Flying cup: different methods of making and photos of the most interesting works. Making a topiary with your own hands for beginners “flying mug”

Even as adults, we all love miracles. And if you have the opportunity to make a miracle with your own hands, then the first place will be a floating cup with flowers. It’s not at all difficult to make it with your own hands, and it will look as if a stream of bright colors is flowing from it, like from a cornucopia, out of nowhere.

Flower flow

The secret here is to place the cup under right angle. If you make a slight mistake, the magic will be lost. The craft will look as if a cup was placed on a bunch of flowers. Pay attention to this when you make your product. For example, here: although the work looks neat and the flowers are very beautiful, due to the irregular angle of the cup and the unnatural shape of the “flow”, the composition as a whole looks like just a pyramid of flowers topped with a cup.

In addition to the angle of the cup, the thickness of the “stream” matters; it should look natural. Otherwise, this is no longer a “floating cup”. If the “flow” is too thick, it will not look like a stream, it will turn out to be a mountain.

The position of the cup, saucer and flowers should be such that a distinct illusion is created that the cup is hanging in the air and a stream is “pouring” from it. Below in the photo you can see works where these details are thought out and they look perfect.

Let's figure it out step by step.

Preparation of materials: thick wire, strong glue, electrical tape, hot glue gun, artificial flowers made in any technique, foamiran, fabric, etc., beautiful cup and saucer, scissors.

We cut two pieces from the wire, equal to the height of the cup above the level of the saucer. We wrap them together with electrical tape. Sand the cup and saucer with sandpaper in those places where they will stick to the wire.

Apply glue and leave overnight to dry completely.

Prepare the leaves, twigs and flowers that will be used in the composition, think it through, draw a sketch so that there is enough for the entire stream and the wire is not visible.

Using a heat gun, carefully glue the workpiece one by one.

We complement the decor with beads, ribbons, ladybugs or butterflies.

The second option is when the structure is made from one piece of wire.

Spacers are formed from it both in the saucer and in the cup so that the contact area with the glue is larger, this will give the craft additional stability.

Here, wire wrapping in the form of paper and thread is used.

The entire surface of the fastening is masked with colors, and this is important, because “clearances” spoil general view products.

Flowers are also used different diameters, it's very beautiful. The jet is strictly thought out and looks natural.

When preparing the material, do not forget that the size of the inflorescences and leaves should not be larger than the cup itself, otherwise it will introduce dissonance. Better to use in bulk small flowers, and there are only a few large ones to give volume to the entire composition.

Such cups are filled not only with flowers. These could be coins, grains or natural materials, depending on the theme and season. But the principle of “naturalness” of the jet shape should be inherent in the formation of any material.

Please note that the wire for attaching the cup is not completely covered with electrical tape, but it is better to also wrap paper or twine on top. This is done because the electrical tape cannot withstand the hot glue and begins to slip in places. If there is no wire, you can use an old fork, which must be slightly bent. Another option that needlewomen use is to mask the wire with foam. After gluing the wire to the cup and saucer, the structure is “blown out” with foam, after drying, a “stream” is formed with a knife and the decor is applied. Since in this way you can give the stream a natural look, such floating cups are made with small details - beads, coffee, they will not distort the shape of the stream with too curvaceous shapes.

A unique souvenir created with your own hands will become the highlight of the interior of both a flirtatiously decorated living room and a minimalist office. Topiary is one of the most popular hand-made souvenirs for decoration today.

Actually, topiary is a special way of cutting decorative tree or shrub. This is the original meaning of this word. But today most people know topiaries as interesting interior souvenirs in the form of trees. And they are made... Yes, from anything! Practically.

The “flying cup” (or floating) topiary is not just a decorative tree. This is, strictly speaking, not a tree at all. The composition is based on ancient symbol abundance feng shui. And not only can a stream pour out of a cup coffee beans, but also coins, flowers, even jewelry - any things that symbolize prosperity, tranquility, and the integrity of a full life.

“Flying cup”: what is it made of?

The first thing you need to create a fashionable “floating cup” topiary is a new stylish coffee or tea pair (that is, a cup and saucer). They are connected (excluding glue) by a strong wire or an ordinary fork.

To make topiary you will also need scissors, pliers and a heat gun with silicone rods. To make the waterfall of abundance look like a real water stream in its naturalness, it is used polyurethane foam. On a saucer decorative elements are glued using foam pads.

