Cool games in the sauna for a birthday. Bath party: wash away fatigue from soul and body

I searched all over the Internet, synthesizing and inventing new things along the way)

1. Prepare notes with wishes and indicate a certain time on them, hand them out to all guests. Everyone must complete their task within the specified time. Do not talk about your task and the time it will take to complete it. It’s very funny when someone suddenly gets up from the table and starts crawling under the table or reading a congratulation out of the blue) We had the following tasks:

At 17.30 quickly run up to the pool, climb into it and shout: “I see Turkey!” Go up to the table and clarify: “We need a drink for this!”

At 18.00 get up and say “Allow me to introduce myself!” choose three different guests and, saying your name, hug one of them, kiss the second, and shake hands with the third.

At 18.20, go to the table, pour a glass of wine and read the congratulations:

“On your birthday

I'll become a cool athlete

Master candidate

In raising glasses!

At 18.45, depicting an airplane with the sound “vzhzhzh”, “weeeee”, etc. run around the table three times.

At 19.00, stand on a chair and read the congratulations with expression:

“The glasses are clinking, the cake is flying!

Champagne explodes!

My head hurts a little

Our holiday continues!

Hurry to the table, shout a toast!

May all your dreams come true!

Let the first lines of the verse

Today they will be justified!”

2. At the very beginning of the birthday, guests are given paper and markers and each guest draws what they would like to give to the birthday boy (a car, a house, a helicopter, etc.), then in the middle of the party the birthday boy with his eyes closed pulls out a gift. What will pull him out awaits him next year.

3. "SECRET FRIEND". I liked this the most, it went very well!)) At the very beginning of the holiday, notes with the names of the guests are distributed to everyone present. All the notes are put into a bag and the players take turns pulling out any piece of paper with a name (if a guest pulled out a piece of paper with his name, ask him to return it back)). The person whose name is written on the piece of paper pulled out must become a secret friend. The role of a secret friend is that he tries to do something pleasant for this person throughout the holiday, while trying to remain unknown. To do this, he can ask to play that person’s favorite song, treat him to candy, invite him to dance, say or write something nice to him, or discreetly give him a small surprise. At the end of the holiday, a discussion is held during which each player expresses his assumptions about the identity of his secret friend.

4. Lottery. The presenter says: “Today many surprises have been prepared for you. And one of the first surprises for the luckiest guest. Hidden somewhere here in the hall banknote. Whoever finds it will become the most happy man evenings." And as soon as everyone starts looking: “STOP-STOP! You are all SUCH adults, but you still believe in fairy tales - it was a joke)) Do you believe in horoscopes? Many of you would like to know what the coming year has in store for everyone “I have a bag in my hands, and you have the opportunity to take your amulet prize for a year in advance, but blindly.” Guests take turns putting their hand into the bag and taking out a gift.

Chocolate. The year will be generous and rich. But there is one condition. Take the chocolate, remove the label, put it under your pillow. And believe me, in the morning everything will be covered in chocolate!”

Souvenir candle. This year will be more romantic for you than ever and will help you save money on electricity!

Lighter. The coming year will give you the fulfillment of your wishes, because you hold the most valuable thing that Gazprom has - gas! And as you know, whoever is with Gazprom, his dreams come true!

Noodles instant cooking . This prize has a double interpretation: either you will be bullied all year long, or you will tell everyone around you. The second option is of course preferable for you.

Pen. In the coming year you will become very popular and will be able to sign autographs for everyone. You can start right now.

Magi's Golden Cube– You pulled out the most expensive gift, gold over the past year has increased in price by 40%, so this year will be truly golden for you!

5. "Why did you come to this holiday?"

Guests pull notes from the bag with pre-prepared answers:

Purely human congratulations!

I haven't been to the sauna for a long time

Borrow money

I love the birthday girl))

It's boring at home, and you don't have to wash the dishes

Ask for something as a gift

Where else can you talk to smart people?

6. Kind words birthday boy. Decipher (in your own way!) the abbreviation so that you get some kind of congratulation or compliment to the birthday person. The music turns on and after 5 minutes each participant will have to read out what he did. For example: Housing and communal services - What a Good Horror.


7. Who can prepare and drink a cocktail faster?.

And now we will prepare the well-known Screwdriver cocktail. By the way, the cocktail got its name from the fact that American engineers, secretly adding vodka to canisters of concentrated juice, stirred the drink with screwdrivers.

The recipe is very simple - pour orange juice (you will have to squeeze it out of half an orange) and vodka into a glass, be sure to garnish with a slice of orange. And we drink)

Give each guest half an orange, pre-cut slices, vodka and straws. The prize for the fastest was a Screwdriver cocktail from a can)

8. “If you are not one of the donkeys, then you will understand me without words”. Explain the hidden words using gestures:

"laundry soap"


"hot steam"

"contrast shower"

9. There's a pair for each creature). The presenter must prepare cards in advance with the names of animals (two of each type) and distribute them to the participants. The presenter must ensure that one of the paired cards goes to the man and the other to the woman. The music turns on, and at the leader’s command, the participants begin to make the sounds of their animal (grunt, croak, meow, etc.). It is necessary to find your match in this cacophony by sound.

