Cardboard house for a girl. How to make a cardboard house for a child

What could it be more interesting than that, how to make a cardboard house with your own hands and give it the look you like most?

A cardboard house is a toy that every child can find a use for. Someone will use it for role playing games, some - for staging small scenes and plays. But he definitely won’t remain idle.

Before making a house, you need to cut out a blank from cardboard, which looks like two pairs of rectangles, to which narrower rectangles are attached at the top and bottom. Pairs of main rectangles alternate: first there is a wider rectangle, then a narrower one, then again a wide and narrow one. At the first, wide rectangle, we make an additional narrow insert on the side. We bend the joints of the rectangles.

In the second wide rectangle we cut a window. We turn the cut cardboard into shutters.

We assemble our workpiece and fix it with glue or adhesive tape. We leave the upper inserts free for now and do not bend them inward.

Now we need . Take dry hollow sticks. We cut them into two parts. We will get logs that are very similar to real ones.

We line the walls of our house with logs.

It is necessary to cover each wall, if possible, fixing the logs as close to the corners as possible.

Cut out two identical rectangles and a pair of identical triangles from cardboard. We get the roof details.

We glue these parts to the upper inserts above the house.

Before gluing the rectangular fragments, we connect them together.

Then we take long velvet leaves.

We lay out rectangular parts of the roof with them - like tiles or shingles.

Take a small bunch of straw.

Cut it into straws different lengths, and lay out the triangular part of the roof with them.

We lay out the edges from sticks.

Our house takes on the appearance of a forest hut!

We glue sticks to the edges of the shutter.

And let's start decorating. You can, for example, hang a physalis on the roof - it will look like a real lantern.

We hang a bunch of leaves or herbs near the window.

The hut is ready!

All that remains is to find a suitable place for it. You can, for example, place such a house in the garden, on the veranda or between flower pots. You will get a miniature forest.

That's it! We learned how to make a cardboard house for children not only interesting, but also unusual, giving it a resemblance to a forest hut or hut.

Cardboard house - ideas with photos

There are a huge number of options for cardboard houses. From cardboard boxes you can make very stylish multi-story playhouses with small figures.

This simple house is easy to put together using the schematic drawings below.

Here is a diagram of the simplest house.

Every girl dreams of a house for her dolls. Now there are a huge number of them on store shelves. But such pleasure is not cheap, and the assortment is the same.

We offer to please your child with a handmade gift. This will allow you not only to save money, but also to make the house one of a kind.

In addition, this will be a wonderful pastime for the whole family during leisure time.

There are many special training programs for making doll houses with your own hands. You can use a wide variety of building materials: boards, plywood, chipboard, laminate, cardboard, etc.

As a rule, the front wall on dollhouses is not made, or it is made removable or opening so that your child can put dolls there, change the decor in the rooms, and tidy up.

Choose the material - and we will teach you how to make it dollhouse with your own hands!

Dollhouses made of plywood and laminate

These are the most popular materials. Distinctive feature from “brothers” - stability and longevity. It is easy to decorate both outside and inside. But making such a house requires male strength.

If you try, such a house will be indistinguishable from the store version.

Diagrams and drawings can be found on the Internet, but if you have technical inclinations, you can try to draw it yourself. There are also photos of finished dollhouses on the Internet.

To make a house we will need:

  • thicker plywood (from 7 mm);
  • electric jigsaw;
  • glue;
  • self-adhesive floor;
  • pieces of wallpaper;
  • tape measure or ruler;
  • pen;
  • scheme;
  • a little imagination and patience.

Let’s get to work, having first decided on the dimensions of the dollhouse (they will depend on the dimensions of the “tenants”):

  • we cut out the walls of the future house from plywood or laminate;
  • we cut out windows and doors in them;
  • we glue the walls together; it is also fashionable to use construction nails or staples;
  • we make a roof, it can be either flat or sloping. To give a real look you can use corrugated cardboard and then paint it;
  • we fasten the resulting structure to the foundation - a sheet larger than the house itself. On an unused area you can make flower beds, sidewalks, a platform, and a parking lot;
  • we glue wallpaper and lay floors;
  • furnish the house with furniture;
  • you can also add curtains made from pieces of fabric, bedspreads, rugs, etc.

Dollhouses made of plasterboard

Many household parents, after renovations, leave the remaining building materials to gather dust on the balcony in the hope that they will come in handy someday. Their time has come! Drywall can make an excellent dollhouse.

The good thing about a house made from this material is that it is very light and easy to assemble. But, at the same time, it will need to be handled more carefully - it will be quite fragile.

