Your child's ears need to be pierced. When is it better to pierce a girl’s ears: at what age, how painful is it for the child? Advantages and disadvantages of early ear piercing

The question of when to pierce a girl’s ears, how to do it, and whether it is necessary at all, arises for all parents of little princesses. Our article may influence your decision about piercing too early, tell you about ways to carry out the unpleasant procedure, and give recommendations for caring for the wound.

From this article you will learn

Pros and cons

Public opinion on early piercing is divided. Proponents of piercing a child under 3 years of age put forward their arguments:

  • No fear or bad memories in the future. According to psychologists, the painful process will not upset a baby so much at the age of 7-10 months or even a year. The baby is quickly distracted and forgets about the offense. And three-year-old girls can get psychological trauma, stress, and phobias.
  • Originality appearance tiny princess. The earlobe, decorated with gold and silver earrings almost from birth, causes great delight among parents and strangers on the street.

Pediatricians and more cautious parents have their reasons for postponing the piercing of a baby’s ear until the age of 3 or to a later period:

  • The traumatic procedure will cause pain to the baby.
  • The cartilage in the ear is still developing, and it can be accidentally damaged during the procedure.
  • Low infant immunity.
  • Restlessness, inexperience of the child. A child may twitch his ears when interested in an unusual object. If you manage to rip off or unfasten an earring, you will definitely taste it.
  • Danger to the life and health of the baby. The earlobe contains important nerve endings. Their accidental damage can harm the development of the child and provoke pathologies of the central nervous system.
  • Allergenicity of jewelry material. Earrings may contain nickel, which causes allergies. The ear may turn red immediately after putting it on in the salon and will hurt.

When is it better?

The choice of the optimal age for piercing depends on the state of health, the character of the girl and the opinion of the parents on this matter. The best period of life, from the point of view of doctors, is considered age 5 - 8 years.

A popular children's doctor, author of famous television programs about raising children, Dr. Komarovsky believes that piercing the ears of children under one year of age is an act of terrorism and extremism. In his opinion, it is better to wait until the baby grows up, the girl is 5-10 years old, and maybe more.

However, puberty (11-14 years) is also not the best period for piercing. Wounds take longer to heal, the body needs strength for hormonal changes. It is advisable to have time to complete your plans before this time. But final decision, of course, parents accept.

It is important to consider the time of year. Winter is the period of hats, scarves, collars. Pierced ears can be injured when getting dressed and catch a cold. In summer, the risk of mechanical damage to the earlobes is minimal, but it is dusty and windy outside, and there is a possibility of wound infection.

For these reasons, spring and autumn are the optimal period for piercing. In May and September there is no need to wear hats, there is no heat or dust.

Some parents choose the time for piercing according to signs and lunar calendar. Suitable for earlobe 1st – 5th day of the new lunar month.


  • dermatitis (eczema, diathesis, rashes and other skin diseases);
  • allergies, especially of unknown etiology, to metals;
  • blood pathologies ( special attention It is worth paying attention to blood clotting; if it is bad, refuse the procedure);
  • visual impairment, hearing impairment;
  • otitis, strabismus, temporary inflammatory processes of the mucous membrane.
  • chronic diseases internal organs(asthma, hepatitis, diabetes and others);
  • HIV infection;
  • heart defects;
  • mental illness, epilepsy;
  • keloid scars;
  • period of teething;
  • low immunity;
  • general malaise (snot, lethargy).

In some conditions, parents need to choose a different time for piercing, for example, to cure an acute respiratory viral infection, or wait until a tooth cuts through.

But other pathologies are a lifelong contraindication - these are blood diseases, diabetes, nervous excitability, immunodeficiencies and nickel allergies.

Where to do the procedure

There are several options: a beauty salon, a medical center, or on your own at home. Let's look at the positive and negative aspects of each of them in comparison.

  • Piercing at home. Bad option for piercing the ears of newborns and babies up to 3 years old. The likelihood of infection and errors in choosing a location for the hole is very high. In addition, making a hole with a needle is quite painful. You will be responsible for the quality and take care of the wound yourself.
  • Beauty salon, hairdresser. Trust only verified centers industry. Often this service is offered as an additional service without any experience. This option is more suitable for adults, not for babies or preschool-aged children.

