How to remove negativity with an egg. Removing spoilage with an egg: a simple cleansing ritual

Before trying to remove damage with an egg, you should make sure whether the evil really became the cause of all the troubles and misfortunes that suddenly befell your head. When doubts are dispelled, choose the method of removing the evil eye that is presented in our article.

Removing the evil eye from ourselves - preparations and rules

First traditional method definitions negative impact became . Magic properties The eggs were quickly appreciated by magicians and healers, who began to use them to eliminate evil.

The basic principles of using the product in occultism are the same both for identifying evil and for neutralizing it:

  • To cure damage or the evil eye, the egg must be fresh, raw and homemade. Not suitable:
    1. store;
    2. demolished yesterday;
    3. spoiled, rotten, cracked.
  • Preliminary physical and spiritual cleansing. Fast for a week, go to church, make peace with your family, let go of grievances, repent. Do not conflict; it is advisable to reduce your social circle as much as possible for a while.
  • Be prepared for the duration of the ritual; it can take several hours. Feeling lacking own strength, entrust the work of relieving harm to a loved one or contact a practicing healer. Sometimes the ritual may require repetition.
  • Prepare up to a dozen; you will need to change them during the ritual. When calculating cleaning for several days, take only today's.
  • Dispose of used products as follows:
    1. Immerse the whole ones in holy water overnight, and collect the broken ones in a jar and close the lid;
    2. no later than 24 hours, take the objects that have absorbed the negative to the cemetery. Find an abandoned grave, break the shell, pour the contents of everyone and the mass from the jar onto the grave soil.

We remove the evil eye from ourselves

While reading a prayer (you can use the Lord’s Prayer), fill the glass halfway clean water, add a spoonful of holy.
Carefully break the shell and pour the contents into the liquid. Place it at the head of your bed at night.

If by morning the yolk has darkened and specks have appeared, pour the mixture into the drain and say:

“In the name of the Heavenly Father and Jesus, I command you, Satan! Get away from the servant of God (baptismal name) with your servants - demons and demons! Amen!"

Wash the container, saying:

“I wash not a glass glass, but a servant of God (name). I wash away all ailments, troubles, fear, harassment, slander, commotion. Just as the glass is clean, so am I now clean! Amen!"

Take a shower. The ritual is suitable for removing mild damage, but it will need to be repeated.

Egg rolling

The practice of rolling an egg has been known among people since pagan times, but it is not always possible to remove the damage the first time. In addition to long, exhausting passes, knowledge of magic spells is required.

Removing damage yourself, method 1

The method is complex and most effective. It is carried out regardless of time, however, it is better to start in the morning, since its implementation usually takes about 4-5 hours.

Call a friend to help you so that you can move the egg over hard-to-reach areas of the body.

It should be noted that during the healing process, you may feel unwell, lose consciousness, fall, or experience pain from a sudden cramp.

Start rolling from head to toe, not forgetting the limbs. Special attention Pay attention to the spine, damage likes to stick to the musculoskeletal system.

Replace heavy eggs with others until you finish rolling out. Accompany the process with prayers, or continuous reading of the magical text:

“I roll, roll, roll out: itching, shaking, aching, pricking, pain and rot, old age and death from the scarlet blood, from the white bones, from the skin of the elastic servant of God (name yourself), I remove, I clean. By the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit I conjure. In my word, I take the disease into the egg, take it away, roll it, roll it, roll it out, seal it forever in the egg. So be it!”

Method 2 - prayer

Learn the text of Psalm 90, say the words of the prayer 40 times in a row. Come up with convenient option counting repetitions.

There is no need to roll the egg, just gently hold it in your left hand and control your sensations when praying. Replace the heavier one with another without stopping the “chant”. When finishing the ritual, break the last egg into a container filled with water and pour it down the drain. Do the same with the rest afterwards.

The ideal result would be that there would be no change in the mass of the last egg broken. That is, the yolk and white without dots or spots will not change the structure (blood inclusions are not taken into account, this is a natural phenomenon).

What you should be wary of:

  • dark or film-covered yolk - repeat the ritual;
  • black spots, inclusions indicate;
  • protein threads stretch upward from the bottom of the glass - generational curse, in parallel you should work with karma;
  • the protein rises and bubbles - they envied business, creative success;
  • the yolk breaks - repeat the ritual seven times;
  • a thick, boiled yolk meant prison;
  • There is something like a jellyfish floating in the container.

Having noticed any of the listed deviations, remember what the egg diagnostics showed when identifying the presence of the pest. Compare the status of both products:

  • the mass has become cleaner compared to the diagnostic material - this means that the work has had an effect, but an additional ritual will be required;
  • has not changed, signs of damage are present in the same form and volume - the ritual was chosen inappropriately or carried out incorrectly. Perhaps there was not enough energy to eliminate the negative impact;
  • frightening changes have appeared in the structure of the egg mass - you will need the help of a professional.

