Financial airbag: what it is, how to create it and where to store it. A financial airbag is an important necessity in the life of a prudent person.

Alexander Rudenko - about why it is important not to use all the profit “in business”, but to leave part of it “for a rainy day”

Many entrepreneurs have encountered a situation where there is a cash gap or, even worse, “there is no money and there is no money in sight.” The reasons may be different - improper planning, force majeure in the market, poor quality work of employees responsible for sales or working with contractors, etc. In this situation, an “airbag” could help out, but how many companies purposefully create it? We asked Alexander Rudenko, an entrepreneur who survived the collapse of a business and partial bankruptcy, to express his opinion about this controversial problem, and created the “Rake Science” community, within which he analyzes his own and others’ mistakes.

Entrepreneur from Khabarovsk, ex-owner of the chain of canteens “100lovka” and pizzerias “Pizza Yes!”, business speaker, creator of the master class “Racking - invaluable lessons from other people’s failures” and the Facebook community “Raking. Life hacker for business". Author of the book "Rake Science".

“Yes, we know that a financial “safety cushion” is needed... As soon as we have the opportunity, we will immediately start saving... We really want to, but so far it’s not possible... We’d like to save up for a salary...” Do you recognize yourself? In general, this is about all of us.

When creditors began to press me, they all, as one, twisted their fingers to their temples. It turned out that neither the company nor I had any reserves, no cushion, no savings .

To be honest, this was a big revelation for me too. I couldn’t understand why we worked all this time and where did all the money that came to us and that we earned go?! Neither the company nor I had not only any more or less serious assets or savings, but even some basic nest eggs. We were dependent on everything - on rent, on equipment, which was almost all in collateral, and we ourselves - apart from human and intellectual resources - represented little.

When the first crazy waves of pressure passed, when it was possible to at least begin to raise my head, when it became possible to use the phone for more than two hours - and it did not run out of charge from endless calls, when I generally had some free time and strength to think, then I began to feel more and more The question of how capital, reserves, and “safety cushions” are created in general is raised. It is useless to ask why I didn’t think about this before - I’m not sure that everyone reading does this themselves and regularly.

Until that time, I thought quite simply - here is my company, there are my achievements, I have a certain income, which is more than others, and I use it to acquire the blessings of life. If I want more benefits, I just need to either work more, or take out, for example, a loan, and get the benefits now. It's simple: a larger company means more income.

But the situation turned out to be such that there was no capital at all, and a bunch of debts also formed. I started to figure it out: how is it possible, is it really like this for everyone - if it’s not the season or the business is temporarily stalled, then that’s it - there’s no money?

I was surprised to discover that there is such a thing as creating assets that make money regardless of your participation. Such assets can be real estate, investments, business, in the end. And the more of these same assets, and the more diversified they are, the more financial security you are.

And business - in addition to all the joys of self-realization - is also an excellent tool for creating assets.

I will not delve into the story of asset creation, financial planning, etc.; I will only list those books that helped me personally figure this out and that made the greatest impression. I sincerely recommend reading them to everyone, regardless of their level of financial literacy and business situation:

  • Bodo Schaefer- “The path to financial freedom”;
  • George Clason- “The richest man in Babylon”;
  • Konstantin Baksht- “Taste of life. How to achieve success, financial freedom, and control your destiny";
  • Vladimir Savenok- “Drawing up a personal financial plan»;
  • Vladimir Savenok- “Investing is simple.”

This is a must read that will change your mind if you have not yet dived into the topic of creating capital and financial literacy. Moreover, it absolutely does not matter who you are - an entrepreneur, a manager, an employee or a freelancer.

I really liked the example described in one of the books: a certain homeless man, who begged alms every day, at the end of each day handed over money to the bank opposite the place where he himself was located. Everyone who knew him laughed at him little secret. And either six or eight years later he bought himself an apartment. It was in Moscow. The common denominator that runs through all the books is that it doesn’t matter how much you save or invest, as long as you do it regularly.

Please note that until recently I considered such topics a boring activity that only accountants or financiers needed. And I was surprised to discover that these books can be read, that they are interesting and even exciting.

Returning to the financial “airbag”: I am convinced that it is extremely necessary for any entrepreneur, person, or business. Firstly, its creation creates discipline: you understand that every month you need to set aside a certain amount or a certain percentage of income or turnover. Secondly, to determine the amount of the “cushion” or this percentage, you need to start counting money. And this is also a big step forward.

Sometimes in entrepreneurship they don’t even think: if you have money, it’s good, if you don’t, it’s bad. As a Chinese supplier once told me: we hire an accountant only when money starts falling out of our pockets and we understand that we can’t handle it ourselves.

