Conversation as a method of education - organization of educational work - Sergey Vladimirovich Sidorov. Research methods - conversation

Conversation is one of the main methods of psychology and pedagogy, which involves obtaining information about the phenomenon being studied in a logical form both from the individual being studied, members of the group being studied, and from surrounding people. In the latter case, the conversation acts as an element of the method of generalizing independent characteristics. The scientific value of the method lies in establishing personal contact with the object of research, the ability to obtain data promptly, and clarify it in the form of an interview.

The conversation can be formalized or informal. A formalized conversation involves standardized formulation of questions and recording of answers to them, which allows you to quickly group and analyze the information received. An informal conversation is conducted on loosely standardized questions, which makes it possible to consistently raise additional questions - 82

relevant questions based on the current situation. During a conversation of this type, as a rule, closer contact is achieved between the researcher and the respondent, which contributes to obtaining the most complete and in-depth information.

In the practice of psychological and pedagogical research, certain rules application of the conversation method:

Conversate only on issues directly related to the problem being studied;

Formulate questions clearly and clearly, taking into account the degree of competence of the interlocutor in them;

Select and pose questions in an understandable form that encourages respondents to give detailed answers;

Avoid incorrect questions, take into account the mood and subjective state of the interlocutor;

Conduct the conversation in such a way that the interlocutor sees in the researcher not a leader, but a comrade who shows genuine interest in his life, thoughts, and aspirations;

Do not have a conversation in a hurry or in an excited state;

Choose a place and time for the conversation so that no one interferes with its progress, and maintain a friendly attitude.

Usually the conversation process is not accompanied by recording. However, the researcher can, if necessary, make some notes for himself that will allow him, after finishing his work, to completely reconstruct the entire course of the conversation. A protocol or diary as a form of recording research results is best filled out after the end of the conversation. In some cases they can be used technical means its registration is a tape recorder or voice recorder. But at the same time, the respondent must be informed that the conversation will be recorded using appropriate technology. If it fails, the use of these funds is not recommended.

Currently, in the scientific literature, clearly insufficient attention is paid to the analysis of this research method.

At the same time, it is recognized that through conversation one can obtain very valuable information, which sometimes cannot be obtained by other methods. The form of conversation, like no other method, must be mobile and dynamic. In one case, the purpose of the conversation is to obtain this or that

other important information- can be hidden, since this ensures greater reliability of the data. In another case, on the contrary, an attempt to obtain objective information using indirect questions can cause a negative, skeptical reaction from the participants in the conversation (such as “He’s pretending to be a smart guy”). The likelihood of such a reaction is especially high in people with high self-esteem. In such situations, the researcher will receive more reliable information if he takes the following position, for example: “You know a lot, help us.” This position is usually supported by an increased interest in obtaining information. This tends to encourage people to be more open and sincere.

Calling a person to be frank and listening to him is a great art. Naturally, people’s frankness must be valued and the information received must be handled carefully and ethically. The frankness of the conversation increases when the researcher does not take any notes.

In a conversation, the researcher communicates with a specialist. In the process of this communication, certain relationships between two individuals are formed. They are made up of small touches, nuances that bring two people together or separate them as individuals. In most cases, the researcher strives for rapprochement in communication with the respondent’s personality. However, there are times when the rapprochement and achieved frankness need to be “curtailed” and returned to a certain distance in communication. For example, sometimes a respondent, having perceived the sincere interest of the researcher (and interest in most cases is psychologically regarded as internal agreement with what the interviewee is telling him), begins to impose his, as a rule, subjective point of view, strives to eliminate the distance in communication, etc. In this situation, it is unwise to go for further rapprochement, since ending the conversation with complete harmony in communication, even if purely external, can lead to negative consequences. Therefore, it is psychologically advisable for the researcher to end the conversation with such people by setting a certain boundary or disagreeing with something. This will protect him from an excessive negative reaction from his interlocutor in the future. Creating these subtle facets of communication is a real art, which should be based on the researcher’s knowledge of human psychology.

