Qualities that a scientist should have. Examples of failed marriages

Science has long ceased to be the preserve of talented individuals. Solving current problems and global problems is within the power of powerful teams and scientific schools. Scientific school- a creative team formed under the supervision of a prominent scientist for the purpose of collectively developing a certain scientific idea, bound by a commonality of principles and methodological techniques, ensuring the creation of an original scientific direction.

However, in science there is not and cannot be anonymity, just like in any other creative activity. True recognition in science at someone else's expense is impossible. Anyone who hopes for success must remember the immortal words of Marx that “in science there is no broad highway, and only he will reach its shining peaks who, without fear of fatigue, climbs its rocky paths.”

It is very important to identify abilities for scientific research and qualities that determine the possibility of successful work in science. The creation of a shift has always worried real scientists.

Academician G.I. Marchuk, discussing how the formation of young people entering science should occur, emphasizes, first of all, the need to perceive the social, scientific, technical and spiritual potential of society, prepared by the work of previous generations. Properly preparing a specialist to perform tasks means saving time on finding new ways to solve problems facing society. Moreover, the new, unusual can be more easily perceived only by a person who is not burdened by already established traditions and cliches. Indeed, Bohr, Newton, Einstein, Galois and many others obtained their most important results when they were not yet 30 years old.

Something else is also important. In his youth, during his studies and independent work a foundation will be created that determines the quality of a specialist for life. Minimizing efforts to learn, mindlessly completing educational tasks, formally performing official duties in the first years of work means wasting time for self-improvement and developing abilities. Other life skills will be developed, other professional techniques and methods will form the essence of the activity, but just as Kipling’s Mowgli, who grew up in a pack of wolves, “skipped” a stage in his development and could not become a man, so the student-student will never become a real scientist. A superficial approach to knowledge will close the path to creativity.

The future researcher needs to develop such qualities as memory and observation.

Constant memory training is necessary in order to have the most essential information on the problem, without which it is impossible to provide the logic of analysis, it is impossible to fruitfully discuss and work. Observation -

This developed ability notice and focus on all the details of the processes and phenomena being studied, sometimes appearing in an implicit form.

Let's give an example. Galileo watched the lamp in the cathedral swing many times. Drafts could make the lamp oscillate with different amplitudes, but it seemed to him that the period of their oscillations remained constant. How can I check this? Some kind of time standard was required, and there were no clocks with a second hand then, Galileo used the beat of his heart. And he was right: the period was constant. This is how the property of isochronism of a pendulum was discovered.

This story demonstrates several qualities of a scientist. Firstly, his observation and ability to understand the meaning of an unremarkable phenomenon. Secondly, his peculiarity is to constantly reflect on the problems of his science. Thirdly, the ingenuity of the scientist in finding means to solve the problem.

A scientist must have a creative imagination. It is imagination that predetermines the scientific result when the factual material is still far from serving as the basis for rigorous proof of specific conclusions. Imagination, based on a broad outlook, on the ability to make analogies and associations, determines the possibility of scientific foresight and allows you to choose an original direction of scientific research.

The materialization of ideas and guesses depends on the researcher’s ability to make independent judgments. Independence creative thinking can, according to Academician P. L. Kapitsa, develop in the following main directions: the ability to scientifically generalize - induction; the ability to apply theoretical conclusions to predict the course of processes in practice - deduction; and, finally, identifying contradictions between theoretical generalizations and processes actually occurring in the object under study - dialectics.

Valuable is the ability for divergent, or, simply put, flexible thinking, the ability to see the same subject in different, sometimes unexpected aspects, the ability to see it included in various situations. A humorous illustration is Mark Twain's answer to a little girl when asked if he liked receiving books as a birthday present. “You see, honey,” answered the humorist, “it all depends on what kind of book they give me.

If, for example, it has a leather spine, then it’s a good idea to shave the razor on it. If it is thin, it is convenient to place it under the leg of a wobbly table. An old heavy book is good to throw at a pestering dog, but a large book like a geographical atlas is an excellent patch instead of a broken window glass.”

