Learning German from scratch Amir. The best German language textbooks - a review of modern textbooks

How to learn German on your own: step-by-step instructions

Do you want to learn a language without spending money?

Does the thought of attending classes and doing homework make you sleepy?

You can't decide where to start and what resources to use?

Our answer - learn German on your own! And how exactly - you will find out by reading this article. .

Regardless of the purpose for which you are learning a language - whether you are attracted to German culture or the language itself, whether you are going to go to Germany to study, work or travel, you have unique opportunity Take responsibility for your own success in learning German. By learning a language on your own, you set the “rules of the game” yourself: what to learn, in what sequence, how many hours a day, how many times a week.

You may already have a question: is it possible to learn a language on your own without spending a lot of money?

Our answer: yes, you can!

Become your own personal tutor and teach yourself to speak German! You can find many free sources on the Internet:

  • German films, TV series, radio, books and newspapers
  • web pages dedicated to learning German
  • audio courses
  • free apps

The internet is full of these treasures just waiting to be found! As you've probably already noticed, you can create an immersion atmosphere in the German language right at home without spending a penny.

If your first foreign language- English, then it will be a little easier for you to start learning German on your own. As you know, English and German belong to the same language language group- German. However, in addition to similarities, these languages ​​have many differences. For example, German grammar differs significantly from English, but has common features from Russian.

Can't wait to get started? Here are 8 steps to start your exciting journey into the German language.

1. Master the alphabet

You should start mastering the German language from the very beginning, namely by learning the alphabet. If you are already familiar with English alphabet, then we can safely say that half the work is already done. Still, spend enough time practicing your pronunciation. Special attention require a letter combination of vowels and consonants, as well as letters with an umlaut, since depending on whether there are two dots over a, u or o, the grammatical form, and often the meaning of the word, changes.

For example, Apfel is an apple, and Äpfel is apples, schon is narrower, and schön is beautiful.

2. Learn simple words

Already at the very beginning, learn a few simple words and expressions in German, for example, master greetings, pronouns, as well as such basic words as “yes”, “no”, “thank you”, “please”, “sorry”, etc.

3. Enrich your vocabulary

Learn new nouns, verbs and adjectives every day. It is important to get used to learning German nouns together with articles from the very beginning. Set yourself small and easily achievable tasks, for example, learn,. Change the language on your social media pages and on your phone to German, and I guarantee that you will instantly remember words like “Freunde”, “Nachrichten” or “Einstellungen”.

4. Master the word order of a German sentence

The next important step is this. Most likely, your interlocutor will be able to understand what you want to say, even if the word order is incorrect. However, you should not be guided by the principle of “just to say” and hope that you will be understood. Try to be strict with yourself and not give yourself any concessions so that your interlocutor does not fall into a linguistic stupor.

5. Learn short German sentences

Having mastered the word order, you can safely move on to memorizing small phrases in German, which are often used in everyday speech. For example, “What is your name?”, “How are you?”, “What time is it?” etc.

6. Watch films in German

One of the most pleasant and effective ways learning a language means watching movies and TV series. Watch films with Russian dubbing and German subtitles, and after a while you will notice the results. You can also watch your favorite, well-watched and memorized films or TV series with German dubbing, which will certainly give you a lot of impressions and increase your vocabulary. While watching movies, feel free to “parrot” and repeat after the characters individual words or whole sentences, which will have a beneficial effect on your pronunciation.

7. Read the news in German

Try it, what if you like it? You can always look up unfamiliar words in the dictionary!

8. Connect with Germans and people learning German and interested in German culture

Even if you're determined to learn German on your own, you can still use a little help! Register on forums and portals dedicated to learning the German language, join

How to learn German at home: first be patient...

How to learn German from scratch

You can sincerely fall in love with a German (German) or go to a country of native speakers on an exchange. This is a universal and win-win option. The total sound of foreign speech from others, in shops, transport, and the media will leave no other choice.

Methods tested by those who like to learn other languages ​​will also help.

1. Sign up for courses, but individual ones. The teacher should devote the entire lesson time to one student, so the result will be more noticeable.

2. Try courses distance learning With independent work, audio materials and teacher testing.

3. Study at home for a couple of hours every day. Sometimes children or favorite performers help. Children's songs, hard rock classics in German or language cartoons for teaching children are easily understood by adults.

But if these methods are not available for financial reasons or due to the lack of opportunity to find a teacher, and the desire to speak the language of Schiller and Goethe does not weaken, they will come in handy available methods, if only there was internet.

Online communication with native speakers through social networks and dating sites will also be useful (just be careful!). The World Wide Web expands the boundaries of possibilities for obtaining information, including language.

