Energy value of milk and dairy products. Nutritional value of milk. How much does it cost to write your work?

Yes, a cow is also meat; but first of all it's still milk. An amazing and priceless work of nature. Hippocrates rightly said: “ Milk is an almost perfect food product." And Academician I.P. Pavlov wrote this: “Among the varieties of human food, milk is in an exceptional position - food prepared by nature itself.”

One cup of low-fat or low-fat milk contains. In comparison, one cup of plain soy milk contains. 50-60 calories 5 grams fat 5-7 grams carbs 1 gram protein. . Some important nutrients, which provide all the milk, include.

Calcium: Dairy products such as milk are one of the richest dietary sources of calcium. Calcium has many functions in the body, but its main job is to develop and maintain healthy bones and teeth. Calcium is also important for blood clotting and wound healing, maintaining normal blood pressure and muscle contractions, including heartbeat.

Depends on the content of fat, protein, milk sugar, vitamins, enzymes and other nutrients. IN cow's milk contains (in percent) - dry matter - 12.5; fat - 3.8; total protein - 3.3; milk sugar - 4.7; mineral salts - 0.8. For comparison: the composition of human milk is respectively 13.0; 3.5; 1.1; 7.5; 0.9.

In total, milk contains about 200 various components. Very detailed about the composition of milk wrote the winner of the USSR State Prize, writer V. Chivilikhin: “...When we drink a glass of milk, we only know for sure that it is tasty and nutritious, and do not think at all about its other subtle properties or, even more so, about the composition of this wonderful and valuable food product. It is well known that milk contains fat, but few people know that it consists of many different acids - butyric, lauric, meristic, palmitic, caproic, caprylic, capric.

A cup of skim milk contains about 306 milligrams of calcium, with about 32 percent of that calcium considered absorbed. Non-acidifying plant sources of calcium may be preferable for some people, with calcium absorption from cabbage, broccoli and other vegetables ranging from 40 to 64 percent. 8, 9.

Choline: Milk is also a rich source of choline; an essential nutrient that helps support sleep, muscle movement, learning and memory. Choline helps maintain structure cell membranes, helps in the transmission of nerve impulses, aids in the absorption of fat, and may reduce chronic inflammation. 4.

Milk producers usually chase fat, and percentage serves him main characteristic product. Meanwhile, the most important beneficial part of milk is the combination of casein, albumin and globulin proteins, which are a mind-bogglingly complex combination of substances, even an incomplete listing of which can cause a headache: leucine, proline, valine, lysine, tyrosine, arginine, histidine, tryptophan, alanine, serine, glycine, methionine, cystine, threonine, isoleucine, hydroxyproline, phenylalanine, glutamine, aspartic, dodecanoaline, hydroxyglutamine and other amino acids that make milk proteins the main nutritional value of the product. And the secret lies in the order of combination of all these different and complex substances, the slightest violation of which produces completely different proteins with different properties or produces nothing proteinaceous.

Potassium: Optimal potassium intake is associated with reduced risk of stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure, protection against loss muscle mass, maintaining bone mineral density and reducing the formation of kidney stones. A cup of cow's milk contains about 366 mg of potassium, although the unpleasant digestive effects of lactose intolerance, such as diarrhea, can deplete potassium.

It helps in the formation, growth and repair of bones. It also plays an important role in calcium absorption and immune function. Magnesium and phosphorus may also be present. Some of these vitamins, especially A and riboflavin, are destroyed when exposed to light, so milk stored in clear containers will have lower nutrient levels. To encourage cow's milk consumption, manufacturers have created new products, including flavored varieties such as strawberry or chocolate, lactose-free milk, milk with added omega-3s, hormone-free or organic milk, and reduced-fat milk.

The molecular protein code contains one of the greatest secrets of life, and it is not without reason that scientists around the world have been struggling for many decades, and so far unsuccessfully, to create a full-fledged artificial protein. Of course, private milk consumer I don’t have to know all this chemical wisdom, I just want to create for him general idea about the extraordinary complexity of such a familiar food product.

