Nolina or bocarnea: an unpretentious and healthy exotic. Nolina tree

A tree from the Igliceaceae family, previously it was classified as an agave.

In nature, nolina is found in desert areas in Mexico and the southern United States.

The second name of the plant is bocarnea.

Because of this, in stores you can see the inscription on the price tags nolina bocarnea or nolina bottle tree.

Nolina – small tree, with a significantly swollen base of the trunk. In this place the plant accumulates water, which allows it to survive drought. Nolina leaves are thin. In hot weather, they are compressed into a dense bundle to reduce the area of ​​evaporation and retain moisture.


There are 9 types of nolina. They are all quite similar to each other, but they also have certain differences.


Nolina thin - a plant with a spherical trunk at the base and long narrow leaf blades growing in bunches at the crown. The tree blooms rarely, blooming red or bright pink flowers.

sticking out

Nolina protruding is very similar to the previous species, but its leaves are stiffer, which is why they do not hang down softly, but stick out quite high, which is why the tree got its name.

Beaucarnea bent nolina

Nolina recurvata - the most common form grown indoors. The second name is Beaucarnea recurvata. The trunk is very expanded, and if the tree grows in nature, then the diameter of its base reaches 1 m. At the top the trunk is thin. It is topped with a tuft of stiff, ribbon-shaped leaves. They are arched and twisting, directed towards the bottom.

The color of the leaf blade is dark green, and its surface is glossy. The length of the leaves reaches 1 m with a width of 1-2 cm. Large plants produce panicle-shaped inflorescences with a cream color.


Compressed nolina (Beaucarnea stricta) has a squat, somewhat flattened shape. Young trees look more like bulbs. Dried leaves do not fall off, but fall down, clinging to the trunk, from which it begins to resemble a haystack.


Nelson's Nolina (Nolina nelsoni) - the most tall view plants. The trunk is almost invisible. The color of the leaves is slightly bluish.


Nolina Matapskaya has average height. Dry leaves do not fall off and create a wide skirt, which helps protect the trunk from the scorching sun in hot weather.

This species, like Nelson's nolina, is rarely grown at home.


Nolina Lindheimeriana - an attractive tree with a very decorative appearance. Several thin shoots emerge from the thickening at the bottom, topped with a very dense bunch of leaves. The leaf blades are dark green in color and have a sinuous shape.

A bunch of leaves can grow to a considerable size and reach the ground. At home, the culture grows to human height in a short time.

Nolina longifolia is distinguished by long and very thin leaves that do not fall and create straw skirts. The tree is usually branched and of small height. The bark on the trunks is corky, covered with deep cracks. The plant has taken root in parks on the Black Sea coast.


Small-fruited nolina (Nolina microcarpa) is a plant without a distinct trunk, producing numerous inconspicuous-looking inflorescences. The color of the leaves is light green.

Features of care

Care must be carried out competently; without it, the tree will quickly begin to wither.

Temperature The culture is unpretentious regarding temperature. In nature, in places where it grows, the temperature in the summer months reaches +50 degrees, and in the winter it drops to +10 degrees. Ideal temperature is from +20 to +25 degrees.

In winter, it is optimal to reduce the temperature to a temperature of +10 to +12 degrees, so that nolina can go into a dormant period and rest.

Lighting The species is found in desert areas and therefore loves bright light. Place indoor flower should be on windows facing south or southwest.

If there is not enough light, the tree begins to lean towards the light source, which leads to bending of the trunk and damage appearance plants.

Watering Nolina rarely needs to be watered. She, like a desert dweller, stores moisture and gradually uses it up, from which an excess of water will only harm the plant.

Excess water, as opposed to drying out, poses a serious danger to the tree.

In summer, watering once every 7-10 days is enough.. In winter, the interval between watering increases to 15-20 days.

Provide optimal watering the bottom way , immersing the pot with the plant in a bucket of settled water for 30 minutes.

Humidity The humidity in the apartment is indifferent to the culture. Nolina tolerates even very dry air. To remove dust, simply wipe the leaves with a soft cloth soaked in water.
Fertilizers Feeding is optional. The plant feels good and quickly grows in size even in poor soil.

If you decide to apply fertilizer, then you should give preference to the mineral complex, which is diluted in an amount 2 times less than indicated in the instructions.

