What can you play together: at home, on the street, in the hospital. Card games at home, fun outdoor games for two

Quite recently we visited our friends, where there was a fun feast, but after eating salads and hot dishes, absolutely all the guests were immersed in their gadgets. I will say that it was quite boring, since sitting in social networks, I can do it at home. Gatherings at our house were soon brewing and I was wondering how to distract my friends from their favorite gadgets and what games I could play with my friends after the feast.

So, I offer an interesting list:

Paper on forehead

Our favorite game, it's fun and simple. We take pieces of paper with an adhesive backing and write any character from a fairy tale or a rock star, or maybe an animal, which must be guessed by the one on whose forehead there is a note. The guesser can ask leading questions, to which, with characteristic humor, friends give a variety of answers. (Hint, it is advisable not to use obscene expressions when writing a piece of paper)

- “I know for sure...”

The point of the game is simple - you need to cut up some “news” from local newspapers or magazines in advance. Then, each person in turn goes to the hat or box with clippings, taking out one at a time. Now the most important thing is that you need to say the phrase “I know for sure...” with an absolutely poker face and read the clipping. For example, “I know for sure...that you can get warts from a computer.” The more delusional and unusual the clipping, the more difficult it will be for the reader to keep a straight face, especially when friends are laughing.

- "Tell me..."

Analogous to burima and crocodile. Two teams gather and the leader comes up with a word or a movie character. Next, it’s a matter of little things - within the allotted amount of time, the team needs to guess the word that the headliner explains to them.

- "Mafia"

Yes, yes...The classic mafia, which was the leader at our party. To be honest, we were so carried away by unraveling all the mafia structures of our sleeping city that we left long after midnight.

- "Home Mummy"

We take out a couple of rolls toilet paper and divide all friends into two teams. We choose the future “Home Mummy” and, at the command of the leader, the team begins to wrap the chosen person. The team that finishes it faster wins and receives its coveted prize (you can buy chupachups for all the guests).

For entertainment, any board games for a group of friends:

Table hockey/football. Just one, or rather a one-time investment of money is enough, but it will be fun for guests for many years It will always be at hand (or on the balcony).

Dominoes/lotto/cards were standard guest entertainment in the 90s, so why not use old new ideas now.

Drinking games - there are a huge number of them in specialized stores. Alcohol chess, alcohol lotto and even alcohol darts.

In a word, in order to get my friends into “real life”, I really began to look for ways and, oddly enough, I found games for a group of friends at home that were appreciated not only by my friends, but also by my husband’s colleagues.

Consultation for parents kindergarten"Games for children at home"

One of the conditions for the normal development of a child and his successful future education at school is the correct formation of speech in preschool age. Any violation, even a minor one, affects the child’s behavior and activities. It is necessary to work on the development of all aspects of speech, solving problems of formation correct pronunciation, development of grammatically correct, coherent speech.

Games on the way to kindergarten

“Who is the most attentive?”

You can invite your child to compete in attentiveness. The object that was encountered along the way is named, and at the same time the distinctive feature of this object is highlighted. For example: “I saw a hill, it’s high” or “I saw a car, it’s big,” etc. You can also offer the following task: compete with the child in selecting signs for one object. The one who names the most words wins. By doing such exercises, children learn to agree adjectives with nouns.

"Fun account."

Can be done outside, while walking with your child. When playing this game, not only the correct use of case forms of nouns is reinforced, but also the ability to count. It is only necessary to name each number when counting objects: for example, one tree, two trees, three trees, etc., and ensure that they are clearly pronounced case endings numerals and nouns.

"Fish, bird, beast."

When an adult says “fish,” the child must list the types of fish and vice versa, if the adult lists and names, for example, perch, pike, carp, the child must quickly name the generalizing word.

“What (who) is green (cheerful, sad, fast...)?”

To a specific question like: “What is green?” you need to get as many different answers as possible: grass, leaves, crocodile, ribbon, etc.

“Guess the object based on a couple of others.”

An adult names a couple of objects, actions, images, and the child guesses: dad, mom are a family, meat, onions are cutlets, cake, candles are a holiday, etc. The world of children's consciousness consists of only questions. They are interested in everything. It is important to use such situations to improve children's speech.

“I’ll give you a word.”

An adult and a child take turns giving each other a word, explaining its meaning, while the child can name a word familiar to him, and the adult can name a word unfamiliar to the child, and not just explain the meaning of this word. But they also make an offer with him. During such exercises it is enriched vocabulary the child develops coherent speech.

