Psychology of color: gray color. The meaning of color in psychology.

Shade is one of the main criteria that guides people in various matters: choosing pieces of furniture, clothing, etc. In this regard, psychologists have a statement: depending on color preferences, you can calculate a person’s psychotype, find out what is at a given stage of life happens in his soul.

Blue color in psychology

If you know what the color blue means, you can understand at first glance what kind of person is in front of you. First of all, the character of such people often becomes the source of their own problems. Those who have a favorite blue are melancholic, modest, and most try to avoid conflicts at work or at home. Individuals need frequent rest, because people whose favorite color is blue get tired quickly. It is worth noting that a person will acquire inner comfort only after receiving the goodwill of others.

What does the color red mean?

For those who want to learn how to determine character by their favorite colors, you need to consider the meanings of scarlet shades. Individuals who wear mostly red clothes or accessories can be said to have tremendous willpower, which is why they achieve great heights in their careers. People whose favorite color is red are hot-tempered, domineering, but also courageous, impatient and stubborn.

If you know how to determine character by your favorite colors, then you know that lovers of these shades strive to achieve success in all areas of life, and routine depresses them. Such individuals need frequent changes of environment, travel, and adventure. It is worth noting that the “Reds” have a special gift: to encourage people to action, and this quality does not repel others from them; on the contrary, the masses are drawn to them.

Yellow color - meaning

If you see a woman or girl in yellow clothes, then know that she feels free, calm, full of optimism. All people whose favorite color is yellow easily adapt to the unusual and new, know how to direct their forces in the right direction, and communicate with others easily and naturally. If you determine character by color, then yellow lovers are not particularly responsible, because they prefer freedom not only in thoughts, but also in actions. However, such individuals enjoy well-deserved recognition from friends, because by nature they are open and generous.

What does black mean?

The shade can symbolize denial, uncertainty. Black color in psychology means that people for whom it is a favorite are distinguished by determination and temper, but at the same time, the majority are unsure of their abilities, constantly feel unhappy or even become depressed. Those who like to wear black clothes are often unable to cope with the surging emotions, therefore, if they love, then with all their souls, they also hate with all their hearts. Some people try to attract the attention of others with dark colors or make their image mysterious.

The lightest shade of black – gray – is the most neutral, which is identified with tranquility. Gray is the color of rationality and symbolizes that the one who chose it feels protected and lives guided by the mind and not the heart. Those who have this favorite shade are very responsible, capable of deciding even the most complex tasks, while such people do not do anything at random, but calculate every step.

What does pink mean?

People whose favorite shade of red is the lightest shade prefer an orderly life, value comfort and home comfort. Pink in psychology it means that a person really needs protection, sometimes tries to appear fragile in order to receive even more care. Lovers of pink are distinguished by tenderness, charm, and softness. Many who want to feel love, like in fairy tales, or who live in a dream world, are immersed in their inner fairy-tale world. However, there is no point in “rescuing” dreamers from there: this way it is easier to react to harsh realities and endure the blows of fate.

The meaning of purple

Kohler may appeal to extraordinary individuals: those who are drawn to mysticism are attracted to everything mysterious. Lilac color in psychology it means that a lover of shade is an artistic, witty person by nature, has a different temperament, and can sometimes be mischievous. People who like purple value the spiritual side of life, but some may be overly emotional. For such individuals, there is nothing more important than freedom and independence.

What does green mean?

The shade a person chooses can tell a lot about their character or emotional state. For example, those whose favorite color is green are open, sincere, calm and sociable individuals. Often, lovers of this color are socially active, only occasionally they are modest and patient. Those who prefer green strive for a calm atmosphere around them.

People who, for certain reasons, like light green are distinguished by their friendliness, gentleness, openness, and tenderness. Each of the lovers of light shades of green could become a diplomat, because such people have a sharp mind and sometimes even excessive punctuality. The disadvantage of individuals is that they practically do not know how to refuse others, even if this action will benefit them.

Turquoise color in psychology

The shade may appeal to balanced individuals, those who are reserved and self-confident. The person whose favorite color is strong energy, strong-willed character. If you want to know the meaning of the turquoise color, then it is worth noting that its lovers are people who know their worth and know how to use their capabilities to the fullest, directing them in the right direction.