If you nevertheless decide to go to the nearest hairdresser to your child’s friend “Aunt Masha”, then be sure to ensure that the pistol is disinfected, it would be a good idea ask for a license to carry out such activities.

The advantages of choosing a beauty salon include: service cost, it will be lower than in the medical center, but, according to doctors and experienced parents, it is more dangerous for the baby’s health.

  • Medical clinic. Reliable, safe option. The advantages of a medical institution include the opportunity to consult with a specialist.

Make an appointment with your doctor before your piercing procedure. You can be seen by a surgeon, pediatrician, or reflexologist. They will definitely show photos and videos about the disadvantages of piercing at an early age, explain how to care for the wound after the procedure, and help in case of complications or suppuration of the ear.

The hole will be pierced by a qualified specialist who is responsible for the safety of the baby and the quality of the procedure.

The better to pierce

Children's ears are pierced in several ways: medical needle, gun, system 75. All of them are practically painless and safe. The choice may be based on cost and parental preference. Below is comparative characteristics all piercing methods.

Method, type of toolPeculiaritiesProsCons
Classic method Medical gun for reusable use.The device looks like a pistol and works the same way.
Before starting the procedure, it must be disinfected. The puncture site is marked with a marker, and a stud earring is charged into the device. It is she who acts as a needle. The procedure takes a few seconds, the pain goes away quickly.
Painless, speed of execution. The use of medical carnations guarantees the absence of allergic reactions in the child.
The piercing and screwing of the earring into the lobe occurs simultaneously.
The need to sterilize the device. If disinfection is performed poorly, there is a risk of infection.
The noise from a gun shot can frighten a girl. In some cases, it is difficult to persuade a child to get a puncture on the second lobe.
Medical needle Manual method. A catheter needle is used. Our grandmothers used this method to pierce their ears.The needle is selected individually according to the size of the hole for the earrings and the child’s earlobe.
In the puncture area, it is not medical studs that are worn, but real earrings that the baby likes.
Low cost of the procedure.
The needle causes panic in the child on a subconscious level. The procedure lasts at least 3 - 5 minutes.
Soreness. There is a danger of infection and inflammation of the wound.
System 75 A reusable gun with disposable cartridges is used. The earring is inside, the needle pierces the ear, and the stud lock is fastened automatically.Sterility. The puncture is done quickly, painlessly, quietly. The earrings are absolutely hypoallergenic. Titanium, medical steel, bioflex do not cause a negative reaction from the body.Limited choice of temporary earrings, the need to replace them after the wound has healed.
The procedure is expensive.

How do you plan to do the piercing?

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How the process works

Before going to a medical center or a piercing salon, your baby needs to understand and know the intricacies of the ear piercing process. This is necessary to monitor the correctness of the specialist’s manipulations, monitor the child’s safety, reduce the risk of infection, and get rid of fear. The puncture takes place in several stages:

  1. External inspection. The specialist identifies the presence of contraindications. The child’s ears, skin, eyes, and head must be clean, without scratches, wounds, or suppuration.
  2. Tool processing. Very important stage, it needs to be monitored to avoid complications with the ears, hole in the lobe later.
  3. Puncture with a gun or needle. It is done quickly, in the presence of adults. Earrings are inserted using an automatic device or manually.
  4. Checking the quality of the procedure. Pay attention to whether the punctures are symmetrical and whether the lock is tightly fastened. They can also make a hole unevenly in specialized centers, it all depends on the experience of the master.
  5. Consultation on wound care. Parents are often given a booklet with useful tips, instructions. You should definitely take the technician’s phone number for consultation in unforeseen circumstances.

How to treat ears

By observing the basic rules of hygiene of the wound in the lobe, mothers will be able to save their daughters from suppuration and complications after piercing. Instructions for caring for your ears are as follows:

  • Don't shoot and do not change the earrings you wear in the salon 2 - 3 months, thereby avoiding injury to the wound.
  • Treat the earlobe and earring with antiseptics three times daily. Use chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide. It is not recommended to smear with alcohol or streptocide. If the earlobe breaks out, quickly begin to treat it with Vishnevsky ointment and other means.
  • When processing, rotate the nail along the axis. Make movements with the bow so that dirt does not stagnate inside the wound. Be sure to pull the entire surface of the earring out and wipe it. Wash your hands thoroughly before doing this.
  • Do not remove the dried crust from the wound. It will disappear on its own.
  • Put baby's hair in a ponytail higher to avoid infection in the ears.
  • Use medical glue to speed up wound healing.
  • Avoid swimming in open water, dirt, soap, and cosmetics getting on the earring and earlobe.
  • For 1 - 2 weeks after the procedure limit physical activity baby. Sweating can negatively affect tissue regeneration. If dirt or dust gets in, the ear can become inflamed.