A scientist needs knowledge formal logic. Paradoxes serve as incentives for creativity, but not sophistry (see Appendix 3). I’ll also note two more professional quality skills that a scientist needs to develop are the ability to speak and the ability to write. New scientific ideas and results are published and discussed. They are reviewed for accuracy and sometimes defended in heated, principled discussions. The speaker must abstract from details, from side associations that only complicate perception, and highlight the main core, the main result obtained in the work. In the ability to give a clear interpretation of complex theoretical constructs, to reveal the reason for the inconsistency of experimental data, to strictly and simply present

The main aspect of the problem is that it is in this skill that the scientist’s intelligence finds its manifestation.

The great I.P. Pavlov, in a letter to young people who devoted themselves to science, first of all, wished for consistency, restraint and patience. The second is modesty. “Don't let pride take over you. Because of it, you will persist where you need to agree, because of it you will lose a measure of objectivity.

Third is passion. Science requires great effort and great passion from a person.”

The thoughts of Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences M.V. are interesting. Wolkenstein about scientists: “A scientist is a person who studies scientific work, whose worldview and psychology are determined by his life task, which consists in revealing the secrets of nature, in finding harmony in the world around him. The psychology of a scientist is specific. He is little susceptible to statements of a declarative nature. A scientist can be honest or dishonest, but in the second case he is usually deliberately dishonest, because he tends to analyze his actions. Cowardice, selfishness, envy and malice are found in the scientific world. But “Genius and villainy are two incompatible things. (A.S. Pushkin).”

Moral degradation is inevitably accompanied by degradation of the mind and talent,

The concept of “scientist” in principle presupposes high human qualities, because true science honest, bright and pure. A scientist is first of all, a patriot.

He lives in the interests of his country and serves the people. “From the point of view of science serving the people,” wrote academician S.I. Vavilov, “one should never forget that its goal is the greatest possible assistance to the state and society.” The achievements of science in a real technogenic society are easily demonstrated by the living conditions of people in modern comfortable apartments. Compare with the life of people just 200 years ago according to A.S. Pushkin: “In a hut, singing, a maiden spins, and, a friend of winter nights, a splinter cracks in front of her.” The economic costs of science are small. Only one steam engine gave society such an economic profit that society had not spent on science during its entire existence.

WikiHow works like a wiki, which means that many of our articles are written by multiple authors. During the creation of this article, 15 people, including anonymously, worked to edit and improve it.

Are you a young, up-and-coming scientist who strives to change the world for the better? Or an experienced person who is interested in how to work more productively? In any case, there are a few key points that will help you increase your productivity and contribute to science.


Part 1

What character traits does a scientist need?
  1. Love of science and scientific research. This is perhaps the most important quality that will motivate you to learn and develop your ideas with passion and curiosity.

    • A person in any profession lives much better if, when leaving work, he feels that he has done a good job.
    • If you love science and research, this is already a huge step towards becoming a successful scientist. It is only important to find the right direction and work as hard as possible.
  2. Experiment with new ideas. Much of scientific discovery is the result of hard work and luck. For example, luck played a large role in Fleming's discovery of penicillin and the discovery of new ionization methods. Therefore, do not be afraid of new ideas, look for new approaches to existing ideas. You never know where you'll get lucky.

    • Often discoveries are made by chance, when someone notices a discrepancy and starts working hard to figure out what's wrong. Look for new approaches to experimentation.
    • Pay attention to randomness, do not ignore small discrepancies in the results. Make an effort to understand what happened, because it may lead to a great discovery.
  3. Be patient. Almost none scientific discovery doesn't happen right away, you need patience, years of work and hundreds of experiments to prove your hypothesis.

    • It is important to be able to notice tiny details and keep notes. Classifying the information received and carefully analyzing the data is a huge part of your job, so you need to learn how to do it correctly.
  4. Analyze all the facts; a good scientist accepts the results of an experiment as they are, and does not try to adjust them to fit his hypothesis. It is important to take into account the work of other scientists and use it as a resource.

    • A good scientist will not produce false results in his experiments, and he should also respect other scientists in his field, even if their views are contrary to yours.
  5. Be prepared for failure. You may think that scientists are always successful because they the best specialists in your business. This is, of course, an incredibly important skill, but you need to remember the possibility of failure and be prepared for such a set of circumstances.

    • IN modern world scientific activity does not always receive funding; moreover, it may turn out that after many years work, you won't achieve anything. It is important to be prepared for unsuccessful experiments and the fact that you will have to spend a lot of time experimenting.
    • Sometimes time spent on the theoretical part turns out to be wasted. But through failure you can develop creativity To scientific research and better prepare for the moment when your experiments show successful results.

