DIY polyurethane foam figures: foam crafts. DIY garden figures made from polyurethane foam Crafts for the garden made from construction foam

Of course, everyone who often spends time in the garden wants to decorate and diversify the space around them. The easiest way is to purchase professionally made animal figures in a store. However, you have to pay for them, and it’s hard to resist the desire to create something unusual with your own hands. Very interesting option– make a craft yourself from polyurethane foam for the garden.

Crafts made from polyurethane foam: what is good and what is bad?

Foam is a special material. You can make figures of any size from it. The work does not require significant physical activity and subject to female hands. When working with material, it is easy to remove unnecessary parts or add missing details, and correct errors. A well-made craft looks professional and does not bear the marks of recycling, such as crafts made from tires or plastic bottles. The foam craft is not afraid of rain and snow, but it will have to be protected from exposure to solar ultraviolet radiation.

It is convenient to make a variety of figures from foam

There is another side to the coin. First of all, you should understand what foam is made of volumetric figures, which are not easy to copy without having a sense of proportion. It’s even more difficult to create something new with only a flat picture in front of you.

If you have not yet appreciated your abilities as a sculptor and do not have experience working with construction foam, it is better to start with a simpler craft and create a bun, a mushroom or a ladybug.

The material hardens in air long time, so be patient while waiting for the next layer to be ready. It will take a week to build a large craft. Foam gets very dirty, and it is better to carry out work with gloves, special place and outdoors.

The most interesting and characteristic foam figures

Of course, first of all, you need to “get acquainted with the assortment.” By carefully studying samples of existing creations, we can conditionally divide all crafts into two groups. Some have a smooth surface, others have an almost untreated surface.

The surface of these figures is carefully processed

Using alignment dried foam, you can make a figure of any animal and many other crafts. In this option, your work is well protected from ultraviolet rays sun. At the same time, a lot of time and materials are required.

The fox and the wolf have a “natural fur coat” made of foam

Particularly interesting is the imitation of animal fur using raw foam. This type of texture is difficult to produce from any other material. When done carefully, the animals literally come to life. In this option, you do not need to spend a lot of time leveling the surface.

Uneven surface foam suits these characters well

Making non-living objects from polyurethane foam is less popular, with the exception of imitation mushrooms. However, as follows from the photo below, using construction foam you can make a flowerpot, garden lantern and flower pots different types.

All items are made of polyurethane foam

Using this scheme you can build any craft

Almost any craft from polyurethane foam for the yard and garden can be built using general rules. Below is a set of basic tools. Note that you can use regular cans with a straw or pistol foam. Working with a pistol is much more convenient. When making a complex figure or large quantity products, it is better to buy a pistol.

The material comes in different qualities, and the cans provide different volumes of foam, which is directly related to the price of the can. The materials you will also need are paint, varnish and putty for external use. A variety of auxiliary materials are suitable for making the frame: plastic bottles, wire, pieces of wood, etc.

When making almost any foam figure, you will need a frame. The more the shape of the frame matches the type of future craft, the better the final result will be. It is convenient to use tape to mount the frame. Individual frame parts can be added to the structure sequentially as the next layer is applied. In addition to the above material, you can use a roll of paper, fabric or foam rubber wrapped in tape for the frame.

The foam craft weighs very little. To prevent the wind from knocking it over, you can pour sand into plastic bottles. To attach the figurine to the ground, you can also provide thick wires that will protrude from the legs of the animals.

Frames from different materials correspond in shape to future crafts

Before starting work, be sure to read the instructions for using the foam on the can. It is highly recommended to purchase a polyurethane foam cleaner to quickly solve “dirty” problems. Work should be carried out at positive temperatures in the open air or in a well-ventilated area. Use gloves. When working, it is convenient to use a bedding made of polyethylene film, to which the foam does not stick.

In the can, the foam is in the form of a liquid. When exposed to air, the material hardens. The container should be shaken before use. During operation, keep the can with the cap down. If this is not done, all the gas will escape and some of the material will not be usable. The foam gains sufficient strength within one hour. The material hardens completely in approximately 10 hours.

Polyurethane foam: regular and pistol

You should not try to apply a large amount of material at once, as the foam will fall off. It is better to apply a layer of foam on horizontal surfaces, let it harden for half an hour, and then rotate the workpiece so that when applying the next layer the foam lies horizontally again.

If possible, apply foam evenly to the frame, taking into account the shape of the future craft. To receive good result useful to read the contents of the article

After the material has hardened, you can add foam to those places where it is missing in accordance with the outlines of the craft. Excessively protruding parts should be cut off sharp knife, which will not tear the material. Smooth surfaces can be achieved with sandpaper wrapped around a block.

