Homemade air conditioner with your own hands. The process of making an air conditioner from a refrigerator with your own hands

Making an air conditioner from a refrigerator, and even with your own hands, solves three problems at once: cool down in the heat, save on purchases new technology and beautifully get rid of the old one. It’s especially nice that even a beginner who has a couple of hours of free time can handle the task.

Benefits of a homemade air conditioner

1. Refrigerator air conditioning saves a lot of money cash. This is especially important when neither the dollar exchange rate nor the Ukrainian salary contribute to a comfortable summer microclimate.

2. Allows you to create comfortable and cool conditions in rooms where you don’t visit very often and where you install expensive independent air conditioner will be too expensive or impractical, for example, in the country, and possibly in the office.

3. By making an air conditioner from a refrigerator yourself, you save yourself from the need to decide on a model, resort to the help of professionals to install the unit, and you also a priori cease to need specialized maintenance and possible repair of equipment.

4. There is no need to purchase and replace special filters, which are usually used in air conditioners and require replacement from time to time. (And this, by the way, costs a pretty penny). It’s just that the refrigerator simply does not provide such a detail as filters.

5. It’s pleasant to use cool air on a hot summer day, but receiving cold air from a device designed by yourself is doubly pleasant. In addition, you will always know the design of your air conditioner and if it breaks down, you can quickly fix it yourself.

How does an air conditioner work and how does it work?

The air conditioner works according to one of the well-known physical principles: due to liquid, which absorbs heat during evaporation. In fact, the air conditioner is a completely sealed box, the cooling inside of which occurs largely due to a special refrigerant (as a rule, the main component of the latter is freon gas). Everything is simple here: the refrigerant “pulls” heat from the room and inside the air conditioner compresses it and transforms it into condenser liquid.

In a refrigerator, refrigerant gas under pressure from the compressor is pushed into the condenser, where its gas state changes to liquid, and after that the process of heat release begins. Passing through a special capillary tube, the refrigerant gas returns to its gas state. During this process, the pressure created by the compressor is lost, and the remaining refrigerant liquid enters the evaporator and boils.

The corrector, in turn, is connected to, where the production of cold occurs. This is the center from which the cold is distributed along the inner walls of the refrigeration chamber. The refrigerant is returned to the compressor, after which the procedure with compression and evaporation is repeated in a circle.

Subsequent cooling of the air occurs using special copper tubes with thin aluminum plates. These tubes are called heat exchangers; with their help, the refrigerant exchanges air and, in fact, heat.

Tip: To speed up the process, the air inside the air conditioner is accelerated using small fans.

During air cooling, the evaporator indoor unit The air conditioner performs its functions while the condenser operates outside. If the room needs to be heated, then the air conditioner and condenser simply change their tasks.

Any one has a similar principle of operation, only all the cooling does not go outside, but remains inside and cools already food products. The refrigerator and air conditioner operate in a closed circuit using warm air processed using refrigerant.

The process of converting a refrigerator into an air conditioner step by step

After you have obtained a suitable refrigerator to convert it into an air conditioner (the device can be accepted as a gift from friends who decided to replace the unit with a new one, or find a suitable device on the Internet). Now we need to arm ourselves necessary tools. You already have some of them, the rest can be borrowed from friends or bought at a hardware store:

  • Electric household

In progress self-assembly air conditioner from an old refrigerator, you will need to saw metal fragments of the unit body. A household jigsaw is specifically designed for carving metal, and will allow you to process it without much difficulty.

  • Sewer corrugated pipe

It can be of any convenient color and diameter - its main function in this case is to remove cooled air from the housing former refrigerator directly to the premises

  • Polyurethane foam or special insulation

Needed for insulation - when creating an air conditioner with your own hands, it is extremely important that the body of the refrigerator not only does not allow cool air to pass through in places where it is not needed, but also does not absorb heat - because then it turns out that your device is running almost idle and not manages to cool the air.

  • Two small

They will be needed to create the correct air flows of cold air - after all, as you know, the air conditioner works on the principle of blowing - fans in this case will serve as guides for this air. The size of the fans should be chosen relative to the refrigerator itself, but, as a rule, small fans for kitchen hoods are the most popular choice in this case.