Fertilizer should be applied only during the period of active watering and no more than once a month.

If desired, you can trim the crown and thereby create its special appearance.


Young, actively growing plants are replanted 2 times a year as they outgrow their pot. Mature trees are replanted once every 5 years. The root of nolina is shallow, and therefore Choose a pot for it that is flat and has sufficient holes for good drainage.. Optimal material pot - ceramics.

A layer of expanded clay is poured onto the bottom of the container, then half of the soil is filled in, the plant is placed and the rest of the soil is added.

The soil for nolina requires loose soil. It requires peat, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 1:1:2.


The plant can be propagated seeds or shoots. It is quite difficult to do this at home.

When propagated by seeds, they are sown in late February - early March. Before planting, the seeds must be soaked in water for 2 days. Those that float to the surface must be thrown away, as they are unsuitable for sowing. Seeds are planted in the same soil as for adult plants and covered with glass to create a greenhouse effect. For more information on propagating nolina by seeds, see here:

Sprouts appear in 2-4 weeks. The glass is removed when the first leaves appear. Nolina grows extremely slowly from seeds. However, knowing how to grow nolina from seeds, you can achieve success.

The plant rarely produces side shoots. The shoot selected for propagation should be cut off near the base and the cut area should be sprinkled with crushed coal or ground cinnamon.

After this, you need to leave the shoot to dry for 5 hours.

Then it is planted in the ground and covered with a jar to create a greenhouse effect.

The pot is placed in a warm place and the plant is ventilated, removing the jar once every 3-4 days. After roots form, new leaves appear; and this is an indicator that the can can be removed.

Possible problems

If the leaves of the nolina become smaller and turn pale, it is time to replant it, since the tree has become crowded.

Drying leaf tips means the tree is too dry; To eliminate the problem, you need to water the plant and wipe the leaves with a wet cloth.

There are a few more in this video useful tips on how to prevent problems with nolina:

When the tree's trunk shriveled after a long break in watering, he needs resuscitation. To do this, nolina is urgently placed in water for 1 hour, and then treated with a solution succinic acid dosage of 0.1 percent.

Most pests are not able to gnaw through the leaves of a plant, but sometimes the following enemies can attack it:

  • spider mite;
  • scale insect;
  • mealybug.

Benefits of the plant

It is also worth placing a tree in your home because it will improve the home microclimate.

Thanks to beneficial properties Nolina, what’s happening in the house:

  • enrichment of air with oxygen;
  • air enrichment with ozone;
  • enrichment of air with air ions.

The plant also produces phytoncides that destroy pathogens of respiratory diseases.

Nolina is not only an interesting, but also a useful indoor plant.

Scientific classification
International scientific name

Nolina Michx. , 1802

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Due to their unusual appearance, some species are cultivated as ornamental ones.

Among lovers, nolina is often called “bocarnea”. This is due to the fact that some taxonomists also include the genus Nolina in the genus BeaucarneaLem.- Beaucarnea of ​​the same family. Some common decorative species known under different names, but in different sources Different names are considered correct: for example, species Beaucarnea recurvataLem. also commonly known as Nolina recurvata (Lem.) Hemsl.(usually the first name is considered valid).

Because of its unusual appearance, amateurs have appropriate names for nolina - “elephant’s foot”, “pony’s tail”. The trunk of nolina resembles a bottle, which is why it also has a third name - “bottle tree”. The thickening at the bottom of the trunk serves to accumulate moisture. Nolina leaves are narrow, long, with a pointed end.


According to the database The Plant List, the genus includes 29 species, of which 14 are found in North America.

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  • Sergienko, Yu.V. The complete encyclopedia of indoor plants. - 1. - AST, 2008. - P. 119. - 319 p. - 80,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-17-045032-9.


