What does a water lily look like? White water lily (water lily): description

Name: received its Latin name from the name of one of the water nymphs. In Slavic fairy tales, the idea of ​​water lilies is associated with the mysterious image of a mermaid. Scandinavian legends say that each water lily has its own friend - an elf, who is born with it and dies with it. According to ancient Greek myths, the water lily was once a white nymph, but then she died from love for Hercules, who remained indifferent to her, and turned into a beautiful flower. The water lily nymph is also called the “child of the sun”: it beautiful flowers open in the morning and close at dusk.

Description: The genus includes about 35 species of aquatic plants growing in temperate and tropical regions of the globe - from the equator to Scandinavia and Canada.

The water lily is pure white, or snow-white- Nymphaea candida

Usually found in Central Russian natural reservoirs. In the substrate of the bottom of the reservoir, it develops a powerful rhizome with a tuberous surface, reaching 5 cm in thickness. White cord-like roots extend down from the rhizome, and flexible, succulent petioles and peduncles rise to the surface of the water. Flowering of water lilies begins in May-June and sometimes continues until the first frost, the peak of flowering occurs in July-August. At this time, ponds are covered with beautiful wide leaves 20-25 cm in size floating on the surface, round in outline and with a deep cut at the base, and snow-white flowers with subtle aroma, reaching 10 and sometimes even 15 cm in diameter. The flowers have 4 green sepals on the outside, and on the inside there are numerous white petals arranged in several rows, turning into stamens in the center. Each water lily flower lasts approximately 4 days. After flowering, the peduncle curls and the fruit develops under water. When the capsules are ripe, they open, and seeds covered in mucus and resembling fish eggs spill out, they float for some time, and after the mucus is destroyed, they sink to the bottom and germinate. This is how plants reproduce in nature.

Photo by Yuri Markovsky

White water lily - Nymphaea alba L.

Homeland - freshwater reservoirs of Eurasia and North Africa. This is a rarer plant in our flora.

A rhizomatous perennial with rounded leaves floating on the surface of the water on long petioles. The leaf blade is up to 30 cm in diameter, noticeably unequal, entire-edged with a heart-shaped base. Young leaves are reddish, mature leaves are dark green above and reddish-purple below. The flowers are large, up to 15 cm in diameter, slightly fragrant, milky white, with petals gradually turning into numerous stamens with flattened and expanded stamen filaments. The fruit is berry-shaped, round, multilocular, slightly flattened at the apex. Ripens under water. There are forms: N. alba-rosea (see photo), N. alba, N. alba-rubra

From other types:

Water lily tetrahedral(Nymphaea tetragona). Another species that is found in Russia in our North and Siberia. It is quite miniature, white flowers do not exceed 5 cm in diameter.

Nymphaea tetragona
Photo by Yuri Markovsky

tuberous water lily(N. tuberosa) is a large North American water lily with horizontal rhizomes on which there are tuberous outgrowths. The flowers are white. Used for depths greater than 1 m. Its varieties: "Rosea" With pink flowers with red stamens and "Richardsonii" with exceptionally large snow-white flowers lying on light green leaves - they also prefer depths of 1 m or more.

Water lily fragrant(N. odorata) - from North America. The flowers are white, up to 15 cm in diameter, with numerous sharp petals, fragrant, in accordance with the name. The leaves are bright green, purple when young, and usually reddish below when mature. Planting depth is 40-80 cm. There are a number of varieties with pink, yellow, cream flowers. Interesting dwarf ones: white "Minor" and yellow with spotted leaves "Sulphurea", both of them are suitable for ponds 30 cm deep.

Hybrid water lily- Nymphaea hybridum

There are two large groups of nymphs - winter-hardy (hardy water lily) and tropical (tropical water lily). Most tropical species are too thermophilic and can only grow in greenhouses or winter garden, since their development requires a water temperature of at least 25°C. But winter-hardy varieties can be grown in open reservoirs in the northern regions of the European part of Russia and Siberia. Of course, the main advantage of hybrid nymphs is their amazing beautiful flowers, symbolizing absolute perfection. But these beauties are decorative not only during flowering. Some are grown for their incredibly showy leaves. Depending on the variety, the leathery, heart-shaped leaves differ in size and color. In some plants it is light green, in others it has a burgundy tint, and sometimes it can even be marbled-spotted.



"John Wedgwood"

"Laydekeri Rosea"

"Paul Heriot"

"Carlos Magdalena"



Nymphaea gigantea var.neorosea
Photos by Kirill Tkachenko

The predominant number of water lily varieties are of hybrid origin. In particular, varieties K. Leidecker(N. x laydekeri) and K. Marlika(N. x marliacea).

White. " Caroliniana Nivea" - large fragrant flowers, immersion 30-80 cm, Gladstoneana -large flowers and leaves, immersion 20-80 cm. "Gonnere"- flowers are unusually double, clearly organized, immersion up to 100 cm. N. x marliacea "Alba"- pure white, powerful, profusely flowering variety, depth 20-60 cm. N. x marliacea "Albida"- an even more powerful variety, for depths up to 2 m.

Pink. " Caroliniana Rosea" - bright pink, abundant flowering, depth 20-60 cm. " Caroliniana Perfecta» - salmon pink. N. x marliacea "Carnea"- the calyx and outer petals are pink (brighter than the inner ones), the central ones are completely white, a powerful variety for a depth of up to 2 m. N. x marliacea "Rosea"- the flowers are large, the calyx is pink, the petals are paler, the depth is 20-100 cm. “ Rose Arey" - pure pink flowers with narrow petals, rising above the water, depth 20-40 cm.

Yellow and orange tones. " Gold Medal"-flowers of pure golden color with narrow numerous petals. Grows at a depth of up to 100 cm. "Graziella"- copper-orange flowers and leaves with a brown pattern, profusely blooming, depth 15-30 cm. N. x marliacea "Chromatella"- numerous, pale flowers, leaves with a brown pattern, a powerful variety for ponds 0.3 - 1.5 m deep.