Thirdly, this “cushion” can be savings for an important purpose - for example, to modernize production or invest in real estate. Fourthly, this is something that can help you get back on your feet in case something happens to your business.

How to create a “safety cushion” is everyone’s business; you need to learn to determine acceptable risks: some keep foreign currency in a safe deposit box, some in securities, some on deposit.

The “pillow” must do one thing important condition– it must be quickly obtainable or convertible into money. These are funds that may be needed urgently, and there is no point in investing them in something illiquid.

...If we go back and simulate the situation - what if, at the time of problems in business, I had a certain reserve of money, would it become easier for me?

Answer: At a minimum, I would take out one or two fewer loans, and I think I would be more careful about spending money that has been accumulating for a long time. I would try to assess the situation and risks more thoughtfully. It’s not like the next hole was simply closed with borrowed money.

Therefore, pay attention to your budget and profit distribution; Believe me, a financial “airbag” - in any form and size - will never hurt. Perhaps this is where the creation of capital in its meaningful sense will begin.

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Investment blog - all about ways to make money on the Internet

What is an investment blog? This is the site where the following are collected:

  • Articles about money, economics and finance;
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Blog of private investor Ganesa

Having gone through many stages of the starting path on my own, I came across a rake that made me smarter and set my work in a productive direction. And I know how important it is at the very start to have qualified and professional support from an investor who has gone through everything on his own.

“Why a blog?”, you ask, and I hasten to answer that this is a convenient form of communication, filling content and establishing communication. And in the financial world, where every second something changes, the Bitcoin rate loses or gains up to hundreds of dollars, and miners mine a new block, it is extremely important to constantly be in touch and quickly respond to everything. GQ Blog Monitor can boast of this. I don't just advise, I also simplify your life. A crypto portfolio launched at the beginning of the year is a convenient method to organize investments and only monitor positive updates. If you previously kept records yourself, now everything is much simpler.

Investment articles on blogs appear every day, but I fill the content taking into account the desires, opportunities and interests of everyone. I do not write a separate blog specifically for an experienced trader or a beginner, I do not write separate articles about investing in stocks, as in a highly specialized investor blog. My blog combines recommendations from a practical investor, reviews, tips, news from different financial spheres. Together with me, you can not only learn how to make money work, but also what needs to be done so that the slogan “Keep and increase” becomes basic rule for all partners.

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This is done to ensure that the decisions you make and certain investments you make are objective and effective.

My conclusions about investment blogs and my blog

In order to develop and follow all current trends, I read the blogs of partners “Save your money!”, a popular blog of a practical investor talks a lot about various bonus programs and plastic cards; and by flipping through a blog from an experienced homebody investor, you can learn more about the Forex market and the rules of working on it. I often visit the blog from Denis, a free investor who works with cryptocurrency. You can work with PAMM accounts and learn about investing in stocks and gold by reading the materials of a lazy investor who has been blogging for a long time. They learn a lot from me, and I learn a lot from them. And this is good: the exchange of data and information always has a positive effect on each side.

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I work for all investors, no matter what your total investment volume is per week or month. GQ Blog Monitor is your guide, advisor and ally in the world of investments and financial literacy. I hope that when the next wave of voting takes place among readers and users for the best investment blog on the RuNet, you will bet on my investment blog, where recommendations are collected in one place on how to increase money during the Super Moon, tips on how to invest small ones for big profits amounts and the best fresh HYIPs.

My investment blog is an encyclopedia, an address book, reliable assistant and a consultant with a news feed for everyone.

An old Russian proverb says that until thunder strikes, a man will not cross himself. A very fair saying for our country. By nature, a Russian person is an optimist, does not like to think about bad things and lives for today. Maybe it will pass. That's how we often say it.

Why am I all this? And besides, today I decided to raise one very interesting topic. The topic of creating defensive financial mechanisms. In case it gets fucked up. The most basic element of such a mechanism is financial airbag .

Financial airbag - This is an untouchable cash reserve that will give you the opportunity to calmly survive difficult periods in life. When there is nowhere to get money because you were fired. Or your health doesn’t allow you to earn them because it’s not childish. Or maybe you just urgently need a large amount of money that you don’t have. What to do then? Options to rob a bank and get the inheritance of a rich American grandfather are not considered. The simplest one remains. Go to the bank and borrow money. And if the bank doesn’t give it to you, then you can visit a pawnshop. Or to some office with an appealing slogan like “Money for everyone, quickly.”

Such a choice is most often the beginning of even more serious financial problems. It becomes even more difficult to get out of such a mess.

