Hobby classes for retirees. Review of the most interesting hobbies for retirees: what a free woman can do

Old age is such a stage in life cycle, where systematic social losses occur and there are no gains. The main tasks of life are completed, responsibility decreases, dependence increases. These losses are associated with illness and physical illness. They make clear to the older person the decline in participation in social life. Moreover, the moral system of modern Western civilization privileges youth, energy, enthusiasm and innovation as the antipodes of passive and old-fashioned old age. All these values, together with faith in own strength, autonomy and independence are transmitted during socialization to new generations, who assimilate age stereotypes along with the change of new role functions. From this point of view, old age is represented as a loss social roles. Not the least important role in this unspoken propaganda is played by the media, both print and television and radio broadcasting.

Upon retirement, a person loses one of his main roles - he ceases to be the “breadwinner” in the family, a worker in the social sense. IN modern society work activity performs a number of functions. It not only provides a person with a means of subsistence and gives a certain status, but also realizes social activity. At the level of the individual, it is considered as the ability to consciously identify and approve one’s place in the system public relations and self-realization. Social activity is a measure of social activity and its goal is to realize the interests of societies, the individual as a member of a given social community. For any person, work activity is a prerequisite for his usefulness, interesting life, creative activity. Therefore, work is also necessary for the elderly, whose range of personal interests is significantly limited and narrowed.

Leisure and recreation play a particularly important role in the lives of elderly and senile people, especially when their participation in labor activity difficult. The range of social roles and cultural forms activity narrows the scope of their lifestyle. That's why special meaning is given to leisure after retirement or in connection with illness, when an elderly person must adapt to new living conditions outside the sphere of work. The full functioning of many older people is impossible without providing them with various types assistance and services that meet their social needs.

One of the most important indicators the position of an elderly person in society - his family status. Social and economic instability in our society has led to the fact that older people seek protection only in the family. Some sociologists classify the family of older people depending on what kind of environment they have around them and what is the main source of their income.

According to E.I. Kholostova, with retirement, older people’s usual life patterns change, and not only material, but also psychological difficulties arise. Sometimes this leads to a feeling of loneliness and uselessness. Most often it occurs as a result of the death of one of the spouses.

The problem of loneliness has worsened with the deterioration of the socio-economic situation in the country. All larger number older citizens consider themselves lonely, thrown to the margins of life. They find it especially difficult to cope with a breakup. social connections, which occur as a result of inadequate communication, inadequacy of the content to the needs of the individual. .

Our project offers people one of the leisure activities to visit the “Optimists” communication club retirement age. By opening such a club, we assume that we will implement the most optimal models for organizing adaptive leisure work with older citizens. The opening of this kind of communication club is an incentive to form and maintain active life positions among pensioners, strengthening their sense of self-esteem and what is important is to gain self-confidence.

Project goal: to help overcome loneliness and lack of communication among older people by creating the Optimists communication club.

· Organization of the activities of the communication club

· Creating conditions and a favorable environment for self-realization and communication among older people;

· providing a unified cultural and information Internet space to expand the circle of communication of older people

Club activities

The project is designed for 1 year and will be implemented in several stages:

1. Organizational and preparatory.

2. Basic.

3. Final.

The organizational and preparatory stage will take 1 month and will include the following activities:

Formation of an initiative group. The group will conduct a survey and questioning of older people living in nearby areas of the city, and carry out monitoring. A project plan for the Optimists communication club has been developed. An action plan has been outlined to implement the work of the communication club.

Searching for and attracting social partners to participate in the project: creating a database of project partners, attracting partners to implement the project, concluding cooperation agreements.

Promotional events. The group will prepare the necessary information for the release of printing and information products (bulletins, information letters, advertising brochures, etc.), develop, produce and place posters, prepare booklets and propaganda posters. Information booklets and newsletters were sent out free of charge to public organizations cities, authorities Information about the project was posted in the city media.


The main stage of the project will be implemented over 11 months.

All citizens of retirement age will have the right to visit the club. All socio-cultural services included in the federal or territorial list of social and cultural services guaranteed by the state will be provided to elderly citizens free of charge at the expense of the MBU DK "Stroitel" and the State Institution SO "Center for Social Services for Elderly Citizens and Disabled Persons of the city. Syzran" OSO No. 18. Services not included in the federal or territorial lists of state-guaranteed social services may be provided to elderly and disabled people on full or partial payment terms. All events planned for the project will take place on the basis of the Stroitel Municipal Budgetary Institution. The project manager is the director of the MBU DK "Stroitel".

