Gradations of knowledge of the English language. Levels of English according to international classifications

Those prone to self-criticism like to repeat that they know nothing (although in fact they can speak the language at a level closer to average and continue to regularly enroll in English courses), and those prone to vanity assure during an interview that they speak English perfectly (when in fact, again, they may be “average”).

For the most impatient, who check their level after each cup of coffee, the buttons are located at the top. This is done for your convenience: no tedious text searches, click on health and get your certificates - we don’t mind.

And for the most assiduous, who are not used to guessing from the coffee grounds, we offer you to plunge into multi-level English. With feeling, sense, and arrangement, we will talk about how Elementary differs from Intermediate and whether Advanced is as scary as it is portrayed to be.

Basically it will evaluate the fundamental basis - i.e. grammar. However, the degree of proficiency in foreign speech depends on it. Because you can chat incessantly in English, but at the same time make so many mistakes that the interlocutor will hardly be able to guess what the conversation is all about. Is it possible in oral speech compose sentences slowly, weighing each word, without making gross mistakes - and thus create the impression of a person who speaks English well.

Level 0 - Full beginner(or Full...beginner)

Just don’t say now that this is you. If you know the name of the letter “i” or even remember something from school like “teacher”, “book” - feel free to move on. Level zero is only for those who studied another language at school. Or maybe I didn’t study any at all.

Level 1 - Elementary(Elementary)

Holmes would have rejoiced at such a name. And most of those who graduated from regular high school- Same. Because this level, unfortunately, is the most common among those who learned English through the cracks and happily received a “C” on the final exam.
What characterizes Elementary: you can read many words quite well (especially without any gh, th, ough), your vocabulary includes mother, father, I am from Russia and other popular phrases, and you can sometimes catch something from a song - something familiar.

Level 2 - Upper-Elementary(Higher Elementary)

A good student at a regular school who studies English can boast of this level. And quite often, for some reason, those who studied the language on their own decide to stop at Upper-Elementary. Why? Because the illusion of knowing English arises: the vocabulary is already decent enough to support some basic topics of conversation (in any case, in a hotel abroad it will already be possible to express oneself without indecent gestures), reading usually goes quite well, and even American films in the original they become more or less understandable (by 25 percent).
However, such conclusions are misleading. Especially if you look at other levels English language.
You can jump from regular Elementary to Upper in about 80 hours if you work hard.

Level 3 - Pre-Intermediate(Lower Intermediate Level)

If you took the English language level test and got this result, congratulations. Because this is a very decent command of English. It occurs among excellent students of a regular school, good students of a specialized school, and the majority of those who combine English language courses with trips abroad.
What characterizes this level: in pronunciation there are no “f” or “t” instead of [θ] and in general the speech of such a student does not have a strong Russian accent, written speech is quite literate and completely understandable, you can communicate even on unfamiliar topics using simple sentences. In general, among the levels of the English language, Pre-Intermediate is most often found among serious learners.

Level 4 - Intermediate(Mid level)

A very worthy result. Practically unattainable for schoolchildren in a regular school and quite realistic for those who did not slack in English lessons in a specialized school. Among self-learners of English, not everyone reaches this level. They usually take the previous course, because you can achieve Intermediate in about six months of foreign courses with accommodation, a year good courses or a year of tutoring.
What characterizes this level of English: clear pronunciation, good vocabulary, ability to communicate different topics, the ability to compose complex written requests (even official documents), films in English with subtitles go with a bang.
With this level you can already take the international tests TOEFL and IELTS.

Level 5 - Upper-Intermediate(Upper middle level)

If you have passed the English language level test and received this result, then you can almost without cheating write in your resume for a position: “English - fluent.” College graduates in the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​usually reach this level.
Characteristics: skillful manipulation different styles in your speech (business, conversational, etc.), almost flawless pronunciation, the ability to act as a simultaneous interpreter in an informal setting, fluent reading, understanding of the most complex style - the language of newspapers and magazines in English, dexterous composition even especially complex structures proposals.

