How to immobilize a person using pressure points. The most dangerous points on the human body

  1. The topic tells about the vulnerabilities of the human body, as well as the places of impact and the resulting effect
    Strikes on painful and vulnerable points
  2. The most vulnerable points of the head.
    A blow to the temple.
    The temple is one of the weak points of the skull. Deep under the temple is the artery of the brain membrane. The average thickness of the skull is 5 millimeters, in the thickest place it is 1 centimeter thick, in the temple area the thickness of the skull is only 1-2 millimeters. A blow to this area can cause a concussion, loss of consciousness and death.
    A blow to the base of the skull.
    The point is located at the base of the skull, at the junction of the back of the head and the first cervical vertebra. A weak blow to this area leads to loss of consciousness, a strong blow interrupts the nerve and leads to immediate death.
    A blow to the top of the head.
    The point is located at the top of the head. It's pretty weak point skulls A weak blow to this point can cause a concussion. A strong blow can damage the brain, cause hemorrhage and ultimately death.
    Hit to the back of the head.
    This point is located in the center of the back of the skull at the junction of several bones and can be felt as a slightly elongated structure. This cavity is the weak point of the head. With a weak blow to this point, a concussion and loss of consciousness occurs. If the blow is strong, it can lead to hemorrhage and death.
    A blow to the brow ridge.
    These points are located above the eyebrows. Blood vessels and nerves pass through these areas. A moderate blow can damage them and cause bleeding in the eyes and loss of consciousness.
    A blow to the lower jaw.
    This point is located at the corner of the jaw below where it articulates with the ear. A blow to this area breaks the bone into small pieces. This area is also known as the "knockout area" because a side kick aimed at it strikes the cervical spine, causing the opponent to fall. This is one of the reasons why in real combat fighters often lower their chin to cover the point of the lower jaw.
    A blow to the nasal bone.
    This point is located on the nasal bone, between the eyebrows. The nasal bone is thick at the top and thins at the bottom; there is a small vein in the center that goes to the nasal cavity. A blow to this area can easily damage the nasal bone and lead to severe bleeding and difficulty breathing. In addition, a blow to the nose is very painful and impairs vision.
    Hit to the cheek (above the side of the jaw)
    this point is relatively weak. A blow to it leads to a fracture of the jaw and damage to surrounding blood vessels and nerves. If the opponent's mouth is open and the blow is struck at a downward angle, the jaw will fall out of its socket, causing severe pain.
    A blow or slap to the ears.
    There are many blood vessels and nerves running near the ears. A blow to the ears damages the outer ear and eardrum.
  3. The most vulnerable points of the neck.
    A slash to the back of the neck.
    This point is located near the third vertebra of the neck. A slight blow to it causes displacement of the vertebrae, which as a result puts pressure on the spinal cord. A medium-strength blow will knock out the opponent and can lead to serious complications. A strong blow that interrupts the nerves of the spine leads to immediate death.
    Slash to the throat (thyroid cartilage)
    The thyroid cartilage (in common parlance, the Adam's apple) is surrounded by numerous blood vessels and nerves, and behind it is the thyroid gland. A blow to the throat causes severe pain and loss of the ability to breathe. If the opponent's head is tilted back when striking, the result of the impact will be much greater.

    The most vulnerable points of the legs.
    A blow to the kneecap.
    A blow to this area causes severe pain. The greatest effectiveness occurs when the supporting limb on which the body weight is concentrated is attacked. The result of this impact will be damage to the tissue under the fibula and tibia.
    A blow to the outside of the knee.
    This impact will cause the joint to move in an unnatural direction, bending inward, and cause ligament damage as well as a tear between the bones of the joint. Additionally, a strong blow can damage the main peroneal nerve, causing severe pain.
    A blow to the inside of the knee.
    This impact will cause the leg to bend outward and damage the ligaments and tendons around the kneecap. Best angle for impact there is an acute downward angle towards the back.

