Make a two-minute speech for good sleep. Benefits of naps

Sleep is a natural process in which a person is in a state of minimal brain activity and has a reduced reaction to the world around him. We can say that sleep is a special state of consciousness, which includes several stages that naturally repeat throughout the night. The appearance of these stages is associated with the activity of various brain structures.

Stages of sleep

There is a slow and REM sleep. Slow lasts 90 minutes and has several stages:

1. The first is drowsiness, which may be accompanied by dream-like hallucinations and hallucinogenic thoughts. During this period, muscle activity is reduced, and hypnogogic twitching may be observed.

2. The second is light sleep, which lasts 20 minutes and is characterized by a slowdown in heart rate and a decrease in temperature. During this period, it is easy to wake up a person who is sleeping. The most sensitive is

3. Third - slow sleep.

4. The fourth is the deepest delta sleep. At this stage, it is difficult to wake a person. Almost 80% of dreams, sleepwalking and cases of enuresis are recorded during this period.

REM sleep was discovered by Kleitman and Aserinsky. They found rapid fluctuations in the electrical activity of the brain in people who were sleeping.

It should be noted that there is also a cortical theory of sleep, according to which inhibition conditioned reflexes and sleep are identical processes. Thus, I.P. Pavlov considered internal inhibition as a localized phenomenon that applies only to individual cells of the cerebral cortex. At the same time, he considered sleep as the irradiation of such inhibition to the two hemispheres and to other parts of the central nervous system.

What is the value of sleep?

Everyone knows that in order to fully study or work, you need to rest. One of the main types of rest is sleep. During it, the body restores its energy costs that occurred during wakefulness. In addition, sleep is responsible for the processing of information, as well as its exchange between consciousness and subconscious.

It can be argued that the value of sleep lies in the fact that it is necessary to maintain human health and ensure its performance. It should also be noted that it is during sleep that muscle fibers most actively rest and recover, especially after exercise, and also undergo recovery processes throughout the body.

It should be said that they get tired while they are awake. To prevent their exhaustion, you need to sleep a certain number of hours. It's interesting to know that in different times day, the value of sleep can vary dramatically. Besides this, this parameter may depend on whether a person is a “lark” or a “night owl”, that is, on individual characteristics and familiar

How many hours should you sleep?

The normal amount of sleep that would be sufficient for optimal recovery of strength and energy varies depending on age. It is clear that, for example, a newborn baby sleeps much more. For him, the normal duration of sleep is approximately 11-23 hours. With age, it decreases. At the age of two, children, as a rule, sleep for 10-12 hours, at the age of 2 to 4 years - about 5-6 hours.

There is an assumption that the value of sleep at different times of the day may differ. Modern life quite busy, so people often forget about the importance of a night's rest. For healthy person It is enough to sleep for 12 appropriate hours to fully restore your strength. If you indicate the value of sleep by the hour, you can create a table.

Table of the value of a night's sleep

Considering the value of sleep (the table above), we can conclude that the body gets enough rest if you sleep at the appropriate hours. Other sleep times are not as beneficial.

Consequences of poor sleep

It should be noted that with illness or intense stress, the need for sleep increases. If the night's rest continues insufficient quantity time, the following violations occur:

Hormonal imbalances;

Negative changes in metabolism;

Increased risk of cancer pathologies;

Increased chances of developing cardiovascular diseases;

Decreased immunity;

Low level of general body tone;

Insufficient development of attention and performance;

Psychomotor agitation;

Lack of quick reaction and endurance.

In addition, every person can notice a deterioration in memory and mood if at least 3 hours of sleep are not enough, however, it should be remembered that its excessive duration also negatively affects the body. After an excessive night's rest, a person feels flabby all day and experiences some discomfort.

In order for sleep to be complete, it is imperative to set its individual duration, since optimal rest of the nervous system is the key to good tolerance of various stresses during the day, as well as the prevention of the development of neuroses.

What to do to improve sleep

To night sleep brings maximum benefit, you should adjust your daily routine. It is advisable to fall asleep and wake up at the same time. In case of sleep disturbances, it is not recommended to immediately take sleeping pills; it is better to use other methods to which pathological dependence does not develop.