10. Tale about a kitten. It’s better to do it when the guests have already had a drink)) Each guest is randomly given a role in the fairy tale. The presenter reads the words, and the players must depict what they read. Roles: kitten, magpie, rooster, sun, wind, piece of paper. Scene text:

Today the kitten left the house for the first time. It was a warm summer morning, the sun was spreading its rays in all directions. The kitten sat down on the porch and began to squint in the sun. Suddenly his attention was attracted by a magpie that flew in and sat on the fence. The kitten slowly crawled off the porch and began to sneak up on the bird. The magpie chirped incessantly. The kitten jumped high, but the magpie flew away. It didn't work out. The kitten began to look around in search of new adventures. A light breeze blew and blew a piece of paper along the ground. The paper rustled loudly. The kitten grabbed it, scratched it a little, sniffed it and, not finding anything interesting in it, let it go. The piece of paper flew away, blown by the wind. And then the kitten saw a rooster. Raising his legs high, he walked importantly through the yard. Then he stopped, flapped his wings and sang his sonorous song. Without thinking twice, the kitten rushed at the rooster and grabbed him by the tail. But he pecked the kitten so painfully that he screamed a heart-rending cry and ran back to the porch. He began to lick the wound caused by the rooster. Then he scratched his hind paw behind his ear, stretched out on the porch at his full height and fell asleep. We don’t know what he was dreaming about, but for some reason he kept twitching his paw and moving his mustache in his sleep. Thus ended the kitten’s first acquaintance with the street. (Applause.)

11. The Tale of the Evil Firecracker. Roles: firecracker, hare, fox, bear.

Once upon a time there was a Firecracker. She was angry and despicable, she fought with the hare, fell on the Fox's head, and tripped up the Bear. The Hare was crying, the Fox was wiping her long nose, and the Bear was grumbling dissatisfied. But one day the Bear called the Hare and the Fox and they decided to teach the evil Firecracker a lesson. They surrounded her, their paws pulled towards her, and Firecracker pouted, got angry, and burst with anger! And the Bear, Fox and Bunny began to have fun and dance!

12. The thorny path. Two married couples are invited. Men stand 3-4 meters from their wives. The presenter opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and places them in the path of each man. After this, each man is blindfolded, turned around several times, placed facing his wife and asked to walk to her and hug her. When the men are already blindfolded, the presenter quickly removes the bottles and swaps their wives. Spectators are asked to remain silent. We laughed a lot)

13. "Dance with bath accessories"

Each guest/couple/team must perform a dance with washcloths, brooms, basins, and towels.

14. Game "My Wish"

The presenter holds a closed box in his hands, inside of which there are notes with everyone’s wishes. For example: “I want to change gender to the opposite”, “I want to dance a striptease in a nightclub”, “I want to undress in front of everyone on the table”, “I want to legalize marijuana in Russia”, “I want to want nothing”, “I want to work as a watchman at a distillery", etc. The music turns on, and the host passes the box to the guests, and they begin to pass it to each other. At the moment when the presenter turns off the music, the person who has the box in his hands takes out a note from there and reads it out loud. After the note has been read, the music starts again and the box is passed on.

15. Game "Feed Me"

The guests are divided into pairs. Each couple consists of a man and a woman. The partners' task is to work together, without using their hands, to unwrap and eat the candy that the host will give. The first couple to do this wins.

16.Game "Enter Me"

A couple is invited. The girl is seated on a chair. A bottle with a narrow neck is inserted between her legs. A man is placed a few steps away from her, blindfolded and with a straw in his mouth. He needs to insert a straw into the bottle with the help of the girl's prompts. All this is recorded on a voice recorder or video. Then they say: “Let’s listen to what this couple did last night”)

Unfortunately, we didn’t have enough time for all the competitions, but what we did manage to do went well) I’ll make a reservation that all my competitions are designed for 6 people. but can be easily remade for larger or smaller quantities.