However, consumers should be aware that some flavored dairy products may contain large amounts of sugar. This good idea to check food labels when looking for healthy options. Alternative dairy products such as soy milk and almond milk may be recommended for people with lactose intolerance.

Lactose intolerance is a condition in which a person lacks the enzyme lactase, which is necessary to break down the sugar found in milk for proper digestion. Some people who do not produce enough lactase cannot tolerate lactose beyond infancy. An estimated 15 percent of people of Northern European descent, 80 percent of blacks and Hispanics, and more than 90 percent of people of Asian and Indigenous descent do not produce lactase.

The composition of this white oily liquid includes, in addition to the above, enzymes - diastase, lipase, phosphatase, proteinase, peroclidase, reductase, catalase, mineral salts, including cations: potassium, sodium, calcium, magnesium, zinc, aluminum, copper, iron , manganese, iodine, silica, fluorine, anions, phosphates, chlorides, sulfates, nitrates, carbonates; traces of nitrogenous substances - creatine and creatinine, xanthine and hypoxanthine, choline, trimethimine, methylguamidine, urea, theocinic and uric acid, vitamins, salts in colloidal suspension, gases - dissolved oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide occupies a tenth of the volume of milk in a cow’s udder...” Milk contains lactose, or milk sugar.

Cow's milk may also contain hormone and antibiotic residues, as well as dioxins and polychlorinated biphenyls. These substances may have adverse effects on human health, including adverse effects on the nervous system, reproductive system, and immune system. increase the risk of developing certain types cancer.

Milk: Health Benefits and Nutritional Information.

  • All links are available on the "Links" tab.
  • Milk Proteins: Powerful Nutritional Punch Pack.
  • Lactose intolerance.
  • American family doctor.
Dairy products and alternatives such as soy products Calcium fortified foods are nutritious foods and provide benefits when consumed as part of a nutritionally balanced diet that includes all 5 food groups.

Lactose is one of the main parts of the “juice of life”. It is involved in brain nutrition, development and growth of the central nervous system person.

Milk- This is an ideal food for infants and small animals. Milk is necessary for a person at any age. “Milk and cheese,” writes American scientist Isaac Asimov, “are the main source of calcium ions in our diet. This is why children need milk so much, their bones grow, and calcium ions are their most important component. Even adults cannot do without calcium.”

Nutrition functions are served specifically through its nutritionally important components, including proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, minerals, vitamins and water. Cow's milk is the preferred choice for most people. It provides 67 kilocalories and has a protein content of 2 g per 100 milliliters. Dairy proteins include casein and whey. Whey has a higher nutritional value than casein.

When fat and casein are removed from milk, it consists mainly of whey containing instant milk salts, milk sugar and the rest of the milk proteins. Whey proteins are made up of a number of specialized proteins, the most important of which are beta-lactoglobulin and lactoglobulin.

Swedish scientist Nils Gustafson jokingly exclaimed: “If you drink every day for 1,200 months a liter of milk a day, consider yourself guaranteed 100 years of life!” By the way, long-livers confirm this.

Milk is used to make butter, sour cream, yogurt, kefir, acidophilus, fermented baked milk and other fermented milk products that are very healthy for humans. In particular, they regulate the functioning of the intestines and suppress the activity of putrefactive microbes. On this principle, the theory of I.I. Mechnikov was developed - prolongation of life with the help of yogurt. In India they still say: “Drink sour milk and you will live long.” The biological value of milk protein is extremely high. It contains a complete set of essential amino acids, and these acids themselves are not formed in the human body.

Milk proteins have high biological value, but, unlike egg whites, they do not contain sulfur-containing amino acids. The proteins in cow's milk have balanced amino acid profiles and good digestibility, making it an obvious choice when it comes to feeding your family. The casein in cow's milk combines with calcium to form caseinogen. The higher proportion of calcium and casein in cow's milk makes it more difficult to digest than human milk. Some people cannot drink fresh milk because they are lactose intolerant, but can consume sour milk because it contains less lactose.

