New Year's crafts magic jar of snow. How to make a “snow globe” with your own hands: instructions with and without glycerin

DIY snow globe

Before the New Year, as before any holiday, the first question that arises is what to give to relatives, friends and loved ones. Preparation and an original New Year's Eve are also important. The most relevant surprises are certainly considered. We will make just such a gift in this master class. IN lately Especially popular are the so-called snow globes, which you can not only buy, but also make yourself and at home. DIY snow globe will bring a lot of pleasure to both children and adults.

"Winter in a jar." Materials and tools:

  • baked white, brown, yellow, green, black, cherry;
  • liquid polymer clay;
  • white acrylic paint;
  • glycerol;
  • hard brush;
  • foil;
  • waterproof silicone sealant;
  • epoxy glue;
  • toothpicks;
  • small scissors;
  • knife for polymer clay;
  • toothbrush;
  • universal stack;
  • small capacity;
  • glass jar with screw cap;
  • sparkles.
Stages of creation work snow globe with your own hands:

1. We form a ball out of foil, press it slightly onto the work surface and cover it with a jar on top to check whether it fits in it freely. It is necessary that there be a distance of about 3-4mm between the edges of the ball and the walls of the jar. If the ball fits tightly into the jar, it may not fit there after we cover it with clay. And then ours will be doomed to failure.

2. So, we have made sure that the foil ball fits freely through the neck of the jar. Now knead the white clay and make a 2mm thick cake out of it. Cover the ball with a flat cake, wrap its edges over the bottom of the ball and squeeze it well with your hands. We need the white clay to completely cover the entire foil. Now we place our snow hill on the center of the lid and cover it with a jar on top again. The hill should still fit easily into the neck of the jar.

3. Take the hill out of the jar and begin tapping its surface on all sides with a toothbrush.

4. Let's start making the house. To do this, mix white clay with brown to get a light brown color. We form the base for the house from light brown clay rectangular shape. Its size depends on the size of the house you want to make. IN in this case rectangle dimensions 2*1.5*1.5 cm. Using the edge of a knife, we make horizontal indentations on each side of the rectangle.

5. Cut off the corners from the top side of the house base with a knife.

6. Cut out the roof. To do this, roll out brown clay into a layer 0.2 cm thick and cut out a flat rectangle wide.

7. Place the brown rectangle across the edge of the knife and bend it in half.

8. We lower the roof from the knife and lay it on top of the house. We form a small pipe from a small piece of brown clay, apply it to the roof and pierce it in the center with a toothpick or a thin glass.

9. Roll out the yellow clay thinly and cut out two small squares for the windows. We stick them on the sides of the house and in front under the roof. We sculpt a small door from cherry clay and also attach it to the house.

10. Mix light brown clay with a piece of cherry to obtain red-brown clay. Roll it out into a rope 1mm thick and lay out the contours of the windows from it.

15. Mix white clay with liquid clay using your hands until it becomes sticky. Then put it in a small container and add more liquid clay, mix thoroughly with a spatula until the consistency of a thick cream.

16. Insert the fence stakes into the recesses on the hill, and stick a snowman next to it. Apply the resulting “cream” of white clay on top of the house roof to make it look like snow, spread a little on the tops of the trees and on the side branches, as well as on the tops of the fence stakes. Now bake the product in the oven according to the instructions for the clay.

17. Now let's start assembling a snow globe with our own hands. Wipe the inside of the lid and the bottom of the product with cotton wool and alcohol. Mix both components of epoxy resin in the required proportion (see instructions for the glue) and glue the product to the center of the lid. Leave for several hours until the glue dries completely (from 2 to 24 hours, see the instructions for hardening time).

18. Once the glue has hardened, squeeze a small amount of silicone aquarium sealant under the rim of the lid. Wait until it starts to harden a little. And it won't stick anymore.

19. Meanwhile, pour water mixed with glycerin in proportions of 1 to 1 into the jar. Do not pour the liquid to the very edge. Pour glitter or crushed foam into the jar. Cover the jar with a decorative lid, screw it tightly, turn it upside down and make sure that no water leaks out.

20. Apply white acrylic paint to the bottom of the jar using a stiff brush, tapping it to look like snow.

21. Now all that remains is to decorate the lid to make our DIY snow globe even more elegant. You can wrap it with beautiful ribbons or rain, glue pine cones, Christmas decorations or anything else that your imagination tells you.

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Christmas tree in a jar. You've probably seen something like this New Year's toys: a glass ball filled with liquid, and inside there is some kind of snow-covered panorama, house or tree, and there is an imitation of snowfall. You can do something similar with your own hands.
Let’s call the project “Christmas tree in a jar,” well, I’ll just have a Christmas tree in a jar, and maybe you have something else.