· Lessons with tutors via Skype remain relevant ( online training is gaining momentum).

· Watching German TV programs or Russian ones broadcast with translation for Europe is also useful.

Seeing familiar faces and understanding situations means you can quickly immerse yourself in learning a new language (programs should be chosen for a wide audience, maybe of an entertaining nature).

· Yellow press is also welcome. An abundance of pictures, photos and a small amount of text material will easily tell about the events (a dictionary will also come to the rescue).

But it’s more fun and interesting to learn German with a friend, comrade, when there is someone to support the conversation. Only the partner must speak the language a little better, otherwise the speed of the learning process risks suffering.

German seems so difficult! Grammar, articles, pronunciation... And yet, you decided to do it and start teaching him. Today we will tell you where to start learning a language and give you some tips useful tips for a quick and efficient start.

First of all, decide on the goal - why do you need german language? Want to add a line to your resume and impress an employer?

Are you planning to go on holiday to Germany and are trying to acquire a minimum vocabulary sufficient to make purchases in shopping centers, order dinner at a restaurant, etc.? In this case, an elementary level of knowledge will be quite enough and striving to comprehend all the subtleties of grammar and pronunciation is not your primary goal.

It’s another matter if you need German for work to communicate with clients or partners from Germany. Solid knowledge with an emphasis on business vocabulary, business letter writing and negotiation skills in German will come in handy here. Do you want to receive higher education in Germany? You can’t do without an advanced level: you will have to listen and understand lectures in German, make presentations and write scientific works, communicate with classmates and professors.

Depending on your final goal, your lesson plan will be built.

The next important point along with the goal is your motivation.

Interest is the engine of progress. It doesn’t matter what your interest in the German language will be based on - be it economic interest ( new position or a new place of work) or a purely personal interest (a cute deskmate / a pretty neighbor). Perhaps all your life you have dreamed of reading Goethe and Schiller in the original? Do you want to understand what the cute German boy from the new video is singing about in that song? Chat? The main thing is your interest and desire! You must have a desire to study the language, learn new things, strive to comprehend new level and move on. This requires a third condition - regularity of classes.

Spend at least 1 hour every day learning the language.

New words that we remember first enter our working memory and replenish our vocabulary. If you have read/heard a new word, but have not formed a stable connection with context or emotions in your memory, very soon this word will be regarded as redundant or unnecessary information and will be relegated to “storage shelves.” After just two weeks of not using the word, it moves from the active stock to the passive one. Therefore, you need to study the language regularly and constantly.

The next rule is to study a little every day. You shouldn’t immediately try to remember “” or understand all the tenses and case forms. More effective technique will try to master new material gradually, but - as mentioned above - regularly. Make yourself a simple rule: learn. In a month you will already know 300 words, in a year 3600, and in three years your vocabulary will already be about 11,000 words, which is close to the vocabulary of a native speaker, sufficient for communication in everyday life.

Try to talk and write as much as possible!

Active speech activity promotes effective language learning. It is no coincidence that the most effective technique in the world today is considered communication technique. Communication, or communication, is what, according to teachers and methodologists, should be the basis of any foreign language lesson. Think about the question: do you speak German? (in English, in Russian?). We ask whether a person speaks this language, not whether he can translate or read.

Study both independently and with a teacher.

There are many cases where individuals studied a foreign language on their own, using textbooks or tutorials, and achieved some success in this. But do not underestimate the role of the teacher - this is your ideal interlocutor in a foreign language lesson, a partner for composing dialogues and a person who will help correct mistakes and answer questions. What's better - to study individually with or go to ? Everyone should answer this question for themselves, because... someone is more inclined to work in the group, someone, on the contrary, feels less confident in the group and will be ashamed of their mistakes. And for some, additional motivation in learning a language can be the opportunity to communicate with group mates, discuss news, exchange opinions, etc. It is worth paying attention to the size of the group - 8-10 people are considered ideal, maximum 12, otherwise the lesson will be ineffective.

Moreover, the answer to this question will also depend on financial opportunities each - individual lessons with a tutor can be more expensive than classes in a group. Learning a language at a prestigious language center is also unlikely to be cheaper than courses offered at universities for students. Fortunately, nowadays there are many resources on the Internet that provide access to language courses and training programs, online dictionaries and language tandem sites where you can register and exchange knowledge. A huge number of videos and podcasts on YouTube make it possible not only to train listening comprehension, but also to get acquainted with the nuances of pronunciation, expand your cultural fund and learn a lot about another country whose language you are studying.