  4. The most vulnerable points of the torso.
    Impact to the sternum (solar plexus)
    The sternum is located in the center of the body. In this area is the heart, below the liver and stomach. There is no protection in the form of ribs. Therefore, a blow to this area directly affects the heart, diaphragm and nerves between the ribs. A blow to the solar ventricle causes severe pain in the walls of the stomach and difficulty breathing. The enemy loses the ability to defend himself. A severe blow can lead to stomach bleeding, heart failure, liver rupture, internal bleeding, loss of consciousness and, in some cases, even death.
    A blow between two ribs.
    Usually the blows are directed to the 7th, 8th and 9th ribs and their connecting cartilages. On the left is the heart area, on the right is the liver. Ribs 5 through 8 are the most curved and the easiest to break, especially where the bones meet the cartilage. A strong blow to this area can cause a heart attack, liver damage, internal bleeding and possibly death.
    A blow to the moving ribs.
    Movable ribs are located at the bottom of the chest. These are the 11th and 12th ribs. They are not attached to the sternum. Since the ribs are not secured in front, the impact will cause them to break inward. This, in turn, can lead to their penetration into the liver or spleen, which is deadly.
    A blow or pressure on the armpit.
    Many blood vessels and nerves pass through this area. In addition, this cavity has no muscle or bone protection. Attacking this area with the fingers can cause an electric shock-type sensation and temporary loss of motor ability in the hand. Strong pressure can cause damage to nerves and blood vessels, making it difficult to move the arm.
    A kick or hand to the pubic bone.
    This area is very sensitive. A blow to it is quite painful and leads to the inability of the enemy to continue resistance.
    Kick or hand to the crotch
    Many nerves pass through this point, and above are the genitals and bladder. A weak blow to this area will cause very severe pain. A strong blow can rupture the bladder and cause shock.
    A kick or hand to the tailbone.
    In this area, the nerves are relatively protected and a strong blow can damage the central nervous system, causing severe pain and possible paralysis.
    A blow to the kidneys
    The kidneys are located very close to the posterior wall of the abdominal cavity. From an anatomical point of view, the kidneys do not have protection in the form of ribs and are very vulnerable. When struck, severe pain occurs, kidney rupture and profuse bleeding are possible.
    A blow to the back area opposite the heart.
    A blow to this point can cause shock, as there is a direct impact on the heart. This impact can be fatal.
  5. The table below shows the degrees of pain from blows to vulnerable places on the body.
    The numbers in its last three columns correspond to the degree of salt sensation when hitting the corresponding place:
    1st degree. The pain is moderate, of medium strength, but even it can confuse the enemy and prevent an attack from him;
    2 - spicy. Confuses the enemy for a longer period of time;
    3 - dazed or numb. Staggering an opponent reduces their ability to counteract, although they remain conscious. Muscle numbness impairs mobility in the limbs for a period from several seconds to several hours;
    4 - temporary paralysis or loss of consciousness. Temporary paralysis can last from several minutes to several hours;
    5 - severe injury, possible injury or death.

  6. 1 | Skull | Bottom part fist | Top to bottom | 3 | 4 | 5
    2 | Temple | Back of fist, edge of palm, finger joint | Inside, to the side | 3 | 4 | 5
    3 | Bridge of the nose | Bottom of fist, back of fist, edge of palm | Inside, from above | 2 | 3 | 4
    4 | Upper lip | Edge of the palm, base of the palm | Up, angled inward | 2 | 3| 4
    5 | Jaw | Front of fist, back of fist, heel of palm, ball of foot, instep | Inside, up | 1 | 2| 3
    6 | Chin | Fist, elbow, heel of hand, heel, ball of foot | Inside, up | 2 | 3 | 4
    7 | Windpipe | Palm edge, one finger joint, one finger, four fingers | Inside | 3 | 4 | 5
    8 | Adam's apple | Palm edge, one finger joint, one finger, four fingers | Straight up | 3 | 4 | 5
    9 | Top of the head | Base of fist, back of fist | Down | 3 | 4 | 5
    10 | Ears | Base of fist, inner edge of palm | Inside | 2 | 3 | | 4
    11 | Back of the head | Base of fist, edge of palm | Inside | 3 | 4 | 5
    12 | Neck | Palm edge | Inside | 2 | 3 | 4
    13 | Eyes | One finger, two fingers | Inside | 2 | 3 | 4
    14 | Clavicle | Base of fist, edge of palm | Top to bottom | 1 | 2 | 3
    15 | Solar plexus | Fist, elbow, foot, heel | Inside-up | 2 | 3 | 4-5
    16 | Heart | Fist, elbow, knee, foot | Inside | 3 | 4 | 5
    17 | Hypochondrium | Fist, elbow, knee, foot | Inside | 3 | 4 | 5
  7. №| Impact area| Part of the body that is struck| Main direction of impact | Impact characteristics| |
    | | | | light| average | strong

    18 | Lower abdomen | Fist, knee, foot | Inside, from bottom to top | 2 | 3 | 4-5
    19 | Groin | Fist, inner edge of palm, knee, foot | Inside, up| 3 | 4| 5
    20 | Knee | Fist, rib, ball, heel of foot | Up | 2 | 3 | 4
    21 | Shin | Knuckle, rib, pad, heel | Inside | 2| 3 | 4
    22 | Foot lift | Heel of the foot | Top to bottom | 1 | 2 | 3
    23 | Top of the spine | Edge of palm, base of fist | Top to bottom | 2 | 3 | 4
    24 | Between the shoulder blades | Fist, elbow, heel, ball of foot | Inside | 2 | 3 | 4
    25 | Kidneys | Fist, elbow, heel, ball of foot | In all directions | 3 | 4 | 5
    26 | Coccyx | Fist, foot | Inside, up | 2 | 3 | 4
    27 | Popliteal cavity | Knee, rib, heel of foot | Inside, up | 1 | 2 | 3
    28 | Achilles tendon | Rib, ball, heel of foot | Inside | 1| 2| 3
    29 | Shoulder edge | Vertical fist | Inside | 1 | 2 | 3
    30 | Armpit area | Fingers, ball of foot| Up | 1| 2 | 3
    31 | Elbow | Fist, rib, heel of hand, elbow| Inside | 1| 2 | 3
    32 | Forearm | Edge of palm, fist | To the sides, inwards | 1 | 2 | 3
    33 | Wrist | Edge of palm, fist | Inside | 1 | 2 | 3