When thinking about how to remove damage from yourself using an egg, do not be lazy to conduct a thorough preliminary diagnosis. Perhaps the cause of unhappiness is not in external negative influences, but in one’s own attitude towards life and the people around you. Stay healthy and use your magic wisely.

If there is damage or the evil eye, rolling out a chicken egg is a simple method of diagnosis and disposal. An ordinary chicken egg can be found in every home, and the ritual can be chosen of varying complexity: from special ones with many conditions and attributes to everyday ones.

Egg rolling is a popular ritual.

Magic Item Power

The spherical shape of an object was associated among our ancestors with the structure of the world, vertical and multi-layered. The egg symbolized the mystery of birth, so it has long been used in household magic.

White and yolk are a unique absorbent substance. In a short time they take on energy, which makes them equal in strength to holy water, wax, and noble metals. Often done with a raw egg:

  • diagnostics of a negative attitude;
  • removing the evil eye, damage;
  • rolling out of fear, fright, anxiety;
  • aura cleansing.

You can remove egg damage at home yourself, without resorting to the help of sorcerers. You need to prepare the items for the ritual, get some privacy, learn the verbal part and conduct a run-in.

Damage is a negative attitude toward a person or group of people, often a family. It affects health financial sector, personal life, business, etc. At the first sign of a curse, a diagnosis is made with raw eggs to understand its presence. Important correct decoding poured signs and shapes, during which changes in protein, yolk and water are taken into account.

General rules

Even famous magicians use these tips to enhance the effect of the procedure. The ritual will succeed even if you use a store-bought egg rather than a homemade one. But the first has a higher absorption capacity: the ritual will be more accurate. A few points that enhance the effectiveness:

  1. The egg should not be stored in the refrigerator for more than 3 days.
  2. The person who performs the ceremony must himself have a strong will and decisive character. Weak and suspicious people can be subject to the power of damage.
  3. Learn a prayer or spell by heart without hesitation.
  4. Try to roll without lifting it from your body.
  5. Expose the victim of the evil eye as much as possible so that the shell touches the unprotected body.
  6. After each approach, wash your hands thoroughly or sprinkle with spring or holy water.

Ritual of fear removal

A simple egg roll is suitable for those who want to relieve a person from severe fear, phobia, anxiety, anxiety. Many sorcerers recommend taking eggs from domestic chickens for the ritual, but in practice any egg is suitable. It is better to choose more so that there is enough yolk in the glass.

This ritual is useful in everyday life; it is used to relieve fear in children or women. It is completely “white” and does not harm the energy aura. The fear is removed from the head several times in a circular motion, without lifting the object from the skin.

It is not necessary, but it is advisable to work using magical verbal formulas:

  • prayers, especially Psalm 90 and Akathist to Archangel Michael;
  • conspiracies;
  • ordinary “wishes” for good;
  • swearing at something that scared the person;
  • direct “expulsions” of fear or anxiety.

Running in with spark plugs

They can remove the evil eye on their own at home using an egg by rolling it out with church attributes. To do this you need:

  1. White egg washed with cold water.
  2. Icon.
  3. Candle.

The ritual is performed early in the morning. The conductor stands behind the victim of the curse and lights a church candle in his right hand. For some time they hold a candle in the right one and an egg in the left one. Then they swap objects.

The ritual is accompanied by the reading of “Our Father.” Upon completion, the candle is extinguished, and the egg is broken into a glass of water. Run-in is done no more than 7 days in a row. Then the yolk is used to determine whether traces of magical influence remain. If yes, then the ritual is repeated the next day.

Rolling out the egg is done in a certain order.

  1. Head - perform several circular movements, covering the face and back of the head.
  2. Back, spine.
  3. Right hand.
  4. Left hand.
  5. The legs are in the same order - first the right, then the left.

For the ritual you will need an egg and a church candle.

From photo

This ritual is less effective due to the lack of contact with the body. But the image preserves a person’s energy, so in a few procedures, damage or the evil eye can be removed or the strength of the effect can be reduced.

There must be a photo good quality. The photograph shows only the object of the ritual in full height. How to do it:

  1. Wash your hands, wash your face, perform spiritual cleansing.
  2. Sit in front of the window and lighted candles.
  3. Use your palm to roll the egg 3 to 12 times throughout the photo.
  4. Afterwards, they break it into a glass of water and look at the substance.

A total of about 10 procedures are needed. Cleaning is carried out until the contents are in a normal state after the ritual.


