Design and operation of a homemade gasoline burner. Gasoline torch for soldering: how to make it yourself Do-it-yourself gasoline torch for brass soldering

One of the most practical, functional devices for a workshop equipped in living conditions- This is a gasoline burner. The purpose of this device is to solder metal products. The connection technology involves the use of liquid metal. During operation, a fuel-air mixture is formed in the burner, which, as a result of combustion, makes it possible to fuse metal structures.

Gasoline burner design

For many reasons, it is not always possible to buy a ready-made gas unit for soldering. But such a device for home use can be made with your own hands. At the same time homemade device will work no worse than the factory product. A DIY gas burner is also quite effective in operation.

Main design elements of the unit:

  • burner;
  • fuel tank;
  • fuel hoses;
  • air compressor.

For your information! Fuel hoses are not included in the factory equipment of the burner. They must be purchased separately.

Do-it-yourself gasoline burner device for soldering:

For your information! Many spare parts for a DIY gas burner can be found in old things that have long been forgotten in the pantry or garage. For example, a rubber bulb can be made using an old spray bottle.

When all the necessary parts for making a gasoline burner with your own hands according to the drawings have been assembled, you can begin to work. If you strictly follow the instructions, follow the basic requirements, and follow the recommendations of experts, the final result will pleasantly surprise anyone home handyman. The main thing is to be patient and devote several hours of free time to this event.

Making a homemade burner

To make the body of a homemade gas burner for fishing, you will need lathe. Steel can be taken different manufacturers. This structural element must be composite, that is, one end is made open and the other is closed with a plug. To do this, a hole is made in the metal, the inner diameter is made 0.1 mm larger than the outer one. The housing will be able to move tightly along the tube while maintaining a good seal.

Main stages of device manufacturing

For your information! If desired, you can make the solder yourself. This requires zinc and copper.

  • In the first case, take a glass from a standard electric battery, pre-clean it, and harden it with fire. It is placed for cooling in a container with a liquid consisting of cold water and weakly concentrated solution hydrochloric acid. After such processing, the cup is cut into separate pieces small sizes.
  • The second option involves using copper wire. It is first fired, then cut into small pieces using scissors.

After such preparation, pieces of copper and zinc are combined in equal proportions, placed in a crucible, and sprinkled with borax. An alloy of metals is performed using a torch. The workpiece is cooled, firmly fixed in a vice, and leveled with a file. The sawdust formed during the work is mixed with borax.

Advantages of a gasoline soldering machine

The operating principle of a gasoline soldering torch is based on the formation of a flammable gasoline-air mixture. Such devices are quite convenient to use. thanks to the ability to regulate the flame. To do this, they are equipped with a special rotary tap on the handle.

To make a gasoline burner with your own hands you will need:

  • metal tee, angle, jets, pipe;
  • copper tubes for jets;
  • metal container for petroleum products;
  • compressor with pressure gauge, rubber hose;
  • electric heating element.
  • valves for supplying petroleum products and air.
  • metal pipe and burner plate.
  • fastening materials.

To make a mixer, take a regular metal tee. It is necessary to install on the side pipe metal corner. A nozzle with a copper tube is screwed into each supply pipe. One is used to supply air to the gasoline burner, and the second is used to supply petroleum products.

IN in this case a tube with a 0.8mm hole is used to supply air, and 2mm to supply oil products. At the end of the jet there are two diametrically opposed cuts of 1-2 mm. The tee is completely hollow, it holds about 50g of oil.

The mixer is installed on metal container for petroleum products. copper tubes for supplying air and fuel are retracted. If you have an old gasoline burner, you can take it from it or make it yourself. A hole is cut in the container for the fuel supply tube.

The design of this container provides for the presence of a heating element in the lower plane. The heating element operates from an external power source. End drain pipe The oil supply is at such a height that the heating element is constantly in the liquid. This is necessary for security reasons.

The gasoline burner is fed through a tap, which is installed on the top cover. It opens direct oil supply to the tee. This allows you to regulate the supply of the combustible mixture at constant air pressure. Operating temperature combustible mixture for soldering should be within 60°C.

To monitor the temperature of the liquid, a multimeter contact is attached to the side wall of the tank. In this design, turning on the heating is required only before starting work. When soldering begins, the temperature of the tee provides sufficient heat.