  8. Excerpt from the book: Anatomy of Life and Death - (excerpts are printed in abbreviation)

    Having studied the physiological effect of striking various vulnerable points of the human body, Yamada Ko found that “if we exclude injuries that lead to the death of the enemy, such as, for example, hemorrhage in the skull or damage to vital internal organs in general, the use ate-miwaza techniques in 53% of cases lead to fainting, loss of consciousness or shock;
    in 25% of cases - injuries to the musculoskeletal system: paralysis, sprain, dislocation, bone fracture, etc.;
    in 20% - nosebleeds, lacerations, etc.;
    2% - visual impairment, hearing impairment, etc.”
    In addition, he confirmed the existence of the “delayed death” technique: “There are also atemi techniques, which they say: “An hour of sleep - death in three days.” This is the name for techniques whose effects can range from extremely mild, short-term fainting to death as a result of secondary shock, aneurysm or destruction of liver cells after three days, three months, etc. after using the atemiwaza technique.”

    Finally, in the second half of the 60s. XX century 5th dan holder in judo, employee of the Sports Research Laboratory at the Tokyo University pedagogical university, professor of medicine Asami Takaaki conducted a series of practical experiments with real blows to vulnerable points of the human body. During these dangerous experiments, the judokas, who acted as “guinea pigs,” were blindfolded, and the karatekas, without any warning, struck them at various vulnerable points, after which changes in the functioning of the respiratory system and the readings of the electroencephalogram, which records the waves emitted by the brain, were recorded. , and electrocardiograms. Blows with full force were applied to 3 sokuto points (a blow to them entails loss of consciousness) and 7 sokushi points (their defeat entails death). The results of these studies were published in the 4th issue of the “Bulletin of the Kodokan Judo Research Society” (“Kodokan Judo Kagaku Kenkyukai Kise”).

  9. Kodokan judo uses punches, kicks and head strikes. All attacks are divided into 3 types:

    1) tsuki - poking blows,
    2) uti - chopping, biting blows,
    3) cari - kicks.

    The trajectories of strikes in judo, as in most ancient schools of jujutsu, unlike karate, are not given much attention, since the main thing in a strike is considered to be the presence of certain qualities, and not the form (although the latter, of course, exists).

    These qualities are the following:

    1) strike speed, as Yamada Ko points out, “the effectiveness of a strike in the atemiwaza technique is determined by the formula:
    (MV squared divided by 2), where M is mass and V is speed, which is why the owner of the 10th dan teacher Mifune Kyuzo says that “strength is speed”, the larger the object, the harder it is, the higher the speed of impact with this object, the more effective the impact";

    2) precision of the blow, the blow must hit, firstly, a certain vulnerable point, and, secondly, be strictly at right angles to the surface of the target;

    3) the strike must use the correct striking shape of the hand, foot or head, ensuring maximum rigidity and precision of impact;

    4) correct investment of all weight and force into the blow, which is possible only if the actions of the arms, hips and legs are fully coordinated and high speed, which, in turn, is possible only if equilibrium is maintained;

    5) the right moment to strike, the fighter must understand the rhythm of the enemy’s breathing and strike at the moment of the end of his exhalation, while inhaling;

    6) withdrawal of the striking limb after a blow; after a blow, the fighter must withdraw his hand at the same speed (or better yet, with even greater speed) with which he struck in order to prepare for the next actions, therefore it is necessary to practice blows in combination with withdrawal.

    The effectiveness of a strike depends on several other factors:

    1) The degree of vulnerability of the points is different, some of them are more sensitive, others less;
    2) various types strikes have different effects on the enemy’s vulnerable points;
    3) the maximum destructive power of a blow is achieved by combining the penetrating effect with rotational movement, as, for example, when struck with a tightly clenched fist and twisting;
    4) The effectiveness of the blow increases if the target is as hard as, for example, the skull, or as thick and large as the torso.

    As Yamada Ko points out, “a blow has a penetrating and collateral effect on the inside of the target... As for the collateral effect, the affected parts of the body containing soft, fluid-rich organs, such as the cranium containing the brain; long tubular bones that store bone marrow rib cage surrounding the lungs, a bladder filled with urine, a stomach full after eating, a heart in the relaxation phase, and also such vulnerable organs as the liver, spleen, kidneys experience a strong shock at the cellular level and an increase in fluid pressure in them. In addition, blows can lead to perforation, rupture and other injuries to internal organs, which leads to the release of sputum, urine and feces mixed with blood, concussion, hemorrhage in the skull, etc. A strong blow to the abdominal area causes a shock to the internal organs. It can also indirectly cause lung injury.”

