Determine fate by hand. Additional Information for Beginners

You can learn about a person’s attitude to love and his main priorities in life through the line of the heart. It originates under the little finger and runs horizontally across the entire palm.

  • The heart line is deep and clear, curves smoothly and ends between the index and middle fingers. This suggests that intimate life means a lot to a person. It also indicates amorousness, early puberty, a desire to please opposite sex. As a rule, people with such a heart line on the palm are happy in marriage.
  • A straight heart line indicates an idealist. A person with such a line on his hand puts family, romance and mutual understanding first. Usually, when choosing a partner, they are guided very high requirements. They are always looking for an ideal and suffer from it. Very often such people become hostages of their unrequited love. Intimate life does not play a major role for them.
  • The heart line ending with a fork (trident) speaks of an adequate and objective attitude towards oneself and the opposite sex. Holders of such a heart line are described in palmistry as self-sufficient people. However, family and relationships do not come first for them. They are in no hurry to get married and have children. First self-realization, then everything else.

When is the wedding

You can find out when a person will get married by marriage lines, otherwise they are called relationship lines. They are located on the rib part of the palm at the base of the little finger. Their number indicates the number of serious love relationship in a person's life.

You can judge by the location of the marriage lines relative to the heart line. At what age does a person get married or into a serious relationship?

  • If the marriage line is located very close to the heart line, then this indicates a strong love relationship that will occur before the age of 25.
  • If the marriage line is located midway between the base of the little finger and the heart line, then this indicates a love affair between the ages of 25 and 40.
  • The marriage line located at the base of the little finger indicates late love and marriage after 40 years.

Will there be happiness in marriage?

About how things will turn out or have turned out family life, can be recognized by the clarity and shape of the marriage lines.

People don't knowing the subtleties palmistry, it is often believed that there is no large number lines on the palm are a harbinger of a boring and uninteresting life, and a hand dotted with them promises a lot of adventures, all kinds of obstacles and life's ups and downs.

What awaits you in the near future:

Find out what awaits you in the near future.

How to guess by hand

Palmistry is a fairly serious science, although to many it may seem nonsense. In reality, the skeptical attitude is due to the abundance of scammers - people simply do not know how to correctly guess by hand, and therefore are often disappointed with the result. But there is nothing complicated about this at all!

Which palm are we looking at?

There is no consensus on this matter. For example, different palmists, when asked which hand they use to tell fortunes for women, give opposite answers.

  • The left palm is what you have in life, the right palm is what was destined at birth (for men it’s exactly the opposite).
  • Left hand - " notebook» destinies, where future forecasts were written. If the right line is the same - the future is predetermined, something has changed in the patterns - the perspectives have changed.
  • How to tell fortunes by palm for “right-handed” and “left-handed” people? There is an opinion that working hand- this is the past, and the one who works less is the probable future.

It turns out that best option- compare the lines on two palms and draw conclusions based on events that have already happened.

Lines, knots, crosses - analyze thoughtfully

How to tell fortunes by hand? To do this, it is necessary to find and explore two important lines - life and fate. The first is responsible for health and longevity, the second is for the influence of some external factors on a person (from pressure from relatives to cataclysms of gigantic proportions).

The heart line is worth looking for first of all for those who want to learn how to tell fortunes by hand for love. Does a straight path stretch across the entire palm, from the index finger to the little finger? Relationships with your significant other will be pleasing (the main thing is that no cross or “island” appears on the line - this will lead to disappointment and depression). A straight groove will indicate a certain rationality of the fortune-telling object, and a wavy groove will indicate his penchant for endless novels and flirting.

Romantic interests are good, but family life also includes something more serious. How to tell by hand - how many children there will be? Such an important question will be answered by a palm clenched into a fist. At the same time, folds and rays will run from the little finger towards the back of the hand. Long ones will symbolize the birth of boys, and short but embossed ones will symbolize the birth of girls.

We believe without fanaticism

What else should you pay attention to, how to learn to tell fortunes by hand and surprise your friends with a sudden session of “clairvoyance”? From the point of view of palmistry, the size and shape of the palm are very important. The smaller the hand (in proportion to height), the more impulsive and active the person. Neat nails - kindness and aristocracy, plump fingers - love of carnal pleasures and originality.