Advice. Instead of a heat gun, you can use glue " Cold welding“- then the finished structure will become many times stronger.

In principle, anything can “pouring out” from a “flying cup”. It all depends on who the topiary is being made for, or simply on the mood and imagination of the author. Most often, craftswomen choose artificial flowers, coins, coffee beans, but they can also use moss, Christmas decorations or agave leaf fiber called sisal.

Imitation of coffee pouring from a mug is achieved by using natural coffee beans, cinnamon powder or acrylic paint. And to give finished product special charm; in the process of creating a souvenir, both the cup and the saucer can be wrapped with twine or covered with lace.

Instructions for creating a “floating” cup of coffee

Prepare the following tools and materials:

  1. Pliers.
  2. Glue gun.
  3. A short piece of twine.
  4. Strong and thick copper wire.
  5. Glue moment.
  6. Lace.
  7. Floral brown tape.
  8. Decoupage varnish.
  9. Coffee beans.

Manufacturing process

  • Prepare tea or coffee steam. Carefully remove the handle from the mug.
  • The actual production of the souvenir begins. Cover the mug with twine, starting from the bottom from the inside. Roll the rope into a larger circle, and drop a drop of torque into the center of the bottom. Glue the twine. Continuing to add glue, wrap the entire cup from the inside of the bottom to its outer side. Turn your attention to the saucer and decorate it in the same way.
  • Start creating a new handle for the cup to replace the broken one. Fold a couple of identical pieces of wire, put them together, wrap them with tape and do the same as ceramic pair, cover with twine. Glue the new handle to the cup with a heat gun and leave to dry.
  • To give your creation an individual style, paste it well outside cups with braid, lace or other delicate feminine materials (to contrast with rough twine). It is best to glue the tape this way: first a dark wide strip, then a narrow white one. Glue coffee beans in random order onto the glued lace. It is also good to paint the outline of the saucer with a lace rim.
  • Roll the wire into something like a tongue. The ends of the workpiece should touch the saucer, while the bent part will be located as close to the center of the cup as possible.
  • Inspect the composition and adjust the flow bend.

  • Pour hot glue (as much as needed) and glue the wire to the cup. When the mass has cooled and almost hardened, attach the ends of the wire to the saucer.
  • Wrap the “coffee stream” with tape and stick the coffee beans in a thick layer in the direction from cup to saucer.
  • Leave the topiary for a while for the glue to harden. When this happens, varnish the grains with a brush.

That's it! The floating cup with an ever-flowing waterfall of coffee is ready!

Attention! Flying cup with coffee beans Can also serve as original natural flavor air. But in order for it to exude the aroma of coffee, the beans should not be varnished.

Cake - addition to the cup

Soaring coffee cup you can decorate with a piece of your own made foam cake, painted acrylic paints. Only the “cake” does not match the decor of the cup and saucer made of twine described above. Therefore, you need to choose: either one or the other.

Making such a cake is very simple. First you need to prepare polystyrene foam, paints, scissors and a mug of a suitable size. Using a circle, draw five circles on the material and cut them out. Make a cutout on each of the circles as if you had already tasted the cake with a spoon. Assemble the layers of the cake, level the indentation stationery knife. Paint the foam until you get the desired color. When the paint dries, glue the layers of the cake together and glue them to the cup.

Making topiary Floating cup: video

Do you like to make gifts in hand-made style? Are you looking for new ideas and opportunities for making such souvenirs? Study the material given in the article, and you will succeed with flowers. You can do everything with your own hands (a master class to help) step by step instructions and make a souvenir. This ordinary object seems to float in the air, while a “floral drink” flows on the saucer. This gift is sure to please everyone and can decorate any interior.

Prepare everything you need

In order for you to get a beautiful cup with (the master class is given below), you need to buy or get the following tools and materials from your supplies:

  • (cup and saucer). It is better to use a set, since in this case the elements match each other in size and design. If you have separate, for example, unnecessary tea accessories (items left over from sets), try to ensure that they look harmonious in combination and have a suitable pattern. If the pattern on them is completely different, it is worth decorating the surface of the porcelain.
  • Wire or wire for the frame.
  • Threads or twine to create a connecting surface between fastening elements.
  • or a block for processing the surface of porcelain at the places where the frame is attached.
  • Glue or heat gun.
  • Artificial flowers and other decor (ribbons, bows, coins, coffee beans).