What to do if your ear starts to fester

An unpleasant consequence of piercing is the suppuration of the wound in the baby’s ear. Poorly processed piercing devices can provoke an inflammatory process and infection. improper care after the procedure, replacement of earrings. A scar may remain on the ear, and the girl will no longer be able to wear earrings.

To eliminate suppuration and exclude other complications, treatment should be started immediately:

  1. Consult a doctor. Especially with prolonged suppuration, detection of redness in the neck area, compaction in the lobe, in the future it may turn black due to tissue death.
  2. Anoint the wound yourself medicines. Use " Miramistin" for spraying the wound 2 - 3 times a day, " Solcoseryl», « Levomekol", lubricate the inflamed areas with syntomycin ointment. You can wash out the suppuration with hydrogen peroxide.
  3. Go to the surgeon immediately, if the ear turns black, begins to swell, the child has a fever. The doctor will administer anesthesia and examine the baby. Surgical intervention may be required to eliminate the source of inflammation and clean the wound from pus.
  4. Don't ignore folk remedies. Grandmother's advice helps treat inflammation without medication:
  • aloe juice draws out pus, heals the wound, relieves pain;

Cut a leaf of the plant in half, attach it to the ear, and replace it with a new one after two hours. Use the recipe several days in a row.

Self-piercing of children's ears at home often leads to complications. This is absolutely not allowed!

Inflammatory processes on the lobe and inside the auricle lead to serious consequences. These are paralysis of the facial nerves, keloids, tissue ruptures, hearing and vision disabilities. It is unknown how many troubles await in this case and how many complications you will encounter.

Do right choice, entrusting your child to professionals. This way you will protect your little princess from complications, and she will be happy with her earrings in her little ears.

Which earrings to choose

When choosing the first jewelry for your baby, you need to pay attention to the following earring parameters:

  • Type of metal. During piercing, girls wear special temporary earrings made of titanium, medical steel or modern bioflex. They do not cause allergies and promote rapid wound healing. Buy gold and silver earrings later, 1 - 2 months after the piercing. Precious metals oxidize and may contain nickel, which is unsafe for an open wound in the ear and the child’s health in general.
  • Product weight. It is important for a baby, a one-year-old baby, not to feel the weight of the decoration. Almost weightless models are the best.
  • Form. Triangle, circle, heart - any option will be optimal if the child's earring does not interfere and fits neatly on the earlobe. The main thing is that they are not huge and do not interfere with dressing.
  • Sharpened edges. Traumatic, protruding edges are strictly prohibited.
  • Pebbles. Small ones welcome gems, crystals, diamonds. What is important is strength and reliability of their fixation, not high cost.
  • Lock. For kids, nails with a reliable closing mechanism or an English lock are suitable. It is difficult to unfasten them on your own and to lose them.

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We had injections at 3 months in a special children's hairdresser, there are special earrings with a round ball instead of a clasp - they are very comfortable to wear, and the ears heal quickly. the baby sobbed for literally 1 second and that’s all, as I understand it, it almost didn’t hurt.

18/01/2015 10:43

While the ears are actively growing, it is better not to pierce them. I was pierced when I was 4 years old, I remember it, it didn’t hurt (they pierced it with a gun), no health problems. but then the ears grew and the holes turned out to be God knows where))) more precisely - at the inner edge of the ear, and quite high. half of the earrings don’t fit, half of the earrings that do fit hang at an odd angle

24/03/2013 11:15

Russia, Smolensk

I have 7 punctures and haven’t had any problems with any of them, the first time I was pierced in the second grade, in a hospital with freezing))) All the rest with a regular syringe needle, I don’t feel any pain at all!!! But my friend was pierced with a pistol. Her ears did not heal for about 3 months until ordinary earrings were inserted. It’s scary to imagine what will happen to the child! My daughter is 1.5 and we’re also thinking about piercing her, but definitely not with a pistol!!!

