create decorative fence. A whole jungle grows up in which you can get lost.

Decorative sunflower – bright sunny colors in your garden!



Competition game "Helianthus" (2017)

Dear friends!

In Russia, schoolchildren and kindergarten students from 66 regions took part in it!

All competition tasks were related to the following objects: HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES, FOOD, PETS AND HOUSING.

When completing the tasks, participants had to choose the correct answer from the proposed options and mark its number on a special form. 45 minutes were allotted for work in grades 1–4, and 1 hour 30 minutes in grades 5–11.

The tasks and answers can be found on the page archives of materials for the game-competition "Heliantus", impersonal results are posted on the page results of the game-competition "Heliantus" (2017).

The Russian organizing committee summed up the results. Results tables indicating how many points each student received, and what place he took among all participants in his parallel, certificates, and for winners and prize-winners - diplomas and prizes were sent to the regional organizing committees. Regional organizers are also finalizing the transfer of documents and prizes to participating schools.

Email address of the Methodological Commission of the competition: [email protected]

Information on the competition "Helianthus"

Short bedtime stories for young children

Fairy Alla slept peacefully,
The sun was creeping nearby,
And it said in her ear,
How many have not bloomed
Bright, lush flowers!

No one will see them
All the buds are tightly squeezed,
Just bathed in dew...
The flowers are sleeping, the fairy is dozing...
We need to do something urgently!

And that's true! Fairy Alla flew down from a huge flower and began to restore order in the garden. The petals opened, and the fragrant flowers thanked the fairy.
Meanwhile, the sun didn’t give a damn either. It flew up to the flower and grabbed a large drop of dew from there.
But the bright insect had no intention of drinking this moisture.

Proper cultivation of decorative sunflowers from seeds

She had something else on her mind. What exactly, you will find out later. Maybe the sun was preparing some kind of surprise for the fairy Alla?

It really was a surprise!
All the bugs have gone,
Hearing the aroma
They brought gifts in their paws:
Everything is a drop of dew
Bees and bugs carried
And a drop of nectar
They brought it to the fairy!

It turned out to be a full vat!
And we are happy to swim ourselves.
But this is for Alla -
We prepared the font.

- Well, how? - the sun asked slyly. — My insect friends helped me put water and nectar into the barrel. We want you to have a good rest! Otherwise, we are so sad when you just sleep and don’t pay attention to us at all... Better take a swim. This is a wonderful vacation. You will gain flower energy and tirelessly create magic for the joy of us all. Great, isn't it?
Fairy Alla agreed and smiled welcomingly at the sun.
Short stories at night for children.
Read for free online

Photo flowers sunflowers

Vipadkovo in the store rubbed decorative dormouse on the nasinya and bought it. And the axis of how the fluffy balls blossomed under my windows. I never would have thought that sleepyheads could be like this.

Helianthus (in Latin Helianthus), translated from Greek helios means “sun” and anthos - flower.” Fatherland of this sonny kvitka - Pivnichna America.

Naturally, with the word “dormouse”, the image of agricultural grain crops, and not even flowers for decorating the landscape, comes to mind. However, helianthus has recently become more and more popular as a flower for decorating the garden, decorating flower beds, for masking spores, gardens (in group plantings), as well as for cutting and creating original bouquets.

Decorative dormouse: formi

The most extensive garden forms of dormouse in ornamental gardening:

Decorative dormouse: description

Ornamental dormouse bushes are erect, weakly branched; dwarf ones up to 30 centimeters in height, and giant ones – up to three meters. Sutvitya in large-flowered tall forms with a diameter of up to 30 div. The flowers of this plant come in a wide range of colors: white, cream, traditional yellow, orange, blackish and even violet-burgundy.

Roslina is warm and light-loving. It gives advantage to the good formation of family soil. Water-loving, especially during the cob growth period.

Planting decorative dormouse

The plants are currently hung in a permanent place in a nesting manner at a depth of 2.0-2.5 cm, per 2-3 seedlings, at a height of 35-75 cm depending on the height of the variety. After thinning, remove one plant from each nest.

Kvitne decorative dormouse from the cob of linden to the veresen. If it is necessary to reduce the height of tall varieties, pinch the top of the central stem at a height of one meter. This allows for rapid fertilization and the growth of a large number of stalks with more different flowers, and the bush takes on a compact shape. The similarity of the present day is preserved over the course of three or four years.