White color - meaning

"Dream Color" may appeal to people with absolutely different characters. So, white in psychology it means that the one who prefers it is distinguished by insight, excessive accuracy and caution, but may be somewhat fussy. White speaks of innocence, self-sufficiency, and a diligent pursuit of self-realization. Such people are full of new ideas, but they lack practicality for successful implementation.

The meaning of blue color

It’s easy to determine a person’s character by his favorite colors; for example, blue means that the individual is calm, has a hard time with separation from loved ones, and strives for stable relationships with others. The symbolism of blue also means that the one who has given his preference to this color is a romantic, friendly, sociable person who loves to travel. Often, blue lovers love their mothers infinitely, and in personal relationships they prefer the emotional and spiritual side of life.

What does brown mean?

The shade symbolizes human health and physical strength. If we decipher the meaning brown, then we can say about people who prefer it that they are conservative, independent, and have patience. Their character is characterized by persistence, while many prefer peace and quiet. Those whose wardrobe is dominated by this kind of shades are silent and good-natured, but can sometimes be stubborn and tactless. They strive to be obeyed, love to read, do not act rashly, calculate every step, and put everything in order.

What does the color orange mean in psychology?

Specialists of this relatively young science have learned to determine what their favorite color says about a person. For example, if we consider the value orange color, then about the person who prefers it to everyone else, we can say that he has developed intuition, loves and constantly craves to be the center of attention. Lovers of orange shades have many abilities and are distinguished by their originality. Often those who like this color are fickle: even in love, they are always ready to look for a new partner.

Burgundy color in psychology

Research has shown that a person's favorite color and character are closely related. So what does it mean burgundy color? The shade formed from red and brown is chosen by strong business people, possessing such qualities as conservatism, solidity, confidence. Burgundy personifies power and strength, so those who wear clothes of this shade develop even more assertiveness, perseverance, and determination. Individuals who prefer burgundy are stingy with emotions, but at the same time many are good as energetic organizers.

How to determine a person's character by his favorite color

Some people prefer cold, nondescript shades, while others prefer warm ones. bright colors. All the colors that people surround themselves with, be it clothes, accessories, furniture or even wallpaper in the apartment, can tell others about your inner state, experiences and thoughts. Your favorite color may change throughout your life, but you choose the shade that predominates at a given stage of life for a reason. A person’s character can be easily determined by color, then you will know what feelings fill his soul.

Psychology of color in clothing

Men's favorite colors are often very restrained: black, brown, gray and all their various shades. Determining a woman's character by what she prefers color scheme much easier, because there is a very wide field of activity here. Thus, the meaning of colors in clothing and their decoding allows you to more accurately learn about the emotional makeup of a particular person, her character, attitude in life, sometimes even possible diseases.

Psychological test with flowers

Today, characterizing a person by their favorite color is a whole section in psychology, because thanks to this knowledge it is possible to create an emotional portrait of a certain person. For example, testing using Max Luscher’s 8-color chart is an objective express diagnosis of a person’s condition. By passing the test for your favorite color, everyone will be able not only to find out the main traits of their character, but also to identify the causes of many diseases and decide what professional qualities he has.

Video: color and character

Let's analyze how the color yellow is perceived in psychology. The symbolic meanings of yellow, common to different eras and peoples, are as follows: glory, success, happiness, wealth. In addition, the sun and the color yellow are often associated with consciousness, logic and clarity of thought, for sun rays allow everything to be clearly seen and understood.

Sunflower and the yellow press. Having discussed the triad of so-called primary colors: red - white - black, which were used at the dawn of human culture, we move on to the “younger” colors. The fact is that coal, white and red clay were always at hand, but to prepare other “paints” other, less accessible components were required.

For example, in the old days, saffron flowers were considered the best source of yellow dye. And to get just one kilogram of saffron pigment, it was necessary to collect the pistils of fifty thousand plants that bloomed for only a few hours. Of course, such a dye was of great value and was available only “ strong of the world this."