    Part 2

    Improve your science skills
    1. Get into your ideas. Think about your project at least once a day, some thoughts may be completely useless, but perhaps you will have a thought that will tell you the right decision.

      • Don't be shy about your ideas. You have a lot of competitors, so don’t be shy about your ideas, make every effort to develop them.
    2. Set goals. Take a piece of paper and make a list of goals that will help you realize your project and develop your ideas.

      • Set your priorities. You may deviate from your list of goals as you explore, but try to focus on those goals and the experiments that will help you achieve them.
      • Like any other person, you have hours and days to make decisions, develop ideas, achieve goals. Learn to use your time productively, this will help you succeed in any profession.
    3. Collaborate with other scientists and develop strong partnerships. It is very difficult to succeed alone, look around, find people you can trust and work with.

      • Learn to work both independently and in a team. Working as a team will help you build your career and achieve success.
      • Learn to present your project in scientific circles to find collaborators.
      • Not only can creating strong partnerships with colleagues be very mutually beneficial, it will also give you incentive to support and develop your project.
    4. Record correctly, in peace and quiet, so that nothing distracts you. Write small notes every day, recording your successes and failures. The habit of taking notes in the future will help not only to achieve success in experiments, but also, perhaps, to write your own scientific book.

      • It is important to keep in mind the experiences of other scientists in your field of study; you can learn about them from scientific articles or journals. Stay informed current topics in science and think about how you can build on the work of other scientists.
    5. Develop your speaking skills. Avoid dry and boring conversations and listing data. Tell a story that is not only informative and useful, but also interesting.

      • You can start the discussion with the reasons that motivated you to get into science, then give some examples of good and bad experiences, and then move on to a conclusion that will encourage the audience to learn more about your field of study.
      • A good scientist must be able to conduct interesting and educational conversation with a person from a different profession So show your enthusiasm, but don't be too complicated.

Laureate Nobel Prize Dan Shechtman (Israel) explained what traits a good scientist should have in order to achieve success in his field. His advice can be very useful for young scientists, students and schoolchildren in Armenia.

1. First of all, according to Dan Shechtman, to become successful, a scientist must be an expert in his field, in other words, a really good scientist.

2. A good scientist must also be part of the international community. According to the Nobel laureate, there is no such thing as Armenian or Israeli science - science is actually international, and therefore a good scientist must be part of the international community, study the work of other scientists, and keep abreast of the latest news.

3. A good scientist is a recognized leader in his field. Other scientists follow him, study and cite his work.

4. A good scientist makes important discoveries, which are then studied and developed by his colleagues.

5. A good scientist knows how to communicate. He, according to Dan Shechtman, should not sit endlessly in his laboratory, he should be able to communicate with the world, with other people - both colleagues and those who know nothing about science. A good scientist can speak in such a way that he is understood. He tells people about developments in science, arouses their interest, moreover, he becomes a role model for them, an example to follow.

6. A good scientist collaborates with other scientists, takes part in scientific conferences, works in other laboratories, invites other scientists to collaborate in his laboratory.

7. A good scientist knows English. Not at all because it good language, but because English is the language of science, the language of communication between scientists.

“It’s good if your work is published in Armenian or Russian, but keep in mind that the world will not be able to read it. It is necessary to publish in English - in the best scientific journals,” the scientist noted.

8. Self-confidence, in one’s abilities, confidence that one can solve any problems in one’s field is another important trait for a successful scientist.

Let us remind you that Dan Shekhtman came to Yerevan to participate in the Nobel Days in Armenia, along with other Nobel laureates - Ada Yonath (Israel), Aaron Ciechanover (Israel), John Robin Warren (Australia) and Ei-Ichi Negishi (Japan/USA) .

Let us also remind you that for the first time, within the framework of the “Nobel Days” event from April 12 to 16 of this year, Yerevan State Medical University. M. Heratsi takes 5 Nobel laureates, who will give open lectures on biochemistry, physics and medicine, as well as lectures on global problems science in the world.

Follow on

Muhammad ibn Husayn al-Ajiri (may Allah have mercy on him) said: “ A scientist has certain qualities and rules of behavior in a given situation, which are added as his knowledge grows. ».