07/12/2010 14:47

I got my ears pierced at age 19. There are no scars. And she took them off when my daughter was three months old. She tugged at them so hard that there were tears in her eyes. I will pierce her only when she HERSELF wants!!! My niece was pierced with a “pistol” when she was one year old. She didn’t cry, but she screamed until she was hoarse about the “rubbing.” I admired myself in front of the mirror. And when I went to kindergarten, other children began to pull my earrings until they bled. They took off the earrings, but every year they tried (why??) to put them back on. A couple of days in the garden and my ear bleeds again. Now she is in 3rd grade, she wants to wear it herself and apparently they will pierce it again. The question arises: Why was the child tortured for so many years??? The time has come, I wanted it myself, and now I have to make holes!

07/12/2010 11:20

Natasha Oh, it seems like they just drop peroxide right on the carnation.
But in general, I agree - is it necessary at an unconscious age? if she wants it herself, at 3, 5 or 15 years old - then we’ll go.
And I personally can’t stand gold at all; for me it’s a metal for people aged 35 and older. And even more so for children.

06/12/2010 23:38

I live in Spain. It’s a tradition here to pierce girls’ ears almost from birth! Sometimes you see a baby, a few days old, and already with pierced ears. I'm not going to pierce my daughter. When she grows up and if she wants, then let her pierce it herself. Only passers-by with their “Ay, what a handsome boy!¨ - ¨It’s a girl, she’s wearing a dress, can’t you see?¨- ¨Yes? And her ears are not pierced, she looks like a boy!¨. And so 10 times a day.

06/12/2010 15:18

I also don’t understand why you need to pierce your ears at 1.5 years old? The healing process cannot be called pleasant, but for what? My daughter is 13, she is not going to get her ears pierced, because... works in a circus studio and says that you can injure your ear. And my mother-in-law gave her earrings 4 years ago, she was also offended that she didn’t want to pierce her ears, and asked me to convince my daughter. I definitely wouldn’t pierce children, but those who are older can and decide for yourself.

06/12/2010 01:14

I got my ears pierced at the age of 17. There are no scars. I wouldn’t pierce a baby’s ears. Personally, I got caught on an earring more than once, and once with very unpleasant consequences. Is it really possible to insert studs right away? I wore earrings with a regular bow. After all, you have to scroll and wipe .Honestly, the sensations were very unpleasant. How was the baby?

07/02/2010 19:23

I respect that you can pierce the clumps whenever you want, but not all things require clumps. I pierced my ear at 16 people, but my ear doesn’t accept the little fists and that’s one face for me. The eldest daughter was pierced in the river, but when the fragments were pierced with a knife, it turned out a little crookedly, and the child was under great stress. So the young one (3 years and 2 months) I’m not in a hurry to work, I want to ask for some Easter cakes.

05/02/2010 15:17

Moms, of course, pierce with a gun, not a needle big difference, but they also need to be wiped, and this is painful. FOR WHAT small child earrings? I got my ears pierced at the age of 13, when I really wanted it, I don’t have to satisfy my whims through manyunya, and tell me how ecstatic the children are, yeah, especially when the studs don’t heal and the parents start thinking about the gold - that’s a thrill, and from daily wiping the children in general in delight or from clothes sometimes touching the ears when dressing and undressing.

IN modern world The expression “meet you by your clothes” is more relevant than ever, so more and more women and men are thinking about ear piercing. Parents also don’t lag behind, keeping an eye on new trends and all sorts of ways to decorate their child. Earrings are beautiful, but they are still piercings, so you need to know at least a little about the procedure before having it done.

Whether or not to pierce a child’s ears is the choice of every parent and child in particular.

Should I get my child's ears pierced?

Parents strive to make their children even more beautiful and think about earrings from an early age. However, the main thing is the child’s desire and the doctor’s recommendations. There is no need to force a girl into the salon if she doesn’t want to.

It is worth remembering the risks: the master may pierce the ear unevenly, the wound may become infected, and pain may occur during healing. In addition, there are contraindications:

  • chronic ear diseases;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • neurological disorders;
  • blood diseases;
  • severe form of allergy.

A child’s earlobe is a cluster of special points, the impact of which can affect the baby’s development, so it is advisable not to touch them. The most successful holes are considered to be just below the middle of the lobe, closer to the cheek. Whether a girl's ears are pierced or not is up to the parents to decide.

At what age can you get your ears pierced?