What principles should be followed? Here are some of them:

Before going to bed at night, you should avoid emotional stress;

Ventilating the room gives a positive result;

Attention should be paid to the quality of the pillow and mattress;

It is useful to take a walk before bed, intense physical activity contraindicated;

Water treatments have a calming effect;

If necessary, you can use self-hypnosis, which includes various methods relaxation;

You should not drink coffee, strong tea or any other tonic drink before bed; In addition, it is advisable not to drink a lot of liquid in the evening, since after waking up it can be difficult to fall asleep again.

Following these rules will allow you to stay healthy and always cheerful.

Dear friends, I welcome you to the pages of the “Sleepy Cantata” website.

Today we’ll talk about daytime sleep, which we call napping, and in hot countries siesta.

There are many conflicting opinions about the benefits nap. : You can’t sleep during the day. Doctors, on the contrary, recommend short rest as a prevention of heart and mental diseases.

The benefits of siesta from a medical point of view

Positive effect on the brain: concentration of attention and perception of new information improves.

German researchers conducted an interesting experiment. Two groups of volunteers were asked to remember the same amount of words. Next, the subjects from the first group moved on to another activity, and the second group went to take a nap (without plunging into deep sleep).

At the end of the experiment, tests showed that those who slept remembered much more words. You can read more about how sleep helps study.

The state of complete relaxation and peace during sleep relieves, which helps prevent stress and get rid of nervousness.

A short nap during the day increases the level of joy hormones, endorphins and serotonin, respectively. Remember that feeling of grace in your body that you experience after taking a nap? It is they, the hormones of happiness, that have resumed their work.

The risk of strokes and heart attacks is reduced by 37 percent for those people who allow themselves to “poke” for half an hour during the day.

When can you sleep

Doctors consider the most useful time for siesta to be from 1 pm to 3 pm. But if you feel overwhelmed, lie down and sleep, even if it is 16 or 19 hours. 30 minutes of sleep will bring much more benefits than resisting your nature with strong tea, coffee, energy drinks, and so on.

Napping is like meditation

Scientists have found that in a state of drowsiness, the human brain emits the same waves as when immersed in trance, hypnosis, or deep meditation.

In a drowsy state, our contact with reality is broken, and closest to the subconscious: new ideas may come to us, solutions may come difficult situations, we can see . If you wake a person in this state, he is unlikely to understand that he was sleeping.

The transitional state between wakefulness and sleep gives the whole organism: soul, brain, body (if you are, of course, comfortably seated).

Salvador Dali, the Spanish artist, loved moments of daytime relaxation. The story describes his siesta this way: having settled comfortably in a chair, Salvador took a spoon in his hand and placed a metal tray on the floor.

When he fell asleep, the fingers of his hand unclenched, and the spoon fell with a crash onto the tray. The artist woke up from the noise. Those moments that he spent between deep sleep and activity were enough for him to get a surge of energy.

How much to sleep during the day so as not to cause harm to health

In order for sleep to bring vigor and refresh your head, try not to plunge into the deep stage, which occurs approximately 30 minutes after falling asleep. In order not to oversleep, you can resort to the achievements of civilization: alarm clocks, reminders in your phone, and so on. Or try to sleep like Salvador Dali.

  • Sleep from 1 hour to 2 hours. If you decide to rest thoroughly during the daytime siesta, then sleep no more than 2 hours.

Rationale: Somnologists explain this duration of daytime rest.

Plunging into a sleepy state, we first go through the stage of drowsiness or superficial sleep, which lasts 5-10 minutes, then sleep spindles “come” with even greater relaxation and last about 20 minutes. Next comes deep sleep, which is called slow sleep.

If you fall into deep sleep, which happens 30 minutes after falling asleep, then waking up before it ends (its duration is 30-45 minutes) does not bode well for you - fatigue, decreased performance, possible headaches.

And all because of the most complex internal processes that occur in the body during. These processes must be completed.

That's why, if you need to cheer up, doctors recommend sleeping for up to half an hour without falling into deep sleep.