Excerpt characterizing Nolin

– Yes, I think you’re right... Do you want to see what happened to Harold’s son next? – she said more cheerfully.
- Oh no, perhaps no more! – I begged.
Stella laughed joyfully.
- Don't be afraid, this time there will be no trouble, because he is still alive!
- How - alive? – I was surprised.
Immediately a new vision appeared again and, continuing to surprise me unspeakably, this turned out to be our century (!), and even our time... desk A gray-haired, very pleasant man was sitting and thinking intently about something. The whole room was literally filled with books; they were everywhere - on the table, on the floor, on the shelves, and even on the windowsill. On a small sofa sat a huge fluffy cat and, not paying any attention to the owner, he concentratedly washed himself with his large, very soft paw. The whole atmosphere created the impression of “learnedness” and comfort.
“What, is he living again?..” I didn’t understand.
Stella nodded.
- And this is right now? – I didn’t let up.
The girl again confirmed with a nod of her cute red head.
– It must be very strange for Harold to see his son so different?.. How did you find him again?
- Oh, exactly the same! I just “felt” his “key” the way my grandmother taught me. – Stella said thoughtfully. – After Axel died, I looked for his essence on all the “floors” and could not find it. Then I looked among the living - and he was there again.
– And do you know who he is now, in this life?
– Not yet... But I’ll definitely find out. I tried many times to “reach out” to him, but for some reason he doesn’t hear me... He is always alone and almost all the time with his books. With him are only the old woman, his servant and this cat.
- Well, what about Harold’s wife? “Did you find her too?” I asked.
- Oh, of course! You know your wife - this is my grandmother!.. - Stella smiled slyly.
I froze in real shock. For some reason this incredible fact I just didn’t want to get my head around it...
“Grandma?..” was all I could say.
Stella nodded, very pleased with the effect produced.
- How so? Is that why she helped you find them? She knew?!.. – thousands of questions were simultaneously spinning madly in my excited brain, and it seemed to me that I would never have time to ask everything that interested me. I wanted to know EVERYTHING! And at the same time, I understood perfectly well that no one was going to tell me “everything”...
“I probably chose him because I felt something.” – Stella said thoughtfully. - Or maybe grandma brought it up? But she will never admit it,” the girl waved her hand.
- AND HE?.. Does he know too? – that’s all I could ask.
- Well, of course! – Stella laughed. - Why does this surprise you so much?
“She’s just old... It must be hard for him,” I said, not knowing how to more accurately explain my feelings and thoughts.
- Oh no! – Stella laughed again. - He was happy! Very, very happy. Grandma gave him a chance! No one could have helped him with this - but she could! And he saw her again... Oh, it was so great!
And only then did I finally understand what she was talking about... Apparently, Stella’s grandmother gave her former “knight” the chance that he had so hopelessly dreamed of throughout his entire life that remained after physical death, life. After all, he had been looking for them so long and persistently, so madly wanted to find them, so that just once he could say: how terribly he regrets that he once left... that he could not protect... that he could not show how much and he loved them selflessly... He needed to death that they would try to understand him and be able to somehow forgive him, otherwise he had no reason to live in any of the worlds...

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Due to their unusual appearance, some species are cultivated as ornamental ones.

Among lovers, nolina is often called “bocarnea”. This is due to the fact that some taxonomists also include the genus Nolina in the genus BeaucarneaLem.- Beaucarnea of ​​the same family. Some common decorative species are known under different names, while different sources consider different names to be correct: for example, the species Beaucarnea recurvataLem. also commonly known as Nolina recurvata (Lem.) Hemsl.(usually the first name is considered valid).

Because of its unusual appearance, amateurs have appropriate names for nolina - “elephant’s foot”, “pony’s tail”. The trunk of nolina resembles a bottle, which is why it also has a third name - “bottle tree”. The thickening at the bottom of the trunk serves to accumulate moisture. Nolina leaves are narrow, long, with a pointed end.


According to the database The Plant List, the genus includes 29 species, of which 14 are found in North America.

Write a review about the article "Nolina"



  • Sergienko, Yu.V. Complete encyclopedia of indoor plants. - 1. - AST, 2008. - P. 119. - 319 p. - 80,000 copies. - ISBN 978-5-17-045032-9.