"Live offer."

The whole family can play. Together, a sentence of three or four words is composed, depending on the number of family members. Each player is assigned one word from the sentence. At the signal, everyone must stand in one line and read the resulting sentence. The game can be played several times, while an important condition is that each time the players must stand in a different order, then the sentences will sound differently. For example, the sentence “Blue snowdrops bloomed in spring” was conceived. During the game, the sentence may sound like this: “Blue snowdrops bloomed in the spring” or “Blue snowdrops bloomed in the spring.” Every time a new sentence is received, you need to give the child the opportunity to read it. This game helps develop intonation expressiveness speech, and also helps to form the child’s memory and attention.


Adults and a child together tell the plot of a well-known fairy tale, a story, starting from the end.

"Intellectual Tennis".

The child names the word and quickly passes (throws) the tennis ball to the adult so that he can come up with a definition for the word, for example: the sea is blue; the sun is bright; rain - mushroom.

Games in the kitchen

“Tasty words” (similar to the game “Cities”).

Each subsequent word begins with the sound that the previous word ends with.


The child is asked to remember tasty words for a certain sound: A - watermelon, pineapple, etc.; B - banana, sandwich, etc. The words are pronounced by the adult and the child in turn. It is important that the child says: “I am treating you with a pineapple”, “I am treating you with an orange”, etc. In parallel with completing this task, the child practices correct use case forms of nouns. To strengthen the ability to coordinate nouns with an adjective, you can invite the child to add some attribute to his word: “I am treating you with an orange orange” or the numeral “I am treating you with two bananas.”

“Confusion” is a game to consolidate the syllabic structure of a word.

Offer to make a word from syllables, for example, sa-ko (braid), lo-my (soap). If the child knows letters and can read syllabics, this game can be played as follows: syllables are chaotically written on a piece of paper, the child must connect the syllables with a line to form a word. The game promotes the development of hand motor skills.

"One or two."

Invite the child to become a wizard, turn two words into one or vice versa, for example, big eyes - big-eyed, long tail - long-tailed, etc.
In order to introduce antonyms into your child’s speech, you can play the game “On the contrary”.
The question is asked: “What kind of forest?” It is necessary to answer with a couple of antonym words: big forest - small forest, old forest - young forest, winter forest - spring forest, or an adult names a word, and the child chooses an antonym for it.

The development of fine motor skills of the hands has a great influence on the speech of children, since it has been proven that if the development of finger movements corresponds to the age norm, then the development of speech is also within normal limits. When doing exercises at home to develop hand motor skills, you can use a variety of available materials: clothespins, corks from plastic bottles, “dry pools” with peas, beans, rice.

"Games with clothespins."

Various geometric shapes from multi-colored cardboard with the help of clothespins they turn into objects, silhouettes of animals, birds, etc. It all depends on the imagination of the players. For example, an oval can be turned into a fish by attaching fins from clothespins to a hedgehog, clothespins will play the role of needles. You can arrange a fun game-competition between family members. Who can remove the clothespins from their clothes faster?

"Dry pool."

At the bottom of a bowl with beans (rice, millet, etc.) hide toys from a kinder surprise. Who will get them faster?

"Modeling from dough."

When preparing baked goods, give your child a piece of dough and invite him to make any shape.

With the help of such games, the action of the speech zones of the cerebral cortex is stimulated, which has a positive effect on children’s speech.
The development of a child’s speech is directly related to the development of general motor skills in children. Therefore, great attention should also be paid to the child’s motor activity, playing games with him to develop coordination of movements and spatial orientation. The range of games and game exercises that help solve these problems is very large.

"Slick Bunny"

Invite the child to jump on two legs while moving forward.

“Knock down the pin” (any item - box, bottle).

You need to knock down the pin by rolling the ball forward.

“Pass on, don’t touch me.”

Walking on toes between objects placed at a distance of forty centimeters from each other. The distance can be reduced or increased, depending on the child’s capabilities.

Every minute of communication with a child can be turned into an exciting game that will contribute not only to the development of children’s speech, but to the formation of the child’s personality, his moral and volitional qualities, and will also become a kind of bridge from the world of children to the world of adults.

