Nha Trang beaches and nearby islands. The beach in Nha Trang and its stunning promenade

The beach in Nha Trang, what is it like? It's long. The length of the beach is about 5 kilometers. Wide. Sunbathing tourists do not take up all the space. Quite clean for a city. We like the beach in Nha Trang. On the very first day, as soon as we saw him, the desire to swim in the sea and lie on the sand immediately arose.

Nha Trang beach

The advantage of the beach is that it is surrounded by mountains and islands. It's nice to walk and see such beauty from all sides. Sun loungers belong to hotels on the coast. But if you wish, you can rent them. This pleasure will cost about 100 thousand dong ($5).

Hotels in Nha Trang

  • Novotel Nha Trang
  • Sheraton Nha Trang
  • The Summer Hotel
  • New Sun Hotel

All hotels in Nha Trang

There are nice sun loungers on the beach in Nha Trang (paid)

The number of tourists on the beach in Nha Trang is small and there will always be free places

In the photo: Nha Trang beach, hotel sun loungers and lifeguard tower

The tower in the photo is empty, but there is always a group of lifeguards on the beach. Vietnamese lifeguards walk along the beach and look after vacationers.

And the palm trees here are just the way I like them. Thin and tall

Sea in Nha Trang: is it possible to swim?

Yes. According to our observations, optimal time for swimming in Nha Trang from 8 to 10 am. At this time, the water in the sea is perfectly clean and calm. See for yourself:

The sea in Nha Trang without waves can be found until about 10-11 am

The closer to evening, the larger the waves, and from this the water becomes cloudy and acquires brown. Also, by lunchtime the current carries out garbage that you don’t want to swim with. After all, it is so unpleasant to touch something in the water while swimming, some bags or cups.

We are waiting for the weather by the sea

Perhaps the waves and the purity of the water in the sea depend on the season. In some months, it is quite possible that the water remains clear all day, but in September and October, clear seas can only be found in the morning.

There are always fewer tourists in the far left corner of the beach (behind Nha Trang center) and in the far right (towards the cable car to Vinpearl).

Who is on holiday in Nha Trang?

The contingent of vacationers on the beaches of Nha Trang consists largely of Russian women 45-60 years old and their husbands. Interesting feature. The second place is occupied by married couples with children and, last but not least, young people. Nationalities: Russians 70%, Vietnamese 20%, Europeans, Chinese and other foreign tourists - 10%.

Our observations

During our 2 months of living in Nha Trang, we noticed the following features of tourists. Mostly our compatriots who have flown in from Krasnoyarsk, Novosibirsk, Kemerovo, Chelyabinsk, Perm and other Siberian regions vacation here. As a rule, ladies spend their holidays in Vietnam with their children, less often with their husbands. If with her husband, he usually has a mustache, his face expresses slight dissatisfaction, he is tense, constrained, dressed in an oversized wrinkled linen shirt and a captain’s cap, always a little tipsy.

- We’ll have lobster for lunch again, and then we’ll go to the pearl shop that the guide recommended
- Don't forget about crocodile skin wallets!

- We’ll tell Lyudka where we were - she won’t believe it!

Vietnamese people go to the beach around 5-6 pm, when the sun stops getting hot and they can be calm about their skin color. They usually swim in groups opposite the lifeguard post.

For some reason, Vietnamese children are most often ill-mannered, arrogant and noisy, and often get underfoot, stepping on them. We have become unaccustomed to children's crying and screaming; in Vietnam, children are very capricious and disobedient. They also noticed more than once that the Vietnamese were beating them. This has not been seen in other Asian countries. And one boy was the star of the evening. His parents did their best and cut his hair so fashionably that he was different from all the children and passers-by could not pass by.

There are no stray bald dogs on the beach

Another advantage of the beach. For a month we have not seen a single stray dog ​​on the beach, which we are so used to in other countries. Vietnamese people sometimes relax on the beach with their pets. Just like in Thailand, purebred dogs are now in fashion in Vietnam. It’s upsetting that the Vietnamese get such small decorative dogs. We have observed more than once how child predators behave with them. Apparently, they don’t understand that a dog is a living organism, and not a toy. And bikes, including on sidewalks, can pose a danger to a small dog.

