What does blue mean? The symbolism of blue in psychology, interior design and clothing, the language of flowers. Color has a character: what can his clothes tell about a person?

Painting is paint, color, it is embedded inside our body. Her outbursts are large and demanding.
Kazimir Severinovich Malevich

Rainbow psychology

As children, we all rejoiced at the appearance of a rainbow in the sky after the rain. Everyone tried to memorize the number and sequence of colors of the rainbow. Who among us does not remember such funny phrases as:
  • TO every ABOUT hunter AND wants Z nah, G de WITH goes F azan
  • TO ak ABOUT once AND ak- Z lantern G tin WITH broke F onar.
  • And other options.
Where the first letters of the words mean the corresponding color name:
  • TO each is red;
  • ABOUT hunter - orange;
  • AND elaet - yellow;
  • Z nat - green;
  • G de - blue;
  • WITH goes - blue;
  • F azan - purple.

But we didn’t even think at that time that each color influences us, our character and our life to one degree or another.
And now, having already become adults, we can trace the psychological connection of a certain color we prefer with one or another trait of our character.

People who are irritated by this color have an inferiority complex, fear of quarrels, a tendency towards solitude, stability in relationships. The red color symbolizes excitement and energy. This color is also a symbol of eroticism.

Disgust and ignoring red reflects organic weakness, physical or mental exhaustion.

Prisoners of war, forced to live for years in life-threatening conditions, were especially likely to reject him.

Red is the color most preferred by teenagers.

YellowSymbolizes calmness, ease in relationships with people, intelligence.

Being loved means being sociable, curious, courageous, adaptable, and enjoying the opportunity to please and attract people.

When he is unpleasant, then we are talking about a concentrated, pessimistic person with whom it is difficult to establish an acquaintance. Yellow comes from mixing green and red and is the color of energy.

The greatest preference for yellow is given to pregnant women expecting a successful outcome of childbirth, as well as people who are prone to changing places.

Yellow is also interpreted as the color of illumination (halo/aura of Christ or Buddha).

GreenThe color of nature, nature, life itself, spring.

The one who prefers it is afraid of other people's influence, looking for a way to assert himself, since this is vitally important for him. Anyone who does not love him is afraid of everyday problems, the vicissitudes of fate, in general, all difficulties.

The color green contains hidden potential energy and reflects the degree of volitional tension, therefore people who prefer green strive for self-confidence and confidence in general.

Eccentric people, who achieve their goals not through targeted volitional activity, but through emotions, reject green as an unattractive color.

Along with them, green color is rejected by people who are on the verge of mental and physical exhaustion.

BlueThe color of the sky, peace, relaxation.

If you like him, then this speaks of modesty and melancholy; such a person often needs to rest, he gets tired quickly, a sense of confidence and the goodwill of others is extremely important to him.

The rejection of this color reveals a person who wants to give the impression that he can do anything in the world. But, in essence, he is a model of uncertainty and isolation. Indifference to this color speaks of a certain frivolity in the field of feelings, although hidden under the guise of courtesy.

In short, choice blue as the most preferred reflects a person’s physiological and psychological need for peace, and its denial means that a person avoids relaxation.

When you are sick or overworked, the need for blue increases.

BlackThe color of uncertainty, symbolizing a gloomy perception of life.

Anyone who prefers to dress in black often perceives life in dark colors, is unsure of himself, unhappy, and prone to depression, because he has no doubt that his ideals in life are unattainable.

Frequently changing a black suit or dress to another, brighter, catchier one, indicates that pessimistic moods often dissipate. The constant choice of black indicates the presence of a certain crisis state and characterizes aggressive rejection of the world or oneself (remember the black banners of anarchists).

Children who are acutely experiencing a lack of care and love often use black shading in their drawings. Normally, black is generally rejected.

Grey The favorite color of sensible and distrustful people who think for a long time before making any decision.

This is also neutral color, which is preferred by those who are afraid to express themselves too loudly. If you don’t like this color, then this is an indicator of an impulsive, frivolous character.

Often gray It also turns out to be preferable in case of severe overwork as a barrier, fencing off the irritants of the outside world. In situations psychological testing this color is used as a means of protection against the penetration of another into inner world test subject.

A study of about two thousand young men in a situation of competitive replacement examinations vacant positions showed that the color gray was put in first place by 27% of subjects instead of the usual 5% in a normal situation.

Video: Festival of Colors in India


Which color do you like the most? What color is your favorite?