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Veronika Ermolaeva
Conversation as a method of teaching dialogic speech

Conversation- This is a purposeful, pre-prepared conversation between the teacher and children on a specific topic. Conversation is a difficult teaching method. Its course depends on the training of the teacher himself, as well as on the level of development of the children, on the degree of their activity and independence, on their knowledge. E. I. Radina in her study revealed in detail the meaning conversations for mental and moral education children. In some conversations ideas received by the child in the process of learning are systematized and clarified everyday life, as a result of observations and activities. Through others, the teacher helps the child to perceive reality more fully and deeply. As a result, the child’s knowledge becomes clearer and more meaningful.

Value conversations in that that an adult teaches a child to think logically, helps him think, raises him from a specific way of thinking to a higher level of simple abstraction. IN conversation Speech develops along with thinking. Are being formed dialogical and monologue forms of connected speeches, and above all colloquial speech: ability to listen and understand interlocutor, do not be distracted, do not interrupt, restrain your immediate desire to immediately answer the question, give clear answers to questions, speak out in the presence of other children.

Speaking out in conversation, the child formulates his thoughts not in one, but in several sentences. The teacher's questions require more detailed description seen and experienced, encourage the expression of assessments and personal attitudes to the topic under discussion. When giving an answer, children use conjunctions and a variety of vocabulary to connect words. Speech activity child in conversation differs from conversation primarily in internal programming, in thinking about one’s statement.

Conversation – effective method training in that case if it is carried out correctly. Important methodological question - choosing a conversation topic. Topics should be accessible and interesting to children and reflect facts and phenomena public life.

Conversation as a teaching method is a purposeful, pre-prepared conversation between a teacher and a group of children on a specific topic. Conversation is an active method mental education. The question-and-answer nature of communication encourages the child to reproduce not random but the most significant, essential facts, to compare, reason, and generalize. In unity with mental activity V speech is formed in a conversation: coherent logical statements, value judgments, figurative expressions. Such program requirements are reinforced as the ability to answer briefly and broadly, accurately following the content of the question, listen carefully to others, supplement and correct the answers of comrades, and ask questions yourself.

Conversation is an effective method of activating vocabulary, since the teacher encourages children to look for the most accurate, successful words for the answer. It is desirable that the teacher’s speech reactions account for only 1/4 -1/3 of all statements, and the rest falls on the children.

Conversations They also have educational value. Correctly chosen content carries a moral charge conversation: “What is our city famous for?”, “Why can’t you talk loudly on the bus?”. The organizational form also brings up conversations– children’s interest in each other increases, curiosity, sociability develop, as well as such qualities as endurance and tact.

When conducting conversations The teacher is faced with the task of ensuring that all children are active participants. To do this, you must adhere to the following rules:

- conversation should not last long, because it is designed for mental stress;

During conversations The teacher asks the question to the whole group and then asks individually. You cannot ask children in the order in which they sit - this leads to the fact that some children stop working;

You cannot ask the same children, you need to try to call more children, at least for a brief answer to the question posed;

Children should answer one at a time, not in chorus, but if the teacher poses a question to which many preschoolers have the same simple answer, then they can be allowed to answer in chorus;

You should not interrupt the child unless it is directly necessary; inappropriate "pull out" answer, if the child does not have the necessary knowledge, in such cases you can be satisfied with a short answer, even a monosyllabic answer;

You cannot demand complete answers from children, as this often leads to distortion of the language. Conversation should be conducted naturally and easily. A short answer may be more convincing than a common one. Children are encouraged to give detailed answers by meaningful questions that stimulate description, reasoning, etc. They provoke independent mental work in children, rather than mechanical repetition "complete answer";

Often a question asked by a teacher awakens a chain of associations in the child and his thoughts begin to flow in a new direction. The teacher must be prepared for this and not allow children to wander away from the topic conversations.

