What do I want to become economics essay. SPbSUE: “Economists will always be in demand

The profession of economist arose hundreds of years ago, when basic economic concepts began to exist: goods, exchange, money. Over the past centuries, the functions of an economist have changed and expanded significantly.

An economist collects and analyzes data on production activities, then evaluates how successful they are and, ultimately, prepares proposals for management to improve production and labor technology.

Economists work in several areas.

For example, labor economist calculates the salary for representatives of each profession - from an accountant to a miner. In addition, he knows how to evaluate the results of the work of the company's employees.

Economist of the planning department determines the most effective ways to make a profit. To do this, he first calculates what income can be received in the future and how much money will be needed for this. He then counts the profits and considers how to use them. Thus, he plans the economic activities of the enterprise. Then the economist will evaluate the extent to which his plan has been implemented, that is, analyze the implementation of the plans and the results achieved by the enterprise. He will draw conclusions and begin to develop plans for the next future.

Task financial economist- generate and distribute income and savings, provide financial resources for production. This specialist ensures that the company fulfills its financial obligations to the state and banks, pays taxes correctly, and pays suppliers on time.

There are other economic specialties: economists in contract and claims work, logistics, sales, etc.

You probably already guessed that anyone who wants to be an economist must first of all love and know mathematics well. In addition, the work of an economist requires accuracy and precision, and since he often has to defend the interests of the enterprise, he must be a principled and honest person.

To become a competent economist, you need to graduate from an economics university. They study there theoretical foundations economics, statistics, fundamentals of financial and banking activities. In addition, an economist must have a good knowledge of the specifics of the enterprise in which he will work.


My future profession- economist, I chose a specialty, which in the state list of professions is called: “Finance and Credit.” The specialty “Finance and Credit” takes special place in the system of economic relations. Obtaining such an economic specialty provides a complex of knowledge in the field of: state and municipal finance, banking and insurance, money circulation, financial management, securities market, taxes and taxation.

My future specialty involves studying the processes of budget formation and execution different levels; public debt management mechanism; functioning of extra-budgetary funds; the procedure for planning, accounting and reporting at enterprises, organizations, institutions; organization and management of cash flows of enterprises, investment activities of business entities; features of the organization of finances of enterprises and organizations; banking and insurance.

The profession of an economist has gained considerable popularity among applicants in our time. At the same time, few of those entering universities have an exact idea of ​​what they are going to study for.

Who is this economist? In general, economists, to put it briefly, are specialists in effective economic activity. The specialty “economist” is related to such professions as accountant, marketer, financier, and manager.

Economists are in demand wherever it is necessary to plan and calculate finances, where it is necessary to control the expenditure of funds, analyze the results of an enterprise’s work and determine profitability.

The list of vacancies for economists includes financial managers, for example, in banks, risk managers, analysts, financiers, auditors, etc. At the same time, the profession of economist is really highly paid and there is always a demand for these specialists.

1. General information about the profession "Economist"

Let's start with the fact that the profession of economist arose hundreds of years ago, when basic economic concepts began to exist: goods, exchange, money. Over the past centuries, the functions of an economist have changed and expanded significantly. An economist collects and analyzes data on production activities, then evaluates how successful they are and, ultimately, prepares proposals for management to improve production and labor technology. Economists work in several areas.

For example, a labor economist calculates the salary for representatives of each profession - from an accountant to a miner. In addition, he knows how to evaluate the results of the work of the company's employees. The planning department economist determines the most effective ways to make a profit. To do this, he first calculates what income can be received in the future and how much money will be needed for this. He then counts the profits and considers how to use them. Thus, he plans the economic activities of the enterprise. Then the economist will evaluate the extent to which his plan has been implemented, that is, analyze the implementation of the plans and the results achieved by the enterprise. He will draw conclusions and begin to develop plans for the next future.

The task of a financial economist is to generate and distribute income and savings, to provide financial resources for production. This specialist ensures that the company fulfills its financial obligations to the state and banks, pays taxes correctly, and pays suppliers on time.

There are other economic specialties: economists in contract and claims work, logistics, sales, etc.

2. Knowledge that a future economist should have.

Here it is necessary to note how J. J. spoke about economics. Keynes: “The subject is easy, but those who succeed in it are few. The paradox lies in the fact that an economist must have a rare combination of talents: He must be a mathematician, a historian, statesman, philosopher."