How nice it is to enjoy the beautiful view of blooming sunflowers while driving along a field sown with them.

Hobbyists often decorate their personal plots decorative appearance of this plant. Without this bright orange circle, the picture of a rustic-style plot will be incomplete.

Sunflower story

Fans of the decorative variety of sunflower will be pleased to know the history of its penetration into Europe. The plant is native to Mexico. It was from this country that they were brought by Columbus in 1510 on his fourth expedition.

Since then, sunflower has firmly entered the list of popular agricultural and cultivated plants.

It was used as a source of nectar, received vegetable oil, animal food and treats for those with a sweet tooth. And romantic natures did not ignore the bright caps of inflorescences and painted pictures from them.

At home, decorative sunflowers can be grown by seedlings or in open ground.

Thanks to the persistence of breeders, there are about 150 varieties that can be planted in your dacha.

What kind of plants now decorate gardeners’ yards? In addition to a smaller copy of the sunflower, there are also representatives where several inflorescences grow on one stem at once.

With their help, they not only add color to the garden bright accents, but also used as decor for unsightly outbuildings or house walls.

Growing from seeds

What conditions need to be created for decorative sunflowers?

First of all, it is, of course, abundance sunlight. It is also advisable to ensure that the terrain does not imply the presence of through cold air currents.

The soil must be drained and not allow moisture to stagnate.

Planting sunflowers can be done by seeds or seedlings.

To receive long flowering of this plant, you can sow the seeds every time, after a certain period of time.

swollen black seed immersed in the ground to a depth of no more than 3 cm. Between fairly high flowering plants It is advisable to maintain a distance of 50-70cm.

Read also:

If we are talking about perennial varieties sunflowers, they are easy to propagate by dividing the bush. It is worth carrying out this procedure every time after a couple of years. In this case, you can start dividing both in spring and summer.

The decorative variety of sunflowers does not require special care. The main thing is to provide them with watering if necessary and loosening the soil.

The root system of sunflowers is quite powerful for their height and stem thickness. Therefore, they need sufficient moisture. But, excessive moisture can lead to rotting.

As is the case with many other flowering plants, to actively stimulate the appearance of new buds, it is worth removing faded flowers.

What else is worth knowing is that there is no need for fertilizing if the soil is initially fertile. Otherwise, sunflowers can be fed with organic matter at the beginning of their growth.

In the event that a florist in his “kingdom of flowers” ​​wants to see blooming decorative sunflowers in short terms, they can be grown by seedlings.

Seedlings are obtained traditionally - just plant the seeds soaked for a day in boxes with soil and watch how, after a few days, a tender sprout appears. You can plant it at the end of April.

Or a flowerbed has a rustic (country) flavor, but nothing prevents the use of these tall, bright, juicy flowers in compositions of other styles - such an idea is still waiting for its creators.

Growing the crop is so easy that a child of any age can handle it; in fact, all you need to do is put the seeds in a flowerbed. However, there are still nuances that we will examine in this article.

Legendary variety "Teddy Bear"

The ornamental variety does not always have edible seeds, but the flowers are truly amazing. They can be terry, various shades of yellow, orange, cream, peach, pink.

General information about the plant

Helianthus seeds (this is what a sunflower is called in Greek - Helianthus - solar flower) came to Europe with the Mexican expedition of Christopher Columbus. Of course, the giant flower temporarily became an object of universal admiration, like almost any overseas curiosity. The interest turned out to be quite persistent: a flower with petals that look like flames was immortalized in poetry and paintings.

Today we, accustomed to the fact that sunflower is an industrial oilseed crop, a honey plant, and decorates exclusively pastorals on the theme agriculture or village front gardens, such poeticization may seem strange. However, if you look closely, the flower is truly magical. By the way, double and cut sunflower varieties began to appear quite recently.

Modern breeders really haven’t ignored the culture. Today there are more than 150 varieties of sunflower, and given that breeding science does not stand still, new varieties with new qualities are appearing. For example, today you can buy:

  1. Charming low-growing sunflowers with several huge flowers on one stem.
  2. Double sunflowers that look like giant dahlias.

The height varies from 30 cm to 5 meters, the size of the inflorescences is from 5 to 50 cm. There can be from 1 to 10 flowers on one stem. The petals are different - long and thin, short and thick, curved, wavy, twisted. The petals can contrast with the tubular flowers in the middle, or be tone on tone.