Why do we all love so much online games? First of all, for the opportunity to play together. After all, this is where we can gather a team of friends - or strangers - and go beat some particularly powerful boss. Or, on the contrary, go to PvP and have fun with the characters of other players. Or maybe you want to duel with someone? This is also possible. There are many different MMOs, and there are plenty of options for interacting with other players.

But if you need a game that can be played by two (three, four) on one computer? What should all hotseat lovers play? It’s more complicated here, and the choice, at first glance, is not so great. But, nevertheless, games you can play together on the same PC, not so little. And we are ready to provide you with our top 10 such toys.

10. FIFA 15

This game can definitely be recommended to all fans of sports simulators. And to recommend it to football fans... Perhaps it’s simply pointless - they are probably already familiar with it, and very well. It has everything - realistic physics, beautiful graphics, an interesting career mode. There is also a hotsit mode - that is, you can play together with one keyboard or using joysticks. Overall, I highly, highly recommend it.

9. Grid 2

It was impossible not to include this magnificent race from Codemasters in this top. It has everything a good racing simulator needs - really high-quality graphics, great physics movement (which is especially well felt when you once again fly off the road), easy-to-learn controls, which, however, are not simplified beyond what is necessary. And, as a bonus, the opportunity to tear apart a beautiful sports car almost into parts. And, in addition, there is a split-screen mode, thanks to which the game can be played just fine by two people. In general, play for your health.

8. Warhammer 40,000: Kill Team

Recommended, first of all, to all fans of the Warhammer universe. Or for those who like dynamic action games in which the screen is constantly splashed with something red. Here we have four classes to choose from - two melee specialists, and two marksmen. We also have a task - to clear huge ship, on which the orcs fly to the Empire, away from everything that is at least theoretically alive. We play in third person mode. The campaign can be completed by two people, and in addition, you can try the survival mode (also for two). It is available on those maps that you have already opened during the passage storyline, and is designed to test your strength. In general, there are no special frills, but the game is addictive.

7. Galacide

Very funny thing. To be honest, it was very difficult to determine the genre of this creation. It seems that we are controlling a spaceship - but there is no smell of simulators here. Everything happens in 2D. And the gameplay is reminiscent of some strange hybrid of Tetris and Arkanoid, and even with an admixture of classic Lines. And at the end of each level a boss awaits us. In general, I don’t know what to call it. There are several different ships, there is a cooperative. Only for one PC, but can be played by up to 4 people. And despite the weird, vague genre (or maybe because of it), Galacide is fun to play.

6. Magicka 2

It was impossible to ignore this fun arcade game. It can't boast of any incredible graphics, but that's not its main advantage. Here we have a serviceable plot based on Scandinavian myths and sprinkled with a good dose of humor. Eat interesting system magic, which can give odds to many other fantasy projects. And there is a great co-op that will allow you to while away the evening with friends. Although, I'm understating it - you will spend much more than one evening playing this game. Magicka 2 is one of the few games that are designed specifically for team play. There are too many enemies here for a single person. And all the delights of “friendly fire” (friendly fire, in English) can only be experienced in a cooperative. Have fun playing together!

5. Lara Croft and the temple of Osiris

Another game from the Tomb Rider series, which, however, is done quite well. The plot does not shine with particular originality - after all, only the lazy have not trampled on the topic of Egyptian myths. And in the Tomb Raider series, our heroine goes to Egypt in almost every part of the game. However, about the plot - this time Lara joins forces with another adventurer, Carter Bell, and two Egyptian gods - Horus and Isis. Together they must piece together Osiris and defeat the evil god Set. Lots of references to Egyptian mythology (the developers clearly did not neglect to study this topic) and excellent gameplay designed for multiple players - all this Lara Croft and the temple of Osiris.

4.Resident Evil 6

Do we need to introduce this game? After all, Resident Evil is perhaps the standard of zombie games. Here we have beautiful graphics, for which I would like to especially thank the designers, and excellent gameplay, both dynamic and frightening, and a good plot. I must say that the developers clearly liked the idea from the fifth part of the game (two people could also play there, if that), and they decided to go further. Now we have even more interaction with partners, there are also more partners themselves, and in general, Resident Evil has become not so much about single heroes, but about well-coordinated teamwork. And then... then I’ll just recommend that you play this wonderful toy with your friends.