For the project we will need:
1. Jar with a lid.
2. Distilled water.
3. Glycerin (sold at any pharmacy).
4. Ceramic or plastic figurines of animals, trees and figurines of people.
5. Artificial snow, crumbly or glitter.
6. Epoxy resin and hardener (you can buy it as a set in the store).
7. Sandpaper.

First of all, you need to make sure that the jar is clean, you can, if you have it, take a round jar now there is a lot different forms, I will have a conical shaped jar. Next, you need to glue the figures, in my case the Christmas tree, to the bottom of the lid. Cleaning the bottom sandpaper for better adhesion and glue the Christmas tree with epoxy resin. The resin is resistant to water and will last a long time, although it has a specific smell, but it will disappear.

Fill the jar itself with distilled water (do not fill the jar to the top). Be sure to add a little glycerin to the water, just a little (although I don’t know what kind of glycerin you have, add a little, if necessary, then add more). Glycerin changes the viscosity and density of water, it will stop our glitter, our artificial snow, will not allow them to fall to the bottom and guarantees our toy the effect of snowfall. Now we add our sparkles, or artificial snow to the jar (very small snow is not necessary for a good effect from large sparkles).

Then we screw in the lid with our Christmas tree, turn the jar over and shake well. That's it, the Christmas tree is in the jar - it's snowing.
You can give the toy an additional design and place it on a pedestal, for example, a board in the form of a cut of wood. Add to that a couple of animal figures or fairy-tale characters. The lid can also be decorated, painted or covered with something, it is desirable that it be possible to open it, in case you decide to modify the toy, and that’s basically it.

Are you looking to have a fun next weekend with your kids (or parents) by doing something together? Then you can make a snow globe! A snow globe looks cute and interesting and can be made using common items found in every home. You can also purchase a pre-made kit online or at a craft store to create a truly professional-looking snow globe that you can enjoy year after year. Whatever you choose, read Step 1 to get started.


Making a snow globe from household items

  1. Find glass jar with a tight-fitting lid. Any size will do, as long as you have the right shapes to fit inside the jar.

    • Cans of olives, mushrooms or baby food- the main thing is that there is a tightly closing lid; just look in the refrigerator.
    • Wash the jar inside and out. To clean the label, if it does not come off easily, try rubbing it under hot water with soap using plastic card or a knife. Dry the jar thoroughly.
  2. Think about what you want to put inside. You can put anything into a snow globe. Cake toppers or small winter-themed children's toys (such as a snowman, Santa Claus, and Christmas tree), which can be purchased at craft or gift shops, work well.

    • Make sure the figures are made of plastic or ceramic, as other materials (such as metal) may begin to rust or turn funny when submerged in water.
    • If you want to get creative, you can make your own clay figurines. You can buy clay at a craft store, shape the piece into whatever shape you want (a snowman is easy to make) and bake them in the oven. Paint them with water-repellent paint and they'll be ready.
    • Another suggestion is to take photos of yourself, your family or pets and laminate them. Then you can cut out each person along the outline and place their photo in a snow globe, it will turn out very realistic!
    • Even if it is called snowy balloon, you don’t have to limit yourself to creating only winter landscapes. You can create a beach scene using sea shells and sand, or something playful and fun like a dinosaur or ballerina.
  3. Create decoration on the inside of the lid. Apply hot glue, super glue or epoxy resin on inner side jar lid. You can first rub the lid with sandpaper - this will make the surface rougher and the glue will stick better.

    • While the glue is still wet, place your decorations on the inside of the lid. Glue your figurines, laminated photos, clay sculptures, or anything else you want to place there.
    • If the base of your piece is narrow (for example, laminated photographs, a piece of garland or plastic Christmas tree), it will be better to glue some colored pebbles to the inside of the lid. Then you can simply press the object between the stones.
    • Keep in mind that the decoration you make will need to fit into the mouth of the jar, so don't make it too wide. Place the figures in the center of the lid.
    • Once you have created your plot, set the lid aside for a while to dry. The glue must be completely dry before it can be immersed in water.
  4. Fill a jar with water, glycerin and glitter. Fill the jar almost to the brim with water and add 2-3 teaspoons of glycerin (found in the baking section of the supermarket). The glycerin will “compact” the water, which will allow the glitter to fall off more slowly. The same effect can be achieved with baby oil.

