Simoron for money urgently is a get-rich-quick technique. Simoron rituals for money: urgently and effectively get rid of financial difficulties

Good day to you, dear reader! Of course, setting goals and working is good. But what if you can't get the amount you need? traditional ways Or when you urgently need money, but there is nowhere to get it? In this case, we have our own “magic” methods in stock. One of these is the Simoron rituals for money.

I already wrote about what kind of simoron technique is and how it works in my article. .

Let's see what ways the "wizards" of the simoron school have to attract the required amount of money.

How to get rid of money blocks and program the subconscious to increase income? —

Ritual for attracting money "Charging the wallet"

To keep money in your wallet constantly, you need to charge it with special monetary energy.

Imagine that your wallet is powered by electricity, and in order to constantly send a stream of money to it, you need to charge it the same way you charge your phone. So in the evenings, before you go to bed, take Charger from your phone and, having plugged it into the socket, connect it not to the phone, but to the wallet, by inserting the wire into any hole in your wallet. Then calmly go to sleep in full confidence that your money is already close. Mentally imagine the amount you need in your wallet, rejoice and, closing your eyes, fall asleep.

Ritual for money "Green socks"

You will need brand new green socks, so it is better to buy them in advance. Why green? Yes, just green color symbolizes the process of growth, and it is growth that we need - an increase in finances in our wallet.

Now take two coins of five rubles and place each in a separate green sock. Money socks in the evening should be hung out of the window and left there until the morning.

And when you wake up in the morning, pull out the coins, and put socks on your feet. Now you can safely go to work, well, or wherever you need.

In the evening, socks should be removed and the ritual repeated. Do this for seven days. After a week, you will see new financial prospects for yourself or another opportunity to increase your finances.

Ritual for money "Money Bank"

It does not act immediately, but whoever waits, he will definitely wait for his own! You will have to wait six months or a year, but it's worth it!

First you need to fill our "money bank". To do this, you need an ordinary glass jar and a lid to close it. Let it be your special "money bank" for you. Decorate it, make it beautiful, you can paste over it with paper, candy wrappers and some decorations, or even paint it with bright colors - as your heart desires! Especially suitable in our case are bright red, gold and green colors.

Now cut a few small pieces of paper and write one of your wishes on each. There should be 10 of them in total. Yes, by the way, desires should be material - preferably something that can be bought for money. Think carefully, what would you like? What have you wanted to buy for yourself for a long time, but still did not have enough money? And write it down.

It's still too early to throw wishes into the jar. Wait, first you need to prepare a jar. To begin with, throw five coins of some kind into it, and then add something that will help attract money: a mint leaf, a clover, a Chinese coin, green tea etc. Shake the contents properly. And now send your desires to the jar. It remains only to cast a “spell” over the jar: “Everything will be as I wish! So it will be!” and close it. Ready!

Money ritual "Growing by leaps and bounds!"

Imagine that not only dough, but also money can grow and rise with yeast! Do you want to know how? Perform a simple ritual.

Take a bag of dry yeast and some small container. Put the yeast there, you can not pour it out, but cover it with a coin on top and put it in a warm place. Every day, in the mornings and evenings, we add a coin each and say: “But the money, by leaps and bounds, grows and grows!”

Monetary manna from the sky

You have to go outside when it rains. Gather raindrops in right palm by substituting her for the rain. When it is full, stick your palm into your right pocket and rub it with this "money manna", saying: "Manna from heaven to money!" Do the same with the left arm and left pocket.

Ritual for money "Red Panties"

You will need panties with lace. Necessarily red, red is the color of money, it attracts them. Choose a time when you are alone at home and perform the ritual. You need to put your underpants on your head and feel how money sticks to you and flows from different parties. Now take off your underpants and throw them on the chandelier, loudly shouting out your desire. At the same time, focus on the feeling of wealth and abundance. You should at this moment experience the joy of the thought that you are rich and have as much money as you want.

The ritual is very popular and has already been tested by many simoronists. They confirm that it works!

I promise to continue the topic of simoron rituals, and soon you will find simoron rituals to attract love. not to miss their release!