In the survey below, select 2-3 options for the colors you like most in life, and then read more carefully in the article what the colors you choose mean in personality psychology.

If your life has lost color, color it yourself! She's worth it.
Author unknown

The color of the sky and sea, cold and restrained, but at the same time giving peace and serenity... Blue is the most “calm” color for psycho-emotional perception. Its calming and positive effect on the psyche was known back in ancient times. In the cultures of many peoples of the world, various shades of blue symbolized fidelity, stability, and indestructibility. Blue was considered the color of wisdom, higher knowledge and spiritual power, so it was used to paint the walls of temples and churches, and the clothes of the gods were depicted in blue tones. At the same time, ancient healers were well aware of the duality of this color. Along with its calming effect on the psyche, an excess of blue can cause apathy, alienation, depressive state. Perhaps this is where folk tales about “blue demons” and other evil spirits, which were often depicted in gray-blue tones, originate.

What does the color blue symbolize?

Blue color in psychology, like any other shade, has a double meaning - positive and negative. The influence it has on the human psyche largely depends on the specific shade and degree of saturation. Thus, light colors, such as blue and light blue, carry positive attitude. Their contemplation brings peace and relaxation and helps relieve stress. Blue is even considered a slightly frivolous and frivolous color, for example famous expression"blue dream" meaning something unlikely and impossible to achieve.

Indigo is a deep rich blue color. It is customary to identify him with high level mental development and higher knowledge. For example, intellectually gifted children are called “indigo children.”

Dark blue has a more negative meaning. In our subconscious it is associated with troubled sea ​​waves fraught with danger and threat to life. Also in folklore, this shade was used to depict “blue demons” - especially dangerous and insidious creatures from the other world, which are found in the myths of many peoples of the world.

What does the color blue mean in interior design and clothing?

Have you noticed how at certain points in your life you developed a passion for a certain color? For example, I wanted to wear clothes of only one shade. Or from somewhere a desire arose to repaint the walls in your “favorite” color, at the same time buying a sofa and curtains of the same shade. Such whims can be explained by an unconscious desire to replenish the energy that each color possesses and which is so lacking in at the moment. But a strong preference for one shade or another in clothing or interior design directly speaks to character traits.

So, a person who prefers blue as the main shade in his clothes is most likely an introvert. He is prone to analytical work, prefers a quiet pastime to noisy fun. The predominance of blue in the wardrobe also speaks of the secrecy and isolation of its owner. Perhaps this is a hermit who values ​​his solitude and personal space. Don’t be surprised if, when you come to visit him, you see that the entire interior is also made in gray-blue tones.
True, it is worth noting that “blue people” have high mental abilities and often become outstanding scientists.

But, like any other color, blue also has a negative meaning. Its excess is depressing and can cause unreasonable blues. In addition, blue dulls activity and the desire to act. Therefore, psychologists recommend that lovers of everything blue sometimes allow themselves to wear yellow, orange, red, pink or green shades.

IN different times among all peoples, color symbolism had the most different meanings. Since ancient times, people have attributed their own special magical role to each color. Let's look at the symbolic meaning of primary colors adopted by different peoples.


Black is the darkest, mysterious and mysterious color, which is considered a symbol of night and death, sin and repentance, and is the personification of silence and emptiness. It is black that has the property of absorbing all other colors, and therefore it expresses despair and denial.

Achromatic black color

In general, people have a somewhat biased negative attitude towards the color black. And this is understandable, because in the Christian tradition, black symbolizes grief, mourning the deceased and grief from irreparable loss.

The modern custom of wearing clothing as a sign of mourning at funerals arose from ancient superstitions. It was believed that in a black robe the spirit of the deceased was not able to recognize his relatives or loved ones, and thus would not be able to harm them.

The black veil on the face was supposed to mislead evil spirits and demons, and not allow them to drag another soul to hell. This tradition arose a long time ago, and since then mourning fashion has undergone many changes, but the main trends have remained.

But the custom of wearing a black armband as a sign of grief dates back to the times of the knights. The lady they chose put a bandage on the knight’s hand, as a symbol of the fact that from now on the knight served her. Much later, such a bandage became a necessary attribute of grief for a deceased wife and fidelity to her.

Black armband is a symbol of grief

The bubonic plague epidemic that broke out in Europe in 1348 was called the “Black Death.” It claimed the lives of about 25 million people.

Plague - "black death".

In a British court, squares of black cloth were torn by the judge as he pronounced the death sentence. And the clothes of the authorities - the traditional judge's robe - were black, symbolizing justice, integrity and impartiality of decisions.