Leading conversation, the teacher needs to take into account individual characteristics preschoolers. It is advisable to prepare children who are slow to understand and less developed in advance for the lesson - to equip them with ready-made material with which they could perform during conversations. Children who are less confident and have more limited knowledge should be asked additional questions that are relatively easy to answer. If preschoolers have disadvantages speeches, it is necessary to work on correcting them; in this case, contact specialists: speech therapists, psychologists.

IN conversation The teacher unites children around common interests, arouses their interest in each other, the experience of one child becomes common property. They develop the habit of listening interlocutors, share your thoughts with them, speak out in a team. Consequently, here the child’s activity develops, on the one hand, and the ability for restraint, on the other. Thus, conversations are a valuable method not only mental education (communication and clarification of knowledge, development of thinking abilities and language), but also a means of social and moral education.

IN conversations children acquire knowledge, skills and abilities that are necessary for schooling. Contents conversations is a program material to familiarize children with the environment reality: everyday life, people’s work, events of social life, the life of nature, as well as the activities of children in kindergarten (games, work, mutual assistance, etc.).

Conversations on everyday topics relate to those everyday phenomena that children observe and in which they themselves participate. IN children report in conversations, with whom they live at home, what are the names of family members, and where do they work, what do they do at home, how do they relax; they talk about their games, activities and entertainment at home, about helping adults as much as they can, about their mother’s everyday work; The environment at home and the environment in kindergarten are compared.

Conversations about the work of adults in kindergartens help children understand the meaning of the activities of kindergarten employees who create convenience and well-being for all children.

Conversations on topics of social life clarify children’s ideas about hometown, about preparing for the holidays in kindergarten, in the family, on the streets.

Conversations on natural history topics clarify and consolidate children’s ideas about the seasons, animals, plants, and people’s work.

IN conversations Children remember their favorite fairy tales and books and express their attitude towards the characters.

It is also important to know that when selecting program material For conversations It is necessary to take into account the personal experience of the children in the group. Such as the stock of their ideas and knowledge, because children can actively participate in conversation in that case when they have some more or less clear and varied ideas about the subject conversations.

Conversation considered one of the most difficult speech development methods. The main technique in methodology her leads are questions.

Method the conversation is that the teacher asks, A the learner answers. Consequently, they both speak, but they do not say the same thing, but miscellaneous: with your question educational encourages the child to remember words, sounds, grammatical forms or coherent text already known to him and use them appropriately. The conversation method is a method of teaching speech, consisting in the fact that the teacher encourages the learner It is appropriate to use your vocabulary and thereby improve your speech. Method conversation maybe be carried out: techniques for observing real objects, relying on a picture, a verbal model, techniques for various types of games, as well as techniques for asking various questions and tasks.

Mastering all sides speeches, in particular conversations– the development of linguistic abilities is considered as the core of the full formation of the personality of a preschooler, which provides great opportunities for solving many problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education.

Lack or deficiency dialogical communication leads to various kinds distortions of personal development, increased problems of interaction with other people. Communication is formal in nature, devoid of personal meaning. Many of the teacher’s statements do not evoke a response from the child; there are not enough situations conducive to development dialogical speech. Therefore, while observing children in classes, it is clear that the children are not interested and are not attentive.

For development dialogical speech children need to enrich the content of speech education and improve the forms and speech work methods.

It is advisable to organize more often didactic games in pairs, observing the following game rules: observe the order of play and speech actions; listen to your partner; do not repeat what has been said; complete statements partner: ask questions, politely express assumptions, wishes, disagreement; reason, justify your judgments.

Based on project materials A.A. Korchinsky, student of the Faculty of History and Law (s/o, 3rd year).

Conversation is a dialogic question-and-answer method of interaction between students and teachers. It has been used since ancient times. So, since antiquity we have known Socratic (Socratic) conversations, and in the Middle Ages the so-called catechetical conversation (recreation ready-made questions and answers according to book formulations).