Therefore, luxurious saffron clothes were considered truly royal. History brings us information that, for example, the Persian ruler Darius wore them.

Role yellow in psychology

The “high position” of this color is also confirmed by its connection with the imperial dynasties of China. The rulers of this country traditionally chose yellow for their robes because it was believed to bring happiness, prosperity and well-being.

But not only a royal, but even a divine nature was sometimes attributed to the color yellow. For example, it was considered one of the attributes of such solar gods, like the Greek Apollo and the Egyptian Ra. Indeed, in the old days, people associated yellow, as well as gold, with the radiance of our radiant star.

I think that I would not be discovering America if I said that everyone’s favorite sunflower was named so, not least because of the bright yellow color of the petals.

In addition, it is related to the sun by the shape of flowers and the ability to turn behind its “prototype”, open its cup towards it, and in the evening go to bed with it. This plant, a traditional “solar” symbol, is depicted, for example, on Tarot cards, and in particular on the card of the nineteenth arcana, called “Sun”.

Interestingly, among the early Christians, yellow was a symbol of God the Son, considered the embodiment of the Word of God or Logos. The word is again one of the aspects of the mind, or, if we go down from the philosophical level to the everyday one, of the intellect.

But having a good command of a word does not mean using it for good. We are all familiar with the concept of “yellow press,” which means unprincipled, unscrupulous publications that put the printed word at the service of immediate and primarily commercial interests. But, despite the negative connotation of this yellowness, it is obvious that it did not appear in this phrase by chance.

This idea is also confirmed by the negative characteristics of the color under discussion. Did you think that everything would be smooth and even? As they say, even the sun has spots.

What is yellow associated with?

The color yellow is often associated with infidelity, deceit, and envy. And this is connected with the color of the clothes of Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ.

I think you've already guessed that he preferred to wear yellow. This example clearly shows how the attitude towards color can change different stages development of one religion.

Yellow color in psychology. In Kandinsky's system, yellow belongs to the so-called “active side colors”, expressing triumph and joy. He is also credited centrifugal principle movements and the ability to “get closer” to the viewer.

Yellow “according to Luscher” means optimism, expectation of change, search for new opportunities. It is believed that people who prefer this color strive to establish new contacts, are very inquisitive and take an active interest in what is happening around them, and can easily adapt to people and circumstances.

And their shortcomings include fussiness, unjustified carelessness, dependence on external impressions and environment.

It is known that the color yellow has a stimulating effect on the body, “warms”, creates positive attitude. Isn’t it true that you experience similar sensations when enjoying the bright spring sun? After all, in its rays everything blossoms, as if charged with particles of life-giving energy, and you and I are no exception.

The symbolism of color dates back to ancient times. Humanity has long paid special attention the language of colors, which is reflected in fairy tales and myths. In psychology, each color is endowed with a special meaning, reflecting inner world person, explaining certain patterns of behavior. Colors evoke emotions in people and push them to make certain choices. The rainbow contains seven primary colors, each of which has its own meaning. The color yellow takes its place of honor in the palette of nature, so many researchers were interested in the effect of this color in various fields life.

Yellow color: meaning in psychology

If you ask a person what the color yellow is associated with, without a doubt, anyone will answer that it is with the sun. In ancient times, humanity perceived this color as a frozen sun. Psychology reveals to us the secrets of this bright tone. Yellow color finds expression in intellectual abilities, insight and ability to imagine. This color is a symbolic reflection of honesty, a symbol happy holiday and joyful moments, however, one can also come across the opinion that this is a symbol of sadness and betrayal, sadness and separation. The importance of yellow in psychology cannot be underestimated. It is considered to be basic because it expresses the need for disclosure. Everyone knows that the realization of talents is fraught with happiness, hope, and delivers moral satisfaction. Color seems to open doors to the future. The color of the sun represents the mind and helps to concentrate. It is for this reason that psychologists advise preparing for exams and important events in a room decorated in yellow tones.

Man and the psychology of color

People who prefer the color yellow strive to open their talents to space and fully realize themselves in all areas of activity. They know perfectly well what they want and follow a bright path towards their goal. Such people are characterized by creative thinking and extravagant behavior.