For those who like to craft in their spare time, making an air conditioner for a car with their own hands is a real challenge that simply must be accepted. Especially if it is unbearably hot outside and your car is not equipped with a climate control system. A homemade air conditioner for a car is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The most important thing is to know the operating principle of this device and stock up on all the necessary equipment, because the design of the future portable car air conditioner depends on the available means.

First, let's figure out what the essence of the device is. mobile air conditioner for cars. There are two types of air conditioners: compressor and evaporative. To manufacture the former, special equipment is required, as well as various expensive parts and perfect knowledge of cooling systems. Another thing is relatively simple evaporation systems. It is on their principle of operation that the design of homemade cooling devices is most often based. The trick is that to evaporate water, such a cooler-humidifier requires large number heat that it takes from the environment.

You can design an evaporative air conditioner for a car without special costs. To do this you will need:

  • the simplest plastic container(an unnecessary cooler bag will also work);
  • interior heater radiator;
  • two computer cooler with dimensions suitable for the container;
  • bilge pump;
  • hoses and wires;
  • fasteners;
  • cigarette lighter plug.

Then fans are installed, one of which is designed to blow air through the compressor of our car air conditioner, and the second to blow out coolness. To collect warm air Several holes are drilled on the sides.

Installing all of the above homemade devices is carried out in any part of the car interior - the main thing is that the air flows exactly where it is needed.

We can conclude that constructing an air conditioner for a car with your own hands is a very simple and not at all expensive task. So if you're looking affordable way to save yourself and your passengers from the heat - a homemade cooling system is just what you need.

Video “DIY car air conditioner”

After watching the recording, you will learn what parts a car air conditioner consists of, how to assemble it and how to care for it.

Air conditioners help to withstand the heat well, but if there is no way to purchase them, and installation is impossible for reasons beyond your control, they can save you simple options air conditioners that anyone can assemble with their own hands. Their operating principle is elementary and is based on the use of fans.

Master class No. 1: DIY bucket air conditioner

This simple design will save you from the heat in small rooms. The fan used in it will circulate cooled air. Details on how to make air conditioner from a bucket with your own hands in step-by-step instructions.


To work you will need:

  • large plastic bucket with a lid;
  • PVC pipes, diameter 3 cm;
  • small portable fan;
  • hacksaw;
  • a canister of chilled water or ice;
  • pencil;
  • foam bucket.

Step 1. Place the fan on the lid of the bucket and trace it around the outer edge with a pencil.

Step 2. Cut a hole in the bucket lid according to the marked line.

Step 3. Remove the fan feet. If they are like in in this case, not removable - cut them with a hacksaw.

Step 4. Insert the fan into the lid of the bucket.

Step 5. On plastic and foam buckets, mark the points where there will be holes for the tubes that bring cooled air into the room.

Step 6. Drill holes at the designated points, selecting the size of the annular drill to match the diameter of the prepared PVC pipes.

Step 7. Slice PVC pipe into pieces 7–10 cm long.

Step 8. Insert the foam bucket into the plastic one and insert the prepared tubes into the holes.

Step 9. Round hole cut out a foam bucket under the fan and put it in the lid.

Step 10. Build a homemade air conditioner. To do this, place a canister of ice or very cool water into the already assembled base. Close the structure with lids and turn on the fan. Ready!

Master class No. 2: DIY home air conditioner

This simple fan will be more durable option than the air conditioner from the previous master class. However, due to the use of a pump, the cost will be more expensive. Depending on the power of the fan, such a home air conditioner, assembled with your own hands, can lower the air temperature even in a large room.


Before starting work, prepare:

  • fan;
  • screwdriver;
  • scissors;
  • packaging of cable ties;
  • copper tubes;
  • vinyl tubes;
  • hose clamps;
  • cooler;
  • small pump with water cooling function.

Step 1. Take the copper tube. Roll it into a spiral shape, trying to distribute the turns evenly across the front of the fan grille. Secure the turns using cable ties.

Attach the vinyl tubing to the ends of the copper tubing. Secure them well with special hose clamps. Water will circulate through the tubes and it is important that the structure does not leak anywhere.

Step 2. Attach the tubes to the pump.