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All mothers are concerned about the question: when is it better to pierce a child’s ears, at what age can this be done? Psychologists believe that it is best to go to the salon if the baby is under one and a half years old. Since during this period the child experiences virtually no fear, the procedure will be calmer. The statement is controversial: perhaps the girl will grow up and understand that she does not want to wear earrings at all.

It is better to wait until the child is 7-9 years old. At this age, a girl can say a thoughtful “yes.” It is not recommended to pierce the earlobes if the child is over 12, as the risk of scarring increases.

Pros and cons of early piercing

There are many pros and cons early piercing ears. Among negative aspects This question is highlighted:

  • Unsafe - even in the most sterile conditions there is a risk of infection. In addition, a child’s earlobe is a cluster of special points, the impact of which can affect the development of the baby.
  • At an early age, there is a high probability of an allergic reaction to earrings. Since even the most expensive and high-quality jewelry contains a portion of nickel, which can cause allergies.
  • A small child is very active. Children run, jump, fall and can get their earrings caught on something. Many parents worry that an active girl may tear her earlobe.
  • Some mothers believe that earrings simply do not suit very young children. Jewelry is appropriate for a teenager, but completely out of place for a baby.
  • Last but enough serious problem- children are careless. If a child wears expensive earrings, he can easily lose them. For some parents, this is a reason to hold off.

Ideally, ear piercing will be done at a conscious age, that is, when the child himself wants it.

There are fewer advantages, but they are all significant:

  • Beauty. It is for this reason that women began to pierce their ears; parents want to decorate the appearance of their child.
  • IN childhood higher pain threshold.
  • Getting your ears pierced before age 12 reduces the risk of scarring.

What time of year is best to put earrings on your child for the first time?

When it comes to a child's health, every little detail is important, even the time of year. Due to a number of factors, a particular season may not be suitable for ear piercing. When is the best time to do the procedure? Folk signs The recommended apple blossom period is May. However, many are skeptical about folk wisdom, and in vain - even experts, for objective reasons, believe late spring or early autumn best time for ear piercing - during this period, wounds heal fastest.

Why is it better not to carry out this procedure in winter? Because of the cold weather, you have to wear knitted sweaters and warm hats (see also:). The child may touch the earring when taking off or putting on clothes. Any sudden awkward movement can lead to damage to the lobe. For the same reasons, you should not pierce your ears in March, October, November, etc.

Why not in the summer? It would seem that it is warm outside and there is no need to wear a bunch of clothes - however, the heat slows down the healing of wounds and can increase the risk of infections.

Methods of ear piercing

Many parents, not without reason, are concerned about the best way to pierce a girl’s ears. The most common types of instruments for performing the procedure are: a needle, a gun and System 75. The choice is up to the parents, but it would be a good idea to consult a doctor.

The main thing is that you should not prick your ears at home. This is fraught with infection, crooked punctures and other unpleasant consequences.

Using a needle

The traditional method is to use a special catheter needle. Mostly, the piercing procedure is carried out in medical centers and tattoo parlors, where this type services. Local anesthesia is often used.

The benefits include:

  • often the procedure is performed by a qualified doctor - cosmetologist or surgeon;
  • in clinics the likelihood of infection is much lower;
  • painlessness due to the use of anesthetic;
  • the ability to choose the size of the needle for the lobe;
  • You are allowed to put on jewelry immediately.

Ear piercing with a needle is less popular today than piercing with a pistol or System 75

However, there are also significant disadvantages:

  • the child may be afraid of the needle;
  • the anesthetic is not always safe for the child’s body;
  • After the procedure, discomfort is felt for some time;
  • If the specialist is not sufficiently qualified, the puncture may be uneven.

The cost of the procedure varies depending on the region within 1000 rubles. Permitted from the age of three years.

Reusable gun

Gun piercing is carried out in beauty salons and some tattoo parlors. The technology consists of a puncture with a needle-earring, which instantly passes through the earlobe and is immediately fastened. The procedure is practically painless, so salons rarely offer an anesthetic.

The service has many advantages:

  • disposable needle earrings that are inserted into the gun;
  • almost complete absence of pain;
  • a smooth hole in the lobe, as the gun mechanism is easy to operate;
  • rapidity.