    • Then add glitter. The quantity depends on the size of the jar and your tastes. You want to add just enough glitter to compensate for the fact that some will get stuck at the bottom of the jar, but not too much or it will completely cover your decoration.
    • Silver and gold glitter are great for a winter or Christmas theme, but you can choose any color you like. You can also buy special "snow" for your snow globe online and at craft stores.
    • If you don't have glitter on hand, you can make pretty realistic snow from shredded eggshells. Use a rolling pin to crush the shells thoroughly.
  5. Carefully place the lid on. Take the lid and secure it firmly to the jar. Close it as tightly as you can and wipe it away paper towel displaced water.

    • If you're not sure the lid will close tightly, you can make a ring of glue around the rim of the jar before closing it. You can also wrap some colored ribbon around the lid.
    • In any case, sometimes you will need to open the jar to touch up parts that have come loose or to add fresh water or glitter, so think about this before sealing the jar.
  6. Decorate the lid (optional). If you wish, you can finish your snow globe by decorating the lid.

    • You can color it in bright colors, wrap decorative ribbon around it, cover it with felt, or stick on holiday berries, holly, or bluebells.
    • Once everything is ready, all that's left to do is give the snow globe a good shake and watch the glitter gently fall around the beautiful decoration you've created!

    Making a Snow Globe from a Store-Bought Kit

    • Add glitter, beads or other small particles to the water. Anything will do, the main thing is that they do not obscure the main decoration.
    • To create a unique effect, try adding a few drops of food coloring to the water before adding glitter, beads, etc.
    • The item inside the snow globe can look more fun if you add glitter or fake snow to it. This can be achieved by first painting the object with clear varnish or glue, and then pouring glitter or fake snow on top of the wet glue. Note: This must be done before the item is placed in water and the glue must be completely dry. Otherwise, this effect will not work!
    • The main item can be small plastic dolls, plastic animals and/or elements board games, such as Monopoly, as well as a set of model trains.


    • If you decide to color your water with food coloring, make sure you use light colors. By adding blue, green, black or dark blue, you will not be able to see anything in your snow globe. Also make sure the item won't get stained by food coloring!
    • It's possible that your homemade snow globe will start to leak, so make sure you place it on a surface that's water-resistant!

New Year a very bright and fabulous holiday. On this day, it is customary to give gifts to everyone and most of us are used to buying them in stores. But how much more pleasant it is to receive original gifts from loved ones that they made with their own hands. Gifts given by children and made by them personally are especially appreciated. An original gift For the New Year, a snow globe can serve as a souvenir. It will look especially fabulous under a fluffy Christmas tree.

Even a child can make such a souvenir, and it looks very dignified and symbolic. This gift can be given to a person of any age. And with a little imagination, you can even do something unique. Instead of figurines, you can immerse a laminated photo or other small meaningful object inside the jar. If it breaks down in water, coat it with a water-repellent varnish. How to make a New Year's snow globe? It's very simple.

To create it we will need:

  • A nice little jar with a tight-fitting lid.
  • Items you want to load into the jar.
  • Artificial snow, which you can also make with your own hands.
  • White paraffin candle.
  • Glitter.
  • Waterproof or silicone glue.
  • Distilled or boiled water.
  • Glycerol.

First of all, we prepare the scene that will be inside the jar. To do this, we place and glue all the objects onto the inside of the lid with silicone glue. If the figures need to be immersed in snowdrifts, apply glue to the lid and sprinkle with artificial snow. You can replace it with a white paraffin candle.

To do this, cool the candle in the refrigerator and rub it on a fine grater, then sprinkle it onto the glue in a thick layer and press it firmly. This way you can make the required number of layers and get the intended result. And if the paraffin is heated to a soft state, then you can immediately make the necessary snowdrifts, cool them and glue them to the inside of the lid along with other objects.

Silicone glue takes a long time to dry, so in order for the snow globe craft to turn out high-quality and durable, you should be patient and allow the glue to dry completely.

Fig.1 Figurine for a snow globe

While our composition is drying, we prepare a jar for the snow globe. We wipe it with alcohol. This is done so that the water does not become cloudy over time, but remains clear.

Then in a separate container we dilute warm water and glycerin. The more glycerin, the thicker the solution will be and the slower the snowflakes will fall. If you want snowflakes to fall very slowly, use glycerin without water. Pour the resulting mixture into the jar, but not to the brim.

It should be taken into account that the composition on the lid will also need space in the jar and excess liquid will flow over the edges.

Fig.2 Preparing the solution for the snow globe

After glycerin and water have been poured into the jar, add artificial snow and glitter into it. Try throwing a few snowflakes at first and see how they sink to the bottom. If they fall too slowly, add a little water. If too fast, add glycerin. Artificial snow for a snow globe can be replaced with white sand or finely grated paraffin. You can buy glitter at the “Everything for Nails” or “Everything for Creativity” store. White sand Sold at pet stores, in the fish section.

Try not to add too much glitter or snow, as the water may appear cloudy when flipping and the snow globe will be ruined.