The layout of such a house is no different from a product made of plywood or laminate. But assembling such a house is much easier, and there are many more layout options - with the help of partitions you can divide the rooms between each other.

Foam houses

To assemble such a house we will need:

Pay attention!

  • sheet foam;
  • glue;
  • canape sticks;
  • rulers;
  • bamboo sticks;
  • cardboard;
  • pieces of wallpaper and fabric;
  • dye;
  • sponge for washing dishes;

Pieces of plinth for the ceiling

Let's get started:

  • make a diagram;
  • cut out walls from foam plastic;
  • we make doors and windows in them;
  • we connect the walls using toothpicks, then glue the walls together;
  • to make the roof stronger, we first install bamboo sticks on top of the walls, and only then glue the roof to the walls;
  • we make a ladder from wooden rulers or the same polystyrene foam;
  • You can also use toothpicks for railings;
  • in addition, if desired, you can also make a balcony, massandra or even a terrace from polystyrene foam;
  • painting the house;
  • We decorate the house inside as in the previous description.

Houses made from bookshelves and cabinets

House from old furniture it won’t be difficult to do - after all, the walls are already ready.

All that remains is to cut windows and doors in them, and think about what to make the roof out of, if necessary.

It can also be made from the materials described above. We arrange the furniture, let the cat in - happy housewarming!

Cardboard houses

For this design we will need:

Pay attention!

  • cardboard;
  • house detail templates;
  • scissors and stationery knife;
  • gouache or watercolor paints.

We are building a house:

  • If you have a large piece of cardboard, then do not cut it, but bend it in places according to the diagram, and then glue its component parts.
  • install interior partitions made of cardboard, they will serve not only to delimit space, but also to fasten the frame structure.
  • Let's get started with renovations and furnishings!

House made of boxes

The simplest and quick option. It is enough to select the required number of boxes (depending on the number of rooms), fasten them together using a stapler, after placing them on their sides so that the top of the box serves as an exit.

This will allow you to open the front wall at the right time to rearrange, tidy up, etc.

We cut out windows and doors. Let's start designing the frame.

Pay attention!

House made from paper folders

It requires four folders. We cover them from the inside with wallpaper or printed sheets with decorative items and household appliances in a plane.

We cut out windows in the folders, install the folders vertically, and fasten them with the help of clips that are included with each folder. Your house is ready.

Fabric house

This option is good because it takes up virtually no space and can even be folded up.

Using a thick piece of fabric we make the back wall - it will serve as the foundation. We sew a rectangular base for the house. We make pockets to which the cardboard for the floors will then be attached. We attach ribbons to both corners of the pockets.

All that remains is to sew the pockets with a rectangular base on one edge so that the ribbons end up with reverse side. Floors using tapes and sewing the tapes to the back wall. Let's decorate the house and start playing!

You can make houses from other materials - the main thing is to show your imagination! A wonderful gift it will also be suitable for a boy - after all, you can build a garage, parking lot, etc.

Photo of a dollhouse with your own hands

If you think about it a little, you can make great things from the simplest and most ordinary materials that are often at hand. with my own hands.

One such example is wooden house made of paper.

But as for the ideas that arise to create such a miracle, they appear for a variety of reasons. Sometimes inspiration just comes and that’s not bad at all.

For this we need
Cocktail straws
A4 paper
Multi-colored cardboard

Step 1

The first thing you need to do is take paper, preferably A4 format, without cells or rulers. The paper should be white. Next, you need to twist it into tubes.

Step 2

For more comfortable work, the paper must be divided into several equal parts, and only then twist it. First, do it on the sides, and only then in the middle.

You can never calculate how many of these tubes are needed in the exact quantity. That's why, do them as you go. It will be easier this way.

Step 3

As for the foundation, in order to build it, you need to select fairly thick cardboard. Remember, the “life” of your house will depend on it. You will need to glue paper tubes to the side parts. Several need to be made shorter.

Step 4

After you complete the process of laying out the tubes in three rows, make a small mark where the doors and windows will be. Remember, in order for your house to look more symmetrical, you need to place both windows and doors at the same height.

Step 5

For a bright effect, you can make curtains from colored paper in the middle of the windows. By the way, in order for all fastenings to be stronger, you can use transparent tape. But this is all optional, of course.

Step 6

Next, don’t forget about the roof. But initially, you need to build several supports so that it does not collapse. The roof can be cut from cardboard. Moreover, the shape of the cuts can be very different. It all depends on your own imagination.

Glue the roof, preferably simple, colorless glue to make it all look more realistic.

