The most accurate and truthful description of women of all zodiac signs. Women's zodiac signs - characteristics of their signs

patron Mars. At the same time, the planet of femininity, Venus, is completely weak in this sign. A charming Amazon, a powerful engine that sweeps away everyone and everything in its path, unnoticed by itself. Emotional nature, love - love like that! To hate is to hate!


patron of the earth Venus. Unshakable beauty and immovable rock in its quiet persistence. Outwardly soft, often not even decisive, but this is precisely their Achilles heel. Fear of accepting something new and a vulnerable nature force you to put on the outer armor of stubbornness. Often, due to their fears and uncertainty, they refuse new opportunities in life. They will be with their loved one until the last drop of blood, even if he is a bloodsucker.


air patron Mercury. There is a constant wind in the head, sometimes there is a tornado, sometimes there is a tornado. Capable of intrigue, and if in the company of Cancer or Aquarius, then in general - lethal force. It is rare to give birth to more than one child. They are divided into 2 groups: those who get married early and forget about their intellect and those who, on the contrary, do not get married until they are convinced of their career.


patron - Moon. Emotional, hot-tempered, passionate and romantic nature. It is difficult for her to live in one state; she needs vivid impressions to experience, sometimes even those that do not allow her to think sensibly. Over the years, she becomes an excellent mother, but she is very sensitive, and if she does not work on herself, she is also scandalous, touchy, and capricious.


patron of the Sun. A sea of ​​brightness, yourself and a cheerful mood. She is good at everything until someone crosses her path. She loves to be noticeable and often becomes so unnoticed, because she cannot be ignored. She jokes well, he knows how to take care, she knows how to solve the problems of others, but she must be praised for this, otherwise woe to your home. A bright and confident character is reflected in everything, even in the style of clothing and jewelry.


patron Mercury. Intelligence, tenderness and softness in one person. Often the Virgo woman cannot find a worthy companion for a very long time, she is not too keen on relationships, her mind is sober and pragmatic, so in the end she can live alone. She feels good and calm alone, there is order in life and in the house, she devotes herself entirely to work and lives for herself, periodically entering into troubles. long term relationship. They are excellent mothers and housewives, but can be too pedantic in certain matters, which drives their household members crazy.


The patron is Venus, but Saturn also influences this sign. External grace and gentleness are combined with enormous willpower and a steel core. Most often they are powerful, but wise leaders of the situation, or gentle, but calculating and capricious seductresses. Appearance - graceful. Representatives of this sign, as a rule, have a chiseled figure and adhere to classic style.


the patron of the sign is Pluto, the planet of fatal passions, sex and quiet drowning in one’s own feelings until self-destruction with the further need to be reborn again, no matter how difficult it is. Such women always give the impression of being independent, but at the same time gentle and passionate. They reek of mystical sex appeal. The abundance of internal fears becomes either powerful engine development, or pulls you to the very bottom of your seething emotions.
There are devils in still waters: this is about them.


The patron of the sign, Jupiter, is the planet of expansion, optimism, and mentoring. Such women are always bright and dynamic, they strive to help the whole world. There are adventurous and reckless hooligans, and there are pronounced business ladies or simply activists at the call of their hearts. They have a lot of ideas, so most often they have no time for family. Early relationship, but late official marriage and 1 child. Always disobedient and great owners. Sagittarius women love everything good.


patron - Saturn, planet of stable stability and unshakable correctness. There are two types: gentle and family, an excellent friend and comrade with a sad look and a powerful spine, because she has shouldered and successfully takes on other people’s problems. Or proud and independent, avoiding wide contacts, but with a snowy and warm gaze. There is a sea of ​​tenderness behind the external surroundings. They often suffer from low self-esteem, so they spend a long time searching for the ideal profession.


patron - the planet of rebels and informals - Uranus. Smart, sociable, powerful, rebellious. An unstoppable flow of charm, ambition and thirst for freedom from all encumbrances. At the same time, as a representative of the fixed cross, he needs constancy - in permanent job and in a permanent relationship.


patron Neptune, element of Water. Sensitive, gentle, more than others in the Zodiac, they are susceptible to fears, due to which the psyche, sleep, and health often suffer. In adult life there are two types: goldfish, fulfilling the wishes of loved ones or a shark: confident, resourceful, living in its own world. There is a strange combination of activity and passivity, tenderness and emotional aggressiveness. Only strong in spirit Pisces women are able to pacify their internal contradictions. Capable from birth of music, fine arts, dancing, excellent everyday psychologists and gentle friends.

This article will be useful for almost all men. She will give the representatives strong half humanity to take a sober look at the truth from the life of the opposite sex, or rather women, and this in turn will help them change relationships in a positive direction.