A layer of putty for external use will improve the protection of the craft from solar radiation and will provide additional alignment. Now you can paint the craft.

Please note that paint can spoil the surface of insufficiently hardened foam!

It is recommended to use paints for external use and paint in two layers. Convenient to work with acrylic paints. For additional protection the figure is coated with varnish, preferably “yacht” varnish. Please note that varnish will give white paint a yellowish tint. The finished craft can be additionally decorated with various decorative elements: buttons, glass, cord and other products of rich imagination. Pay attention to the fungus, which is made of polyurethane foam,

Don't limit your imagination when decorating

Master class: making curly lamb together

The foam lamb seemed to me the most suitable for the first experience of working with the material:

  • the figurine is relatively uncomplicated, but not small in size;
  • the curls of the lamb look very much like frozen foam;
  • I can decorate what I made with my own hands with a new element and make lamb hooves from small brown plastic bottles.

The sequence of actions of the master class coincides with the sequence of the photo:

Concluding the description, I would like to add that the process of making a garden figure for the dacha with my own hands turned out to be very exciting. I wish you the same result! Perhaps a video will help your work.

Crafts from polyurethane foam can be made with your own hands in just a few hours.

If you have a disposable bottle that hasn't run out yet, why not put it to good use? landscape design.

In this case, it is still better to resort to professional foam rather than household foam, since a small gun with a diameter of 2 mm is added to it.

Unusually simple and beautiful figures made from polyurethane foam will become the property of your site. They will not leave either neighbors or people simply passing by indifferent.

Materials for fakes made from polyurethane foam

You will need:

  • gloves;
  • sprayer with pre-prepared water;
  • polyethylene;
  • aviation kerosene.

Kerosene is needed so that upon completion of work with polyurethane foam, hands can be easily washed from the building material.

It will also be useful to create a base for crafts made from polyurethane foam with your own hands.

You can take a regular plastic bottle, old saucepan or something else that you don’t mind.

With foam coating auxiliary material the creation of the craft will begin...

They need to be painted carefully, and before this procedure
dry thoroughly in the shade. It takes at least a week to dry, but if the layer of foam is large, it is better to wait longer.

The paint is applied to the foam craft with your own hands every spring. If this is not done, the foam may crack and the craft will be damaged.

Ideas for crafts made from polyurethane foam

If you have a small pond on your site, you can make a large green toad. This is especially true where there are many plants, especially large-leafed ones. In some cases it is easier to make a lizard or a crocodile - whoever succeeds.

In order not to make a mistake with the sizes and “get your hands on”, you can practice on plasticine. No matter how strange it may sound, it was after trying this simple material, you can make gorgeous crafts from polyurethane foam.

The same goes for dough - if you like to bake delicious buns, sculpt animals - this will help you figure out what you can do better.

Great solution- make turtles from polyurethane foam. And it is not at all necessary to have a pond on the site. In addition, almost everyone has white paint, and it is now cheaper than colored ones.

Turtles are easier to paint; their shells can be alternated with natural ones. If during the creation of a craft, bumps appear that should not be there, they can be cut off with a sharp knife.

The situation is similar with rounded parts - if they need to be sharpened, the excess is simply cut off.

Not only crafts made from polyurethane foam street views decorate, they can be made for home. Funny frogs will make people passing by smile!

Yes, as original New Year's decor You can make a snowman out of foam, but you need to start creating it in advance so that the material has time to dry thoroughly.

If you paint the foam ahead of schedule, it will quickly crack.

Polyurethane foam is a practical and convenient thing. It is very easy to use and process. Besides, foam doesn't cost that much money. And most importantly, it is often found in everyday life in the form of surplus or leftovers. And if after construction is completed, crafts for the garden will become accessible and simple. The main thing is to have imagination and some ability to work with a knife.

To make crafts from polyurethane foam with your own hands, we will need:

  • Foam. Depending on the size of the figure, up to ten cylinders may be needed.
  • Warp. An object on which the foam will be built up (suitable in shape).
  • Knife. It is best to take a sharp and thin one; it would be preferable to use a scalpel.
  • Paint, varnish.


First, you need to clearly imagine the size and shape of the figure, which will represent future crafts made from polyurethane foam with your own hands. You only need to start from own desires, other factors have little effect on the result. After this, the base is selected. You can use any fairly hard objects - bottles, pipes, cardboard, wood, and so on. If the figure will stand on the street, it is better to make the frame relatively heavy so that the creation is not blown away by the wind and falls. It is also worth preparing workplace, where you will create crafts from polyurethane foam with your own hands - lay it out or in a workshop, stock up on solvent (to wash your hands after finishing work) and gloves.