Red and crimson. "Escarboucle"- bright crimson, immersion up to 60 cm. " James Brydo n" - intense cherry color, double flowers, compact, with rounded petals, depth up to 100 cm.

"Fire Crest"
Photo by EDSR.

All types and varieties of water lilies are good, without exception. However, many of them have their own characteristics that determine the final choice. For example, of the yellow varieties in partial shade, Chromatella grows and blooms better than others, which also has variegated leaves. The profusely blooming bright pink "RoseArey" has flowers with long, pointed petals, while the soft pink "Morning Glory" has very large flowers. "Escarboucle" is good because its huge flowers (up to 25 cm in diameter) are in no hurry to close when evening comes, and the dark burgundy-red color of the petals has no analogues, it is so bright and rich. White "Gonnere" is unique with super-double flowers. Among the most powerful varieties is "Gladstoneana" with snow-white flowers of fantastic size.

Hybrid forms are widely used in the southern regions Cape water lilies- N. capensis Thunb. And red water lilies- N. rubra Roxb., with varied flower colors.

Non-winter-resistant species:

K. blue, or blue Egyptian lotus (N. caerulea), has fragrant light blue flowers. K. daubeniana(N. x daubenyana) - lilac, blooming profusely. K. stellata(N. stellata) sold for aquariums. She is originally from Southeast Asia. It is a large plant with round, tuberous rhizomes, slightly toothed leaves and blue flowers. There are white and pink flowered forms.

K. cape(N. саpensis) with sky-blue flowers, paler in the center - from South Africa. K. spotted(N. maculata) sold for aquariums. The so-called tiger lotus from West Africa. May have green leaves with red spots and red leaves with darker spots. The leaves are always submerged, up to 15 cm in diameter. The flowers are up to 6 cm in diameter, white, bloom at night and stick out above the water.

Nymphaea caerulea
Photo of Natalia Nesterova

K. sulfur yellow(N. sulphurea) is an African plant with reddish above and purple below leaves and fragrant bright yellow flowers. Varieties of hybrid origin White. "Missouri" - dark leaves with a brown pattern and a jagged edge, flowers up to 40 cm in diameter, bloom at night. Depth 70-100 cm.

Pink and red. " General Pershing"- the flowers are large, intensely pink in color, rising above the water, the stamens are yellow with pink tips. Depth 40-80 cm. " Emily Grant Hutching» - cup-shaped pink-red flowers with purple stamens. Blooms at night. Depth 40-80 cm. " Maroon Beauty» - produces abundant red-brown flowers. Depth 40-80 cm. " Red Flame"- the flowers are star-shaped, intensely red, standing above the water. Blooms at night. Leaves are mahogany colored. Depth 40-80 cm.

Yellow. " Aviator Pring" - bright star-shaped flowers, stand above the water, leaves are jagged with a wavy edge. Depth 40-80 cm. " St. Louis"-star-shaped flowers, light green leaves with brown specks. Depth 40-80 cm.

Blue and lilac. " Blue Beauty» - blue flowers with a golden center, the leaves are large, dark, with brown specks. Depth 40-80 cm. " Panama Pacific"- the flowers are first purple, then pink-lilac, the stamens are yellow with purple anthers, the leaves are bronze-green with reddish veins. Depth 40-80 cm.

Photos of water lilies in the Uppsala Botanical Garden:

Location: Water lilies prefer a sunny location - in full shade they do not bloom and produce small leaves. Some varieties for good flowering A few hours of sunlight is sufficient. Depending on the variety, each nymph specimen requires a water surface area of ​​0.5 to 4 or more square meters. The pond will appear overgrown if the leaves do not show the water. Ideally, 60% of the mirror surface of the water should remain free. Between groups of plants different colors there must be gaps. It is clear that in small pond can't grow large number water lilies. It is impossible to arrange fountains in a pond with water lilies, since these plants prefer stagnant water, otherwise their flowers will not develop. Often the desire to have a good collection of aquatic plants determines the size of the reservoir already during its design and construction. But the splendor of the nymphs is worth it.

Planting and transplanting: The time to purchase and transplant water lilies is from the beginning of May to the end of September. Plants can be planted directly into the soil at the bottom of the reservoir, and in small pools It is much more convenient to place them in various containers (pots, boxes, baskets, bowls, etc.). In this case, it will be convenient to remove the plants for the winter or move them to another place. For planting, it is better to choose low but wide containers with drainage holes. If the holes and cracks in their walls are too large, the inside of the containers can be lined with burlap or perforated plastic film.

Usually, to plant nymphs, they try to take silt from the bottom of some reservoir, but this does not make much sense. It is much better to use old compost with the addition of coarse sand and garden soil. Bone meal is an excellent fertilizer for water lilies. But it cannot be scattered on top of the substrate - it will immediately be washed off with water. You can mix it with soil, but in this case it quickly mineralizes, nutrients dissolve in water, cease to have a beneficial effect on nymphs and lead to flowering (greening) of the water. The best and most ingenious way to feed aquatic plants is to place tennis ball-sized balls made from a mixture of clay and bone meal under their rhizomes when planting or as needed.

The roots grow on one side, which should be the bottom when planting. They are pressed down with earth so that the plants do not float up. Large cuttings are planted horizontally. The rhizomes are half covered with substrate. Growth points cannot be buried. Small cuttings can be planted vertically. If newly planted plants float, they need to be pressed down with stones. When planting water lilies in large reservoirs, you can tie a stone to pieces of rhizomes and throw them in the right place (recommendation by V. Khondyrev).

Nymphaea violacea
Photo of Shakhmanova Tatyana

The optimal depth to which the container is lowered depends on the variety. For dwarf nymphs, 15-25 cm is enough, for vigorous ones - 70-100 cm. For most varieties and species, the ideal depth is 30-60 cm. By this we mean the distance from the growth bud to the surface. In spring, nymphs develop faster if they are brought closer to light and warmth. For this purpose, while there are no leaves, the plants are placed smaller - at half the specified distance. After the leaves grow, the nymphs are lowered to the recommended depth. The leaves will drown, but after 2-3 days they will reappear on the surface of the water.