  1. Aries.

Aries women are very emotional and self-confident. For the most part, do they always think that the people around them are wrong about everything? And truth and rightness are only on their sides. Such women try their best to convince all their interlocutors, especially men, of this, making an incredible amount of effort for these purposes. If an Aries woman believes that her interlocutor is an idiot, then she will not remain silent, but will express her opinion directly to his face.

If a man wants to win over her, then he needs to prove by hook or by crook that he is strong and generally worthy of her attention. Aries cannot stand people with weak psychological development, that is, weaklings and whiners, and can also hate those people who contradict them and try to argue about something. But we should not exclude the fact that such a woman may not have to be won, due to the fact that there is a high probability that she herself will tend to win the hearts of men.

A man should not be surprised if suddenly his significant other, in a commanding tone, orders him to visit the place she has chosen late in the evening, where he will take part in a non-childish orgy. Aries women are delighted with sex, and the interesting thing is that they love to try various perverted things during intimacy.

  1. Taurus.

The Taurus woman is very down to earth. She loves to have fun, especially when she is having fun with a charming man. Confessing unbridled love and making sensual complaints to such a woman is useless.

A man should be simpler. To win over a Taurus woman, he should give her some romantic trinkets, a bouquet of flowers, a box of chocolates, and most importantly, he should try to let her enjoy spending time together. But under no circumstances should you try to get a Taurus by force, because they are all stubborn. In this regard, it is better for a man to be patient for a while, waiting, than to spend a huge amount of time and effort trying to persuade her. Most often, representatives of the fair sex born under the sign of Taurus have a rather feminine and stylish appearance. appearance. They are often smart, but unfortunately they devote most of their lives to entertainment and money.

In the sexual side of relationships, they are not particularly dreamy and do not express their fantasies, so there is no need to offer to have sex with them using various kinds perversions. An interesting fact is that many Taurus women prefer lesbian love.

  1. Twins.

Women under the sign of Gemini are by nature very strange persons, although they do not particularly stand out in appearance. They are characterized by constant changeability: at first they want one thing, and literally after a few minutes they want something else. They can treat men as something sacred, as if they were gods, and with great pleasure they will fulfill any of their whims in sex, and after a couple of days they will send them home with their suitcases. IN intimate relationships they are also fickle.

A Gemini woman is first able to make all her and her partner’s desires and fantasies come true, and then she completely refuses to have sex. In this regard, build serious relationship It can be very difficult with such ladies. A man must learn to adapt to her. In bed, such women can show great variety. It happens that they can be lesbians, and in rare cases even bestialities.

  1. Cancer.

Such representatives fair half humanity often fly in the clouds. They have a suspicious and boring character. Conquering them does not require much effort. To do this, a man must tell his partner as often as possible how charming, unique and irresistible she is. He should be told that for him she is the meaning of his very existence, in one whole - he needs to shower her with compliments. This is all explained by the fact that such women have complexes about their appearance, so if a man behaves correctly towards them, she will soon become attached to him. Although, due to the fact that such a woman herself has no idea what she wants, most likely, it won’t take long before her partner gets bored and becomes uninteresting.

When breaking up with a man, Cancer women most often plunge into depressive state which lasts for a long time. Moreover, after this separation, they are able to try for several years to return their lover, constantly interfering with his life. At the same time, she will press for pity and claim that he caused her a lot of suffering, inflicting incurable wounds and dared to insult her. Sexually, Cancer women are very experienced and can surprise their partner with real miracles of acrobatics.

  1. Lion.

Very often, Leo women suffer from delusions of grandeur. In their minds, they are perfect and worthy only of the ideal. Therefore, in order to attract the attention of such a woman, representatives of the stronger sex are recommended to play on her self-esteem. He should give her expensive things, very often tell her that she is the most beautiful woman in the whole world, do whatever she wants, and don’t even exclude the fact that he will have to tattoo her name on his shoulder. He must not forget that she is very popular among men and has many fans, so he will have as an additional argument that she is truly perfection itself.

The Leo woman will never forgive betrayal on the part of her lover, so a man should not allow such antics on his part. To win such a lady, a man must put a lot of money on the line, be able to maintain any topic in conversation and have a lot of time. One should not lose sight of the fact that in terms of sexual relations the lioness is very good, but there is one problem. Such women, even during sex, do not forget about their magnificence.

  1. Virgo.

Almost all women born under the sign of Virgo are realists, and some of them are even frigid. Such ladies will never go to bed with an ordinary man; they will eagerly wait for a real prince to burst into their lives in a white Mercedes. They have the opinion that all the people around them are partly idiots and generally very bad, but they do not say it out loud, but pretend to be kind and sweet aunts.