The main thing in the conversation is a carefully thought-out system of questions. When preparing for a conversation, the teacher first needs to outline the main questions, then think through additional, clarifying and guiding ones.

According to the logic of constructing conversations organized by the teacher, they can be divided into inductive And deductive. In an inductive conversation, the logic “from the particular to the general” is implemented. An inductive conversation often turns into a heuristic one, as students, under the guidance of a teacher, come to general conclusions from personal observations.

When constructing a conversation deductively (from general to specific), first a rule is given, then a general conclusion, and only then its reinforcement and argumentation are organized.

Conversation is a universal method that finds application in both the educational and educational process. Conversations used in educational practice, often called ethical. The main purpose of such conversations is to involve students in evaluating actions, events, and phenomena of social life and, on this basis, to develop in them an appropriate attitude to the surrounding reality, as well as to their moral, civil and political responsibilities. If in personal experience the pupil, his actions, deeds, deeds find support for the problems discussed during the conversation, then the persuasive meaning of these problems will be significantly higher.

The conversation consists of several stages. At the first stage, the teacher justifies the topic. At the second, main stage of the conversation, material for discussion is given. Then the teacher begins to pose questions so that the students freely express their opinions and come to independent generalizations and conclusions. On the last one, final stage The teacher summarizes all the statements and, on their basis, formulates the most reasonable, in his opinion, solution to the problem under discussion.

Individual conversations are especially difficult for young teachers. Basically, such conversations are held in connection with emerging violations of discipline and conflicts. Individual conversations are best conducted in specific system, according to a pre-planned plan. In this case, they are proactive in nature and provide a kind of adjustment to general program pedagogical influences.

Thus, conversation is of great importance in shaping personal qualities pupils. It helps to develop right attitude to the surrounding reality, to their civic, moral and political responsibilities.

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A conversation involves obtaining information about the phenomenon being studied in a logical form. This method applies to different stages research, and his scientific value consists in establishing personal contact with the object of research and the ability to quickly obtain the necessary data.

The conversation could be:

  • Formalized. This type conversations allows you to quickly group and analyze the information received, because involves standardized formulation of questions and recording of answers to them;
  • Unformalized. In this type of conversation, the questions are not strictly standardized, so it is possible to ask additional questions. As a rule, during this type of conversation, closer contact is achieved between the researcher and the respondent, and this, of course, contributes to obtaining complete and in-depth information.

Listening to a person, calling him to be frank, is a great art, so the information received must be treated very carefully. During the conversation, the researcher, if necessary, can make some notes for himself, which will help restore the entire course of the conversation after completing the work. Sometimes you can use technical means - a tape recorder, a voice recorder, but the respondent must be informed about this.

The conversation is preceded by a lot of preliminary work:

  • Careful consideration by the researcher of all aspects of the problem, selection of the necessary facts, clear goal setting;
  • Determining the sequence of questions asked;
  • Mandatory choice of place and time of conversation;
  • Using only those questions that are related to the topic of conversation;
  • The conversation should take place in a calm atmosphere, an excited state is strictly prohibited;
  • Incorrect questions are prohibited;
  • Mandatory consideration of the interlocutor’s mood and his subjective state.

The conversation method has its advantages and disadvantages, i.e. its pros and cons. Advantages of the conversation method:

  1. The correct sequence of wording questions;
  2. The ability to use, for example, cards to write down questions;
  3. It is possible to make an additional conclusion about the reliability of the answers as a result of the analysis of the respondent’s non-verbal reactions.

