Prince Vladimir: life, icons, prayers. Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Vorobyovy Gory

Many people in their school years didn't really like history. Therefore, they are happy to make up for lost time at a more mature age. After all, it is then that the understanding comes that our country has great history, which every resident should be proud of. And since you can’t be proud of what you don’t know, many people sit down to textbooks to enrich their intellectual knowledge. In this article we will help you learn a little better about the history of Vladimir the Red Sun. Why was he called that, and also interesting facts from the life of the prince read below.


The exact date of birth of Vladimir is unknown. The official year of his birth is considered to be 960, but this may not be true. He could have been born in 945, it’s just that in 960 the future one was first mentioned in the chronicle. His father was Svyatoslav, and his mother was Olga’s housekeeper. Out of sight, the grandmother sent the unnecessary child to the village of Budutino. It was there that Vladimir the Red Sun was brought up. We will find out further why it was called that.

It is unknown how long the boy lived with his mother, but, according to the chronicle, he returned to Kyiv in 969. The fate of his mother is further unknown. According to some sources, she lived her life happily in the village; other sources say that the generous son, after ascending the throne, took his mother to his palace. One way or another, you can believe in any version, because there is simply no reliable information.


Vladimir's move to his grandmother is mentioned in the chronicle in connection with the siege of Kyiv. The defense of the city was successful, but the future ruler was not destined to remain in the southern capital of the principality. At the end of the year, Svyatoslav receives a notice from Novgorod that the ruler has died and they urgently need a new one. The prince's choice fell on Vladimir the Red Sun. We’ll find out why they called him that, but for now we’ll tell you about the young man’s first independent steps.

Moving to Novgorod was the first important event in the boy’s life. Since he was too young to become a full-fledged ruler, they gave him the governor Dobrynya to help him. He was supposed to oversee the education of the young prince, and also help make important government decisions. In Novgorod, Vladimir makes friends, mostly Scandinavian neighbors. And also the young ruler will build Perun’s chapel. Thanks to this act, which was most likely prompted by Dobrynya, Vladimir was able to quickly win the favor of the residents of Novgorod.

Family and children

Why was it called the Red Sun? Briefly about this we can say this: Vladimir became the first saint in Rus' and laid the foundation for the emergence of Christianity on Russian soil. What kind of personal life did the prince have? Vladimir was distinguished by his great love of love. The pagan faith encouraged this: “the more wives, concubines and children the ruler has, the stronger the state will be,” so the legend said. But whoever put forward this theory was very mistaken. Peace can only exist in monogamy. Towards the end of his life, Vladimir also came to this idea. But he could no longer change his actions. Officially he had 5 wives. He found the first - Olofi - in Scandinavia, the second - Rogneda - he took by force from Polotsk, the third - Adele - was from the Czech Republic, Manfreda - from Bulgaria. Julia, the wife of Vladimir's brother, was taken as a concubine while she was already pregnant.

Anna was the first wife of the Russian prince after baptism, and his second wife was the granddaughter of Otto I, the German ruler. In addition to official connections, Vladimir had many mistresses. The ruler had more than 20 recognized children, 11 of them were boys, and therefore heirs to the throne.

Baptism of Rus'

The year 988 is officially considered the year of the adoption of Christianity in Rus'. But, as with all distant events, it cannot be said for sure that this is reliable information. In 988, the wedding of Anna and Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko took place. Why was he called that? Precisely for the reason that the ruler introduced an official monotheistic religion. How was the baptism? Of course, it was impossible to baptize the entire state. People who believed in pagan gods all their lives could not change their beliefs overnight. Paganism lived in Rus' for at least another 50 years after its baptism. But still, the adoption of Christianity was a big step towards the unification of the country and the establishment of a new institution of power in it. Some historians believe that Christian religion His grandmother, Princess Olga, could have imposed it on Vladimir. But this theory is unlikely, since the prince’s communication with this woman was too limited. Most likely, Vladimir the Great Red Sun took such a serious step due to foreign policy factors.


Why was Prince Vladimir called the Red Sun? Of course, it was not the people who gave this nickname to the saint. After all, the figure of the prince did not inspire approval among his contemporaries. Many subjects did not support the transition to Christianity. And a dissolute lifestyle says little about a person’s holiness. But you still have to believe that people change. And one fateful event or, as in the case of Vladimir, a person can change them. After all, there is a version according to which the prince received baptism precisely thanks to one of his wives, namely Saint Anna. It is difficult to describe what a huge contribution Vladimir made to the development of Rus'. Yes, because our homeland has never seen as much light and peace as our fatherland received a century later.

Changes in the country

What did Vladimir significantly change in the way of life of the state? Well, of course, this is the baptism of Rus' and the expulsion of paganism. The unification of our country in the hands of one ruler is also a great achievement. Of course, then the prince made a big mistake by dividing his possessions between his sons, but we must give him his due, he did not really want to do this. Vladimir intended to hand over the reins of power to his beloved son Boris, but one can imagine how other children reacted to such an idea.

Last years of life

The reign of Vladimir Krasnoe Solnyshko lasted 46 years. At the end of his life, the prince ruled in Kyiv and was very afraid for his life. And this is not surprising. After all, he wanted to write a will, according to which only one of his sons would become the heir. Of course, the children did not like this situation, and in 1014 Svyatopolk went to war with his father. By that time, he had managed to marry the daughter of a Polish prince, so his military detachment was assembled in a fairly quick time. In addition, many of Vladimir’s subjects supported Svyatopolk. After all, he was not the prince’s own son, but an adopted one. His real father was Yaroslav, whom Vladimir, sitting on the Kiev throne, killed in cold blood. But the military campaign was not successful. The army was defeated, and Svyatopolk was imprisoned.

In 1015, the second son, Yaroslav, opposed his father. But he didn’t go to war, he just wanted independence and stopped paying tribute. Vladimir did not like this situation, and he sent an army to resolve this issue. But the Kyiv prince did not manage to live to see the end of this war; on July 15 he died. Vladimir was buried in Kyiv in the Tithe Church next to his Christian wife Anna.