Virgos love to flirt with strangers and make them yours, but the relationship does not last long. They quickly get bored with variety, and they leave their partner and go in search of something new, not yet explored. They are capable of not having intimate relationships with men for several years, and this fact will not at all interfere with their ability to live comfortably. The Virgo woman has control over her sexual desires. In this regard, a man will not win her favor if he admires her while walking under the moon.

The most in an effective way Seducing her is... And for the girl to agree to his proposal, he will need about ten years to look after her, not forgetting about the romance in the relationship. In her sexual life, a virgin is quite passive, but persuading her into some kind of debauchery is not particularly difficult.

  1. Scales.

Libra women are indoor cats. Most often, they tie the knot in their lives in their youth and have no idea how a normal life can be possible if a loved one is not next to them. Therefore, in order to attract the attention of such a woman, a man should say that he has the most serious intentions towards her. Libras are often capricious and touchy. But if a woman sincerely loves a man, she will never be offended by him and will always try to avoid all the sharp corners in a relationship.

Such women are very fond of all sorts of girlish trinkets and standard romance. It happens that sometimes they really want to be other people, so they begin to behave a little differently. But they do not have the talent to play someone else’s role, as a result of which, in order not to cause a quarrel with them, men must play along with them in every possible way in this. Libra women quickly become bored with sexual relationships, and they go to bed with their partner only for the simple reason of not looking frigid. They don’t like variety in sex, and sometimes they even despise it.

  1. Scorpion.

Women with the butt sign, Scorpios, love sex, know how to do it and sex life they have more than enough. If you exclude sex from the life of such a woman, then she will most likely lose the meaning of this very life. There is no need to conquer her, since she herself will take the first steps towards meeting a man and declare that she wants him. Being near a Scorpio, men become aroused spontaneously. Such women even enjoy talking about sex and their past intimate relationships. But there is no need to be jealous of them for this.

If a man wants to build a serious relationship with a Scorpio woman, then he must pay special attention first night with her. After all, if she doesn’t like him as a lover, then she will never stay with him. Even if he managed to give her true pleasure, then you should not rejoice ahead of time, since this should happen in all subsequent sex sessions. And this is not easy work at all, because a man will have to work for five hours by the sweat of his brow without a break for lunch. In general, in the bed of women, Scorpios can be compared to atomic warheads.

  1. Sagittarius.

Most often, Sagittarius women are typical bitches. It’s not typical for them, but they always say everything to your face. If Sagittarius doesn’t like a man, she will immediately say so and send him where he thinks he wants. Such women love to fantasize about their love affairs. They prefer standard romance, they absolutely love walking under the moonlight. They love it when poems are dedicated to them and they confess their tender feelings on their knees.

A man must know and accept that he will never be able to conquer a Capricorn lady. Such women choose their partners themselves, and almost always make mistakes. Capricorns are faithful and devoted to their man. In intimate relationships, she takes on the role of a dominant, forcing her partner to do whatever she wants. Very often, Capricorn women have a bisexual orientation.

  1. Aquarius.

Such a woman has hundreds of male friends, and if a man tries to forbid him to communicate with them, she will leave him without hesitation. She doesn’t care how a man dresses or looks, she doesn’t care about his money. For her, the main thing in a man is that he is smarter than ordinary idiots.

Aquarians do not get attached to people because they love their freedom. She's not particularly interested in sexual relationships, so you won't attract her to sex. In Aquarius women, occasionally their heads are completely blown off their shoulders, and only at such a moment can they be picked up. They are wonderful in intimate relationships, but are rarely satisfied with sex.

  1. Fish.

If a man really wants to attract the attention of a Pisces woman, he will succeed with incredible ease. She can’t often control her common sense, feelings and emotions, but this can only benefit a man.

To seduce such a woman, a man should give her gifts and compliments more often, whisper tender words in her ear and say that he loves her with all his heart. But under no circumstances should you deceive her, since she has an accurate and great intuition. And she almost always engages in self-deception. As a result of this, her emotions will give her the opportunity to consider the man the best, even though this will not be the case at all.

Often a Pisces woman shows interest in religion and the occult, so a man can easily persuade her to have tantric sexual contact. Sex with Pisces is a pleasure, but some of them can be constrained during sex. For the most part, women born under the sign of Pisces are bisexual.

Women have always been and will be the most incomprehensible creatures. We offer to your attention the maximum exact description all women of every zodiac sign.

Very accurate description:


Patron Mars. At the same time, the planet of femininity - Venus I'm very weak in this sign. Both a powerful Amazon, a powerful engine that sweeps away everyone and everything in its path, unnoticed by herself.