The financial position is special place in the life of every person. Success, happiness and prosperity directly depend on the financial situation. The traditions of any nation have certain rituals and rituals to attract money. Thanks to these rituals, it is possible to make up for the energy flaws that have formed as a result of a lack of money.

Simoron mantras affect the change in a person's life in positive side. Simoron is an esoteric direction based on positive thinking. With the help of Simoron rituals, you can attract money, love and good luck. The Simoron technique is a kind of psychological training, thanks to which you can solve various problematic situations.

So, if you are interested in the direction of simoron - money rituals for the growing moon, then this article is for you. Majority money rituals to attract money is based on filling out notes, the so-called appeals to the growing moon. In other words, a person sends requests to writing, he asks the patroness to improve the financial situation or thanks for the wealth, even if he does not yet own huge amounts of money.

One of magical rites is a game called "money road". At the beginning of the month, come up with a secret place for yourself in which you will debug money. Starting from the first day, set aside exactly 10 rubles there, increasing it several times daily.

You can use the following scheme: the first day is 10 rubles, the second is 20 rubles, the third is 30, and so on for a month. As soon as the entire amount of money has accumulated there, count them and leave them in a secret place. In no case should you spend this money, because it has a magnetic property and attracts wealth.

Often, silver coins are used in rituals that help attract money. Why silver? The fact is that this metal symbolizes the moon. Coins can be spoken just like that, or you can use consecrated water. Conspiracies can be any, however, the text itself does not matter, it is important that the words are spoken with the thought of money, so to speak, you must mentally charge the coins for wealth.

It is important to keep these coins in a secret place, it can be a box or a purse. Make sure that no one can use the charmed coins for their own purposes. If you spoke water, then you can water your favorite flower with it. At the time of watering, mentally think about how beautiful and big it will grow.

And in summing up, I would like to note that it is not particularly important to follow the clear order of conducting this or that ritual, the internal state of a person is important. The more you are confident in a positive result, the faster all desires will come true.

Tatiana Kulinich

Money and material wealth is the second most popular request among Simoron's fans after love and marriage. Therefore, there are a huge number of rituals on this subject, cheerful and serious, very short and those that require preparation. In this article, we have collected the best rituals Simoron on this topic.

Ritual for buying your own home

One of Simoron's most amusing techniques is used here - replacing a word with one meaning with another that sounds the same. What do you think of when you hear the expression “buying a house”? Of course, about buying your own home. And Simoron offers to buy a house, having thoroughly washed it in a bathroom or in a basin of water. This fun action will certainly help you to realize the expression "buying a house" in a more traditional sense.

So, for this ritual, you will need a toy figurine of the house. Something similar can be found in any toy store. Having bought a house, arrange bath procedures for him, carefully bathing him. At the same time, say "I'm buying a house, I'm attracting good luck"! After bathing the figurine, put it in a conspicuous place: on the desktop or somewhere in the kitchen. After a while, you will definitely be able to purchase your home.

Ritual for buying your home

We offer you another powerful ritual on this topic. Exactly at noon you need to go outside or, according to at least, look out the window and, looking at the sun, say the following mantra: Vion-Ti-Tren-Shi-Oms. It is a positive vibration that gives you the energy to reach your goal. For the full effect, you also need a negative vibration that removes obstacles from your path. To do this, go outside at midnight of the full moon, look at the moon and say this mantra: Wi-Chi-Ti-Tron-Di-San. It is advisable to do this ritual every month.

Ritual to attract money "Good frog"

Many have seen the sale of Feng Shui talismans in the form of jade toads. However, few people know that in order for them to start working, they need to be asked about it. Regularly stroke her with your right hand and say: “Toad-toad, be generous, get me money!” By the way, jade itself is considered a strong money magnet. Do not spare money on jade jewelry and home accessories, they will definitely pay off.

Ritual to attract money "Financial battery"

For this ritual, you will need several large bills that are willing to spend, and new AA batteries. Wrap each battery with a bill and hide in a secluded place. The effect of the ritual will intensify if you briefly light a green candle next to these bills. After the money is "charged" for several days, they need to be spent on something beautiful and useful for yourself. In this way, they will begin their work and attract new funds to you.