Excerpt characterizing Nolin

- Is there a letter from Nikolenka? Maybe! – Natasha screamed, reading the affirmative answer in Anna Mikhailovna’s face.
- But for God's sake, be careful: you know how this can affect your maman.
- I will, I will, but tell me. Won't you tell me? Well, I’ll go and tell you now.
Anna Mikhailovna in in short words told Natasha the contents of the letter with the condition not to tell anyone.
“Honest, noble word,” Natasha said, crossing herself, “I won’t tell anyone,” and immediately ran to Sonya.
“Nikolenka... wounded... letter...” she said solemnly and joyfully.
- Nicolas! – Sonya just said, instantly turning pale.
Natasha, seeing the impression made on Sonya by the news of her brother’s wound, felt for the first time the whole sad side of this news.
She rushed to Sonya, hugged her and cried. – A little wounded, but promoted to officer; “He’s healthy now, he writes himself,” she said through tears.
“It’s clear that all of you women are crybabies,” said Petya, walking around the room with decisive big steps. “I am so very glad and, truly, very glad that my brother distinguished himself so much.” You are all nurses! you don't understand anything. – Natasha smiled through her tears.
-Have you not read the letter? – Sonya asked.
“I didn’t read it, but she said that everything was over, and that he was already an officer...
“Thank God,” said Sonya, crossing herself. “But maybe she deceived you.” Let's go to maman.
Petya walked silently around the room.
“If I were Nikolushka, I would kill even more of these French,” he said, “they are so vile!” I would beat them so much that they would make a bunch of them,” continued Petya.
- Shut up, Petya, what a fool you are!...
“I’m not a fool, but those who cry over trifles are fools,” said Petya.
– Do you remember him? – after a minute of silence Natasha suddenly asked. Sonya smiled: “Do I remember Nicolas?”
“No, Sonya, do you remember him so well that you remember him well, that you remember everything,” Natasha said with a diligent gesture, apparently wanting to attach the most serious meaning to her words. “And I remember Nikolenka, I remember,” she said. - I don’t remember Boris. I don't remember at all...
- How? Don't remember Boris? – Sonya asked in surprise.
“It’s not that I don’t remember, I know what he’s like, but I don’t remember it as well as Nikolenka.” Him, I close my eyes and remember, but Boris is not there (she closed her eyes), so, no - nothing!
“Ah, Natasha,” said Sonya, looking enthusiastically and seriously at her friend, as if she considered her unworthy to hear what she had to say, and as if she were saying this to someone else with whom one should not joke. “I once fell in love with your brother, and no matter what happens to him, to me, I will never stop loving him throughout my life.”
Natasha looked at Sonya in surprise and with curious eyes and was silent. She felt that what Sonya said was true, that there was such love as Sonya spoke about; but Natasha had never experienced anything like this. She believed it could be, but she didn't understand.
-Will you write to him? – she asked.
Sonya thought about it. The question of how to write to Nicolas and whether to write and how to write was a question that tormented her. Now, when he was already an officer and a wounded hero, was it good of her to remind him of herself and, as it were, of the obligation that he had assumed in relation to her.

Nolina, or Nolina bocarnea, unusual and spectacular exotic plant. This is a houseplant because unusual looking, namely the trunk thickened towards the base, is called “elephant’s foot”, as well as “horse’s tail”, since thin leaves grow from the top of the trunk. Many people call this plant a flower, although nolina never blooms.

Caring for nolina at home is not difficult, but violation simple rules content leads to disease and death of the plant.

Most flower shops can offer bokarneya as a indoor plant, although if you try, you can grow a tree from seeds yourself at home.

The genus Nolina belongs to the Agave family and includes about 30 species. In its natural environment it grows in the northern regions of Mexico, on the southern borders of the United States. The plant grows to a height of 6 - 8 m. It prefers bright, sunny, warm and dry areas. Typically, at home, nolina is smaller in size and more decorative compared to wild representatives.

Beaucarney received its name in the 19th century in honor of the French gardener P. Nolin.

When describing the species of this plant, pay attention to special attention on an unusual, bottle-like trunk, widened downward, as well as thin, long linear leaves.

Nolina does not require special care; it is quite unpretentious. It does not bloom at home, but in its natural habitat you can see it blooming. The peduncle rises above the surface of the foliage. The flowers are small, yellow - white, collected in paniculate inflorescences, have a pleasant, strong aroma.

The seeds are dark, flat, round in shape. They ripen after pollination of the flower and are collected in seed pods.

Of the total number of representatives of bocarnea species, only a few varieties can be purchased in flower shops in our country, for example, nolina bent, long-leaved, compressed, Nelson.

The unusual trunk and shape of the leaves allow the plant to retain and accumulate water in the lower swollen part of the trunk. This good quality for trees growing in hot climates.