But this is if you forget about the possibility of “black streaks” in life and serenely enjoy life like Nuf-Nuf and Nif-Nif. And it’s good if there is such a prudent brother as Naf-Naf. Which will help cover one place when it catches fire. And if there is no such brother, then what?

Well, in general, you understand what I mean by all this. This is what I really want to convey to you, friends, that we shouldn’t be such complete optimists and hope that we will definitely get through. And nothing will ever happen to us. You have to think like Bobby Fischer, a few steps ahead. And prepare, just in case, a defense. Financial.

How to form?

As I already said, the point is to create a financial safety net for yourself or your family. This means regularly setting aside part of your income and saving money. And away from your loved one. Many people claim that they have no reason to save money. Because incomes are very low. I'd like to last until my next paycheck. In fact, as practice shows, it is always possible to allocate 10% of any income. And put this amount aside in reserve.

This is the first of the so-called financial health principles. You received a salary, an advance, you found money under a bush on the street, they gave it to you for your birthday - make it a rule: send 10% of any income to the reserve.

The second principle of financial health is called "Pay yourself first" . This means that you need to set aside 10% as soon as you receive any income. Many people are not at all against creating savings. But they put it off “until later.” When everything is paid for and everything is bought. It’s clear that by this point there really is nothing to put off. Therefore, first we put money into reserve - that is, we pay ourselves, and only then - everyone else.

This is how your family reserve fund will be created little by little - a financial airbag.

What size?

Now, what size should it be? All personal finance experts advise keeping as a reserve an amount that is enough for your usual standard of living. within 6 months . It is assumed that you can get out of it in six months. Find new job, get well, etc. Moreover, if you have loans, the amount of the reserve should include money to pay them off. For example. Your monthly expenses are:

— food and household expenses – 20,000 rubles;

— rent and utilities – 4,000 rubles;

— expenses for a car – 3,500 rubles;

— expenses for entertainment – ​​1,500 rubles;

— expenses for a child – 5,000 rubles;

— loans – 7,000 rubles.

TOTAL expenses per month – 41,000 rubles.

We multiply this figure by 6 and get the value of the reserve fund: 41,000 x 6 = 246,000 rubles.

In times of crisis, of course, everything is more complicated. There is a greater risk of losing your job, and then it is more difficult to find a new one. It’s more difficult to borrow from someone because they don’t lend it. During such periods, it is better to increase the size of the pillow to a size sufficient for 9-12 months of quality life.

I would like to draw your attention to the fact that the financial safety net is “real money”. These are not securities, not gold, not shares of mutual funds, or even any deposit in a bank. The purpose of such a pillow is insurance to survive personal crises. You cannot buy milk, bread or meat in a store and pay for it in securities or gold. Only real money. In the currency of the country in which you live. Here's what you need. Moreover, it is desirable to have as free access to this money as possible. You never know how and when they may be needed.

How and where to store?

In order to save money for a financial airbag, you immediately need to open deposit in a reliable bank with options for replenishment and partial withdrawal . And gradually contribute money to this deposit.

It has somehow become difficult to find reliable banks these days. If a year ago I considered banks included in the top 30 in terms of net assets as such, now it is better to stay in the top 10 to store a family cash reserve. Out of harm's way. Let's open the portal and see what kind of banks they are. As of March 30, 2016, the list of banks that you can trust to store your reserve looks like this:

  1. Sberbank
  2. VTB
  3. Gazprombank.
  4. FC Otkritie
  5. VTB-24.
  6. Rosselkhozbank.
  7. Alfa-Bank.
  8. Bank of Moscow.
  9. UniCredit Bank.
  10. Moscow Credit Bank.

I don't think this list will change much in the future. Focus on him.

It will be unrealistic to get some interesting rate on a replenishable-revocable deposit in these banks, but that’s not the point. I'll repeat myself, but I'll say it again. The main function of a financial cushion is your protection in case of force majeure. Therefore, it is important that nothing happens to this money. So that they can be used without problems. And it is very undesirable for the bank in which your work record is stored to “crack” at the most inopportune moment. You will then receive the money through deposit insurance, but it may take several days, or even weeks. That’s why it’s in the top 10 and that’s it!

And one more moment. There is often a question. Shouldn't we convert, at least partially, the family reserve into foreign currency? Different financial advisors answer differently. Some people are categorically against this. Others are for it. Personally, I agree more with the latter.

You can do this. For 3 months, prepare a reserve in rubles on a deposit with replenishment and withdrawal functions. And for the next 3 months - convert rubles into foreign currency. But also not into one, but split between dollars and euros, for example, 60% to 40%. In this case, if they come difficult times, for the first time you will definitely have money. And if it becomes clear that the situation will not improve in 3 months, you can gradually change the currency to rubles and then use them. No panic. Everything can be done in a relaxed manner. And this is very important in moments of “disaster”.