Earrings for ear piercing with a gun

However, there is also a minus that can be significant for some parents. The needle earrings, which are inserted during the procedure, must be worn without removal for 2 months until the wound heals. Only after this is it possible to change them. However, manufacturers take this drawback into account and produce earrings in various forms and flowers. Often they cannot be distinguished from jewelry made of precious metals.

The cost of the procedure is up to 1000 rubles, the service is provided to children from one year old. For more information about the procedure, watch the video.

System 75 tool

System 75 is a new ear piercing equipment manufactured by an American company. The device is positioned as professional. The kit includes a disposable sterile cartridge with earring needles and a reusable instrument.

This method has many advantages:

  • rapidity;
  • noiselessness (unlike the use of a conventional pistol, the child is not scared);
  • maximum sterility of the procedure, since the earring does not come into contact with the reusable instrument;
  • the needle is very thin, it does not pierce, but pushes apart the tissue of the lobe, which does not cause pain at all;
  • earrings are installed in cartridges immediately, which minimizes the likelihood of any mistakes due to the fault of the master;
  • the earrings are packaged separately, so you can pierce the earlobes in several stages;
  • earrings are made from materials not causing allergies– titanium, medical steel, etc.

Ear piercing with System 75

However, there are also disadvantages:

  • The earring has a very thin needle, so at first you will only have to wear earrings with a thin bow;
  • limited selection of earrings, as they are specially made for System 75;
  • the price is twice as high as other lobe piercing services.

Carrying out the procedure

In any salon or medical center, regardless of its status or cost of service, the procedure consists of several stages:

  1. Preparation. The earlobes are treated with a special disinfectant solution, and sometimes anesthetics are used. If a child has a low pain threshold, it is necessary to warn about this. The master uses a special marker to mark the puncture site.
  2. Direct puncture. If a needle is used, a puncture is first made where the jewelry is inserted. If there is a pistol, the earring is inserted immediately.
  3. Disinfection. By special means the specialist treats the puncture site.

It is difficult to say how long the procedure will take; it all depends on its type and the artist. After the procedure, parents must take care of the punctures for about 3 months, following the mandatory recommendations.

Preparation before piercing and care after

After the decision to pierce a child’s ears has been made, he needs to undergo a medical examination. If you have recently suffered a serious illness, you should postpone the procedure. You also need to find a good salon - it’s not enough to ask your neighbor for advice or read one review on the website.

The main thing is to visit an allergist to identify an allergy to nickel. Absolutely all jewelry contains this metal. The day before the procedure, you should thoroughly wash your head and ears to avoid infection.

Healing of the wound can take from 1 to 3 months, depending on the characteristics of the girl’s body. At home, you should follow the following recommendations to speed up the process:

  • the child must understand that earrings should not be touched, especially in the first days;
  • until the ears heal, there is no need to change earrings;
  • hair should be braided so that it does not cling to jewelry;
  • the puncture should be treated antiseptics(hydrogen peroxide, alcohol, etc. as recommended by a doctor) from 2 times a day, a week after the procedure you need to rotate the earrings during treatment;
  • After piercing, it is not advisable to wash your hair or ears or swim for 5 days.

Sometimes pus may be released from the puncture, then treatment with a solution of potassium permanganate can be added to the list of procedures. A few days are enough to eliminate inflammation. If yellow discharge is still noticeable after three days, you should go to the hospital.

What to do if your ears are pierced crookedly?

Sometimes, when the child is very small and is constantly fidgeting, not allowing the technician to do a good job, the punctures may be placed crookedly. Such a misunderstanding can also occur due to the fault of an unqualified craftsman. For example, on one ear the earring is located higher than on the other, or the hole in the earlobe is made at an angle. What should parents do in this case? There is no need to panic: if the earrings can be put on and do not cause discomfort, then it is possible that the specialist’s mistake will not be noticeable after healing. In the photo accompanying the article you can see how the earring should be inserted correctly.

If the earlobes were pierced incorrectly, you should contact a qualified technician who will assess the situation. If possible, you can take out the earrings, let the holes heal and perform the procedure again.

Some mothers of girls, almost from the first days of their lives, think about decorating the ears of their princesses with miniature earrings.

At the same time, there are also those who prefer to take their time and later give the child the opportunity to decide for herself whether she needs it or not.

So which of them is right and at what time should a child’s ears be pierced? Let's figure it out in order.

A little about traditions

Even in ancient times, people sought to decorate their bodies and for this many people pierced their earlobes. During the Middle Ages, earrings often served as some kind of identification mark.