Some caring owners keep their pets warm, because it’s +27 outside in October

Promenade along the beach in Nha Trang

The embankment plays a big role on Nha Chang Beach. The embankment is our favorite place in all of Nha Trang because it is the only place where you can walk peacefully, since mopeds are prohibited on it.

Famous lotus in Nha Trang

View of the hotels from the embankment

Vietnamese flag on the square near the lotus

In the evenings, dancing and singing are often held near the local cultural center

During the day the square is empty, and in the evening Vietnamese teenagers switch from bikes to skateboards and rollers

The embankment has a relatively calm atmosphere and there is no noise from the road.

View from the road

We come to the embankment every day. We walk, sit on benches or buy nuts and settle down on the sand.

Photo of the beach from the embankment

Just a few years ago there was no sign of any improved embankment here. And now even the trees are trimmed in a designer style.

Vietnamese and sports

Towards evening, the Vietnamese occupy the embankment for sports. They take care of their figure and health. Some are running, some are working on exercise machines, some are just waving their arms with a serious look. Very athletic guys!

Vietnamese people play sports

The embankment makes a great contribution to the life of the Vietnamese people. It is a place to relax, a place to walk the dog, a place to exercise, and a place to gather and eat while sitting on the beach. For us, the embankment became a lifeline. The only place in Nha Trang where sometimes you don’t even want to go home.

Relaxation on the embankment

Nha Trang Beach reviews

For our fastidious taste, the beach in Nha Trang is very good. It's clean, there's plenty of space, and there are no annoying traders. The sand, however, is not ideal, coarse and yellow. The water in the sea is clean and transparent only in the morning, by lunchtime garbage appears, the waves get stronger and it becomes cloudy. But this is most likely a seasonal phenomenon; in other months it may be cleaner, but we were in September and October. So, we noted that it is best to swim in Nha Trang early in the morning.

Since Nha Trang Beach is public, everyone will relax on it, tourists from expensive hotels, local middle class and even occasionally Russian cattle (“tagiiil”) come across. Apparently, some highly cultured citizens got fed up with Turkey and headed for exotic Vietnam. But I’m glad that there are only a few of them, basically all of our compatriots here are very decent.

Hotel options in Nha Trang

Best hotels in Nha Trang

Hotels 4-5 stars and top three. All hotels are near the sea.

  • Novotel Nha Trang
  • Sheraton Nha Trang
  • InterContinental Nha Trang
  • Dendro Gold Hotel
  • Liberty Central Nha Trang Hotel
  • Galliot Hotel

Mid-range hotels

Available 2-3 star hotels with good reviews and within walking distance from the sea.

  • The Summer Hotel
  • New Sun Hotel
  • Azura Hotel
  • Apus Hotel
  • Edele Hotel

Cheap hotels

Cheap hotels and guest houses with positive reviews near the sea:

  • Adam Viet Nam Hotel
  • CR Hotel
  • Happy Angel Hotel
  • iHome Nha Trang
  • Melody Hotel

Which beach in Nha Trang should you choose? Which one is considered the best? Reviews from tourists, pros and cons of beaches, ways to get there. Beach map.

Nha Trang is a popular Vietnamese resort with long sandy beaches and well-developed tourism infrastructure. Let's try to find out which beaches in Nha Trang, according to tourists' reviews, are the best to relax on, and also give our assessment.

Description of beaches:

Map of Nha Trang beaches in Russian

This is the most famous beach in Nha Trang, which is a strip of sand several kilometers long. You can get to the city beach of Nha Trang from almost anywhere in the city; the main landmark is Tran Phu Street, along which public transport runs.

The sand here is coarse, yellow, with an admixture of shells and small pebbles, the entrance to the sea is deep almost everywhere. The beach itself is regularly cleaned and cleaned. A beautiful promenade with neatly trimmed trees, playgrounds, exercise equipment and cafes stretches along the beach.

The southern part of the beach is more comfortable than the northern one. There are sun loungers and umbrellas, and various entertainment is offered to vacationers: banana boat rides, jet skis, parachuting.

Zoclet Beach (Doc Let)

Zoklet is perhaps the most advertised beach in Nha Trang; many consider it the best in the resort. This is a typical bounty beach with white powdery sand, rare palm trees along the shore and turquoise water. Located at a decent distance from Nha Trang - almost 50 km from the city. To get to this beach, you need to book an excursion or rent a bike; you can also get there by bus No. 3. There are hotels, restaurants and shops on the beach. Renting a sun lounger will cost from 100 thousand dong.