Scenario for an adult birthday in a sauna 1. Prepare notes with wishes and indicate a certain time on them, hand them out to all guests. Everyone must complete their task within the specified time. Do not talk about your task and the time it will take to complete it. It’s very cool when someone suddenly gets up from the table and starts crawling under the table or reading a congratulation out of the blue) We had the following tasks: At 17.00, crawl under the table and read a congratulation: “Let’s do THIS with you.. .Let's celebrate your birthday!” At 17.30 quickly run up to the pool, climb into it and shout: “I see Turkey!” Go up to the table and clarify: “We need a drink for this!” At 18.00 get up and say “Allow me to introduce myself!” choose three different guests and, saying your name, hug one of them, kiss the second, and shake hands with the third. At 18.20, go to the table, pour wine into a glass and read the congratulation: “On your birthday, I will become a cool athlete, Candidate Master in Lifting Glasses!” At 18.45, depicting an airplane with the sound “vzhzhzh”, “weeeee”, etc. run around the table three times. At 19.00, stand on a chair and read the congratulation with expression: “The glasses are clinking, the cake is flying! Champagne explodes! My head hurts a little, Our holiday continues! Hurry to the table, shout a toast! May all your dreams come true! Let the first lines of verse Today be justified!” 2. At the very beginning of the birthday, guests are given paper and markers and each guest draws what they would like to give to the birthday boy (a car, a house, a helicopter, etc.), then in the middle of the party the birthday boy with his eyes closed pulls out a gift. What will pull him out awaits him next year. 3. "SECRET FRIEND". I liked this the most, it went very well!)) At the very beginning of the holiday, notes with the names of the guests are distributed to everyone present. All the notes are put into a bag and the players take turns pulling out any piece of paper with a name (if a guest pulled out a piece of paper with his name, ask him to return it back)). The person whose name is written on the piece of paper pulled out must become a secret friend. The role of a secret friend is that he tries to do something pleasant for this person throughout the holiday, while trying to remain unknown. To do this, he can ask to play that person’s favorite song, treat him to candy, invite him to dance, say or write something nice to him, or discreetly give him a small surprise. At the end of the holiday, a discussion is held during which each player expresses his assumptions about the identity of his secret friend. 4. Lottery. The presenter says: “Many surprises have been prepared for you today. And one of the first surprises is for the luckiest guest. Somewhere here in the hall there is a banknote hidden. Whoever finds it will become the happiest person of the evening.” And as soon as everyone starts looking: “STOP-STOP! You are all SUCH adults, but you still believe in fairy tales - it was a joke)) Do you believe in horoscopes? How many of you would like to know what the coming year has in store for everyone? I have a bag in my hands, and you have the opportunity to take your amulet prize for the year ahead, but blindly." Guests take turns putting their hand into the bag and taking out a gift. Chocolate. The year will be generous and rich. But there is one condition. Take chocolate , remove the label, put it under your pillow, and believe me, in the morning you will be covered in chocolate!” Souvenir candle. This year will be more romantic for you than ever and will help you save money on electricity. The coming year will give you the fulfillment of your wishes, because you are holding the most expensive thing that Gazprom has - gas! with Gazprom, his dreams come true! Instant noodles. This prize has a double interpretation: either you will be fooled all year long, or you will, of course, be more preferable to everyone around you. popular and you will be able to sign autographs for everyone. You can start right now. Magi’s Golden Cube - You have pulled out the most expensive gift, gold has increased in price by 40% over the past year, so this year will be truly golden for you 5. “Why did you come! for this holiday?" Guests pull notes from the bag with pre-prepared answers: Congratulations are purely human! I haven’t been to the sauna for a long time Borrow money I love the birthday girl)) I’m bored at home, and I don’t have to wash the dishes Beg for something as a gift Where else can you talk to smart people? 6. Kind words to the birthday boy. Decipher (in your own way!) the abbreviation so that you get some kind of congratulation or compliment to the birthday person. The music turns on and after 5 minutes each participant will have to read out what he did. For example: Housing and communal services - What a Good Horror. Abbreviations: Ministry of Internal Affairs DOU NTV ZIL Air Force TASS VAZ DRSU 7. Who can prepare and drink a cocktail faster? And now we will prepare the well-known Screwdriver cocktail. By the way, the cocktail got its name from the fact that American engineers, secretly adding vodka to canisters of concentrated juice, stirred the drink with screwdrivers. The recipe is very simple - pour orange juice (you will have to squeeze it out of half an orange) and vodka into a glass, be sure to garnish with a slice of orange. And we drink) Give each guest half an orange, pre-cut slices, vodka and straws. The prize for the fastest was a Screwdriver cocktail from a can) 8. “If you are not a donkey, then you will understand me without words.” Explain the hidden words using gestures: “broom”, “laundry soap” “basin” “loofah” “hot steam” “contrast shower” 9. A pair for each creature). The presenter must prepare cards in advance with the names of animals (two of each type) and distribute them to the participants. The presenter must ensure that one of the paired cards goes to the man and the other to the woman. The music turns on, and at the leader’s command, the participants begin to make the sounds of their animal (grunt, croak, meow, etc.). It is necessary to find your match in this cacophony by sound. 10. A fairy tale about a kitten. It’s better to do it when the guests have already had a drink)) Each guest is randomly given a role in the fairy tale. The presenter reads the words, and the players must depict what they read. Roles: kitten, magpie, rooster, sun, wind, piece of paper. Text of the skit: Today the kitten left the house for the first time. It was a warm summer morning, the sun was spreading its rays in all directions. The kitten sat down on the porch and began to squint in the sun. Suddenly his attention was attracted by a magpie that flew in and sat on the fence. The kitten slowly crawled off the porch and began to sneak up on the bird. The magpie chirped incessantly. The kitten jumped high, but the magpie flew away. It didn't work out. The kitten began to look around in search of new adventures. A light breeze blew and blew a piece of paper along the ground. The paper rustled loudly. The kitten grabbed it, scratched it a little, sniffed it and, not finding anything interesting in it, let it go. The piece of paper flew away, blown by the wind. And then the kitten saw a rooster. Raising his legs high, he walked importantly through the yard. Then he stopped, flapped his wings and sang his sonorous song. Without thinking twice, the kitten rushed at the rooster and grabbed him by the tail. But he pecked the kitten so painfully that he screamed a heart-rending cry and ran back to the porch. He began to lick the wound caused by the rooster. Then he scratched his hind paw behind his ear, stretched out on the porch at his full height and fell asleep. We don’t know what he was dreaming about, but for some reason he kept twitching his paw and moving his mustache in his sleep. Thus ended the kitten’s first acquaintance with the street. (Applause.) 11. A fairy tale about an evil firecracker. Roles: firecracker, hare, fox, bear. Once upon a time there was a Firecracker. She was angry and despicable, she fought with the hare, fell on the Fox's head, and tripped up the Bear. The Hare was crying, the Fox was wiping her long nose, and the Bear was grumbling dissatisfied. But one day the Bear called the Hare and the Fox and they decided to teach the evil Firecracker a lesson. They surrounded her, their paws pulled towards her, and Firecracker pouted, got angry, and burst with anger! And the Bear, Fox and Bunny began to have fun and dance! 12. A thorny path. Two married couples are invited. Men stand 3-4 meters from their wives. The presenter opens 3 bottles of vodka or wine and places them in the path of each man. After this, each man is blindfolded, turned around several times, placed facing his wife and asked to walk to her and hug her. When the men are already blindfolded, the presenter quickly removes the bottles and swaps their wives. Spectators are asked to remain silent. We laughed very hard) 13. “Dance with bath accessories” Each guest/couple/team must perform a dance with washcloths, brooms, basins, towels. 14. Game “My Desire” The presenter has in his hands a closed box, inside of which there are notes with everyone’s desires. For example: “I want to change gender to the opposite”, “I want to dance a striptease in a nightclub”, “I want to undress in front of everyone on the table”, “I want to legalize marijuana in Russia”, “I want to want nothing”, “I want to work as a watchman at a distillery", etc. The music turns on, and the host passes the box to the guests, and they begin to pass it to each other. At the moment when the presenter turns off the music, the person who has the box in his hands takes out a note from there and reads it out loud. After the note has been read, the music starts again and the box is passed on. 15. Game “Feed Me” Guests are divided into pairs. Each couple consists of a man and a woman. The partners' task is to work together, without using their hands, to unwrap and eat the candy that the host will give. The first couple to do this wins. 16. Game “Come into me” Invite a couple. The girl is seated on a chair. A bottle with a narrow neck is inserted between her legs. A man is placed a few steps away from her, blindfolded and with a straw in his mouth. He needs to insert a straw into the bottle with the help of the girl's prompts. All this is recorded on a voice recorder or video. Then they say: “Let’s listen to what this couple did last night”)