The disadvantages of conversation are:

  1. A large amount of time spent on conversation;
  2. Possess appropriate skills for conducting effective conversations.

Types of conversation

Depending on the specific working conditions, psychological practice uses various types conversations:

  • Introduction to the experimental situation. This species is most often used for laboratory research. Establishing contact with the subject is the main goal of this type of conversation. An important role is played by creating motivation to participate in the experiment. During the conversation they are given necessary instructions. Conversation in the structure of laboratory research is an important auxiliary technique that follows the experiment;
  • Experimental conversation. It is necessary to test research hypotheses and has a strictly defined topic. In this type of conversation, two types of questions are used: direct ones, for example, “do you like studying at school?” and indirect, for example, “Where do you want to study more - at school or at home?” By comparing direct and indirect answers, one can identify the motives for learning and the actual attitude of children towards learning and school. This serves as the basis for making judgments about the specifics of educational motivation;
  • Diagnostic interview. This type is most common in psychological practice.
  • The purpose of the interview is to obtain a variety of data, both about personality traits and characteristics mental development. The interview includes test survey techniques. Thus, combining all methods, conversation not only performs its own functions, but also serves as a natural background;

  • Psychotherapeutic conversation. This is the most complex look conversation, which is used to provide psychological assistance.
  • The psychologist, through this conversation, which is also called a clinical interview, helps a person to understand internal problems and restore the internal integrity of the “I”. Psychotherapeutic conversation is very specific and decides complex tasks. Psychoanalytic sessions are long and sometimes require several years. And, conversely, contacting a psychologist via a helpline operates according to the laws of short-term intensive therapy.

    The division of the listed types of conversations is quite arbitrary, because they are all interconnected;

  • Standardized and free conversation. The degree of standardization of the conversation depends on how detailed the preliminary conversation plan is developed and how accurately its implementation is carried out. A standardized interview is essentially a hard-coded questionnaire-type interview. The opposite is a free conversation, during which the researcher, depending on the situation, can freely change tactics. More common in practice is a partially standardized conversation. It combines a clear strategy and relatively free tactics. It should be noted here that both high and low levels of standardization have their advantages and disadvantages.
  • Because a standardized interview ensures that all relevant questions are asked, it provides the opportunity to obtain comparable data. In addition, it is not very sensitive to the level of qualifications of the researcher and does not require much time. Based on this, such a conversation can be used in mass surveys, when a large amount of data needs to be obtained in a short period.

    A strictly regulated standardized conversation does not take into account the individual uniqueness of the situation, so schoolchildren may perceive it as an examination procedure. Free conversation allows for greater flexibility in the form and sequence of questions, makes it possible to individualize the interview situation, maintain naturalness and emotional contact. It is free conversation that is more preferable when working with children;

  • Guided and unguided conversation. The degree of controllability on the part of the researcher may vary depending on the goals and content of the conversation. The psychologist has complete control over the content in a fully guided conversation. He keeps the conversation within the necessary structure and guides the child's responses. On the contrary, in an uncontrolled conversation, the initiative passes to the child. An uncontrolled conversation is more often typical of a situation of psychotherapeutic interaction, because it often takes on the features of a “confession.”
  • The level of standardization and controllability of the conversation are directly related to each other. A highly standardized conversation is at the same time controlled and vice versa.

Conversation is a method of orally obtaining information from a person of interest to the researcher by conducting a thematically focused conversation with him.

Conversation is widely used in medical, developmental, legal, political and other branches of psychology. How independent method it is especially intensively used in practical psychology, in particular in advisory, diagnostic and psychocorrectional work. In the activities of a practical psychologist, conversation often plays the role of not only a professional method of collecting psychological information, but also a means of informing, persuasion, and education.

Conversation as a research method is inextricably linked with conversation as a method of human communication, therefore its qualified use is unthinkable without fundamental socio-psychological knowledge, communication skills, and the communicative competence of a psychologist.

In the process of communication, people perceive each other, understand others and their own “I”, therefore the method of conversation is closely related to the method of observation (both external and internal). Nonverbal information obtained during an interview is often no less important and significant than verbal information. The indissoluble connection between conversation and observation is one of its characteristic features. At the same time, a conversation aimed at obtaining psychological information and providing psychological impact on personality, can be classified, along with self-observation, as the most specific methods for psychology.

