How to deal with someone you don't like. How to communicate with someone you don't like while maintaining dignity

Don't worry if you don't like someone. We are all different. And this reaction reminds us that no one is perfect. Including ourselves.

1. Accept the fact that you won't get along with everyone.

This is fine. Some people like you, but others can't stand you. This doesn't mean there is anything wrong with you or others. Each of us just has our own preferences.

The decisive role here is played by the difference in characters. An introvert may seem boring, and a convinced realist may find the wonderful mood of an optimist inadequate.

We tend to invest our energy in what we like. Let's say one of your friends or colleagues is annoying you. Of course, you will not seek a meeting with him and maintain contact. But sometimes this approach can develop into open hostility.

2. Try to understand your interlocutor

Maybe your mother-in-law does not consider you frivolous, as you always thought. And your colleague is not really trying to set you up. Take a closer look, and perhaps you will understand the motives for their actions or even learn some useful advice.

There is no need to get angry if there really is a good reason for criticism against you. You will only make yourself look bad. Just take my word for it and take the critical remark into account.

3. Keep your emotions under control

Your reaction to this or that situation depends only on you. She can drive you crazy if you let it. Don't waste your energy.

Don't give in if someone gets under your skin or tries to make you angry. Sometimes “smile and wave”- this is the best method.

It is very important to initially treat everyone you meet with respect. This does not mean that you need to always follow the lead and agree with everyone.

You need to be polite towards other people. This way, you will remain consistent with your opinion, remain calm, and the advantage will be on your side.

4. Don't take things personally

Very often we simply misunderstand a person. Perhaps he simply did not express his thoughts quite accurately or his day was not going well in the morning. You shouldn’t lash out at someone, because they might lash out at you back. This will only escalate the situation. Rise above this, concentrate on the matter at hand, not paying attention to the inadequate reaction of your interlocutor.

If you feel tired and take a break, take a walk. Set boundaries for your personal space where no one can disturb you.

5. Speak calmly

Our communication style is often much more more important than that, what exactly are we talking about. If the situation is heated, then it's time to talk about it. However, the dialogue should not be aggressive. It is better to use sentences that begin with the words “I”, “me”, “me”, for example: “It annoys me when you do this. Could you do things differently? Most likely, the interlocutor will listen to you and also express his opinion.

Sometimes it is worth calling in a third party for help. Another person can objectively assess the situation. Maybe after the dialogue you will not become friends with the one with whom the conflict is brewing, but, according to at least, you can communicate normally.

Work together with people you find difficult to connect with common language, - This useful experience, which will show you how you can deal with problems.

6. Prioritize

Not everything deserves your time and attention. You must decide whether you really want to communicate with this or that person or whether it is better to concentrate on, for example, work.

Weigh the situation. Will it get worse over time? Sooner or later there will be a problem. If the conflict has matured simply by coincidence, then you can quickly deal with it.

7. Don't get defensive

If you feel constant dissatisfaction with you from someone else, if someone focuses only on your shortcomings, you should not rush at this person with your fists. This is not a way out. Such behavior will only provoke him. Instead, it is better to ask directly what exactly does not suit him. Gossiping or bullying can be a sign that you are being manipulated or even shown as a show of power.

If a person wants you to treat them with respect, they should treat you the same.

There is one psychological trick: speak quickly when expressing your disagreement with someone. This way the interlocutor will have less time to answer. Slow down if you feel he is ready to agree with you.

8. Remember that you are the creator of your own happiness.

Of course, it is difficult to soberly assess the situation if someone is really getting on your nerves. However, never let others drag you down.

If someone's words really touch your heartstrings, look into yourself. Maybe you are not confident in yourself or are worried about some work issues? If so, focus on solving problems that matter to you.

Don't compare yourself to others, because we are all different.

Remind yourself of your achievements more often and don’t let anyone ruin your mood because of some little thing!

We all live in a society of different, dissimilar people. And sometimes some of them are unpleasant for us. Among them may be unpleasant relatives. In this article you can find a guide to communicating with unpleasant person.