    For effective application Atemi technique requires calm, composure and precise calculation. “All atemiwaza techniques must be applied decisively, fearlessly (mui), without doubt (mugi), with complete dedication (muichi) and the investment of all strength (mutai), i.e. in a state of “mu” - “absence of self”, based on knowledge of distance (maai), breathing (tesoku), coordination of movements (te-sei), learned in the process of tireless training in judo. However, there is no need to argue that actual size The damage that can be caused to an opponent using the atemi technique depends on many factors: the courage of the performer, his training, skill, dexterity, etc.,” writes Sensei Yamada. Thus, mastery of the atemi technique, as it were, crowns the mastery of the entire judo fight, and its masterful application is possible only for specialists of the highest class.

Hello friends. What are a person’s pain points, where to hit during a fight? This question is relevant not only for representatives of martial arts, but not even for athletes. After all, from .

This article discusses the most vulnerable areas of the human body. When they are defeated, the chances of winning over your opponent seriously increase. Also presented are detailed diagrams of where it is better to attack during battle.

About the body and pain points

The human body is a certain mechanism. Its secrets began to be studied in ancient times. The study came to the conclusion that, no matter how perfect the body may look, it has masses of vulnerable areas.

These are the pain points. Hitting them causes very severe pain. And they began to be called dots because of the method of their targeted destruction.

They can be affected with different powers. To do this, it is important to calculate the strength of this impact.

Determination of impact force

Today, the strength of an attack on a vulnerable point can be determined using a special technique. It has five levels:

  1. Weak. This attack does not cause much damage to humans. It's just a distraction. With its help, the attacker can carry out an effective counterattack.
  2. A little stronger than the first.
  3. Can stun an opponent. His limbs may also become numb. This good way for short-term neutralization of an opponent
  4. A violent attack, often resulting in serious injury. The enemy may lose consciousness. In rare cases, he is struck by paralysis.
  5. The most dangerous attacks. May be fatal.

Strikes of the last level should be used only in an emergency situation, when you or your loved ones are in mortal danger. Their use can be interpreted as exceeding the required standards.

Finding pain points

Where are the pain points on the human body? All such points are conditionally distributed into “locations”. The locations are: head, body and legs.

The scheme for finding the points of the first location is as follows:

The list of points consists of the eyes, nose, ears, lips, chin and temples.

Eyes are one of the most vulnerable areas. Any attack on them causes serious pain. To defeat them, the “fork” method is used.

Nose. Even the weakest attack against it causes bleeding and serious inconvenience. If you need to hit the enemy effectively, implement a catching assault. Engage your knuckles. They affect the convex side of the nose. Impact - side. It will provide your counterpart with a strong painful shock.

Whiskey. Their defeats have the most detrimental effect on the enemy’s health. Important nerves and blood vessels are concentrated here. A strong blow to the temples can seriously injure or even kill a person.

Upper lip. This is one of the most vulnerable areas. If you hit it powerfully at an angle of 20-30 degrees, you can injure the brain. If you make an attack of medium strength, the opponent will experience burning pain in this place. Also, damage to the lip often causes bleeding.

If you attack the chin effectively, you can break it and cause a concussion. To do this, you can use the back of your hand.

The pharynx is also considered a very vulnerable area. She can be hit with a strong poke with her fingers. It will become difficult for your opponent to breathe. There will be a spasm in his lungs.

You can also attack the Adam's apple, but only with tearing grips. Many other attacks can result in the death of the enemy.

Most attack options at this location are fatal. It is recommended to use tearing grips.

If you want to quickly knock out your opponent, hit him in the neck with the back of your hand.

Location – building

During the battle, you can hit points on the body. And in this situation it will help detailed diagram, where to hit during a fight and body attack.

Often, to win, they carry out fist attacks on the solar plexus. After which the opponent feels severe burning pain, bends or kneels.

You can't hit this area too hard. Otherwise, you will simply kill your counterpart.

The next group consists of the abdomen, groin area and kidneys. Hitting the stomach with your fist will force your opponent to bend over. This will allow you to carry out additional attacks to the back or back of the head. You can also use your toe here.

The groin is a very convenient point to hit. To immobilize an opponent, you can attack him with legs, palms and fists, as well as knees.

If you want to cause a powerful nervous shock in your opponent, attack his kidneys. For this, the edge of the palm and the knee are used. Only if you overdo it with pressure, you can kill a person.

Often the false rib also becomes a target. It can be hit from both sides. The most effective attack is to the opponent's right side. Use the elbow, knee, or edge of the palm.

Location – legs

Here the dangerous points are:

  1. Knees. If you hit here on the side or directly in the cup, the enemy will become immobilized, his ligaments and knee joint will be damaged. To carry out the attack, use the edge of the boot.
  2. Ankles. To defeat them, the outer edge of the boot is used. It is held perpendicular by such an impact. Hitting with the toe of a shoe can cause serious injury.
  3. Shin. This is where the bone is thinnest. And she has weak defense. An effective assault is considered to be an assault with the outer edge of the foot. It is carried out from below on the line of one third of the height of the shin.
  4. Foot. This is where the most fragile bones are found. They are easy to break even with a moderate blow. Most often, the heel or foot is used to attack from top to bottom. Best moment for assault - when the opponent is located behind your back.


Hitting pressure points is actively used in special combat techniques. Their goal is to ensure a person’s safety in an emergency.

Try to attack these points when you are in serious danger.

