Autumn magic of autumn flowers. What to plant in the flower garden in the fall: choosing autumn flowers

As summer ends, many crops stop blooming, and flower beds look empty and dull. Autumn flowers will help add color. There are not many varieties of them, but they are not inferior in beauty to their summer counterparts. They are distinguished by their unpretentiousness and resistance to temperature changes. A well-designed flower bed will delight the eye until frost sets in.

Formation of flower beds

Many crops begin flowering from the beginning of summer and continue until the cold weather. They should be selected taking into account the specifics of the site: lighting, soil composition, irrigation features. Before wondering what flowers bloom in the fall, you need to think about a plan for their placement. All plants are divided into 4 groups according to height: creeping, low-growing, medium-growing and tall. From them correct location will depend general view flower beds:

Tall representatives of the flora are planted along fences and decorative fences. Medium-sized flowers are found on the sides of paths and paths. The shortest ones are planted in separate containers and hanging flowerpots.

Autumn flowers are perennial and annual, each plant has its own advantages. Perennials grow in one place for up to 5 years and do not need to be replanted. Annual crops make it possible to change the entire appearance of the garden every year.

September colors

In September the weather is almost no different from summer. And that’s why many August plants continue to bloom this month. Gerberas, begonias, and balsams gradually fade and are replaced by chrysanthemums. Autumn flowers, whose name is known to everyone, boast a wide variety of varieties and colors. There are tall representatives and miniature species. Flowering begins in August and continues until cold weather. Unpretentious Korean varieties of chrysanthemums are gaining popularity. Dense bushes are abundantly strewn with small beautiful flowers. They prefer a well-lit place with moist soil.

Korean varieties:

  • altgold - dark yellow;
  • snow white - white double flowers;
  • Lada - pink-lilac;
  • hebe - yellow-pink, blooms until frost.

Aster is an unpretentious herbaceous plant. It stands out for its long flowering period. There are many varieties, different in height, shape and color of flowers. Aster grows on any soil, reproduces easily and is resistant to light frosts.

Dahlias - grow everywhere, but prefer loose, nutritious soil and moderate watering without waterlogging. Shade-tolerant, but it is advisable to place them in well-lit areas protected from drafts. Flowering begins in summer and continues until frost. To prevent the flowers from becoming smaller, no more than 3 buds are left on the bush, and the rest are removed.

Snapdragon - the plant got its name for the unusual appearance of its flowers, reminiscent of the mouth of the king of beasts. Various colors: white, burgundy, lilac, pink, orange. There are both dwarf and tall representatives.

Snapdragon prefers light soil and well-lit areas. Regular removal of faded buds prolongs the flowering period.

October Gold

The October weather is already far from the summer warmth, the rains begin, and many plants die. But for this month there are blooming representatives:

Flowerbed in November

In late autumn, I also want to see a bright flower garden. But the choice of plants for the last autumn month is small.

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The sad time has come to say goodbye to the red summer. Gradually the entire fraternity of trees and shrubs is dressed in gold and crimson. What a wonderful, unsurpassed game of diversity! different shades yellow-red flowers. And in the crystal clear blue sky the cranes are already calling. Goodbye summer! Nature wears at the farewell banquet elegant dress. No wonder the poet called this time “the charm of the eyes.”

According to the calendar, as you know, autumn begins on the first of September. Astronomers consider the beginning of autumn to be the day of the autumnal equinox - September 22, and meteorologists - the date of a stable transition of the average daily air temperature through 10 degrees to lower temperatures. The transition of the average daily temperature through 5 degrees is a sign of the end of the growing season. Autumn is usually divided into two periods. The first lasts from the first frost until the end of November, and the second - from the end of November to the beginning of winter. The first frosts are the beginning of autumn. But behind them, as a rule, warm and dry weather begins, the so-called “Indian summer” begins. These days of golden autumn, it’s as if summer is returning again, and a number of plants are blooming again. But this joyful, colorful period of autumn is very short.