There can be many reasons why one or another person is unpleasant to another. From banal rudeness and rudeness to a peculiar style of clothing or behavior that is unacceptable from someone else’s point of view.

In such a situation, people immediately try to understand how to communicate with an unpleasant person. The simplest and most common advice in such cases is to limit yourself from communicating with such a person. However, if the need nevertheless arises to communicate with such people, then some kind of reminder of communicating with an unpleasant person may come in handy.

It also happens that a person can be so annoying that there is a desire to cause him physical pain. Such desires can be scary and cause feelings of guilt or shame. Such desires, as a rule, are caused by the inability to show one’s feelings for this person or the inability to give a worthy rebuff to one’s offender. It is best to try to relieve tension and regain control over your emotions.

If this person is a stranger, a passerby on the street or a fellow traveler on a bus or minibus, it is important to try not to give in to emotions and not to copy his behavior. It is very difficult to control yourself when they are rude, arrogant and defiant, deliberately trying to provoke a conflict and attract negative attention to themselves. In such cases, everyone should remember well-known rule that it is always necessary to behave with people the way you would like people to behave with you. That is why, under no circumstances should you copy the behavior of a rude person and not stoop to his level, succumbing to provocations.

It is important to remember that our opinion about someone, or someone’s opinion about us, is not objective, but subjective opinion. Therefore, if a person is unpleasant to someone, this does not mean that he is unpleasant to everyone. It is quite possible that other people consider him quite nice and pleasant to talk to. Maybe in order to change your opinion about this unpleasant person, you just need to communicate with him more. Thus, closer communication will help you get to know him better from other, more pleasant sides. In such cases, it is best to keep your opinion to yourself until you have the opportunity to get to know this person better.

One of the qualities that most often irritates other people is lack of punctuality. The habit of always and everywhere being late is one of the most common reasons for dissatisfaction with any person. Therefore, the best way out would be to warn in advance so that no one is late for the planned meeting. And also, by personal example, show the value of punctuality as a sign of respect for people.

All people have different ideas about decency, as well as how to properly communicate with people. In other words, different people different manner of communication, as well as a sense of humor. For some, some kind of joke addressed to them will seem quite harmless, but for others it will be a personal insult. In order not to succumb to all sorts of provocations, it is easier to let such jokes fall on deaf ears. Better yet, learn to take jokes addressed to you easily and with humor. Simply put, learn to laugh at yourself. Thus, you can save peace of mind and peace, as well as avoiding conflict or harboring resentment. However, it’s a completely different matter if the joke is really evil, the purpose of which was to hurt, to prick the interlocutor more painfully. In such a situation, it is best to pretend that this remark went unnoticed.

One of the factors for peace of mind is physical peace. When communicating with an unpleasant person, it is best to maintain external calm, namely, speak in a quiet, even voice, maintain a calm expression on your face, and watch your arms and legs, which do not need to be crossed. Crossed arms or legs indicate closedness, a desire to hide from the interlocutor. Such restrained behavior will cool the enemy's ardor and make him calm down if he was about to enter into an open conflict.

A successful tactic for dealing with unpleasant people can be absolute agreement with them. If in a nascent dispute you tell such a person “You’re right!”, then this will take him by surprise and he will have no reason for conflict.

You should not draw conclusions about whether a person is pleasant or not at the first meeting with him. It may turn out that at that moment he was simply not in the mood, or too tired, or not feeling well. It is quite possible that at the next meeting the opinion about him will change to the diametrically opposite one. It is best to give such a person a second chance.

Another category of unpleasant people may be neighbors. If at night music is constantly blaring overhead or periodic noisy feasts prevent the entire entrance from sleeping, then in this case you can and even need to talk to such neighbors very harshly. However, you should not shout and get personal. In this situation, it is best to control yourself and, if necessary, promise your cheerful neighbors a showdown with law enforcement agencies regarding violation of public order. Such a serious conversation can also help if neighbors leave mountains of garbage or their art on the walls in the entrance.