Level 6 - Advanced(Advanced)

This is probably the pinnacle that English language learners can achieve in a country where it is not an official language. Those who manage to speak at the Advanced level are usually perceived by their interlocutors as people who have lived in the USA or another English-speaking country for several years.
In fact, you can achieve Advanced even at the foreign language department in college, not to mention at universities. And this proves that 5 years, during which 1-2 hours a day will be spread out to study English, is enough. And if you choose intensive courses, the result will be achieved even earlier.
What characterizes the Advanced level of English: by right, this is fluency in English. Pronunciation with almost no accent, conducting formal and informal conversations, working as a simultaneous translator, full understanding of films/books/songs in the original, no grammatical errors in writing and minimal presence of errors in spoken language, understanding of idioms and colloquial expressions. You can confidently plan a career abroad, as well as study at foreign universities.

Level 7 - Super-Advanced(Super advanced)

Are there any here? If so, then the computer most likely crashed on the English language level test.) Because language proficiency at this level is the lot of aborigines living in a country where state language English is accepted.
What characterizes the Super-Advanced level? Imagine... yourself speaking Russian. You will understand any speech, even if it is a conversation between two emo teenagers discussing topics unknown to you. You will even understand slang. But with all this, you yourself also master the art of words, deftly using terms and putting them into beautiful sentences, without errors (including stylistic ones). And now - the same thing in English. So how?

Dia friend! Do you already feel itchy fingers? Are your seat belts fastened? And are you still here?
Press the button and go! Don't forget to insert the paper into the printer to print out the certificate and proudly display it to everyone interested.

especially for

Make your choice and receive a certificate

If you only know the Terminator phrase in English or decide to test the theory of probability “what if you answer at random” - don’t bother, get a “Full Beginner” certificate and rejoice.

And for all those who suffer, to test their knowledge and obtain documentary evidence of their successes - click the “determine your English level” button and take the test. Be honest with yourself!

And may English be with you. Advanced.

Or in courses, you will definitely come across the concept of “levels of English” or “levels of English proficiency”, as well as such incomprehensible designations as A1, B2, and the more understandable Beginner, Intermediate and so on. From this article you will learn what these formulations mean and what levels of language proficiency are distinguished, as well as how to determine your level of English.

Levels of English were invented so that language learners could be divided into groups with approximately similar knowledge and skills in reading, writing, speaking and writing, as well as to simplify testing procedures, examinations, for various purposes related to emigration, study abroad and employment. This classification helps when recruiting students into a group and preparing teaching aids, methods, language teaching programs.

Of course, there is no clear boundary between the levels; this division is quite arbitrary, needed not so much by students as by teachers. In total, there are 6 levels of language proficiency, there are two types of division:

  • Levels A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2,
  • Levels Beginner, Elementary, Intermediate, Upper Intermediate, Advanced, Proficiency.

Essentially they are just two different names for the same thing. These 6 levels are divided into three groups.

Table: English language proficiency levels

The classification was developed in the late eighties - early nineties of the last century, it is completely called the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages: Learning, Teaching, Assessment (abbr. CERF).

English language levels: detailed description

Beginner level (A1)

At this level you can:

  • Understand and use familiar everyday expressions and simple phrases aimed at solving specific problems.
  • Introduce yourself, introduce others, ask simple questions of a personal nature, for example, “Where do you live?”, “Where are you from?”, be able to answer such questions.
  • Maintain a simple conversation if the other person speaks slowly, clearly and helps you.

Many who studied English at school speak approximately Beginner level. From vocabulary only basic mother, father, help me, my name is, London is the capital. You can understand well-known words and expressions by ear if they speak very clearly and without accent, as in the audio lessons for the textbook. You understand texts like the “Exit” sign, and in a conversation with the help of gestures, using individual words, you can express the simplest thoughts.

Level Elementary (A2)

At this level you can:

  • Understand common expressions in general topics, such as: family, shopping, work, etc.
  • Talk about simple everyday topics using simple phrases.
  • Tell simple expressions about yourself, describe simple situations.

If you got a 4 or 5 in English at school, but after that you didn’t use English for some time, then most likely you speak the language Elementary level. TV shows in English will not be understandable, unless individual words, but the interlocutor, if he speaks clearly, in simple phrases of 2-3 words, in general you will understand. You can also incoherently and with long pauses for reflection tell the simplest information about yourself, say that the sky is blue and the weather is clear, express a simple wish, place an order at McDonald's.

The Beginner – Elementary levels can be called a “survival level”, Survival English. It is enough to “survive” during a trip to a country where the main language is English.