One of the sheikhs of the tariqa (said: “ The tree bends with the size and number of fruits on it, and so do the scientists: when knowledge becomes more and more, then there is more modesty and obedience to Allah. ».

Modesty is one of the strong qualities not only a scientist, but any believer.

An Islamic scholar is one who understands and knows the religion of Allah, the solutions and provisions of issues in Islam. Islam calls for better image life and norms of human behavior, and a scientist is obliged to be an example for believers in everything, to be a practitioner and observe every point of what he read to the extent possible, inspiring believers and encouraging them to do righteous deeds. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

من ازداد علما ولم يزدد هدى لم يزدد من الله تعالى إلا بعدا

Meaning: " One who gains knowledge, but does not strengthen his pursuit (of knowledge), does not come closer to Allah, but only moves away from Him. ».

When asked questions, the alim must show respect to the questioner, listen to him patiently, and take time to clarify. Moreover, even if he is busy with prayer, he must speed it up in order to resolve the question of the believer, as the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) himself did.

The Alim must not only convey the religion of Allah to people without any comments or explanations, but help lower the wing of mercy for all Muslims, without distinguishing them by nation or skin color.

It is not appropriate for him to mock someone or some question, and when many questions are asked or the same question is repeated, he must answer it as if asked for the first time, humbly and expansively.

A real scientist will not talk idle talk or engage in useless argument with fools, but it is not prohibited to conduct a discussion at the level of knowledge, without any insults, shouting and obscene language, in order to reveal the truth.

Ethics of behavior of a scientist

There are certain ethical standards behavior of a scientist, which was formulated by Imam al-Ghazali (may Allah have mercy on him) in the book “al-Bidaya”. Thus, they are presented in the form of wishes in the following paragraphs, where Imam al-Ghazali (may Allah have mercy on him) writes:

1) “Bear with dignity the hardships (in teaching students or in calling on the path of Allah).

2) Show patience in all matters.

3) Sit respectfully, silently and with your head bowed, showing humility before Allah.

4) Do not show pride in relation to ordinary Muslims, but, on the contrary, in relation to the proud and tyrants.

5) Show humility and modesty in public and at majlises (religious meetings).

6) Leave jokes and games (except those that do not involve lies, and also if the joke is appropriate).

7) Mercy towards students and patience towards the arrogant (that is, those who arrogantly ask a question, posing as knowledgeable, although they are not).

8) Correcting the erring one, instructing him with a beautiful appeal, without being angry with such a person.

9) Honestly admit when you don’t know the exact answer to a given question, and not try to get out of pride, otherwise disputes and turmoil will begin among people, each person will challenge his opinion, each citing his own source.

10) Give full attention to the question asked, listen and understand the essence without haste and signs of dissatisfaction and irritation

11) Acceptance of the arguments given to him if he is wrong in some matter, because following the truth is obligatory.

12) Follow the truth, abandoning one’s erroneous opinion, even if the argument was given by someone less knowledgeable than oneself.

13) Warn students against harmful sciences, for example, the science of witchcraft, astrology, etc.

14) Inspire students to seek knowledge only for the sake of Allah, and not for selfish purposes.

15) Train and mentor students to improve their physical and spiritual qualities, and also engage in mandatory activities first, postponing less important ones.

16) To instruct students and themselves, guided only by true knowledge, before instructing other people.

17) Speak the truth anywhere and everywhere.”

18) These are the basic ethical rules for an Islamic scholar, whose behavior and lifestyle must be in accordance with his knowledge, and deviation from them degrades his high status as the heir of the prophets.

It should be taken into account that there are a number of prohibitions for a scientist. So, he should not:

1) To seek respect and honor among people for the sake of worldly goals or personal needs, for example, so that they praise him or give way to him everywhere, stand up when he appears, otherwise this is window dressing, one of the gravest sins.

2) Pursue worldly wealth and sell religion for money (that is, do not make unrighteous decisions in favor of the rich, the ruler or the oppressor out of fear or ingratiation with him). You cannot go to the doors of rulers, that is, flatter them.

The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) said:

أشد الناس عذابا عالم لم ينفعه الله بعلمه

Meaning: " The most severe punishment among people on the Day of Judgment awaits the scientist for whom his knowledge did not benefit (he was not guided by knowledge )" (at-Tabarani, al-Bayhaqi).

May Allah forbid that we become such would-be scientists! May Almighty Allah have mercy on us and our loved ones!