  1. The beach is large, its length is almost 10 km, with developed infrastructure and white sand. Sometimes there are a lot of tourists here, but if you wish, you can find a secluded place to relax.
  2. According to reviews from tourists, seafood in Zoklet is delicious and inexpensive.


  1. Zoklet Beach is located at a considerable distance from Nha Trang, and without personal transport it will be difficult to get there, especially if you are traveling with children. The road to the beach will take at least 1.5 hours, so the option of a taxi is no longer an expensive option. Most cheap way- bus, the most convenient (for us, according to at least) - bike.
  2. Most services are paid - you will have to pay for parking and renting a sun lounger. Parking costs about 5 thousand VND.
  3. There is a toilet in the free part of the beach, which we strongly advise against going into!

Personal experience. Despite all the rave reviews, we were not particularly impressed by Zoklet beach. We were on the free part and found a lot of garbage on the sand and annoying owners of coastal cafes. The paid part of the beach is being removed. The sea is too shallow, but clean. Overall, the place is nice, but we wouldn’t come here a second time - it’s too far and long. They wrote that there were salt fields along the road, but we never saw them.

Paragon Beach

Among the best beaches in Nha Trang, tourists also include Paragon Beach, which is located on the southern side of the resort, not far from the cable car to Vinpearl Island. You can get here by public transport (bus number 4) or taxi. The beach belongs to the Paragon Hotel, so the entrance fee is 20 thousand dong (55 rubles). Sunbed rental - 60 thousand dong.

Paragon Beach is very popular among family holidaymakers. The sand strip is narrow, but the sand is fine and soft. Fences play their role - there are never high waves here, as on central beach Nha Trang.


  1. This beach is great for children - none high waves, shallow water warms up well.
  2. The beach is located in the wealthy An Vien district of Nha Trang - there are luxury villas around, so leisurely walks at sunset will bring a lot of aesthetic pleasure to vacationers.


  1. The beach itself is small, and due to the limited area it seems crowded. You will have to pay for entry and sunbeds, but there are few sunbeds and there aren’t enough for everyone.
  2. Lack of tourist infrastructure: no shops, cafes and entertainment. If you want to grab a bite to eat, you can have lunch at the Paragon Hotel's restaurant.
  3. Shallow.

Bai Zai Beach (Bãi Dài)

Bai Zai is a semi-wild beach, located 20 km from Nha Trang, on the site of a former military base. You can get there from the city by taxi or bike in 15 minutes. The beach is long, almost 15 km long, with a gentle entrance and calm clear water. Small waves rise.


  1. Pleasant to the touch white sand, clear water and smooth depth. An ideal place for romantics and lovers of secluded relaxation, locals rarely come here, and fishermen can only be seen in the morning and evening hours.


  1. The infrastructure is still poorly developed. Natural debris - algae, branches and the like - no one cleans up here. Part of the coast has already been purchased by well-known hotel chains, and in a few years a wonderful resort area is expected here.
  1. The growing popularity of the beach has led to it becoming polluted and crowded in places.

Personal experience. We visited a deserted part of the beach - it was very calm and peaceful there, there wasn’t a soul around. An elite hotel was being built nearby.

What is the best beach in Nha Trang?

In Nha Trang, any vacationer can find a beach that suits them. It is impossible to say with certainty which one is the best - each meets certain requirements. Those looking for fun delicious food and good service, choose the city beach Nha Trang Beach. Vacationers with children will prefer the peace and tranquility of Paragon Beach, while romantics and newlyweds will prefer the white powdery bounty beaches of Zoklet and Bai Zai.

Introductory image source: © Malingering / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

Thanks to its coves, beaches and crystal clear water, Nha Trang is rightfully considered the beach mecca of Vietnam. The coastline stretches the entire length of Nha Trang province and annually welcomes millions of tourists to its sands.

Nha Trang twice won votes as a place with the most beautiful bays in the world and good beach infrastructure. No two beaches are alike here. And in this article we look at the best of them, from the bustling Tran Phu to the quieter and almost wild Bai Dai beach, which is ideal for those who want to escape the noise of the city.