In terms of the amount of essential amino acids, milk surpasses all other food products. Daily human need for essential amino acids and their content in milk Consuming 0.5 kg of milk per day, a person receives total energy by 13% (with a norm of 2500-3000 kcal), protein by 27%, calcium by 75%, phosphorus by 66%, potassium - by 33%, vitamins A and B2 - by 50%.

The nutritional composition of milk makes it a time-tested liquid that is essential for maintaining optimal nutrition, especially for young people. The main nutrients in milk, other than protein, include the following. Milk and dairy products also contain fat. Cow's milk contains fat, which is in the form of glycerides. The fat in cow's milk is a poor source of essential fatty acids.

The fat content of milk varies. It contains 1 g of fat or less than 100 ml. . The important minerals in milk are calcium, phosphorus, sodium and potassium. It is, however, a poor source of iron. Calcium is a mineral needed by the body to perform numerous functions, including building and maintaining bones and teeth, clotting blood, transmitting nerve impulses, and regulating heart rhythm.

It is necessary to indicate that in cow's milk the ratio of protein and total energy is in a favorable ratio for humans. And one more thing. The biological value of milk protein far exceeds the value of protein from other animal products. The main nutrients of milk - fat, protein and sugar - are almost completely absorbed by the human body, 95, 96 and 98%, respectively. For information: over the course of 70 years of life, a person consumes on average more than 2.5 tons of proteins and about 2 tons of fats. A person basically satisfies the need for fat, but as for protein, the need for it is satisfied only by 70%.

How much calcium do you consume? Is it for a man, a woman or a baby? Are you pregnant or breastfeeding? What age is a baby for a few months? Food source Amount of calcium Amount of servants. Dairy cow, powdered 100 g 875.

How much calcium do you need daily to maintain good health?

Chocolate, regular 1 box 334. Milk goat powder 100g 978. Total calcium for other foods not listed above. You need to increase your calcium intake in mg to meet the recommended daily mg intake. This is a healthy amount of calcium compared to the recommended daily mg intake.

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Talk to your doctor or health care professional about how to reduce your intake to an appropriate level. Until 6 months of age, infants should be fed only breast milk or baby food. This calculator includes a small number of foods that are rich sources of calcium or that are commonly eaten. Although the calculator can provide an estimate of your calcium intake, it should not be relied upon for accurate assessment calcium intake in the diet. Accredited nutritionist.

This information will be collected for educational purposes but will remain anonymous. Use a calculator or pen and paper to work out an amount greater than your daily calcium intake. Then use the table below to compare it to your recommended daily intake.

The nutritional value of milk and products prepared on its basis determines its importance in childhood and dietary nutrition. By including such food in your diet, you will saturate your body with calcium and other valuable substances. Milk makes a person healthier and more beautiful.

What is the nutritional value?

If you are interested in certain characteristics of products, you should know for sure what they mean. Thus, nutritional value is a complete list of properties that satisfy the physiological needs of the body. Most often, this concept refers to the content of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in every 100 grams of product.

Benefits of milk and other dairy products

Milk and dairy products are the main source of calcium and protein in most developed countries, including Australia. The calcium in milk is in a bioavailable form and is easily absorbed. Calcium absorption is enhanced by vitamin A and lactose. Adequate calcium intake is necessary for growth in childhood, as well as for the prevention of diseases such as osteoporosis in adulthood. Research suggests a link between decreased calcium intake and osteoporosis.

It is also worth noting the importance of such an indicator as biological value. It characterizes compliance with amino acid requirements human body. Speaking about energy value, it is worth noting that this is the number of calories that are released during the processing of the product by the body.

Daily consumption of three glasses of skim milk, cereals at breakfast, in hot drinks and in dairy dishes such as custard, and one or more servings of low-fat yogurt or full-fat cottage cheese is enough to meet your milk needs.

It is generally recommended that children, pregnant women, the elderly and those who are unwell avoid unpasteurized milk and dairy products. Individuals with allergies or intolerance to dairy and milk products may want to try to avoid them. For such people, consuming dairy products such as yogurt in small quantities is beneficial.