Distinctive feature conversation, among other verbal communication methods, is the free, relaxed manner of the researcher, the desire to liberate the interlocutor, to win him over. In such an atmosphere, the sincerity of the interlocutor increases significantly. At the same time, the adequacy of the data on the problem under study obtained during the conversation increases.

The researcher must take into account the most common causes of insincerity. This, in particular, is a person’s fear of showing himself in a bad or funny way; reluctance to mention third parties and give them characteristics; refusal to disclose those aspects of life that the respondent considers intimate; fear that unfavorable conclusions will be drawn from the conversation; antipathy towards the interlocutor; misunderstanding the purpose of the conversation.

For a successful conversation, starting a conversation is very important. To establish and maintain good contact With the interlocutor, the researcher is encouraged to demonstrate his interest in his personality, his problems, his opinions. Open agreement or disagreement with the interlocutor should be avoided. The researcher can express his participation in the conversation and interest in it through facial expressions, postures, gestures, intonation, additional questions, and specific comments. The conversation is always accompanied by observation of the appearance and behavior of the subject, which provides additional and sometimes basic information about him, his attitude to the subject of conversation, to the researcher and the surrounding environment, about his responsibility and sincerity.

In psychology, the following types of conversation are distinguished: clinical (psychotherapeutic), introductory, experimental, autobiographical. During the clinical interview, the main goal is to help the client, but it can also be used to obtain anamnesis. An introductory conversation, as a rule, precedes the experiment and is aimed at attracting subjects to cooperate. Experimental conversation is conducted to test experimental hypotheses. Autobiographical conversation allows us to identify life path person and is used within the framework of the biographical method.

There are controlled and uncontrolled conversations. A guided conversation is carried out at the initiative of a psychologist; he determines and supports the main topic of the conversation. An uncontrolled conversation more often occurs at the initiative of the respondent, and the psychologist only uses the information received for research purposes.

In a controlled conversation that serves to gather information, the inequality of the positions of the interlocutors is clearly manifested. The psychologist takes the initiative in conducting the conversation, he determines the topic and asks the first questions. The respondent usually answers them. The asymmetry of communication in this situation can reduce the confidence of the conversation. The respondent begins to “close himself off,” deliberately distort the information he provides, simplify and schematize answers down to monosyllabic statements like “yes-no.”

Guided conversation is not always effective. Sometimes an unguided form of conversation is more productive. Here the initiative passes to the respondent, and the conversation can take on the character of a confession. This type of conversation is typical for psychotherapeutic and counseling practice, when the client needs to “talk it out.” In this case, such a specific ability of the psychologist as the ability to listen takes on special importance. The problem of listening is given attention special attention in manuals on psychological counseling by I. Atwater, K.R. Rogers et al.

Hearing- an active process that requires attention both to what is being discussed and to the person with whom they are talking. Listening has two levels. The first level of listening is external, organizational; it ensures correct perception and understanding of the meaning of the interlocutor’s speech, but is not sufficient for the emotional understanding of the interlocutor himself. The second level is internal, empathetic, this is penetration into inner world another person, sympathy, empathy.

These aspects of listening should be taken into account by a professional psychologist when conducting a conversation. In some cases, the first level of listening is sufficient, and moving to the level of empathy may not even be desirable. In other cases, emotional empathy cannot be avoided. This or that level of listening is determined by the objectives of the study, the current situation and the personal characteristics of the interlocutor.

A conversation in any form is always an exchange of remarks. They can be both narrative and interrogative in nature. The researcher's remarks direct the conversation and determine its strategy, and the respondent's remarks provide the information sought. And then the researcher’s remarks can be considered questions, even if they are not expressed in interrogative form, and his interlocutor’s remarks can be considered answers, even if they are expressed in interrogative form.