Some of the beaches are located at a considerable distance from the center of Nha Trang, but the trip to them along the beautiful coastline deserves special attention.

The southernmost beach of Nha Trang is Bai Dai (Bai Dai or Bai Zai).

The northernmost beach of Nha Trang is Doc Let (Doklet or Zoklet).

Nha Trang City Beach – Tran Phu or Tran Phu

Tran Phu Beach can be easily reached on foot from almost anywhere in Nha Trang. Because This is the closest beach to the city, so it is also the most popular.

Along the beach there is a very beautiful street Tran Phu Street. They settled on it luxury resorts, hostels, souvenir shops, museums and seafood restaurants. Nightlife It's in full swing here.

The beach offers beautiful views of numerous islands. Here you can also purchase a tour to the islands. I advise you to watch the sunrise or sunset here, it’s very beautiful.

What to do on the beach: surfing, diving and snorkeling, bicycle rental, spa, yoga and meditation classes, massage, exercise on free exercise equipment.

Admission is free. The cost of sun loungers is 60 – 100 thousand dong.

How to get there

  • on foot;
  • by buses No. 2, 4, 5.

Good hotels nearby


  • Russian cuisine;
  • There are swimming pools, which is very useful when there are big waves at sea;
  • Many compatriots;
  • Russian music.

There are disadvantages, only if you don’t want to relax with fellow countrymen + relatively high prices.

Hon Chong Beach

Northern extension of the central beach of Nha Trang. It is only 5 kilometers away from the main beach. The beach is named after the bay of the same name. Hon Chong is 5 minutes from the famous Po Nagar Cham Towers. It is quiet here and the stones are oddly shaped, thanks to which there are much fewer waves in the bay. This beach is more suitable for families with children.

Hon Chong is the most favorite beach among locals. They come here early in the morning and in the evening to swim and not get sunburned.

The water here is also cleaner than on the central beach. The current from the ocean, which brings turbidity from the monsoon rains, does not reach here.

Entrance to the beach is free, and if you want to take a walk in the rock garden, then please pay 22,000 dong. It's worth it, as from the height of the stone pile there is a panoramic view of the beach and surrounding area.

Hong Chong has a very calm and relaxing atmosphere. There are several small coffee shops and seafood restaurants here.

300 meters to the south is Hon Do (Red Island), where there is a Buddhist temple, and to the northeast is Hon Rua (Turtle Island).

How to get there:

  • 20 minutes walk from the central beach;
  • On a motorbike,
  • By taxi;
  • By bus number 4.

Hotels nearby

Pros of the beach:

  • Few waves;
  • Clean water;
  • Few tourists.


  • Some may find it boring;
  • No beach infrastructure.

Bai Tru Beach - near Vinpearl

Bai Tru Beach is located on Hon Tre Island, where the famous Vinpearl amusement park is also located. This beach is the most expensive, entrance costs 1,000,000 dong. Anyone looking for a luxury holiday should come here. The price includes boat transfer to reverse side, lunch, access to the beach and pool.

On the island itself, in addition to Vinpearl, which attracts tourists like a lantern of butterflies, there is also an amphitheater, a large aquarium, shopping mall and many excursions.

How to get there:

  • By cable car, 3,320 meters long - 15 minutes - from 400,000 dong;
  • By ferry – 20 minutes – 45,000 dong;
  • By boat - 5-7 minutes - from 90,000 dong;
  • By canoe;
  • Car and bike.

Nha Trang beaches attract tourists with transparent sea ​​water, clean sand, amazing nature.

You can stay in inexpensive hotels or choose a luxury hotel with its own beach. Vacationers are offered a variety of recreational activities, interesting excursions, sightseeing.

To enjoy a beach holiday, you need to come in the summer months - June, July, August. During this period, the sea is calm and warmer than ever. The weather will please you with sunny days. And your vacation will not be spoiled by hurricanes, prolonged rains and wind.

During the off-season, the following beaches have the least waves: North Beach, Paragon, Vinpearl Island, Orchid Island.

City Beach

Every year, millions of travelers come to Nha Trang to soak up the sun.

  • The length of the city beach is 7 km.

It is very popular among vacationers due to its walking distance and good tourist infrastructure.

The front page features luxury hotels. In the city you can rent a room in inexpensive hotels and hostels.