Friends, in any case, be sure to create your own cash reserve. In any case, you will have an advantage over many of your friends and acquaintances who will not do this.

These are the benefits.

  1. You will have real financial security in case of a rainy day.
  2. It happens that the work is already sitting in the liver, but there is no way to put an end to it and leave. You have to live on something. With a reserve, you can turn the page and try somewhere else.
  3. As numerous studies show, having a cash reserve purely psychologically makes you feel more comfortable. Be more confident in the future and take smart risks. And without reasonable risk it is impossible to become a rich person.

That's all for me today. Do you already have a financial airbag? If not, will you create it? I look forward to your comments.

A cash reserve in case you lose your main sources of income, or an emergency arises that requires significant expenses, is called a financial airbag. Its goal is simple - to insure you during a cash-strapped period, allowing you to maintain your usual lifestyle without critical restrictions.

When you need a financial cushion

Few people have not thought about their fate if they lose their job. What to do then if a new one cannot be found quickly? After all, expenses for food, medicine, housing and loan repayments will remain even with zero income.

Or, God forbid, a serious medical diagnosis and the need for expensive treatment; unfortunately, health insurance does not cover all costs. Then a pre-prepared supply of money will be a good help.

Or just emergency repairs to an apartment after a flood. Or replacement of expensive equipment in the event of a breakdown after the repair warranty period.

A financial cushion is lifebuoy exclusively for emergencies, your personal monetary security insurance.

How much money should be in stock

We have already found out that a financial airbag is usually spoken of as a limit in case of loss of sources of livelihood. It's like a personal fund in case of unemployment. How quickly you can find a job depends on your qualifications and the demand for your specialty in the labor market. Sometimes searches drag on for months. Therefore, the recommended minimum cushion time frame is from 3 to 6 months. However, if you want to feel more confident in the future, and your income allows you to make more significant savings, the amount of savings can and should be increased.

To determine the size of the stock, you will have to study and analyze your expenses. How much money is spent monthly on living: on food, payment utilities, kindergarten, meals for children at school, travel on public transport, rented accommodation, hygiene products? If you cannot answer this question, write down all the funds spent by the family over a couple of months. Don’t forget about such irregular but inevitable expenses as buying clothes and shoes for growing heirs by leaps and bounds, treating seasonal respiratory diseases, changing oil, filters or car tires.

Having decided on the expenses, multiply their size by the number of months for which you want to protect yourself. This will be your emergency reserve.

Where can I get money for an airbag?

Of course, against the backdrop of the economic crisis, the idea of ​​postponing something seems impossible. As last year's research by the NAFI analytical center showed, more than a third of Russians are concerned about a lack of money. However, 40% of citizens have not made savings and still do not. Only every fourth family keeps written records of income and expenses, while only 7% of them record all items of income and expenses. Every fifth family has no idea how much finance they have at their disposal each month and what they spend it on.

Where can I find funds to create a financial cushion?

  1. First, after analyzing your list of expenses, reconsider your approach to spending money. Perhaps you are prone to spontaneous purchases, and month after month things appear in your wardrobe that you have never worn? Study your wardrobe and determine what you are missing in order to combine sets. Make a list of the things you really need. Keep it on hand so that the next time you find yourself on a stunning sale, you won’t buy what you caught your eye on and then reproach yourself for wasting money, but make a profitable investment and wear the new thing with pleasure. Buy groceries not in the evening after work in expensive stores in the center, but once a week or two in large chain supermarkets and wholesale markets - this way you will save not only money, but also time. Give up processed foods - homemade food is much tastier, healthier, and at the same time cheaper. Study promotions, ask for discounts. In general, try to save money.
  2. Consider the possibility of increasing your income. Assess the situation on the labor market, monitor vacancies and the size of the offered salaries. Perhaps your value as an employee has increased a long time ago, and you are embarrassed to start a conversation with your employer about raising your salary? Or do you work after hours for free? At this time, you could earn extra money - in a taxi service with your car, for example. Or maybe you know foreign language, bake cakes or sew toys? that ensures existence.

The ideal option is to use both points at the same time. Look for opportunities to earn more and spend wisely.

How to start saving money for a rainy day

Don't put off creating a financial safety net until later. I advise you to start taking care of tomorrow as early as possible. Yes, at first it will be difficult not to follow your own whims. But the realization that you have a cash buffer will very soon make you feel secure.

How and how much do you save?!