Water lilies can be planted in the soil of the bottom of a reservoir if it is up to 30 cm thick. To prevent the rhizomes from floating, they are attached with wire or, similar to planting in a container, the ground is pressed down on top with crushed stones and small stones. Plants planted in early dates, manage to take root and bloom quite luxuriantly in the first year of life in a new place.

Nymphaea tetragona
Photo by Mikhail Polotnov

Wintering: One of the biggest difficulties in the culture of water lilies is their preservation in winter period. Each gardener will have to solve this problem individually.

Plants can remain in their places in winter if they are at a depth of half a meter or more (counting from the growth buds to the surface of the water), and the reservoir is very large. In this case, there are no problems with wintering water lilies: they winter well without special shelter. If the reservoir freezes to the bottom, then the containers with water lilies should be removed, placed in containers with water and placed in cool, but a frost-free place. You can leave the water lilies in the pond, but to do this they will have to be covered with peat and covered with a layer of leaves, sawdust or sand on top. This should be done when your pond is left without water in winter.

When choosing a wintering method, you should also take into account the experience already gained. Thus, A. Marchenko writes that nymphs with vertically growing fleshy rhizomes winter poorly and develop slowly in our climate. At the same time, nymphs with a creeping rhizome (marliak rhizome) grow without problems and delight with magnificent flowering. It is possible that when growing poorly proven hybrids in containers, the situation will change for the better if the containers are installed in shallow water in the summer and to a depth of about one meter in the winter.

Nymphaea "Attraction"
Photo by Dubova Galina

Many types of water lilies are plants of tropical and subtropical climates. They live in reservoirs, the water level in which during the dry season is greatly reduced, and the bottom in places becomes bare and dries out. In such unfavorable conditions, water lilies are preserved thanks to their tubers, which contain eyes and renewal buds. Some tropical species water lilies can be grown in temperate climates, but for the winter they must be removed from the reservoir and stored in containers with water in warmth bright place.

Nymphs awaken in early spring, when the ice melts and the water begins to warm up. At this time, it is time to return plants that have spent the winter outside the reservoir (in a frost-free basement) back into the pool. Containers from the basement or greenhouse are transferred to the pool and installed at the required depth. By this time, it may be filled with melt water, which does not need to be drained to install the containers. If there is not much of it, the pool is filled tap water. A few days will pass, and the water will “bloom”, becoming cloudy green. And in a week it will be crystal clear, but only under one condition - do not change the water. Spring frosts no longer pose a danger to frost-resistant species, even if a crust of ice forms again.

Diseases and pests: Water lilies, as a rule, do not get sick and do not have malicious pests. However, in dry, hot years they can be damaged by aphids. The plants themselves are not affected, but some buds do not open and die.

Reproduction: pieces of rhizomes and seeds. Seeds are planted in the ground at the bottom of a reservoir, or in containers with soil, then immersed in water. Under our conditions, hybrid water lilies are not regenerated by seeds; they can only be propagated by dividing the rhizomes. The rhizomes of water lilies are branched and have dormant buds. For propagation, you can use any piece of rhizome with a bud. It is usually recommended to sprinkle the cuts with crushed charcoal. Pieces of rhizomes without buds are not suitable for propagation - they can only be thrown away. Of course, roots and leaves do not tolerate drying out, so do not prolong the process of dividing and planting rhizomes and keep them in damp paper or cloth until planting. If the water lily grows directly in the substrate of the bottom of the reservoir, then the main thing when dividing the bush is to dig out the rhizome correctly. Using a sharp shovel, cut out a marked square of approximately 20 x 20 cm at the base of the rosette and carefully pull the leaf petioles. Once the main rhizome is cut, the plant will drag itself out of the water with little effort. The leaves of the dug up water lily are separated from those remaining in the water and, if there are a lot of leaves, they are partially removed. The plant is placed in a container with water and in this form is transported to the planting site, and is also stored for several days.

Usage: for decorating freshwater bodies of water with standing or slowly flowing water.

Based on materials:
V. Khondyrev “The Awakening of the Nymph” // “Garden with your own hands” - 2001 - No. 3 (topic issue)
A. Marchenko “Plants of water gardens” // “In the world of plants” - 2001 - No. 6
E. Klyuykov, N. Anichkin “Nymphs who live in the pond” // “Flora” - 1998 - No. 6.

The water lily is a well-known aquatic plant with large heart-shaped leaves floating on the water and large flowers above them. The genus Water Lilies contains about 50 species.

Here is information about the beautiful aquatic plant Water Lily from Wikipedia:


The Latin name of the genus comes from the Greek. Νυμφαία - "nymph", probably related to the word Νύμφη meaning "pupa".

A water lily is often mistakenly called a water lily; At the same time, the white water lily is called a water lily.

Economic importance and application

Water lilies form thick creeping rhizomes rich in starch under water at the bottom. These rhizomes can be used as raw material for making flour and producing starch.

Tannins are removed from them by soaking cut rhizomes or flour obtained from them in water. Roasted water lily seeds can serve as a coffee substitute.

The most interesting, in my opinion, types of Water Lilies:

Nymphaea alba L. typus - White water lily

Nymphaea candida C.Presl - Pure white water lily, or Snowy white water lily, or Snow white water lily

Here's more detailed information about Water Lily:

Water lily (nymphea)

White water lily

Water lily pure white

Water lilies (Nymphaea) are aquatic plants that grow in temperate and tropical regions of the globe - from the equator to Scandinavia and Canada.

Fragrant water lily

The Latin name was given by the name of one of the water nymphs. In Slavic fairy tales, the idea of ​​water lilies is associated with the mysterious image of a mermaid. Scandinavian legends say that each water lily has its own friend - an elf, who is born with it and dies with it.

According to ancient Greek myths, the water lily was once a white nymph, but then she died from love for Hercules, who remained indifferent to her, and turned into a beautiful flower.

The water lily nymph is also called the “child of the sun”: its beautiful flowers open in the morning and close at dusk.