There is another version of this ritual. For it, you will need a charger from your phone or camera and a wallet. At night, turn on the charger and "connect" to the wallet. In the morning, he will be charged with energy to attract money. It is better to do this ritual during the growing moon, say Simoron's experienced practitioners.

Ritual to attract wealth "House for money"

Take the usual glass jar which are closed with a plastic cover. Buy peas, select thirty of the largest peas from them. Throw them in a jar, saying: “Pea to pea, come to me, good! Wealth finds me, money comes to me!” Close the jar with a lid and draw a dollar or ruble sign on it. Every day, throw a coin from your wallet into the jar, saying a spell. When the jar is full, put it in a secluded place, preferably next to food. After a while, you will certainly get rich.

Ritual for finances "Magic Laboratory"

In this ritual, we will turn our bathroom into a real money laundering laboratory. For this technique to work, take it seriously. To get started, make a "Money Laundering Lab" sign and hang it on your own bathroom door. The inscription is preferably done with a green pen or felt-tip pen.

Every time you wash your hands, say the magic spell:

“I wash my hands, I wash money,

Foam stands like a dome,

A bag of money is flying towards me!

When washing your face or washing your hands, try to lather as much as possible. Play with foam when you bathe, blow it around the tub. Fool around like a child, because it is the positive emotions during the Simoron rituals that make them so effective.

Ritual for financial well-being "Wedding for money"

This fun ritual will give you a lot of positive emotions in the process. You will need to arrange a real wedding for your own money so that they “multiply” more actively. Take two large bills. If possible, let one of them be even ("woman"), and the other odd ("man"). Put them in the box, after covering it with a green handkerchief or a piece of cloth. Light a green candle, turn off the light and solemnly say: “I declare you husband and wife, from now on be fruitful and multiply!” Leave them in the box for three nights and then put them in your wallet. But be careful not to waste them, let them be there as a talisman.

Ritual to attract money "Magic Socks"

Buy a pair of green or light green socks in advance. In esotericism, these shades are considered symbols financial well-being. Before using in the ritual, do not forget to wash them to completely cleanse them of extraneous energy. After that, take a couple of bills and put them in socks with the words “I charge socks, I attract good luck!”

Now take Blank sheet paper and write your wish on it. When formulating it, avoid the “not” particle and write in the present, not the future tense. For example, “I have a fancy car”, “I won the lottery”. In order to enhance the effect of the ritual, you can stick on paper various pictures(car, large bills, etc.)

On the night of the full moon, put a leaf with a wish on the windowsill, where the moonlight falls, and say: “The moon is rising, money is coming to me!”. Going to bed, do not forget to wear green socks with bills in them. The next morning after the ritual, put the piece of paper in a secluded place, take the money out of your socks and put it in your wallet. On the same day, they need to be exchanged by buying yourself some kind of gift. So the ritual is activated, Simoron's experts say.

Ritual to increase wealth "Money boomerang"

The so-called boomerang effect is one of the basic laws in esotericism. What you sow, you will reap, as all world religions say. In this ritual, we use this effect for the benefit of our financial situation. It must be done for one week during the growing moon.

When you go shopping, take right hand the money you are going to spend, make a gesture as if you are going to shoot it with a boomerang. And say: “From now on, my money is a boomerang! The more I spend, the more I get back!” It is best to do this ritual when you go shopping.

Ritual for attracting money "Recalculating grandmas"

In this ritual, as in the House for Money, we use the Simoron technique of replacing the meanings of words. Everyone knows that "grandmothers" are called money. At the same time, grandmothers are also grandmothers. All you need to do in this ritual is to count grandmas in the truest sense of the word. Every morning on your way to work, count the old women you meet on the way. It is better to do this ritual in the morning, also because grandmothers wake up very early and it is easiest to meet them on the street at this time of day. Having completed the account of grandmas for today, say out loud “grandmothers love the account, grandmas counted - I called for money!”