This point is located slightly below the armpit. When attacked, the enemy will not be neutralized, but will feel severe pain. Since this point is very difficult to reach, it is not effective.

The brachial artery passes through the axillary region and contains several nerve endings. Therefore, when struck, the nerves are affected and sometimes damaged, resulting in paralysis of the arm. In addition, if an artery is damaged by a knife blow, this can even lead to death (if the blood is not stopped in a timely manner).

Back of the elbow

When this point is struck, it feels as if an electric discharge has passed through the hand. This is a very painful point because part of the ulnar nerve is located here. If the elbow is severely damaged, sharp pain will be felt in the arm and shoulder. The successful outcome of many battles will depend on the power of the blow to the point.

In addition, even a slight blow to the elbow joint with the arm straight can damage it and break the arm.


In the palm of the hand, nerve endings run from thumb, then cross outside the entire palm and extend along the rib to the little finger. Nerve endings are especially sensitive in three places: between the thumb and index finger, between the middle and ring finger and along the bone near the little finger.

In the area of ​​the hand between the thumb and index finger there are ligaments, so when you press on this place it becomes, at least, unpleasant. But if the opponent has strong hands, then there is no point in putting pressure on this point, since this will not lead to the desired result.
If a penetrating force is applied to the points, a sensation of sharp pain will arise in the hand. These places are often hit with the aim of knocking various objects out of their hands.


Fingers are very vulnerable and can easily be damaged or broken. Very often the opponent's fingers are damaged so that he does not have the opportunity to clench his fist. It is enough to dislocate just one finger to protect yourself from many of the enemy's grappling techniques.

If the fight is with knives, then the fingers are the main target, since after their injury the enemy is practically defenseless.

Hands are very good targets for an opponent, since access to them is usually open. Blows to the above points cause severe pain, and if heavy blows are applied to them, they can even lead to broken arms.

It is especially useful to know the location of pressure points on the hands of women and children for self-defense.

You should not wave your fists anyhow, but aim them at the most vulnerable places of the human body. Today we will tell you what these places are and how to hit them.

1. Ankle joint

It is struck by a “stomping” kick from top to bottom, or a “football” kick in a horizontal plane from the front or side. It is better that the attacking leg is wearing shoes. This place is very sensitive for almost all people, because since childhood it has been protected by shoes, but there is no muscular cover here.


2. Shin

The two tibia bones located here (the fibula and the tibia) are almost not covered by muscles, so the pain from a blow to them pierces the whole body, like an electric discharge. You can attack the shin with both the inner (for a “football” kick) and the outer (for a side kick) side of the foot. It is best to do this with the hard edge of your shoe. However, you can hit with both the heel (heel) and the sole. Just don’t hit the shin with your toe, as it may slip and then the blow will not cause significant harm to the enemy.


3. Knee joint

The knee is the best target for low level kicks. It is convenient to hit it from all sides, with any part of the foot, at any angle (top to bottom, bottom to top, horizontally), with any movement - pushing, swinging, trampling.


4. Crotch

This target can be struck with anything - with the toe and instep of the foot, the heel, the knee, the fist, the edge and the base of the palm, pressed together with the tips of the fingers.

You don’t even have to hit, but simply grab the genitals tightly with your hand and pull them towards you - to the side. However, men have protected this place since childhood. We all tend to purely reflexively cover our crotch with our hand or thigh when trying to attack it. Therefore, such a blow only hits with a distraction of the enemy’s attention, for example: a whipping blow to the eyes.


5. Lower abdomen (pubic area)

There is no muscular armor in the lower abdomen, and within the abdominal cavity there are numerous neurovascular plexuses. It is better to strike here with the toe of a shoe, knee, fist, or the tips of your fingers clenched together.


6. Solar plexus (“sun”)

It is convenient to hit it with the elbow, knee, fist, heel of the palm, or the second phalanges of the fingers, clenched in the manner of the so-called “devil's paw” (see the picture). For “jocks”, who are overgrown with powerful muscles, it is difficult to break through the sun. But even they cannot keep their abs constantly tense. As you inhale, the abdominal muscles relax, and this target opens up for destruction.


7. Cardiac plexus

This target is located just below the left nipple. Everything said about the “sun” is also true here. Let us only add that with a strong blow to the heart area, it can stop. Then death will come instantly. It is necessary to know about this so as not to hit it (the cardiac nerve plexus is more vulnerable than the solar plexus).

All melee fighters and fans martial arts are familiar with the concept of a nerve center or vulnerable point. In addition to the well-known points such as eyes-throat-groin, there are several hundred others located both on the torso and on the limbs. Having looked at the map diagram of the abundant location of vulnerable centers on the body, it is very easy to decide that everything is simple - no matter where you knock, you will end up at some point. But this, fortunately, is absolutely not the case - otherwise, in an ordinary drunken fight, people would be killed by an accidental splash in the nose or chest. In fact, you need to know at what depth, at what angle, and what form of impact you should use in order to achieve this or that effect. Very many points are most sensitive to damage by small forms, and only a few know how to work with them. In addition, you need to very accurately know the anatomical location of the point and be able to work with a reflexology atlas.