The genus has about 35 species. There are two large groups of nymphs - winter-hardy (hardy water lily) and tropical (tropical water lily).

Most of the tropical species are too thermophilic and can only grow in greenhouses or winter gardens, since their development requires a water temperature of at least 25°C.

But winter-hardy varieties can be grown in open reservoirs in the northern regions of the European part of Russia and Siberia. The most common winter-hardy species are:


Water lily pure white, or snow-white- Nymphaea candida. Usually found in Central Russian natural reservoirs.

In the substrate of the bottom of the reservoir, it develops a powerful rhizome with a tuberous surface, reaching 5 cm in thickness. White cord-like roots extend down from the rhizome, and flexible, succulent petioles and peduncles rise to the surface of the water.

Flowering of water lilies begins in May-June and sometimes continues until the first frost, the peak of flowering occurs in July-August.

At this time, ponds are covered with beautiful wide leaves 20-25 cm in size floating on the surface, round in outline and with a deep notch at the base, and snow-white flowers with a delicate aroma, reaching 10 and sometimes even 15 cm in diameter.

The flowers have 4 green sepals on the outside, and on the inside there are numerous white petals arranged in several rows, turning into stamens in the center. Each water lily flower lasts approximately 4 days.

After flowering, the peduncle curls and the fruit develops under water.

When the capsules are ripe, they open, and seeds covered in mucus and resembling fish eggs spill out, they float for some time, and after the mucus is destroyed, they sink to the bottom and germinate. This is how plants reproduce in nature.

White water lily - Nymphaea alba L. Homeland - freshwater reservoirs of Eurasia and North Africa. This is a rarer plant in our flora.

A rhizomatous perennial with rounded leaves floating on the surface of the water on long petioles. The leaf blade is up to 30 cm in diameter, noticeably unequal, entire-edged with a heart-shaped base.

Young leaves are reddish, mature leaves are dark green above and reddish-purple below. The flowers are large, up to 15 cm in diameter, slightly fragrant, milky white, with petals gradually turning into numerous stamens with flattened and expanded stamen filaments.

The fruit is berry-shaped, round, multilocular, slightly flattened at the apex. Ripens under water.

There are forms: N. alba-rosea, N. alba, N. alba-rubra.

Dwarf water lily - Nymphaea pygmaea
A tiny white water lily, possibly of hybrid origin, with flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter and oval dark leaves, beet-colored with a lining.

It grows at a depth of up to 30 cm, just like its varieties: white “Alba” (small green leaves, propagated by seeds), yellow “Helvola”, red “Rubra” (leaves with brown spots).

Water lily (Nymphaea tetragona)
Another species that is found in Russia in our North and Siberia. It is quite miniature, white flowers do not exceed 5 cm in diameter.

Tuberous water lily (N. tuberosa)
A large North American water lily with horizontal rhizomes on which there are tuberous outgrowths. The flowers are white.

Used for depths of more than 1 m. Its varieties: “Rosea” with pink flowers with red stamens and “Richardsonii” with exceptionally large snow-white flowers lying on light green leaves - also prefer depths of 1 m or more.

Fragrant water lily (N. odorata). From North America
The flowers are white, up to 15 cm in diameter, with numerous sharp petals, fragrant, in accordance with the name. The leaves are bright green, purple when young, and usually reddish below when mature.

Planting depth is 40-80 cm. There are a number of varieties with pink, yellow, cream flowers. Interesting dwarf ones: white “Minor” and yellow with spotted leaves “Sulphurea”, both of them are suitable for ponds 30 cm deep.

Hybrid water lily - Nymphaea hybridum
Of course, the main advantage of hybrid nymphs is their amazingly beautiful flowers, symbolizing absolute perfection. But these plants are decorative not only during flowering.

Some are grown for their incredibly showy leaves. Depending on the variety, the leathery, heart-shaped leaves differ in size and color. In some plants it is light green, in others it has a burgundy tint, and sometimes it can even be marbled-spotted.

The predominant number of water lily varieties are of hybrid origin. In particular, varieties of K. Leydeker (N. x laydekeri) and K. Marlika (N. x marliacea).

Location: nymphs prefer a sunny location - in full shade they do not bloom and produce small leaves. For some varieties, sunlight for several hours is enough for good flowering.

Depending on the variety, each nymph specimen requires a water surface area of ​​0.5 to 4 or more square meters. The pond will appear overgrown if the leaves do not show the water.

Ideally, 60% of the mirror surface of the water should remain free.

There should be gaps between groups of plants of different colors. It is clear that a large number of water lilies cannot grow in a small pond.

You cannot install fountains in a pond with water lilies., since these plants prefer stagnant water, otherwise their flowers will not develop.

Often the desire to have a good collection of aquatic plants determines the size of the reservoir already during its design and construction. But the splendor of the nymphs is worth it.

Planting and transplanting: The time to purchase and transplant water lilies is from the beginning of May to the end of September.

Plants can be planted directly into the ground at the bottom of the reservoir, and in small pools it is much more convenient to place them in various containers (pots, boxes, baskets, bowls, etc.).

In this case, it will be convenient to remove the plants for the winter or move them to another place. For planting, it is better to choose low but wide containers with drainage holes.

If the holes and cracks in their walls are too large, the inside of the containers can be lined with burlap or perforated plastic film.

Usually, to plant nymphs, they try to take silt from the bottom of some reservoir, but this does not make much sense. It is much better to use old compost with the addition of coarse sand and garden soil.

Bone meal is an excellent fertilizer for water lilies. But it cannot be scattered on top of the substrate - it will immediately be washed off with water.

You can mix it with the soil, but in this case it quickly mineralizes, the nutrients will dissolve in the water, will no longer have a beneficial effect on the nymphs and will lead to flowering (greening) of the water.

The best and most ingenious way to feed aquatic plants is to place tennis ball-sized balls made from a mixture of clay and bone meal under their rhizomes when planting or as needed.