It also happens that among such people there are unpleasant relatives and close people. In this case, such a situation can destroy family relationships and cause feelings of shame and guilt for such an attitude. Most often these are fathers-in-law and daughters-in-law, mothers-in-law and sons-in-law. On the one hand, this situation is much more complicated, since many such relatives are forced to live in the same common living space and day after day, regardless of their desire to communicate with unpleasant relatives. On the other hand, the best way out of this situation would be to calmly and frankly find out from each other what exactly you are not happy with. Most often, it can be some household little things like an unclosed tube of toothpaste.

In the event that circumstances force you to communicate with unpleasant people on duty, then there may be two lines of behavior. The first line works if this person is a work colleague. Here it would be best to try to establish communication with other people in the team. As a rule, people are not very willing to enter into conflict with those who are supported by the majority. Alternatively, you can limit communication with an unpleasant colleague to the business sphere only.

If you don’t want to communicate with him personally, you can use modern technologies, such as email and telephone. However, there may also be unpleasant clients at work. In this case, it is necessary to act differently, namely, not to reduce all communication with the client to a minimum, but, on the contrary, to try to ensure that he has no reasons for dissatisfaction. It is best to call such a client first, ask if everything is okay, perhaps he has some wishes. Most likely, this will help avoid conflict.

This article examined the main tactics for communicating with various unpleasant people you may encounter in life. Correct and dignified behavior is the key to success!

We've all met people who are simply unbearable to be around. But what to do? How can you continue to work effectively and feel normal if you cannot avoid communicating with people you dislike?

To begin with, it’s worth remembering that “unbearable” people are often simply very different from us. The world is very diverse, and others may have radically different ideas and beliefs. If we look at these differences with an open mind, we can understand that in most cases, different does not mean “wrong” or “bad” - it is just different.

Moreover, we do not know what is in at the moment happens to a person. Perhaps he is going through a difficult period right now, and constant stress is affecting his behavior. Therefore, before judging someone and calling him unpleasant, show the ability to empathize, try to look at the situation through his eyes. Try to understand others and, most likely, you will be able to build more friendly relationships with them.

2. Focus on the positives

It is often easier for us to see only those qualities of a person that cause unpleasant emotions in us. To make communication with him more comfortable, try to pay attention to his positive aspects. It is quite possible that as a result you will learn about many of its valuable qualities that are not always noticeable at first glance.

Once you begin to pay attention to these qualities and praise your colleague for demonstrating them, you are likely to see his behavior begin to change for the better, and along with it, the dynamics of your relationship.

3. Remember: you only control your behavior.

It's easy to blame your worries specific person or the situation as a whole, but, unfortunately, even if you don’t like the behavior of the other, trying to change it will lead to nothing.

Each of us is responsible only for our own thoughts, feelings and actions - and that's all we can control. It doesn't matter how irritated or dissatisfied you are - only you, and not anyone else, controls your emotions and behavior. Focus on what you personally can do to improve the situation. Think about how best to respond to what irritates you. Try to restrain the first impulsive reaction so as not to aggravate the situation.

4. Learn to set boundaries

Everyone’s personal boundaries are different: some are open and easily share any details from their lives, others prefer to close themselves off from the world and remain silent even in the company of friends.

It is important to be clear about both your own boundaries and the personal boundaries of your colleagues. If your boundaries are violated, think about the fact that perhaps the person did it unconsciously: it’s just that his own boundaries are much less strict than yours. In this case, clearly, confidently and calmly explain where your boundaries are, let them know about your preferences and needs.

In most cases with someone you don't know, it's best to stick to formal boundaries until you know them well enough to know where they draw the line between what's acceptable and what's offensive.

Perhaps each of us considers himself an absolutely self-sufficient person, not subject to any external influences. But this is far from true. We are all to some extent dependent on our immediate environment, which inevitably influences the formation of our goals, plans and intentions.

The influence of the people around us on us seems to be a kind of given, which should always be taken into account. We cannot be absolutely independent from others, ignoring their desires and assessments.