A trace in history

Prince Vladimir lived a very eventful life, and, of course, epics and legends could not ignore such a colorful figure. The Kiev ruler appears in “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign”; Feofan Prokopovich dedicated his works to him. It is no wonder that the image of Vladimir was reflected in epics, for example, he appears as main character tales of three heroes. Even today, filmmakers make their films about the Baptist of Rus'. One of the latest was released in 2016 and is called “Viking”.

But, of course, every schoolchild knows Vladimir the Red Sun precisely because the prince baptized Rus'. Our state was very backward compared even to its neighbors, not to mention European countries. That is why Christianity not only helped the people become more united, but also became an impetus for the development of literacy.

Vladimir the Red Sun, whose reign was 969-1015, was able to significantly influence the course of history. Here are the most interesting facts about the prince:

  • Vladimir was canonized as a saint only in 1888. This event was timed to coincide with the 900th anniversary of Christianity in Russia.
  • In 978, Vladimir killed his brother Yaropolk and thus seized the Kyiv throne.
  • The prince introduced. They were called gold coins and silver coins. Despite the fact that Byzantine gold was in use, minting their own money made it possible to boost the state economy.
  • Thanks to the adoption of Christianity, literacy began to spread in Rus'. It was precisely because it was necessary to read at least the Bible that enlightenment primarily affected the church and monks.
  • Vladimir had 11 officially recognized sons.

Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich, Vladimir the Great, Vladimir Yasnoe Solnyshko is the most important character in Russian history, a fierce warrior and a talented politician who made a huge contribution to the unification of Russian lands. Baptist of Rus'.

The exact date and place of birth of the Grand Duke has not been established; he was presumably born in 955 - 960 in the village of Budyatin near Kiev. Vladimir is a descendant of the great Rurik family, the illegitimate son of Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich and housekeeper Princess Olga Malushi.

The angry princess, having learned about the adultery of her slave with her son, sent the pregnant Malusha away out of sight, but did not abandon her grandson - “robicic”, the slave’s son. When Vladimir was three years old, she took him to Kyiv and gave him to be raised by her brother, Voivode Dobrynya.


Prince Svyatoslav spent all his time on military campaigns and had little interest in internal affairs subject lands. Therefore, he distributed the territories belonging to him to his sons. Yaropolk got Kyiv, Oleg got the Drevlyansky region (modern Belarus), and Vladimir got Novgorod.

In 972, Svyatoslav Igorevich died in a battle with the Pechenegs, and his heirs became the rightful owners of their possessions. But soon an internecine war began between the brothers. The reason was the death of Yaropolk's comrade-in-arms at the hands of Oleg. The angry Yaropolk decided to punish his brother and take away the Drevlyan lands from him. In the first battle, Oleg’s army was defeated, and he himself died, crushed on the bridge by the warriors fleeing in panic. Yaropolk annexed the captured lands to his possessions and turned his gaze to Novgorod.

Sensing danger, Vladimir fled to his friends the Varangians in Scandinavia, and Yaropolk became the sole ruler of all Rus'. But not for long. Vladimir did not sit idle across the sea. He quickly found allies, gathered an army and two years later regained Novgorod. Locals They greeted the prince with delight and joined the ranks of his squad. Feeling his strength, Vladimir decided to continue to conquer Russian lands from his brother.

To begin with, he sent his army to the Drevlyan lands captured by his brother from Oleg. The calculation turned out to be correct; the residents did not really favor Yaropolk’s governors and quickly went over to Vladimir’s side. In order to finally gain a foothold in these possessions, the prince decided to marry the daughter of the influential Polotsk prince Rogvold Rogneda. However, the beauty refused Vladimir, publicly calling him “the son of a slave,” and preferred to see Yaropolk as her husband. The revenge of the angry Vladimir was terrible. His squad captured and destroyed Polotsk to the ground, and Rogvold and his family were brutally killed. And before that, Vladimir, on the advice of Dobrynya’s faithful mentor, raped Rogneda in front of her parents.

Immediately after this, he sent his troops to Kyiv. The frightened Yaropolk was not ready for battle and, having fortified the city, prepared for a long siege. But this was not part of the plans of the determined Vladimir, and he figured out how to lure his brother out of the city by cunning. The prince bribed the governor Yaropolk Blud, who convinced him to flee to Roden. There, Vladimir, under the pretext of negotiations, lured his brother into an ambush and killed him. He married Yaropolk's pregnant wife, who soon gave birth to a son, Svyatopolk, and became the sole ruler of Rus'.

Prince of Kyiv

Having added Yaropolk’s warriors to his army, Vladimir entered Kyiv. He already had enough of his own warriors to refuse the help of the Varangians, who were also accustomed to plundering the captured lands. But Vladimir was not going to give Kyiv up for plunder. Therefore, leaving himself the most devoted and talented comrades, he sent the rest to Constantinople, promising them “mountains of gold” and new opportunities for enrichment. And he himself asked the Byzantine emperor to take them into his service and take them to different places, thereby providing him with military assistance.

The reign of Vladimir in Kyiv. Miniature from the Radzivilov Chronicle

Having reformed his army, the prince began to strengthen his own power. He decided to take pagan religion as a basis, which was supposed to justify his usual riotous lifestyle (the prince had five legal wives and about a thousand concubines).

Vladimir built a temple in Kyiv, where huge idols of the main pagan gods were built. Rituals and sacrifices were regularly held there, which, according to the prince, were supposed to strengthen his power. The image of the main god Perun with a human head in a helmet and a mustache, personifying, apparently, Prince Vladimir himself, has survived to this day.

The first ten years of his rule over Russia were marked by numerous victories over external enemies and the unification of Russian lands into a single state.

But with the expansion of borders to the west, the issue of changing religion to one of the more widespread and advanced became more and more urgent. Vladimir was a far-sighted politician and understood that paganism was becoming an obstacle to further development Rus'. It has long appeared in his lands large number adherents of Christianity, among whom was Vladimir’s grandmother, Princess Olga.

Having carefully weighed the pros and cons, talked with influential representatives of various faiths and consulted with wise elders and nobles, Vladimir decided to opt for Christianity, the adoption of which would promise additional benefits for Rus' in relations with Byzantium.