Step 7

After you complete all the steps listed, decorate the windows with the simplest self-adhesive. And in the same way, decorate the doors. As for stairs, you can make them out of them, or you can not make them out of them. And if you still prefer a house with stairs, then you can build them from the tubes that you made. If necessary, do more. It is advisable to cover the steps with “wooden” self-adhesive tape.

Step 8

And the final stage will be making the railings. And they are also made from tubes, having previously pasted them in brown. And now, your house is finished. All that remains is to decorate it. Here, you can dream up. For example, put up a variety of figures, animals, a fence, or even a vegetable garden, as if it were a real village. In any case, it will turn out just great!

Every child needs toys for his full development. You don't have to buy them in the store. It is enough to know how to properly make the same house with your own hands in order to please your baby with a new toy with which he will tinker and not make noise for a long time.

Most available material for production - cardboard, paper, plasticine. But you can also make a house from pumpkins, chestnuts, zucchini, eggplants, clothespins and various boxes from under shoes, household appliances and equipment.

What kind of house can you make?

You can see many photos on the theme of “House” crafts. The following wonderful toys are made for your child from improvised materials:

  • Hut on Chicken Legs - made of clothespins;
  • Old Man-Lesovich's hut;
  • A hut in a clearing, decorated with chestnuts;
  • Forester's hut made of natural materials;
  • Build a pumpkin house;
  • Using twigs, weave a tower.

There are a lot of ideas and all kinds of instructions for making houses, your imagination is limitless. A little skill and patience - and the craft will be ready!

Let's look at the most popular models and try to make them together.

By understanding what these toys can be made from and how to begin this simple process, you can create a work of art. Let the house be far from perfect the first time, but every time it will turn out better and better!

Hut on Chicken Legs

Children love fairy tale characters. And they will be happy to help in making a house for the beloved Baba Yaga. For this craft we will need the following components:

  • Dried moss;
  • Opened spruce or pine cones;
  • Pre-prepared (ironed) leaves;
  • Dry berries;
  • Clothespins;
  • Plasticine;
  • Glue.

Making a Hut on Chicken Legs with your own hands

Let's show a simple diagram by which you can assemble this beautiful house for Baba Yaga. You can use other templates, but this one is the simplest and will not cause any difficulties in making for either an adult or a child.

So, step by step instructions:

  • We take apart the wood chips and glue the house together. It is best to use “liquid nails” for this;
  • Place the assembled Baba Yaga's Hut on a piece of cardboard and cover the space around it with moss;
  • We glue the leaves of the berries onto the roof. We also place the remains of the moss there;
  • We paint the cones in green, glue them also to the cardboard. These will be our Christmas trees;
  • We sculpt various animals - bunnies, squirrels from plasticine.

The scenery and creation of the atmosphere of a fairy-tale forest are important here, because we are creating Baba Yaga’s hut, which, according to the fairy tale, is located in a place inaccessible to outsiders.

Old Man-Lesovich's hut

Making such a house together with your child may take several days. Spending time together like this brings parents and their children closer together. So what can you make such a craft from?

Let's list the main components that we need and get started with the process:

  • You will need pastry packaging for a cake or cookies. We decorate it with the remnants of old wallpaper, creating an autumn forest background. Using matches, acorns, and cones, we make forest inhabitants - Lesovich himself and his friend the hedgehog.
  • We make the house from a kefir box, and cover the walls themselves with large dill sticks to create the effect of logs. The hedgehog will live under stumps, which can be made from cutting branches.
  • We make a path leading from the house to the pond using colored semolina and bean grains. We create the effect of water using colored paper, and pebbles using plum seeds.
  • We decorate the forest and clearing with pieces of moss, dry twigs and leaves.

Hut in the clearing

We will hold another master class on crafts on the theme “House”. This time the design will be more complicated, and the pleasure can be extended for a long time.

For this we need:

  • Scotch;
  • Cardboard box;
  • A couple of kilograms of chestnuts;
  • Dry branches;
  • Glue;
  • Berries;
  • Pen;
  • Multi-colored fallen leaves;
  • Scissors;
  • Needles;
  • Wire.

Hut in the clearing: making it step by step

Let’s start making another craft together with our child, instilling in him useful skills and curiosity.

We assemble this toy in the following sequence:

We are making the foundation on which our house will stand. For this it uses cardboard box. We prepare a square 400x400 mm. We cut out the elements of the house from cardboard and connect them with tape. We attach it to the base.

We cut out windows and doors from pieces of snow-white paper. Glue it. We draw curtains with a pen. We decorate all the walls with chestnuts. We design the roof and ground around the house using colorful leaves, pine needles and berries.