Palmistry is so ancient that people are still looking for its origins. Palmistry is not mysticism, but a real science, which has its own complexities, subtleties and nuances.

The human body is unique, no two palms or fingers are alike, and the curls, lines and loops on the skin of the hands are amazing distinctive features inherent only to one person. On the hands, as in pictures, the whole fate of a person is reflected.

Palmistry conceals a lot of mysteries - not only the secrets of a person’s character, but also the secrets of his future life are encrypted in the relief of the hands. You can tell fortunes by hand online using special programs, you can watch photos and videos for free, but it’s much more interesting to figure it out yourself.

Instead of trying to understand how hands “know” about the fate of their owner, and talking about the unscientific nature of this theory, it is better to try hand fortune telling once - and be surprised at how accurate palmistry can be.

You can really determine the future by looking at your palms, consider marriage and love, find out the gender of your unborn child and determine how many marriages there will be. And also how long life will be.

Main features

There are many branches, grooves and dashes on the hands, they all have meaning. They tell fortunes using both hands - and on the left they recognize the character of a person, his present and past, and on the right - the probable future. The main features of hands used to tell fortunes are as follows:

  • The life line is a curved strip, starting between the index finger and thumb, and descending along a curve to the wrist.
  • The line of the head (mind) horizontally crosses the very center of the hand, and directly tends to the thumb.
  • Heart line - starts from the edge of the palm under the tubercle of the little finger, and stretches horizontally to the index finger.
  • Fates (not found on every hand) - vertically crosses the middle of the hand, from the wrist to the middle finger.
  • There are also lines of children and marriage that will allow you to determine the number of future marriages, the likely presence and number of future children, their gender, and less significant features.

It is worth understanding that palmistry allows one to accurately determine the character of a person and his inclinations, his capabilities and potential by the relief of the palms, but fortune telling by hand is not at all intended for accurate prediction future.

Palmistry will allow you to predict the future, love, the number of probable children and marriages, and view the probability. But this is only potential, not the exact future.


Let's consider the main line, which will tell about the state of the heart, emotionality and inclination towards romance.

1. If this line is interrupted approximately between the middle and index fingers, this person is open, honest, he will have many friends and great love, everyone is drawn to him.

2. If it is short, the person is reserved and is not at all inclined to show emotions in his life.

3. Does it end around average? The person is a little selfish; he cares not so much about other people’s concerns as about his own concerns.

4. Long, crooked - its owner is bright, emotional and easily expresses his emotions.

5. If it is crossed by a curl or a circle, the person is prone to depression.

6. A break on this line has the meaning of emotional trauma that has been or will be.

Palmistry highlights this feature, which has great value. It will indicate how a person will use his reason and logic in life.

1. If it is short, a person in his life will always rely on logic rather than on imagination or intuition.

2. Curve, with bends - indicates great creativity, vivid imagination and talent in the arts.

3. If it is long, its owner thinks clearly, clearly, and always gets the job done.

This stripe on the hand has an important meaning, but there are many myths surrounding it. It does not indicate how many years a person will live, it does not indicate how many children will be born or how many marriages will occur. It’s just that the life line will indicate a love of life, an attitude towards life and towards others.

1. When she is far from thumb, its owner loves life, is resilient in the face of adversity and is not afraid of problems.

2. Close to the thumb – the opposite meaning. Its owner is unstable in the face of everyday storms, he lacks vital energy and positivity.

3. A short, shallow line indicates that its owner is influenced and subject to other people’s opinions.

4. If there are several of them, then its owner has powerful energy and good health.

5. The semicircle speaks of great potential, vitality and ability.

Not everyone has it, and several have mystical meaning. Take a closer look at your palm...

1. Clear, deep? The life of its owner is influenced by fate and higher powers.

2. If it intersects with the life line, a person can count on the constant support of family and loved ones; he will not be alone.

3. If the life bar crosses it exactly in the center, the person is selfless and will do a lot for others.

4. If it begins with the line of life together, then a person is the creator of his own destiny, and his future is in his own hands.