Personal life

Vladimir more than once provided military assistance to the rulers of Constantinople, so he decided to ask their sister as a wife. The emperors agreed with the condition that the Russian prince accept Christianity. However, the princess categorically opposed the brothers' decision and refused to marry a barbarian and a bastard. Angry, Vladimir sent his warriors to Taurida and besieged the city of Korsun (now Chersonesus in Sevastopol). After this, he again asked for the princess's hand, this time threatening that if he refused, the same fate would befall Constantinople. The emperors had no choice but to persuade Anna and send her to the groom, accompanied by priests.

The luxurious wedding flotilla soon arrived in Korsun, where Vladimir’s baptism took place. According to legend, the prince, who by that time was almost blind, regained his sight during the baptismal ceremony, and, imbued with God’s grace, immediately baptized his boyars and warriors. There, in Korsun, the marriage of Anna and Vladimir took place, who received the name Vasily at baptism in honor of one of the bride’s brothers. As a token of gratitude to the emperors of Constantinople, the prince returned rich wedding gifts to them and generously gave them Korsun.

Returning to Kyiv, Vladimir immediately baptized his sons, and after a while the inhabitants of the city, gathering them on the banks of the Dnieper. Having become a zealous Christian, the prince ordered the destruction of the temple of pagan idols and the construction of the Church of St. Basil on this site. At the same time, with the participation of Byzantine craftsmen, the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary was erected, named Tithe in honor of the tenth of state revenues, which Vladimir ordered to be given to the church.

The prince sent priests and educators to all his lands, who were called upon to spread the new faith in Rus'. Vladimir renounced his previous wives and concubines and recognized Anna as the only wife given to him by the Lord. With her help, he began educational activities, organizing special educational institutions for Russian priests, and issued a new church charter, which was called the Pilot's Book. He generously distributed land for the construction of churches and monasteries and acquired a monastery on Mount Athos for Russian monks.

Under Vladimir, the first Russian gold and silver coins were minted, thanks to which the lifetime images of the prince have reached us. As a true Christian, he cared for the poor and suffering, opened hospitals and schools, and distributed aid to the poor and hungry.

But in the rest of the Russian lands the process of Christianization did not go as smoothly as in Kyiv. Some areas refused to follow the new faith, which caused popular riots and uprisings that had to be suppressed by force. Otherwise, the prince adopted a rather peaceful policy, stopping his campaigns of conquest and turning all his attention to strengthening the borders of the state. During this period, many fortified cities were built, in which his sons ruled.

Only the endless raids of the Pechenegs forced Vladimir to periodically take up arms.

Enmity between sons

The last years of the Grand Duke were overshadowed by a conflict between his sons, which resulted in a new internecine war. Vladimir had twelve sons, each of whom owned his own lands. The younger Boris and Gleb were his father's favorites, so when Vladimir decided to bequeath the throne to Boris towards the end of his life, this caused the indignation of the eldest sons Svyatopolk and Yaroslav.

Svyatopolk, the son of the widow of Yaropolk, adopted by Vladimir, from childhood hated the prince who killed his father. Having married the daughter of a Polish prince and enlisted the support of the Poles, he decided to lay claim to the throne against the will of Vladimir. The plot was discovered, and Svyatopolk was imprisoned in a fortress.

After some time, the Novgorod prince Yaroslav rebelled, refusing to pay tribute to Kyiv. Vladimir personally led the army and went to battle with his son, but on the way he fell ill and died unexpectedly. Svyatopolk took advantage of the moment and decided to claim the vacated throne.

However, the people of Kiev rebelled and began to demand that Boris be placed on the throne. Then Svyatopolk decided to get rid of his competitors and insidiously sent hired killers to Boris and Gleb. The next victim of the bloody Svyatopolk was his brother Svyatoslav, ruler of the Drevlyan lands. Yaroslav had to deal with his presumptuous brother. He chose a time when Svyatopolk did not have the support of the Polish army, and moved his squad towards Kyiv. Svyatopolk did not enjoy the love and support of the townspeople, so he was forced to flee. During the battle on the Alt River, the prince was killed.


For the greatest merits of Prince Vladimir in the creation of the Russian state, he was canonized. Every year on July 15 in Rus' they celebrate the day of his memory, which is a great religious holiday. Monuments to the Baptist of Rus' were erected in Kyiv, Belgorod, Sevastopol and many other cities, and a majestic temple was built in his honor on the territory of Chersonesos.

Monument to Vladimir Svyatoslavich in Moscow

On November 4, 2016, the world's largest monument to Prince Vladimir was inaugurated in Moscow, dedicated to the millennium of his death.

In many ways, it predetermined the fate of the country and had a fundamental influence on its culture. This article is devoted to the biography of the prince, his sins, mistakes, as well as political, diplomatic and military achievements.


The father of Prince Vladimir was the famous commander and at that time the ruler of Kyiv Svyatoslav Igorevich. The latter was the only son of Igor Rurikovich and Princess Olga, who was the first among Russian rulers to convert to Christianity.

Vladimir's mother, Malusha, was the housekeeper and alms distributor for Princess Olga. She yielded to the claims of Svyatoslav, who was married to the Ugric princess Predslava and had two sons from her - Yaropolk and Oleg.

Olga, angry at Malusha, who conceived a son in sin, sent her to the village of Budyatino. When the boy was 3-4 years old, he, already without his mother, was returned to Kyiv. There he was under the supervision of his grandmother Olga, since pagan laws accepted him as a princely heir. In addition, Vladimir was looked after by his maternal uncle Dobrynya, who was the Kyiv governor.

Feuds between brothers

When the sons grew up, Svyatoslav, who had previously been more interested in military campaigns than in affairs in the lands under his control, distributed them to his sons. As a result, Yaropolk received Kyiv, Oleg received the land of the Drevlyans, and Vladimir Svyatoslavich was sent as governor to Novgorod.

After the death of his father in 972 in a battle with the Pechenegs, his heirs became full-fledged rulers in their principalities. However, peaceful life soon came to an end.