The mood is sad, ice and frost do not bring joy, only frustration. Give yourself and your loved ones a little warmth and positivity - spend New Year in the bathhouse! Surely there is such an establishment near your home! Think over the menu, script, decorations and organize the holiday to the highest standard.

If you decide to throw an incendiary party for your friends and family, you need to start organizing it in advance. The place has been chosen, all guests will remember this New Year in the bathhouse for a long time! Right from the snowy street they will find themselves in a paradise oasis. It's hot on the table delicious food, garlands twinkle, a fluffy Christmas tree pleases the eye. But in order for the holiday not to turn into a boring feast, prepare entertainment program. a carnival or an imitation of a matinee in kindergarten - there are many ideas. All you have to do is choose the best and most suitable one for your favorite company.

Sun, beach

Sea coast - favorite place rest of all people on the planet. So reschedule your guests for at least one evening. Sip a cocktail on a sun lounger in a bathing suit and enjoy the warmth, but in fact celebrate the New Year in the bathhouse. The party will be cool and fun. Inform those invited that entry is limited to swimsuits, hats, and sunglasses. Decorate the room with flowers and beach accessories: inflatable rings, pareos, umbrellas, sun loungers, vines, palm trees. Here you can give free rein to your imagination. Build a sun out of thick cardboard and hang it from the ceiling. As soon as you enter the room, your mood will skyrocket.

Dancing on the water

New Year's Eve in the bathhouse is real bliss and irrepressible fun. Therefore, prepare a sufficient number of competitions and quizzes. It is better to alternate trips to the steam room and outdoor games. Guests may get tired and abandon your plans.

Everyone loves to dance, without exception. A funny dance battle wouldn't be out of place. Select several jury members and three pairs “on the floor”. Select music in advance: ballet composition, gypsy motif and Russian dance! Make three pairs of bracelets of different colors from cardboard. Let those who wish to take part in the competition choose their own cardboard decoration. The dance genre is written inside it. Participants find their partner with the same bracelet and pair up. They take turns improvising to a given tune, and the jury decides who wins this competition. The more pairs, the funnier! You can complicate the task of the contestants by having them perform the dance in a pool or a huge basin of water!

You will spend a great New Year in the bathhouse; the scenario should be bright and rich in competitions, games, and riddles.

Chief Guest

Well, what would a winter holiday be without Santa Claus! He should definitely appear at your party and give gifts! Presents can be humorous and inexpensive. It is not necessary to purchase a Santa Claus costume; wide red ones and a cap are an excellent choice for this evening. Good old Grandfather enters the room: “Hello, guys and girls! I stopped by to see you, it was a very difficult day! I brought you gifts and gave you a surprise. My wife is young, wow, so beautiful!”

The wife comes out - Baba Zhara! The costume may look like a Hawaiian costume or just a swimsuit and hat.

“Welcome, people! I see that the people gathered here are not rabble, but only aristocrats, not pirates at all! We will congratulate you, amuse and entertain you! I announce the presentation of gifts, I invite those who wish to come to me!”