In Japan, black symbolizes the highest wisdom. In addition, black was originally the color of the lower, underworld - world of the dead spirits

The lower world of dead spirits is characterized by two colors - black and yellow.

In the Middle Ages, yellow became a symbol of disease and infection. Houses containing plague patients were marked with yellow crosses.

And the yellow flag raised on the ship’s flagpole signaled that there were infectious patients on the ship and there was a risk of infection.

Nowadays, this custom has changed, and now, when entering a foreign port, a yellow flag is raised to indicate that there are no sick people on board.

“Everyone on my ship is healthy, please release me from quarantine!”

A yellow flag on the beach indicates that swimming is permitted in that area. Moreover, there are lifeguards on this beach. Therefore, if you encounter such a flag while relaxing, you can safely enter the water.

In the rules traffic yellow means the command "get ready", and in football a yellow card shown by a referee is a warning to a player.


Green color is endowed with positive energy due to the fact that it is a natural color. It is the color of spring, the awakening of nature, growth and development, maturation and fertility, as well as the color of freedom, joy and hope.

In some cases, green symbolizes immortality - for example, the expression “evergreens” defines plants with a continuous life cycle.

Boxwood is an evergreen plant

Green is a complex color because it is formed by the fusion of two basic pure colors - yellow and blue. Depending on the amount of a particular tone in yellow, you can get different shades - from delicate to bright and rich malachite green.

In most countries, paper money is green color. It is believed that this color is a symbol of stability, calms and inspires confidence in people.

But on the other hand, green can symbolize the loss of one's fortune and poverty. Thus, in the old days, in many European countries, bankrupts were required to wear green hats so that the fact of their insolvency could be seen from afar.

But in the religion and mythology of Ancient Egypt, green was the color of decay and mold. The judge and patron of the dead, the god Osiris, was always depicted as green.

The face and body of the god Osiris were depicted as green

In the folklore of many peoples of Europe, small magical inhabitants of the forest - elves - were depicted in green clothes. As you know, elves were distinguished by their cheerful character and were big pranksters, so green was the color of disobedience and mischief.

In the understanding of most modern people, green is a symbol of freshness and youth. Decoration in greenish tones has a calming effect and creates a peaceful atmosphere in the room.

In the Muslim religious tradition it is considered sacred. It is a symbol of eternal life and heavenly pleasures, therefore the attributes of green are used in funeral symbolism.

Muslim dress in rich green hue

In addition, green is a symbol of the environmental movement around the world. And this choice was not made by chance: after all, what could be a symbol of living nature if not the rich greenery of fresh foliage?


Red is a fiery, hot and active color, symbolizing blood and war, anger and fire, strength and courage. In addition, red is a symbol of life and victory.

Red carnation is a symbol of joy and victory

In the royal clothes of many nations, red shades predominate. Therefore, red is a symbol of supreme power, strength and power.

IN Ancient Rome fiery red was a symbol of divine birth. This is the color of noble birth and God-given power.

For the Celts, red was a sign of disaster, blood and death. They were aware of the extreme aggressiveness of bright and burning shades of red, and used them in military paraphernalia. But in traditional Celtic designs, muted shades of red and ocher tones were a symbol of fertility and the continuation of life.

The interior brings an atmosphere of cheerfulness and irrepressible energy. Decorating a room in various shades of this hot and active color is not suitable for everyone, because many people are tired of the abundance of burning red. But in expressive accents and individual details, red tones are simply irreplaceable.


Pink color is a fusion of two pure colors - red and white. Pink has many different shades - from warm, peach to cold.

IN Slavic mythology pink meant purity of intentions, heartfelt sensitivity and renewal, rebirth after death. In addition, from time immemorial, romantic pink has been considered the color of falling in love, the beginning of new relationships and the blossoming of feelings.

Pink roses is a romantic symbol of love

Interiors that use different shades in their design turn out to be very delicate and sophisticated.

At the same time, depending on the brightness of the color, the interior design can turn out rich and expressive. In this case, as the main upholstery color upholstered furniture plays a key role.

Furniture upholstery in rich pink color


Blue color is one of the independent pure colors, a symbol of the sea and sky, endless height and depth. Blue also stands for justice, loyalty, perfection, constancy and peace.

In ancient Egyptian symbolism, it symbolized truthful judgments. IN Ancient Greece blue was considered the color of the god Zeus and the goddess Hera.