Intermediate level (B1)

At this level you can:

  • Understand general meaning clear speech on general, familiar topics related to everyday life (work, study, etc.)
  • Cope with the most typical situations while traveling (at the airport, in a hotel, etc.)
  • Compose simple, coherent text on general or personally familiar topics.
  • Retell events, describe hopes, dreams, ambitions, be able to briefly talk about plans and explain your point of view.

Vocabulary and knowledge of grammar are enough to write simple essays about yourself, describe incidents from life, write a letter to a friend. But in most cases, oral speech lags behind written speech, you confuse tenses, think about a phrase, pause to find a preposition (to or for?), but you can communicate more or less, especially if there is no shyness or fear of making mistakes.

It is much more difficult to understand your interlocutor, and if he is a native speaker, and even with fast speech and a bizarre accent, then it is almost impossible. However, simple, clear speech is well understood, provided the words and expressions are familiar. You generally understand if the text is not very complex, and with some difficulty you understand the general meaning without subtitles.

Upper Intermediate level (B2)

At this level you can:

  • Understand the general meaning of complex text on concrete and abstract topics, including technical (specialized) topics in your profile.
  • Speak quickly enough so that communication with a native speaker occurs without long pauses.
  • Compose clear, detailed text on various topics, explain points of view, give arguments for and against various points of view on the topic.

Upper Intermediate is already a good, solid, confident command of the language. If you are talking on a well-known topic with a person whose pronunciation you understand well, then the conversation will go quickly, easily, naturally. An outside observer will say that you are fluent in English. However, you may be confused by words and expressions related to topics that you do not understand well, all sorts of jokes, sarcasm, hints, slang.

You are asked to answer 36 questions to test your listening, writing, speaking and grammar skills.

It is noteworthy that to test listening comprehension, they do not use phrases recorded by the speaker like “London is the capital”, but short excerpts from films (Puzzle English specializes in learning English from films and TV series). In English-language films, the speech of the characters is close to the way people speak in real life, so the test may seem harsh.

Chandler from Friends doesn't have the best pronunciation.

To check a letter, you need to translate several phrases from English into Russian and from Russian into English. The program provides several translation options for each phrase. To test your knowledge of grammar, a completely ordinary test is used, where you need to choose one option from several proposed ones.

But you're probably wondering how the program can test a skill colloquial speech? Of course, an online English proficiency test will not test your speech like a human, but the test developers came up with original solution. In the task you need to listen to a phrase from the film and choose a line suitable for continuing the dialogue.

Talking is not enough, you also need to understand your interlocutor!

The ability to speak English consists of two skills: listening to the speech of your interlocutor and expressing your thoughts. This task, although in a simplified form, tests how you cope with both tasks.

At the end of the test you will be shown full list questions with correct answers, you will find out where you made mistakes. And of course, you will see a chart with an assessment of your level on a scale from Beginner to Upper Intermediate.

2. Test to determine the level of English with a teacher

To get a professional, “live” (and not automated, as in tests) assessment of the level of the English language, you need English teacher, which will test you with tasks and an interview in English.

This consultation can be done free of charge. Firstly, there may be a language school in your city that offers free language testing and even a trial lesson. This is now a common practice.

In short, I signed up for a trial lesson-test, got in touch on Skype at the appointed time, and teacher Alexandra and I had a lesson during which she “tortured” me in every possible way with various tasks. All communication was in English.

My trial lesson on SkyEng. We check your knowledge of grammar.

At the end of the lesson, the teacher explained to me in detail in which direction I should develop my English, what problems I have, and a little later she sent me a letter with detailed description level of language skills (with ratings on a 5-point scale) and methodological recommendations.

This method took some time: three days passed from submitting the application to the lesson, and the lesson itself lasted about 40 minutes. But this is much more interesting than any online test.

Any experienced teacher will tell you that before you start learning a foreign language, you need to determine your level.

This is necessary, first of all, in order not to waste extra time on already familiar material, but to immediately move on in mastering the language. Everyone knows that there is no “final” level of English proficiency unless you live in a language environment.

Any language is a living organism that constantly changes over time, new words are added to it, and some words, on the contrary, become obsolete. Even grammatical rules change. What was considered indisputable 15-20 years ago may no longer be relevant in modern grammar.