People who love yellow tones may have a critical attitude towards themselves and others, their opinion towards other people may be harsh.

What meaning does the color yellow have for people? Psychologists define the meaning in a relationship as follows: its lovers submit to their partner, while creating every opportunity for positive communication.

Owners of yellow eyes can safely be proud of themselves, as this speaks of a person’s talent. Yellow eye color, the meaning of which speaks of the unpredictability of their owner, reveals enormous talents. Also, people with yellow eyes are prone to adventure and excitement.

Contradictory nature of color

Despite its positive characteristics, the color yellow is quite contradictory in its effect on a person, since, on the other hand, it is associated with risk, jealousy, and deception. It’s not for nothing that yellow flowers are believed to be harbingers of separation.

What benefits does yellow bring? Experts denote its importance for health by its ability to effectively control weight, restore order in human body. "Solar Magician" significantly helps people who have lost faith in themselves and increases their level of self-esteem. Yellow color carries a charge of vigor and helps to make decisions quickly.

A deficiency of this tone in the world around a person can lead to decreased immunity and depression. But you shouldn’t overdo it either, it can lead to fatigue and irritability.

Sunny colors in clothes

What does the presence of yellow in clothing indicate? That when choosing yellow, on a subconscious level a person wants to recharge with the energy of the sun and light. People who like to wear clothes in yellow tones are very interesting individuals who are prone to adventurism. How else can you describe the color yellow? The meaning of this color filler in clothing is as follows: it is a sign of active, mobile people, easy-going and open-minded. On the other hand, by choosing such a tone, a person radiates frivolity and a tendency to mood swings.

When should you wear yellow clothes? In addition to its energetic properties, this color helps to mobilize in difficult times. Yellow clothes will help you concentrate and avoid mental stress. Yellow color in clothes at an important event related to intellectual activity, for example, an exam, brings a huge beneficial effect.

Sun-filled interior

Yellow is the color that will immediately catch your eye, even if its use in the interior is minor. Soft shades of yellow saturate the room with high spirits and encourage cheerful communication. Bright yellow should be used in moderation, only as an accent that attracts attention, since its excess can cause eye fatigue.

What is the meaning of the color yellow? The meaning of this tone in the interior is as follows: it reflects the readiness of its inhabitants for a positive perception of life, which can cheer up even pessimists.

Cheerful and inquisitive people always prefer yellow, which gives cheerfulness and optimism. This color is best used in the kitchen interior. Great solution the color of the sun will be used in the children's room, as it helps to increase productivity and stimulate mental activity. However, designers do not recommend painting entire walls this color or using it for the ceiling and floor. It is enough to use it in accessories, individual pieces of furniture, for example, towels, glasses, curtains.

Yellow color in the coat of arms

Gold is one of the heraldic metals, the traditional expression of the color yellow and its shades in heraldry. In the terminology of people who study the meaning of coats of arms, it is called golden.

When creating the coat of arms, they used gold or other yellow metal and yellow paint. If the artists who were engaged in heraldry sought to give more life to the coat of arms, then when blazoning they emphasized that yellow was the main color filling.

Heraldry experts interpreted the meaning of this tone in the coat of arms as a symbol of strength and power, which is why this color is present in many coats of arms. Its presence in symbolism various countries represents wealth, justice, supremacy, respect, strength, loyalty, constancy, humility.

In addition, in the coats of arms of some states, the presence of yellow symbolized justice and generosity. But others gave this color a less rosy meaning, considering it a symbol of inconstancy, envy and adultery.

As a rule, the composition of the coats of arms of many countries included the figure of the Sun, reflected in gold on the canvas and personifying prosperity and security.

The meaning of yellow in the eastern worldview

IN oriental culture the influence of flowers was given great value. What semantic content does the color yellow carry? The sages revealed the meaning of this tone in the East through the sun, earth, and flame.

Ancient China considered yellow a symbol of the earth (Kun) and the feminine principle (Yin). In ancient India, the color of the sun was considered the most valuable, as it was directly associated with gold. It is noted in ancient scriptures that Buddha was born with a golden body and immediately after his birth he took his first steps, leaving footprints in yellow flowers. He became the leader of the monastic disciples, who were required to dress in robes of this color. Even today, representatives of Buddhist culture wear yellow clothes.