Emotional nature, love - love like that! To hate is to hate! Like Taurus, they are unshakable in their attitudes. But Taurus are quietly unshakable, and Aries - violently attract calm or weak men, they themselves suffer because of this later. It is only possible to withstand such a charming volcano of feelings strong men.

In the shower never grow old Therefore, with age, they may appear younger or more extravagant. Aries mom is best friend but weird parent.


Patron of the earth Venus. Unwavering Beauty and an immovable rock in its quiet persistence. Externally soft, often not even decisive, but this is precisely their Achilles heel. Fear of accepting new things And vulnerable nature forced to put on the outer armor of stubbornness.

Often, because of their fears and uncertainty, they refuse new opportunities in life. They will be with their loved one until the last drop of blood, even if he is a bloodsucker. Such a relationship will be maintained by a feeling of pity and fear of the future. At the same time, Taurus always reliable friends, compassionate at heart, and a faithful vest for loved ones.

There are two types: those striving for personal happiness and those striving for personal peace without relationships. More often creative, cook heartily, stock up for future use even with things they don’t need (mania for hoarding things)


Air patron Mercury. Constant in It's in my head, there's a tornado, there's a tornado. Capable of intrigue, and if in company with Cancer or Aquarius, then generally a lethal force.

It is rare to give birth to more than one child. They are divided into 2 groups: those who get married early and forget about their intellect and those who, on the contrary, do not get married until they are convinced of their career. But at the same time a sea of ​​flirtation and relationships. They cannot live without communication. The coolest grandmothers - forever young and active.


Patron - Moon. Emotional, hot-tempered, passionate and romantic nature. It is difficult for her to live in one state; she needs vivid impressions to experience, sometimes even those that do not allow her to think sensibly.

Over the years it becomes great mother, but very sensitive, if she doesn’t work on herself, she’s also scandalous, touchy, and capricious. If he wants to control his emotions and strives for this, then he has a broad outlook and learns well from his own mistakes. In my youth may be fickle and is in an eternal search for himself, his identity, his happiness.


Patron Sun. A sea of ​​brightness, yourself and a cheerful mood. She good at everything until someone crosses her path. loves to be noticeable and often becomes like this unnoticed by oneself, because you can't help but notice her. She jokes well, can take care, she knows how solve other people's problems, but she must be praised for this, otherwise woe to your house.

Bright and confident character reflected in everything, even in the style of clothing and jewelry. For example, thin and inconspicuous chains are not her option; she likes to attract attention with the color, format, quality and design of what she wears. IN in anger is as bright and natural as in joy.

A little selfish, but over the years it gives her charm. He craves to have the best, and when he gets what he wants, he loses interest in it. If her potential is not realized, she can become a scandalous neighbor; if she realizes her potential, she can become charismatic leader.


Patron Mercury. Intelligence, tenderness and softness rolled into one. Often the Virgo woman cannot find a worthy companion for a very long time; she is not too keen on relationships, her mind sober and pragmatic, so she may end up living alone. She feels good and calm alone, there is order in her life and in the house, she devotes herself entirely to work and lives for herself, periodically entering into short-term relationships.

If the feminine principle is not realized, they can turn from a sweet and gentle girl into a strict mistress with a vintage appearance. Excellent mothers and housewives, but there may be too pedantic in certain matters, which drives their household members crazy. Men are very comfortable with them, but only as long as Virgos teach them life wisdom.

So, unnoticed by herself, a Virgo woman can become her man’s mother or mentor, which she herself will not be happy with in the end. This is not what I was striving for. Their pedantry in the profession - makes Dev irreplaceable and responsible employees.


Patron Venus, but also Saturn influences this sign. External grace and gentleness are combined with enormous willpower and a steel core. Most often there are domineering, But wise leaders of the situation or gentle, but calculating and wayward seductresses.

Appearance - graceful. Representatives of this sign, as a rule, have chiseled figurine and adhere to the classic style. Graceful from birth, they have the ability to dance and gymnastics. There may be good friends as long as you don't offend them. They forgive with difficulty, but they are offended not for the sake of malice, but for the sake of principle.


Patron of the sign - Pluto, planet fatal passions, animal desires and quiet drowning in one’s own feelings until self-destruction with the further need to be reborn again, no matter how hard it may be. Such women always make an impression independent, but at the same time tender and passionate.

They blow away mystical appeal. The abundance of internal fears either becomes a powerful engine of development or pulls you to the very bottom of your seething emotions. There are devils in still waters: it's about them. At the same time ready to give everything for their loved ones to the last thread. They are jealous and possessive at heart, but outwardly they can be cold, sarcastic and reserved.