3. Eador: Lords of the Worlds and Eador: Creation

That's right, two games. True, they do not differ that much. To be honest, Lords of the Worlds is the same Eador: Creation, but with more beautiful graphics (in the first part it was somewhere on the level of the second Heroes of Might and Magic, and even without animation), with a shorter campaign and with some additions to the gameplay. The game should appeal to all fans of thoughtful turn-based strategies. It must be said that Eador has one drawback - it is difficult to learn. A huge tree of buildings in the castle (to be honest, even titans like Civilization are nervously smoking on the sidelines), a very interesting combat system (which can only be rivaled by King’s Bounty) - all this has to be mastered long and hard. But an interesting campaign and a well-made hotsite completely make up for this shortcoming. So, go ahead, conquerors!

2. Mortal Combat X

The tenth part of the cult fighting game has appeared on PC. As always, no censorship, only blood and cruelty on the screen. Therefore, it is better to keep small children and impressionable women away from the monitor. And don’t try to repeat all this in reality! But seriously, this game is suitable for co-op with friends like no other. There will be no co-op here - only PvP. And the emotions when your friend destroys your favorite fighter with his fatality. However, maybe everything will be different, and you yourself will wipe the noses of your bosom rivals. In general, I won’t describe Mortal Kombat for a long time, I’d rather just wish you good luck in the upcoming battles!

1. Heroes of Might and Magic III-V

Well, we’ve reached the first game in our top. To be honest, I could not choose one part out of the seven released on at the moment. Heroes of Might and Magic VII was released on September 29, I haven’t played it yet. In the end, I decided to focus on three parts – the third, fourth and fifth. Briefly describe the gameplay? Well, if you are not familiar with Heroes... We choose a castle, rebuild it, gather an army and develop a hero. Heroes develop in battles. You also need to collect resources along the way, capture sources of these resources and enemy castles. And don’t forget about artifacts - they also need to be collected. Well, that's all. All parts of the series have a superbly implemented hotseat, which is why it simply could not be ignored. Oh yes, one more thing - when you gain some experience in the game - tell me which castle is the best, okay?


IN lately Board games are becoming increasingly popular. Previously, games in which you had to use chips to move around the playing field and complete some tasks were very common, but then they ceased to be of interest to young people. Now large companies are again happy to play Monopoly or other business games, various strategies or historical plots. Entertainment like "Activity" can combine board games, pantomimes, and word games. For amateurs, you can even organize a chess or checkers tournament at home. Various themed dominoes or lotto will give a pleasant pastime for friendly fun company. Fans of card games can spend time playing poker, preference, bridge or the usual “Fool”.

For restless friends, if you have enough free space You can organize outdoor games. Although, of course, outdoor games are more intended for the street, some of them can be played at home. Popular game Twister is considered to be in this category, where guests will have to take the most ridiculous poses in order to stay in the game. The size of the twister mat can be different sizes, as well as the number of participants. You can also arrange a tabletop or football tournament, if such devices are available. Nowadays, various dance and sports simulators are quite common, because they can be installed on a computer.

Another entertainment for a more relaxed company can be the so-called mind games. This includes the popular “Mafia” or “Guess Who the Killer”, in which all players need to identify negative characters, and these characters themselves need to avert suspicion from themselves. You can play the game “Broken Phone”, known from childhood - an adult company will find it even more fun than in childhood. Association games or riddle games can also be enjoyed by a large group, because you don’t even have to leave the table for them. A little more active is the game “Crocodile” or “Pantomime”, when the presenter must show the hidden word or phrase without words so that others can guess it. A variant of this game involves drawing a hidden word on marker board or just on a piece of paper, also without saying a word. There is another interesting game in which participants put stickers on each other’s foreheads with some kind of hidden hero, and each player must guess which character he is by asking the other participants questions about himself.

If the party is being held to celebrate a birthday or to receive some kind of award, you can arrange festive games such as “Fanta”, when the birthday person gives tasks to all the guests. Games to know the hero of the occasion and his interests are also popular, and you can organize everything as in various television programs, for example, “Field of Miracles”, “Liar”, “Oh Lucky Man”, “Weak Link”, etc. The most difficult thing here will be for the organizer of these entertainments.

For large companies, there are various humorous quizzes or “Question-Answer” games, when a variety of delicate and not so delicate questions and answers that fit everything are composed in advance and printed on paper, and the players just take out a separate card with a question and a card with an answer and read it out aloud. It can turn out very funny coincidences, for example, “Do you often travel on public transport without a ticket?” - “This case, of course, will go without witnesses” or “Do you want to have a lover (mistress)?” - “I can’t say this without a couple of glasses,” etc.