Thus, you can make a house from almost any material by connecting the necessary components into one whole using tape and glue. Or - cut from pumpkin, watermelon, zucchini, eggplant.

There are many manuals and master classes on this topic on the Internet. Many lessons are accompanied by excellent explanations of what and how to do correctly in order to assemble a good and high-quality toy.

The new time spent together will delight the child, and he will enthusiastically help in collecting it for a long time. And then – have fun playing!

Photos of crafts houses

Unusual and original craft- a house made of paper. It's easy to do it yourself. Involve children in the process, and so on joint creativity will bring you a lot of fun! Making a craft is not difficult at all. Diagrams that you can draw yourself or find on the Internet will help you create a house out of paper. For example, like this

What will it take?

  • paper
  • cardboard
  • scissors
  • paints

Print out the template you like and carefully cut it out with scissors. To front door could open and close freely, cutting out the doorway, leave one side untouched and simply bend it back. Now all that remains is to glue the house together and secure the roof. You can use PVA glue or a glue stick. You can decorate such a house with sparkles, outlines, and bows. Don't forget to add tenants to the house!

Making a house using the scrapbooking technique is easy and simple, but it will look harmonious in your home and will be an excellent decoration

Fans of the scrapbooking technique will appreciate this house, which will become an original gift wrapping or even an independent souvenir for any holiday: Birthday or New Year.

We copy the diagram onto watercolor paper, mark the gluing points and cut out the blank. We bend it along the lines. We cut out parts from paper with a New Year's ornament that are 2mm smaller than the blank and glue them to it.

We also need two pictures with the image New Year's interior sizes 5.5x6 cm and 3x3 cm. By size larger picture cut out window frame and a door “with glass” made of white paper.

We paste a picture on the wall of the house and add a window and a door. We fix it with double sided tape. We attach the door handle brads.

We cut out strips from watercolor paper using a border hole punch and cover the roof with them from bottom to top to form tiles. Add platbands on the sides and glue the house together.

We fix the bottom. We glue the roof only on one side so that it can open. On the opening side of the lid we will glue an inscription or a wish. We attach the lock. We fix the pendant on it, and to fix the lid we wrap the end of the lace around the upper brace.

Cut out a ring from thick paper and glue the spruce legs cut out with a hole punch onto it, add a lace bow, gold braid and roses. Decorate with this wreath the opposite side house.

As you can see, it is not difficult to make. And the variety of design will depend only on your imagination.

Paper dollhouse

A doll house is every girl's dream! And it is easy to implement with the help of simple tools and the help of adults. But a paper dollhouse can become a good gift not only the child and even adult girl. In this case, it will turn into a cute souvenir reminiscent of a carefree childhood.

What will be required to create it?

  • breadboard knife
  • PVA glue and glue stick
  • double-sided and regular tape
  • corrugated cardboard, regular cardboard
  • ruler
  • simple pencil
  • colored paper
  • textile

We take a large, preferably one-color, box and allocate it to the playing area. We cut out a large window on this side with a breadboard knife.

We make roof slopes: we cut off the corners on the two end sides of the lid, and from the remaining two we make slopes and glue them with tape.

We mark windows and doors, taking into account the rooms you plan to create. We cut out the windows using a breadboard knife so that the openings are 2-3mm larger than the platbands - in this case, the corrugated cardboard sections will be inside. We cut out the platbands: the outer ones come with bindings, the inner ones - in the form of frames.

The floor of the second floor can be glued with tape or fixed with glue if it fits tightly into the base box. We immediately paste it over " floor covering" For example, you can use felt for the bedroom carpet, and stick a piece of thin linoleum on the “kitchen” floor. Wallpaper for the first and second floors - fabric, scrapbooking paper or napkins with a suitable pattern. Pasting the walls suitable material and then we attach the internal window casings.

We cut out and install interior partitions. When creating a bathroom, pay attention to the walls - it is better to “tile” them from squares of colored paper. For the bath itself, you can use a jar of yogurt. We simply sculpt the toilet from plastic or cold porcelain and fix it with glue; we cut out the lid and seat from cardboard.

We make the roof from single-sided corrugated cardboard, which can be found at a stationery store. We measure out a sheet of the required size with allowances of 5 cm and glue it onto a sheet of flat cardboard using PVA. We sew curtains (a cornice is a wooden skewer or a toothpick, which we glue directly into the walls, puncturing holes). We arrange the furniture and the magic dollhouse made of cardboard and paper is ready! You can move residents into it!

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