How to make homemade drums. Making a drum kit with your own hands: every detail

We offer you simple idea How to make a children's drum with your own hands for a drum that he will be happy to use in his own home or outdoors, and which will help take his mind off the tablet or TV for a long time.

All children sometimes like to rattle and drum something. Kids, for example, simply love to use pots, basins or bowls as homemade drums. This passion for “music” has great value for further . Perfect for older children. In addition, it is an integral part.

Drums are always a win-win option that can captivate a child for a long time. Making a children's drum at home with your own hands is very simple and quick, but the child's pleasure will last a very long time. And in this way you can throw away items that you had previously planned to throw away - double the benefit.

To make a toy drum with your own hands, you will need:

  • empty aluminum coffee can with lid;
  • 2-3 sheets of thick paper;
  • feathers, glitter, stickers, pompoms and ribbons;
  • textile ( square piece, length of sides - 30 cm);
  • yarn;
  • thick elastic band;
  • scissors;
  • PVA glue;
  • 2 pencils;
  • 2 small foam balls.

How to make a children's toy drum with your own hands

1. An aluminum can will be a children's drum. Remove the lid from the jar and cover the jar with paper on all sides. Decorate the drum at will or as the child wants - color with markers or pencils, feathers, glitter, stickers, etc.

2. Glue the fabric onto the lid of the coffee can, cutting off the unnecessary edges. This is necessary so that the top of the drum that you make with your own hands is as round as possible.

3. Now close the jar with a lid and secure the outside with an elastic band around the circumference. Hide the elastic by gluing yarn or ribbon on top of it. This will add more musical decor for the child.

4. You can play the children's drum with your hands, but it is better to make special sticks. Take two small foam balls and push a pencil into each ball to create a hole. Place a drop of glue into the hole and reinsert the pencil inside. Let dry.

After this, coat the balls with glue and wrap them in yarn. Pencils can also be decorated with ribbons, stickers or wrapped in paper. Before you start making music on your DIY drum, let everything dry thoroughly so that neither the baby drum nor the sticks come apart.

Such a children's toy drum, made by yourself or by the child himself, will definitely become his favorite musical instrument. And if one is not enough, you can always make a whole drum set. After all, who knows, maybe your future is growing up?

Tatiana Shubenkova

Project passport

1. Educational areas, within the framework of which the project work is carried out: music, socialization, artistic creativity

2. Project participants: children of preparatory groups and their parents, teachers, music director (project leader)

3. Project deadlines: month (10/1/2015 – 10/30/2015)

4. Project type: creative

5. Problem: How to organize a children's drummer orchestra in kindergarten?

6. Project goal: Create a children's orchestra "Drummers"

7. Project objectives:For children:

Introduce the history of the appearance of the drum: what types of drums there are, how a hand drum differs from a military one, methods of performing on a hand drum (“knock”, “slap” - high-close, far-low, on a military one (long and short sounds);

Participation (playing music) in a group (orchestra of drummers)

For the music director:

Create a material base from drums, replenish the “Percussion Instruments” section in the “Rainbow of Sounds” mini-museum;

To acquaint children with the structure of the drum, with ways of playing hand and military drums;

Invite educators and parents to cooperate in matters of musical education of their children;

For the teacher:

Introduce children to the history of the drum (hand, military);

Teach children to compose a story based on the picture “drum” (speech development);

Making a stick for a military drum (manual labor);

Involving parents in the educational process (making drums)

For parents:

Participation in the production of drums and costumes for the “Drummers” orchestra

8. Project abstract:

Relevance of the topic. One of the important tasks of personality-oriented aesthetic education is the development of the child’s emotional responsiveness and his culture of feelings. The solution to this problem is possible in the process of developing all components of musical-aesthetic consciousness, creative activity in various types children's musical activity, including playing on children's musical instruments. After all, playing children's musical instruments is one of the most favorite types of musical activities for children. It develops and realizes the musical abilities and performance capabilities of all children. Getting to know musical instruments gives your child the opportunity to experiment and develop creativity and communication skills.

Significance at the preschool level. Project “Musical instruments with your own hands. Drum”, implemented in work with children preparatory group makes it possible to integrate the content of various educational areas; realize educational activities based on the interaction between the music director and the teacher; involve children's parents in the educational process.