What should an economist know?

1. First, he must receive fundamental economic training.

2. Have the necessary knowledge for the position for which you are applying (for example, the basics of accounting, history, political science, management, etc.).

3. In fact, 2/3 of companies conduct foreign economic activity and they need specialists with knowledge foreign language. Thus, knowledge of a foreign language is mandatory requirement for a specialist in the field of economics, and, at a minimum, this knowledge is desirable when applying for a job. In any case, it is not difficult for a specialist to speak foreign languages, and this will increase employment opportunities.

4. An economist has to deal with a lot of information. And, therefore, it is simply necessary to have good computer skills, and, most importantly, knowledge of special programs (accounting, economic analysis etc.), in addition to this you must have high speed printing to quickly process information.


Thus, to summarize all of the above, we can answer the question: why did I choose to major in economics?

First of all, this is a personal desire to occupy a high position, and, accordingly, a willingness to take on the responsibilities associated with this.

And, despite the fact that upon graduation, certain difficulties will arise with employment and low wages, I believe that this profession very promising for motivated people.

Perhaps I will start my career as a sales manager, corporate economist, planning department economist, assistant consultant, assistant economist, assistant economist. The main thing in this situation is not to forget that this is only the first professional step. Often, having gained experience in the above-mentioned specialties in a company, yesterday's students become very productive and successful employees.

The only thing I would like to emphasize once again is that no one immediately becomes the director of the marketing department or the head of the financial department with the corresponding income. First you will have to work as an ordinary manager or assistant. And then everything will depend only on the specialist himself and his desire to improve his qualifications.


1. Seivert L. “Your time is in your hands”, Interexpert, 2005.

2. Alekseev A., Pigalov V. “Business administration in practice”, 2005.

3. Educational portal ucheba.ru -

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Federal State Educational Institution

higher professional education


in Kaluga

in the discipline: “Introduction to the specialty”

on the topic: “My career”

Kaluga 2008

Chapter 1. My profession is economist

Chapter 2. My successes and achievements

Chapter 3. Why I went to university

Chapter 4. How I imagine my future career

Chapter 5. My professional goals

Chapter 6. What am I going to do to achieve my goals?


Chapter 1.My profession is economist

The profession of economist arose hundreds of years ago, when basic economic concepts began to exist: goods, exchange, money. Over the past centuries, the functions of an economist have changed and expanded significantly.

An economist collects and analyzes data on production activities, then evaluates how successful they are and, ultimately, prepares proposals for management to improve production and labor technology.

Economists work in several areas.

For example, a labor economist calculates the salary for representatives of each profession - from an accountant to a miner. In addition, he knows how to evaluate the results of the work of the company's employees.

The planning department economist determines the most effective ways to make a profit. To do this, he first calculates what income can be received in the future and how much money will be needed for this. He then counts the profits and considers how to use them. Thus, he plans the economic activities of the enterprise. Then the economist will evaluate the extent to which his plan has been implemented, that is, analyze the implementation of the plans and the results achieved by the enterprise. He will draw conclusions and begin to develop plans for the next future.

The task of a financial economist is to generate and distribute income and savings, to provide financial resources for production. This specialist ensures that the company fulfills its financial obligations to the state and banks, pays taxes correctly, and pays suppliers on time.

There are other economic specialties: economists in contract and claims work, logistics, sales, etc.

Anyone who wants to be an economist must first of all love and know mathematics well. In addition, the work of an economist requires accuracy and precision, and since he often has to defend the interests of the enterprise, he must be a principled and honest person.

To become a competent economist, you need to graduate from an economics university. There they study the theoretical foundations of economics, statistics, and the basics of financial and banking activities. In addition, an economist must have a good knowledge of the specifics of the enterprise in which he will work.

And we must not forget about the culture of communication. Politeness, attentiveness, friendliness, kindness and other personal qualities will adorn any economist.

I became interested in the profession of economist. I'm confident in what I did right choice professions. I want to achieve great success in this area and will try to do everything possible to achieve my goals.

Chapter 2.My successes and achievements

I am now only seventeen years old, but during this time I have achieved many successes.

Since the first grade I really love to study and learn everything new. I constantly took part in school and city olympiads in biology and chemistry. In addition to his studies, he took an active position in the life of the class and school for all ten years. For my achievements and successes, in the 11th grade, I was offered a trip to a conference held in the governor’s office Kaluga region. I took part in the action “We are citizens of Russia!”