Also in Indian culture, this color symbolized happiness and unity. A woman waiting for her husband after marriage covers her hands with a yellow cloth.

The color yellow has a divine meaning in many cultures. The meaning of this tone in Egyptian civilization is as follows: it was associated with gods, priests and sacred animals.

In Islamic culture, yellow is a symbol sacred cow, the first sacrifice made to Allah.

Dark Side of the Sun

At the same time, starting from the eleventh century, the color yellow has been endowed with a negative symbolic meaning and filled with a completely different content. Now it becomes a symbol of betrayal, infidelity. Japanese poetry designated it as a symbol of withering, autumn sadness, but at the same time, the yellow-sand color was considered an integral attribute family hearth, marriage.

IN Ancient China The “yellow keys” were called the abode of the dead. But the yellow crane represented immortality.

IN modern theory In Feng Shui, the color of the Sun is considered a symbol of wisdom and accumulated knowledge. It is the Eastern tradition that associates the color yellow with carelessness, fun and a sense of celebration. Many fetish figures are made in this color scheme and are supposed to bring good luck and money to the house.

Study of the meaning of colors in psychology, classification and their influence on human consciousness.

Each color in psychology has a different effect on consciousness and has meaning. Seeing a certain shade, we feel a certain emotion. Under color influence people commit certain choice without thinking about it.

The meaning of color in psychology

Goethe developed the concept of color: light colors excite, and dark colors calm. The palette can have a fleeting physical effect, and with a long look - a mental effect.

Colors are perceived through associations, for example, blue is cold. Next, perception moves to the organs - to tactile sensations. What is the meaning of each color?


It denotes sensuality, standing on the verge of individuality; it can be defined as suggestibility. Represents idealism and increases self-esteem. This is a heavy tone that should be diluted with gold, as it can lead to depression. It is not recommended when working with children.


Wet and cold, deep mysterious. And the more blue, the stronger, more intense and colder its effect. If there is more yellow, the shade is more harmonious and lighter. Turquoise color is used to create freshness and coolness, it also symbolizes sterility.


The personification of power, breakthrough, the will to win, achieving what you want. The red color always wants to be first, it is constantly in motion, it is a source of energy.

His credo is “survival of the fittest.” It makes you alert in case of danger, embodies passion and excites passion.

His feelings are characterized by maximality. This color represents activity in everything, gives strength and inspires to continue what you started.


Blue creates the precondition for deep reflection about life; calls for a search for meaning and truth. However, it does not provide an answer to understanding the meaning of life, driving us into weakness and melancholy. It evokes not sensory impressions, but spiritual ones.

Blue is:

  • constancy;
  • perseverance;
  • persistence;
  • devotion;
  • dedication;
  • seriousness;
  • rigor.


Darkened red-yellow color, indicating that the impulsiveness and vitality of the color red is frozen and restrained. Vitality remains in it, having lost its activity. Determines the vital sensations of the body.

Those who prefer this shade in clothing need physical rest and peace.

He personifies:

  • devotion;
  • stability;
  • calm;
  • support during times of unrest.


Represents peace and stillness. It always contains life opportunities, contains potential energy, green reflects a tense internal state.

Green expresses how a person feels about himself - he hides his secrets. It signifies new beginnings and prosperity and inspires stability.


The personification of the mind, the influence of the dominant. It helps in overcoming difficulties and promotes concentration. Under the influence of yellow, decisions are made quickly.

Those who prefer yellow fight with words, love to be admired and do not tolerate being driven into a corner.

They are characterized by:

  • high self-esteem;
  • self-confidence;
  • intelligence;
  • intuition.


Responsible for satisfying all kinds of abilities, always keeping you in good shape. Its effect is warm, joyful and exciting. Color is associated with the desire to achieve self-affirmation.

This is a symbol of bliss and intensity, at the same time the softness of the brilliance of the sunset, it pleases the eye and promotes a good mood.