But if this failed and you have crossed the half-hour mark, then let your body finish what it started and sleep more than an hour, but less than 2.

Sleeping at work

One can only dream about it, and yet modern society in this matter is becoming more and more loyal. For example, in China and other countries, enterprises install special sleep capsules to increase productivity.

If your office does not yet have such capsules, then it can come to the rescue. It will allow you to have a good rest, disconnecting from external stimuli. And your employees will have a reason to laugh a lot while you sleep. Laughter, by the way, also energizes well.

Personal opinion.
I can say from my own experience: daytime sleep is useful, it invigorates perfectly, after half an hour of rest you can move mountains. The main thing for me is not to miss the moment myself, then I fall asleep instantly and get up with a fresh head. But if I wake up unsuccessfully: I sleep for less than an hour, or more than two, then the rest of the day is a waste!

How do you feel about daytime sleep? Do you find it useful?

Elena Valve for the project Sleepy Cantata.

That is why it is important to know how much, who and when not to sleep, as well as how best to do it in order to get the maximum benefits from sleep. not a little time. And sleep is of particular importance in sports, during pregnancy, when various diseases and in the case when a person suffers from his health!

The functions of sleep include: restoration of memory functions, regulation of emotional state, metabolic functions, energy balance, biosynthesis of macro-mo-le-kul, utilities ingestion of toxic substances and other metabolic products. But it follows that all these processes are not fully understood, and it is likely that many of them can also occur during wakefulness, and therefore , some authors consider sleep merely as a process of adaptation of the body, with a subsequent return to normal. new condition , . It is possible that sleep is necessary to immobilize the body, which makes it possible to stop the flow of sensory information from the prop-prior-receptors, due to which it is possible to restore the organs of the higher nervous system.

In any case, be that as it may, although science cannot thoroughly describe the nature of sleep, nevertheless, scientific evidence confirms that sleep is necessary for the restoration of hormones. nal and immune systems, as well as metabolic processes in all tissues of the body. Therefore, you need to sleep! But here is how much sleep, how exactly, at what time of day, as well as what should be done to improve the quality of sleep, in case of sleeplessness and others special circumstances, we still have to figure it out in the further narration. And it is important to do this because the quality of sleep affects both a person’s performance in sports and health in general. De-woosh-cams should take note that chronic lack of sleep cannot be hidden by any cosmetics. And remember, “before going to bed, think about tomorrow. There is a new morning in it, a new life!

Sleep and sheep

Consequences of lack of sleep

Physical: a change in the ratio of hormones, in particular, due to lack of sleep, the level of cor-ti-zol increases and glucose tolerance increases. Also, due to the lack of sleep, the level of lep-ti decreases and the level of ghrelin increases, which leads to poor food intake. behavior, increased appetite and accumulation subcutaneous fat, . All this also affects the level of somatotropin, since it, as is known, is especially in-ten-siv-but sec-re-ti ru-et-xia between midnight and two o'clock in the morning. In general, we can confirm that regular lack of sleep leads to deterioration in the hor-monal system. meh, which may partly explain increased risk ser-dech-but-so-su-dis-tykh for-bo-le-va-niy among persons who regularly violate the sleep-wakefulness-va-niya regime.

In addition, the high mortality rate due to regular lack of sleep can also be explained by the decrease in immunity . For example, it is known that lack of sleep stimulates the activation of certain inflammatory cytokines of the non-specific immune system. We . Moreover, lack of sleep also affects the specific immune system, so research demonstrates that, as a result, it does not -to-sy-pa-the number of antibodies after vaccination is reduced by 50% of the norm. And such a reaction of the immune system to lack of sleep ultimately pro- duces the development of osteoporosis, heart disease and diabetes. ta .

Cognitive: deterioration of attention, concentration, memory, behavioral reactions and sex-su-al-no-go-ve-de-niya, that de-ter-mi-ni-ro-va-but na-ru-she-niya- mi physiological processes, such as the secretion of hormones and metabolic processes in cells. Separately, it is worth noting that regular lack of sleep leads to depression and disruption of mo-ti-va-tion mechanisms, increased anxiety, general nervousness, -ga-tiv-but speaks on the internal sensations of the individual and his work-ability. In addition, since people often do not sleep enough for short periods of time, for example, accountants during annual reports, scientists also predict about the reality the consequences of such a sleep-wake regime, in particular, the increased risk of car accidents.