Since early childhood I have loved to draw. To develop this talent, I studied at the children's art school in the art department and achieved great success in this area. Every year I took part in city drawing competitions. Sometimes he took prizes.

I decided to connect my life with economics, because I believe that I have the makings of this profession. And therefore my most important achievement is at the moment- this is admission to the North-Western Academy of Public Service. I worked towards this for a very long time and set myself the goal of enrolling in this particular university at the Faculty of Finance and Credit when I was a ninth grade student, when we began to study such a subject as social studies.

Chapter 3.Why did I enroll?to the university

A modern person simply needs to have an idea of ​​economic theory, because our life depends on economic laws no less than on the laws of nature. It was not by chance that I entered the Northwestern Academy of Public Service. Everyone knows that the profession of economist is the most prestigious and highly paid profession in a given period of time. Besides the fact that my friends study here, there are a number of decisive reasons for my choice.

Firstly, the knowledge and skills acquired here will help me achieve my main goal.

Secondly, the prestige of the academy is great.

Thirdly, the North-West Academy of Public Service has highly qualified teaching staff.

Fourthly, and most importantly, at the North-West Academy of Public Service I will be able to gain not only theoretical knowledge, but also practical skills. In the words of Quintilian: “Practice without theory is more valuable than theory without practice.” Here, internships are carried out in large commercial organizations, as well as educational practice in the government of Kehl (Germany), internships and work in Germany, Switzerland and the USA, which allows students to earn a good reputation and gain work experience during their studies. This will give impetus to the development of my future career.

I take a very responsible approach to studying at the academy. It is important for me to become not only a professional, but also to receive recognition as such. I use the knowledge and initial experience acquired at the academy to achieve my main professional goal - to become a financial director and have a network of banks throughout the country and abroad.

Chapter 4.How do I imagine my future career?

In the life of every person there are many difficulties and unexpected turns events. I will also have to overcome many obstacles, but I am confident that I can become a real specialist in the field of economics. To achieve this goal, you need to work a lot on yourself now and, of course, gain experience by everyone possible ways. Experience is very important, but it comes with time. Therefore, now we cannot waste this precious time.

I would like to make my career in some thriving company, climb the corporate ladder, and open my own bank.

In my understanding, making a career means achieving a prestigious position in society and high level income. This refers to prestige from the point of view of public opinion.

In order to become a specialist in your profession, you must have personal qualities such as ease of communication, perseverance, willpower, self-confidence, etc.

To achieve the main goal, you need to go through almost the entire life path. Progress towards the set goal will take place in stages, step by step, through solving intermediate tasks.

Table 1

At the age of 18 I will get a part-time job as an assistant accountant at a large company. construction company, in order to accumulate some knowledge and experience in my chosen field of activity. For this position I need qualities such as communication skills, attentiveness, politeness and, of course, some knowledge. I think it will be interesting work, because I will be able to communicate with experienced work colleagues. Estimated income 9,000 rubles. In this way I will take the first step towards my intended goal.

By the age of 22, I plan to get a position as a senior accountant in the same company. My responsibilities will include calculating wages, preparing reports for funds, conducting cash transactions, advance reports, and accounting for expenses for materials. Desired income is 25,000 rubles.

By the age of 25, I want to move up the career ladder and get the position of deputy chief accountant in a bank. The experience and capital accumulated during my tenure in this position will mainly help me take the leap and become the owner of a commercial bank. Estimated income 50,000 rubles.

At the age of 30 I will open my own business. This will be a banking business. Nowadays, such a business is a very profitable business. Banks are needed to provide low-interest loans to society and accept deposits. Nowadays, people with average earnings buy many goods on credit, but many banks offer high interest rates. Therefore, I want to achieve a lower loan interest rate and high development of my bank. The desired income in this position is 70,000 rubles.

By the age of 35, I plan to expand my business and become the general director of a commercial bank network throughout the region. I think that by the age of 40 I will have a certain amount of capital to achieve my main goal, because... I believe that at this stage a very realistic salary will be 5,000,000 rubles.

And by the age of 40, I will expand my business so much that I will become a financial director. My bank's branches will operate throughout the country. This will be the result of my professional path, the peak of my career. Estimated income is about 75,000,000 rubles. For such successful prosperity I will need enormous willpower and assertiveness, enterprise and optimism, professional competence and all the qualities that an economist should have.