Many who want to learn a language go to university to become translators or teachers, but this is not best option if you want to learn to speak the language. It happens that the first course foreign language studies- all linguistic theory and no practice, you discuss in Russian why some prefixes in German are separable and others are not - well, how will this actually help you at Oktoberfest? Another thing - language courses in the country of the language being studied: here you are immediately immersed in the language environment, situations of real communication and have the opportunity to “play out” and put into practice everything that was studied in class at school before - here is the topic of “food” and “dating”, “at the station”, “at the bank”, “shopping”, “travel”, etc. It is best to take such a course when you have already achieved a certain level of knowledge and want to move to a new, qualitatively different level.

People who want to learn German are interested in choosing the optimal learning method. This applies to both educational literature and teaching methods. Textbooks authored by Denis Listvin are widely in demand among students. Today, more than 20,000 people are successfully learning German using them, regardless of their location.

At the same time, a foreign language is a subject in the study of which practice plays a big role. You can partially practice practical skills from books. But to achieve best result it is necessary to hear the correct sound of speech, and also to be able to receive feedback from a competent specialist.

That's why today we offer express German language training online. And this means that everyone has the opportunity to take lessons that meet the most high standards education.

On at the moment we have prepared an intensive interactive course separately for level A 1.1 and level A 1.2. Lessons for levels A 2.1, A 2.2 and B 1 will also be available soon.

DeutschEffekt Online - an innovative way to learn German!

Practical German in a short time: learning online

What are our online German courses and who are they aimed at?

The classes we offer are ideal for beginners, that is, those who are learning German from scratch. Educational material set out in correct sequence, with a smooth transition from the simplest to the more difficult things. Moving from lesson to lesson, and then from course to course, the student will accumulate lexical and grammatical material.

For maximum convenience of students, all course proposals are voiced and provided with a translation into Russian. Answers are provided for the exercises, allowing you to independently check the correctness of the tasks.

Our online school has the following undeniable advantages:

  • Classes are held remotely
  • The student chooses the pace, time and duration of training;
  • For classes in electronic form, we have selected the most useful exercises from the well-known textbooks of Denis Listvin;
  • The student has the opportunity to receive feedback from an experienced teacher by leaving his questions or comments on the lesson.
  • Our lessons are a short practical course containing only necessary knowledge. We have included everything you need and nothing extra.

Learning German online is fast, convenient and effective way obtain language skills at the appropriate level.

Where to start? These lessons will help you increase your German vocabulary. All German lessons are divided into levels and modules. When you just set out on the path to learning German, immediately press the button "start lesson". If you feel that you already have the so-called “school vocabulary”, click the button "start test"- this way you will find out what level of German your knowledge approximately corresponds to. Over time, take the test again and check your progress!

How to learn German on this site?

The lessons are designed in such a way as to increase vocabulary. At the same time, you can not only find out how the word is spelled, its translation and transcription. You will be able to hear how it is pronounced. Pronunciation is what distinguishes native speakers from learners from the first seconds of communication. We can learn German from books for as long as we like, know the grammar and many rules. But there will be difficulties with pronunciation. Books cannot convey how to pronounce this or that word in German. Even a word read by a tutor may be pronounced differently by native speakers. Now, in the 21st century, anyone can learn German words with pronunciation completely free of charge! Get started now!

For your convenience, the lessons are divided into 4 levels:

  • German: Beginner
  • German: Pre-Intermediate
  • German: Intermediate
  • German: Upper-Intermediate

German language tutorial - instructions

  1. Do you still not know what level of German you have? Spend 10 minutes on the test. The result will tell you which lesson to start studying with.
  2. Go to the lesson that the test suggested or select any other lesson from the drop-down menu at the top of the page.
  3. You will see a table of words in German, their translation and transcription. On the left there will be buttons, by clicking on which you will hear the pronunciation of the word in German. Naturally, you will need headphones or speakers.
  4. Start with several lessons a day. This will prevent you from overtiring your brain with new words. If you notice that the words are already familiar, feel free to skip the lesson and move on to the next German lesson.
  5. Are you wondering how your vocabulary has changed? Take the test again to see how the German tutorial has improved your vocabulary.

How will this site help me?

The main goal of the site is to increase your vocabulary with words correct pronunciation. The emphasis is on pronunciation- something that is always missing when you don’t communicate with native speakers. Another feature of the site is that registration is not required. We do not collect your personal data and do not send mailings via email or instant messengers. Here you can learn German completely free of charge. You can safely recommend it to your friends! We recommend bookmarking the site in case you accidentally lose the link. We decided to call the tutorial that way, because this method of learning German is suitable for lazy people, or those who cannot bring themselves to sit for an hour on lessons. One lesson here will take you no more than 15 minutes. This way you will increase your vocabulary in just 15 minutes a day. Enough reading already, it's time to start the first lesson!