For a minor reason, Oleg killed Yaropolk's comrade-in-arms. He flew into a rage and, at the instigation of the Varangian governor Sveneld - the father of the stabbed warrior - decided to take away the Drevlyan lands from his brother. A battle took place in which Oleg was crushed to death by his own retreating warriors. Having become the ruler of not only Kyiv, but also the Drevlyan lands, Yaropolk decided to remove Vladimir from the road, especially since he always considered him the son of a slave and placed him below himself.

Escape and return

Realizing the danger threatening him, Vladimir Svyatoslavich went “overseas” to the Varangians in Scandinavia. So Yaropolk began to single-handedly rule Russia.

Meanwhile, Vladimir was preparing to return to his patrimony. In 978, he, together with an army in which the majority were Varangian warriors, was able to recapture Novgorod and set out to conquer the lands of the Drevlyans. The local population, grieving for the murdered Oleg, greeted the new prince with delight.


Heading to Kyiv, Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich wooed the Polotsk princess Rogneda. The girl declared that she did not want to be the wife of the son of a slave, and ridiculed him in front of all the people. Then the offended Vladimir besieged Polotsk. Having destroyed the city, the prince raped the would-be bride in front of her parents, and then ordered them to be killed. He made Rogneda himself his wife against her will.

Power grab

To achieve the final victory over his brother, Vladimir Svyatoslavich resorted to bribery. He managed to win over to his side the governor Blud Iveshchey, who persuaded Prince Yaropolk to leave Kyiv and strengthen himself in the Roden fortress. Soon Vladimir's army arrived there and began a siege. The defenders of the fortress had a hard time. Yaropolk was forced to agree to negotiations. However, his brother prepared a trap for him and killed him in an ambush. In Rodin, Vladimir took a liking to his brother’s pregnant wife, a former Greek nun. Soon after this, the woman gave birth to a son, Svyatopolk, whom the prince raised as his own.

Ascension to the Kyiv throne

Yaropolk's warriors came under the command of Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavich. Thus he formed a fairly large army. Vladimir understood that it was time for him to part with the Varangian mercenaries, since he did not want the plunder of Kyiv. Before heading there, the prince sent the rest to Constantinople, to serve the Byzantine emperor, promising “mountains of gold.” The deal was successful for both parties, since Constantinople needed warriors to protect them from external and internal enemies.

Consolidation of power

In order to give legitimacy to his rule, Vladimir Svyatoslavovich decided to enlist the support of the priests. He liked paganism because it justified polygamy and did not condemn him for having a huge number of concubines.

To appease the idols, the prince built a temple in his capital. Rituals and sacrifices were regularly held there. Vladimir Svyatoslavich ordered the main idol Perun to be given the features of himself.

The people were impressed by the prince's worship of traditional gods, so they treated the new ruler well. In addition, the first 10 years of the reign of Vladimir Svyatoslavich were marked by numerous victories over warlike neighbors, especially in the west, which helped strengthen the borders and allowed the population not to fear raids.

In search of a new unifying ideology

The pantheon of gods among the various tribes inhabiting Vladimir's domain was quite diverse, so paganism prevented the formation of a powerful unitary state. Being a far-sighted politician, the prince understood that the country needed a more advanced religion. Then Christianity attracted his attention, especially since its adherents were increasing every day, including among nobles. Suffice it to say that Vladimir Svyatoslavich’s own grandmother professed this religion. During his childhood years spent at the court of Princess Olga, he probably had the opportunity to observe how Kyiv Christians carried out their rituals. In addition, the prince most likely could have had some idea about the salvation of the soul and resurrection after the Day of Judgment.

The political aspect of choosing Christianity as the state religion was also important for Vladimir, which promised the strengthening of allied relations with Byzantium.

Historical evidence about how and when the baptism of Vladimir Svyatoslavich took place

Oddly enough, there are no reliable records of contemporaries dedicated to this important event, was not detected. In this regard, the testimony of the Armenian chronicler Stepanos (Stephan) Taronsky is especially valuable. He lived at the same time as the prince and was engaged in the creation of " Universal history“It was precisely during the period when Vladimir was choosing a new religion for his state.

In his work, Stepanos described the events that took place from 885 to 1004. Remembering the events that took place in the year 1000, he writes about the 6,000 foot army of the Ruzes, which was in Armenia. According to him, these were soldiers who arrived at the request of Emperor Vasily. According to Stepanos, this happened when the latter gave his sister in marriage to Vladimir. We also read there that this event coincided with the fact that the Ruz believed in Christ.

As for other sources, they confirm Stepanos’s testimony, but provide more detailed information.

In particular, many chroniclers indicate that Vladimir decided to marry the sister of the Byzantine emperors, Anna. They agreed, demanding military assistance in the fight against the rebel Varda Foka. The princess herself opposed the brothers' decision, but later agreed to become the wife of the Russian prince if he converted to Christianity. The most reliable information about this event is reported by the 11th century Syrian historian Yahya of Antioch.

Capture of Korsun and baptism

The version that Vladimir captured Korsun and threatened to do the same with Constantinople if Anna was not given to him cannot be considered valid. It has been proven that at that time Russian soldiers already helped Vasily the Second in the fight against internal enemies. Most likely, military support was provided to the Byzantines in exchange for consent to the marriage between Vladimir and Anna.

According to legend, the wedding flotilla with the princess arrived in Korsun. However, the prince refused to be baptized. The Lord punished him for his violation of this word, and Vladimir went blind. Anna persuaded him not to resist, and during the ceremony the prince’s sight returned. To Vladimir, who took christian name Vasily, God's grace has descended. He ordered the boyars and squad to follow his example, and then married Princess Anna.

Baptism of Rus'

Returning to Kyiv, Vladimir Svyatoslavich (date of birth - about 960, date of death - July 15, 1015) first ordered his sons to be baptized. Then the prince gathered the inhabitants of the city on the banks of the Dnieper. On his orders, a mass baptism took place, which no one dared to oppose.

To strengthen the new faith, Vladimir ordered the construction of a temple of the Most Holy Theotokos and a tenth of all state income to be given to the church.

To convert residents of other cities to Christianity, the prince called priests and educators from Greece. Special educational institutions were created to train local clergy. In addition, a church charter was published, called the Helmsman's Book, and on Mount Athos Vladimir acquired a monastery for Russian monks. Mass construction of churches began in all corners of the state.