Chapter 5.My professional goals

My main professional goal in life is to make a career and open my own business. I want to have a job that will allow me to be independent, even financially. But at the same time, work should bring pleasure. I want to live in order to work, and not vice versa. To do this, first of all, I must successfully graduate from the academy, get a diploma and work in my specialty. Undoubtedly, I will need computer skills, because... Now a large amount of information can be obtained only with the help of it. Also huge role V modern life knowledge of foreign languages ​​plays a role, so it is advisable to know at least one foreign language. This provides great benefits in communicating with Western partners, plus the opportunity to travel abroad. Studying the specifics of the economies of other countries is also useful: you can adopt their experience and technologies in relation to our country, and specifically to your company.

I also think that it is necessary to communicate as much as possible with business professionals and gradually gain experience from them.

For now, my goal is to study well at the academy and pass the first session with excellent marks. After passing the session, my next goal will be to find the job I want. Then the next one will follow. This will continue until I achieve my final goal.

Chart of professional goals

Long term goals

(all life)

Medium-term goals

(from 1 year to 5 years)

Short term goals

(up to 1 year)

Learn how to use a computer

Owner of a commercial bank

Defend your graduation project

Financial director at a bank

Table 2

Probability of achieving the goal (point)

Long term goals

Deputy chief accountant at a bank

Owner of a commercial bank

General manager commercial bank network

Financial director at a bank

Medium-term goals

Assistant accountant in a large construction company

Defend your graduation project

Senior accountant in a construction company

Short term goals

Learn how to use a computer

Complete an internship in the financial and economic departments of an enterprise

Prepare well for an interview with the head of the company to make a good impression

Chapter 6. What exactly am I going to do to achieve my goals?

I believe that each specialty requires a certain level of knowledge and skills, i.e. professional qualifications.

After graduating from the academy, I believe that I will already work in a company that interests me. I will continue to master computer technology. For a person who is going to have a successful career today, the ability to drive a car is necessary, so I want to take a crash course in driving a car. I will also continue to study English. After all, as you know, English language is the language of international business, and I will also learn German, which will soon be in great demand in our area

Table 3

Professional goals

End-means analysis

Required funds

In stock

Out of stock

Practical goals

During my studies at the institute

1. Learn how to use a computer

1. Desire and interest in mastering a PC;

2. General erudition

1. Desire and interest;

2. General erudition

Attend classes on a PC and actively work on them

2. Take an internship in the financial and economic departments of an enterprise

1. The desire to work and study, creating a good reputation for oneself;

2. Ability to establish contacts with management;

3. Good resume

1. A great desire to learn by doing;

2. Ability to establish contacts with management

Nice resume

1. Communicate with experts in the field of financial economics;

2. Gain experience in this field

3. Prepare well for an interview with the head of the company in order to make a good impression

1. Required literature;

2. Attentiveness;


1. Literature;

2. Mindfulness


Be patient to prepare for your interview

4. Get a job as an assistant accountant in a large construction company

1. Desire to work;

3. Some knowledge

1. Time for part-time work;

2. Great desire

Knowledge in this area

Talk to experts in the field

continuation of the table

5. Defend your graduation project

1. Knowledge and experience in your specialty;

2. Self-confidence;

3. Enhanced preparation

Self Confidence

1. Knowledge and experience;

2. Strengthened preparation

Distribute the workload over the entire academic year

6. Get a job as a senior accountant in a construction company

1. Special training;

2. Interest in the profession;

3. Reading for special training

1. Interest in the profession;

2. Special literature

Special training

Make acquaintances with people working in this field, read specialized literature,

run your own organization

In the first five years after graduation

Deputy chief accountant at a bank

1. Experience in a leadership position;

2. Contacts and connections with people working in the field;

1. Establish contacts with the right people;

Over the next ten years

1. Open your own business - owner of a commercial bank

1. Certain capital;

2. Support of local authorities;

1. Certain capital;

2. Support of local authorities;

3. Experience in a leadership position;

1. Study investments;

2. Establish contacts with local authorities

2. General Director of a commercial bank network

1. Certain capital;

1. Certain capital;

2. Contacts with foreign banks

Establish contacts with leading companies

3. Financial director in a bank

1. Certain capital;

2. Foresight;

3. Ability to take risks;

4. Strong-willed qualities;

5. Professional competence

1. Ability to take risks;

2. Strong-willed qualities;

These qualities will develop with experience.