As for direct work with older people, the artistic director and head of the mass department of the Stroitel Cultural Center and the leading specialist of the State Institution SO "Center for Social Services for Elderly Citizens and Disabled People of the City of Syzran" OSO No. 18 will work in this direction. They will solve all the problems posed by the project. Developed and written event scenarios. Prepared, organized and carried out events. The dates for the events have been set and confirmed.

Meetings of older people in the communication club will be held at least twice a month. They will help not only fill your free time, but also self-realization, take your mind off gloomy thoughts, and overcome loneliness and a sense of apathy. In addition, everyone will be given the opportunity to use Internet resources. Thus, older people will significantly expand their circle of contacts, develop new interests, and make new acquaintances with pensioners from other regions.

The club's activities include:

involvement of people of retirement age in the work of amateur art groups and associations of folk crafts;

exchange of experience on raising grandchildren, cooking, handicrafts;

organizing discussions and discussing issues of politics, morality, and everyday life;

organizing a system of events, competitions and exhibitions;

mastering non-traditional methods of treatment, physical education;

board games, watching newspapers, magazines, films;

participation in landscaping;

cultural, educational, advisory and methodological work at the place of residence.

Thus, the club’s activities are focused, first of all, on increasing the personal activity of an elderly person and maintaining his vitality. Various service models are multifunctional in nature. The following functions are particularly significant:

maintaining connections with a wide range of people;

satisfaction of the need for recognition;

improvement and maintenance of psychophysical condition;

maintaining and strengthening the social activity of the individual.


Upon completion of the project, the accountant will prepare a financial report, and the project manager will prepare a substantive report on the progress of the project. The results of the project were summed up and the effectiveness of its implementation and the activity of the project partners were analyzed.

Expected results of the project:

· Creation of a communication club "Optimists".

· Conducting cultural and mass events with a socializing impact, which are designed to optimize the life activity of older people, stimulate their intellectual and physical activity, develop creative abilities, contribute to the effective process of adaptation in the modern world.

· Reflection of project activities in the media.

· Drawing public attention to the problem of loneliness in older people.

· Involving social partners to participate in the project.

· Creation of a database of project partners

· Concluding cooperation agreements with social partners.

· Attracting sponsors to provide all possible assistance to elderly people.

· Publishing of printed products (booklets, advertising brochures, propaganda posters, etc.)

· Organizing access to Internet resources.

It is quite difficult to calculate any socio-economic effect from the project. Since the creation of a club does not have a direct economic effect. However, by attracting extra-budgetary and sponsorship funds, it is possible to solve some of the financial problems of older people.

One of the key effects of creating a communication club is the solution to the socio-psychological problems of older people. The solution to this problem is based on regular communication and joint leisure activities.

The personality of an elderly person may have psychophysiological and communicative problems that are difficult for him to eliminate on his own. Often behind an individual’s mental and communication difficulties lies low self-esteem. By helping an elderly person raise self-esteem, we thereby contribute to the joint overcoming of both mental and physiological problems, since illness is often a manifestation of a person’s internal dissatisfaction with himself or some aspect of his life. Receiving satisfaction from communication, a person often “forgets” about his illness. Support personal growth and human development allows an elderly person to receive recognition of his merits in the present through the realization of the potential of the individual. Thus, the club is aimed at solving a very important socio-psychological problem of older people.

One of the expected effects of creating a club is to ensure a unified cultural and information space, which will help solve the problems of isolation, loneliness and lack of social relevance among older people. Constant access to the Internet will allow you to establish contacts with pensioners from neighboring regions, adopt the best practices of colleagues, etc. And this is already a social and informational effect.

Let us analyze the activities of the “Golden Time” communication club for pensioners in the Zavodsky district of Minsk.

Goals of the club:

Uniting older people through educational work and spending time together.

Involving community members in volunteer activities.

Creation of club programs that promote the realization of creativity and self-expression of club visitors.

Connecting generations.

Combating negative stereotypes of attitudes towards old age.

Introducing children to inner world an elderly person.

Creating an atmosphere of confidence in the future for older people.

Objectives of the club:

Creating a warm family atmosphere.

Providing a variety of club programs in the following areas:

cultural values ​​and traditions;



Use of creative potential in the work of the club (artists, poets, musicians, including those from among the wards).

Club functions:

The club should serve as a daytime activity center for older people.

The club is the organizer of the club's volunteer group.