Place the plant in the ground without deepening the growth bud. To prevent the newly planted plant from floating up and the soil from being washed away, sprinkle the surface of the soil with gravel or small pebbles. Compact the soil well and water the container.

Carefully place the container in the pond at such a depth that the leaves of the nymphea float freely on the surface.

The optimal depth to which the container is lowered depends on the variety.

For dwarf nymphs, 15-25 cm is enough, for vigorous ones - 70-100 cm.

For most varieties and species, the ideal depth is 30-60 cm. By this we mean the distance from the growth bud to the surface.

In spring, nymphs develop faster if they are brought closer to light and warmth. For this purpose, while there are no leaves, the plants are placed smaller - at half the specified distance.

After the leaves grow, the nymphs are lowered to the recommended depth. The leaves will drown, but after 2-3 days they will reappear on the surface of the water.

Water lilies can be planted in the soil of the bottom of a reservoir if it is up to 30 cm thick.

To prevent the rhizomes from floating, they are attached with wire or, similar to planting in a container, the ground is pressed down on top with crushed stones and small stones.

Plants planted early have time to take root and bloom quite luxuriantly in the first year of life in a new place. When planting water lilies in large bodies of water, you can tie a stone to pieces of rhizomes and throw them into the desired place.

Variety "Peach Glow"

Variety "Black Princess"

Wintering: One of the biggest difficulties in the culture of water lilies is their preservation in winter. Each gardener will have to solve this problem individually.

Plants can remain in their places in winter if they are at a depth of half a meter or more (counting from the growth buds to the surface of the water), and the reservoir is very large.

In this case, there are no problems with wintering water lilies: they winter well without special shelter.

If the reservoir freezes to the bottom, then the containers with water lilies should be removed, placed in containers with water and placed in a cool but frost-free place.

You can leave the water lilies in the pond, but to do this they will have to be covered with peat and covered with a layer of leaves, sawdust or sand on top. This should be done when your pond is left without water in winter.

Many types of water lilies are plants of tropical and subtropical climates. They live in reservoirs, the water level in which during the dry season is greatly reduced, and the bottom in places becomes bare and dries out.

In such unfavorable conditions, water lilies are preserved thanks to their tubers, which contain eyes and renewal buds.

Some tropical types of water lilies can be grown in temperate climates, but for the winter they must be removed from the pond and stored in containers with water in a warm, bright place.

Nymphs awaken in early spring, when the ice melts and the water begins to warm up. At this time, it is time to return plants that have spent the winter outside the reservoir (in a frost-free basement) back into the pool.

Containers from the basement or greenhouse are transferred to the pool and installed at the required depth. By this time, it may be filled with melt water, which does not need to be drained to install the containers. If there is not enough water, the pool is filled with tap water.

A few days will pass, and the water will “bloom”, becoming cloudy green. And in a week it will be crystal clear, but only under one condition - do not change the water. Spring frosts for frost-resistant species they no longer pose a danger, even if a crust of ice forms again.

Diseases and pests: Water lilies, as a rule, do not get sick and do not have malicious pests. However, in dry, hot years they can be damaged by aphids. The plants themselves are not affected, but some buds do not open and die.

Reproduction: pieces of rhizomes and seeds.

Seeds are planted in the ground at the bottom of a reservoir, or in containers with soil, then immersed in water. Under our conditions, hybrid water lilies are not regenerated by seeds; they can only be propagated by dividing the rhizomes.

The rhizomes of water lilies are branched and have dormant buds. For propagation, you can use any piece of rhizome with a bud. It is usually recommended to sprinkle the cuts with crushed charcoal. Pieces of rhizomes without buds are not suitable for propagation - they can only be thrown away.

Of course, roots and leaves do not tolerate drying out, so do not prolong the process of dividing and planting rhizomes and keep them in damp paper or cloth until planting.

If the water lily grows directly in the substrate of the bottom of the reservoir, then the main thing when dividing the bush is to properly dig up the rhizome. Using a sharp shovel, cut out a marked square of approximately 20 x 20 cm at the base of the rosette and carefully pull the leaf petioles.

Once the main rhizome is cut, the plant will drag itself out of the water with little effort.

The leaves of the dug up water lily are separated from those remaining in the water and, if there are a lot of leaves, they are partially removed. The plant is placed in a container with water and in this form is transported to the planting site, and is also stored for several days.

Usage: for decorating freshwater bodies of water with standing or slowly flowing water.

I hope to find water lilies in one of the nearest reservoirs and transplant them into the ponds of the eco-park. I'll try to look for water lily seeds on sale.

I strongly recommend visiting the page and be sure to familiarize yourself with 25 more Aquatic plants: Water lilies, of course, delight the human eye, but the inhabitants of the reservoir also need other Aquatic plants that supply them all with oxygen, and some with food. In addition, thickets of aquatic plants contribute to the reproduction of many fish and allow fry to hide from predators, which increases the natural productivity of reservoirs.

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The Slavs believed that the water lily was able to protect people from various troubles while traveling. Going on a long journey, people sewed water lily leaves and flowers into small amulet bags, carried them with them as an amulet and firmly believed that this would bring them good luck and protect them from misfortunes.

There was also a kind of spell for this occasion: “I’m going to open field, and in the open field the grass grows. I didn’t give birth to you, I didn’t water you. Mother earth gave birth to you, bare-haired girls and women who rolled cigarettes watered you. Overcome the grass! Overcome you evil people: they wouldn’t think badly of me, they wouldn’t think anything bad; drive away the sneaky sorcerer.

Overcome the grass! Overcome high mountains, low valleys, blue lakes, steep banks, dark forests, stumps and logs. I’ll hide you, you overpowering grass, next to your zealous heart along the entire path and along the entire path!”
Common names: grass grass or white grass, balabolka, floating fish, mermaid flower or mermaid color, water poppy or water poppy, bliskalka, beaver, white hens, water companion, water color, white water lily.
The water lily is beautiful! This is one of the most beautiful plants. White water lily Since ancient times, it has been considered a symbol of beauty, purity and mercy. These large flowers with a golden mean grow in quiet reservoirs of our rivers and lakes. The water lily nymph is also called the “child of the sun”: its beautiful flowers open in the morning and close at dusk.