Step 3. Fill the cooler with water and connect the pump. Launch it. Let it run for 3 – 5 minutes to allow the circulating water to cool. After this you can turn on the fan. Pleasant coolness in the room is guaranteed.

Master class No. 3: DIY bottle conditioner

This DIY bottle air conditioner is a cheap and easy-to-make way to cool the air in a small room.


Before making the conditioner, prepare:

  • a small fan and a power supply for it;
  • 5 liter plastic bottle;
  • marker;

Step 1. Place the bottle on its side, attach a fan to it and draw a marker around its perimeter.

Step 2. Cut a hole along the marked lines.

Step 3. In the area of ​​the lid, prepare another hole for air to escape.

Step 4. Insert the fan into the prepared hole and connect it.

Step 5. Fill the bottle with ice and turn on the fan. Ready!

Master class No. 4: DIY car air conditioner

If you spend a lot of time on the road and don’t have an air conditioner in your car or don’t want to run it all day long, you can use this simple version of an air conditioner in your car, which is not at all difficult to assemble with your own hands


You will need:

  • camping mini-fridge;
  • 12-volt fan;
  • PVC elbow and adapter for it;
  • power cord with cigarette lighter connector;
  • plywood sheet;
  • screws;
  • hacksaw;
  • roulette;
  • sandpaper.

Step 1. You need to cut a lid for the refrigerator box from a sheet of plywood. It should close tightly.

Step 2. Cut two holes in the plywood lid - one for the knee, the other for the fan. These parts must also fit tightly into the holes. Sand the cut areas.

Step 3. Cut a small strip from a sheet of plywood. The length should be slightly less than the width of the lid, and the width should be 5–7 cm. It should be attached with screws to the underside of the cover between the two holes. This simple trick will create a barrier to the airflow, causing it to sink to the bottom of the cooler box.

Step 4. Insert the fan into the hole, make sure that the wires are not pinched anywhere and that the air flow is directed inside the box.

Step 5. Attach the elbow and adapter to the second hole. There is no need to fix them with glue so that you can set the direction of the flow of cold air yourself.

Step 6. Connect the fan to the power cord and insert it into the cigarette lighter. Pour ice into the container. The car air conditioner is ready!

Not every family can afford to purchase an expensive air conditioner that will cool the house during the hot season. Therefore, the craftsmen came up with several simple ways to create a simplified version of the device from objects that came to hand. A homemade air conditioner is designed for use in an apartment, house, and even in a car.

To save money, you can make your own air conditioner

Using a fan and water

The easiest way to make an air conditioner with your own hands is from a simple fan.

The device itself is not capable of cooling the room. Therefore, it needs a little improvement. To make such an air conditioner you will need the following components:

  • simple fan;
  • a container filled with cool water;
  • a towel or any other similar fabric product;
  • wire;
  • frame.

The whole structure must be placed in window vent. It will work as follows. The fan forces the air to move in a certain direction, where the towel hanging from the wire is located. Part of the fabric product should be lowered into a container filled with liquid. Thanks to this placement, the air will gradually begin to cool.

Such a homemade air conditioner, made with your own hands at home, can even have different temperature settings. To do this, it is necessary to build in a high-speed type of fan switching and install incandescent lamps.

During intensive operation, the device will consume approximately 1 liter of water per hour. Many people liked this version of the air cooler due to the fact that during its operation it does not create annoying noise.

A simple device, for the manufacture of which you will need:

Bottle conditioner - effective solution, but does not last long

To achieve maximum result, before making your own conditioner, you need to put the filled bottles of water in the freezer so that the liquid turns into ice. During manufacturing, it is important to strictly follow the rules for arranging plastic containers. It must be in front of the fan that creates air flow.

The bottles are placed in a row, leaving small gaps between them. After some time, it is advisable to change the water in the container, as it heats up quickly, which is why the cooling effect is lost.

Home air conditioner from a cooler and container

Another interesting way, which will help you understand how to make air conditioning at home. Its advantages include ease of use, small size and a clear direction of action. To work, the master will need:

  • 2 liter plastic container;
  • cooler removed from the computer power supply;
  • glue gun;
  • corrugated siphon made of durable plastic.

To create homemade air conditioner you'll need a cooler

For homemade plastic will do a container that was used to store various foods. You need to carefully make a hole in the lid.