Domestic and foreign policy

Under Vladimir Svyatoslavich, the first Russian coins were minted from gold and silver. To protect the state, he built several fortified cities and appointed his sons as rulers of them.

In the last decade of his life, he made almost no aggressive campaigns and periodically took up arms only to repel the endless raids of the Pechenegs.

Sons of Vladimir Svyatoslavich

As already mentioned, the prince was a famous sensualist and had large number wives and concubines. Having adopted Christianity, he abandoned them and began to live only with Anna, recognizing her as his only wife before God.

However, Vladimir’s family idyll was overshadowed by the children’s feuds. The prince had 12 sons, each of whom owned his own lands. Vladimir's favorites were Boris and Gleb, born to the Bulgarian Milolika. Towards the end of his life, the prince decided to bequeath the throne to Boris, causing the indignation of Svyatopolk and Yaroslav, who hoped to inherit him by right of birthright.

The unexpected death of Vladimir in 1015 led to the fact that the senior heirs decided to usurp the throne. Svyatopolk seized power in Kyiv, but realizing that the people were on the side of Boris and Gleb, he ordered their death. His next victim was his brother Svyatoslav. Yaroslav, who took the throne, was able to stop Svyatopolk’s crimes.


For his greatest services, Vladimir Svyatoslavich (reign: 978-1015) in the creation of the Russian state was canonized by the Orthodox Church. In addition, he is revered by Catholics, since he lived before the Ecumenical Schism.

Every year on July 15 in Russia and in many other countries the day of his memory is celebrated. In Moscow, Kyiv, Sevastopol, Belgorod, etc. St. Monuments were erected to Vladimir, and a temple was built in his honor on the territory of Chersonesos.

Now you know the biography of Vladimir Svyatoslavich. To modern man It is difficult to understand many of his actions. However, it cannot be denied that it was he who laid the foundations of Russian statehood and united the nation.

Prince Vladimir the red sun

A foreign land will not become your homeland.

Goethe Johann Wolfgang

Prince Vladimir the Red Sun, that’s what the people called this ruler, was born in 948. During the lifetime of his father, Svyatoslav, Vladimir ruled Novgorod. The glorious deeds of the young ruler, who was loved by the people, began in this city.

Beginning of reign

In 980, the prince became the full-fledged ruler of all Kievan Rus. This happened as a result of the first internecine war in the history of Russia between the heirs of Prince Svyatoslav. The people revered and loved this man. It is difficult to overestimate his services to Russia. As a result of the policies that accompanied the reign of this man, the people began to call him nothing less than the Great. For his services to the church, he was awarded the title “equally apostolic.”

At the beginning of his reign, Vladimir the Red Sun in religious terms was aimed at paganism, because he himself was a convinced pagan. Having come to power, this ruler even ordered new idols of the Slavic God of Thunder - Perun - to be erected in the center of Kyiv. He also had five wives, who bore him twelve sons and several daughters. Trying to divide power between his sons, Vladimir makes each of them the head of one of the twelve largest cities of Kievan Rus. With this decision, he actually began the division of the country, as well as the preconditions for new internecine wars.

Military campaigns

In 981, Prince “Red Sun” went on a campaign to Volyn, which was under the yoke of the Poles. As a result of this military campaign, the cities of Cherven and Przemysl were annexed to the possessions of Kievan Rus. In addition, to strengthen his own influence in this region, the winner lays down a city called Vladimir-Volynsky. This campaign began numerous wars to strengthen and expand the borders of their own state. In 981, new campaigns took place, this time against the Vyatichi. Twice over the years the Kievan Rus squad went on the offensive until victory was won. Next year marked by campaigns against the Yatvingians, who submitted to Rus' and pledged to pay tribute to Kyiv. After this, it was the turn of another constant enemy - Volga Bulgaria. As a result of this campaign, a peace agreement was signed between the Bulgars and Russians. A little later, Volga Bulgaria was conquered by the Golden Horde and became part of it. Batu Khan became the conqueror of the Bulgars. The city of Kazan was later built to collect tribute in this region. In 982, Prince Vladimir went to the Carpathians, where he managed to conquer the Croatian tribes.

Baptism of Rus'

One of the main decisions of Vladimir, as the prince of Rus', was the decision to be baptized himself and to baptize all of Kievan Rus. The prince's reign was majestic. He won many glorious victories, which allowed him to feel his own superiority and the superiority of his country over its neighbors. Therefore, he did not want to ask the ruler of Byzantium for baptism. The plan was different - to conquer Byzantium and, as the winner, convert to Christianity. Thus began a new military campaign, this time against Byzantium. In 988, having gathered an army, Vladimir set off along the Dnieper to the Byzantine city of Chersonesus, located in Crimea. Russian ships surrounded the city, setting up a naval blockade. The troops landed on the shore and prepared for the assault. Residents of Chersonesus did not interfere with the landing, since they were confident in the inaccessibility of the city. Russian troops attacked the fortress twice, but to no avail. Then a long siege of the city began. One day, an arrow fell at Vladimir’s feet, apparently fired from the besieged city. A parchment was attached to the arrow, which said that not far from the camp there was a well that fed the Kherson people with water. After this, according to the chroniclers, Prince Vladimir said: “If it comes true, I will be baptized!” He ordered to dig in the indicated place. The pipe was found and destroyed. Thirst forced the inhabitants of Chersonesus to surrender, which allowed Rus' to capture the city.

After the capture of Chersonesos, Vladimir sent a message to Byzantium that he wanted to marry the emperor’s sister Anna. The Byzantines gave the go-ahead, but only if the Russian prince accepted Christianity. Then Prince Vladimir announced his desire to be baptized. All of Rus' was baptized along with Vladimir. Prince Vladimir died in 1015.

Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince VLADIMIR, Baptist of Rus' (†1015)

The life of Prince Vladimir is divided into two periods - before and after baptism. The first period was very short (up to the age of 25). During this time, Vladimir lived like a pagan. But he quickly matured spiritually. In the second period (until old age), he, like a father, cares about the spiritual and material welfare of his fatherland.