The plant has a superficial root system, growing in breadth.

In our country different types nolina can be seen in arboretums, for example, the standard nolina, the round trunk of which over time takes on a bottle-like shape. Depending on the species, several trunks may form during the growth process.

Branched nolina is highly valued as ornamental plant.

There are superstitions and signs that are firmly attached to the plant. It is believed that a tree at home is capable of maintaining harmony and calm, and has a positive effect on reducing aggression, rage and anger among household members.


Both in its natural environment and as a houseplant, nolina has the appearance of a palm tree. Long, from 30 cm to 1 m, thin linear leaves of green and dark green color grow from the upper part of the trunk.

The surface of the sheet is elastic, hard, with pronounced longitudinal grooves. New leaves always grow from the center of the “green tuft”.

In its natural environment, nolina is distributed throughout Mexico. Baskets, hats, and mats are woven from its leaves, which, due to their high strength, are highly wear-resistant.

All types of nolina have a strong surface structure of the trunk, gray or brown in color. The bark is rough and cracked. Under the roughened bark there is moist green pulp. The swollen part of the trunk is called the caudex, above which there is a narrower trunk. Sometimes there may be several trunks above the caudex, each of them ending in a tuft of green foliage.

Plant varieties differ in the shape and height of the trunk, the length and color of the leaves. Some species can be miniature in size, while others can be as tall as a bus.

Nolina recurvata

Another name for nolina recurvata. Homeland - Southern and Western border of the USA. In the natural environment it grows up to 6 - 8 m, at home no higher than 2 m. The trunk is bottle-shaped, in some cases it can branch. In its natural environment, nolina reflexum can grow up to 1 m in diameter. The leaves are dark green, hard, hanging, ribbon-shaped, growing up to 1 m in length and up to 2 cm in width. They sprout from the top of the trunk. At home, Nolina recurta does not bloom. In nature mature tree blooms small pink fragrant flowers in a paniculate inflorescence.

Nolina recurvata / Nolina recurvata

Nolina lindheimeriana Nolina lindheimeriana

A distinctive feature is that a rather narrow long trunk branches off from a wide base. The leaves are dark green, long, narrow, growing from a dense tuft at the top of the trunk. They grow very densely, forming a lush crown. At home it can grow up to 1.5 m.

Nolina longifolia

In its natural environment it can be found in Mexico. An adult tree has a wide trunk with many branches and pronounced cracks. The leaves are dark green, hard, hanging, long, ribbon-like, pointed downwards. In its natural environment, nolina longifolia can grow up to 2 - 3 m in height.

Nolina matapensis Nolina matapensis

In nature, the height of the tree is no more than 2 m. The leaves from the bunch at the top of the trunk dry out, starting from the bottom ones. Over time, they fall off and lie below, along the trunk, forming a kind of “skirt”. At home this type not grown. Bocarnea flowers are pale yellow, collected in paniculate inflorescences.

Plant care

Caring for Nolina at home is not difficult if you follow a number of maintenance rules. Difficulties may arise when organizing lighting and location of the flower. At proper care nolina is capable of densely producing foliage while maintaining the correct proportions of the “bottle” trunk. Nolina bocarnea, as an ornamental plant, will decorate any home.

Any problems in the process of growing nolina, such as curvature of the tree trunk, dried tips of the leaves, can be solved by adjusting the flower care regimen.


The Nolina plant feels comfortable at +20…+25C. IN winter period After some time, the tree enters a dormant phase. In this case, a temperature of +5...+10C is considered comfortable for the tree. IN summer period the pot with the flower is taken out into the open air under the bright rays of the sun.


Indoors, it is better to place the flower on the windowsill on the east or west side. The plant loves bright diffuse light. In case of insufficient lighting, it is recommended to install additional lamps.

If the nolina occupies a heavy, large tub, then it is best to place it along the wall next to the window. On sunny days, it is better to place the tree outside; this will have a beneficial effect on the growth and well-being of the plant.


It is enough to spray nolina leaves with water periodically, 1-2 times a day. Through special grooves on the leaves, water collects inside the trunk, thereby accumulating liquid that supports the growth and life of the tree. Water the soil when the earthen ball in the pot is completely dry.