1. Seiwert L. “Your time is in your hands”, M.: Interexpert, INFRA - M, 1995.

2. Alekseev A., Pigalov V. “Business administration in practice”, M.: Technological School of Business, 1994.

3. Website of the Department of Civil Registry of Civil Registry of Accounting, Analysis and Audit, section “Department”, hyperlinks to the words “Financial Management” and “Property Valuation”.

4. Website of the department of civil registry office “Accounting, analysis and audit”, section “Current materials”.

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My future profession and its significance for society.

I often think about my future: what will it be like? What business should you dedicate yourself to? After all, there are a lot of interesting and unusual things around us. There are many professions. And one of them is very close to me - the profession of economist. The choice of this profession is based on the fact that I really love mathematics.
My mother has worked in the retail industry all her life. She told me a lot about trade, money circulation, how everything works. I watched her write something and count, and I became interested in following the process. Over time, I became interested in literature on this topic, I wanted to penetrate this structure more and more. I watched financial news, tried to trace the process of development of the country's economy, and monitor monetary indicators.
Economics is a science. It requires deep study. It combines two Greek words “economy” and “law”. The role of “economics” as a science in society is determined by the relationships between people in the process of their practical activities.
It is important to understand that practical activity or management included in the orbit of human relations is aimed at obtaining and using means of subsistence. It is the discipline of how people manage their production and consumption tasks.
The profession of economist arose hundreds of years ago, when basic economic concepts began to exist: goods, exchange, money. Over the past centuries, the functions of an economist have changed and expanded significantly.
An economist collects and analyzes data on production activities, then evaluates how successful they are and, ultimately, prepares proposals for management to improve production and labor technology.
In general, this profession is multidisciplinary.
For example, he works in planning, financial and statistical bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations. Solve problems related to planning, organization and analysis economic activity enterprises and institutions, organization of labor of workers in production. Checks the preparation of reports certain species accounting, technical and economic work on planning, logistics, sales, material and labor costs.
The economist carries out operational accounting of work performance and controls settlements with customers, and prepares periodic reporting documents. Analyzes current forms of primary documents and reporting, develops proposals for their improvement. In computer centers, he participates in the preparation of projects for the mechanization of computational processing of tasks various types, in developing standards for material and labor costs, in determining the cost of work and prices for services. Formulates an economic statement of problems, explores the possibility of using finished projects, algorithms and programs for similar tasks.
In research institutions, design, technological, design and survey organizations, collects scientific and technical information, systematizes and summarizes statistical information. Calculates the material and labor costs of ongoing research and determines their economic efficiency.
There are other economic specialties: economists in contract and claims work, logistics, sales, etc.
A professional must have important qualities:
- ability to work hard and hard;
- courage and integrity;
- ability to defend the interests of society;
- mathematical abilities;
- clarity;
- accuracy;
- logical and constructive thinking;
- emotional stability.
A qualified specialist must think “yesterday” about what will happen tomorrow. After all, one of the functions of this profession is analysis. Must do so that the enterprise does not end up at a loss. Bypass the crisis, and if it comes, then find the right way out from this situation. You need to be confident in yourself and what you are doing. This is a very responsible job. Not for nothing, it took hundreds of years to get to modern stage excellent, highly qualified specialists. With everyone year goes by improvement of this profession, but one should not forget that in order to become a competent specialist, one must graduate from an economics university. There they study the theoretical foundations of economics, statistics, and the basics of financial and banking activities. In addition, an economist must have a good knowledge of the specifics of the enterprise in which he will work.
I love communicating with people. Since childhood, I was very shy, not very talkative, but over time I gained confidence, became more open and courageous. I realized that I need to know a lot and improve my knowledge. To get good job deep and varied knowledge is required. I would like to become a real specialist, and for this I realized that I need to take my studies and work seriously and responsibly.

Will the accounting profession disappear, how to choose a management profile and not be left without a job after four years of study, Doctor of Economic Sciences Elena Anatolyevna Gorbashko, Vice-Rector for Quality, Head of the Department of Economics and Quality Management at St. Petersburg State Economic University (SPbSUE), told us.