Cynicism is an unpleasant way to tell the truth.
Lillian Hellman

Asking questions

From time to time, any person has a desire to conquer certain peaks in the professional, creative or personal sphere. Achieving success in this case will be influenced by many different factors - the degree of motivation, self-discipline, willingness to take responsibility for decisions made and their implementation, hard work and ability to overcome difficulties. Of course, here much will depend on the person himself, his ability to coordinate efforts, directing them to the right direction. However, the environment will also play its (even episodic) role, facilitating or, on the contrary, hindering our movement towards the goal.

That is why every person should ask a number of important questions: “Who do I spend most of my time with?”, “How do these people behave towards me?”, “Are they providing me with real help or are they just throwing around promises?”, “What benefits can I get from communicating with the people around me?” etc.

Analyze this...

Having answered these questions, analyze the time you spend on each specific acquaintance. Is it constructive and useful enough for you? Perhaps you will come to the opposite conclusions.

  • Think about how each person in your life influences you.
  • What did he recommend you learn and read?
  • What places did you recommend visiting?
  • How did it influence your own thoughts and moods?
  • What did you think about?
Pay special attention to the “control question”: “Are my colleagues, acquaintances and friends helping me move in the direction I have chosen or, on the contrary, trying to undermine my faith in myself and my success?”

After carrying out such a mini-analysis, a lot will become clear to you. You will be able to determine who is a helper for you and who, on the contrary, does not play any positive role in your life. Having discovered among your friends/acquaintances those people who can hinder or are already hindering your personal growth, get rid of them. To do this, you don’t need to resort to any radical measures - just change your environment. This is also worth doing because a new (favorable) circle of friends will definitely add inspiration to you, which will push you to new exploits and achievements. You will be surprised at how your life will change!

Some acquaintances have a detrimental effect on our self-esteem and life position, undermine confidence in our strengths, thereby significantly hindering our development as individuals. Refuse any communication with such people. Don’t be afraid to draw a certain boundary between yourself and such people, minimizing or completely eliminating any contacts that are unfavorable for you.

Remember: it is better to have dinner alone than to take part in a conversation that is unpleasant to you and which you support solely out of politeness. It is better to refuse to meet with someone who will only waste your time. It is better to move the conversation to another topic if it stresses you out and leaves a negative aftertaste. Say a decisive “no!” those people and affairs with which you want nothing to do. Of course, this can make you come across as harsh and perhaps somewhat cynical, however, it is much more important to show firmness now than to regret later about wasted time.

Close people

It happens that the wrong environment includes our loved ones (parents, relatives), whom we cannot get rid of and erase them from our lives. What to do in this case? Accept them for who they are. Can be found in every person positive side, some qualities that will definitely arouse your admiration and in a certain way will smooth out the negative general impression of such a person. Remember: people are capable of change, and perhaps if you believe in the people you care about and support them, they will truly become better people.

What to do?

You can ask a very reasonable question: “ And with whom to communicate in this case?" The answer is extremely simple - with the right people!

Start making acquaintances with people who have goals similar to yours and have a similar life position. Take an example from those who have achieved something in life - let them serve as an additional source of inspiration for you! An updated circle of friends will help you overcome your usual limited thinking and outdated patterns of behavior, thereby moving your life to a new, better level.

Please note the right people– these are not necessarily super-successful, rich and high-ranking individuals. These are, first of all, people with developed inner world, which can somehow enrich our lives by bringing fresh thoughts and ideas into it.

Ecology of consciousness. Psychology: Have you decided to change your life, correct something and rethink? Look around at those around you. Perhaps among them there are those who always pull you down, make you upset, and take away your positive energy. Think about how your world would change if you stopped communicating with these people.

10 types of people with whom it is better not to communicate

Have you decided to change your life, fix something and rethink? Look around at those around you. Perhaps among them there are those who always pull you down, make you upset, and take away your positive energy. Think about how your world would change if you stopped communicating with these people.

Let's highlight 10 types of such people.

People who make your life more stressful

We sometimes need stress. This is a stimulus to action, a shake-up for the soul. Stress due to various situations it happens and will always happen - this is normal and even useful. But there are special people who, through their words or actions, deliberately put you into a state of stress and anxiety.