If Scorpio is sarcastic and tries to hurt you intellectually, it means he holds a grudge against you. The problem is that I’ve been hiding it for a long time and now it can be almost impossible to understand why exactly. The logic of a Scorpio woman cannot be comprehended with the mind.


Patron sign Jupiter- planet expansion, optimism, mentoring. Such women are always bright and dynamic, they strive to help the whole world. There are adventurous and reckless hooligans, and there are pronounced business ladies or simply activists at the call of their hearts.

They have a lot of ideas, so they most often have no time for family. Early relationships, but late official marriage and 1 child. Always rebellious and very possessive. Sagittarius women love everything good, in this they are similar to Taurus, however, unlike Taurus are not very attached to material things.

Therefore, they easily spend money and make grand gestures. It is much more difficult for them to save money than to earn money. If a Sagittarius woman is educated, then she has no problems with earnings, but there is a direct progression - than more money comes, the more often she lacks them. Jupiter after all.


Patron - Saturn, planet stable stability and unshakable correctness. There are two types: gentle and family, great friend and comrade with a sad look and a powerful spine, because she took it upon herself and successfully takes care of other people’s problems.

Or proud and independent, avoiding extensive contacts, but with gentle and with a warm look. There is a sea of ​​tenderness behind the external surroundings.

Often suffer low self-esteem Therefore, they have been searching for the ideal profession for a long time. Usually, the understanding that they need to achieve personal happiness comes after 30 years; often a change of profession and the beginning of a career takeoff occur in the second half of life.


Patron - planet rebels and informals - Uranus. Smart, sociable, powerful, rebellious. An unstoppable flow of charm, ambition and thirst for freedom from all encumbrances.

Moreover, as a representative of the fixed cross needs consistency- in constant work and in constant relationships. You can select two main types: informal smart girl or authoritarian Wolf, who is usually a loner, but at the same time in a circle of people.

The Aquarius woman, as a boss, is always a test for her subordinates. Cunning, feminine charm and authoritarianism are used. Complex character for difficult people.


Patron Neptune, element of Water. Sensitive, gentle, more than others in the Zodiac subject to fears, because of which the psyche, sleep, and health often suffer.

In adult life there are two types: a goldfish that fulfills the wishes of loved ones or a shark: confident, resourceful, living in its own world. It's strange here combination of activity and passivity, tenderness and emotional aggressiveness. Only strong-willed Pisces women are able to pacify their internal contradictions. Capable from birth of music, fine arts, dancing, excellent everyday psychologists and gentle friends.

However, very great value has an upbringing. It’s a piece of cake to create a bunch of complexes in such a vulnerable soul, and already in adulthood a Pisces woman may not have enough strength to fight her fears.

Then you need a reliable partner, strong shoulders with a huge loving heart. Wise Pisces women choose a profession that helps them smooth out internal fears and gives them maximum sense of security.


Patron Mars. At the same time, the planet of femininity - Venus I'm very weak in this sign. Both a powerful Amazon, a powerful engine that sweeps away everyone and everything in its path, unnoticed by herself. Emotional nature, love - love like that! To hate is to hate! Like Taurus, they are unshakable in their attitudes. But Taurus are quietly unshakable, and Aries - violently attract calm or weak men, they themselves suffer because of this later. Only strong men can withstand such a charming volcano of feelings. In the shower never grow old Therefore, with age, they may appear younger or more extravagant. Aries mom is best friend but weird parent.


Patron of the earth Venus. Unwavering Beauty and an immovable rock in its quiet persistence. Externally soft, often not even decisive, but this is precisely their Achilles heel. Fear of accepting new things And vulnerable nature forced to put on the outer armor of stubbornness. Often, because of their fears and uncertainty, they refuse new opportunities in life.

They will be with their loved one until the last drop of blood, even if he is a bloodsucker. Such a relationship will be maintained by a feeling of pity and fear of the future. At the same time, Taurus always reliable friends, compassionate at heart, and a faithful vest for loved ones. There are two types: those striving for personal happiness and those striving for personal peace without relationships. More often creative, cook heartily, stock up for future use even with things they don’t need (mania for hoarding things)


Air patron Mercury. Constant in It's in my head, there's a tornado, there's a tornado. Capable of intrigue, and if in company with Cancer or Aquarius, then generally a lethal force. It is rare to give birth to more than one child. They are divided into 2 groups: those who get married early and forget about their intellect and those who, on the contrary, do not get married until they are convinced of their career. But at the same time a sea of ​​flirtation and relationships. They cannot live without communication. The coolest grandmothers - forever young and active.