- “Economists are not needed” is almost an axiom. But graduates still choose and enroll. So, are they in demand or not?

Economists will always be in demand. Industry, construction, banks, social sphere - specialists will always be needed here. Accounting, finance, services related to economic activity planning, departments wages exist and will exist everywhere. Another thing is that economists need good, professional economists to know modern aspects your work. This is the main problem of universities - it is necessary to train personnel in accordance with modern requirements. That’s why it’s a paradox: there are a lot of economists being produced, but good ones are hard to find. So universities are now solving the problem of creating educational programs that will be in demand by employers. When harmony is achieved between educational and professional standards, then universities will produce specialists, including in the field of economics, who are in demand.

- How are your graduates doing with employment?

We have basic departments - these are departments that are formed on the basis of a specific organization. They provide an approach to the real sector of the economy, provide internship bases for students and further employment. For example, we have a base department at the Federal Budgetary Institution "TEST-St. Petersburg", this is a state regional center for standardization, metrology and testing in St. Petersburg and Leningrad region", providing. a wide range of services for measurements, testing, certification, development and application of quality methods. The center is known not only in Russia, but also abroad, as the largest center of the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology. This basic department is headed by the General Director of the Federal Budgetary Institution “TEST-St. Petersburg”, Academician Okrepilov. This department is more than 25 years old, its employees give lectures, manage theses, students undergo internships, graduates get jobs in the institution.

Also, a new format was launched at St. Petersburg State Economic University - a specialized department. We have created such a department on the basis of PJSC Gazprom. She is engaged in master's training for the energy sector, conducts and finances various competitions for students, and participates in organizing internships and employment for students. Another specialized department was recently created in the Administration of St. Petersburg. It is expected that specialists from relevant city committees will participate in educational process, joint research work with university departments, etc.

Every university has the opportunity to create basic and specialized departments that facilitate employment and provide a practical component of educational programs, and, as the experience of our university shows, a competent choice of partners for the creation of such departments provides significant opportunities for improving the quality of educational and research activities in university

- By the way, about choice. What should an applicant focus on when there are so many specializations and directions?

First of all, attend open days at universities. Usually they provide comprehensive information about the directions and how they prepare. For example, at our university there are interactive activities and games with applicants, we work with sponsored schools, and conduct elective courses on introduction to the specialty. And schoolchildren need to take an active position and attend events. It is worth starting this work at least two years before admission.

Of course, look at websites, now everything is in the public domain, there is a lot of information. How to choose more specifically - look at what you are striving for. For example, there are economics departments in technical universities, just as there can be engineering departments in economics universities. For example: the direction “Quality Management” is located in the enlarged group of specialties “Automation and Control”, and this future profession largely depends on the specifics of the university. For example, engineering university graduates in the profile “Quality Management of Technical and Technological Systems”, and the economic one “Quality Management in Socio-Economic Systems”. Both types of specialists are now in demand.

A student, having chosen a direction, chooses a profile two years later, and this happens more consciously. For example, in the direction of management you can choose project, innovation, financial management and other profiles.

Another guideline, besides one’s own aspirations, is the university’s performance indicators. For example, employment of graduates, university ratings among employers, etc. Also, the reputation of the university is very important, the recognition of its brand.

But will those who now choose economics universities remain unemployed in 2020? For example, the “Atlas of Professions of the Future” from Skolkovo predicts that accountants and analysts will very soon not be needed, they will be replaced by machines.

Will accountants or analysts disappear? Of course not. Moreover, the transition to international accounting makes them necessary. This is a theme that is eternal in history, and certainly in the coming years. And without analytics, nothing at all is possible - not a single strategic plan, not a single operational report. Good analysts will always be in demand. They are required to develop strategic plans, justifications for market conditions, and reports on a particular area of ​​activity. This is a very elite profession; you cannot become a good analyst right after university; you need experience.

Of course, the profession is transforming. For example, how has management developed over the course of a hundred years? General management branched out into industry areas - investment, personnel management, production management, etc. Quality management is now actively developing - this direction is very promising, people will always be interested in the quality of life, the quality of products and services. To be in demand after graduating from university, you need to know the leading computer science programs and master information databases. Separately, I would like to note your knowledge of a foreign language, not only in general, but also in the area in which you will be studying. And, of course, possession of cross-industry knowledge, now the intersection of directions is a developing trend.