The local name of the beach is “Tran Phu” and it is cleaned regularly. Entrance to the beach is free. But there are also paid sections. The city beach line is conventionally divided into several parts.

Lotus area

The beach is strewn with sand consisting of tiny particles of multi-colored sea shells. On the embankment in this area there is a bright building in the shape of a lotus. A special area with all amenities is provided for hotel clients. On the shore it is easy to find a free place or rent a sun lounger.

Not only foreigners, but also Vietnamese prefer to relax on the central beach. The largest hotels were built in this place. Advantages of this recreation area:

  • neat lawns;
  • free exercise equipment;
  • park area.

You can have a delicious lunch or a romantic dinner in one of the restaurants or cafes. There are many water activities available for active people.

Hotels in the center of the beach (Lotus area)

Louisiana Beach

The part of the beach, which is located near the cafe of the same name, will appeal to fans beach holiday. The Louisiana establishment has its own brewery, so people come here to taste a delicious drink. Louisiana Beach is kept clean, there is security, and sun loungers are available to visitors. If there are big waves at sea, vacationers swim in the pool. Waiters bring their orders to the sun loungers, so customers don't even have to get up. There is wi-fi.

Hotels near Louisiana

Beach near Gorky Park

It is located near the Russian restaurant of the same name. During the season, it’s nice to lie in the sun and plunge into the azure water. In this part there are public pools where people can swim when the sea is rough. For entertainment, jet skis are available, and you can ride the waves on a banana boat.

Hotels near Gorky Park

Paragon Beach in Southern Vietnam

Quiet holiday area located near the cable car to Vimperl. Named after the hotel. Paragon has a small artificial beach with soft sand, entry into the water is easy. A specially created dam protects the bay from big waves. Paragon Beach is available not only to hotel guests, but also to any tourist for a fee.

Most often, parents with small children settle in this area.

Paragon Beach without waves at any time of the year. Even in autumn and winter (October, November, December, January, February, March.)

You can get to the beach by renting a bike or by bus No. 4.

Hotels near Paragon

Name Photo Peculiarities
Diamond Star Villa Inexpensive apartments in a villa.
Nha Trang Harbor Apartments Excellent apartments with a swimming pool. Not far from the beach.
An Villa Luxury villa for people with a big holiday budget.

North Beach in Nha Trang

The northern region is less popular among tourists, but long-livers settle there with pleasure. Housing is cheaper. There are fewer people, which means it’s quieter. The infrastructure is there.

Much of the north is not suitable for swimming. Three points are marked on the map with good beaches. In other places along the sea there is a concrete fence or very little sand.

Photo of the first beach, the largest and best in the north.


Name Photo Peculiarities
Tuhuy Hotean Tl 2* A simple, no-frills hotel at affordable prices.
Nha Trang Sea View Sunrise Condotel Nice apartments at reasonable prices.
Seaview 3 bedroom apartment – ​​Uplaza Large apartments with kitchen.

Photo of the second piece of beach


Name Photo Peculiarities
Moonlight hotel 2* Inexpensive option close to the beach.
Nha Trang Wonderland Hotel Huge panoramic windows With beautiful view. Friendly staff. There is a swimming pool.
Victoria Apartment Comfortable apartments.

The third, most remote beach.


Name Photo Peculiarities
Vinh Hoa Hotel Cheap but pretty decent hotel for the price. The rooms are clean and tidy.
Delice Home Near a bus stop, shops, beach. The windows offer mountain views. You can use shared kitchen. Price quality - excellent!
Tri Giao Hotel 4* Delicious breakfasts, spacious rooms. 10 minutes by moped to the center.

Beaches around Nha Trang

Tourists who come on vacation eventually begin to look for places where the water and sand are cleaner. The best beaches of Nha Trang are located in the vicinity of the city. They will allow you to take a break from the hustle and bustle and crowds, see new places and get a positive charge.

Zoclet Beach

This wonderful corner is located in the city of Ninh Hoa. The narrow coastline, 10 km long, is strewn with soft sand. It harmonizes perfectly with the turquoise water surface and green shades of plants.

By visiting Zoklet beach (Doc Let) you can get a lot of vivid impressions and get a tan. They get there by bus, take a taxi, or rent a bike. There are many hotels, restaurants, supermarkets, discos, bars, and boat rentals in this place. Van Phong Bay is well protected from the winds, so there are usually no large waves.