Patron - Moon. Emotional, hot-tempered, passionate and romantic nature. It is difficult for her to live in one state; she needs vivid impressions to experience, sometimes even those that do not allow her to think sensibly. Over the years it becomes great mother, but very sensitive, if she doesn’t work on herself, she’s also scandalous, touchy, and capricious.

If he wants to control his emotions and strives for this, then he has a broad outlook and learns well from his own mistakes. In my youth may be fickle and is in an eternal search for himself, his identity, his happiness.


Patron Sun. A sea of ​​brightness, yourself and a cheerful mood. She good at everything until someone crosses her path. loves to be noticeable and often becomes like this unnoticed by oneself, because you can't help but notice her. She jokes well, can take care, she knows how solve other people's problems, but she must be praised for this, otherwise woe to your house. Bright and confident character reflected in everything, even in the style of clothing and jewelry.

For example, thin and inconspicuous chains are not her option; she likes to attract attention with the color, format, quality and design of what she wears. IN in anger is as bright and natural as in joy. A little selfish, but over the years it gives her charm. He craves to have the best, and when he gets what he wants, he loses interest in it. If her potential is not realized, she can become a scandalous neighbor; if she realizes her potential, she can become charismatic leader.


Patron Mercury. Intelligence, tenderness and softness rolled into one. Often the Virgo woman cannot find a worthy companion for a very long time; she is not too keen on relationships, her mind sober and pragmatic, so she may end up living alone. She feels good and calm alone, there is order in her life and in the house, she devotes herself entirely to work and lives for herself, periodically entering into short-term relationships. If the feminine principle is not realized, they can turn from a sweet and gentle girl into a strict mistress with a vintage appearance.

Excellent mothers and housewives, but there may be too pedantic in certain matters, which drives their household members crazy. Men are very comfortable with them, but only as long as Virgos teach them life wisdom. So, unnoticed by herself, a Virgo woman can become her man’s mother or mentor, which she herself will not be happy with in the end. This is not what I was striving for. Their pedantry in the profession - makes Dev irreplaceable and responsible employees.


Patron Venus, but also Saturn influences this sign. External grace and gentleness are combined with enormous willpower and a steel core. Most often there are domineering, But wise leaders of the situation or gentle, but calculating and wayward seductresses. Appearance - graceful. Representatives of this sign, as a rule, have chiseled figurine and adhere to the classic style. Graceful from birth, they have the ability to dance and gymnastics. They can be good friends as long as you don't offend them. They forgive with difficulty, but they are offended not for the sake of malice, but for the sake of principle.


Patron of the sign - Pluto, planet fatal passions, animal desires and quiet drowning in one’s own feelings until self-destruction with the further need to be reborn again, no matter how hard it may be. Such women always make an impression independent, but at the same time tender and passionate. They blow away mystical appeal. The abundance of internal fears either becomes a powerful engine of development or pulls you to the very bottom of your seething emotions.

There are devils in still waters: it's about them. At the same time ready to give everything for their loved ones to the last thread. They are jealous and possessive at heart, but outwardly they can be cold, sarcastic and reserved. If Scorpio is sarcastic and tries to hurt you intellectually, it means he holds a grudge against you. The problem is that I’ve been hiding it for a long time and now it can be almost impossible to understand why exactly. The logic of a Scorpio woman cannot be comprehended with the mind.


Patron sign Jupiter- planet expansion, optimism, mentoring. Such women are always bright and dynamic, they strive to help the whole world. There are adventurous and reckless hooligans, and there are pronounced business ladies or simply activists at the call of their hearts. They have a lot of ideas, so they most often have no time for family. Early relationships, but late official marriage and 1 child. Always rebellious and very possessive.

Sagittarius women love everything good, in this they are similar to Taurus, however, unlike Taurus are not very attached to material things. Therefore, they easily spend money and make grand gestures. It is much more difficult for them to save money than to earn money. If a Sagittarius woman is educated, then she has no problems with earning money, but there is a direct progression - the more money she receives, the more often she lacks it. Jupiter after all.


Patron - Saturn, planet stable stability and unshakable correctness. There are two types: gentle and family, great friend and comrade with a sad look and a powerful spine, because she took it upon herself and successfully takes care of other people’s problems. Or proud and independent, avoiding extensive contacts, but with gentle and with a warm look. There is a sea of ​​tenderness behind the external surroundings.

Often suffer low self-esteem Therefore, they have been searching for the ideal profession for a long time. Usually, the understanding that they need to achieve personal happiness comes after 30 years; often a change of profession and the beginning of a career takeoff occur in the second half of life.


Patron - planet rebels and informals - Uranus. Smart, sociable, powerful, rebellious. An unstoppable flow of charm, ambition and thirst for freedom from all encumbrances. Moreover, as a representative of the fixed cross needs consistency- in constant work and in constant relationships.