Significance at the family level. Involving parents in the educational process; educating parents on how to make a drum at home with their own hands and spend family leisure time.

Personal orientation of children. During the implementation of the project, children will learn the history of the appearance of the drum, its structure, methods of producing sound on the drum, which will contribute to their development cognitive interest and create the need for playing music in an orchestra;

Educational aspect. A necessary condition The implementation of the project is to get acquainted with different drums, with the techniques of playing them, which will contribute to the formation of a musical sense of rhythm in children.

Project stages.

Stage 1 (organizational)

Collection of information about drums (hand and military);

The content and forms of interaction with educators are clarified;

The music corner in the group is being replenished: scores, cards, pictures of drums;

Materials are being developed to attract parents to the project (consultations, memo-booklet, sliding folder - recommendations)

Stage 2 (implementation)- Organizational-pedagogical and cultural-leisure forms are identified, which become a condition for the implementation of the project, and the content of the work in each of the forms is determined: excursions and classes on getting to know the drums different types, their sound, ways of playing;

They are learning the score of an orchestra of drummers, dance moves for orchestra performance. A leisure scenario “Here’s a drum” is created. MK for educators “Drum” is held;

Products received during the project are formalized

Stage 3 (presentation)

Leisure activities “This is such a drum” are held (performance by the Drummers Orchestra, exhibition “Our Merry Drum”, where all participants (teachers, children and their parents) of the project present their results;

Methodological association of music directors of MDOU (exchange of experience)

Stage 4 (reflection)

Project materials are drawn up and systematized;

A self-analysis of each of the project participants is carried out: “What has changed for me during the implementation of the project”;

Ways to continue the project are being outlined (creation of other musical instruments

Project portfolio

Master class “Drum” (for educators)

Exhibition “Our Merry Drum”

Leisure “This is such a drum” (orchestra of “Drummers”). More details in the next works

Publications on the topic:

Our kindergarten hosted a competition “Musical Instruments with Your Own Hands”. The competition was held among parents and teachers. Tools.

Federal State educational standard(hereinafter referred to as the Federal State Educational Standard) poses serious tasks for the teaching staff of preschool educational institutions. Implementation.

Soon there will be a music corner competition in our kindergarten. We are on parent meeting decided to make musical instruments with our own hands. By.

For the harmonious development of children aged one and a half to two and a half years, auditory perception and a sense of rhythm are important. Develop and.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues! I decided to replenish my musical piggy bank with homemade musical instruments. As you know, all items...

Abstract of GCD "Musical Instruments" Musical director: Guys, today we will talk about musical instruments. On earth, everyone has a home. Fine.

Children love music, as well as everything that we adults are ready to classify as noise, including unbearable noise. They bang on pots and pans plastic panels and on the table. We invite you to combine a creativity lesson with satisfying your child’s passion for expressing their musical talents. The site will tell you how to make a drum with your own hands for children's games.

So, to make a drum, you will need:

  • yellow self-adhesive film (can be replaced with colored paper, ideally glossy);
  • some thin felt the color of coffee or coffee with milk;
  • a bit of crimson felt;
  • raspberry thread;
  • rubber;
  • scissors;
  • glue stick;
  • transparent glue (such as “Gel Moment”);
  • 2 wooden sticks;
  • 2 foam plastic balls;
  • blue thread.

Making a drum with your own hands:

Remove the lid from the jar and set it aside. We wrap the jar with yellow paper, mark the boundaries for cutting, cut out the desired shape and stick it on the jar.

Using clear glue, “draw” lines diagonally from top to bottom and bottom to top, forming triangles. Do this procedure around the entire perimeter of the future drum. If it’s difficult for you to do this “on the fly,” first draw the lines with a simple pencil, and only then use glue.

Take the raspberry yarn and, following the lines on the side of the drum, apply it to the glue strips, slightly pressing the threads into the glue for better adhesion to the surface of the homemade drum.

Cut the thread when you reach the end.

Cut out a circle from coffee-colored felt: to do this, take the lid, attach it to the felt laid out on the table and trace along the outline. You need to cut a circle, adding 2 cm on each side to the one you drew using the lid.