As you can see, all materials are simple and accessible.

How to make a cup with flowers with your own hands: useful tips

The most important stage in creating such a souvenir is making a frame connection between the cup and saucer. It is on its strength, quality and reliability that it depends how long such a gift will delight the owner with its beauty. If the connection is made poorly, after a while the cup will simply fall off and the impression of a spectacular souvenir will be irretrievably lost. It is unlikely that the new owner of the floating cup will want to repair your creation. Most likely, he will place both objects separately and each time they will remind you that the gift or purchase was made poorly. Therefore, it is worth trying and doing everything properly.

The sequence of work should be like this:

  1. Prepare two wires or metal frame made of wire. It's better to use a couple rather than just one. It will be more reliable this way. The size of the cut parts will be about 30 cm. You can take a single element without cutting the workpiece.
  2. Determine where the wire is attached to the cup and saucer. These parts must be processed sandpaper. The rough part has best properties grip than glossy varnish. The surface will also need to be degreased. Acetone can be used.
  3. First attach the wire to inner surface cups, then bend it 180 degrees. The cup will appear to be in a clamp. Direct the workpiece at the desired angle to the saucer. There, make an element of fastening to the plane.
  4. Bend the second wire in the same way.
  5. Attach the blanks to the parts and coat them thickly with glue or treat them with a heat gun.
  6. Main technological stage completed. It’s a good idea to wrap the frame with threads or twine, forming a surface for arranging flowers and decor. Each turn should also be well treated with adhesive.
  7. Then you can begin the most interesting and creative process - decorating the tea pair.

How to make a cup with flowers with your own hands: master class

So, to make a beautiful souvenir from an ordinary pair of tea, proceed as follows:

What shades are best to combine?

In order for you to get a beautiful floating cup with flowers (photo below), it is very important to choose harmonious tones in the composition.

You can act in two ways:

  1. Choose contrasting components (orange and blue, yellow colors and purple).
  2. Perform compositions using similar combinations (pink, yellow-orange, blue-violet).

Pay attention to the size of the elements of a particular shade. It's better to bet several large ones bright accents and complement them with other smaller parts.

How to make flowers from nylon

A floating cup with flowers can be made not only from purchased elements, but also from those created independently. Techniques for making floral elements are very different. You can use fabric and even paper.

It's easy to make flowers from nylon. Typically, a wire frame is used to make petals, which forms the outline of the element. The nylon is pulled over the workpiece and secured. When the required number of petals and leaves are made, the parts are assembled into a single whole. In the case of decorating a cup, individual flowers can even be attached to the base using wire.

How to decorate with chiffon

A floating cup with flowers can be made using decorations from this material. It is easy to cut out blanks for the petals from it according to the template, process the edges over the candle so that the fabric does not fray, and connect the parts into a single flower.

Roses can be made from a strip gathered on a thread in a frill. This option also turns out beautiful and natural.

Kanzashi technique

A very unusual floating cup with flowers can be made using blanks made using this method. Such flowers will not be naturalistic, but decorative, but very beautiful.

They are made from squares folded in a special way, cut from satin ribbons different widths. Iridescent texture, bright color combinations, additions made from beads will help you create a real masterpiece. It will take more time than using store-bought artificial flowers, but the gift will be truly unique.

So, you have learned how to make a cup with flowers with your own hands. Master class and useful tips should help you implement this interesting and original idea. Prepare your materials and tools and begin the exciting creative process.

Flower waterfall from a cup is very original and beautiful craft, it is mainly given to girls for the holidays. We did something in a similar style. Today we will use artificial flowers and an almost similar method of creating a waterfall; we will not have water while walking. The most important thing for homemade products is to find high-quality glue that will glue the iron rod to the ceramics.

This creation can easily be created by guys who want to surprise their girlfriend. I will demonstrate the creation method step by step, but for example, I would have chosen much more beautiful details. Or you can decorate it, as well as the saucer. If you just want to decorate your home with this creation, then it will look best in the kitchen. And some even make a collection of similar waterfalls, and we already have two, from coffee and from flowers.

How to make a flower waterfall from a mug with your own hands.