For example, girls from noble families wore jewelry made of gold or silver in their ears. The poor could be content exclusively with jewelry made of wood, clay or other natural materials.

Today, earrings for girls are exclusively decoration and wearing them does not carry any secret meaning. So is it worth rushing in this matter?

Pros and cons of early piercing

When choosing the best time to pierce a girl’s ears, caring mothers try to weigh the pros and cons, paying attention to the possible risks of an early procedure.

  • The only benefit of early ear piercing is that the child will quickly forget the pain and feel calm about his earrings;

Although there are pitfalls here too: young children do not yet understand why jewelry is needed and can pull earlobes and twist earrings.

  • The more intelligent the child, the more impressive the ear piercing will be for him;

My grandmother, when I was about 5 years old, decided to pierce the ears of all her granddaughters and give them earrings. Then they pierced with an ordinary needle, disinfected in alcohol.

Of course, I was shaking very much when it was my turn, but I so wanted to get beautiful earrings that I courageously sat down on the chair. After getting one ear pierced, they spent two hours trying to persuade me to get the second one pierced.

  • In general, a more conscious age is needed so that the child does not later remember having his ears pierced as a terrible torment.

Modern society is very much aimed at ensuring that girls become adults as soon as possible. For babies they sew red, bright, provocative clothes, similar to adults.

They buy glasses, bags, and shoes for children. Many mothers begin to paint their girls’ nails as early as 2-3 years old.

This reminds me a lot of the situation – “we haven’t played enough.”

It's the same with ear piercings. In most cases, mothers want the girl to be a girl and no one could confuse her with a boy.

My opinion is that earrings can act as an indicator of adulthood. An indicator that you have grown to a certain level and now your status has changed.

From a girl you have turned into a girl and yes, now is the time to decorate yourself, try to build relationships with the opposite sex.

And just external attractiveness can be enhanced by clothes, makeup, manicure and beautiful earrings.

There are also negative points in early ear piercing:

  1. Sometimes ears after piercing long time do not heal, which gives the child discomfort;

For infants, the situation is further complicated by the fact that at this age many medications that could save them from suffering are prohibited for use.

  1. It is difficult for babies to stay in one position for a long time, so the technician will have to make every effort to pierce the ears symmetrically;
  2. The auricle, as the baby grows, will also grow, and if the punctures turn out to be asymmetrical, then over time this may become noticeable;
  3. Sometimes, experiencing discomfort, the baby may try to independently get rid of the thing that is bothering her, which can lead to injury to the lobe;
  4. Also, the earring can accidentally get caught on clothing or a toy, and this often leads to bleeding of the wound that has not yet healed and pain;
  5. On some earrings, the clasp may unfasten on its own, and the jewelry will simply fall out of the ear. A child who is not yet 3 years old can easily put a shiny thing in his mouth and swallow it;
  6. Jewelry contains nickel, to which the baby may become allergic.

Ear care rules

Regardless of the age at which a girl’s ears were pierced, it is important for parents to learn how to properly care for them in order to avoid negative consequences.

To do this you need:

  • Wipe your earlobes daily with any available antiseptic (miramistin, peroxide, etc.). This should be done several times a day until the wound is completely healed;
  • Before starting this procedure, the mother must disinfect her hands. Antibacterial soap or any antiseptic solution is suitable for this;
  • When treating the lobe, it is important that the antiseptic gets on the wound;
  • If the wound is inflamed, it needs to be treated up to 9 times a day;
  • If you notice pus, it is important to remove the earring and consult a doctor who can choose the appropriate antibacterial cream for your child.

On average, it takes about 1 month for a wound to heal.

Winter or summer: when is it better to pierce your ears?

In addition to the age factor, there is a seasonal factor.

  1. In winter, at the beginning of spring and late autumn, this is not recommended, because the risk of getting a cold in the ear increases;
  2. In addition, during the cold season, the baby wears warm sweaters, which can touch the earring and lead to damage to the earlobe;
  3. In summer it is quite hot and dusty, which is why there is a high probability of infection in the wound.

The best time for the procedure is considered to be May and September. At this time, the child does not need to wear warm clothes, it is not hot outside and the ears heal faster.

Where and how to pierce ears

Despite the fact that ear piercing is considered a very simple procedure, if we talk about the baby, he needs to be prepared for it.