The highest award in Great Britain - the Order of the Garter - has a wide dark blue ribbon. This order was established in 1348 by King Edward III. Thus, the color blue is a symbol of noble birth and royalty.

Order of the Garter - badge of Great Britain

This is where the expression “blue blood” comes from. It was believed that aristocrats should have a nobler blood than commoners.

Another expression is known - “blue stocking”. This is what they call women who do scientific activities. This concept has its origins in the 15th century, when a society of men and women gathered in Venice to study science and discuss various topics. So, blue stockings were a distinctive attribute of their clothing.

The blue stockings of the learned ladies gave rise to the expression “blue stocking.”

At the end of the 16th century, representatives of the French intelligentsia borrowed this custom. And the term “bluestocking” first appeared among intellectuals in England in the middle of the 18th century.

In the Christian religious tradition, blue is a symbol of prudence, piety and sincerity. In Slavic mythology, one of the central characters was the bird of paradise Sirin, who spoke of the unearthly bliss of life after death.

Sirin - Slavic bird of happiness


Blue is also a color that has divine origin and religious significance. This is a symbol of clear sky, a sinless soul, the color of fidelity and truth, justice and chastity.

In the mythology of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome, the color blue was associated with many gods - Jupiter, Juno, the sun god Amon - Ra and others.

God Amun - Ra in ancient Egyptian mythology

For the Chinese it has a double meaning. On the one hand, it is a symbol of immortality and eternal life, but on the other hand, it is a sign physical death human, sad and mourning color of the dead. The Chinese often paint the mythical dragon in blue tones. In this way they emphasize the heavenly origin of this fantastic creature.

Mythical dragons are often depicted in blue tones

However, according to the traditions of Feng Shui, a figurine of a blue dragon will help save the house from the encroachments of evil spirits, and many other troubles and misfortunes.

The Egyptian funeral tradition is characterized by the use of blue figurines, which were placed in burials.

A beautiful clear sky, the expanse of water in the spring, clean air filled with freshness... Most likely, these are the associations that arise in a person’s mind when it comes to blue tint. This is the color of life, the sky above, winter and cold. What significance does it have in psychology, how does it affect a person’s life, what reactions occur in the head? All this interests not only professional psychologists, but also ordinary people.

Colors in psychology

Colors and psychology are very closely related. It all comes from the fact that color can affect emotional state person. However, the impact is truly significant. The knowledge of psychologists in this area has been actively used by many organizations for a long time. Hospitals paint walls in soothing colors that will instill confidence in the patient, schools paint walls in neutral colors so as not to distract the attention of students. In nightclubs and restaurants there are many red flowers, which excite, interest and cause aggression. In addition, color psychology is taken into account when creating sales videos and when developing an entire advertising campaign.

And years of experience show that it really works. Most people prefer calm, light colors, but others prefer challenge and strength. Manufacturers of goods, focusing on their target buyer, choose the appropriate color scheme.

Blue color in psychology

Some psychologists believe that the word “blue” comes from the word “dove.” At the same time, some researchers are of the opinion that “blue” means “deep.”

In psychology, blue is considered the color of creativity. It has been proven that it activates the brain centers, tuning them to the learning process. That is why everyone recommends using it in educational institutions.

Blue color, the meaning of which in psychology has long been known, is considered bottomless. It is captivating and attracts attention. However, it does not completely absorb the beholder, as happens with black or red colors. color in psychology is considered a call to search for oneself, truth, and analysis. In other words, it is a tone of awareness, clarity and intelligence.

Color among ancient peoples

In ancient times, the blue tint was considered a sign of nobility. Just look at the well-known expression about a person’s “blue blood,” which meant that he belonged to the highest strata of society. IN Ancient Egypt There was a cult of this color; the Egyptians even painted their legs in all shades of blue. In this way they wanted to show that they have a disease such as varicose veins veins, since it was considered the ailment of the nobles. Among some African tribes, dark blue was considered a mourning color.

Blue in clothes

Color has long had a symbolic meaning, telling a lot about the person who preferred one shade or another. Blue is very suitable for blondes, although with the right combination of colors and textures it suits almost everyone.

This is the color sea ​​spaces, air and freshness. By dressing in such shades, a person brings positivity to the world around him. The girl seems ethereal and elusive, an angel from heaven. Blue color is more expressive; it speaks of constancy, fidelity and mystery. It is often used in business clothes because it puts a person in the mood for work, while neutralizing stress and giving peace of mind. In addition, it allows you to abandon the too gloomy black color.