It is very important to bend the twig correctly so that the cup's emphasis on it is minimal for possible breakage. On the saucer we make two kinks of the rod and one on the cup, as well as install the long part at the correct angle. First, glue the rod to the saucer and wait until it dries.

Then we glue the cup, also pour more glue and insert the rod deeper, until it stops.

Now we wrap a simple cardboard or paper. First we bend it and then secure it with threads. This is necessary so that there is a larger area for gluing flowers.

Buy more expensive decorative ones, they are like real ones and look great. Also take them in one color to comply special style. We glue the flowers on the saucer so that it is almost invisible.

Then we glue it on the leg and inside the cup, as well as next to the handle. You need to make sure that the leg is not visible.

Place the most beautiful one on a cup. Then you can decorate it with acrylic paints.

We created this waterfall from a cup with our own hands. Not difficult and very beautiful, the master class turned out great.

It is absolutely simple and truly unique to make such a souvenir yourself, such as a made floating cup with interesting decor and with flowers quickly and step by step with your own hands. Currently, a wide variety of and, sometimes, completely unusual and unexpected techniques and materials are increasingly used in needlework.

We want to pay especially close and detailed attention to this type of applied creativity like topiary using a variety of bases and materials. Topiaries can have not only the shape of a miniature beautiful tree. They can be designed as a floating cup with the most varied and unusual filling and decor.

An ordinary table cup and saucer can be used not only in its own way functional purpose. If you use your imagination and creativity, you can easily and simply make an extraordinary decorative topiary using these items. As a filler for such an unusual cup, you can use coins, fresh or artificial flowers, coffee beans, flowers using the kanzashi technique, and much, much more at your discretion and wishes.

A huge variety of materials and techniques are used to create decorative topiary. For the most part, topiaries are made in the form of small trees that have a spherical or cone-shaped shape. They are decorated with flowers, feathers, rhinestones, stones, cereals, leaves, pine cones and other decor that comes to your mind. It is believed that topiary is the “tree of happiness”, so it is customary to give them to loved ones.

We bring to your attention detailed master class With step by step description actions and manipulations to make a floating cup with flowers.

We study a master class on making a floating cup with flowers with your own hands

Before you start making an unusual topiary with a coffee or tea cup, prepare all the tools and materials you need. So, to work you will need:

  • A couple of items: a coffee or tea cup and saucer;
  • Artificial flowers;
  • Delicious sweets;
  • Durable metal wire;
  • Pink paper napkins;
  • Stationery glue PVA;
  • Brush;
  • Double-sided tape;
  • Hot glue gun;
  • Glue gun sticks;
  • Scissors;
  • Pliers;
  • Decorative elements: beads, ribbons, rhinestones and so on.

After preparing all the necessary tools and materials, start making a floating cup.

Using pliers, separate the desired piece of metal wire. Bend the resulting piece into the shape of an avalanche or waterfall. Cover this entire structure double-sided tape or a medical adhesive plaster.

Then place paper napkins on top of the wire base. Glue and coat the napkins with PVA glue to the thickness that you want to achieve in the end. Leave the entire structure to dry completely.

Once your entire wire and tissue paper design is completely dry, attach it to the cup and saucer. These elements must be glued and fixed using hot glue. In this case, the fixation will be reliable and durable.

Now you can begin the most creative and enjoyable process in making a floating cup - decorating. Take your chosen artificial flowers and use scissors to cut the flower heads from the stem. Using hot glue, attach the cut heads and leaves to the wire structure - the base. Choose the location of the buds and leaves according to your own discretion and creative perception. Insert sweet and tasty candies between the flower bushes. You can also fix sweets quickly and easily with a drop of hot glue.

After you decorate the “pouring” contents of the cup, you can begin decorating the base itself. A cup of coffee or tea can be decorated with satin or grosgrain ribbon, butterflies, buds, ladybugs and others. Decorative additional elements cups are best matched to the floral components of the main composition according to color scheme. This way you can avoid sharp and catchy contrast in the finished composition.

Now you can take gold beads or bright rhinestones and glue them to flower petals or leaves.

Your floating cup is ready!

A selection of thematic videos on the topic of the article

We present to your attention a selection of videos on the above topic. We hope that the material you have studied will be interesting and useful to you. Enjoy watching!