The most best games for two small children - mobile. If classes for kids are tiring and teachers do not recommend unnecessarily overloading children with lessons and additional activities, then both kids and older children can play, run, jump and pour out energy for almost unlimited time. Especially if there are two children in the family, who are permanent partners for each other for a variety of entertainments.

Dance creativity and games for two children bring positive attitude, improve physical qualities, promote psychomotor development. Well-freaked out during the day, children have an excellent appetite, good sound sleep, excellent health. You can play active outdoor games both with and without the participation of parents, in the house or on the street.

Outdoor games are one of the main tools for children's development

Outdoor games for two children are an exciting and very emotional activity, which the elders direct depending on the rules of the upcoming game. Active pastime is equally interesting for children different ages and genders, and can unite even not very friendly brothers and sisters of different ages, not to mention twins and children close in age.

The benefits of this type of activity are difficult to overestimate, because gaming is one of the leading activities in human development, improving skills and abilities that are useful for everyday life, bringing bright colors and excitement to banal everyday life. Most outdoor games help children develop dexterity, coordination and speed, teach them how to interact with each other, and give them the joy of victory and the ability to survive defeat.

In the process of outdoor games, children quickly learn to act together and obey general rules, positive personal qualities, such as fairness, discipline, honesty, the ability to empathize and help each other.

Starting from the third year of life, that is, from the age of two, babies already walk, run, learn to jump, climb and crawl perfectly. But even if your firstborn is in high school, and your second baby has barely begun to walk, you can come up with excellent and interesting games, actively involving two children at once.

You can play the same game several times in a row; as a rule, satiety occurs on the fifth round, when about 15 minutes of active action have passed, but older children can play longer, and quite independently, without distracting their parents for adjustments play activity and fair judging.

Outdoor games for two children at home

Most outdoor games do not require large number participants and vast spaces. This means that your children can easily play outdoor games for two children at home. We suggest recalling proven options from childhood that never lose their relevance, as well as paying attention to new games for two children, which were invented by enterprising mothers.

Hide and seek

Everything ingenious is simple. Of course, hide and seek ordinary apartment not so much, but interest in this game is not lost at all. Of course, this game is not particularly active, but you can’t call it calm either. Develops imagination and attentiveness. For kids, you can suggest hidden corners under the sofa, behind the door, behind the curtain, under the table with a tablecloth, under the blanket in the bed. It is better to unobtrusively control dangerous places by older family members so that little people do not hide in corners and objects they are not supposed to.

The game can be complicated for older children by hiding not yourself, but the object, and then the game turns into “hot - cold,” which is also very exciting for children. And for kids, make it easier - let the older child play peek-a-boo with the younger one, this is also a kind of hide and seek.


This is a fairly simple game, and even children of different ages can play it. If you need to restrain an older child, to even out the chances, you can offer him a bag, or move on all fours. You can also turn the classic catch-up into a run on all fours or even a “crawl,” when both participants, the youngest of whom does not yet know how to move in any other way, must achieve the intended goal.

Ball games

A ball at home is a weapon mass destruction, but only if you throw it and catch it. But it’s very possible to roll it on the floor - with their legs spread wide, the children sit opposite each other and roll the ball between them.


Bowling sets are available in almost all children's stores, and the price range ranges from several tens of rubles to several thousand. If the idea came instantly, but there is no set with pins and a ball, it doesn’t matter! Bottles filled with water, cubes stacked on top of each other, and an ordinary ball that should be rolled along the floor would be perfect - it would be a fantasy.


One of the children makes a movement, the second repeats it a little faster, the first even faster... And so on until repetition becomes impossible. And the second variation will be a mini competition - children try to perform some action faster in a race. Whoever bends down faster will reach front door, sit down ten times - there are many options, and you can come up with them ad infinitum until the children get tired of playing.

Who has the most reliable hat?

It is not too heavy, but not too heavy either. light object. After which they walk with it on their head until it falls. The one who still has the “hat” wins, and the game starts over. This action has an excellent effect on the posture of children.

Day and night

This is the mafia, but without murders - during the day the children wake up, run around, scream and misbehave, at night you need to plop down on the floor and pretend to be asleep. An adult leads the game, changing the time of day; he can also complicate the game by providing only one sleeping place- then the game becomes an analogue of “third wheel” for two players.


