1 biological and nutritional value of milk microflora. Dairy products.

Everyone knows the high biological value of this food product like milk. Milk is especially beneficial for children.

Milk is among the food record holders for the content of complete proteins, fats, phosphatides, mineral salts and fat-soluble vitamins, and in total about one hundred substances that are very important from a biological point of view were found in milk.

Qualitative composition was determined by comparing peak retention times with corresponding fatty acid standards. Quantitative composition was performed using area normalization, expressed as a percentage by weight. Its value is directly affected by fat content and lean solids. Thus, milk with low or no fat content, such as skim milk, has more high density, and fat contributes to lower values ​​in whole milk. It was noted that there were no irregularities in the milk analysis in this study, but variations across seasons, which although significant, were small.

Chemical composition of milk

In numbers chemical composition milk, depending on the breed, feed, time of year, age of the cows, lactation period and processing technology, the product may look something like this:

  • water 87.8%,
  • fat 3.4%,
  • proteins 3.5%,
  • milk sugar 4.6%,
  • mineral salts 0.75%.

It is important that milk proteins are an easy product for digestive enzymes, and the uniqueness casein lies in the ability to form glycopolymacropeptide during digestion, which increases the digestibility of other food ingredients.

During autumn and winter the values ​​were intermediate. Dornic acidity varied significantly across seasons in organic milk. It was noted that during the summer the average acidity was higher than during other periods. This fact can be explained by an increase in temperature environment, which is directly related to the analyzed parameter. All components that can combine with basic ions contribute to the acidity of milk. This balance between the main components and acids determines the acidity of milk.

At high temperatures tricalcium phosphate may precipitate and increase acidity due to the dissociation of phosphate radicals. Heat can also break down lactose into various organic acids and neutralize the amino groups of protein. In regular milk, no statistical difference was found between samples. During hot periods, there is a decrease in food consumption by animals, accompanied by an increase in water consumption. Feeding is limited to pasture, which has a higher water content as there is more high frequency precipitation.

Chemical composition of milk In addition to casein, it contains complete proteins globulin and albumin, containing all the amino acids that are necessary for the body. Casein in milk is associated with calcium and when milk sours, calcium undergoes splitting and casein coagulates and precipitates.

When milk settles, the smallest fat globules in it float up, forming a layer of delicious and healthy cream. The low (28-36 0 C) melting point of this product, as well as high dispersion, makes milk fat almost completely digestible.

These factors cause the milk solids to dilute. On the other hand, during periods low temperatures higher energy requirements to maintain body temperature result in a reduction in the energy supply required for milk production, resulting in a subsequent decrease in production. Additionally, the association of low temperatures with the type of feed fed to cattle in this situation results in a relative increase in total solids.

Seasonal effects have been observed on organic milk in terms of fat content, which can be observed in Table 1. Animal diet can also be manipulated to cause changes in milk components, and fat content can vary by up to 3%. Animals raised in an organic system are fed primarily on pasture, while in a conventional system, feeding is also based on grains and soybean cakes. It was confirmed that in winter time organic milk represented 2.67% fat, the lowest in this study.

Nutritional value of milk

Milk carbohydrates are milk sugar - lactose, it is not as sweet as vegetable sugar, but is not at all inferior to it in nutritional value. When boiling, caramelization of milk sugar occurs, which is why the milk acquires a brownish color and a special aroma and taste. Under the influence of lactic acid bacteria, milk sugar becomes lactic acid, and casein coagulates. The result is yogurt, sour cream, kefir, cottage cheese - so tasty, nutritious and healthy products. Milk contains calcium, phosphorus, potassium, iron, sodium and sulfur, and in an easily digestible form, and this is very important for baby food, when the main product on the children's menu is milk. Milk also contains microelements copper, zinc, fluorine, iodine, and manganese. Due to its chemical composition, milk has important nutritional value for the human body.

The organic milk evaluated in this study was obtained from small dairy products, typical of organic milk in Brazil, where there is virtually no homogenization process due to the cost of equipment. In refrigerated, non-homogenized milk, the fat, which has a lower density, is separated from the aqueous phase and a stable emulsion is difficult to form. However, it is worth noting that some samples were frozen for further analysis. A combination of these factors may explain the below values ​​observed in the winter samples.

The main vitamin wealth and nutritional value of milk is vitamins A and D, but besides them, ascorbic acid, riboflavin, thiamine and nicotinic acid are present.

Milk enzymes

In addition, milk also contains a number of enzymes, of which it is worth highlighting:

  • peroxidase,
  • amylase,
  • phosphatase,
  • reductase,
  • catalase,
  • lipase.

According to GOST 13277-67, fresh high-quality milk must be a homogeneous liquid product, white with a slightly yellowish tint, have a pleasant taste and smell. Apart from possible deviations as this product is caused by unacceptable changes in composition, for example, the presence of various harmful microorganisms, its color and odor may largely depend on the feed and storage conditions.