Secondary relief

In addition to the main lines and dashes, palmistry can show a lot of interesting things.

1. The marriage line is located on the edge of the palm, under the little finger. These lines are difficult to see from a photo or video; they are visible only when examining the palm closely.

It is small and short compared to the main ones. How many of these small grooves there are, that’s how many times you have to get married.

Alas, it is impossible to determine from it whether the marriage will be happy, whether love and marriage will last long, and other nuances. But you can determine the presence and gender of a child or children.

Children are tiny vertical lines right on the stripe that signifies marriage. Please note that the relief of the hand cannot show whether there will be children, their exact number and gender - palmistry indicates possibilities.

If there are three of these lines, it means that a woman is capable of having exactly three children in her life, but it is not a fact that this will happen. If there is more than one marriage, we count from below and see which of them has a probability of a child or children.

It is more difficult to determine the gender of a child or children by the length of the lines. If it is short, it is female, long - male. But this is very conditional, besides, it is more difficult to determine the gender if there is only one woman - there is nothing to compare with.

2. The line of talent, or happiness, descends vertically from ring finger, and not everyone has it. She is a harbinger of great happiness, and if you find her, know that life will be interesting and unconventional, full of bright events, happy and long.

3. The so-called rosette is very interesting - a distinct bracelet on the wrist, under the palm, which has an interesting meaning. It is believed that the rosette symbolizes 25 years of life, which means that by the number of such bracelets it is easy to determine your life expectancy.

If the upper stripe is smooth and straight, then the woman will not have problems giving birth to children, and a good marriage awaits her. If the upper bracelet is curved or goes towards the palm with a bump, then there may be difficulties in having children, and this can affect the marriage.

Palmistry is not an easy science. There are many other online fortune telling on the Internet, video lessons, educational online programs, which help predict fate for free. Many people want to quickly and easily, free of charge, online, via video, find out the future without getting up from their computer, but palmistry is not quite the case.

Fortune telling by hand needs to be learned, it requires attention and patience, it cannot be learned in five minutes, and not a single program will be able to predict the future accurately and in detail. Self-study This interesting science is not only free and does not require any costs, it is exciting and useful.

Practice on yourself, look at the hands of other people, use your intuition and imagination - and know that ultimately, the fate of each person is solely in his hands, and everyone creates their own future!
Author: Vasilina Serova

- This ancient science, in which unteachable things about a person are learned through individual drawings on the palm. This science was popular back in the time of Aristotle, and the very first writings on palmistry were published in 1448 in Germany. Palmistry is now taught in astrology universities.

Palmistry is considered one of the branches of astrology; with its help you can predict a person’s qualities, learn about his talents (even hidden ones) and reveal the secret over a person’s future. Thanks to this information, a person begins to feel more confident and knows what lies ahead.

If you are interested in the science of palmistry, we will try to help you understand it. In order to start reading signs, you don’t need a lot of information; the basic basics, so to speak, the foundation, will be enough. But detailed decoding will require a lot of practice and study of signs.

If you want to know about a person's character, then you don't have to look far into palmistry. The character of a person can be recognized by the shape of his hand and fingers; just look at his hand. The main thing is that this hand should be the leading one.

During the initial examination, it is necessary to look at the shape of the hand, how long the fingers are, their structure, take a closer look at the shape of the hand, and the condition of the skin. For example, if the arm is short and the muscles on it are well developed, this indicates that the person in front of you is a practical person. Most likely, he works physically and knows his business.

And if the chicken is long and articular ligaments are visible on the fingers, this indicates that the person is engaged in science and a highly intelligent person is sitting in front of you. You can also find out whether this person belongs to art; such people often have subtle and long arms, and the fingers are shaped like a cone. They gradually taper towards the base of the nail.

You can tell a person's character by the condition of their skin. If he is rude, this indicates that the person is straightforward in his choices. If the hand is cold and thin, then a refined and gentle nature is sitting in front of you.

If you observe people's hands, then one fact can easily be seen: each person has an individual hand shape. You will never meet two similar hand shapes. If a person’s palm is square, then we can say that the person’s character is straightforward and practical. The palm has the shape of a rectangle, then in front of you is an imaginary and impressionable person.