Milk: chemical composition and nutritional value

Milk is the first human food, which provides the body with everything it needs from birth. Thanks to its rich chemical composition, it is possible to maintain the active functioning of the body. So, milk contains the following substances:

  • proteins;
  • fats;
  • milk sugar;
  • mineral salts;
  • water.

It is worth noting that this is a basic set of components that cannot fully characterize milk. The chemical composition and nutritional value can vary greatly depending on the origin of the product and how it is processed.

Milk and dairy products should be refrigerated to slow the growth of microorganisms such as mold on cheese. Milk, cheese and yogurt should be stored and used by the date indicated on the package. Achievements in Dairy Nutrition Seminars: Dairy Products - "A Hearty Choice"? Osteoporosis: cause, treatment, prevention. . Answering the question: “Is milk healthy?” Just. Yes, milk is nutritious and delicious. It is a refreshing drink and can be used as a base for other drinks such as hot chocolate or specialty coffee.

If we take a closer look at the proteins contained in milk, they are represented by albumin, globulin and casein. The latter is involved in the formation of glycopolymacropeptide, which increases the digestibility of other components. All proteins are easy to absorb and contain all the amino acids necessary for the body.

Fats in milk are contained in the form of tiny particles. They form everyone's favorite cream. Milk fat is 96% absorbed by the body, which is due to its high dispersion. Its content in the product depends on the season (in summer this indicator decreases), as well as the quality of care for the animal.

Milk is a main ingredient in puddings, custards and mousses and is commonly included in recipes for soups, sauces and batters. One serving of milk is one 8-ounce cup. Most people think about milk and its important role in building strong bones. The body does not work with one nutrient at a time, but works together with many nutrients contained in food.

This diet, which includes three servings a day of low-fat and low-fat milk, yogurt and cheese and 8 to 10 servings of fruits and vegetables, has also been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke. Milk produced in California has higher nutritional standards, exceeding federal standards for protein, calcium and other nutrients. California dairy producers accomplish this by fortifying milk with skim milk solids, which improves taste and nutrition.

Considering such an indicator as the nutritional and energy value of milk, one cannot help but mention the carbohydrate component. It is represented by lactose. It is the presence of this component that makes it possible to prepare fermented milk products.

The nutritional value of milk is determined by the increased content of vitamins. The main ones are A and B. Ascorbic acid, nicotinic acid, riboflavin and thiamine are present in small quantities. The highest concentration of vitamins in milk is observed in summer period. This indicator may also be affected by the processing method and storage conditions.

More about vitamins

As already mentioned, the nutritional value of milk and dairy products is largely due to the high content of vitamins in them. So, if we take a closer look at the chemical composition, we can note the presence of the following useful components in it:

VitaminBenefitWhere is it contained?
B1Takes part in metabolism, normalizes the functioning of the nervous system and heart muscle, improves the condition of the skin and hair.
B2Takes part in protein and carbohydrate metabolism.Milk, dairy products, cheeses, whey and cream
B3Regulates fat metabolism and also activates the synthesis of amino acids.
B6Promotes lipid and protein metabolism.Milk
B12Strengthens the immune system, reduces the risk of tumor formation, and increases the body's resistance to radiation.Milk and cheeses
AImproves the functional state of tissues.Milk and dairy products

Different types of milk

The nutritional value of milk is largely determined by its origin. Thus, deer is considered the most nutritious. The concentration of proteins and fats reaches 11% and 20%, respectively. As for the vitamin component, it is three times more saturated than in the case of cow's milk.

The nutritional value of milk is largely determined by the nature of the proteins it contains. Thus, most farm animals (including cows and goats) produce casein milk. And, for example, mare and donkey are albuminous. Since its composition is most similar to mother's milk, such milk is an ideal substitute for feeding infants. Albumin particles are several times smaller than casein, and therefore we can talk about its good digestibility.

Whole milk

Despite the fact that milk is one of the most common products that is familiar from childhood, not everyone thinks that there are several types that are characterized by certain indicators. So, first you should pay attention to whole milk. Nutritional value, in in this case, will be the highest, because the product has not been subjected to any processing. An exception may be the straining process, which is carried out immediately after milking.