Mystified eastern teachings, the kind that guarantee, if not going into outer space without a spacesuit, then at least physical immortality through mastering the mythical energy “Chi” or “Ki,” love to load their followers with tales on the popular topic about the art of the poisonous hand. Their essence is that if you know the time when a particular point has a maximum or, conversely, a minimum of energy, having mastered its control, you can, with a simple touch of your finger, send a person to the next world, and also after a given time period (day, month , year). So the unlucky followers of all kinds of sensei and gurus learn by heart thick Talmuds on acupuncture, memorizing the time of the “ebb and flow of energy” on the “meridians,” difficult to pronounce Chinese names of points and other nonsense. They do push-ups on their fingers or poke them into sand, beans and walls, earning arthritis from a young age. They spend precious hours of their free time on all sorts of meditations on mastering the “current of energy”, “opening the chakras, tan-tens and clearing the channels” in the style of qigong, tai chi and other heresies, and, shamefully, getting hit in the head by the guys from the boxing or kickboxing section , they explain to themselves that their art does not need to be mastered for a year or even a dozen years, unlike rough fights. But when they master it, they will show it to everyone, wow! After all, they have such a cool teacher! (Who is so cool because he doesn't spar with anyone).

But, as they say, there is no smoke without fire. Instructors of the Special Applied Army System (SPAS) analyzed Chinese and Korean treatises that talk about vulnerable points, as well as army instructions on damaging nerve centers and created certain recommendations for the rational development of truly useful knowledge - so that they begin to work immediately after training, and not after decades of thoughtless cramming of the “wisdom of the East” unadapted to Europeans. Moreover, without hammering your fingers into the wall and “persecuting energy” (let’s reveal a terrible secret - 98.5% of people who use the term “internal energy management” are either mentally ill, or sincerely mistaken, or are engaged in quackery).

Knowing where to look for these points makes it very easy to work spontaneously. For obvious reasons, we will not talk about the so-called poisonous (lethal) points located along the midline of the skull, face, throat and torso up to the perineum. For the reason that concentrated impact on these points with penetration or pressing into depth can lead to serious disruption of the main vital systems - respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous and cause death. Impacts combined with a dosed sending of a shock wave (this could be a simple touch, such as the application of “healing hands”) to a given depth plus the transfer of heat, cold, pulse, “discharge,” the image of illness or death, have never been the prerogative of ordinary warriors. For example, in Rus' this was done by the Magi - the priestly class. The latter effects affect the deep parts of the central nervous system of the body, and through it the endocrine system. This causes delayed manifestations and gradually increasing failure of basic life programs.


Let's consider blows to the above-mentioned places that “stop” the enemy. For example, a blow to the throat is dangerous even from a small child. But any adult can, with his action aimed at the throat, transfer his opponent to “another world”; it doesn’t require much force, just a vector poke in a certain direction. But this is science for special forces, which have to engage in mortal combat. But it is enough for a “mere mortal” to know that, for example, a gentle tap on the Adam’s apple with your fingers will stop any attacker, because in this place there are no muscles that cover the cartilage. In army manuals you can see a blow to the throat with the barrel of a machine gun, which is very effective.

Going lower, let's take the solar plexus. All the combatants received blows to this point, and everyone probably remembered the unforgettable sensations. Needless to say, such a blow requires little effort to knock the opponent into the fetal position! But at the same time, we must take into account that a strong blow delivered with a certain vector will kill the enemy, as those who are supposed to know know this. So you should be careful with blows to the solar plexus.

The groin is a place of “conviction” for many, especially in the city at night. It’s not for nothing that they say: you can’t pump up your eyes, throat, groin! But the danger is not that they will hit you in the groin, but in the place just above your “male” pride. For an internal hematoma and irreparable consequences, a kick in the “Grindars” is enough - that’s it, the operation is guaranteed!

Although, we should note that the following often happens “on adrenaline” - after a blow to the groin, the enemy jumps up after 2-4 seconds, and then you really need to try to emerge victorious from this fight! This happens due to the inaccuracy of the blow and the concentration of the aiming point on the genitals. In fact, you need to hit inward, with maximum effort from the bottom up!


Shocking, paralyzing and disabling points are located along the lateral lines of the skull, face, throat and torso. A sharp and penetrating blow small form at these points causes the enemy to recoil or withdraw a limb. Several repeated blows to these points cause a cumulative pain effect and, as a result, temporary paralysis of the limb.

These are points located in the center and on the sides of the articular folds of absolutely all joints of the arms and legs; located one third (of the length of the limb segment) above and below the joint; With inside forearm, in the midline between the radius and ulna bones; on the arms and legs, where you can feel the bone through the muscles (on the hip and shoulder they are located along the inner and outer lines).


It is not located to the left of the sternum, as is commonly believed, but mainly along the midline and has the shape of a drop, inclined from the sternum with its sharp part towards the left nipple. The left ventricle is closest to the surface of the body. Just under the left nipple where the big one ends pectoral muscle, you can see or feel its pulsation. In athletes, it is shifted to the outer part of the body. As a result of breaking through the middle or index finger This point causes the heart rate to go astray. A simple fist blow introduces arrhythmia into the work of the heart, adding stress during the contraction and breathing phase. Possible closure of the valve and death. In a bad way (for the enemy, with your good blow), a rib breaks and the heart breaks.