The working outlet of the burner is made of metal pipe and plates. The nozzle is made of small size. This helps prevent combustion products from sticking to the walls.

To calculate the optimal nozzle length, it is necessary to determine the radius of the liquid spray. And install the nozzle so that only a small percentage of the mixture reaches the edge of the pipe.

The side panel of the gasoline burner tank is equipped with an indicator tube. It marks the points of maximum and minimum filling with petroleum products. The tube itself is connected at the bottom of the tank.

For ease of use, you can connect the system to the main tank automatic feeding flammable liquid. This will reduce control over the presence of fuel in the tank.

An air supply hose is connected to the mixer from the compressor. A tap must be installed between the compressor and the hose. This gasoline burner provides an initial pressure in the compressor of 2 atmospheres.

After opening the tap, the pressure in the system drops to 0.8 atmospheres. But to start a gasoline burner, 0.2 will be enough.

The oil supply valve is opened and ignited flammable mixture. Using the air supply valve, the pressure of the flame used for soldering is regulated.

And the oil supply valve regulates fuel consumption. Experimentally, you can determine the pressure at which the burner flame will break. The gasoline soldering torch is ready for use.

Video: do-it-yourself burner testing.

There is a need to warm up, or even melt, some part or material. Many models of burners can be purchased in stores, but what kind of home-made worker would not try to make the tool he needs with his own hands. The author of this home-made product decided to make a gasoline burner from scrap materials.

Tools and materials
indoor TV antenna;
baby juice jar with lid;
aquarium compressor (external) with hose;
soldering iron;
nail 120;
ball needle;
head-key 4.5.

A through hole with a diameter of 4 mm is drilled in the middle of the largest tube.

To make a faucet, the author cuts a 15mm piece from the average diameter of the tube. Drill a 3mm hole at a distance of 5mm from the edge.

Places a piece of tube on the nail, close to the head. Marks on the nail where the hole in the tube is located. Marks the cut line 4mm below the tube. Drills a hole with a diameter of 2 mm in the nail. Cuts the nail along the previously marked line.

Inserts the faucet into the hole drilled in the large tube. Aligning the holes in both tubes, solders them.

To prevent the nail from popping out, a stopper is used. Cutting off a 4mm piece from the middle tube, puts it on a nail inserted into the faucet. Solders the edge of the nail and the cut piece. It is necessary for the nail to turn in the tap.

Next, in order not to break it, the author inserts a piece of wire into the thinnest tube and bends it around the can, forming a semicircle of 70-80 degrees.

Makes a nozzle. Cuts off the head of a ball needle. Solders the needle at an angle to the semicircular tube. This is done so that later the nozzle can be inserted into a large tube.

Mark the hole on the tube with the tap where the nozzle will be inserted, taking into account that the end of the nozzle should stick out from the tube by a couple of millimeters, and the opposite end of the nozzle tube. The excess can be cut off.

Having made a hole (not through) inserts the nozzle. If necessary, the edge of the tube can be trimmed. Cuts the edge of the tube into 6 parts and bends them inward.

Inserts the opposite end and solders both sides of the tube.

Next he makes the burner head. Cutting off 5mm from the key head, expands the hole with a 5mm drill and places it on the nozzle.

Makes a container for fuel. Drill two 4mm holes into the jar lids - their holes are opposite each other. Inserts a middle tube into one of them so that it does not reach the bottom of the jar by 1 cm. Stepping back 2 cm from the lid, cuts it off. After sawing off another 2.5 cm from the tube, insert it into the second hole in the lid. Solders the tubes to the lid.

The tube from the compressor is connected to the long tube of the container, and the burner is connected to the short one.

Gasoline burners quite often help out fishermen. They can be divided into 3 main types:

  • Gasoline or running on other types of liquid fuel.
  • Gas powered.
  • Multi-fuel.

The last type of burners is designed to operate on various types fuel. It just so happened that gasoline devices appeared a little earlier than gas ones. Despite the fact that quite a lot of time has passed since the advent of gas burners, gasoline burners are still used in our time.

Moreover, they are not just used, but used more and more intensively. The thing is that each type of burner has a number of advantages and disadvantages. Under certain conditions, gasoline burners show best results and high efficiency. This article is aimed at introducing readers to the advantages of gasoline burners.