Whole milk contains the largest amount of vitamins and microelements. There is also a high concentration of calcium, which is almost completely absorbed by the body. This product is credited with strengthening the immune system, normalizing the functioning of the nervous system, eliminating heartburn, and accelerating metabolism.

However, there are a number of skepticisms regarding whole milk. Given its high fat content, it is not suitable for feeding children. And even in adulthood, not everyone tolerates this product well. Thus, according to the latest data, one sixth of the world's population suffers from lactose intolerance. Whole milk is an allergen and can also cause dangerous infections.

Skim milk

The desire to be slim makes people buy products labeled “0% fat.” This trend has also affected milk. The amount of fat in it does not exceed 0.1%. In fact, this is the so-called skim milk, which is obtained by separating cream from milk. It may be of interest to consumers that most of this milk is not sent to store shelves, but back to farms to feed animals.

You should not place high hopes on a product such as skim milk. Its nutritional value is negligible. Carbohydrates and proteins, respectively, 5% and 3%. Calorie content is characterized by 35 kcal. Moreover, such milk is characterized by a rich vitamin and mineral composition. However, doctors do not recommend using it on an ongoing basis.

It is worth paying attention to the manufacturing process. The nutritional value of dry, skim milk is significantly reduced during processing. When the fat component is removed, vitamins A and D are almost completely removed from the product. Thus, the proteins and calcium that remain in the milk are not absorbed by the body. With frequent consumption of skim and powdered milk, the body's own resources are depleted.

Powdered milk: nutritional value

In conditions big city It is not always possible to find a natural product. In addition, people strive to give known substances a more convenient form, for example, a powder. A clear example Powdered milk can serve. The nutritional value of this product is the same as the original. But for this you need to prepare the so-called reconstituted milk. To do this, the powder is diluted in water (1:7). At the same time, it is quite possible to make homemade kefir, cottage cheese and other healthy products from such milk.

The nutritional and biological value of milk is preserved thanks to a special manufacturing technology. Drying is quick and the temperature does not exceed 40 degrees. So everything useful substances are saved. And thanks to the low moisture content (no more than 6%), long-term storage of the product is ensured.

Nutritional value of condensed milk

It is worth admitting that few people are interested in such a question as the nutritional value of condensed milk. For most people, this is their favorite treat. Nevertheless, condensed milk is not only tasty, but also very useful product. To begin with, it is worth noting the high protein content in this product. Its concentration can reach 35%.

Essentially, condensed milk is evaporated cow's milk. The nutritional value of the final product is slightly lower, but overall it is no less healthy. Condensed milk is completely absorbed by the body, saturating it with calcium and phosphorus. Thus, by regularly consuming this product, you can strengthen the health of your bones, eyes and enhance mental activity.

However, you should not overuse it. The fact is that it contains a significant amount of sugar, which results in a high calorie content (328 kcal) and a significant carbohydrate component (55.5 g). Large quantity The product contributes to the development of obesity, diabetes and caries.

Fermented milk products

The composition and nutritional value of milk make this product one of the most popular. Nevertheless, few people like it in its pure form. Most people prefer fermented milk products. They not only preserve the benefits of milk, but also have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive system. So, you should especially pay attention to the following products:

  • Kefir is prepared from pasteurized milk. A special starter is added to it, after which the fermentation process begins. The nutritional value of this product depends entirely on the quality of the milk. If a whole product is used, then the protein component accounts for almost 3%, the concentration of fats is 3%, and carbohydrates are 4%.
  • prepared from pasteurized product using bacterial cultures. It will contain approximately equal amounts of fat and carbohydrates (about 3%) and 10% carbohydrates. Given the low acidity of the product, it is actively used in artificial feeding of children.
  • "Belact" is also a fermented milk product produced using bacteria. It is characterized by a high content of enzymes. Another feature of the product is the presence of substances that resemble antibiotics in their properties.
  • "Narine" is a fermented milk product that came to us from Armenia. There it is actively used for feeding infants. Thanks to the special bacteria contained in the sourdough, the acidity level is quite low. And when it enters the body, “Narine” activates the production of a substance that suppresses pathogenic microbes. Proteins and fats in the product account for 3% and 4%, respectively, and carbohydrates - just over 6%.
  • Kumis is traditionally made from mare's milk. Nevertheless, there are recipes adapted for cow's milk. A starter culture that contains bacteria and yeast is added to the milk. The nutritional value largely depends on the quality of the base and the degree of ripeness. It can contain up to 3% proteins, up to 1% fats and 6% carbohydrates. The product is good for digestion and also has a general strengthening effect.
  • Yogurt is not just a popular fermented milk product, but also a favorite delicacy. In ancient times, it was prepared exclusively from To obtain yogurt, you need to add the so-called Bulgarian stick to the base. On average, calories finished product characterized by an indicator of 57 kcal. It contains 4%, 2% and 6% of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, respectively. These indicators may vary depending on the type of milk and processing method. It is worth noting that only pure yogurt, which does not contain dyes or flavoring additives, has exceptional benefits.

Other Popular Products

Since ancient times, people have been interested in such a question as the nutritional value of milk. A great variety of dairy products are prepared on its basis. However, there are a number of popular ones that are almost always present on the table, namely:

  • Cottage cheese is one of the most valuable food products, which is characterized by a high protein content (about 14%). Its preparation is based on the processes Cottage cheese is characterized by high acidity. But this indicator decreases with increasing fat content of the product.
  • The cheese making process is based on the precipitation of casein. Depending on how the milk is processed, the product can be hard, soft, brine or processed. The protein component can reach 30% (as well as fat).
  • Sour cream is a product made from pasteurized cream. It is quite fatty (this figure can reach 40%).

Milk quality

The high nutritional value of milk proteins determines the popularity of this product. Nevertheless, only what is of high quality is useful for the body. The characteristics of milk largely depend on how the processing was carried out.

The milk that arrives at the plant is first checked for organoleptic indicators. If it turns out to meet the standards, it is carefully filtered to remove foreign impurities. Next, the fat content is normalized by adding skim milk or cream.

The most important stages are pasteurization and sterilization. These processes are necessary to destroy pathogens, as well as a number of enzymes. Thus, it is possible to obtain a safe product that is characterized by long-term storage.

Pasteurization is carried out by prolonged heating. As a result, the milk changes its natural taste. It is also worth noting the decrease in calcium concentration in the product.

Is milk dangerous for humans?

The nutritional and biological value of milk makes this product one of the most useful. However, it is worth mentioning the danger it poses. Milk can serve as a source of dangerous infectious diseases. In this case, viruses can enter the product from an animal and during processing.

Viruses can be contained not only in milk, but also in products prepared from it. At the same time, the incubation period of bacteria increases. So, most dangerous diseases transmitted through milk are the following:

  • Foot and mouth disease is a viral disease that affects the mucous membrane and respiratory tract. It appears in the form of blisters and ulcers. The virus of this disease is resistant to heat. To get rid of it, you need to boil the milk for at least 5 minutes.
  • Brucellosis is a disease that affects almost all body systems. Its danger is that initial stage it is practically asymptomatic. Milk from animals infected with brucellosis is subjected to prolonged boiling followed by pasteurization.
  • Tuberculosis primarily affects the respiratory system. If an animal has such an infection, then milk is strictly forbidden to be consumed.
  • Other dangerous infections- anthrax, rabies, hepatitis, plague and others. Animals with such diseases are subject to destruction with the obligatory presence of a sanitary doctor.


From the very first days of a person’s life, it is milk that supplies the body with all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Thus, the benefits of this product are undeniable. To maintain bones, digestive, nervous and other systems of the body in optimal condition, milk simply must be present in the diet. It is important to choose a quality product, and treat whole or low-fat products with caution.

On at the moment There is a wide range of dairy products on the market, which are also characterized by high nutritional value. Among them you can often find many copies marked “Farm” or “Rustic”. Contrary to fashion trends, such products should be treated with special caution, because milk that has not been subjected to heat treatment and pasteurization may contain viruses dangerous to humans.