The shape of the fingers is an additional factor in the examination; they can tell a little more about a person. For example, if your fingers are short, most likely you are superficial and energetic person. But if the fingers have a long shape, then this person is pedantic and perseverance prevails in his character. If fingers medium length, then the person does not have distinguishing feature character, they all predominate at the average level.

Main lines

After you have examined a person’s hand, you need to start reading the palm, namely the basic lines in palmistry. There are four main lines in palmistry, these are:

At the same time, the branch of fate is not found in every person.

Before the sessions, you should find out which hand you need, namely, you need to understand which hand is active and which is passive. The scriptures differ on these opinions. Some argue that the active hand is the one that works. For example, if you are left-handed, then your left hand will be active.

But there is also a theory that the active hand is always the right one, since our life is recorded on it and the pattern on it changes throughout life. Since this hand tells about our personality, as our personality is formed, so is the pattern on it.

But left hand It is considered to be passive, since the design on it is not changeable and is given to us from birth; our fate is shown on this hand. And it is very difficult to change, because it is very difficult. Because a person's destiny is very difficult to change.

There is also a theory that the hand should be chosen taking into account who is going to guess. If a girl will read your palm, then you need to give right hand, and if it’s a man, then you need to guess on your left hand. But the easiest thing would be to choose the leading hand and not bother about it.

Heart line

Reading and deciphering palms must be approached with all seriousness and responsibility. If for you this is all a joke and just another amusement, the correct answers about the fate of a person will not be revealed to you.

By deciphering the heart line, you can find out about a person’s emotionality, it will show how romantic a person is, and you can also find out the person’s health status. This branch originates from the edge of the palm at the base of the little finger and goes all the way to index finger.

Using the heart line you can see:

  • If the line stops in the middle of the index and middle finger, this indicates that the person is the life of the party and has an open character. Most likely, he has a large number of acquaintances and no less friends, everyone speaks very well and warmly about him.
  • If the heart branch is short, the owner of such a hand is very reserved and restrained in expressing emotions, and he is also not particularly romantic.
  • If the heart line reaches the middle finger and does not continue further. Then such a person is more concerned about his own problems, rather than the problems of others.
  • If the stripe reaches the index finger, this indicates a character trait of the person. Such people are perfectionists, and they also demand that others strive for excellence.
  • If the branch of the heart has a long and curved shape, such a person can easily express his emotions.
  • If there is a circle on the line, then the person is susceptible to various depressions and sadness more than everyone else.
  • If the line breaks, this indicates that the owner had to endure severe emotional trauma.

The next main line is the line of the mind or it is also called the line of the head. With its help you can find out how well a person is intellectually developed and how he uses his intellect.

  • If the line of the mind small size, it says something about a person that he relies more on logical thinking rather than on fantasy and imagination.
  • The stripe has an uneven and crooked shape - there is a creative person in front of you.
  • The branch of the mind is long - such a line indicates that a person always brings things to the end and is always collected with his thoughts and focused on work.
  • If there are circles and crosses on the line, most likely the person was having an emotional crisis.
  • The stripe has a straight shape, such a person relies more on realistic thinking.

With the help of this line, a palmist can learn about a person’s love for himself and his life, how he relates to his social circle, and so on.

There has always been a theory among people that a person’s life expectancy depends on the length of this line, but this opinion is erroneous. This is for the best, since many people are frightened at the sight of a short life line and often bring themselves to stressful situations.

There are several main characteristics:

  • If it is located at a decent distance from the thumb, this indicates that the person has a large vital supply of energy, and he has also developed good resistance to life.
  • If the stripe is close to the thumb, this indicates that the person is not particularly energetic and cheerful. The reason for this is a small amount of vital energy.
  • The line has a short and shallow shape - then such a person can be easily manipulated. And he often falls under manipulation by strangers.
  • If a person has several life lines, then such a person has good health and loves his life very much.
  • There are circles on the line - this indicates various diseases.
  • If she strives for a semi-circular shape, such a person has a lot of enthusiasm and strength for life.

When reading your palm, you will notice that not every person has this stripe. It begins at the base of the palm and often crosses the line of the mind and heart. It ends near the middle finger.