Foam coating

We begin to cover the assembled and prepared frame with foam. This should be done layer by layer, giving each layer ten to fifteen minutes to dry. Attention! Before being coated with paint, the foam is very susceptible to direct sun rays, which can negatively affect its properties, so it is better to use it indoors with closed windows. After application, you can adjust. Some frame parts are attached to it separately after applying several layers of foam. It is also possible to create entire individual parts, coat them and attach them to the main figure using the same material as glue. It is only because of drying that crafts made from polyurethane foam take quite a long time to make with your own hands.


After creating the completed form, you can begin design. The main option is to cover it with several layers of paint. First two, then, after several hours of drying, when the yellowness of the foam appears, one more. For durability and color preservation, it can be coated with clear varnish. The best fit is it doesn't turn yellow. Another technique is to paste over toilet paper and color it. It's easier and doesn't require a lot of paint.


Crafts made from polyurethane foam, photos of which are easy to find on the Internet or in relevant magazines, are easy to make and beautiful. Any fantasy can come to life, turning into incredible and bizarre forms. Among other things, they are also incredibly functional - craftsmen use foam to create anything from lanterns to fountains. Foam can easily reveal anyone's abilities. The main thing in this matter is to clearly understand what should happen in the end and get closer to the result with every step.

For most owners, the dacha seems to be a place for relaxation. However, in order to properly design the site, it is necessary to spend quite large sums. In this regard, some summer residents are looking for opportunities to save money, which is why they are trying to create crafts from polyurethane foam that look no less aesthetically pleasing than figurines made of plastic, metal and wood. And today this option continues to compete with another equally common method - creating crafts from plastic bottles.

Every person who does not have special skills and knowledge, is able to make his own personal plot more attractive. The main thing is to have abstract thinking, be patient and prepare minimal set of tools. All this will be enough for cheerful gnomes, frogs, sheep and Christmas trees to appear in the garden area, the creation of which will require quite available materials.

Manufacturing technology

The first issue that must be resolved by the summer resident is the preparation of materials and tools, without which it will be impossible to make crafts from polyurethane foam. Moreover, you should not neglect any element of the list, since this will subsequently affect the quality of the work and the time it will require.

To make a product frame, you can use plastic bottles, which are pre-filled with sand, boards, metal objects and thick wire. In some cases, you can use ordinary brick to create the basis for a future mushroom on your site.

  • polyurethane foam;
  • spray foam gun;
  • gun cleaner.

A good idea is to use a sculpture for growing flowers in it. But to do this, in its center you will have to install a certain container, like a bucket, tin can or the aforementioned plastic bottle.

  • varnish, paint and brushes for them;
  • stationery or other knife;
  • several pairs of gloves. You should definitely have them, as this will help protect your hands from polyurethane foam, which quickly and firmly sticks to your hands.

If we take a closer look at the process of making garden figures from polyurethane foam, we can distinguish two stages that are carried out in a certain sequence.

  • work begins by covering the base with a layer of foam, after which they wait for a pause, which is necessary for the material to harden;
  • Then we apply the next layer of foam and so on until we achieve the required shape of the product.

When the desired result is achieved, take the usual stationery knife and with its help we cut off the excess protrusions. In the process of such work, we give the sculpture the desired contour, after which we can proceed to painting it. To complete all the work, you will have to spend from 1 hour to several days. The specific period is determined by the size of the product and the thickness of the applied layer.

It is recommended to make garden figures from polyurethane foam in a separate dry room, which must be clean and have limited access for children. Otherwise, you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to remove the foam from the surfaces, and for this you will need gasoline or acetone.

Manufacturing examples with instructions

Next, we will look at examples of various figures for the garden made of polyurethane foam, which can be made even without having experience in this matter. But in order to achieve the required result, it is necessary to perform all operations in the exact sequence. A couple of hours will pass and you will feel like a real creator, in whose hands ordinary polyurethane foam turns into real masterpieces of art.

Christmas tree

The master class on making a Christmas tree from polyurethane foam is quite simple and understandable. Required in advance prepare the branches, which need to be attached to iron pipe. You can use tape or wire as a retainer.

Then, using a spray bottle, the workpiece is moistened, which will improve the adhesive properties of the foam when it is applied to the base.

After this, we begin to process the structure with polyurethane foam; in this matter, you can completely rely on your imagination.

Having such accessible things as scraps of sticks, twigs, polyurethane foam and fishing line on hand, it will not be difficult for you to do it yourself christmas tree. And to give a natural look, the tree can be painted acrylic paint green.