Phenologists believe that autumn begins with the beginning of a noticeable yellowing of leaves on trees and bushes. IN different years leaves turn yellow different terms. The leaves on the birch trees turn yellow first, later on the linden, then the bird cherry; the branches, crowns, and viburnum bushes turn purple. Yellowing of leaves and November are the most characteristic features autumn. Why do the leaves turn yellow in the fall? I hear this question more than once from different people. In summer, the leaves are green due to the presence of a large amount of green pigment - chlorophyll. But, in addition to chlorophyll, the leaf also contains yellow-orange pigments - carotene and xanthophyll. In summer, the pigments are masked by chlorophyll, so the leaf appears green. In autumn, chlorophyll breaks down and yellow-orange pigments give leaves golden and orange tones. But, in addition to yellow, on many trees and plants the leaves acquire even more diverse shades: from red-purple to purple flowers. This is explained by the presence in the cells of leaves of a special colored substance - anthocyanin. With cooling, the anthocyanin content increases, because low temperatures and bright light promote its formation.

No less characteristic of autumn is the falling of leaves from trees and. This phenomenon cannot be explained only by the onset of cold weather, as some believe. If you transplant a tree into a room or greenhouse where the temperature does not drop, it will still shed its leaves. This is because by autumn a special corky layer forms at the base of the leaf petioles. This layer separates the leaf from the plant. A light blow is enough and the leaf falls off. By November, a lot of substances accumulate in the leaves, not needed by the plant, and with the fall of leaves these substances are removed from the plant. November, like the change in leaf color, is associated with a change in life activity plant organisms in connection with preparation for unfavorable winter conditions. It's vital necessary equipment developed over thousands of years under the influence of the climatic features of the temperate zone. After all, with leaves, trees would not be able to survive in the harsh winter conditions. During the warm period, trees, for example, evaporate about seven thousand kilograms of water through their leaves... If a birch tree were left with leaves for the winter, it would die from lack of water, since in winter it is impossible to take it from the soil in such quantities... Another thing - coniferous trees, they do not shed their clothes for the winter, which, due to the special structure of their needle-like leaves-needles, evaporate very little water, and therefore they are not afraid of winter water hunger.

Gradually the leaves fall from the trees and bushes, but herbaceous plants still have theirs green. True, many of them already have yellowed stems and leaves, and many plants are still blooming. Some plants bloom again only occasionally, and for some, repeated flowering in the fall has become almost commonplace. Plants such as adonis, fragrant violet, marigold, cuckoo flower, forest anemones and a number of others often bloom again. The peculiar weather conditions of autumn are especially conducive to re-blooming, when after a cold snap there comes a long period of warming.

Some plants, in particular weeds, can bloom, as they say, from snow to snow, that is, from early spring to late autumn. Among them are chickweed or woodlice, talaban (jarutka) and others. In autumn, later forms of some plant species can also be found with flowers. These are eyebright, tenacious, field violet, gravilat, etc. These species bloom in early summer, seem to disappear later, and bloom again in the fall. Such seasonal forms individual species plants have still been very little studied.

Some autumn-flowering species are plants that bloom in the second half of summer and continue to bloom in the fall. Chicory, cinquefoil, crow's feet, some carnations, tansy, cinquefoil and others bloom late. In damp places the succession is still blooming.

And there are also types of plants that bloom only in autumn. Among them, first of all, it should be noted that this is a plant that is very interesting in its biology. Only in autumn do the yellow flowers of the autumn sternbergia of the Amaryllidaceae family open. This rare plant found here in the Odessa region and Crimea. In autumn, autumn snowdrops, some types of saffrons, etc. bloom. Finally they too fade. Coming early winter, and the first loose white snow will cover the ground.

In autumn, the most beautiful, spectacular and unusual flower beds bloom. And at the moment the summer warmth fades, it is the flower beds with autumn plants that lift the mood, correct landing and care they bloom until frost. To correctly decide on the choice of seeds or seedlings for planting, it is recommended to take a closer look at some popular plants.