To receive prizes, you need to complete simple tasks:

  • Finish the phrase: “We’ll have a fun New Year if...” The prize will be given to the one who gives the funniest answer.
  • Jump around the Christmas tree on one leg and shout very loudly.
  • Dance a lambada for us and scratch your left heel.
  • Sing us a song about frost, while holding your nose.
  • Kiss your neighbor on the ear and quickly waltz with him.

Such comic tasks will make the New Year in the bathhouse unforgettable!


For each victory in the competition, prizes must be awarded to the winners. Or just give everyone cool things. But if there are a lot of guests, your budget may suffer. There is a solution, every gorgeous gift will have the same eyeliner! This is how fun we will celebrate the New Year in the bathhouse!

  • a luxury car is awarded to the best driver of the year (toy car);
  • a bright spot in life goes into the hands of a lucky person (a roll of toilet paper);
  • an American super-model came to live with an avid bachelor for permanent and joint residence (Barbie doll);
  • washing modern vacuum cleaner for best housewife(plastic mop);
  • safe for storing millions (casket);
  • elixir of youth (can of condensed milk);
  • cruise on a liner (wooden boat);
  • slimming tablets (laxative).

Guests will really like cool gifts, especially if they are presented by Santa Claus himself. Such a holiday will not only be fun, but also healthy. for the New Year - good remedy to boost immunity!

Forest Dwellers

A fun party can be held in the style of a children's party. Announce to guests that entry to the premises is only allowed in costumes of forest animals! Over-aged bunnies, wolves, and foxes will look funny. The mood will lift only when you see your friends dressed up! Once everyone has gathered, the matinee for adults can begin! Elka will lead it! The presenter can wear green dress and hang it with tinsel or sew it directly to clothes Christmas decorations. The result will be a very attractive and vibrant image. You need to speak in an announcer's tone, as if she is a teacher in younger group kindergarten! “Hello, uncles and aunties! Is there some kind of holiday today? Why are you all dressed up?” The guests answer in unison why they are gathered here! Have a few active competitions and games with your invited friends, and then you can move on to riddles.

Think through everything to the smallest detail in advance so that this is the best New Year in the bathhouse! It’s better to write the script down on a piece of paper so you don’t get confused and forget anything!

Let's have fun from the heart

Have fun at every holiday. Banal and boring feasts have long been out of fashion. Winter holidays are special, everyone expects miracles and goodness. Arrange in advance with the administrator to have a sauna prepared for you for the New Year. The Moscow region is simply strewn with good establishments. Usually these are hotels or cottages offering bathhouse services. For example, “Mamontovo”, “Volna”, “Leninsky Mansion”, etc. There is cleanliness, order and a pleasant atmosphere of celebration! includes not only a steam room and a swimming pool, but also spacious rooms, a kitchen, and a relaxation room. Everything is equipped necessary equipment, towels, sheets. When going to such a bathhouse, you only need to take with you good mood! Let this evening be remembered by everyone for a long time! And perhaps in next year you will want to celebrate the New Year in the bathhouse again!

IN lately holidays, birthdays or friendly get-togethers baths and saunas have become very popular, especially since almost all modern baths are equipped with a banquet hall, musical equipment, and a relaxation area for fresh air. Most often, a close group of relatives or friends gathers; it is for such an occasion that this book was written. sauna party script "Heat is not a hindrance to fun."

This is fun competitive program on the theme of baths For adult company, which can be arranged before water or health procedures (thanks to the author of this idea). If it's an anniversary, then it's worth adding something funny

Leading: It is obvious that real lovers of the Russian bathhouse have gathered here! After all, what could be better than a cool park, a cheerful broom and foamy beer after a Russian steam room! Therefore, we are pleased to begin our bath party “Heat is not a hindrance to fun,” where we gathered for healing, warm communication and laughter. All the games, entertainment, poems and songs today are only about her - the unique and wonderful - Russian bathhouse!

First toast

Wash away the sickness, pain and sweat

Our people go to the bathhouse!

Eh, let's turn up the heat today!

We wish everyone: “Enjoy your steam!”

(short break)

Table guessing game "Finish the phrase"

Leading: Whoever wets his throat will scream loudly. I start a phrase, and you finish it in unison. Let's go.

With a light - ferry-

Lather - neck

Walk - with a broom

Give in - it's hot

Release - steam

Warm up - bones.

Flood my bathhouse - ....( in white). I'm no longer used to the white light!

I'll get mad, and the hot steam will untie me. -… (language)!

Leading: While the steam is hot, I see that not everyone has loosened their tongues yet, the floor is presented to our most avid bathhouse attendant, who is ready to talk about the bathhouse in any condition

Second toast

Leading: Well, we know how to talk about the bath topic, but which amateur is ready to create a work of art glorifying this great invention of mankind? (5-6 people are invited for the competition)

Competition part of the script “Heat is not a hindrance to fun”:

Competition "Terry creation"

For this competition you need five to six large terry towels. We recruit the appropriate number of participants. Their task is to make/lay out some kind of shape from towels. We make sure to record the time it takes each player to complete the task. You can demonstrate, for example, a towel fan so that the players understand what is required of them. During the game, a funny song about a sea of ​​beer or something else “bathhouse” is played.