Is it possible to pierce a child's ears yourself? Not worth it. We live in an age of technology where there are more reliable ways to get your ears pierced, rather than resorting to tricks with needles, like my grandmother.

It is equally important to choose the right earrings. They should be light, with a secure fastener and not have sharp corners.

There are several ways to carry out the procedure:

  • A special catheter needle. Advantage this method is that it is possible to choose the appropriate needle size, and then put on absolutely any earrings that the parents choose;
  • Ear piercing with a gun. In this case, the manipulation takes less time, but is clearly not painless.

Piercing a child's ears is not a very complicated procedure if it is done under the supervision of a specialist and provided good care behind the wound.

I hope that after reading this article it will become easier for you to decide when to pierce your baby’s ears.

Read also.

It has now become fashionable to pierce a child's ears at an early age. Many mothers take their daughters to salons when the child is six months old. Conscious people are tormented by doubts about the safety of the procedure. In this article I will answer the questions that concern mothers who decide to pierce their children’s ears with a pistol. Piercing a child's ears?

When deciding whether to pierce a child’s ears, you should first ask whether he needs it, and whether he is willing to endure pain and unpleasant procedures in the postoperative period for the sake of beauty.

Is it possible to pierce a child's ears? Expert opinion

Medical opinions differ on whether it is possible to pierce a child’s ears; agreement is found only on one thing: this procedure is best tolerated between the ages of 3 and 11; later, the risk of keloid scars increases. Psychologists assure that ear piercing is optimal for girls under 1.5 years old: they forget about the pain faster, there is no fear. If your daughter experiences severe fear during the procedure, throws a tantrum, or resists, it is better to come for her ear piercing another day.

Where to pierce the ear

Reflexologists say that there are many points on the auricle associated with internal organs, and the consequences of any puncture can be unpredictable. For example, if you hit a point with a needle that corresponds to the projection of the heart, its functions are likely to be impaired. By correctly finding and stimulating certain points, the functioning of internal organs can be improved. However, some neurologists confidently state that even if the reflexogenic zone is touched during the puncture, it does not subsequently respond to stimulation.

The founder of auriculomedicine, Paul Nogier, wrote in his works that a puncture should not be made in the center of the lobe. There is an opinion that if there are deviations in health, the procedure can help improve the condition. However, some testimonies from puncture survivors contradict these expectations. Before the operation, it is advisable to visit a consultant in auricular medicine: he will mark the neutral zones on the ear so as not to harm the body’s functioning.

What time of year should I get a piercing?

It is better to do the procedure in late autumn or winter, during this period the wounds heal faster. However, you need to be careful: put on and wear your headdress extremely carefully, it is advisable to wear a “tail” so as not to touch your ear.

Contraindications for the procedure

  • chronic (diabetes, etc.)
  • circulatory system;
  • neurological;
  • traumatic brain injuries;
  • severe form of allergy;

You should not pierce your ears if you have a tendency to form keloid scars (you can consult a dermatologist about this) or less than 14 days have passed since you suffered an infectious disease.

In any case, the possibility of complications should be taken into account, since even if all necessary hygiene rules inflammation, skin growths, etc. may occur.

Where to pierce children's ears with a “gun”

You can go to a piercing salon, medical center or beauty salon. A specialist without medical education who pierces the ears is a guarantee of serious complications.

To reduce the risk of infection, the following requirements must be met: ears must be pierced under sterile conditions, the specialist must be qualified, the instrument must be sterilized, and the piercing site must be disinfected. If purulent discharge, severe swelling or other reactions appear after surgery, you should consult a specialist without self-medicating.

Needle or gun?

The piercing procedure is performed using a needle or “gun”. Moreover, piercing the ears of children with a “gun” today is a more common method due to less trauma. It is worth noting that a reusable instrument cannot be completely sterilized due to its design; during the procedure, a frightening sound is made, while the child may involuntarily move from its place, and the puncture site will change. Therefore, experts now often recommend carrying out the procedure with a “gun”, with the help of which a puncture is made, not a shot. In this case, there is no rupture, the tissues move apart, such an operation proceeds without noise and is easier for the child to tolerate.

The answer to the question “Should I pierce my child’s ears?” Ideally, he should give it himself; the parents can only explain the pros and cons of the decision, and if they agree, ensure maximum safety of the procedure.