Training of club volunteers (seminars, briefings, scheduling of duties and work).

Providing literature and maintaining contacts with the leaders of various programs.

Expansion of club programs due to the creative potential of club visitors (organized choir, literary club, etc.).

Constant self-education of its volunteers.

Involving youth clubs and children's organizations in the work (joint holidays, evenings, etc.).

Varied design of the club (change of exhibitions, photo displays, decorations for holidays, etc.)

The success of the club is guaranteed by the creative search of its leader and his constant self-education.

Our traditions are based on continuity and connection between generations. It's no secret that this connection has weakened these days. To strengthen it, it is important to establish constant communication between young people and older people based on traditional forms and informal methods of work. A forum for meeting generations is a club for the elderly created for this purpose. His work embodies traditional values: mercy, charity, respect for elders. Today it is very important to instill these traits in children and youth.

The club's activities are aimed at people aged 55-60 years and high school students (13-17 years old). Once a month, on Sundays, joint tea parties are held. Melodic music sounds softly in the hall, children greet guests and escort everyone to their place. Guests are seated at beautifully decorated tables served by children. After lunch, everyone is invited to watch a film or a concert prepared by the youth theater studio. As part of the meeting of generations, lectures, joint conversations, evenings of memories, visits to elderly people at home and much more are held. The following are examples of some organizational forms:

older people recall various events of their lives, illustrating their memories with photographs, household items, landscapes of their native places, and read their notes;

older people tell children about customs, culinary recipes national cuisine, traditional holidays in the parental home, remembering childhood friends, stages professional activity, various episodes of your life, family legends and genealogy;

joint walks, excursions, hikes in the forest are organized, which children and elderly people take together;

children visit lonely elderly people at home, deliver them gifts for the holidays, and help them purchase medicines and other purchases.

Club programs are divided into:

Regular: clubs (language, manual skills, medical education, study of history and national traditions).

Creative: creation of creative groups (ensembles, theatrical creativity, amateur performances), a club for meetings with interesting people.

The operating principles of the club are:

Availability. All club activities are open to all senior citizens.

Volunteering. Voluntary principle of participation in the work of the club (volunteers, club leaders, doctors, teachers, artists).

Principles of diversity of work forms. Providing the club various programs, helping to satisfy the creative needs of club visitors.

Creative approach to program development and implementation.

Communication with other organizations. Club leaders must maintain constant contact with the library, youth and children's centers.

The club hosts:

cultural programs;

creative meetings, relaxation evenings, excursions, etc.;

educational and health programs;

conversations with a psychologist, health groups, “help yourself,” etc.;

training programs;

studying English language;

manual skills clubs,

chess club, etc.

Events during holidays and memorable dates.

Days of holidays and memorials are used to strengthen the national identity of community members and increase their involvement in national traditions.

Additional activities. TO additional types Activities include cultural programs for club volunteers, celebrating volunteers’ birthdays.

Library and reading room. In order to make the club an attractive place to hang out for representatives of various categories of the population, club visitors are offered a variety of activities. The club has a library, which lends books, magazines and newspapers on various topics to your home. The library operates on public principles professional librarian. Library programs have been developed in which the Club's library is available to all club members.

Family Club program. “Family Club” is a mini-club in a specific apartment, the leader of which is the owner of the apartment, and the visitors are members of the community who are not able to attend all the club’s events.

Goals of the work: to involve as many community members as possible in an active life, to relieve them of loneliness, and to give them the opportunity to become familiar with cultural values.

Criteria for selecting hosts and apartments

  • 1. The owner of the apartment must be intelligent, friendly and approachable.
  • 2. The apartment must be located in the areas most remote from the location of the club for the elderly and meet sanitary and hygienic standards, have necessary equipment(table, chairs, dishes, etc.), in the absence of an elevator, the apartment should be located no higher than the 3rd floor.

Thus, the socio-cultural orientation of the club’s activities helps to maintain interest in life, spiritual and physical self-improvement and strengthening social connections of older people.

They say that a lot of events are organized for pensioners. How can I find out about them if I don’t have a computer with Internet access? Don’t call your son every time asking him to look for something interesting for the next week...