The players are evaluated by the audience: first, they must understand what is depicted. This is five points. If you guessed only with the player's hint, only three points. Secondly, you need to take into account the time it took the participant to make his terry figure. Thirdly, the audience should demonstrate by their applause which of the figures they liked best. The main prize is a birch broom. You can give everyone else a different soap.

(short break, then the presenter continues the program)

"Bath Riddles"

1. Dry, but remote -

He left everyone in the steam room,

He overcame every illness. (broom)

2. Here is a sheepskin coat made of brick,

Gives off steam in the heat of the moment. (bake)

3. High on the roof

Puffs of black smoke. (pipe)

4. Soft, airy,

Much needed in the bathhouse!

I'll wrap myself around one edge,

I'm wiping myself with the other edge! (towel)

(four players who have solved the riddles, the host invites them to go to the center)


The bathhouse is a physical and mental relaxation for us,

And getting a good workout in it is a very desirable thing!

(addresses 4 players) Choose your partner in the hall and bring him to us!

(this is how four pairs were formed).

Contest "Everyone dances in the bathhouse!"

Each couple draws a card with the name of one or another prop and must dance with washcloths - an erotic dance, with towels - a gypsy, with brooms - a lady, with basins - African dances. There is no need to choose winners, this is a game for general fun. The main thing is to choose appropriate music and props.

(short musical break)

Leading: Real bathhouse attendants know that in bathhouses there are men's and women's days, our bath party is no exception - I propose to hold a separate men’s and women’s competition

A funny game for ladies: “Don’t say “yes” and “no” in the bathhouse!”

The presenter says that there is an opinion that women are talkative and inattentive and proposes to dispel this myth with the help of the children's game “Will you go to the ball?” So he will ask different tricky questions, and according to the rules of the game: don’t say “yes” and “no,” don’t wear black and white, don’t tell your neighbor!” Be sure to ensure that the conditions are met; for violations, the participant will be eliminated. The host can repeat a poem from the game before each question. The action must be dynamic, otherwise it will look like a boring survey. In the final there are three winners who receive.


Do you take off your panties when you wash? (remember that players are not allowed to say “yes” or “no”!)

Your neighbor's nose doesn't freeze in the steam room ? (here, make sure your neighbor doesn’t give you any hints!)

At what temperature does the heat break your bones?

If the bathhouse is not flooded white, then it is flooded...? (the word “black” should not be pronounced!)

Do you like to lick honey off yourself in a steam room? (there cannot be a “yes”/“no” answer!)

Did your beautiful neighbor dream of becoming a bath attendant as a child? (trick!)

Why do you love contrast showers?

Is Charcot's shower named after Charcot's doctor? (trick again!)

What do you do in the jacuzzi?

In Roman baths they drown in black? (they drown, of course, in white, but the player must do without this word, otherwise he’ll be eliminated!)

What kind of salt did your neighbor on the left rub in the steam room? And your neighbor on the right? (trick question!)

The winners are awarded the title of the most unbending and are invited to be tested in the next competition. For this, three cool macho men are invited who are ready to embarrass these “iron” ladies a little.

Competition "It's hot for me, it's hot!"

Bathhouse "Crocodile"

Based on the name, we explain that here you need to show an object or phenomenon that naturally relates to the bath theme with your whole body - without words! - so that your team members can guess it. Words for riddles can be the following: foam, heat, dry steam, body scrub.

"Bath Proverbs in Faces"

The principle is the same as in the previous game, so the games, if desired, can be combined and made a second round, or they can be played separately. The essence of the competition: to depict an entire proverb without words, because... not all of them are well known, you can do it not by guessing, but by playing it out, a competition for artistry - teams draw cards, announce a proverb and quickly improvise, depicting its content.

Variants of proverbs for playing on:

- “The broom is master of everyone in the bathhouse.”
- “Tobacco and a bathhouse, a tavern and a woman - one thing is fun.”
- “The bathhouse soars, the bathhouse rules. The bath will fix everything.”
- “If it weren’t for the bathhouse, we would all be lost.”
- “Bathhouse is the second mother.”
- “The bow cures seven ailments.”

- “Onions and baths rule everything.”
- “Here’s an ice bath, water brooms,

worry - don't get burned, give in -

They didn’t fall down, they didn’t fall off the shelf!”
- “Eat up on onions, go to the bathhouse, rub yourself with horseradish and drink kvass.”
- “Russian bone loves warmth.”

- “The heat doesn’t break the bones.”
- “The soul loves coolness, but the flesh loves steam.”

Competition "Race in the steam room"

The competition can be held when you have enough space. Two teams of five to seven people are recruited. Each team is given large-sized family shorts to make it easier to put on and take off, and a hat. At the finish line, either the hero of the occasion (the hero of the day and his wife) or the selected participants stand. They are holding brooms in their hands.

The task of the teams is for the player to put on shorts and a cap and run to the finish line. There he receives a couple of blows with a broom and returns back. Removes bath accessories and passes them to the next player. He does the same. The winner is not the team that finishes steaming the fastest, but the one on whose broom there are as few leaves as possible left.

P.S. If bathhouse lovers are gathered at a party, then it may be useful for the “Bathhouse Attendant Horoscope” program (thanks to the author!)