That is why knowledge of a foreign language is never absolutely complete. Any knowledge requires constant practice. Otherwise, the level you have achieved is quickly lost.

What is "level of English language proficiency"?

But what is it, and what are the levels of knowledge of English? Let's figure it out.

The level of knowledge is understood as the degree of proficiency in four aspects of languages: speaking, reading and understanding texts, listening and writing. In addition, this includes knowledge of grammar and vocabulary and the ability to correctly use lexical and grammatical units in speech.

Testing for your level of English language proficiency is usually carried out in one form or another, wherever you go to study the language. On any training site, in courses, in private lessons with a teacher - everywhere, before determining further actions and selecting the necessary ones educational materials, you will be tested on your level of knowledge. Moreover, these levels are very arbitrary, their boundaries are blurred, the names and number of levels vary different sources, But common features, of course, exists in all types of classifications.

In this article we will present the levels of the English language according to the international scale, comparing it with the British version of the classification.

English proficiency levels

There are two main classifications of English language proficiency levels.

The first belongs British Council is an international organization that provides assistance in language learning and the establishment of intercultural communication. Most often one could find this distribution of language competencies in textbooks published in Cambridge and Oxford.

The second and main one is called CEFR or The Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. Translated into Russian as “Common European Scale of Language Competence”. It was created by the Council of Europe in the second half of the 90s.

Below is CEFR:

The gradation of English language levels in the table differs from the British version as follows:

  • The British Council does not have a designation as such for Pre-Intermediate, it is located at the junction of A2/B1;
  • there is only 6 levels of English: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, C2;
  • The first two levels are considered elementary, the second two are considered sufficient, and the last two are considered levels of fluency in the language.

Table of correspondence between levels according to different assessment systems

International exams

To obtain a place at a foreign university, to work abroad or to successfully find employment in Russia, the presentation of certain certificates is required. Let's look at the two most popular and well-known of them.

TOEFL exam

If you pass it successfully, you can enter the educational institutions United States and Canada. The certificate of completion is valid in 150 countries for 2 years. There are several versions of the test - paper, computer, Internet version. All types of skills are tested - writing and speaking, reading and listening.

The main feature is that it is impossible not to pass it; a student who completes the tasks still receives a score that corresponds to a certain level:

  1. 0-39 in the Internet version and 310-434 in the paper version shows the degree of knowledge of the English language at the A1 or “Beginner” level.
  2. When receiving a result in the range of 40-56 (433-486) you can be sure that you have Elementary (A2), that is, basic English.
  3. Intermediate (translated as “intermediate, transitional”) - TOEFL scores in the region of 57-86 (487-566). Do you want to know what level this is, “Intermediate”? It corresponds to B1. You can speak on familiar topics and grasp the essence of the monologue/dialogue; you can even watch films in the original, but the material is not always fully grasped (sometimes the meaning is guessed from the plot and individual phrases). You are already capable of writing short letters and essays in the language.
  4. Upper, preintermediate will require the following points: 87-109 (567-636). Translated it means “intermediately advanced”. What level is this? Upper intermediate? The owner has access to a relaxed, detailed conversation on a specific or abstract topic, including with a native speaker. Films are watched in their original form, and talk shows and news are also well received.
  5. An order of magnitude higher, namely 110-120 for the Internet version and 637-677 for the paper version, required if Advanced English is required.

IELTS exam

The certificate for passing it is quite popular in the UK, Australia, New Zealand and Canada. Also relevant in case of professional migration to these countries. The test is valid for 2 years. The range of marks that can be obtained for the test is from 0.0 to 9.0. IN A1 scores from 2.0 to 2.5 are included. IN A2- from 3.0 to 3.5. stage B assumes scores from 4.0 to 6.5, and for the level C1- 7.0 - 8.0. Language in perfection is grades 8.5 - 9.0.

What level of proficiency should I include on my resume?

When writing a resume, you must correctly indicate at what stage in language learning you are currently at. The main thing is to choose the correct English level designation. The following are usually used: Basic (basic knowledge), Intermediate(middle stage), Advanced(proficiency at an advanced level), Fluent (fluent proficiency).

If there was an exam, be sure to indicate its name and the number of points received.

Advice: There is no need to overestimate your level, because any inaccuracy can be revealed quickly enough.