A symbol of carelessness that calms, radiating reliability. However, looking at it, it is impossible to concentrate and it does not contribute to the development of imagination.

Blue is a shade of “calm emotionality” that reduces tension and is comfortable. Represents dreams and daydreams, peace and harmony.


The color of perfection and completeness, demonstrating a final and absolute decision, complete freedom of opportunity and the absence of obstacles.

The fundamental quality is equality, since all colors are contained in it, they are equal in it. He:

  • inspires;
  • brightens;
  • promotes renewal of all colors in the body;
  • removes stiffness.


Embodies balance and calm. At the same time, this unearthly color is characterized by alienation. He is piercing and strong, he is characterized by mysticism. Very unusual to perceive.

In a positive aspect, the color of an orchid (a shade of lilac) is a sign of bright individuality, and in a negative aspect, it is deliberately exotic and inflexible.


Happy, delicious, warm, feminine and delicate color. This is a holiday and pleasant emotions, the personification of romance, kindness and love. How paler shade, the stronger the manifestation of love.

It causes a feeling of comfort, calms by getting rid of obsessive ideas, and helps in a crisis situation. However, it is characterized by increased sensitivity.


It is associated with curiosity and attracts people, frightening them with its mystery. Black always challenges you to free your essence - to go through the black in order to realize how much white you have.

Black gives you the opportunity to relax, it contains hope, but it drags you down because it doesn’t force you to do anything. With depression, only its negative characteristics remain.


Those who prefer gray do not believe in the power of emotions, in their ability to solve something, and do not trust sincerity emotional experiences; believe that they should only be displayed in certain circumstances.

Gray color tends to stabilize surrounding processes, but it always means duality.


The psychological perception of this color is quite complex and ambiguous. Beige is considered the color of stagnation, as it has a pronounced emotional coloring not inherent in him.

However, it is multifaceted, can be calming, and has a quiet, warm and calm energy. At the same time, it is classified as a non-independent, background part of the palette.


The color took from red his willpower and penchant for philosophical reflection from brown. The problem with its adherents is the ability to dwell on past unpleasant events.

It is also considered to be somewhat immoral, cloying, magnetic and heavy.


A mixture of pink and orange, it is characterized by youth and energy. Coral represents the borderline in the spectrum of red and orange colors, so it is not surprising that this attractive feminine shade fills with cheerfulness and optimism, leaving no chance for a bad mood.

Light green

The color of plant purity and cold expressiveness. Spectacular and rich, it is included in the range of warm shades and includes their characteristics, on the other hand, embracing the qualities green, has a neutralizing function.

It encourages:

  • strive to establish large quantity contacts;
  • active communication with the outside world;
  • learning something new.


A symbol of inevitable victory and glory. Its positive aspects are experience, maturity, wisdom, inexhaustible resources and vitality. Negative aspects include pessimism, dishonor, and limitations.

Gold is the combination of childhood modesty with the wisdom of a real ruler. However, it can provoke conflicts.

Palette and character in children

Kids cannot express the full range of feelings they experience. But the colors they choose tell a lot more.

  1. "Orange" and "Red" Children are very noticeable: they always scream, play pranks, and squeal.
  2. "Yellow"- cheerful, cheerful, fantasize and dream a lot.
  3. "Green" you need a feeling of reliability and security.
  4. Those who chose blue- the most carefree of all.
  5. "Blue" The little ones are calm and balanced, doing everything thoroughly.
  6. Preferring purple– artistic and sensitive natures.
  7. Here are the brown and black colors signal trouble mental state, experienced deep stress.

Colors brighten our existence and determine our mood, influence our thoughts and actions, and by the characteristics of eye color we can learn a lot about a person.

We better recognize the world around us and cope with important life tasks with their help. Therefore, you should not take the information they contain too lightly.

Video: Psychology of color

Yellow is the main color of the palette. Its shades can be both warm and cold. For example - cool color lemon fruit or the warm color of egg yolk. But this is not its main difference from other colors of the spectrum. It concentrates some interesting psychological facts and cultural features of perception.