"Blue Lotus, or Blue Water Lily (lat. Nymphaea caerulea) - aquatic plant"The water lily family, a species of the genus Water Lily, grows in East Africa (from the Nile Valley to the extreme south of the continent), India and Thailand."

There are many legends about the origin of this wonderful plant. They say that it got its name in honor of the nymphs that live, like these plants, in water. As is known from Greek mythology, nymphs are deities of nature: forests, mountains, lakes, rivers and seas. It's no surprise that the flowers named after them are beautiful. In Slavic fairy tales, the idea of ​​water lilies is associated with the mysterious image of a mermaid.

Scandinavian legends say that each water lily has its own friend - an elf, who is born with it and dies with it. By folk beliefs, nymphs live in its flowers and leaves along with little elves. Leaves and flowers serve as boats for these little elves.
The corollas of flowers serve as both a home and a bell for the elves.

During the day, the elves sleep in the depths of the flower, and at night they swing the pestle and ring the bell, calling their brothers to a quiet conversation. Some of them sit in a circle on a leaf, dangling their legs in the water, while others prefer to talk, swaying in the corollas of water lilies.

When they get together, they sit in the capsules and row, row with oars, and the capsules then serve as boats or boats for them. The elves' conversations take place at a late hour, when everything on the lake has calmed down and fallen into deep sleep.

Lake elves live in underwater crystal palaces built from shells. Pearls, yachts, silver and corals sparkle around the palaces. Emerald streams roll along the bottom of the lake, strewn with multi-colored pebbles, and waterfalls cascade onto the roofs of the palaces. The sun shines through the water into these dwellings, and the moon and stars call the elves to the shore.

Switzerland, Goldfish and Lily

The ancient Greek legend about the water lily tells how a beautiful white nymph, inflamed with love for Hercules and did not receive a response from him, turned into a white water lily out of grief and love for him.
IN Ancient Greece the flower was considered a symbol of beauty and eloquence. Young girls wove garlands from them, decorated their heads and tunics with them; they even wove a wreath of water lilies for beautiful Elena on the day of her wedding with King Menelaus and decorated the entrance to their bedroom with a wreath.

The legend of the North American Indians says that the water lily appeared during the collision of the Polar and Evening Stars, from their sparks. These two stars argued among themselves who would get the arrow that the great Indian chief shot into the sky and collided in flight.

According to North German belief, water lilies grew on the site of two dead mermaids who were killed by an evil nix (a mermaid in ancient German mythology) who lived in the lake.
In Germany they said that once a little mermaid fell in love with a knight, but he did not reciprocate her feelings. Out of grief, the nymph turned into a water lily.

"Karelian Nymphea"

According to another legend, water lilies are the children of the beautiful countess, carried away into the mud by the king of the swamp. The grief-stricken countess went to the shore of the swamp every day. One day she saw a wonderful white flower, whose petals resembled her daughter's complexion, and whose stamens resembled her golden hair.

There is a belief that nymphs (mermaids) take refuge in the flowers and leaves of water lilies, and at midnight they begin to dance in circles and carry away people passing by the lake. If someone managed to somehow escape from them, then grief would dry him up.

In the distant past, the entire coastal strip of Italy, from Pisa to Naples, was occupied by swamps. There the legend of the beautiful Melinda and the swamp king was born. The legend is that the water lilies are the children of the beautiful blond Countess Melinda and the ugly, scary swamp king who kidnapped her. Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful Melinda.

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And the swamp king was watching her all the time. The king's eyes twinkled as he looked at beautiful girl, and although he was scary as hell, he nevertheless became Melinda’s husband, and the yellow water lily, the closest relative of the white water lily, which has long personified betrayal and deceit, helped him get the beauty.
While walking with her friends near a swampy lake, Melinda admired the golden floating flowers, reached for one of them, stepped on a coastal stump in which the lord of the bog was hiding, and he carried the girl to the bottom.

""scarlet flower"-2"

At the site of her death, snow-white flowers with a yellow core emerged. So, after the deceiving water lilies, water lilies appeared, meaning in the ancient language of flowers: “You must never deceive me.”

Water lilies, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Crimea

The egg pod blooms from late May to August. At this time, next to the floating leaves you can see large yellow, almost spherical flowers sticking high on thick stalks.

The egg capsule has long been considered folk medicine healing plant. Both the leaves and the thick rhizome lying on the bottom, up to 15 centimeters in length, and large, good-smelling flowers, reaching 5 centimeters in diameter, were used.

They also tore off the egg capsule in order to decorate the home with flowers. And in vain: the flowers of the egg capsule, like the white lily, do not stand in vases.


The white water lily is protected by law, since there are very few of them left in the reservoirs of rivers and lakes. The water lily blooms for a long time, from late May to August. White lily flowers open in the early morning and close in the late evening.

"There are nymphs on our lake. Rumor has it that some enthusiast dived from a boat and landed... Praise be to him. A little far from the shore... But away from vandals..)))"

If you come to the lake early in the morning, you can watch these flowers emerge from the water. This is an unforgettable sight! Something begins to rise from the depths of the lake, and a large bud appears on the surface.

In a matter of minutes it turns into a beautiful white flower. There’s another one nearby, a little further away... What’s surprising is that the buds emerge just before sunrise, and open as soon as sun rays touch the surface of the water.

You won't find them in the same position all day. From morning to evening, flowering water lilies follow the movement of the sun, turning their floating head towards its rays. At noon they open all their petals. Then their flowers begin to gradually close and the flower looks like an unopened bud.

And here something interesting happens: the closed water lily flowers begin to slowly sink into the water. These lashes-stems, shortening, draw the flowers along with them. Water lilies love the sun very much, a little clouds will come and they will slowly begin to close.

The water lily leaf is buoyant, like a raft, simple in appearance, heart-shaped and thick, like a cake; There are air cavities inside it, which is why it does not sink.