Hotels near Zoklet Beach

Paradise Beach

A paradise of untouched nature is located 50 km north of Nha Trang. This small area near the Paradise Resort hotel is characterized by fine sand, a gently sloping bottom and the absence of many people. You can get to Paradise Beach by purchasing a one-day excursion or staying in a hotel. The best place for have a relaxing holiday just can't be found.

Paradise is a continuation of Zoklet beach, its northernmost part. You can get to this recreation area on your own. But the wild beach not far from the hotel does not have any infrastructure, except for several access roads.

Hotels near Paradise

Pearl Beach

The beach is 80 km away. towards the city of Cam Ranh. The journey will take about 2 hours. To get to this remote site, it is better to book a tour ($30-32). Pearl Beach small size is little known, so there are no crowds of tourists. You can take great photos here.

Since the beach area belongs to the Ngoc Suong Hotel, there is an entrance fee of 50,000 VND.

During the season the sea is warm, the beach is without waves. The only infrastructure there is a hotel and a restaurant. This is an amazing place where people feel unity with nature. It is chosen by newlyweds for a photo shoot.

Hotel near Pearl Beach

Bai Zai Beach (Bai Dai)

One of best places for passive relaxation by the sea. Tourists love to enjoy the sun and surf at Bai Zai Beach (Bai Dai). Due to the gentle slope into the water, fine and soft sand, families with children choose this corner of earthly paradise.

Simple infrastructure is inferior to organizing recreation on the central beach of Nha Trang. Previously, there was a military base on this place, but now tourists relax. You can try seafood in cafes and restaurants.

Hotels near Bai Zai

Jungle Beach

To get to this magical place, you need to go around the Heo Peninsula. There is no public transport here, so it is better to rent a bike. Jungle Beach with its coves and bays amazes with its splendor.

Clean air exotic plants, sea and white sand will make your vacation unforgettable. This corner is chosen by windsurfers. At night, plankton swims to the shore and glows. You can bathe in this radiance.

Hotels near Jungle Beach

Turtle Beach

In the vicinity of Nha Trang there is another corner that is worth visiting. Turtle Beach is a protected area. It is fringed by white sand and turquoise waters. The number of people who can visit this place per day with special permits is strictly limited. Tourists snorkel in the coral bay and kayak.

You can't get here on your own. You need to buy a tour from the RIC (Russian information agency in Nha Trang).

Southern Islands

Vietnam is a fashionable destination today, and Nyan Chag has become a symbol of a great holiday. Picturesque beaches on the islands scattered near the coast are ready to give many unforgettable impressions. It’s easy to get to them using a ferry, boat, or cable car. You can visit them on a guided tour.


A huge amusement park was created on a fabulous island. Many tourists are interested in how to get to Vinpearl. This can be done by ferry or by cable car. The park offers travelers a lot of entertainment:

  • attractions;
  • water park;
  • aquarium;
  • fountain show, etc.

Visitors are attracted by the white sand and azure water, which is warmer than in the city. Possibility to rent jet ski. There is a cafe on Vinpearl Beach with affordable prices. A corner with lots of entertainment will appeal to families with children and lovers extreme species sports

If you are wondering where to swim in Nha Trang when there are waves all around? Come here! A beach on the island without waves even in the off season! (winter, autumn).

Hotels near Vinpearl

All hotels on the island are high class.

Hon Tam

A relaxing holiday away from the hustle and bustle of the city awaits travelers on the island. The beaches of Hon Tam with white sand and warm sea are ideal for families with children. You can go here for one day, booking an excursion, or stay in a hotel.

The island is clean and well-maintained. There are many on the coast comfortable sunbeds. There is a Vietnamese village in this area where there are performances in the evening.

Hotels on Hon Tam Island

Hong Moon

In the sea waters near the island they go snorkeling and diving. Hon Mun Beach attracts travelers with a sea with a lot of corals and exotic fish. People often purchase excursions without going ashore; diving is allowed directly from the boat.

You can get to the island by water. There is not a single hotel or infrastructure facility here. The territory of the island is entirely a protected area; landing on it is paid.