Ritual for attracting money "Ships of desires"

As children, many of us made and launched paper boats into bodies of water. This skill will come in handy in this ritual. You will need to make boats from banknotes. Or, if you dream of a specific material good (a car, a house), you need to make a boat out of their photos. This is what magazine clippings are for.

After you have made these boats, they need to be launched into the water. It is not necessary to look for a river or a pond for this, even the smallest stream will do. When launching the boat, say: “Sail, boat, along the blue waves, fulfill my desire as soon as possible!”

Ritual for wealth "Money Catcher"

Many of us fell in love with the so-called dream catchers that came to us from Indian peoples. There people believe that the net of these catchers is capable of catching pleasant dreams and save us from nightmares. In this ritual, we need a money catcher, and the most common string bag will become it. Those who do not have this important household item of our grandparents at home can be advised to go to the vegetable market. Many vegetables are packed there in a string bag.

How are we going to get her money? To do this, you need to examine the view from your windows and balcony. Choose a house in the neighborhood that looks the most affluent (new buildings, business centers). And hang a string bag towards it so that the cash flows from it pass into your money catcher. If there is no such house nearby, you will have to walk with an empty string bag through the rich areas of your city in order to fill it with the energy of money. After such walks, when you return home, put your wallet in a string bag for the night. Let him charge with money.

Tatyana Kulinich for https: // site

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Simoron rituals- this is an opportunity to realize the most cherished dreams and attract good luck. Simple and effective techniques allow people to find love, stability and prosperity. Simoron rituals will allow you to change the usual picture of life and find harmony.

In the article:

What is "simoron"?

This unusual name became popular at the end of the last century, when Petra and Petr Burnalov(a couple of psychologists) decided to open their own school of magic. What is it like Hogwarts, only in modern world. Psychologists give a peculiar interpretation of the unusual name of their school:

What does any name mean? A set of sounds that should help somehow distinguish one object from another. Let's say - "kangaroo" ... What is drawn to us when we hear this word? A funny animal with a woolen pocket on the belly and a springy tail. In fact, this is in translation: “I don’t understand you ...” That is how the Australian aborigine answered the Englishman who got off the ship and asked a question about the galloping unprecedented beast. The concept of “simoron” is from the same opera.

After that, introduce yourself. Mentally remove the burden of extra pounds and all visible flaws. Imagine how the body has become graceful, light, attractive and spectacular. After that, Simoron's magic will begin to act.

You can perform the ritual anytime and anywhere. The main thing is to believe that the result will soon be visible. It is effective, and most importantly - safe way get rid of excess weight.

magic walking
There is a lot of talk about the benefits of athletic walking, but magical walking brings no less results. In order to get rid of annoying kilograms, while walking, imagine that all negativity, all extra pounds and failures leave your body.

With every step there is a feeling of lightness and self-confidence. Walking should be enjoyable. To make the promenade more efficient, mentally repeat to yourself as you walk:

I step once, I step two, with each step I lose fat forever.

How to achieve harmony in relationships?

Simoron rituals can help not only become more attractive, fulfill desires and become richer, but also attract love. Before proceeding with the ritual, focus on what is loved, desired, and soon a man who is truly worthy will appear in your life.

In this article:

Money is an important part of our life. They give a feeling of confidence and calmness, freedom and comfort. It is money that helps to experience all the delights of life, which is truly beautiful, especially if it is not burdened. financial problems. However, not everyone is so smooth. There are situations when a person works at several jobs at the same time, but his financial condition still remains unstable and shaky, with money flowing away like water. What to do?

What is it and how is it? Let's sort it out in order and in all the details.

faith in the method

The Bible also emphasized that each is rewarded according to his faith. If you believe that the Simoron rituals aimed at money work, then they will work. And if you perform the ritual with deep doubt, then the result will be doubtful, or rather, it will not happen at all.

To each according to faith. Even the Bible emphasizes this. If you believe that Simoron works, it will work. If you do methods without the confidence and knowledge that it will work, then there will be no more money.