The design features of the burners depend on what type of fuel is used. For example:

  • There are burners that operate exclusively on gasoline and no other fuel.
  • There are designs that, in addition to gasoline, also use kerosene.
  • The operation of any type of burner requires special device, capable of maintaining pressure on a constant basis. Due to this factor, these devices are classified according to this method.
  • There are designs in which there is no pump, while other devices are equipped with a pump.
  • Burners are also classified according to the method of fastening the fuel container.
  • Some types of burners are designed so that the fuel container is located separately from the burner and the fuel is supplied to the burner through a hose. There are burners where the fuel container and the burner form a single structure.

Do you need a gasoline torch when fishing?

  • Very interesting question, since a gasoline burner has a certain weight and takes up some useful space. When you go fishing, every kilogram counts excess weight. Many people, when going fishing in the summer, do without gasoline burners, since they can light a fire without any problems. But not everyone is always lucky and there are situations when it is impossible to light a fire, especially in bad weather conditions. If wooden branches are very wet, they will not catch fire without additional effort and equipment. Having a gasoline burner will help you light a fire without much difficulty, even if the branches are wet. In addition, you can use a gasoline burner to heat a kettle of water or cook food.
  • There is another situation when fishing is carried out before dark and no one wants to light a fire because of fatigue. In this case, it’s easier to use a burner to quickly cook dinner, even if it’s late.
  • When cold and wet weather has set in for a long time, a gasoline burner will always help out and you won’t have to think about what to cook tea or food with.

Buy or make a gasoline burner yourself

The easiest option is to purchase the device in a store, especially since the manufacturer offers various models. It is very difficult to determine which of the developments is most suitable due to the design features.

Some models are too heavy to be taken with you, especially if there is no transport. If transport is available, this factor is not of fundamental importance.

Industrial designs are expensive, and for their normal operation only high-quality gasoline is required.

As for homemade gas burners, there are also several options for their manufacture. For self-made Used parts from gasoline burners will be used. After assembly, you get a high-quality, efficient, and most importantly functional device. This approach can be done by anyone, even an inexperienced fisherman. A gasoline burner operates on the principle of mixing gasoline vapor and air flow. The burner is designed in such a way that this combustible mixture is constantly supplied to the combustion area, which maintains the combustion process. At the same time, for some reason, lower grades of gasoline burn in homemade burners, compared to industrial developments.

DIY gasoline burner

Making your own various fishing accessories has its advantages. The most important thing is that each of the masters receives as a result the apparatus that he needs. At the same time, each of them uses its own spare parts for manufacturing, which correspond to a specific manufacturing method.

Method one

  • To make the first burner you will need two tin cans which are usually thrown away. To use them for their intended purpose, they are cleaned of dirt and thoroughly washed, and then dried.
  • Take one of the cans and punch 4 holes in its bottom with a nail. The same holes are made on the side of the jar around the entire perimeter.
  • The side of the jar is cut off at a distance of 3 cm from the bottom. The result is upper part burners.
  • Take a second can and cut it around the entire circumference to the same height.
  • The second part of the can will serve as the bottom of the future burner. A cotton wool is placed on the bottom of the jar, after which bottom part The burner is covered with the top.
  • Gasoline is poured from above through punched holes. As a result, gasoline is retained by the cotton wool, and only the vapors are ignited. The burner can be lit.
  • The design of such a burner is quite simple. Unfortunately, it is also disposable, since after use, you can’t count on using it a second time.

Method two

The second design is more complex, but it is also more practical, since it is not disposable.

What is needed for this:

  • The burner itself will have to be purchased at the store.
  • A car camera is suitable as a compressor. Unfortunately, it needs to be filled with air from time to time to maintain the pressure at the desired level.
  • A 2-liter canister is suitable as a fuel tank, in the lid of which 2 holes are made where tubes are inserted. One of them should reach the bottom of the canister, and the second should reach halfway.
  • A transparent plastic container that can be tightly closed with a lid is suitable for the receiver. Receiver volume – 10 liters.

Assembly steps:

  • Gasoline is filled about halfway into the fuel tank.
  • It is advisable to install a filter of the simplest design at the compressor inlet. To do this, use a plastic funnel, onto which a nylon stocking should be pulled.

How does such a device work?

Air from the compressor is supplied to the receiver, which smoothes out pressure unevenness. After this, it enters the tank with gasoline, as a result of which the flammable mixture of air and gasoline vapor is already displaced from the tank. This mixture falls on the burner, all that remains is to set it on fire.