The meaning of yellow: general information

The symbol of this shade of the palette is the sun. It is difficult to imagine what our planet would have become if it were not for this source of soft warmth and bright light. This color can charge a person with vital energy, just as the sun fills all living things on Earth with it.

At one time, Goethe himself believed that per person dark colors have a calming effect, and bright ones, on the contrary, help to increase his vital activity. In the Christian faith, the color yellow was different meanings, everything depended on its shade. If the color was saturated, then it was considered to be Divine power, but if it was dull, for example: gray-yellow, then it meant greed, stinginess, deception, delusion.

The Chinese consider the color yellow to be a symbol of all feminine qualities, which is why if this color is present in a woman’s outfit, then she looks more harmonious and attractive.

Yellow color in psychology: scientific facts

Yellow color can cause any pleasant memories and encourage him to take action. Scientists have proven that yellow can activate brain activity and improve memory. Its influence has been well studied by specialists in the field of commodity sales. After all, it is the psychology of color in advertising that is a separate science, and the color yellow plays an important role here.

For example: the yellow tint is often used in the manufacture of banners, advertisements and billboards. When creating labels and logos, this color is very rarely used as the main color, but adding it can make the icon more memorable. But in combination with green, yellow makes people feel like lies and falsehood. The combination of black and yellow is perceived as a danger sign.

Scientists have developed a certain group of qualities - negative and positive, in which the yellow color can mean different aspects, namely:

  1. From positive qualities: activity, dexterity, receptivity, intelligence, tolerance, freedom, joy, happiness;
  2. Negative ones: sarcasm, absent-mindedness, treachery, causticity.

In some ways, the yellow tint is somewhat dissipated in different sides, but at the same time - it is very deep and soulful. Under its influence, a person quickly makes the necessary decision and begins to act actively. Those people who choose this color are quite categorical towards illiterate participants in the dialogue, and also often like to argue and draw attention to themselves. They usually have high self-esteem, they love to act, and are always confident in themselves and their abilities.

Also, the advantages of this color include its assistance in maintaining normal weight humans, because it helps to intensively secrete gastric juice, and, therefore, improve digestion.

If you are imbued with the desire to update your wardrobe and purchase something in a yellow shade, then this may indicate that you need to restore inner harmony and also protect yourself from stress. The main motive of those who prefer yellow clothes is the need to show their hidden potential and open up to the outside world.

Such people are interesting personalities; they are adventurers by nature and very energetic. They are, as it were, in search of an open relationship that will help relieve their internal tension and help them achieve their desired goal. Yellow color can get rid of shyness and excessive bashfulness, as well as avoid getting into ridiculous situations. But the absence of yellow in clothes can provoke depression and even reduce immunity! But even here it is necessary to observe moderation - after all, its excess can quickly tire you and lead to headaches.

What do yellow flowers mean?

From Europe, a sign came to our country that yellow flowers are given as a sign of separation, and also that they are harbingers of jealousy and betrayal. It has become very firmly established in life, which is why it is rare loving man dare to give his woman such a bouquet. But not many people know that since ancient times in Rus', yellow flowers had another meaning: they symbolized high spirits and wealth.

Yellow was associated primarily with light, warmth, and the sun. It is for this reason that if they wanted to wish a person wealth, goodness, happiness, they gave yellow flowers. By the way, the Japanese agree with the ancient Russians on this issue. Nowadays, yellow flowers are very popular in this country, and orange-yellow flowers mean power and are given as gifts to influential people.

Yellow roses mean joy, so if you were given these particular flowers, it means that you are wished happiness and joy, and it also means that you are admired.

It is customary to give yellow flowers to bright and gifted individuals. If they were given to an artist or actor, then this means praise of his talent and admiration for him. It is also customary to give yellow flowers to young girls as a sign of perkiness and youth. It is better to give older women not yellow, but tea flowers; the color should not be so bright, but rather noble. Pale yellow or brownish bouquets and strong tea colors are also suitable.

If you want to become more active, cheerful, believe in yourself and your strengths, then try to add bright colors to your life with the help of a yellow tint. And also don’t worry if you were given a bouquet of yellow flowers- this means that they wish you happiness, and not otherwise!