How much and when should you sleep?

The general recommended figures for healthy adults are at least 7 hours per day, although it is recommended to sleep 8-9 hours, for older people at least 6 hours, for teenagers 10- 12 o'clock and for small children 12-15 o'clock. At the same time, it should be taken into account that sleep time is determined by the time and activity of wakefulness, which is why an athlete needs to sleep more than an office worker. And to determine how much sleep you personally get, you can use the criterion of sleepiness, to what extent, if you feel tired during the day and can literally fall asleep on the way my, then you are definitely not getting enough sleep and harming your health. And, no matter how much difference there is between optimal time sleep and lack of sleep can be any 30-60 minutes, it is recommended to fill up this time with sleep during the day.

How to stop snoring

How to improve your sleep

Circadian rhythms: We wrote in detail about what this is, but, in short, these are biological rhythms that regulate the intensity of all processes in the body. In particular, with regard to sleep, circadian rhythms regulate the secretion of me-la-to-ni-na, correcting its concentration according to the amount of light, so sleep is re-ko-men-du-et- sit in a dark room, because the darker the room, the higher the level of me-la-to-ni-na, and the deeper the sleep, , . But this does not mean that you can simply hang dark curtains on the windows and sleep during the day, since circadian rhythms are determined, first of all, by the time of day , although availability dark curtains will give its plus.

Sleep hygiene: firstly, let us once again emphasize the importance of the absence of light, in connection with which, in the bedroom, it is not recommended to hang dark curtains on the windows, and if you live near the road, then so Or install Roman blinds and soundproof double glazed windows on the windows. Secondly, it is recommended to ventilate the room before going to bed so that there is enough sourness in it, and from-re-gu-li- keep the air temperature within 20-24°C. Thirdly, if you have problems sleeping, it is recommended that before going to bed, take a hot bath, which allows you to relax and slow down your nerves. system, but a shower before bed, on the contrary, invigorates and prevents you from falling asleep.

Physical activity: It is known that intense training leads to increased sweat and sleep, but research demonstrates that the quality of sleep is only affected by to those training sessions that occur indirectly before bedtime. This is due to the fact that some plastic processes, apparently, can also occur during wakefulness. At the same time, if physical activity interests you not as an end in itself, but as a sleep-creative, then before going to bed, re-co-men -I'm thinking of going for a walk, and not "lifting the barbell", since intensive physical activity "turns on the psyche", which can over-re-cover the effect -ffect of us-ta-los-ti from physical activity.

Pharmacology: It is recommended, if possible, to completely avoid any interference with the sleep-wake schedule, since caffeine consumed even 6 hours before bedtime can will not affect the ability to fall asleep, as well as the quality of sleep; al-ko-gol, used by children as a sleeping pill, not-ga-tiv-but says-about-the-quality of sleep,; sleeping pills used for more than a few days lose their effectiveness, while more powerful sleeping pills can significantly reduce their effectiveness -activity of sleep, duration of sleep and bio-logical features of its phases

Health and sleep are integral components of a person’s normal life. At the same time, not only our general condition, but also many internal processes. While the body is resting, the body normalizes and stabilizes the entire metabolism. The energy spent during the day is restored and removed toxic substances from brain cells.

The benefits of sleep are very difficult to overestimate. Almost all body systems work normally only with full sleep. Healthy sleep is as necessary as air, food and water.

This is what happens to our body during sleep:

  1. The brain analyzes and structures the information it has received during the day. Everything we encounter during the day is sorted out, and unnecessary information is crossed out. This is how sleep affects our knowledge. Therefore, it is advisable to learn everything important in the evening.
  2. Weight is adjustable. The most basic substances that contribute to excess appetite are produced during insomnia. Therefore, if a person does not sleep, he wants to eat more, and from this he gains overweight.
  3. The work of the heart is normalized. Cholesterol levels are reduced, which helps restore the cardiovascular system. This is health in the truest sense.
  4. Immunity. Normal work of our protective system directly depends on healthy rest. If you suffer from insomnia, then expect infectious diseases.
  5. Restoration of damaged cells and tissues. It is at this time that wounds and injuries heal most actively.
  6. Energy is restored. Breathing slows down, muscles relax, and sensory organs turn off.