Please note that regular milk has a higher fat content than organic milk, regardless of season. The opposite trend was observed for the protein content of the milk studied. It is observed that in milk from organic management, the proportion of protein varied significantly from 3.22% to 3.42%. These values ​​were higher than in regular milk. Protein and fat levels are lower during the summer due to changes in feed quality and availability. In the rumen, propionate production promotes protein synthesis, and the increase in propionate is increased by feeding ground feed.

The benefits and harms of fresh milk

Foreign odors may occur in milk when stored near substances that have a strong odor - fish, tobacco, petroleum products, or in rotten wooden cellars.

Freshly milked milk is far from a sterile product, since a certain number of microbes are always present in the cavity of the mammary glands of the udder. These are mainly micrococci, but there are also lactic acid bacteria.

No management or seasonal effects were observed on lactose content in organic and conventional samples. Lactose is the least variable component in bovine milk as shown in the present study. According to Harding, lactose content is not affected by diet except in excess or lack of food, but the percentage of lactose may be lower in warmer seasons, resulting in lower fiber intake by the animal.

Seasonality had little effect on ash content. Organic milk presented, at all times of the year, an ash content slightly higher than regular milk, however, only in winter there was a significant difference. Jennes also found excellent values ​​for ash in winter.

In addition, milk is a breeding ground for microorganisms that enter it during the milking process and later. These microorganisms multiply quickly in milk.

Along with such microflora, milk can also contain pathogenic microorganisms, such as pathogens of intestinal infections.

Therefore, according to existing sanitary rules milk is allowed for use only after neutralization.

However, there was no effect of milk origin and seasonality on density, dry extract, protein and lactose content. The content of dry extract in milk was influenced by seasonality. The results were expressed as percentage fatty acids. The variant found among samples during the same season of the year is due to different brands of milk analyzed, explaining high values standard deviation.

Seasons and animal management did not reveal significant differences in the fatty acid content of milk. It is noted that the saturated fatty acid content of conventional milk was always higher than that of organic milk. Among saturated fatty acids, significant seasonal differences were found in capric acid content. The fatty acid profile of dairy products presented in this work is close to that described by Eifert et al for cow's milk.

Basically, for this purpose, the pasteurization method is used at a temperature of 70 0 C for half an hour, or heating at least 90 0 C for a few seconds.

"Milk - this is amazing food prepared by nature itself,” wrote academician I.P. Pavlov. Milk contains everything necessary for humans nutrients: proteins, fats, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, enzymes, hormones, immune bodies. The chemical composition of milk depends on many factors: the quality of feed, time of year, age of the animal, its breed, etc.

These results are consistent with those found in the literature. The results of a study of seasonal changes in the physicochemical composition, fatty acid composition and conjugated linoleic acid content of organic and conventional dairy products sold in the city of São Paulo led to the conclusion that.

The choice of management system and seasonality influences the chemical composition of milk; The protein content of organic milk has always been higher high levels than in ordinary ones; The fat content of the milk was affected by the management system, and milk from the organic system contained lower fat content and a lower percentage of saturated fat than the conventional system; The conjugated linoleic acid content of milk from the organic system was higher than that of milk coming from conventional system. This applies to organic agriculture.

Nutritional value. The protein content of cow's milk ranges from 2.7 to 3.8%. The main proteins of milk - casein (2.7%), albumin (0.4%), globulin (0.12%) - are complete in amino acid composition. They have high nutritional value and good digestibility (96%).

Classification and range of drinking milk. Based on its composition, milk is divided into natural: whole (natural, unaltered), normalized by fat content (fat content is brought to a certain value), skim and reconstituted, which is obtained from whole or skim milk powder, often mixed with natural milk. Based on the type of heat treatment, milk is classified into pasteurized and sterilized.

It officially approves official physicochemical analytical methods for the control of milk and dairy products in accordance with the annex to this regulatory instruction, specifying that they are used in national agricultural laboratories. Nutrition of dairy cows and milk composition.

Organic Livestock: Basic Procedures for Sustainable Farming. Biochemical composition of milk and lactation hormones. Milk production on pasture. Trans fatty acids: scientific progress and labeling. Bulletin of the International Dairy Federation, paragraph 393, pp. 1-25.

The following types are distinguished: drinking milk:

- pasteurized(various fat content - 1.5; 2.5; 3.2; 3.5; 6% and low-fat);

- sterilized(various fat content - 0.5; 1.5; 1.8; 2; 2.5; 3.2; 3.5; 3.6; 4; 5.5; 6%). Sterilized milk includes milk obtained using high-temperature technology (HTT or UHT), which involves rapid heating within 4-5 seconds to a temperature of 140°C, fast cooling and aseptic filling (in sterile containers under sterile conditions);

Organic livestock farming in Europe: goals, rules and trends with a focus on special attention animal health and welfare. Exemplary correspondent service. The dairy segment is among many sectors that have undergone an intensive reformulation process due to the profound structural transformation of the Brazilian economy throughout the 1990s. Overall, three factors were needed to explain these changes. The first of these was the process of economic opening during the Collora government.