Flowering usually begins in the second half of summer and continues until late autumn.

Landing and seat selection

The sunny flower loves abundant bright sun. The soil is loose, with good drainage. It is advisable that the place is well protected from the wind.

Please note. Sunflowers are unpretentious, but they have the ability to take maximum nutrients from the soil. Next year, in the place where the sunflowers grew, you can only plant green manure (for example, beans or broad beans) to restore the supply of food.

Sowing seeds

The seeds are pre-soaked in gauze moistened with water. Can be used wood ash is a good source of minerals. Preparation of ash solution: 2 tbsp. spoons per 1 liter of water are infused for two days, the seeds are kept in the resulting solution for 3-6 hours.

Sunflowers can be sown in open ground from the beginning of May and later, the main thing is that it is warm; the crop does not like frosts. The distance between seeds is from 30 to 70 cm, depending on the height of the future adult plant. The depth of embedding is 2-3 cm, but no more.

Perennial sunflowers (Jerusalem artichoke) can be propagated by dividing the bush at the end or beginning of the growing season, that is, either in early spring or late autumn.


Variety Cinnamon Sun

A decorative sunflower will not require any hassle. Abundant regular watering is all it needs. Stagnation of water should be avoided, but this is regulated correct landing– the soil should be loose, moisture-permeable, well-drained. It is impossible to flood a plant in such soil. Weak growth and dull flowering are only possible if the plant does not have enough space and light; these issues are also resolved at the planting stage.

To speed up flowering, you should remove the stepsons and small buds that can be seen under the main one.

Flowering, as a rule, occurs 75-80 days after sowing, but now there are earlier varieties.

It also doesn't hurt, although it's not required:

  1. Loosening the soil around the plant.
  2. Removing weeds.
  3. Trimming faded inflorescences is necessary not only to stimulate flowering, but also to make the flower bed more decorative.
  4. Abundant watering once a week, in case of drought - if lush flowering is needed.

Fertilizers are required only for poor soils. Any will do organic fertilizer at the beginning of the growing season.


Pests and problems

Unfortunately, they also love the sunny flower. There are even insects that “specialize” on this flower. Common pests:

  1. Sunflower moth.
  2. Sunflower longhorned beetle.
  3. Sunflower spiky plant.

Types and varieties


  1. Jerusalem artichoke, tuberous sunflower (Helianthus tuberosus). The tubers are edible and even medicinal. Height – up to 3 m, flowers are medium-sized – from 2 to 6 cm.
  2. Ten-petalled sunflower (Helianthus decapetalus). Height 1.5 m, inflorescences vary depending on the variety: simple and double, golden or lemon-colored, several on one stem, medium-sized. Blooms from mid-August until frost.


It is better to look at domestic varieties directly in stores. Their range is very wide; the variety, even with the same name, may change from company to company. Many modern varieties resemble huge gerberas.

    1. "Vanilla Ice" - distinguished by the light yellow color of the petals, beautifully contrasting with the very dark core.
    2. “Moulin Rouge” - living up to the name of the variety, the inflorescence is a rich carmine-red color, the core is very dark.
    3. “Kong” is a giant sunflower, up to 5 m high (that is, higher than a house!), the leaves are huge, the flower is typical.
    4. “Pro Cut Red/Lemon Bicolor” - two-color baskets. The petals closer to the center are painted dark red, closer to the edge the petals are light yellow. The core is dark.
    5. “Giant Single” - 2 m tall, large flowers, with golden petals, classic.

    6. “Italian White” - very light petals, dark core, reminiscent of dahlias, from the Simple group, only with very tall peduncles.

    7. “Cherry Rose” is a modern foreign variety that promises to be the fastest growing, with flowers in 40 days. The original three-row color is cherry-red petals with creamy yellow tips, the center is almost black. No pollen, suitable for people with allergies.

    8. "Florenza" - two-color inflorescences in Italian style with rich, hot shades. Cut variety.

    9. “Black Magic F1 – height 120 cm, flowers are very dark, excellent for cutting.

Decorative sunflower in the photo:

A stunning variety called Coconut Ice, quite expressive for a variety with vanilla-hued petals.

Variety Solar flesh

About Teddy Bear on video

Stunningly beautiful, compact variety Teddy Bear - live, in a story from the Ecological and Biological Center "Krestovsky Island".