Both boys and girls love to dance from birth, first shaking their butts funny, then twirling and jumping. There is no point in losing this love of movement and music - turn on dance music for the children and invite them to dance. After half an hour of active body movements, tired children will enjoy playing calm games.

And in stores there are play dance mats designed just for two children, this gives the dance structure and a competitive element.

Siamese twins

Both children stand next to each other and clasp their hands - now they are Siamese twins and must do everything together without releasing their hands. In this way they can walk, squat, play, cut something out of paper, draw and perform various actions. A charge of fun and active leisure is guaranteed for both children.

A blind seer saves the world

One of the children is a blind seer; he must overcome the path to Mount Kilimanjaro (divan) with the help of his guide. On the way, children must overcome the river, cross a bridge - a rolled-up blanket, crawl through a cave - under a table and other obstacles that their mother's sophisticated mind is enough to overcome. Then the players change places. This game develops children's mutual assistance, teaches them to navigate without the participation of a visual analyzer, and also develops imagination, which in our time ready-made solutions more relevant than ever.

Nimble monkeys

Children are happy to try their abilities, including those that are new to them. Scatter small objects on the floor - for example, Kinder Surprise toys or mosaics. Let the children grab objects with their toes, and put everything they grabbed into piles - whoever has the most wins. Objects grabbed with both feet or with hands are not counted! This game perfectly develops dexterity, coordination and is preventive measure for the development of flat feet.


This game has survived centuries and distances, accompanying humanity from ancient times to the present day. A thick scarf and at least two participants are required - and you definitely have all this in your home.


Draw targets on the floor or place large bowls and from a distance the children should hit them with a sock filled with sand or peas. It’s interesting, safe, and gives parents a break.

Outdoor games for two children in the summer

Well, even if you can play outdoor games at home, then frolicking, running and moving actively on the street is simply necessary. There are many games that don't require large quantity participants, and your kids can easily play them together. These are both long-forgotten classics and new options modern games, born of new times.

Cat and mouse

This one is wide famous game never gets boring, especially if you give it a topical theme - let the zombies catch the last survivor or the evil Trix - one of the fairies, or maybe there are some others interesting options from your favorite cartoons.


A wonderful game that only requires flat surface and a drawing tool. On asphalt it can be chalk, and on the ground it can be a hard stick. Once you have explained the conditions, you can be sure that the game will interest children, especially if you include a competitive note in it.

Ball games

The ball was created for the street, especially since playing this toy in the house is most often prohibited. This could be a variation of basketball, football, or simply throwing or rolling the ball to each other - two children will always find how to use this rubber treasure.


Badminton is a great way to bring children together different interests. This game is fun and simple enough to be played by children of both sexes and almost any age.

Water war

Arm children with water pistols and catching up will become more meaningful, strategy and tactics will appear in this simple game. Well, the ending is predictable - as soon as one of the children becomes wet enough to no longer risk anything, the water opens to defeat.

Winter outdoor games for two children

It’s sad to see modern children who, going outside in winter, absolutely do not know what to do without a phone, tablet or TV. But you can captivate both offspring with interesting and active games with snow.

Construction of a snow fortress and snow cats

The snowman is no longer so relevant, although this figure remains the leader of the winter sculptural composition. But boys are much more interested in building a fortress, and girls are no less interested in making a snow kitten or a snow turtle - unlike a snowman, such structures are molded faster, and they themselves are more stable than a snow woman, they do not require a carrot and a bucket to be sacrificed. Well, while the children collect snow and make blinds, they move around to their heart's content.


Footprints in the snow are a great chance to play tracker. You can show and tell children the famous works of Fenimore Cooper, and guide the younger generation to find out who, where and why walked along the untouched white sheet of snow.

Snow fight

Snowballs fly in a continuous stream, some of the children make them in advance, supplying themselves with ammunition, and others make them as needed. There are no rules in this game - but they are not needed, fun is guaranteed for children of all genders and ages.

Snowballs for accuracy

Throwing snowballs at a target - great way arrange an exciting competition of agility, strength and accuracy. Choose a target and let the children compete in a fair fight for the prize. Moreover, it is better to choose a prize that is perfectly divided in half.

Nowadays, when physical inactivity has become a scourge of society, outdoor games for two children at home and on the street are simply necessary to give your children the necessary physical activity, release of energy and encourage the development of sports qualities. The most important thing for adults is to start and captivate, and after mastering new game, the children themselves will be happy to return to it again and again.