If you suspect a negative attitude on yourself, and there are no people nearby who could perform the ceremony, you can carry out the cleansing yourself. This will be more difficult because it is awkward to roll the egg down your back. How to solve this problem:

  1. Break an egg into a glass of water, sit comfortably, press your chin to your chest and place the vessel on the crown of your head. You need to hold it with your hands, trying not to loosen the structure. Keep for at least 3-5 minutes.
  2. If the previous method is complex, then the jar or container is pressed to the chest. To enhance absorption, read verbal incantations or prayers.

A glass of water and a broken egg should be held on the crown of the head

Night ritual

Removing damage with an egg at night is a simple ritual that can be performed by someone unfamiliar with magic. It is better for him to buy a homemade large egg. At home they wash him running water and are left in the apartment for some time (until the evening).

The things of the victim of damage are placed nearby so that the attribute absorbs energy. The phase of the moon, day of the week or other factors are not important for the ritual. Break an egg in a glass of water. It is placed at the head of the bed, as close as possible to the sleeping person for the whole night.

He must sleep in the room alone. This will increase the reliability of the procedure. In the morning, they carefully study the contents of the glass: how the yolk and white have changed color and shape. You can also remove the evil eye with an egg and water - the technology is the same, only a cut glass is placed at the head. When breaking the shell, you must not damage the yolk - it will color the liquid, and the interpretation will be meaningless.

Despite the myth that magic is the work of a select few, everyday rituals are accessible to every person. Rolling an egg against spoilage or the evil eye is an affordable and inexpensive method of diagnosis and treatment.

Each involves an interpretation of the poured substance. From it you can find out what harm they wanted to cause, how much damage to the aura, even see the ill-wisher.

Decoding the signs

At home it takes a lot of time, because a non-professional will not immediately see all the forms. But upon careful examination, anyone can understand the meaning of the poured shapes on their own. If the evil eye has taken place, then the changes will be insignificant - there will be no smell, no specific color, at most - small inclusions in the structure. At severe damage literally one run-in will give the contents a bad smell, color, bizarre and frightening shapes.

Protein changes

It may change color or natural form. There are dense inclusions in it, you need to try to see what the casting looks like.

  1. Crosses mean damage to death.
  2. Sticks indicate removed obstacles.
  3. Black dots are a deadly spell.
  4. Foam on the surface is a spell on finances and business.
  5. Octopus made from protein - a blow to loved ones.
  6. Vertical pillars are a slow detriment to the health of others.
  7. Patterns, spots, compactions, blots - a complex of spells for different spheres.

Yolk changes

“Healthy” is in a film, does not change color and structure, and has a neutral egg smell. During the ritual, it is destroyed by the aura of the spell and pours into different shapes. Sluggish and darkened - indicates slight damage.

The interpretation of the cooked substance is a spell of restriction. Additionally, it needs to be removed by a professional; this is a skillful and complex damage. A green or bluish yolk is a sign of an evil eye on financial affairs and career. Red - for personal life, for loneliness or celibacy.

A healthy yolk is in a film

Water changes

The liquid also absorbs the negativity of damage. During the night it may become cloudy and change color: become green, yellow, brown or black. Deciphering any unnatural shade is a negative attitude towards a person.

After interpretation, the liquid is carefully disposed of by flushing it down the toilet. You cannot touch it, because it is soaked negative energy. Also, you should not pour it out at intersections or public places, so as not to harm other people.

With the help of an egg, a person’s aura is magically cleansed of negative attitudes. With simple rituals you can remove fear, anxiety, the evil eye, and even get rid of damage. The resulting substance is studied to understand where the witchcraft blow was aimed. It is important not to touch the person who has taken over negative impact white and yolk and destroy them properly.

Everyone has heard about the use of chicken eggs against energy problems. It would seem that there is nothing complicated: take it and roll it, and then everything will happen on its own. However, not everyone succeeds in removing spoilage with an egg. If you don’t know the subtleties and nuances, then you will waste your time, and even get unjustified disappointment. Here you should approach the matter wisely and knowledgeably. Let's talk about the latter.

What can be treated with an egg?

Before you begin to familiarize yourself with the intricacies of the process, you need to understand when it should be used. What can be treated with an egg? There is an opinion that any negativity is removed from the field with this particular tool. In principle, there is no point in arguing with this.

But it is necessary to “make a diagnosis”. The fact is that removing damage from eggs is not an easy process. The ritual uses not only the chicken magic instrument, but also prayers. The text must correspond to the “degree of damage” to the energy sector. It will be possible to remove the damage with a simple “Our Father”, but it will take so much time that you won’t have enough patience. And it is believed that you can simply cure yourself of the evil eye with an egg. So it turns out that minimal knowledge about the “hierarchy” of energy lesions is still necessary. It's like being able to read. Do you want to live normally in modern world, which means you will have to learn how to put letters into words.