Medieval knights dressed in blue dresses so that the lady of their heart was assured of devotion. Psychology prescribes blue color in clothing for people who express excessive seriousness, despondency and poverty. looks very elegant, it is often used for sewing chic evening dresses. The blue color is practically always in fashion, because it is impossible to do without it. It is so multifaceted that to refuse it is to deprive yourself of a significant amount of confidence and peace of mind. It is these feelings that most often push a person to buy blue clothes.

Blue as a favorite color

In psychology, the color blue signifies loyalty, dreaminess and affection. It is the color of youth, joy and clarity. People who prefer it are easily emotional and may become depressed or experience moments of intense joy. Psychology says the following about someone who loves the color blue:

Such people are idealists. They are ready to work day and night in order to achieve their goal. They actually achieve what they want and occupy better positions on the social ladder. Those who love the color blue are constantly on the move, they do not recognize constancy, their element is travel. If you need to agree on something with such a person, you should show extraordinary patience.

One interesting property of the color blue is its ability to “stop” time. Any of its shades give a person the feeling that time is slowing down, everything is coming into order and peace. Blue relaxes, helps you turn to your inner self.

Profession and color

Those who love this color often choose quite dangerous professions which require good physical fitness, courage and perseverance. These are professions such as firefighter, pilot, military man, etc. They really succeed in this area because they have powerful intuition and willpower, which helps them quickly accept important decisions, and great determination.

Those who have a negative attitude towards this color want dramatic changes in their lives that would put an end to fears, frustrations and depression.


To begin with, it should be said that color therapy is recognized effective method all over the world. Color can have aesthetic, psychological and physiological effects on a person. Medicine has long used shades of blue in its practice. This color can refresh and relieve headaches. In addition, blue color is a panacea for people who want to lose weight. overweight and get your figure in order, as it helps reduce appetite.

Color therapy claims that this shade can reduce high blood pressure, help with insomnia, diarrhea, heartburn and vomiting. Interestingly, it reduces pain and heavy bleeding in women during menstruation.

But blue color also has a negative meaning in psychology. If you overdo it, it causes severe sadness, melancholy, dissatisfaction and intolerance towards others. At the same time, it will perfectly help overcome internal fears, natural shyness and uncertainty.

Many researchers agree that blue color in psychology means not only strong emotions, but also neutral ones. It is perfect for people who meditate, since the blue tint encourages immersion in one's own thoughts.

Study of the meaning of colors in psychology, classification and their influence on human consciousness.

Each color in psychology has a different effect on consciousness and has meaning. Seeing a certain shade, we feel a certain emotion. Under color influence people commit certain choice without thinking about it.

The meaning of color in psychology

Goethe developed the concept of color: light colors excite, and dark colors calm. The palette can have a fleeting physical effect, and with a long look - a mental effect.

Colors are perceived through associations, for example, blue is cold. Next, perception moves to the organs - to tactile sensations. What is the meaning of each color?


It denotes sensuality, standing on the verge of individuality; it can be defined as suggestibility. Represents idealism and increases self-esteem. This is a heavy tone that should be diluted with gold, as it can lead to depression. It is not recommended when working with children.


Wet and cold, deep mysterious. And the more blue there is, the stronger, more intense and colder its effect. If there is more yellow, the shade is more harmonious and lighter. Turquoise color is used to create freshness and coolness, it also symbolizes sterility.


The personification of power, breakthrough, the will to win, achieving what you want. The red color always wants to be first, it is constantly in motion, it is a source of energy.

His credo is “survival of the fittest.” It makes you alert in case of danger, embodies passion and excites passion.

His feelings are characterized by maximality. This color represents activity in everything, gives strength and inspires to continue what you started.


Blue creates the precondition for deep reflection about life; calls for a search for meaning and truth. However, it does not provide an answer to understanding the meaning of life, driving us into weakness and melancholy. It evokes not sensory impressions, but spiritual ones.

Blue is:

  • constancy;
  • perseverance;
  • persistence;
  • devotion;
  • dedication;
  • seriousness;
  • rigor.


Darkened red-yellow color, indicating that the impulsiveness and vitality of the color red is frozen and restrained. Vitality remains in it, having lost its activity. Determines the vital sensations of the body.

Those who prefer this shade in clothing need physical rest and peace.

He personifies:

  • devotion;
  • stability;
  • calm;
  • support during times of unrest.


Represents peace and stillness. It always contains life opportunities, contains potential energy, green reflects a tense internal state.

Green expresses how a person feels about himself - he hides his secrets. It signifies new beginnings and prosperity and inspires stability.