Vladimir, the grandson of Saint Olga, was born around 962. His father was Prince Svyatoslav Igorevich - the grandson of Rurik (but he was illegitimate son Svyatoslav). The mother was Malusha Malkovna, daughter of Malk Lyubechanin, whom historians identify with Mal, Prince of Drevlyansky. Having brought the rebel Drevlyans to submission and taken possession of their cities, Princess Olga ordered the execution of Prince Mal, for whom they tried to woo her after the murder of Igor, and took his children, Dobrynya and Malusha, with her. Dobrynya grew up to be a brave, skilled warrior, possessed a state mind, and was subsequently a good assistant to his nephew Vladimir in matters of military and government administration.

Dobrynya Nikitich and Malusha - concubine of Svyatoslav Igorevich, mother of the future Prince Vladimir (Baptist of Rus')

Malusha, a Christian who, however, retained in herself the mysterious darkness of the pagan Drevlyan forests, fell in love with the stern warrior Svyatoslav. She became Princess Olga's housekeeper, i.e. guardian of furs, silver, coins and other valuables. Chronicles say that, angry with her slave, Olga exiled her to a remote village Budutin all. There a boy was born, named by the Russian pagan name Vladimir - who owns the world, who has a special gift of peace. Soon Vladimir was taken away from his mother.

Sergey Efoshkin. Mother and son. Malusha says goodbye to Vladimir

He was brought up in Kyiv, at the court of his grandmother, Princess Olga. But for a long time the contemptuous nickname “robichich,” that is, “son of a slave,” will haunt him.

In 970, Svyatoslav, setting off on a campaign from which he was never destined to return, divided the Russian land between his three sons. He reigned in Kyiv Yaropolk, in Ovruch, the center of the Drevlyansky land, - Oleg, in Novgorod - Vladimir .

After the death of Svyatoslav, civil strife began between his children. Sixteen-year-old Yaropolk in 975 marched against his brother Oleg and Oleg died in the battle near the city of Ovruch. Then Yaropolk moved to Novgorod. It is absolutely clear that he wanted to reign alone, without competitors. Vladimir was only 12 years old at that time, and Dobrynya took him “overseas” (to present-day Sweden). Three years later he returned to Novgorod with a foreign army.

Thus began the war between Vladimir and his brother Yaropolk. He led a campaign, in which all pagan Rus' sympathized with him, against Yaropolk the Christian, or, in any case, according to the chronicle, “who gave great freedom to Christians.” In addition, the enmity between the brothers worsened due to the fact that the daughter of the Prince of Polotsk Rogneda, whose hand Vladimir asked for, refused him with these words: "I don't want to take off my shoes(take off the groom's shoes- wedding ceremony; take off your shoes instead - get married) son of a slave", reproaching him for his low maternal origin, and was going to marry Yaropolk. Insulted, Vladimir captured Polotsk, dishonored Rogneda in front of her father and mother, and then killed both parents. Following this, in the summer of 978, he besieged Kyiv. Yaropolk is locked in the town of Rodnya. After almost two years of siege, hunger forced Yaropolk to surrender to the mercy of his brother. But when Yaropolk entered Vladimir’s chambers, two Varangians standing in the doorway lifted him up with their swords “under their bosom.”

Sergey Efoshkin. Prince Vladimir and Prince Yaropolk

With this villainous murder, Vladimir’s autocratic reign in Rus' began, which lasted for 37 long years.

The chroniclers deliberately do not spare black colors, depicting Vladimir before he accepted Christianity, in order to more clearly indicate the miraculous effect of the grace of baptism, presenting the same prince in the brightest form. He was cruel, vindictive and generally endowed with a variety of vices, among which, first of all, is exorbitant voluptuousness. Vladimir had five wives at that time. One of them is already mentioned Polotsk princess Rogneda (mother of Yaroslav the Wise).

Vladimir and Rogneda with their son. ROGNEDA of Polotsk (c. 960 - c. 1000) - daughter of Prince Rogvolod from the city of Polotsk. She was very beautiful. She was going to marry Yaropolk Svyatoslavovich. She refused Prince Vladimir Svyatoslavovich and insulted him, calling him the son of a slave. In 979, Vladimir captured Polotsk, killed her relatives, and made her his wife. In 981 she gave birth to a son, Izyaslav. Around 987 she made an attempt on her husband's life. For this, Vladimir ordered her to dress smartly and wait in the room. She realized that she was in danger, called her son and hid him. When the prince entered with a sword in his hand, little Izyaslav stood up for his mother. Vladimir did not kill Rogneda. He sent her and her son to the city of Svisloch (Izyaslavl). Now this is the city of Zaslavl not far from Minsk. In total, she gave birth to Vladimir 4 sons (among them Yaroslav the Wise) and 3 daughters. In 1000, shortly before her death, she became a monk under the name of Anastasia.

Another wife of Vladimir was the widow of Yaropolk, whom he killed, a certain Greek woman who had previously been a nun and was brought to Kyiv by Prince Svyatoslav, struck by her beauty. From her, by the way, he was born later Svyatopolk the Accursed - killer of the holy brothers Boris and Gleb. In addition to his legal wives, the prince had hundreds of concubines. “He was insatiable in fornication, bringing to himself married wives and corrupting girls,” this is how the chronicler wrote condemningly about Vladimir. As they say, “lived to the fullest.”

In addition, Vladimir was at first a convinced pagan and an ardent opponent of Christianity. Soon after entering Kyiv, he built a real pagan pantheon on a hill near his palace - he placed statues of pagan gods: Perun, Khors, Dazhbog, Stribog, Simragl and Mokosha.

“And people worshiped them, calling them gods, and brought their sons and daughters, and made sacrifices to demons... And the Russian land and that hill were defiled with blood.”, says the chronicle.

Statues of Perun, who by the will of Vladimir became the main deity of ancient Rus', were also installed in other ancient Russian cities. In 983, after one of Vladimir’s campaigns, it was decided to organize human sacrifices on “Perunov Hill”. The lot fell on the court of a certain Christian Varangian, and the Kyiv pagans demanded that his son be sacrificed. The Varangian did not submit to them and did not give his son to be slaughtered to demons. In retaliation, the Kyivians swept away his entire yard and cut down the entryway where he stood with his son, and so killed them. These Christian Varangians (late church tradition calls their names: Theodore and his son John) became the first martyrs for the faith in the Russian land.