You can select two main types: informal smart girl or authoritarian Wolf, who is usually a loner, but at the same time in a circle of people. The Aquarius woman, as a boss, is always a test for her subordinates. Cunning, feminine charm and authoritarianism are used. Complex character for complex people.


Patron Neptune, element of Water. Sensitive, gentle, more than others in the Zodiac subject to fears, because of which the psyche, sleep, and health often suffer. In adult life there are two types: a goldfish that fulfills the wishes of loved ones or a shark: confident, resourceful, living in its own world. It's strange here combination of activity and passivity, tenderness and emotional aggressiveness. Only strong-willed Pisces women are able to pacify their internal contradictions. Capable from birth of music, fine arts, dancing, excellent everyday psychologists and gentle friends. However, education is very important.

It’s a piece of cake to create a bunch of complexes in such a vulnerable soul, and already in adulthood a Pisces woman may not have enough strength to fight her fears. Then you need a reliable partner, strong shoulders with a huge loving heart. Wise Pisces women choose a profession that helps them smooth out internal fears and gives them maximum sense of security.

Characteristics of women of all zodiac signs. Very accurate!
Women have always been and will be the most incomprehensible creatures. We bring to your attention the most accurate description of all women of each zodiac sign.

Characteristics of women of all zodiac signs.

Characteristics of women: Aries

Patron Mars. At the same time, the planet of femininity - Venus I'm very weak in this sign. Both a powerful Amazon, a powerful engine that sweeps away everyone and everything in its path, unnoticed by herself. Emotional nature, love - love like that! To hate is to hate! Like Taurus, they are unshakable in their attitudes.
But Taurus are quietly unshakable, and Aries - violently attract calm or weak men, they themselves suffer because of this later. Only strong men can withstand such a charming volcano of feelings. In the shower never grow old Therefore, with age, they may appear younger or more extravagant. Aries mom is best friend but weird parent.

Characteristics of women: Taurus

Patron of the earth Venus. Unwavering Beauty and an immovable rock in its quiet persistence. Externally soft, often not even decisive, but this is precisely their Achilles heel. Fear of accepting new things And vulnerable nature forced to put on the outer armor of stubbornness. Often, because of their fears and uncertainty, they refuse new opportunities in life.

They will be with their loved one until the last drop of blood, even if he is a bloodsucker. Such a relationship will be maintained by a feeling of pity and fear of the future. At the same time, Taurus always reliable friends, compassionate at heart, and a faithful vest for loved ones. There are two types: those striving for personal happiness and those striving for personal peace without relationships. More often creative, cook heartily, stock up for future use even with things they don’t need (mania for hoarding things)

Characteristics of women: Twins

Air patron Mercury. Constant in It's in my head, there's a tornado, there's a tornado. Capable of intrigue, and if in company with Cancer or Aquarius, then generally a lethal force. It is rare to give birth to more than one child. They are divided into 2 groups: those who get married early and forget about their intellect and those who, on the contrary, do not get married until they are convinced of their career. But at the same time a sea of ​​flirtation and relationships. They cannot live without communication. The coolest grandmothers - forever young and active.

Characteristics of women: Cancer

Patron - Moon. Emotional, hot-tempered, passionate and romantic nature. It is difficult for her to live in one state; she needs vivid impressions to experience, sometimes even those that do not allow her to think sensibly. Over the years it becomes great mother, but very sensitive, if she doesn’t work on herself, she’s also scandalous, touchy, and capricious.

If he wants to control his emotions and strives for this, then he has a broad outlook and learns well from his own mistakes. In my youth may be fickle and is in an eternal search for himself, his identity, his happiness.

Characteristics of women: Lion

Patron Sun. A sea of ​​brightness, yourself and a cheerful mood. She good at everything until someone crosses her path. loves to be noticeable and often becomes like this unnoticed by oneself, because you can't help but notice her. She jokes well, can take care, she knows how solve other people's problems, but she must be praised for this, otherwise woe to your house.

Bright and confident character reflected in everything, even in the style of clothing and jewelry. For example, thin and inconspicuous chains are not her option; she likes to attract attention with the color, format, quality and design of what she wears. IN in anger is as bright and natural as in joy.

A little selfish, but over the years it gives her charm. He craves to have the best, and when he gets what he wants, he loses interest in it. If her potential is not realized, she can become a scandalous neighbor; if she realizes her potential, she can become charismatic leader.