Why is it important to determine your language level?

Why does a non-specialist need information about the level of language proficiency, and is it needed at all? If you are planning to start or resume your studies foreign language, then determining your level of knowledge is simply necessary, of course, if you are not an absolute beginner and have previously studied English. This is the only way you can understand at what stage you stopped and where to move next.

When choosing a course of study, you will need to focus on your level. So, for example, on the site you can take various courses: from a course for beginners - Beginner, to a course for students with an Intermediate level.

In order to find out which course to choose for training, the site provides. The system will accurately determine your level of language proficiency and offer the appropriate course so that your learning is most effective.

English level C1 is the fifth level of language proficiency in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR), a system for determining different language levels, compiled by the Council of Europe. In everyday speech, this level can be called "advanced", the same description used in EF SET. Students, those who know the language at this level can speak unaided and with great accuracy on a wide range of issues, and can speak in almost any situation without any preliminary preparation.

How to determine that you know English at level C1

The best way to determine whether your English language skills are at level C1 is to take a high-quality standardized test. Below is a list of the main internationally recognized tests and their corresponding C1 indicators:

What can you do if you know English at C1 level?

Level of English C1 allows you to perform a wide variety of academic and professional tasks. Level C1 allows you to communicate completely autonomously in a country where the native language of the residents is English.

According to official CEFR guidelines, a person who speaks English at level C1:

  • Can understand a wide range of complex texts, recognizing hidden meanings.
  • Can express ideas spontaneously and fluently without difficulty finding words and expressions.
  • Can use language flexibly and effectively in social, scientific and professional activities.
  • Can produce accurate, well-structured and detailed text on complex topics, demonstrating proficiency various models text formation.

More information about knowledge of English at level C1

Formal statements of student knowledge are broken down into smaller sub-items for instructional purposes. Such a detailed classification will help you assess your own level of English or help the teacher assess the level of students. For example, a student who knows English at level C1 will be able to do everything that a student at level B2 can do, as well as the following:

  • discuss in detail issues related to the formation of a motivated, successful team.
  • talk in detail about your favorite paintings and the architecture of buildings.
  • discuss social problems, possible ways decisions and what role corporations can play in this.
  • participate in discussions about nature conservation, sustainable use of natural resources and environmental protection.
  • talk about events and issues discussed in the news and how they affect people and companies.
  • talk about risky situations in life, including dangerous sports.
  • compare and contrast various types education and individual educational institutions.
  • discuss various types humor, including such subtle forms as sarcasm.
  • understand various styles communication, including direct statements and indirect hints, formal and informal types of speech.
  • discuss issues related to quality of life, including working conditions and home environment.
  • understand and discuss issues related to ethics (for example, cases of civil disobedience).

Of course, progress will depend on the type of course and the individual student, but it can be predicted that a student will reach level C1 English in 800 hours of study (total).

Level C1 on the European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) corresponds to the concept of “advanced user”. Level B2 is “independent user”.

Since CEFR is a scale of competencies, that is, skills, the criteria for it are formulated based on what a person should be able to do.

Let's look at these skills by aspect and try to understand how C1 differs from B2:

Listening to speech


I can understand long passages of speech and lectures, and follow even complex developments of arguments, provided that I am sufficiently familiar with the topic of the message. I can understand most television news and journalism programs. I understand most films with standard pronunciation.


I can understand long stretches of speech even when it is not explicitly structured and when the relationships between parts of a text or utterance are only implied and not expressed. I can understand movies and TV shows without too much effort.

Hooray! When moving from levels B to levels C, we are able not only to understand, but also to creatively transform speech in real time - the key thing is that at C1 a person can understand the speech of another even if that other person does not speak well.

We can already understand what our interlocutor wants to say, even if he himself did not care about it. And of course, movies and TV shows are not very difficult for us now, although sometimes we still have to work harder.




I understand long and complex literary or factual texts and can distinguish them by style. I understand articles on professional topics or lengthy ones technical instructions even if they are not in my field of activity.

In reading, the main breakthrough is the ability to read specialized professional literature not in one’s specialty and understand it.

Speaking skills, dialogue


I can enter into dialogue with native speakers, and I communicate fluently enough, without noticeable pauses, and spontaneously, that is, without prior preparation, to a sufficient extent for communication to be possible. I can actively participate in discussions on familiar topics, expressing and justifying my views.