There is several times more air in it to support its own weight, the excess of which is necessary for unforeseen accidents: if, say, a bird or a frog lands, the leaf must hold them.

Family Nymphaeaceae.

Name: The water lily received its Latin name from the name of the water nymph. The Slavs called it “mermaid flower” or overpowering grass. It was believed that the water lily flower was able to protect a person during travel from various troubles and misfortunes. There was even a belief " Whoever finds the overpowering herb will find great talent... on the path, wherever he goes, he will find a lot of good and overcome evil forces and ailments.” It was recommended to put it in an amulet and wear it as an amulet.

Description: The genus includes almost 35 species of plants growing in temperate and tropical regions - from the equator to Canada. Specifically, I will focus on one that is found in natural reservoirs in Russia - Snow-white water lily - (N. candida) In the soil, at the bottom of the reservoir, it develops a powerful rhizome with a tuberculate surface, reaching 5 cm in thickness.

Long white cord-like roots extend down from the rhizome, and wide, rounded in outline, with deep cuts at the base, leaves on long flexible petioles and peduncles rise up to the surface of the reservoir. Flowering of water lilies begins in May-June and sometimes continues until the first frost. Peak flowering occurs in July-August. The flowers are snow-white with a delicate aroma, reach 10-15 cm. On the outside they have four green sepals, inside there are white petals arranged in several rows, passing in the center to the stamen. The flower lasts for about four days. After flowering, the peduncle curls and goes under water. Fruit: a capsule, develops under water, when ripe it opens and pours out mucus-clad seeds, reminiscent of fish eggs. They float for a while, when the mucus is destroyed, they sink to the bottom and germinate.

Features of the water lily: in the morning the bud floats to the surface and blooms, in the evening the flower closes and sinks to the bottom.

Alex Balbas

In the garden, decorative ponds Mostly hybrid water lilies are grown. Water lilies are best suited for small and medium-sized ponds pink color, they are more hardy and do not grow much.

Locations: Water lilies prefer a sunny location. They will not bloom in full shade. Planting water lilies should be done at the rate of 1 per 0.5-4 square meters. m. otherwise the reservoir will seem overgrown. It loves stagnant water, so it is not recommended to arrange fountains.

Planting and transplanting: Best time for purchase and planting from the beginning of May to the end of June. Plants can be planted in the soil of a reservoir, but our own experience shows that it is best to plant the water lily in a plastic container of at least 5 liters. (it will be more convenient to clean for the winter). For planting use: peat 2-3 cm thick on the bottom of the vessel, mixture - old compost + sand + garden soil, all in equal parts. I used purchased soil for aquatic plants. When planting a water lily, we place fertilizer balls under the roots (meat - bone meal + clay, a ball the size of a tennis ball is made). When planting, do not bury the growth bud! We crush the soil and cover it with pebbles so that the plant does not float up. Carefully place the container with the planted plant in the pond. The optimal depth of the container depends on the plant variety. For dwarfs, 15-20 cm is enough, for very tall ones, 70-100 cm from the growth bud to the surface. In the spring, in order to accelerate the growth and development of the plant, the container is placed in shallow water while there are no leaves, after the leaves grow - to the recommended depth. Plants planted early have time to take root and bloom in the first year of life in a new place.

Wintering: The most difficult thing about growing water lilies is preserving them during the winter. This problem has to be solved individually. Plants can remain in their places in winter if they are at a depth of 0.5 m or more, and the reservoir is large and does not freeze to the bottom. If the reservoir can freeze to the bottom or the water is drained for the winter, then the containers with water lilies should be moved to a cool, dark, non-freezing place. Water lilies wake up in the spring when the water begins to warm up. At this time, the plant that overwintered outside the reservoir must be returned to its place. If there is not a lot of melt water in the reservoir, then add tap water. After a few days, the water may “bloom” becoming cloudy green. There is no need to worry and change the water; in a week it will become clear. Spring frosts are no longer dangerous for frost-resistant species.

Diseases and pests: Basically, these plants do not get sick, but in dry, hot weather they can be damaged by aphids.

Reproduction: mainly by sections of rhizomes. The rhizomes branch and have dormant buds. For propagation, a piece of rhizome with a bud is used. It is recommended to sprinkle the cut with crushed charcoal or ash. The roots and leaves do not tolerate drying out, so the division process should not be prolonged. For transportation, the plant is placed in a container with water.

May everything work out for you, and may the plants you grow in the pond bring you joy!

The water lily - a charming and delicate white water lily - is nothing other than the famous fairy-tale overpowering grass. Rumor ascribes magical properties to it. She was endowed with the properties of protecting people, she could give strength to overcome the enemy, protect them from troubles and misfortunes, but she could also destroy the one who sought her with unclean thoughts.

The Slavs believed that the water lily was able to protect people from various troubles while traveling. Going on a long journey, people sewed water lily leaves and flowers into small amulet bags, carried them with them as an amulet and firmly believed that this would bring them good luck and protect them from misfortunes.

There was also a kind of spell for this occasion: “I am driving in an open field, and in an open field the grass grows. I did not give birth to you, I did not water you. Mother earth gave birth to you, simple-haired girls and women who rolled cigarettes watered you. Overcome the grass! Overcome evil people: they would not think of me badly, they would not think of anything bad;

Overcome the grass! Overcome high mountains, low valleys, blue lakes, steep banks, dark forests, stumps and logs. I’ll hide you, you overpowering grass, next to your zealous heart along the entire path and along the entire path!”
Common names: grass grass or white grass, balabolka, floating fish, mermaid flower or mermaid color, water poppy or water poppy, bliskalka, beaver, white hens, water companion, water color, white water lily.
The water lily is beautiful! This is one of the most beautiful plants. Since ancient times, the white water lily has been considered a symbol of beauty, purity and mercy. These large flowers with a golden mean grow in quiet reservoirs of our rivers and lakes. The water lily nymph is also called the “child of the sun”: its beautiful flowers open in the morning and close at dusk.