The personification of the mind, the influence of the dominant. It helps in overcoming difficulties and promotes concentration. Under the influence of yellow, decisions are made quickly.

Those who prefer yellow fight with words, love to be admired and do not tolerate being driven into a corner.

They are characterized by:

  • high self-esteem;
  • self-confidence;
  • intelligence;
  • intuition.


Responsible for satisfying all kinds of abilities, always keeping you in good shape. Its effect is warm, joyful and exciting. Color is associated with the desire to achieve self-affirmation.

This is a symbol of bliss and intensity, at the same time the softness of the brilliance of the sunset, it pleases the eye and promotes a good mood.


A symbol of carelessness that calms, radiating reliability. However, looking at it, it is impossible to concentrate and it does not contribute to the development of imagination.

Blue is a shade of “calm emotionality” that reduces tension and is comfortable. Represents dreams and daydreams, peace and harmony.


The color of perfection and completeness, demonstrating a final and absolute decision, complete freedom of opportunity and the absence of obstacles.

The fundamental quality is equality, since all colors are contained in it, they are equal in it. He:

  • inspires;
  • brightens;
  • promotes renewal of all colors in the body;
  • removes stiffness.


Embodies balance and calm. At the same time, this unearthly color is characterized by alienation. He is piercing and strong, he is characterized by mysticism. Very unusual to perceive.

In a positive aspect, the color of an orchid (a shade of lilac) is a sign of bright individuality, and in a negative aspect, it is deliberately exotic and inflexible.


Happy, delicious, warm, feminine and delicate color. This is a holiday and pleasant emotions, the personification of romance, kindness and love. How paler shade, the stronger the manifestation of love.

It causes a feeling of comfort, calms by getting rid of obsessive ideas, and helps in a crisis situation. However, it is characterized by increased sensitivity.


It is associated with curiosity and attracts people, frightening them with its mystery. Black always challenges you to free your essence - to go through the black in order to realize how much white you have.

Black gives you the opportunity to relax, it contains hope, but it drags you down because it doesn’t force you to do anything. With depression, only its negative characteristics remain.


Those who prefer gray do not believe in the power of emotions, in their ability to solve something, and do not trust sincerity emotional experiences; believe that they should only be displayed in certain circumstances.

Gray color tends to stabilize surrounding processes, but it always means duality.


The psychological perception of this color is quite complex and ambiguous. Beige is considered the color of stagnation, as it has a pronounced emotional coloring not inherent in him.

However, it is multifaceted, can be calming, and has a quiet, warm and calm energy. At the same time, it is classified as a non-independent, background part of the palette.


The color took from red his willpower and penchant for philosophical reflection from brown. The problem with its adherents is the ability to dwell on past unpleasant events.

It is also considered to be somewhat immoral, cloying, magnetic and heavy.


A mixture of pink and orange, it is characterized by youth and energy. Coral represents the boundary in the spectrum of red and orange flowers, so it’s not surprising that this attractive feminine shade fills you with cheerfulness and optimism, leaving no chance for a bad mood.

Light green

The color of plant purity and cold expressiveness. Spectacular and rich, it is included in the range of warm shades and includes their characteristics, on the other hand, embracing the qualities green, has a neutralizing function.

It encourages:

  • strive to establish large quantity contacts;
  • active communication with the outside world;
  • learning something new.


A symbol of inevitable victory and glory. Its positive aspects are experience, maturity, wisdom, inexhaustible resources and vitality. Negative aspects include pessimism, dishonor, and limitations.

Gold is the combination of childhood modesty with the wisdom of a real ruler. However, it can provoke conflicts.

Palette and character in children

Kids cannot express the full range of feelings they experience. But the colors they choose tell a lot more.

  1. "Orange" and "Red" Children are very noticeable: they always scream, play pranks, and squeal.
  2. "Yellow"- cheerful, cheerful, fantasize and dream a lot.
  3. "Green" you need a feeling of reliability and security.
  4. Those who chose blue- the most carefree of all.
  5. "Blue" The little ones are calm and balanced, doing everything thoroughly.
  6. Preferring purple– artistic and sensitive natures.
  7. Here are the brown and black colors signal trouble mental state, experienced deep stress.

Colors brighten our existence and determine our mood, influence our thoughts and actions, and by the characteristics of eye color we can learn a lot about a person.

We better recognize the world around us and cope with important life tasks with their help. Therefore, you should not take the information they contain too lightly.

Video: Psychology of color