Plant selection

To admire the buds in the autumn, you need to know what flowers bloom in the fall, choose the right seeds, and provide them good fit, care and timely watering. The following are especially respected in almost all regions:

  • anemone;
  • aster;
  • marigold;
  • helenium autumn;
  • dahlias;
  • goldenrod;
  • crocosmia;
  • saxifrage;
  • monards;
  • window sill;
  • rudbeckia;
  • phlox;
  • chrysanthemums;
  • zinnia.

Anemone (anemone)

Touching autumn garden flowers, reminiscent of early spring by their resemblance to primroses. Various colors and shapes of buds will look advantageous against the background of stones. Anemones bloom with good care and in right place until frost.

There are almost 150 plant species in horticulture, but the following varieties are considered recognized:

  • Lesnaya - height 0.5 meters, flower diameter - about 7 cm.
  • Japanese - 40 cm with small groups of buds.
  • Crown - about 25 centimeters in height and with flowers with a diameter of 6 cm.
  • Tender - about 20 cm from the ground.

There are two types of anemone - tuberous and rhizomatous. The division of rhizomes is carried out in the spring - they are cut so that on each part there are buds for growing greenery. The tubers are first left to swell for 2-3 hours in warm water.

It is recommended to plant anemones in fertile, loose soil with the addition of sand and wood ash in partial shade to a depth of 3−7 cm. Determined immediately from permanent place habitat of the plant, because anemone categorically does not accept transplantation. Regular, but not abundant watering of the flower is recommended.


A common fall flower in the garden, both annual and perennial varieties are popular. Branched stems with flowers delight the eye until frost.

The variety of aster species is amazing; they are divided into three groups according to height:

Depending on the variety, choose the soil, planting location, fertilizers and frequency of watering. This flower is planted with seeds and seedlings in spring or autumn.

Unlike many autumn flowers, aster does not require special care; it is enough to water and fertilize once or twice during the growth and flowering period. Small-flowered asters do not require tying to a support and are not afraid of night frosts, which makes life easier for the gardener.

Marigolds (Tagetes)

A plant of the Asteraceae family, which has earned respect for its assistance in pest control. The height of these plants ranges from 20 to 120 cm with buds of yellow, brown or orange color diameter 2-10 cm.

There are three types of marigolds based on height:

  • dwarf;
  • short;
  • tall.

Planting is done with seedlings and seeds in open ground, bloom in 1.5-2 months.

Unpretentious, cold-resistant, bloom well after planting seedlings in fertilized soil. Recommended watering as it dries, without excessive moisture.

Helenium autumn

Gelenium is considered an interesting flower - annual and perennial. The root along with the shoots die with the arrival of autumn, and the underground buds of the shoots grow into new rosettes with leaves and roots; the next year they form a fresh stem.

The colors of the flowers are orange-red, brick yellow, brown, golden and terracotta.

The height of an erect, separately growing helenium ranges from 70 cm to 150 cm.

The plant blooms from late July to mid-September.


Unusual variegated and plain perennial flowers with tuberous roots. Erect branched shoots with a smooth or rough structure with a hollow trunk. Baskets of inflorescences from 3 to 30 centimeters in diameter are surrounded by flowers of various shapes:

  • pompons;
  • spherical;
  • peony-shaped;
  • collar;
  • cactus;
  • semi-cactus;
  • non-double;
  • anemone-shaped;
  • decorative;
  • nymphaeal;
  • mixed.

The color and size are also very diverse and depend on the species, of which there are about 18 thousand; only blue, black and light blue dahlias do not exist in nature.

Plants bloom in July and continue to please the eye until deep frost, depending on the variety. It is necessary to remember to properly dig up the roots and store them in winter at the desired temperature and humidity of the room.


Perennial with a wooden taproot, green trunk with shades of red at the bottom. Erect shoots with oval or elliptical foliage. The height of goldenrod ranges from 30 cm to 2 meters and has small hairs throughout the plant. Among the various varieties, the following stand out:

  • Canadian;
  • ordinary;
  • giant.

This one is blooming autumn plant from May to October. It tolerates both dry and frosty weather conditions remarkably well. Attract insects with small abundant flowers.