"The blue lotus, or blue water lily (lat. Nymphaea caerulea) is an aquatic plant of the water lily family, a species of the genus Water Lily growing in East Africa (from the Nile Valley to the extreme south of the continent), India and Thailand."

There are many legends about the origin of this wonderful plant. They say that it got its name in honor of the nymphs that live, like these plants, in water. As is known from Greek mythology, nymphs are deities of nature: forests, mountains, lakes, rivers and seas. It's no surprise that the flowers named after them are beautiful. In Slavic fairy tales, the idea of ​​water lilies is associated with the mysterious image of a mermaid.

Scandinavian legends say that each water lily has its own friend - an elf, who is born with it and dies with it. According to popular beliefs, nymphs live in its flowers and leaves along with little elves. Leaves and flowers serve as boats for these little elves.
The corollas of flowers serve as both a home and a bell for the elves.

During the day, the elves sleep in the depths of the flower, and at night they swing the pestle and ring the bell, calling their brothers to a quiet conversation. Some of them sit in a circle on a leaf, dangling their legs in the water, while others prefer to talk, swaying in the corollas of water lilies.

When they get together, they sit in the capsules and row, row with oars, and the capsules then serve as boats or boats for them. The elves' conversations take place at a late hour, when everything on the lake has calmed down and fallen into deep sleep.

Lake elves live in underwater crystal palaces built from shells. Pearls, yachts, silver and corals sparkle around the palaces. Emerald streams roll along the bottom of the lake, strewn with multi-colored pebbles, and waterfalls cascade onto the roofs of the palaces. The sun shines through the water into these dwellings, and the moon and stars call the elves to the shore.

Switzerland, Goldfish and Lily

The ancient Greek legend about the water lily tells how a beautiful white nymph, inflamed with love for Hercules and did not receive a response from him, turned into a white water lily out of grief and love for him.
In Ancient Greece, the flower was considered a symbol of beauty and eloquence. Young girls wove garlands from them, decorated their heads and tunics with them; they even wove a wreath of water lilies for the beautiful Helen on her wedding day with King Menelaus and decorated the entrance to their bedroom with a wreath.

The legend of the North American Indians says that the water lily appeared during the collision of the Polar and Evening Stars, from their sparks. These two stars argued among themselves who would get the arrow that the great Indian chief shot into the sky and collided in flight.

According to North German belief, water lilies grew on the site of two dead mermaids who were killed by an evil nix (a mermaid in ancient German mythology) who lived in the lake.
In Germany they said that once a little mermaid fell in love with a knight, but he did not reciprocate her feelings. Out of grief, the nymph turned into a water lily.

"Karelian Nymphea"

According to another legend, water lilies are the children of the beautiful countess, carried away into the mud by the king of the swamp. The grief-stricken countess went to the shore of the swamp every day. One day she saw a marvelous white flower, the petals of which resembled the complexion of her daughter, and the stamens resembled her golden hair.

There is a belief that nymphs (mermaids) take refuge in the flowers and leaves of water lilies, and at midnight they begin to dance in circles and carry away people passing by the lake. If someone managed to somehow escape from them, then grief would dry him up.

In the distant past, the entire coastal strip of Italy, from Pisa to Naples, was occupied by swamps. There the legend of the beautiful Melinda and the swamp king was born. The legend is that the water lilies are the children of the beautiful blond Countess Melinda and the ugly, scary swamp king who kidnapped her. Once upon a time, there lived a beautiful Melinda.

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And the swamp king was watching her all the time. The king's eyes twinkled when he looked at the beautiful girl, and although he was scary as hell, he nevertheless became Melinda's husband, and the yellow water lily helped him get the beauty - the closest relative of the white water lily, which has long personified betrayal and deceit.
While walking with her friends near a swampy lake, Melinda admired the golden floating flowers, reached for one of them, stepped on a coastal stump in which the lord of the bog was hiding, and he carried the girl to the bottom.

""scarlet flower"-2"

At the site of her death, snow-white flowers with a yellow core emerged. So, after the deceiving water lilies, water lilies appeared, meaning in the ancient language of flowers: “You must never deceive me.”

Water lilies, Nikitsky Botanical Garden, Crimea

The egg pod blooms from late May to August. At this time, next to the floating leaves you can see large yellow, almost spherical flowers sticking high on thick stalks.

Capsule has long been considered a medicinal plant in folk medicine. Both the leaves and the thick rhizome lying on the bottom, up to 15 centimeters in length, and large, good-smelling flowers, reaching 5 centimeters in diameter, were used.

They also tore off the egg capsule in order to decorate the home with flowers. And in vain: the flowers of the egg capsule, like the white lily, do not stand in vases.


The white water lily is protected by law, since there are very few of them left in the reservoirs of rivers and lakes. The water lily blooms for a long time, from late May to August. White lily flowers open in the early morning and close in the late evening.

"There are nymphs on our lake. Rumor has it that some enthusiast dived from a boat and landed... Praise be to him. A little far from the shore... But away from vandals..)))"

If you come to the lake early in the morning, you can watch these flowers emerge from the water. This is an unforgettable sight! Something begins to rise from the depths of the lake, and a large bud appears on the surface.

In a matter of minutes it turns into a beautiful white flower. There is another one nearby, a little further away... The amazing thing is that the buds emerge just before sunrise, and open as soon as the sun's rays touch the surface of the water.

You won't find them in the same position all day. From morning to evening, flowering water lilies follow the movement of the sun, turning their floating head towards its rays. At noon they open all their petals. Then their flowers begin to gradually close and the flower looks like an unopened bud.

And here something interesting happens: the closed water lily flowers begin to slowly sink into the water. These lashes-stems, shortening, draw the flowers along with them. Water lilies love the sun very much, a little clouds will come and they will slowly begin to close.

The water lily leaf is buoyant, like a raft, simple in appearance, heart-shaped and thick, like a cake; There are air cavities inside it, which is why it does not sink.

There is several times more air in it to support its own weight, the excess of which is necessary for unforeseen accidents: if, say, a bird or a frog lands, the leaf must hold them.