Fig.3 Add glitter for the snow globe

Once the glitter and fake snow are added to the jar, the big moment comes. You need to check that all the figures are well glued to the lid and only then immerse them in the solution. Excess liquid will begin to spill over the edges, so we advise you to substitute a saucer. If, after you have lowered the lid with the figures into the solution, there is still free space in the jar, add more solution. It is better to do this yourself with a syringe.

Now that everything is ready, carefully wipe the excess liquid from the threads of the jar and apply glue to it. Then screw the lid tightly. Do not immediately turn the container over. Wait for the glue to dry under the lid. When everything is dry, you can see what happened.

If there are any air bubbles left in the jar, try removing them with a syringe. You can also add liquid with a syringe if there is not enough liquid. If water leaks from under the lid, you need to turn the jar over, wipe it dry and re-coat it with glue, then let it dry.

Fig.4 Finished craft - snow globe

Your snow globe is almost ready, all that remains is to decorate the lid beautifully. To do this, you can use multi-colored foil, openwork ribbons or beads. You can also cover the lid with polymer clay and paint it acrylic paints. This will be the final part of the work. Now you know how to make a snow globe at home. It is absolutely not difficult, and the gift turns out to be very original and unique. By decorating your home with it, you will create a unique New Year's atmosphere.

On New Year's Day it is customary to give gifts to each other. Usually they give valuable things to relatives, and inexpensive but cute souvenirs to friends and acquaintances. Such a gift could well be a glass ball. It is filled with a transparent liquid, and inside it is a New Year's or winter composition. When you shake the ball, snow shoots up from below. Sometimes it magically shimmers with different lights in the light. This is a nice souvenir to give. And it’s not difficult to do it yourself.

Materials and tools for work

To work on a souvenir in the form of a glass ball with snow, you will not need many materials; if you wish, you can find everything in your home:

  • You need to select the container directly from transparent material, best rounded shape. Usually they use jars with lids or wine glasses, as in the case shown in the master class.
  • To create a seal, you can take a lid from a jar of cosmetic cream that is suitable in size.
  • Waterproof glue or silicone sealant - for attaching the composition and processing the joint between the lid and the edge of the container.
  • The figures for the composition are selected by the artist. at will and taste.
  • To imitate snow under your feet, you can use white plasticine.

Sparkles act as snowflakes flying from the sky. However, you don’t have to buy them - you can make glitter from Christmas tree rain, regular foil or candy wrappers. The bottom of the lid is also decorated with sparkles - remember how fabulously the snow shimmers under your feet on New Year's Eve?

To cut the glitter you will need scissors.

Just a note. You need to fill the container with distilled water. Experts recommend adding glycerin to the water - then the snow will settle smoothly downwards. Although the latter is not at all necessary.

Choosing figures for the composition

Typically, houses, Christmas trees, a toy Santa Claus, and a snowman are used for glass balls. Such figures can be found in a box with Christmas tree decorations. Only before use should you close the hole in the toy. To do this, you can use plasticine or polymer clay.

You can also sculpt the figures yourself. Polymer clay is perfect for this. By the way, the bag with gifts in this composition was made by hand.

First, the bag itself is fashioned. Then a thin sausage tie is made. If a single-color mass is used, then after the figure dries, it is painted. Paints need to be waterproof - they will be stained glass paints or nail polish.

Someone uses miniature toys from Kinder surprises for the composition. This is also an option! Such a souvenir will be especially romantic if the figurine (even if not New Year’s) is associated with some kind of memory.

And the figurine can also be a symbol of the year, as in this proposed case, for example, a dog. True, the original poodle had a yellow circus cap. But as soon as you painted it red with nail polish, a simple figurine-toy turned into a New Year's one.

And that's how it turned out interesting composition: instead of Santa Claus - a cute poodle with a whole bag of gifts!

Let's start creating a snow globe

Step 1:

We glue our poodle to the bottom of the lid.

Step 2:

Next to it we attach a bag with glue.

This workpiece should be dried well so that no trouble occurs during assembly.

Step 3:

At this time you can prepare the glitter. This is a rather painstaking and boring task - you need to cut the foil very finely.

Step 4:

When the dog and bag are glued to the bottom of the lid, you can imitate snow with plasticine by sprinkling it with glitter.

Step 5:

Pour water into the container (with the addition of a tablespoon of glycerin, if desired), add glitter and artificial snow.

Step 6:

Cover the filled container with the lid containing the composition. Remembering Archimedes' law, it is better to perform this procedure in a bowl or over a sink, since the liquid displaced by the composition will spill out.

Step 7:

The junction of the lid and the container must be coated with glue or sealant.