Method three

For such a product you will need a metal flat jar, pumice and not large number gasoline.

How to assemble the product.

  • Pumice is packed quite tightly into a metal jar, almost completely.
  • After this, it should be soaked in gasoline. This is done very carefully so that gasoline does not spill. The manufacture of the burner is completed. This burner can provide heat for 15 minutes. You can use it to cook a modest lunch or heat a tent in extreme conditions.

Prevention of clogging

  • During operation, the gasoline burner may become clogged, so it is better to use high-quality gasoline with a high octane number.
  • If you use special additives for gasoline, you can solve the problem of burner clogging. Similar additives are used in injection engines.
  • To prevent the burner from failing at the most inopportune moment, it is better to clean it after use.

What is better than a gas burner compared to a gas burner?

  • A gasoline burner uses fuel that can be purchased at any gas station. As for gas, you still need to look for a gas station where they fill up gas cylinders. Therefore, we can conclude that gasoline is much more affordable compared to gas.
  • As gas is produced in a gas burner, the quality of its work deteriorates, which cannot be said about a gasoline burner.
  • Far from civilization, although by chance, you can get some gasoline, but gas is unlikely to be found.
  • Gasoline burners are lightweight and compact. You can put them in a backpack and take them with you on a hike.

Working in extreme conditions

In rarefied air conditions, a gasoline burner will never fail, but gas burner It will either burn poorly or not burn at all.

How to choose the right gasoline burner in a store

Choosing a burner in a store is not an easy task, especially when there is a choice. The main thing is to determine in advance the criteria by which the burner will be selected, depending on the expected operating conditions. What you need to pay attention to:

  • It is better to choose a model that has a detachable connection that separates the pump from the burner. This will make it easier to clean the pump if necessary.
  • The instructions should indicate how quickly you can boil 1 liter of water under standard conditions.
  • It should also indicate how much fuel it takes to boil the same 1 liter of water or indicate the fuel consumption per unit of time.
  • If weight is of fundamental importance, then you should also pay attention to this data. If there is transport, this is not important.
  • It is advisable to determine the availability of spare parts. Any device fails sooner or later, and the burner is no exception. If there are no spare parts for repair, then in case of a malfunction, you will simply have to throw it away.
  • The presence of wind protection is another important factor that can influence the selection process.

In some cases, the use of gasoline burners may be justified. At the same time, we should not forget that such devices must be looked after and only high-quality gasoline must be used.


e.v. Kubasov

Gasoline burner

About the subject of conversation

The operating principle of the burner proposed for manufacture is based on obtaining a sufficiently high-temperature torch by burning pre-prepared gasoline vapors in an air environment. The temperature of the directed torch, about 1200 "C, is quite sufficient to perform many works in a home workshop: hardening and tempering of a small tool, artistic processing of the surface of wood, melting small portions of non-ferrous metals, etc. The main purpose of this device is soldering hard solders. Good for filigree and enamel work.

In its essence, the burner is similar to the well-known small blowtorch. However, the main difference and advantage of the burner is that it does not need to be lit quite long time. When ignited, a flame is immediately obtained without soot, which abundantly accompanies the ignition process. blowtorch. This circumstance makes it possible to perform work at home. It is worth, unfortunately, recognizing the fact that the presence of

a smell of gasoline still accompanies the operation of this device

During operation, the torch is much safer than a blowtorch, which is a potential explosive device in working condition.

A schematic block diagram of the entire device is shown in Fig. 1. Here:

1 burner

2. Aerator.

3. Receiver.

4. Cross.

5. Compressor.

When the compressor is turned on, compressed air is supplied through the cross simultaneously into the aerator, receiver and into one of the two burner fittings. The second fitting is connected by a hose to the outlet pipe of the aerator. Compressed air, passing through the thickness of the gasoline poured into the aerator, it is saturated with the vapors of this gasoline, which enter the burner. Thus, gasoline vapor is supplied through one fitting, and air through the second. Directly in the burner, these two flows are mixed and then enter the nozzle. Adjustment of the quantity and composition of the working mixture is carried out by two needle valves. The third valve is used to adjust the shape of the torch.

The assembly drawing is shown in Fig. 2. Detailing - in Fig. 3 and fig. 4. On the assembly drawing:

1. Nozzle body 1 pc.

2. Steel tube diameter

12 mm, wall thickness 1 mm 1 pc.