Close the jar with a lid. Apply clear glue along the lid and along the top edge of the jar close to the lid. Cover the jar now with the cut out circle of coffee felt and put a rubber band on top. Pull gently into different sides felt so that it lies as evenly and tightly as possible.

Cut two strips of raspberry felt about 1 cm wide, equal circle banks. Glue these strips along the bottom of the can and over the elastic that holds the coffee felt in place.

Now it's time to make sticks for the drum.

To do this, take wooden sticks round shape in cross section. Insert each stick into the ball so that it fits only slightly into it, but is held relatively tightly in it and does not come out on the other side.

Now take out the sticks and coat the inside of the hole with transparent glue. Put the sticks back in and leave to dry.

Then cover the balls with a layer of PVA glue and wrap blue thread on top until you cover the ball completely.

Apply a little glue under the ball onto the stick and also wrap them with threads. Cut the thread and smooth it over the glue with your fingers so that they do not become shaggy.

It's important to let it dry completely before playing your homemade drum!

Tips for making your own toy drum:

Before you put the lid on the jar and glue the felt to it, you can make holes along the edges of the jar and insert a cord or ribbon into them to put a homemade drum around your neck.

You can make the drum in a different color.

Be sure to leave the drum to dry overnight or even a day. Otherwise, it may fall apart during the first play - this will be very disappointing...

As you can see, making a drum for a child with your own hands is simple and fun!

Zoya Preobrazhenskaya specially for the site I am a young mother

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Don't know what to do with your child at home? Buy him a drum :). Well, or do it DIY drum from scrap materials. Now I’ll tell you and show you how it turned out for us.

By the way, our drum sounds very pleasant - not too loud, but loud and playful.

So, first we will make drumsticks.

We take Chinese sticks, 2 balls, scissors, plasticine.

Let's stick a plasticine ball onto a stick. Cut off the top and bottom rubber band from the ball.

Wrap the plasticine in a ball and tighten with an elastic band. That's it, the sticks are ready. If the clay is too soft, keep the drumsticks in the freezer. I couldn't think of anything better than plasticine. Maybe you have ideas, please share.

Let's start making a drum. Let's take ceramic pot for flowers and balloon. We had a pot with a diameter of 14 cm - just right. We fill the hole at the bottom of the pot with plasticine.

We cut off the narrow part from the ball, and stretch what is left onto the pot. That's it!

If you can’t find an empty pot, you can use a bowl, but a pot still sounds better.

Now let's test drive both drums.

By the way, not only the little ones liked the drum.

So now you know what to do with your child at home? DRUM!

Get your child used to music from the very beginning small age- great idea! A children's craft for kids in the form of a drum made from a tin can is a simple and easy to implement idea that will introduce your little one to the world of musical instruments.

Almost any child’s fantasy can be realized without high costs or running around children’s goods stores, and hand-made toys will delight kids for a long time.

To make it you will need:

  • round tin can
  • bright fabric or colored paper
  • a piece of skin or leatherette
  • laces made of leather or faux leather
  • glue gun
  • all-purpose fabric glue
  • hole punch for leather
  • wooden sticks

Manufacturing process:

1. Cut a piece of bright fabric of a suitable size and cover it with it tin can. The fabric can be replaced with variegated colored paper.

2. Place a jar on a piece of leather and outline it. Add 10 cm to the diameter of the jar and draw another circle.

3. Along the radius, use a pencil to mark the places where the holes will be (make an indent of 1 cm from the edge). Use a leather hole punch to make holes.

4. Thread the leather cord through the holes. Pull tightly on one side of the can. Repeat the same for the bottom. Additionally, use a leather cord diagonally, threading it under the lower and upper laces.

5. The last step is the drum sticks. Connect wooden stick and a bead-knob. Glue the cotton ball over the bead without leaving empty seats to make a drumstick.

Joint creative activities open up space for the flight of children's imagination and the development of imagination and thinking. Encourage your child’s desire to create crafts with their own hands - such a pastime promotes all-round development, reinforces many useful skills and simply brings joy.

Prepared by Maryana Chornovil