There are several main characteristics:

  • If this trait is deep, it means that a person’s life is under the control of fate.
  • If the fate line passes through the life line, it means that such a person has good support from parents and other family members.
  • If the fate line passes the life line approximately in the middle, this indicates that a person will not leave his family and friends in trouble.
  • If the line of fate comes into contact with the line of life at the very beginning, then such a person creates his own destiny.

In this article:

Fortune telling or palm prediction is an ancient art that allows you to find out a person’s future. In Western countries, this method of fortune telling is traditionally called by the Greek word palmistry.

Palmistry in the ancient world

With the help of palmistry, you can easily and quickly find out a person’s character, predict his fate based on the lines, and general condition palms and appearance hands in general. The ancients believed that certain parts of a person's hands depended on different planets. In general, depending on such cosmic bodies as Venus, Jupiter, Moon, Saturn, Sun, Moon, Mars and Mercury, everything can be said about a person.

Scientists have proven that the palm pattern of each person is unique and inimitable, just like fingerprints. If you know the meaning of cosmic bodies and understand the lines of the hands, you can easily talk about the essence of each individual and even predict his future.
Venus is a planet that has symbolized beauty and love since ancient times; with its help, one can foresee love preferences and future relationships of a person.
Jupiter is a symbol of power.
Saturn – fate, time, influence of higher powers.
Mercury – trade and practical activities of man.
Sun – success, talent, financial well-being.
Mars – war, battles, internal struggle.
The moon is an ancient mystical symbol; it can represent magic and mysticism, as well as love and internal problems.

We know very well that state of mind a person is reflected in his behavior and on his face. It is enough to simply recognize irritation, joy, pain, and other feelings and sensations. But we should not forget that frequent repetition of the same experiences in life leaves an imprint on the face that remains for life. A beautiful, correct face can be distorted by anger beyond recognition, it will lose its attractiveness and will have a repulsive effect on others. But anger cannot only affect the face; the same feeling is reflected in the hands, because people often clench their fists when they are very angry. With frequent repetition of these actions, clear lines remain on the palms, which any palmist can easily notice.
The very art of fortune telling by lines on the hands can be compared to meteorology. Meteorologists observe natural natural phenomena, notice patterns in them and, based on the information received, draw conclusions about the weather. Palmists do the same thing, only they watch not the sky, but the hands of the people who turn to them.

How to tell palms

Skeptics may say that palmistry is the lot of scammers, because each of us is well aware of cases when such fortune telling is pursued for personal gain. This is exactly what many gypsy women think, and the more money you give them, the more wonderful the future awaits their clients. In fact, it is impossible to predict the future after first looking at the palm. Palmistry is a complex science, in which only a few reach the heights. The process of such prediction itself consists of several main stages, the first of which is inspection.

Basic lines and hills of the palms

General examination of the palm

    • The first thing a palmist should pay attention to is the type of hand of his client. You need to look at the hand that is leading - the right for right-handers and the left for left-handers. First you need to carefully examine the skin of your palms, palpate it with your fingertips. Rough skin can indicate a person's straightforward nature, while a transparent and cool palm indicates a subtle nature.
    • It is also worth paying attention to the shape of the palm and the length of the fingers. A smooth, square palm indicates the straightforwardness of its owner. An outstretched hand means suspiciousness and impressionability. Short fingers indicate that the person has energy, but may be too superficial. People with long fingers exhibit tenacity and stubbornness, along with pedantry and pride. Middle fingers indicate that a person does not have a pronounced character trait; he is calm, often kind and quiet.
    • Based on even this knowledge, you can look at your palm and compare your known character traits with this information.
    • Only after this can you move on to the next stage of studying palmistry - lines.

Heart line

The heart line is one of the most important lines on the hand, and many experienced practitioners advise beginners to start guessing based on it, because it carries basic information about the owner of the hand and the general emotional background.

Head line

The line of the head or mind can tell about mental abilities man, which are given to him by nature. When considering this line, you need to pay attention to its clarity, length, bend and other details. Only on the basis of all this data can we draw a conclusion about how developed a person is and whether he uses this higher powers to the fullest.