This article is from our friends https://vk.com/nhatrang_vietnam about the beaches of Nha Trang will tell you about which beaches in Vietnam in Nha Trang, as well as which are the best beaches in Nha Trang on the map you can visit during your holiday. By the way, in this VK group there is a lot of interesting, useful and relevant information about Nha Trang.

Nha Trang beaches in the south of the resort

The beaches of Nha Trang in the south are a wide beach line, well-equipped and clean area. Without exaggeration, they can be called the best beaches in Nha Trang, the cleanest and the safest. On these beaches in Nha Trang, a tractor sifts the sand and removes garbage every evening. The area that belongs to the cafe is cleaned additionally. A security guard sits near each area with sun loungers. Almost everywhere there is a fresh water shower and toilet.

Pros: clean water, far from the river, landscaped area, shower.
Cons: Russian music, the feeling that you are in Gelendzhik.

Nha Trang beach opposite Sailing club and Luisiana #2

The quality of this Nha Trang beach is no different from Gorky Park. It is just as clean, comfortable and safe, but there are fewer people here. There is a small swimming pool. The population of this Nha Trang beach is predominantly European.

Pros: good service There are few people in restaurants.
Cons: prices are a little higher than elsewhere.

Vietnam Nha Trang beaches in the center in the European quarter #3

The European Quarter is the most densely populated area. There is a park area here that separates Nha Trang beach from the road. There are also inflatable water slides on the beach.

Pros: clean beach, water slides.
Cons: a lot Chinese tourists, paid dry closets and corresponding showers.

#5 In this place opposite the beach there are administrative buildings. There is no recreation area as such here.

Beach in Nha Trang near the Bavico Hotel and Xom Moi Market #6

In the area of ​​the Bavico Hotel and Xom Moi Market there is a fairly clean beach in Nha Trang, but the water here is already cloudier, because nearby the river flows into the sea. The place is not accessible, so there are not many people here.

Pros: few people.
Cons: very close to the road and because of this it is noisy, nearby the river flows into the sea.

Hotels nearby: Bavico, Olympic, TTC.

Nha Trang beaches in the north of the resort

In general, the beaches in Nha Trang in the north are an order of magnitude worse than in the south. There is no infrastructure, recreation areas are not equipped in any way (with the exception of sun loungers from hotels). The water is much muddier than in the south. There is no security, so the likelihood that your things will be snatched or stolen on the beach increases significantly.

The beach in Nha Trang in the “Rock Garden” area is a small bay. It was once clean, but last year it was covered with silt and algae. Reason - sewer pipe, which dumps waste into the sea.
There is no garbage collection on this beach in Nha Trang, Vietnam. There are not many people on the beach, because few people want to swim in the sewer and feel the garbage under their feet.

Pros: inexpensive hotels nearby.
Cons: sewerage, garbage, no shower or toilet, no cafe.

Pros: none.
Cons: dirty, nothing around.

Hotels near: La Mer.

Nha Trang Beach in front of WonderLand #8 Hotel

At this beach in Nha Trang, Vietnam, the water is a little clearer. The beach is also not equipped with anything except sun loungers, there is a road nearby, the beach line is very narrow (in winter there is none at all).

Pros: it's calm here.
Cons: to take a shower, you will have to go to the hotel, you will have to take water and food to the beach with you, there is no security on the beach, so you will also have to look after your things yourself.

Hotels nearby: VDB, Minh Nhat, Fairy bay, Calm Seas, Wonderland, Memory, Ocean Bay.

Beach in Nha Trang opposite the Muong Thanh Grand Hotel (read Northern) #8

The beach in Nha Trang opposite the Muong Thanh Grand hotel is a dirty beach with pebbles, the water is blooming, there is nothing nearby (cafe, shower, toilet). According to eyewitnesses, thieves and onanists operate here.

Pros: calm, deserted area.
Cons: dirty beach, fishing boats, scraps of nets.

Hotels near Muong Thanh Grand

These were all the beaches in Nha Trang. As stated in this article, best beach in Nha Trang are located in the south of the resort. In this area, hotels are more expensive, but the quality of stay matches the price. In the north of Nha Trang, the beaches are much worse, but the hotels with the most low prices located right here. Therefore, when choosing a suitable beach and hotel, choose based on your wishes and capabilities. If you are interested in Nha Trang, then our website contains large number articles about resorts in Vietnam. We also recommend reading , .