I can express my thoughts fluently without preparation, and I do not have to pause while searching. the right words. I can use language flexibly and effectively in personal, everyday life and for work.
I can formulate my thoughts and express my opinions accurately and in such a way that others in a conversation can easily understand how my words relate to theirs.

The key difference is how much you can fit into the flow of the dialogue. At C1, it is important not only to speak clearly, but also to speak in such a way that it is clear to everyone else that you understood them, how you understood them, and how everything you say now follows from this.

Conversation skills, monologue


I can speak clearly and in detail on a fairly wide range of topics that interest me. I can express a point of view on a certain topic, explaining the advantages and disadvantages different options.


I can speak clearly and in detail on complex topics, dividing them into subtopics, elaborating on certain aspects, and concluding my discussions with an appropriate conclusion.

As in the previous aspect, at C1 it becomes important how much control you can have over how you are understood. Instead of simply expressing your point of view, as in B2, in C1 it is important to be able to convince the interlocutor. In general, the transition from B2 to C1 is determined by the extent to which you can move from being independent to caring about how your listener understands you.



I can write clear and detailed text in a reasonable amount of time. large number topics that relate to my area of ​​interest. I may write an essay or report that presents information or argues for or against a particular point of view. I may write a letter emphasizing the personal significance of events or reflecting on my life experiences.


I can express my thoughts in clear, well-structured text, with some space given to other points of view. I can write an essay, report, or letter on a complex topic and indicate what issues I consider most important. I can choose a style that is acceptable to the recipient of my message.

In writing, when moving from level B2 to C1, it is important that we can write a text not only about what interests us, but also on abstract topics, and not only speak out, but also structure the text, think about the reader, take care of to make him feel comfortable.

Thus, one can imagine that instead of one speech personality, we develop several at once, and choose between them depending on the context.

In general, the transition to level C1 means that a person comes out of the shell of his personal interests and begins to focus on the world around him and partly on the interlocutor. Therefore, in classes you need to reinforce this transition.

How to practice to move from B2 to C1

Oral speech perception:

Listen to thematic popular science or journalistic programs, record their transcripts and draw up a plan for speaking based on the results of these transcripts. Paraphrase and write synopses, short summaries of what you heard, highlighting the main points and emphasis.


Read popular science and journalistic articles, and consciously choose those that are furthest from your area of ​​interest. Keep a dictionary of terms and expressions that appear in these articles.

Catalogs and descriptions of devices special purpose - best material for this. Learn new things about the world around you and write notes for yourself in a popular science style about what you learn.


To develop dialogue skills, you will definitely need a trained interlocutor. A professional teacher is best. Organize discussions with him, polemics by correspondence, or prepare short presentations with a question and answer session.

A conversation club is only suitable if it is part of a course with a group who have studied the same topics as you and are at the same level as you. Otherwise it is useless, unless the teacher has organized an ingenious peer-to-peer teaching scheme, but no one does that.


In writing, it is important that you know how to choose the genre in which you will write. Therefore, take a topic that was touched upon when you were practicing listening or reading and write three texts on it -

presentation report, article or essay and formal letter. This way you will learn to choose a style and implement different communicative intentions in writing.

What to use?

It is best to use literature to prepare for the Cambridge CAE or CPE exams - the texts are selected on the most popular topics, and the writing tasks are well formulated to force you to practice in different styles.

If you don’t like textbooks, take authentic materials: TED, BBC. Discovery, Bloomberg thematic sites on economics, politics, medicine - everything will be of help.

Group, yourself, tutor, speaker?

At this level, there are things that you can do on your own - listening training, reading, vocabulary acquisition, but there are also things for which you need a qualified partner, a teacher: giving a presentation for yourself or writing an article that you yourself will read - It's a strange job.

The carrier or our person?

If the Russian teacher is sufficiently qualified, if he is well-educated and interested in understanding the intricacies of new topics with you, this is the best choice.
A speaker will be good if he has deep knowledge of the complex areas you will have to study, and if he has a good understanding of the psychological and structural aspects of speech. In other words, if it is a highly qualified teacher with extensive experience. If you find one, you will be happy. I've seen a couple of these in 18 years.