Goldenrod can be propagated in several ways:

  1. Seeds.
  2. Seedlings.
  3. Dividing the bush.
  4. Cuttings.

Goldenrod does not require special care; regular watering in dry weather and staking tall bushes will help this plant bloom as long and brightly as possible. In winter, the flower does not need shelter; it is enough to cut the stems and leave 15 cm from the ground.

Crocosmia, Tritonia, Japanese gladiolus

Decorative, spectacular plant Iris family with bright orange, deep red or golden yellow flowers with a characteristic saffron scent.

Crocosmia is not very popular among summer residents, but is already winning the hearts of gardeners with its beauty and unpretentiousness. If you dig up and replant the plant in a special pot before frost in the fall, you can extend the life of the flower for another month in a cool place in a city apartment, for example, on a balcony.

Planting is carried out with corms, children and seeds. It is recommended to sow in February or March; as the seedlings mature, they are planted in pots and transplanted into open ground in May. It is recommended to plant corms in late April or early May.


A perennial plant that blooms in autumn, is easy to care for and has a fibrous root system.

The height of the plant is 0.5-1.5 meters with leaves about 6 cm of emerald or grayish color. Saxifragas have small flowers, which are collected in racemes, paniculate inflorescences or arranged singly.

The color of the buds is varied - white, pink, yellow, red or deep crimson. In harsh climatic conditions, the flower is grown as an annual, since the plant cannot withstand cold temperatures.

Monarda and sill

Monarda has about 20 varieties of annuals and perennials.

The height of the plant reaches 1.5 meters and has a straight, branched stem with leaves emerald color with a pleasant smell.

The shape of the leaves is jagged, elongated-lacental, and the flowers, about 7 cm in diameter, have a variety of colors - purple, white, red, yellow or speckled.

Monarda begins to bloom in June and fades by October; it should be remembered that this plant is used in making tea and food, and for a long time the flower was mistaken for bergamot.

One more thing interesting plant, blooming from mid-summer until late autumn, having not only beautiful inflorescences, but also medical benefits - window sill. Used to treat inflammatory processes and wounded areas of the skin.

The height of the flower reaches 2 meters and ends in inflorescences with a diameter of 25 cm. The foliage is green with purple or dark red streaks. Small flowers of white, pink or beige color have a pleasant smell during the flowering period.

The flower is planted mainly as seedlings, but if an unstable plant gets into the open ground, it will not take root. The window sapling blooms in flower beds located on sunny side, from mid-summer to the coldest weather. A fairly resistant plant to frost and pest attacks.


Beautiful, showy autumn flowers called Rudbeckia bloom from July to October. The most common varieties are the hairy, shiny and glossy rudbeckia, reaching a height of 200 cm, some wild species grow up to 3 meters.

The trunk is covered with villi and has oval and stem leaves large sizes. Flowers with a diameter of about 15 cm, similar to daisy, are yellow, orange, red in color with a core of light brown or red-black color with a velvety texture.

A completely unpretentious plant, but one that respects warm weather; if seeds or seedlings are planted during cold nights, rudbeckia will not take root.


A perennial with bright lush flowers lives from mid-summer until frost. The height of phlox varies from 10 to 150 cm with paniculate or corymbose inflorescences about 5 cm in diameter. Erect shoots with leaves oval shape and flowers of various colors - snow-white, pink, red, blue, lilac with an attractive scent.

Popular varieties are:

  • Phlox paniculata;
  • Vladimir;
  • cloud;
  • Anna;
  • new;
  • Margry.

Despite the fact that phloxes are moisture-loving plants, they do not tolerate stagnation of water near the root system. To provide care for these flowers, you need to plant them in a raised bed away from large shrubs and trees. If there is no free space, phlox will die in competition for light and water.

Chrysanthemums and Zinnias (Majors)

Chrysanthemums are the most popular autumn flowers imported from Japan. A perennial green-brown shrub from 30 cm to 150 cm in height with a characteristic scent, it blooms from late August until the beginning of frost.

Inflorescences are simple, semi-double, double, tubular and needle-shaped. The variety of varieties is amazing in shape, color and size. They are especially respected for their ease of care. korean chrysanthemums with small abundant flowers.