Sergey Efoshkin. The first Russian martyrs Fyodor and John before their death

The introduction of a single state cult of Perun for the entire country was supposed to personify unity Old Russian state, the primacy of Kyiv and the Kyiv prince.

Pagan temple. The ceremony takes place in the temple. In the center of the temple there are 4 domes Svetovit

With all this, Vladimir during these years shows every concern for strengthening the state. He makes several successful campaigns to the west and east (against the Poles, Yatvingians, Volga Bulgarians, Khazars), subjugates a number of East Slavic tribes (Radimichi, Vyatichi) to the power of Kyiv, and annexes the so-called. Cherven cities (Volyn). The various regions of the Russian state are held together by stronger bonds than before. He “grazed his land with truth, courage and reason,” like a kind and zealous owner, if necessary, he expanded and defended its borders by force of arms, and returning from a campaign, he arranged generous and cheerful feasts for the squad and for all of Kiev.

Vasnetsov. Vladimir the pagan

However, the pagan reform, which changed only the external appearance of the old gods, could not satisfy Vladimir. Personal search for faith coincided with the demands of the times. Rus' was finally losing its former features military federation separate tribes, turned into a single state, playing an increasingly important role in European and world politics. All this required changes in the sphere of ideology.

Filatov. The choice of Vera by Prince Vladimir

It was not long before Vladimir came to his faith. The chronicle says that at first the prince received ambassadors from the Volga Bulgarians (Muslims), Latins and Khazar Jews, who invited him to accept their law. Prince Vladimir listened carefully to everyone and asked questions.

In Islam, Vladimir seemed to like the possibility of polygamy both in this life and in the future. It was no coincidence that the Mohammedans emphasized precisely this point of their creed: they clearly tried to adapt to the morals of Vladimir the pagan. But they did not know that Vladimir had already turned away from paganism in the depths of his soul. Moreover, he could “indulge in all fornication” without converting to another faith...
But Vladimir, after a conversation with the “Greek philosopher,” settled on Orthodoxy.

Choosing Faith

According to the chronicle, Prince Vladimir, called by God's Providence to be the baptizer of Rus', was already ready to accept the Orthodox faith from the Greeks, but, being a wise leader, he prepared the people for baptism through frequent conversations about faith at the princely court, by testing faith and sending embassies to other countries. And it was decided to send ambassadors and test each faith on the spot, and for this they chose ten men, “kind and intelligent.” Sending an embassy, ​​he introduced the Russians to the faith, the state of trade, the army, life, and the life of peoples.

And these ambassadors observed in Bulgaria how Muslims prayed in the mosque: “Having stood there without a belt, making a bow, (the man) sits down and looks here and there like a madman, and there is no joy in them, only sadness and a great stench. Their law is not good." The Germans “We saw various services in churches, but did not see any beauty.” In Byzantium, in the Constantinople Church in the name of Sophia the Wisdom of God, they contemplated the festive patriarchal service in the full light of the chandelier, with the singing of cathedral choirs.

The ambassadors of the Kyiv prince were stunned by what they saw

“They didn’t know whether it was in heaven or on we are on earth, - the ambassadors said upon returning to Kyiv, - for there is no such spectacle and such beauty on earth, and we do not know how to tell about it, we only know that God dwells there with people, and their service is better than in all other countries. We cannot forget that beauty, for every person, if he tastes the sweet, will not then take the bitter, so we can no longer remain here in paganism.” After listening to them, the boyars said to Prince Vladimir: “If the Greek law had been bad, then your grandmother Olga would not have accepted it, and she was the wisest of all people.”

In 987, at a council of boyars, Vladimir decided to be baptized “according to Greek law.”

According to legend, in exchange for this decision, he was even promised the hand of the sister of the ruling Byzantine Emperor Vasily II, Anna, who by this time was already 26 years old. But the promise was not fulfilled, and therefore Vladimir I had to seek Anna’s hand by military force.

According to the chronicle, in the next 988, Prince Vladimir captured Korsun (Chersonese in Crimea, then belonging to Byzantium) with a 6,000-strong army and demanded the Byzantine princess Anna as his wife, threatening otherwise to go to Constantinople. Emperor Vasily II was forced to agree, demanding in turn that the prince be baptized so that his sister could marry a fellow believer. Having received Vladimir's consent to accept holy baptism, the Byzantines sent Anna with priests to Korsun. But having achieved his goal, Vladimir forgot his promise. And then something happened to him that changed his whole life. He suddenly went blind!!! Vladimir walked and moaned for several days. The prince’s screams were terrible when he realized that he could remain disabled forever. Princess Anne then reminded him of his promise and advised him to quickly receive holy baptism. In fear of the Christian God, Vladimir and his squad underwent the rite of baptism. At baptism, Vladimir took the name Vasily, in honor of the ruling Byzantine emperor Vasily II, according to the practice of political baptisms of that time. The miracle of returning vision happened after baptism. The world has changed for him.

Sergey Efoshkin. Prince Vladimir. Baptism

Prince Vladimir showed a striking change in his own life, his spiritual and moral state. From a passionate, proud pagan, he was reborn into a chaste, meek, unusually merciful and kind person. He even seriously intended to introduce an innovation hitherto unheard of in human history - to abolish death penalty for robbers, fearing sin.

Before the adoption of Christianity, polygamy was common in Rus'. The Kyiv prince Vladimir had 5 legal wives. Orthodox sources claim that after baptism, the prince released all former pagan wives from marital duties. He offered to choose a husband for Rogneda, but she refused and took monastic vows.

Vladimir himself, after baptism, was married according to the Christian rite with Byzantine princess Anna (+1011). With this marriage, Vladimir achieved that Rus' ceased to be considered a barbarian people in Byzantium. Dynastic prestige also increased Kyiv princes. Subsequently, Anna actively participated in the spread of Orthodoxy in Rus', “building many churches.” Her tomb was located in the Church of the Blessed Virgin Mary in Kyiv next to the tomb of St. Vladimir the Baptist.