(download by clicking on the file)

Getting out into nature, sitting at home or in a cafe is, of course, great. But nowhere can you relax your body and soul as much as in a good steam room. Do you agree? Then the bath party will surely leave only positive impressions in your memory!


Many people think that getting together in a sauna or bathhouse for a birthday means singing ditties, snacking on herring and diving headfirst into a snowdrift. Not at all! In close company with friends and in such an environment, it is easy to organize a themed party.

In fact, the relaxation area of ​​a modern bathhouse is not much different from the cafe hall. And it is here, and not in the steam room, that the company will spend most of the time. The following themes are often chosen to decorate a youth bath party:

  • Hawaiian party. Short tops and rather the absence of skirts than their presence, shorts for guys. Lots of bright tropical flowers, palm leaves, coconuts, bananas;
  • Marine. Striped decor, boats, coral shells, umbrella flip-flops. Shorts, swimsuits, pareos. Light snacks, seafood. If the bathhouse has a swimming pool, that’s it;
  • Eastern. And again half-naked beauties, only now in transparent trousers. Guys with naked torsos. Lots of fruit. Plus oriental flavor - sweets, silk, ethnic dishes, colorful pillows;

  • Greek. Wrap yourself in a white sheet, tie yourself with a gold braid - charming Aphrodite or majestic Zeus is at your service! Well, all sorts of little things like olives, fruit wines and pottery.

In the chilly autumn or snowy winter, organize a bathhouse party in summer style- great idea! Especially if among your friends there are many who like to take a steam bath, i.e. if the bathhouse environment itself has long become familiar.

Our website has details about any of the topics listed. Below is a description of the traditional version.

So, back to the herring and ditties. To decorate traditional bath gatherings, anything that hints at the Slavic style will be useful. There is no need to clutter the space - a few details will suffice:

  • dried mushrooms and bagels with beads, branches of rowan and rose hips, bunches of aromatic herbs, birch and other brooms;
  • tubs, ladles, tubs, etc.. IN wooden dishes You can put fruits of a similar shape, put an armful of wildflowers or sunflowers;

  • “grandmother’s” chest, Khokhloma box or wicker basket. Put a mirror, nourishing cream, a wooden brush, and disposable napkins inside – this will come in handy for forgetful ladies;
  • a pair of striped rugs and towels with a bright red pattern(like on towels) will enhance the original atmosphere. In some places you can “accidentally leave” bath accessories;

  • two or three proverbs on the topic of bathing will add ambience. Print it out, frame it and hang it on the wall.

For a photo shoot, in addition to brooms and wooden containers, buy several hats with funny drawings/inscriptions. Make invitations to a bath party - a themed flyer or postcard in the shape of the same hat, broom, tub.

What to wear and take with you to the bathhouse?

As they say, everyone is equal here, there are no generals here. Largely due to the lack of outerwear, or even any clothing at all. Of course, you can wear a long, elegant dress or suit to the bathhouse. Just the point?

It makes more sense to wear something comfortable and simple that is easy to take off and not scary to hang on a common hanger. It is better to leave expensive jewelry at home - traditionally, in the steam room there should be nothing on the body except bath accessories. High humidity, a lot of people change clothes, something can get lost, something can get damaged from contact with water.

For the most creative - funny bath costumes of different characters(the selection is very large, the prices are reasonable). For fashionistas - elegant sets.

It’s easier for men – as long as they don’t have their favorite extended families. And for women, we have some tips on what to wear to a bath party and what to take with you:

  • Both swimsuits and sheets are appropriate in the steam room(whatever is more convenient for you). A cap or towel on your head is required to avoid heat stroke and dry hair. A rug for sitting will come in handy (what if there aren’t any extra ones in the bathhouse?);
  • in the relaxation area you can wear a comfortable robe if you feel shy wearing a swimsuit or a sheet;

  • don't forget rubber slippers. Even if they are given out at the bathhouse, for hygiene reasons it is better to bring your own;
  • the same goes for towels - at least two, a large one for the body and a smaller one for the hair;
  • Despite all the benefits, the sauna greatly dries out the skin. To avoid suffering from the consequences later, be sure to remove all makeup before the steam room. Before the steam room, apply a protective balm to your lips and a mask to your hair. After 10 min. After leaving the steam room, apply a non-greasy nourishing product to your skin.

Those. In addition to clothes, you need to take makeup remover, lip balm, hair mask (optional), cream/mask for face, hands and body, shampoo, comb, elastic band or hairpin.

Consult your specialist if you have recently had:

  • lamination or extension of hair, eyelashes;
  • permanent makeup, tattoo;
  • piercing;
  • hardware cosmetic procedures;
  • nail extensions.

In some cases, after such procedures you cannot visit the sauna. Then the party will have to be limited to the pool and/or recreation area.


Eating too much in a bathhouse is harmful to your health, but, as a rule, after a steam room you develop a voracious appetite. To pacify it, light snacks are ideal - cold cuts of meat and vegetables, vegetable salads, seafood, fruits. Fish, nuts, salted crackers and other snacks are appropriate. A common table is more comfortable, without any frills.
If there is a grill on site, lovers of barbecue, vegetables and mushrooms on the grill will be delighted. Only all heavy food and strong alcohol - after the steam room!