Such individuals are endlessly burdened with their problems. Communicating with them means listening to endless whining and complaints. Negative emotions pour out on you in a torrent and put you into a state of despondency. Such acquaintances try to convince you of the futility of your efforts in some matter, they demotivate you. It’s better to isolate yourself from such “friends” and keep contacts to a minimum.. They are energy vampires; you will get nothing but fatigue and irritation from such communication.

People using you

The duty of friends is to come to the rescue, support, if possible, mentally and financially. O. True friend- a gift that must be protected and treasured. To come to the aid of friends at the first call, putting aside your own affairs - this is what is required of loved one, a kind of litmus test showing the level of our mental development.

People who don't respect you

Every person wants to be respected. A dismissive or unworthy attitude offends and insults. If among your friends there are such unceremonious people who demonstrate their disrespect for you, they are not worthy of your attention. Apart from low self-esteem, they will not bring anything into your life. Get rid of those whose words or constant jokes spoil your mood. Don't waste your time on people who don't want to see you as a person worthy of respect.

People who hurt you

All people make mistakes and do stupid things. You need to be able to forgive, especially when it comes to loved ones. Resentment towards others destroys the person himself from the inside. If among your surroundings there are people who regularly cause pain, who do not have sincere repentance for their actions, move them away from you. You should not develop masochism in yourself. This primarily harms you and negatively affects those close to you who love you.

People are liars

Almost everyone can lie, embellish something, make something up. Most of the lies are harmless, we often even guess that the interlocutor is “flooding”, we like to lie ourselves. When this lie does not cause harm, it is understandable, but there are people who lie all the time. Their lies can be dangerous. Such “instances” will easily let you down, they will set you up at any moment. Without trust there is no friendship. Surround yourself only with those you can trust. Your life will become calmer, you will always feel confident in your loved ones, only such reliable people can become a support.

People are hypocrites

A person who says one thing to your face and another behind your back cannot be a friend. Only cowards, hypocrites, and scum do this. They don't have the courage to be honest. Often this behavior is driven by malicious intent.: to quarrel, upset, cause pain. They are not just unpleasant individuals, they are dangerous creatures that can ruin your reputation, hinder your career, and even ruin your life. Stay away from these hypocrites, don't have any contact with them. Only completely ignoring such individuals will protect you from harm.

Selfish people

Everyone suffers from selfishness. But there are egocentric people. They know how to communicate well and are quite fun to be with. They know how to correctly and tearfully ask for help, so it is impossible to refuse. However, you will not receive any reciprocal attention or support from them. They are not able to give, help, sacrifice. These "pseudo-friends" are especially harmful because they create the illusion of friendship. You will expect help from them, but they will disappear at the most crucial moment. After all, their own interests are above the troubles of others.

People who pull you back to your old lifestyle

Our lives are constantly changing. We develop, grow mentally, acquire new habits. It is quite natural and natural to be surrounded by new people and acquaintances. Sometimes it’s time to break off relations with old comrades, especially if we are talking about people who are trying to slow down your development, pulling you down, and preventing you from fighting bad inclinations. If a friend doesn’t want to grow with you and no longer shares interests, it’s better to separate. Now everyone has their own path. Life is a movement, don't stop.

People who are “a childhood friend - you can’t escape him”

It is very rare when people are friends from school to old age. We choose our friends based on their interests and worldview. It can be sad and painful to part with those who were close to you. for many years, be it a classmate, classmate or colleagues. Of course, this does not mean that you should immediately and forever break off the relationship. It’s quite normal to keep in touch by phone, congratulate you on holidays and just be interested in how life turned out for you. ex-friend. But deliberately torturing yourself by communicating with a person with whom you now have no common themes and goals is not necessary.

People who waste your time and space

Time is running fast. We constantly fail to do something. There is no need to waste yourself on everyone you meet. Limit the number of people you know. Give your time and energy to people who inspire, support, and motivate you. Create quality in your life, useful communication. Large quantity empty acquaintances and meaningless conversations only steal your time, energy and destabilize you mentally.published