Zinnias - annual plant 30-100 cm high with double, semi-double and simple inflorescences. There is not only a blue tint in the color shades of flowers. Zinnias bloom from July to October.

Leaves of green or light green shade, pointed and oval in shape, covered with hard fluff on erect stems, will decorate any flower garden.

It is difficult to pay attention to each flower individually and describe all the species. The choice for a flower garden is individual and depends on various reasons - it is planned to plant an unpretentious plant or one that requires careful care, under what weather conditions it will be grown and how sunny the planting site will be. It must be remembered that autumn flowers in any case require timely watering, and sometimes fertilization.

Before plunging into winter sleep, the garden flares up with the farewell beauty of autumn colors. Under the gentle sun of September and October, a variety of flowers bloom. They are joined by decorative grasses, giving bright flower beds special charm. Late-flowering shrubs dress up magnificently and elegantly on autumn days.

Autumn flowers for the garden


Of all the variety of late flowers, one cannot help but highlight the aster, which fully justifies its name, which translates as “star”. Colored stars delight the eye until frost. Annual asters grow quite large and full-colored, but perennials look like bouquets of small inflorescences. A variety of asters - unpretentious September and October ones - amaze with their variety of colors and sizes.


A guest from Japan, the chrysanthemum, feels great in our gardens. Varieties with large flowers love the sun and warmth, but chrysanthemums from Korean breeders are able to withstand temperatures down to -7 degrees. Chrysanthemum has a wonderful bitter smell and a wide range of colors.


Graceful and tender colchicums, or colchicums, very touchingly grow at the end of September, like snowdrops, right from the ground. The most common varieties are autumn and magnificent.

Cute plant - colchicum


Rudbeckias shine with bright sunshine. Rudbeckia resembles chamomile. Very moisture-loving and gratefully blooms on fertile soils. Dissected rudbeckia blooms in September, and glossy rudbeckia pleases the eye throughout October.
Luxurious dahlias that arrived to us from South America, have taken root well in our area and feel good until the first frost. Currently, up to eight thousand varieties of this luxurious plant are known.


On cool days, the queen of flowers, the rose, never ceases to amaze gardeners. Especially good late varieties: Orange Triumph, Souvenir de la Malnizon, Irish Rose Irish Rose.
The flowers of autumn helenium are small - only 3-4 cm. But how good they are when bushes shaped like a ball are strewn all over them. Helenium can be colored bright orange, deep red-brown.

Roses are beautiful at any time of the year

Grains for autumn flower beds

Boutelua graceful

Particularly decorative garden design given by cereals blooming on the last warm days. Butelua's spikelets look original and graceful. This plant is also called mosquito grass. Its inflorescences gracefully bend at an angle.

Acute reed grass

Acute-flowered reed grass is a fairly tall grass, reaching a height of half a meter. Indispensable when decorating the back of flower beds. Surprisingly delicate flowering with pale pink panicles.

Acute-flowered reed grass - a beautiful tall grass

Blue molinia is compact and very decorative due to its unusual bluish or purple hue.

The Miscanthus grass attracts with its silvery-red inflorescences against the background of beautiful brown foliage.

Shrubs with late flowering in autumn


In September you can admire the lush beauty blooming hydrangea. The elegant balls of this bush are a real holiday on any garden plot. Fluffy balls of different colors blooming on one bush look especially magical.

Blooms in summer and autumn - hydrangea


Ordinary heather will also please you. Its flowers in deep pink and purple shades delight until November.

Buddleya David

The small flowers of Buddleia David are shaped into erect panicles and painted a rare purple-orange color.

Plant care in autumn

Watering must be stopped blooming in autumn plants except young and transplanted ones. Faded inflorescences are removed. Perennials are cut at the root. With high pruning, overwintered stems are removed in the spring. Plants need to be fed with superphosphate and potassium sulfate. Corm flowers are fed only with potassium sulfate. Dahlias, chrysanthemums, roses are covered with soil or a mixture of sand and peat and covered with spruce branches or cut branches in cold weather.

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