Characteristics of women: Virgo

Patron Mercury. Intelligence, tenderness and softness rolled into one. Often the Virgo woman cannot find a worthy companion for a very long time; she is not too keen on relationships, her mind sober and pragmatic, so she may end up living alone. She feels good and calm alone, there is order in her life and in the house, she devotes herself entirely to work and lives for herself, periodically entering into short-term relationships. If the feminine principle is not realized, they can turn from a sweet and gentle girl into a strict mistress with a vintage appearance. Excellent mothers and housewives, but there may be too pedantic in certain matters, which drives their household members crazy.

Men are very comfortable with them, but only as long as Virgos teach them life wisdom. So, unnoticed by herself, a Virgo woman can become her man’s mother or mentor, which she herself will not be happy with in the end. This is not what I was striving for. Their pedantry in the profession - makes Dev irreplaceable and responsible employees.

Characteristics of women: Scales

Patron Venus, but also Saturn influences this sign. External grace and gentleness are combined with enormous willpower and a steel core. Most often there are domineering, But wise leaders of the situation or gentle, but calculating and wayward seductresses.

Appearance - graceful. Representatives of this sign, as a rule, have chiseled figurine and adhere to the classic style. Graceful from birth, they have the ability to dance and gymnastics. They can be good friends as long as you don't offend them. They forgive with difficulty, but they are offended not for the sake of malice, but for the sake of principle.

Characteristics of women: Scorpion

Patron of the sign - Pluto, planet fatal passions, animal desires and quiet drowning in one’s own feelings until self-destruction with the further need to be reborn again, no matter how hard it may be. Such women always make an impression independent, but at the same time tender and passionate.

They blow away mystical appeal. The abundance of internal fears either becomes a powerful engine of development or pulls you to the very bottom of your seething emotions. There are devils in still waters: it's about them. At the same time ready to give everything for their loved ones to the last thread.

They are jealous and possessive at heart, but outwardly they can be cold, sarcastic and reserved. If Scorpio is sarcastic and tries to hurt you intellectually, it means he holds a grudge against you. The problem is that I’ve been hiding it for a long time and now it can be almost impossible to understand why exactly. The logic of a Scorpio woman cannot be comprehended with the mind.

Characteristics of women: Sagittarius

Patron sign Jupiter- planet expansion, optimism, mentoring. Such women are always bright and dynamic, they strive to help the whole world. There are adventurous and reckless hooligans, and there are pronounced business ladies or simply activists at the call of their hearts.

They have a lot of ideas, so they most often have no time for family. Early relationships, but late official marriage and 1 child. Always rebellious and very possessive.

Sagittarius women love everything good, in this they are similar to Taurus, however, unlike Taurus are not very attached to material things. Therefore, they easily spend money and make grand gestures. It is much more difficult for them to save money than to earn money. If a Sagittarius woman is educated, then she has no problems with earning money, but there is a direct progression - the more money she receives, the more often she lacks it. Jupiter after all.

Characteristics of women: Capricorn

Patron - Saturn, planet stable stability and unshakable correctness. There are two types: gentle and family, great friend and comrade with a sad look and a powerful spine, because she took it upon herself and successfully takes care of other people’s problems. Or proud and independent, avoiding extensive contacts, but with gentle and with a warm look.

There is a sea of ​​tenderness behind the external surroundings. Often suffer low self-esteem Therefore, they have been searching for the ideal profession for a long time. Usually, the understanding that they need to achieve personal happiness comes after 30 years; often a change of profession and the beginning of a career takeoff occur in the second half of life.

Characteristics of women: Aquarius

Patron - planet rebels and informals - Uranus. Smart, sociable, powerful, rebellious. An unstoppable flow of charm, ambition and thirst for freedom from all encumbrances. Moreover, as a representative of the fixed cross needs consistency- in constant work and in constant relationships.

You can select two main types: informal smart girl or authoritarian Wolf, who is usually a loner, but at the same time in a circle of people. The Aquarius woman, as a boss, is always a test for her subordinates. Cunning, feminine charm and authoritarianism are used. Complex character for complex people.

Characteristics of women: Fish

Patron Neptune, element of Water. Sensitive, gentle, more than others in the Zodiac subject to fears, because of which the psyche, sleep, and health often suffer. In adult life there are two types: a goldfish that fulfills the wishes of loved ones or a shark: confident, resourceful, living in its own world. It's strange here combination of activity and passivity, tenderness and emotional aggressiveness.

Only strong-willed Pisces women are able to pacify their internal contradictions. Capable from birth of music, fine arts, dancing, excellent everyday psychologists and gentle friends. However, education is very important.

It’s a piece of cake to create a bunch of complexes in such a vulnerable soul, and already in adulthood a Pisces woman may not have enough strength to fight her fears. Then you need a reliable partner, strong shoulders with a huge loving heart. Wise Pisces women choose a profession that helps them smooth out internal fears and gives them maximum sense of security.