Figuratively speaking, it is a ball-skull on a spring-spine. Impacts from the side of the “spring” (in the horizontal plane) can destroy the bones of the facial skeleton (nose, jaw), but are partially absorbed. The impacts of tearing the “ball” from the “spring”, that is, from the bottom up towards the top of the head, are practically not absorbed.

It’s not for nothing that the chin is the point of turning off consciousness! But this is not easy to achieve, because... accuracy of the blow is required, at the same time, a side blow with an open palm or even a forearm to the jaw or extended arms (self-strike with one’s own limbs) very often “knocks out” consciousness. This is achieved total area defeat and combining the blow with the movement of the head during the impact, which is fraught with a concussion, and with the addition of a painful effect - knockout.

Reverse blows - in a horizontal plane to the back of the head - are also very dangerous. A sharp, non-piercing blow, the so-called “rabbit”, knocks out and can render you unconscious. A slightly stronger blow to this area, without touching on the details of its application, was prohibited from using “maroon berets” in the exam after the death of the officer.

Any blow with the forearm or elbow to the left or right side of the back of the head leads to loss of consciousness, and it does not matter whether it was a clean blow or not. To understand the effect of such work, ask a friend to lightly slap you on the back of the head with his palm, but from your position face to face. So how? Did you feel it!?


An ordinary “splash” directly to the back of the head or at a slightly angle breaks cartilage and thin bones. Result: “blood” (it is not necessarily visible from the outside, it can flow down the back wall of the throat). Someone is shocked, someone continues the massacre, not noticing the injury in the heat of the moment, and someone additionally goes berserk from the taste and sight of their own blood, and this happens. And as a result of a “catching” blow with the knuckles on the protruding part of the nose from the side, a painful shock occurs, although there may be no “blood”.

"Strawberry" This is everyone's favorite spot under the nose. Read about its use in combat survival in the “extremed” section (“SU” No. 2, 2004, article “If you are caught with a knife”). In a fight, a blow struck at this point with the edge of the palm tangentially forces the enemy to turn his head in the direction of the blow, lose sight of you and open lateral surface jaws and heads. By pressing on this point with the base of the index finger, we force the enemy to throw his head up, open his Adam's apple to hit, hyperextend his back and lose stability... By the way, pressing on the tip of the nose causes the same effect. Option: hook the enemy’s nostrils from behind with any two fingers (you can do it with just one, but the degree of reliability of the combat element decreases.

Many have experienced a blow to the nose. But, as a rule, these are blows according to the pattern directly to this area of ​​the face, but one of the Airborne Forces officers admitted that somehow in a fight he missed the “penny”, the blow slipped to the left, and what was his surprise when the attacker’s nose curled up to the side, and the enemy, squealing in pain, fell to the ground. He did not expect such efficiency.


A very delicate place in the fragile male body, almost the same as the testicles, only 2/3 hidden inside the body. Accordingly, there are just as many worries when squeezing, but tearing it off, unscrewing it, squeezing it (continue to the extent of personal sadism) is much more problematic. Especially if the “body” is stuffed, even if not with drugs, but with adrenaline, it actively puffs, spins and, well, doesn’t want to freeze, so that it would be more convenient for us to pick out those same eyes.

In a word, it is problematic to deprive a body of its eyes, since while this very body is not in a deep coma, it will reflexively withdraw its head, leaving the line of attack. This, by the way, is one of the simplest tests in the practice of resuscitation doctors for the “load” of the cortex.

Well, now you are armed with the terrible knowledge that although it is painful, it is not fatal, but your enemy does not know this, which is what we will use. Effects on the eyes go well immediately after a “relaxing” blow with the palm of the hand to the chin, nose, “from the wing” at the “rabbit” point behind the ear.

There is a so-called "officer's technique": a whip with a cap, a cap, a beret in the eyes! A very painful and shocking blow!

Grandfather, a Kuban Cossack, showed one of the authors a poke in the eye with his little finger, but not just like that, but in the process of chopping with sabers, i.e. fighting closely using edged weapons. The shock was intense when, having parried the blow with a saber, the grandfather took a step forward, pressing the attacking limb with the blade and changing the angle of the saber, allowing it to slip, performed this technique! This is what our grandfathers knew!


According to legend, Adam, when he ate an apple from the Tree of Knowledge, choked on it, a piece got stuck in his throat - hence its second, ancient name “Adam's apple”. One of those interesting protrusions on an uncle's body that distinguishes him from his aunt. Accordingly, a reverent attitude towards him, the only one. To the point that some men, when simply touching this area, experience a spasm of the respiratory tract and suffocation (this is without compression!). By the way, the terrible truth: a person does not die from a blow to the Adam’s apple! A person can die from subsequent suffocation or from reflex cardiac arrest with a deep penetrating blow with the edge of the palm across the midline, but not due to injury to the Adam's apple, but due to the impact on both vagus nerves. And an injection into the throat with a knife, if it was performed without subsequent ripping and exactly along the midline, that is, in the Adam's apple, does not carry with it any “lethal” consequences, except for a facilitated influx of a wave of fresh air to the lungs. There is such an operation, the simplest one, called conicotomy. The link for Stakhanovites and pioneers about the lack of responsibility of the authors for the consequences of performing exercises for techniques is VALID in this place, as in all others, even where they did not write, too.