It should be slightly smaller than the fan taken from the computer power supply. It should be glued into the container lid using glue gun. The work must be carried out so that the device can draw air masses inside the plastic container.

Another hole must be made on the same lid, only at its other end. The diameter of the resulting hole should be slightly smaller size corrugated siphon. A piece of about 30 cm should be cut from it, which is then glued into the lid.

Now pour a large portion of ice into the container and cover it with the prepared lid. After this, you need to connect the fan to the mains for it to start working. The air conditioner for your home is ready. With the help of a siphon, household members will be able to regulate the direction of cool air.

Using an old freezer or refrigerator

Those who have an extra refrigerator or freezer at home can easily make a home air conditioner. Both devices are ideal for freshening the air in a room.

The freezer must be installed in the window opening, carefully insulating absolutely all holes and cracks. The back of the device should go outside, since it is this that generates heat, which only causes the air to warm up. But the master needs to achieve the opposite effect.

The cold gathers inside freezer. In order for it to go outside and refresh the room, you should install a simple fan in the door of the device. It also wouldn’t hurt to make a couple of holes on the sides, which are necessary to collect heated air. Thanks to such a simple system long time the house will remain cool even on the hottest day.

To create a homemade air conditioner from an old refrigerator, you need to stock up on the following materials:

  • electric jigsaw with a file for working with metal;
  • two conventional fans;
  • polyurethane foam.

One fan should be installed in the refrigerator door to blow air into the unit.

In order for cool air to come out of it, you need to make a small hole in the device, which is suitable in size for plastic pipe. All excess cracks must be immediately sealed with foam.

To ensure maximum heat dissipation, you will need to install a second fan. It should be directed towards the capacitor. After installing it, you can connect the refrigerator to the network. Its power is quite enough to cool a small house.

There are many different ideas creation with my own hands similar cooling systems. However, most of them do not work properly. You need to understand that homemade devices will not be a complete replacement for modern models air conditioners. They should be used as a temporary solution to heat problems in a living space.

If the master is determined to make his own air conditioner at home, he needs to strictly follow the instructions for creating it. Only in this case can we guarantee that at the end of assembly the device will actually cool the room, although not for too long.

How to make an air conditioner with your own hands? Is this really possible and effective? Here are some recommendations from the section « make your own air conditioner » . And they will really help cool the air in the room.

What are DIY air conditioners made from?

Videos of self-assembled air conditioners fill the network on hot summer days. Inventive home handyman can build an air cooler from empty plastic bottles, a metal tube, an old car radiator, and even a bunch of thorns. And aerobatics is constructing an air conditioner with your own hands from a refrigerator at home.

Air conditioner made from pipe or hose

How to make an air conditioner from a copper tube? It bends easily and conducts cold well, but you can even use a rubber hose for watering. We twist the tube in a flat spiral, avoiding kinks. We connect one end to the water supply, the other to drain the water.

We attach this structure using wires to the front grille of the room fan, and turn on the water at low pressure.
The air passing through the cold tube will also be cooled. Watch the video for more details on the process. The air conditioner is assembled and working!

Air conditioner from used containers

Make your own conditioner from plastic bottles. What could be simpler!

Fill plastic bottles with ice water (you can even freeze them) and place them in front of room fan, leaving air gaps of approximately 1 centimeter. Turn on the fan and enjoy the coolness.

An ideal way to cool a small room.

Place a tray under the bottles to prevent condensation from dripping onto the floor. Add a little salt inside the bottles, then the water will stay cool longer.

Air conditioner from a car radiator

We attach two tubes to the radiator from the car (with a fan): water flows into one, and water flows out of the other.

The system is connected to the network using a 12-volt network adapter. Water is passed through the tubes at low pressure, and a fan circulates cool air.

This is the most effective way building a home air conditioner from what is at hand.

Air conditioner from refrigerator

Assemble an air conditioner with your own hands of this type not that difficult. You need to take: 2 fans, a corrugated pipe whose diameter matches one of the fans and polyurethane foam.

  • We drill a hole in the freezer door, insert the end of the corrugation and one fan into it. Carefully foam around;
  • We install a second fan to blow the compressor;
  • We extend the end of the pipe into the room that needs to be cooled.

The simple system works flawlessly.