When conducting a conversation, it is very important to take into account that some types of remarks, behind which there are certain psychological characteristics a person and his attitude towards the interlocutor can disrupt the flow of communication until it ends. Extremely undesirable on the part of a psychologist conducting a conversation in order to obtain information for research are remarks in the form of: an order, an instruction; warnings, threats; promises - trade; teachings, moral teachings; direct advice, recommendations; disagreement, condemnation, accusations; agreement, praise; humiliation; abuse; reassurance, consolation; interrogation; getting away from the problem, distraction. Such remarks often disrupt the respondent’s train of thought, force him to resort to defense, and can cause irritation. Therefore, it is the responsibility of the psychologist to reduce the likelihood of their appearance in a conversation to a minimum.

When conducting a conversation, there are techniques of reflective and non-reflective listening. Technique reflective Listening is about managing the conversation through the active speech intervention of the researcher in the communication process. Reflective listening is used to control the unambiguity and accuracy of the researcher’s understanding of what he heard. I. Atwater identifies the following basic techniques of reflective listening: clarification, paraphrasing, reflection of feelings and summarizing.

Clarification is an appeal to the respondent for clarification, helping to make his statement more understandable. In these requests the researcher receives additional information or clarifies the meaning of the statement.

Paraphrasing is the formulation of the respondent's statement in a different form. The purpose of paraphrasing is to check the accuracy of the interlocutor’s understanding. If possible, the psychologist should avoid exact, word-for-word repetition of the statement, since this may give the interlocutor the impression that he is not being listened to attentively. With skillful paraphrasing, the respondent, on the contrary, becomes convinced that he is being listened to attentively and is trying to understand.

Reflection of feelings is a verbal expression by the listener of the current experiences and states of the speaker. Such statements help the respondent to feel the researcher’s interest and attention to the interlocutor.

Summarizing is the listener's summing up of the speaker's thoughts and feelings. It helps to end the conversation, to bring the individual statements of the respondent into a single whole.

At the same time, the psychologist gains confidence that he adequately understood the respondent, and the respondent realizes how much he was able to convey his views to the researcher.

At unreflective When listening, the psychologist controls the conversation through silence. Here they play a significant role non-verbal means communication - eye contact, facial expressions, gestures, pantomime, choice and change of distance, etc. I. Atwater identifies the following situations when the use of non-reflective listening can be productive:

1) the interlocutor seeks to express his point of view or express his attitude to something;

2) the interlocutor wants to discuss pressing problems, he needs to “speak out”;

3) the interlocutor experiences difficulties in expressing his problems and experiences (he should not be disturbed);

4) the interlocutor experiences uncertainty at the beginning of the conversation (it is necessary to give him the opportunity to calm down).

Non-reflective listening is a fairly subtle technique; it must be used carefully so that excessive silence does not ruin the communication process.

Question recording the results conversations are resolved differently depending on the purpose of the study and the individual preferences of the psychologist. In most cases, delayed recording is used. It is believed that written recording of data during a conversation prevents the emancipation of the interlocutors, at the same time it is more preferable than the use of audio and video equipment.

Summarizing the above, we can formulate the professionally important qualities of a psychologist that determine the effectiveness of using conversation as a method psychological research:

– mastery of reflexive and active listening;

– the ability to accurately perceive information: listen and observe effectively, adequately understand verbal and nonverbal signals, distinguish between mixed and disguised messages, see the discrepancy between verbal and nonverbal information, remember what was said without distortion;

– the ability to critically evaluate information, taking into account the quality of the respondent’s answers, their consistency, and the correspondence of the verbal and nonverbal context;

The ability to correctly formulate and ask a question in a timely manner, to promptly detect and correct questions that are incomprehensible to the respondent, to be flexible when formulating questions;

The ability to see and take into account the factors causing defensive reaction respondent, preventing his involvement in the interaction process;

Stress resistance, the ability to withstand receiving large amounts of information for a long time;

Attention to the level of fatigue and anxiety of the respondent.

Using conversation as a method of psychological research, a psychologist can flexibly combine its various forms and techniques.