The second is the implementation of the Plan in July. The economic opening has prompted Brazilians domestic producers modernize your production processes, improving the quality of their products under the threat of losing the market for imported products. The overthrow of chronic inflation caused by the implementation of the Real Plan also played an important role in reforming production and demand.

- melted(with fat content 4 and 6%), obtained by long-term exposure (for 5-6 hours) at a temperature of 95-98°C;

- protein(with fat content 1 and 2.5%) - with an increased concentration of proteins due to the addition of skimmed milk powder;

- enriched with fillers: fortified (with vitamin C - 0.05; 2.5; 3.2%; with a complex of vitamins and minerals - varying fat content), with flavorings (chocolate, strawberry, banana, etc. - varying fat content);

Because of high importance dairy segment, not only economically but also nutritionally, it sought to facilitate certain aspects of nutrition, and is also linked to the participation of these products in the market basket created monthly by the Institute of Agricultural Economics for the city of São Paulo. Nutritional aspects and importance of milk for human consumption.

The presence of milk in the diet is mainly due to the fact that this product is a source of proteins and minerals necessary to promote human growth and maintenance of life. In three periods of life, the role of milk is fundamental: in childhood it participates in the formation and development of the body as a source of protein, minerals and fat; V adolescence, provides conditions for rapid growth with good structure of muscles, bones and endocrine system; and for older people is a source of essential calcium for maintaining bone integrity 1.

- for children early age (ionite - milk similar in composition to human milk due to the replacement of calcium and magnesium ions with potassium and sodium ions; vitalact DM, etc.).

Cream differs from milk in its increased content of milk fat. They are obtained by separating milk. Cream is used as a raw material in the production of sour cream and butter, as well as as an independent food product. They produce pasteurized cream (10, 20 and 35%), sterilized (10 and 20%), with sugar and flavoring fillers (cocoa, coffee, etc.).

The average percentage composition of milk is as follows: water, 85, 8; lactose, 4, 9; fat, 3, 9; proteins, 3, 5; and salt. Thus, it was found that 1 liter of milk provides 35 g of protein, 39 g of fat, 49 g of lactose and 9 g of salts. Add to these values ​​the value each component represents in the body's daily needs. 2. Fats contain fatty acids necessary for the body and act in the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins. One of the most noble components of milk - protein - has a recognized nutritional value both due to its high content of essential amino acids and its high digestibility.

Assessing the quality of milk and cream. The quality of milk and cream is assessed by organoleptic, physicochemical and bacteriological indicators. Organoleptic indicators include appearance and consistency, color, taste and smell. The consistency of milk and cream should be homogeneous, without sediment, and the cream should have no stray lumps of fat or protein flakes. Color - white with a slightly yellowish or creamy tint (low-fat milk may have a slightly bluish tint). The taste and smell are pure, without foreign tastes or odors.

The role of protein in food is essential for both the growth and maintenance of the human body; is the basic material of all cells and makes up ¾ of animal living matter. 3. Calcium, as the main constituent of bone mass, plays a fundamental role in public health as it has countless functions in the human body, such as the formation of bone structure and dental practice. It is also present in extracellular fluid, blood and muscle tissue, contributing to the processes of muscle contraction, transmission of nerve impulses, regulation of heart rate and blood pressure, blood clotting, stimulation of hormone secretion and activation of enzyme systems. The calcium available in milk is best found in nature because it is most easily absorbed by the body.

The main physical and chemical indicators of the quality of milk and cream are mass fraction fat (in%, no less), acidity (in Turner degrees, no more), absence of phosphatase (in pasteurized milk and cream), for milk - density (g/cm 3, no less), degree of purity. Bacteriological indicators - total quantity microorganisms in 1 ml of milk (cream) and the titer of coliform bacteria (coliforms).

Safety indicators for milk and cream include the content of toxic elements (lead, cadmium, copper, zinc, mercury, arsenic), mycotoxins (aflotoxin M 1), antibiotics, hormonal drugs, pesticides, radionuclides (cesium-134, -137; strontium-90 ), as well as microbiological (sanitary and hygienic) indicators. The safety indicators indicated are general for dairy products.

Storage conditions and periods. The temperature of milk and cream upon release from the enterprise should be no more than 8°C (pasteurized) and 20°C (sterilized). Pasteurized milk and cream are stored at a temperature not exceeding 8°C for 36 hours from the end technological process. Sterilized milk is stored at a temperature not higher than 20°C from 10 days to 6 months, depending on the type of packaging, sterilization mode and storage temperature, sterilized cream at the same temperature - no more than 30 days.

SRS No. 3

Working with terms. Using a dictionary, interpret the terms: hydrolysis, antigen, vitamins, casein, globulin.

Topic 4. Classification of milk and dairy products. Morphology scientific style speech. Morphological features of scientific style. Working on special vocabulary

Goals. Formation of ideas about morphological features scientific style.

Tasks. Development of usage skills compound nouns, verb-nominal phrases, participles when composing a coherent statement.

SRSP. Discussion on the topic: “Natural products and their substitutes: advantages and disadvantages.”

SRS. Compiling a table « Classification and assortment of milk."