Don't expect freebies

After completing the ritual, you should not lie down on the sofa and expect that now money will fall on you from the sky. A freebie will not work, because now the universe is more than ever ready to give you new opportunities and you need to grab on to them, since they are easily imported into money. What does it mean? You may get a pay raise, a bonus, a promotion, and with it a higher salary, you may have a brilliant idea, and so on.

love money

For money to love you, you will love them, only for real. Start taking care of money like you would your own. Keep them in a good purse, fold them facing you and all in one direction. Smooth out bills so that they are even and never wrinkled. Thank money for coming to you, for the fact that it exists at all, treat it like your best friends.


Simoron rituals for the receipt of finance

Clearing the money path

If the flow of money coming to you suddenly dried up and is not going to be renewed, you should perform the following ritual. Take a hair dryer or vacuum cleaner and start slowly but surely cleaning it of dust, mentally imagining how you make the way for cash flow, letting it into your life again. Concentrate on your thoughts and do not stop meditating until you have completely cleaned the unit of dirt. In the very near future, the money will return to you again and will be constant companions of your life, if you do not forget to confess your love to them and take care of them, like a lover.

Charging water

Charging water with material abundance is a good method, because water is a strong conductor of energy. To attract money with water, pour boiled or distilled water into a glass and place it in front of you. Sit back, close your eyes, and begin to visualize images of well-being and abundance. Imagine how you get the right amount of money, win the lottery, learn about a 10-fold increase in income ... Imagine what you want, then drink water, while getting real pleasure, as if what you imagined was an undeniable fact or an already accomplished event which cannot but rejoice. The ritual should be repeated once a month or even more often.

"Money Bath"

This is a very effective and enjoyable technique. Prepare in advance a couple of handfuls of coins of any denomination and even any country. After taking the banknote of the largest denomination that you have, it is better to worry about the maximum possible denomination in advance.

By the way, you must earn this bill on your own, and not borrow it.

After that, chop the cabbage and prepare the lemons. Lay out all the above attributes in the bathroom, taking also all kinds of symbols of wealth and prosperity, for example, a toad, hotei or other figurines, talismans, amulets. If you do not have any, you can use photos of money, rich people, presidents.

Type water into the bathroom, add green foam or salt, hang a photo around the room, arrange the figures. Put in front of you banknote so that you can see it when you take a bath. Dip the lemon slices and cabbage into the water.

Setting the right flow will bring excellent results

Now you can dive into the bathroom and enjoy the feeling of being a rich person. Cabbage leaves sticking to you are money. Having completed water treatment, gather cabbages and lemons, throw it in the toilet, saying:

"Swim and tell all the money to come to me."

"Easy Money"

Buy a large number of gel balloons that you inflate, then tie money to them. Let the money balls fly around your home, hovering around you. At the same time, you need to joyfully jump and catch them.

"Catch, money"

Make a fishing rod from improvised means, and tie money to its end. Throw a fishing rod out the window and say:

“Catch big money for small money!”

Alternatively, you can just look out the window and shout out loud:

"Money!!! Home!!!"

Money pants

For the ritual without fail need red shorts with ruffles or lace. When there is not a soul at home, put these same panties on your head, while feeling inspired and feeling how the money flows into your hands, then take off your panties and throw them on the chandelier, loudly shouting your cherished desire.


Throwing panties must be done the first time. If something didn’t work out for you, don’t calm down until the cowards are on the chandelier. Just remember that while doing this you can’t get angry or focus, you must continue to feel all the same happiness from the fact that you are rich, successful and self-sufficient. When the goal is achieved, it is necessary to compose a funny conspiracy for money and pronounce it every day to cowards hanging on the chandelier, for example:

Glory to the Red Shorts!
Day and night, tra-la-lam!
They carry out an important service,
They bring money to my house!

Red is the color of money. it is on the red color of underpants that money will begin to strive, like moths to a light, filling your home with wealth, prosperity and good luck in all endeavors.

simple truths

Before you begin to perform any of the above rituals, read the simple truths that everyone who wants to get rich should know:

  • The universe is very generous and its abundance is endless. She can give you as much money as you want;
  • Each person is allowed only what he can afford. We invent all the restrictions ourselves, and they exist only in our brain. Only Simoron rituals help to remove these restrictions with their immediacy and effectiveness.