It is better to choose desserts that are not afraid of high temperature and humidity (they will not melt or flow). For a birthday, you can order a bath-style cake, but then the establishment must have a working (!) refrigerator - this point needs to be clarified separately.

Drinks according to the tastes of the guests, but preferably light ones - beer, wine and champagne, cocktails. Non-alcoholic drinks include fresh juices, kvass, fruit drinks, mineral water, tea (from a samovar - gorgeous!). Regular drinking water It’s also better to take it with you.


It’s common to relax in a bathhouse, so a complex bathhouse party scenario is probably not needed. But funny competitions will not let your friends get bored and will leave them in the memory pleasant memories. Only everything is desirable active games spend before the steam room or half an hour later, when the body returns to normal after the heat load.

We propose to play out the scenario of a “struggle” for the titles of Mr. Bath and Mrs. Bath. No need for long eyeliners, just have fun! How to choose the winners? Conduct a vote, grant this honor to the birthday person, or persuade friends in advance and reward the hero of the occasion and his/her significant other.
“Dirty” competitions (before the steam room or it doesn’t matter if there is a swimming pool)

  • Shave the ball(draw for women). The goal is clear from the name of the competition. The point is that when the ladies bend over the balls, which are heavily smeared with cream, the men must simultaneously burst them.

  • Appetizing body art. The goal is to draw a funny costume, cream or other food on the body of your partner/friend.
  • Very dirty challenge. For this entertainment, you need to prepare the eggs - squeeze out the contents through a hole (it will go on pancakes) and fill the shells with all sorts of “horrors” - cream, ketchup and mayonnaise, shaving foam, jelly, cocoa powder, etc. Write down the actions on pieces of paper - crush with your foot, smash on your forehead, crush with your butt, chew, etc.

You pull the piece of paper, perform a forfeit, spin the bottle. The “lucky” person, to whom the neck points, pulls the next piece of paper and spins the bottle after completing the forfeit.

Tests for women

  • Make a sexy dress from a large sheet without scissors or accessories.
  • It’s good to “steam” your companion (or girlfriend?) with a rolled-up newspaper. The one whose “broom” wears out the most wins.

Tests for men

  • Blindfolded (before the steam room, while the floors are dry!) ​​find a bottle, open it, insert a straw and drink faster than your rivals. Ladies can give directions to their companions. Bottles are better with beer or water, small ones 0.33;
  • Pop your balloon faster than your opponents. Method - sitting on a chair, jumping on the fifth point foot pump(ask your friends - these are sold along with inflatable mattresses, gymnastic balls, swimming pools). Turn on “Esaul, Yesaul” by Gazmanov or a cowboy song, it will be funny.

With friends, in close company

  • According to the script, party guests must dance a bath dance(download suitable music). You can do it in pairs, ladies VS men or each for himself. Pull out one of the pieces of paper:
    • basins (come up with a savage dance)
    • brooms (dance the lady)
    • washcloths (erotic dance)
    • towel (gypsy).
  • The two of you wrap yourself in one big sheet and “run” to the finish line before your opponents;
  • Place a couple of eggs in a bag, tie the bag so that it hangs just above your knees. The goal is to break others' eggs and keep your own intact. Traditionally for men, but in reality it doesn’t matter - it will be funny for everyone, regardless of the gender of the participants.

  • Twister(on a sheet with circles). Everything would be fine, just a minimum of clothes on the guests.
  • The same sediments and balls, but it takes two to burst(pair competition), without using arms and legs, without letting the sediment fall to the floor. This means “harvesting” the deposits with bodies.
  • Bath leaf– tear off all the sheets of paper from your other half with your teeth faster than your opponent (stickers).

  • Other entertainment:
    • play a “bathhouse” crocodile or pantomime (draw or show everything that is associated with a bathhouse);
    • sing karaoke;
    • drunken billiards (take turns to hit, missed - penalty);
    • collect and hold as many balls or balls as possible for a dry pool (can be in water if there is a pool in the bathhouse);
    • any card games.

Gifts – bath accessories, themed souvenirs, cosmetics such as oils, soaps self made, sea ​​salts(something that suits everyone, without reference to the individual - this is not entirely appropriate even in a close company).

Advice to the organizer:

  • hammam, thermal bath, sauna or Russian bath - to each his own. Modern baths, regardless of type, include a spacious recreation area, swimming pool, showers, billiard room plus music equipment and karaoke. When choosing an institution, check out what is included in the cost of visiting;

  • It is advisable to negotiate with the bathhouse attendant so that the steam room maintains average temperature. If there are people in the company who like to turn up the heat, let them “break away” separately from other guests;
  • alcohol and sauna are a bad combination. But, as a rule, not a single traditional bathhouse party is complete without beer and white wine. The organizer must ensure that guests remain in a sane state (this is important for health!). And under no circumstances did you visit the steam room if the degree of fun was off the charts;
  • In decent baths they give out all the necessary accessories, but sometimes they require an additional payment or, as luck would have it, the required one is not available. It’s better to take several sets with you in case one of the guests forgets to grab slippers or other small items;

  • The bath is very good for health, but also dangerous. There must be a first aid kit with the necessary medications on hand, and the establishment must have a person on staff who knows how to provide first aid for heatstroke and problems with the cardiovascular system. Gently make sure that all guests are allowed to visit the steam room (the sea is contraindicated).