N. Sokolovskaya

“Detailed information about leisure activities for older Muscovites can be obtained from the social service center in your area,” assures Vladimir Petrosyan, head of the capital’s Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population. — Today, more than 2.5 million pensioners live in the city. Among them there are many active people, but there are also those whom we try in every way to distract from sad thoughts and sitting in front of the TV. It is for them that the city operates the “Better Half of Life” program (for example, it includes English language clubs and even one in Chinese!). Numerous studios have been opened at social service centers where people can develop their talents. There is a traditional festival “Songs of Past Years,” and a review competition among veterans is being prepared, in which over 300 thousand people will take part. Now there is a citywide competition “Super Grandfather”. And I hope that this event will become a Moscow tradition, because it gives older people the opportunity to feel confident in the future.”

The city supports the elderly and invites them to attend hobby groups in their free time - completely free of charge and within walking distance from home. During the first week of work, more than 36 thousand applications from seniors have already been submitted - which means that the program is really in demand!

The prospects for organizing leisure time for Moscow pensioners were discussed at the “Active Longevity” forum, which was held in Moscow earlier this week. The city has many plans, and we can already talk not only about ideas, but also about the first results.

Just a few weeks have passed since we signed the corresponding resolution. We have provided the necessary financial resources and created an organizational network for registering those interested in the active longevity project system. We have collected applications from one thousand institutions and organizations that want to participate in this project. A potential network was created at five thousand sites in such a way that it would be as close as possible, within walking distance from Muscovites. We opened registration, and today more than 35 thousand Muscovites have already signed up for this system, and hundreds of the first circles have begun to form. This was done literally in a matter of weeks,” said Moscow Mayor Sergei Sobyanin, speaking at the forum.

According to the mayor, now everything is moving towards paying as much attention as possible to older people - after all, their number is growing, and the average life expectancy is increasing every year. Moreover, modern pensioners are people new era. If a woman born in 1963, who knows how to operate a computer, loves sports, travel and has many hobbies, is now retiring, it is unlikely that at the age of 55 she will want to bury herself on a bench at the entrance - just like her own grandmother once did.

We see pensioners becoming more active. Everything comes to social service centers more people who want to spend time together and study in clubs. However, the centers cannot accommodate large quantity people, which is why the idea of ​​a large Moscow project was born, which will give new opportunities for pensioners to participate in different programs, Sobyanin added.

It is planned to organize circles for the elderly free of charge, on the basis of city sites. However, the city hall is currently actively talking about the participation of non-profit and commercial organizations in this project - the city itself cannot cope with the load, and attracting business to the work seems to be a good idea.

As the head of the capital's Department of Labor and Social Protection of the Population Vladimir Petrosyan said, the start of the pilot project aroused significant interest - this is evidenced by both the number of applications submitted and the number of responses from potential organizers.

55 representatives of the business community and 40 NGOs have already shown up. Based on the results of the qualification selection, all sites are certified by professional specialists. Those interested can come to their social service center and find out about the programs, then classes will begin as groups are recruited. The project includes three areas: physical training, creativity and education. We have 500 thousand people already ready to attend classes. Most often, pensioners are interested in singing, dancing, drawing and Nordic walking. The project will develop based on requests from Muscovites. The final content and list of areas of study available to program participants will be formed in accordance with the needs of our Muscovites,” Petrosyan said.

According to preliminary data, the greatest demand will be for Nordic walking, fitness, gymnastics, dancing, as well as educational programs- computer literacy, English language.

For most “young retirees” - those who are now 50-60 years old - a computer is not new; they have been working on it for the last fifteen years. Well, the elderly - those over 70 years old - will be happy to learn new things: from Klondike solitaire to maintaining a personal blog on the Internet.

Every university has different volunteer programs that invite students to get involved in something. Our program was training pensioners mainly in computer literacy. The program was successful for a couple of years, 300–400 people were trained annually until a competition of student initiatives appeared and separate project“Silver University,” explained the rector of the Moscow City pedagogical university Igor Remorenko.

Sergei Sobyanin assured that Moscow has every opportunity to make the lives of older people better.

Classes in circles of various types at the place of residence can be considered only as the first stage, and in the future it is proposed to think about creating a unified end-to-end citywide system of competitions, festivals, competitions, reporting concerts for participants in a pilot project dedicated to active longevity, said Alexander Oleshko, member public council of the pilot project on active aging.

Any person of retirement age who has permanent registration in Moscow can take part in the project. The classes will not require any prior preparation.

You can apply for participation in the project at any territorial social service center. Don't forget to take your passport, SNILS and Muscovite social card with you. Depending on the directions chosen by residents in each district, groups will be formed for popular types of activities.

Answers to questions about the program can be obtained by calling " hotline» +7‑495‑221‑02‑82.