If you are afraid to take on complex garden figures made of polyurethane foam, then you can choose the simplest product, which is a ball. Those who do not have experience in making figures from polyurethane foam with their own hands to decorate the garden are recommended to take the first steps by creating this particular figure. And, once you get the hang of it, you can try to create more complex decorations and sculptures.

The master class itself includes the following steps:

  • first we need a paint can into which we need to pour sand;
  • Next, we take polyurethane foam and cover our workpiece in layers;
  • when the product acquires the required dimensions, and initial form will change to spherical, take a knife and cut off the excess parts;
  • we treat our ball with varnish;
  • We complete the work of making the ball by painting, for which you can use the colorful material that you like best.

Ram and ewe

We begin the master class on making this garden figure from polyurethane foam with our own hands by creating a frame. To do this we need several plastic bottles that need to be connected to each other using tape. As a result, the craft should resemble something like the “skeleton” of an animal. To give our figure more stability lower limbs can be filled with sand.

After this, you can begin to process the craft using foam. To avoid wastage of material, it is recommended to wrap the frame with isolon or other polymer material. After covering the figure with the first layer of foam, it should already be clear to you what you should get upon completion of this work.

To create the ears we use pieces of leather. You can also use plastic bottles to make them, which will first have to be heated and bent

To make a muzzle, you will have to use a knife, using it to form the necessary features.

To make our animals look beautiful, they need to be varnish.


To make the frame you will need thick wire, which must be wrapped around several plastic bottles.

To make a leg frame, it is recommended to use metal pipes. They are attached to the pedestal by welding, after which they are fixed to the ground, or they can simply be bolted. Make sure that the base of the figure is firmly secured, otherwise the wind or rain will cause it to fall to the ground.

Then the craft needs cover with 1-2 layers of polyurethane foam.

To make the horns and tail, take wooden shelves or we use plastic cuts and attach them to the base.

Having finished applying the last layer, it is necessary to remove excess parts, after which we wrap the product with sickle or fishing line.

We finish the job by painting, but first we need to apply a layer of primer. When choosing a color, you can completely rely on your own preferences, because this is your creation and you can show all your imagination here.

We use buttons to make eyes.

Now our goat is ready and can be installed where you see fit - next to a pond, in a clearing, surrounded by other design elements.

Keep in mind that the process of making this craft it will take you 1-2 weeks, since you will have to wait a pause so that each layer of foam can harden. Thus, using abandoned pipes, plastic bottles, pieces of wire and other garbage and a couple of balloons of polyurethane foam, you can easily create beautiful decorative elements for your summer cottage.

New Year's crafts

If you only have wire and a can of polyurethane foam at your disposal, then only with their help you can make wonderful New Year’s decorations for the garden. These materials will be enough to make a variety of ornaments, Christmas decorations, as well as crafts of varying degrees of complexity.

A good idea is to create a snowflake. For this you need to take a wire of a certain thickness so that you can bend it easily. It will serve as material for creating the frame of a future snowflake. We begin to cover it with 1-2 layers of foam. Needed immediately adjust the form, giving it an even and smooth surface, and this must be done before the foam hardens. If any part of the figure turns out incorrectly, then you can add a small amount of price at any time and remove excess parts using a stationery knife.

You will have even fewer difficulties when making a Christmas ball. The master class on implementing this idea will boil down to the following. To do this, you need to take a tennis ball and apply a layer of foam. When the material hardens, we paint the craft, adding bright and positive colors to create a New Year's mood.

You can also offer a simpler option for making a Christmas tree. It will require cardboard or isolon, which is wound on a rigid base, giving it the shape of a cone. You can easily apply a couple of layers of polyurethane foam. Next, it remains to give the craft flat surface, color and find a suitable place for the Christmas tree.


In order to make your backyard more attractive, you don’t have to go to the store and buy special decorative ornaments. It is within the power of any site owner to make their own beautiful crafts for the garden. Moreover, for this you can use the most affordable materials, one of which can be polyurethane foam.

It's quite easy to work with, so even an owner who has never had to do such a thing can easily cope with this task. Just study the master class on creating figures for the garden, and you will succeed.

Polyurethane foam, universal sealant - one of those building materials, which, as they say, “everyone has been waiting for a long time,” and who once came into our lives seriously and for a long time. IN Western Europe it began to be widely used in the eighties, in our country - in the second half of the nineties. This application has become so commonplace that it is difficult to imagine how construction used to be done without such a convenient sealant.

And our craftsmen demonstrate non-standard use of polyurethane foam. As a material for creating magnificent sculptures to decorate areas. As raw material for manufacturing original crafts. Take a look, maybe this experience will be useful to you too!

An aerosol that can be an excellent material for a sculptor.

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