Excessive watering can destroy the plant, since by its nature the plant is drought-resistant; it does not like excess water, which can cause the roots to rot.

Top dressing

When caring for bocarney, it is necessary to fertilize the soil. Choose mineral and organic fertilizers, which are deposited once a month. When the tree leaves the dormant phase, fertilizing is applied 2-3 times a month, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers.


Wood is not demanding on a certain level of air humidity in the room. If the spraying regime is followed, it can feel comfortable near a central heating radiator.

Sometimes nolina leaves dry out. The cause may be excessive or insufficient watering, dry air, or a cramped pot. Sometimes, in order to understand the reason why nolina leaves dry, it is necessary to carefully check and analyze the quality of plant care.

Beaucarnea transplant

Replanting is necessary when young trees are actively growing. By purchasing nolina in a specialized flower shop, you should consult with the seller about the timing and methods of transplantation.

The root system of the plant is superficial and shallow, so for good growth you should choose a wide, shallow container. A young plant is transplanted when the roots completely fill the pot.

Soil for nolina can be bought at a flower shop. The soil is most suitable for cacti, but you can do it yourself suitable composition soil. The easiest way is to mix sand and soil for indoor plants in equal proportions.

Nolina's transplant

When replanting a plant, you need to choose the right pot. It should be 3 - 4 cm larger than the previous one. Nolina bokarneya takes root well in loose, well-fertilized soils. To prevent water from stagnating in the roots, 3-5 cm of drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot.

If you want to speed up the growth of the plant, you need to replant the nolina every year, changing the composition of the soil, making it more fertile.

When replanting, the root system should be shaken off from the old soil, without damaging or breaking the roots. IN new land nolina is planted at the same depth as before transplantation.

Reproduction methods

The process of growing a new tree is very labor-intensive; many people give up in the face of difficulties and buy a young plant at a flower shop.

There are two ways to propagate nolina - by seeds and daughter shoots.
Growing nolina from seeds allows you to trace the entire growth process from seed to mature tree. Under natural conditions, in most cases, propagation of nolina occurs using seeds. Since all conditions for seed germination are met in nature, new trees appear quite quickly.

During the growth process, under favorable conditions of care and maintenance, young shoots may appear at the base of the caudex of an adult tree. In this case, nolina propagation occurs by separation of a daughter bulb from the mother plant. When separating the bulb, you need to be very careful, as you can damage both the young shoot and the mature tree. The bulb is separated very close to the base, the sections, both from an adult and a young plant, are sprinkled activated carbon and dry for 3-5 hours. Almost all the foliage of a young plant is cut off, a shoot is planted in peat soil, lightly pressing it to the ground. At first, the plant is covered with a cap, but as soon as the young tree takes root and produces its first leaves, the cap is removed.

Nolina from seeds

Propagating a tree using seeds is very long process. First you need to sort out the defective, damaged seeds. For this purpose, the seeds are soaked for a couple of days in a glass with warm water or a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Seeds that float to the surface are not suitable for planting, but seeds from the bottom of the glass can sprout.

Growing from seeds requires creating special conditions. The soil must be sandy-peaty and constantly moist, the air temperature is +18...+25 C. It is necessary to ensure constant lighting and access to fresh air. The seeds are only lightly sprinkled with soil, then covered with glass and placed in a place with constant lighting. When condensation forms, the glass is periodically removed. Nolina germinates from seeds in 2 - 3 weeks. After a couple of leaves appear, the sprouts are transplanted into independent pots.

The seed method of growing a flower at home has a number of advantages over the bulb method, since, regardless of the result, the adult tree does not suffer.

Plant diseases and pests

Many people know how to care for a flower so that it grows and feels good. It is necessary to follow a number of simple rules and not forget that the plant may be susceptible to attack by pests, such as spider mites, scale insects, scale insects, and thrips. In most cases, their appearance is associated with increased dry air. Preventing the appearance of pests is careful care of the plant: periodic bathing and wiping the leaves, required quantity water and light.

To combat scale insects and scale insects, use soapy water, from spider mites and thrips insecticides help. To prevent a recurrence of pest attacks on the plant, the affected leaves are cut off and destroyed.

Nolina is not only a beautiful exotic and ornamental plant that will decorate any home, but it is also useful because it draws out harmful substances from the surrounding air, making the air cleaner.