This is far from full list useful properties, which affects sleep on human health. Recovering hormonal background, and growth hormones are also released, which is very important for children. Memory improves and concentration increases, so in order to complete urgent work, it is recommended not to sit all night, but rather get some sleep so you can get ready.

Everyone knows that a person cannot live without rest, just as he cannot live without food and water. But nevertheless, most people continue to disrupt their biorhythms and do not devote enough time to rest at night.

Health and sleep are very closely related, so practicing sleep hygiene is extremely important.

Sleep is not as simple a phenomenon as it seems at first glance. This is why we sleep for several hours and get enough sleep, but you can go to bed on time and wake up completely exhausted. How sleep works and how this mechanism works is still being studied by doctors and scientists. The norm for an adult is to rest for 8 hours a day. During this period, you experience several complete cycles, which are divided into smaller phases.

All in all, healthy sleep includes:

The ratio between the slow and fast phase changes. A person experiences the full cycle several times during the night. At the very beginning of the night's rest, slow sleep makes up 90% of the entire cycle, and in the morning, on the contrary, the fast phase predominates.

During each period of sleep, the body receives its share of benefits. Therefore for full recovery a person needs to go through at least 4 times a night full cycle. Good sleep is the key to health. Then you'll wake up in good mood and you will be full of strength.

Proper organization and sleep hygiene guarantees strong immunity, normal functioning of the nervous system, and also makes sleep itself sound, which increases its effectiveness for health. Here are the basic rules that must be followed to fall asleep peacefully and have good spirits in the morning.

This is basic sleep hygiene:

In addition, before going to bed, you should distract yourself and not watch TV or listen to loud music. The nervous system needs to prepare, and for this you can do yoga or meditation.

A warm bed, correct body position, sleep hygiene, and the absence of stressful situations will help you fall asleep peacefully and sleep soundly throughout the night.

Very large number people are trying to work or study at night, as well as have fun. This can lead to health problems, as well as chronic sleep disorders.

The main consequences of lack of sleep:

The list goes on and on. A person who sleeps no more than 3 days can see hallucinations and also get mental disorders. Staying awake for five days can be fatal.

There are people on the planet who have not slept for several years without harm to their health. But these cases are rare; in all other cases, prolonged lack of sleep can lead to serious illness.

The importance of sleep for human health and for the normal functioning of all systems is very great. At the same time, in order to fully relax, it is important to be able to organize your best sleep, like everyone else healthy image life.

Are there any benefits to taking an afternoon nap? How much sleep do you need? What are the benefits and harms of daytime sleep? All these questions are interesting and important both for medicine and for all people who want to be healthy. Therefore, research, observation and experimentation are constantly taking place in the field of sleep research.

What are the benefits of sleep for a person? Neurologists talk about the results of the latest medical research. And their main conclusion is that sleep is needed, and the benefits of sleep are undeniable.

Benefits of a night's sleep

The body needs sleep to rest and recuperate. However, we often prefer interesting activities rather than prolonged sleep. After sleep, we feel cheerful, the dark circles under our eyes disappear, and our mood improves.

These are visible beneficial results. And there are benefits from sleep that are invisible to us. During such rest in the body at the cellular level, important processes. In particular, cells, brain and nervous system, hormone levels are regulated. All this contributes better job heart, improves attention and memory. Also, some sleep researchers are convinced that sleep prolongs life.

How much sleep do you need

Without normal long-term sleep, the risk of diseases of the nervous and cardiovascular systems increases, headaches and obesity appear.

You need to sleep enough to feel good in the morning. The duration of sleep depends on the age of the person. However, you should not sleep less than 6 hours. An “extra” hour of sleep will have a very good effect on your health. The brain will organize all your emotions and your stress will disappear.