The baptism of Prince Vladimir with the boyars and retinue in Korsun (Chersonese) was the beginning of the baptism of the entire Russian land! Accompanied by a squad, boyars, and clergy, Prince Vladimir moved towards Kyiv. In front they carried crosses, icons, and holy relics.

Upon returning to Kyiv, Prince Vladimir gathered 12 of his sons and, having prepared them to accept the holy faith of Christ, baptized them in the spring, which forever received the name Khreshchatyk . Together with them, his entire household was baptized, as well as some boyars, probably from those who had not been to Chersonesos.

Perov V.G. Baptism of Rus'. (second half of the 1870s - early 1880s)

Then Vladimir ordered mass baptism to begin. The baptism of Kiev residents took place in the waters of the Dnieper by Korsun priests. In Kyiv, the baptism of the people took place relatively peacefully, while in Novgorod, where Dobrynya led the baptism, it was accompanied by uprisings of the people and their suppression by force. In the Rostov-Suzdal land, where local Slavic and Finno-Ugric tribes retained a certain autonomy due to their remoteness, Christians remained a minority even after Vladimir (until the 13th century, paganism dominated among the Vyatichi).

Prince Vladimir ordered the destruction of pagan idols everywhere: some were burned, others were chopped up. And the main idol of Perun with a silver head and golden mustache was ordered to be tied to the tail of a horse, dragged to the Dnieper, beaten with sticks for public desecration, and then escorted to the rapids so that no one could pull it out and take it. There they tied a stone around the idol’s neck and drowned it. Russian paganism has sunk into the water...

His alms to the poor knew no bounds. "Red Sun" nicknamed Vladimir by the Russian people. The famous feasts of St. Vladimir were also a means of Christian preaching; on Sundays and more church holiday after the liturgy, abundant festive tables, the bells rang, the choirs sang their praises, and even, according to legend, he ordered food and drink to be transported on carts for the weak and sick.

At the same time, the prince continued to remain a victorious commander, a courageous warrior, a wise head and builder of the state. Under the holy prince Vladimir, Kievan Rus flourished and its influence spread far beyond its borders.

Under Vladimir, large-scale stone construction began in Rus'. The cities of Vladimir (990), Belgorod (991), Pereyaslavl (992) and many others were founded.

Vladimir began to build God's temples. From the first centuries of Christianity, the custom began to erect temples on the ruins of pagan sanctuaries or on the blood of holy martyrs. Following this rule, Saint Vladimir built the temple of Saint Basil the Great on the hill where the altar of Perun was located, and laid a stone Church of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary (Church of the Tithes) at the site of the martyrdom of the holy Varangian martyrs.

Sergey Efoshkin. At the Tithe Church

The church was built by masters from Byzantium. The Church of the Tithes was most likely built on the model of the Pharos Church at the Great Imperial Palace in Constantinople, where Anna loved to go to prayer services. And although neither the Faros nor the Tithe churches survived, archaeologists managed to recreate them appearance. The church, 27 meters long and 18 wide, was crowned with five large domes. It was decorated with frescoes and mosaics made of multi-colored glass, as well as jasper. Due to the abundance of marble on the floor and soaring columns with carved capitals, contemporaries called the Tithe Church “marble”. The parapets near the choir, the altar barrier and the cornices at the main windows were decorated with marble. The floor of the altar, in addition to multi-colored marble tiles, was made of tiled tiles. The building itself was made of flat thin bricks covered with white plaster.

In 1007, Saint Vladimir transferred the relics of Saint Olga, Equal-to-the-Apostles, to the Church of the Tithes. And four years later, in 1011, his wife, an associate of many of his endeavors, blessed Queen Anna, was buried there.

The times of Vladimir were marked by the beginning of the spread of literacy in Rus' - which is associated with Epiphany. Like many other progressive reforms in the Russian land, it was carried out by force. The first teachers in Rus' were both Byzantines and Bulgarians, including those who studied on Mount Athos.

The last years of Vladimir Svyatoslavich’s life were overshadowed by enmity with his eldest sons. In 1013, a conspiracy by Svyatopolk the Accursed against Vladimir, his adoptive father, was discovered. Svyatopolk and his wife and their accomplice, a Polish bishop, were arrested and taken into custody. In 1014, another son of Vladimir, Yaroslav of Novgorod, rebelled, refusing to pay tribute to Kyiv. Then Prince Vladimir announced a campaign against Novgorod, but became seriously ill and died July 15, 1015 . He ruled the Russian state for 37 years (978-1015), of which he lived 28 years in holy baptism.

The holy relics of Vladimir were placed in a marble shrine placed in the Klimentovsky chapel of the Tithe Assumption Church next to the same marble shrine of Queen Anna.

During the Mongol-Tatar invasion, the honorable remains of Saint Prince Vladimir were buried under the ruins of the Tithe Church. In 1635 they were found; the venerable head of Saint Prince Vladimir rested in the Assumption Cathedral Kiev-Pechersk Lavra, small particles of holy relics - in different places. In the second half of the 19th century, a temple was built in Kyiv in the name of the Holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir, which is currently a cathedral. And in 1853 a monument was erected.

The name and work of the holy Equal-to-the-Apostles Prince Vladimir is connected with the entire subsequent history of the Russian Church. “By them we have become deified of Christ, True Life, have come to know,” St. Hilarion testified. His feat was continued by his sons, grandsons, great-grandsons, who owned the Russian land for almost six centuries: from Yaroslav the Wise, who took the first step towards the independent existence of the Russian Church, to last Rurikovich, Tsar Theodore Ioannovich, under whom in 1589 the Russian Orthodox Church became the fifth independent Patriarchate.

Celebrating the Saint Equal to the Apostles Vladimir was established by Saint Alexander Nevsky after on May 15, 1240, with the help and intercession of Saint Vladimir, he won the famous Nevsky victory over the Swedish crusaders.

Since Prince Vladimir lived before the split of the Christian Church (schism 1054), he is also revered by Catholics.

Material prepared by Sergey Shulyak

for the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills

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From the series "History of the Russian State".