Be that as it may, the effects on the Adam's apple have firmly migrated from street fighting and the teachings of gray-haired eastern elders into instructions on hand-to-hand combat for special forces around the world. For first aid for yourself or a friend when receiving this blow, read our development on extreme medicine (the above number is “SU”). In the meantime, try to touch your Adam’s apple, move it to the right and left, be bolder, pull it away from you and, conversely, press it to your neck. Well, it's not that scary. And now we will reveal the real secret technique! Above the Adam's apple there is another bone, the hyoid bone, for some reason everyone forgets about it, but in vain! By this bone, grabbing it with the fingers of your palm turned to the sky, it is very convenient to control the enemy. It is important to squeeze it to the point of breaking and push it upward at 45 degrees. Shockers on the Adam's apple: a casual strike with the knuckles of the phalanges of the “leopard's paw”; poke with the tips of bent fingers from the side (NOT IN THE Adam's apple) - from the Adam's apple towards the midline. In addition to hitting with the edge of the palm, there is also interesting option combined traumatic blow to the Adam's apple. First, a poke is made with the tips of the bent fingers into the jugular fossa, then the fingers are bent into the leopard's paw and the knuckles of the phalanges are pressed, and finally the knuckles of the fist are applied. In general, the entire movement is similar to the movement of a tank caterpillar.

Ripping the Adam's apple and windpipe are simple and reliable (compared to punching). They are divided into two groups: creasing (performed with one hand, the movement is similar to showing a sacred pagan gesture called fig and fig, less often with two hands) and tearing (performed with two hands).

The cruel truth: finishing off in any conflict was often carried out with the butt of a rifle or machine gun to the throat, namely the Adam's apple!


One of the most complex and most vulnerable joints in our body. It is typical that injury or simply very severe pain can be caused from almost any direction. A blow from the side, from the inside or outside, tears the ligaments and breaks the joint. A blow from behind, in the popliteal fossa, tears the ligaments and knocks the leg forward.

A front impact also breaks the knee joint unless it is bent 90 degrees. Representatives of hard styles are very fond of this position - they say, try to break a joint blocked in this position (deep lunge forward, archer stance). That’s how it is, a blow to the knee can withstand proper preparation, but there is one very interesting and fragile detail here. In Latin it is called “patella”, that is, the patella, or kneecap, as we are increasingly accustomed to. This very patella breaks, like a nut shell, with a good sharp blow with a “reset”.

Without the ability to stop an attacker and keep him at a distance, there is no combat system. Therefore, almost all martial arts target blows to the legs, namely the knee! The effectiveness is very high: if you throw a “brush” (football kick at the ball) into the knees, multiplied by shoes and strength, we get an injury or at least 100% stop any attack! An example from life: a bunch of 10 young idiots were having fun as best they could, but they could only drink vodka and beer. They saw a man in uniform from afar and rushed to ask him what rank he was and what type of troops he was from! The clarification did not take place, because the man turned out to be an officer at the headquarters of the Airborne Forces, he had two campaigns in Chechnya behind him, and he did not want to get injured and expose himself to being “recognized” by the guys! But, being an old man and having seen a lot, he did not want to end young lives. Within 30 seconds, the acquaintance ended with blows to the legs, and more specifically to the ankles and knees. The officer scattered this group of accelerators, saving their lives and giving them another chance!


The pain is triggered and carried from one point to another with sharp, strong concentrated blows, which are applied sequentially to several points. They can be connected by pain into a single “meridian” and, for example, “dryed out”, that is, the limb can be disconnected - the so-called “fettered stream”. You can “drive a nail” deep by delivering high-speed blows of varying strength and amplitude to one point - it is loaded with pain.

One of the secrets of our ancestors was the ability to influence internal organs without using pressure points. Wave shock-impacts with a vector of force directed towards the liver, heart, kidneys, spleen, etc. up to the cerebellum, leading to death or loss of consciousness. They enhanced the effect of application by mentally placing a hard object - a stone, the tip of a sword - inside the attacked organ of the body part: “And the enemy appeared mentally before him, and he brought the stone to the adversary in his hand, with the full weight of his thoughts, at his head...”

As you can see, the system initial acquaintance with pain points is simple, easy to remember and immediately. There is no need to spend years studying Talmuds on reflexology, no need to memorize wild Chinese names, fill your brain with calculations of the enemy’s horoscopes and his personal time of maximum or minimum in this or that “channel”. You just need to have the desire to watch and listen, feel it in your own skin, understand and practice.

That's all. The mysterious art of the “poisonous hand” is absorbed subcutaneously and established at the reflex, spinal level in just 2-3 workouts. For the rest of my life.