We make a diagnosis: signs of damage

It is not difficult to understand how badly your aura is affected. If you start thinking about such questions, then there is a reason. Things began to go neither shaky nor slow. The money disappeared without leaving a note when to return. Diseases, on the contrary, have decided to settle in your body forever. The neighbors also caused a flood here (probably not the first). Relatives say only rude words, getting irritated all the time. As it turns out, they have accumulated a lot of claims. Most often, a person who finds himself in just such a situation is interested in removing egg damage. If something similar happens in your life, then it’s time to buy magical goods and look for techniques. Living with damage is extremely difficult. And why, if there is an opportunity to get rid of it safely. In addition to those described, the main signs of damage include a feeling of hopelessness of the situation. A person lives in a dark fog, sees no prospects, and bright colors have long disappeared from his world. In his firm conviction, everything around is bad, and it will be even worse. It is this feeling that it is recommended to focus on when you decide to use rolling out damage with an egg. If you can, sketch your condition using children's paints. The picture will probably be dark and gloomy.

Leave it as a litmus test. You will then check the removal of spoilage with an egg using it.

How to choose the right magic tool

People, out of naivety or ignorance, believe that any chicken product is suitable for magical rituals. This is not only incorrect, often this “illiteracy” leads to a tragic mistake. Eggs must be fresh, as they say, “only from the hen.” This product is alive. To make it clearer, a few words should be said about the mechanism of action of eggs. The fact is that their field structure perfectly matches the human one. Energy circuits interlock with each other like puzzles. Thanks to this, the negativity from a person’s aura instantly turns into a “chicken product”. But only if he is alive. And placing an egg in the refrigerator and storing it for a long time kills it. The molecules themselves remain the same, but the energy changes. Then rolling out the egg is ineffective. There is nowhere for your damage to go. The dead egg does not accept her. It is recommended to purchase a magic tool where there is definitely a chicken coop and birds walk around the yard. And also ask when the eggs were collected. It is important to make sure they are still fresh.

Do I need to prepare for the ritual?

You will be surprised, but rolling out spoilage with an egg is a rather labor-intensive procedure. Both the “magician” and the “patient” get tired. Most often, one ritual is not enough, you have to repeat it, and several more times.

To facilitate the cleansing process, it is recommended to preparatory work. It consists of limiting the sources of “potential negativity”. Don't eat meat for several days, limit sweets and fatty foods, and give up alcohol. Practice prayer or meditation along with fasting. You need to make sure that the emotional background is smooth and positive. To do this, try not to get into arguments or support discussions of issues related to negative topics. In general, exclude everything that can spoil your mood, make your thoughts jump along the beaten path of self-flagellation or searching for others to blame for all misfortunes. Believe me, your enemies will survive several days of oblivion, and you will feel better. These recommendations apply to everyone who is in one way or another determined to remove damage using an egg. It doesn’t matter whether you act on your own or run to see a specialist. Everyone should prepare.

Removing damage yourself

The ritual is performed at any convenient time. It is quite long, but it should not be interrupted. Therefore, it is recommended to take insurance. Distribute your day so that you are guaranteed to be undisturbed for several hours. Also turn off all means of communication so as not to be distracted. Also turn off the TV and Internet during this time. The ritual itself is carried out like this: take an egg and roll it on the skin. Move the magic tool clockwise slowly, carefully, pressing slightly. Your task is to cover the entire surface of the body with these touches. You should start from the top of the head, gradually moving down to the heels. Each limb is treated separately. Take your time, do everything carefully and carefully. At this moment you are collecting negativity, and it can hide in any cell. We need to get to him. Rolling out the egg sometimes takes several hours. At the same time, you may feel dizzy, tired, and lack of strength. Try to cope with your ailments, otherwise you will have to repeat the ritual later.

Do you need a lot of eggs when working independently?

This question, as it turns out, is considered the most difficult among people who have little connection with magic.

They wonder how to understand that an egg should be laid and another one taken. In fact, understanding is easily achieved by practice. It’s impossible not to feel how the “chicken product” gets heavier in your hand. You can describe it as much as you like, but it’s all to no avail. And during the ritual, the “magician” himself understands that it is necessary to change the instrument, since the current one is already “overloaded.” Almost everyone who has practiced removing spoilage with an egg speaks about this. Their reviews are full of surprise at the reality of the phenomena described. That is, if a person does not fully believe in the material, then after performing the ritual once, he becomes a fan this method. It turns out there is not a word of lie in it. So, as soon as you feel that the egg has become heavier, change it to the next one. People with serious energy problems may need up to a dozen “magical helpers.” The latter must be broken into a glass of clean water and see what happens. This is the last stage of the ritual called “egg rolling.” The transcript is given below.

Disadvantage of the method

The described ritual is difficult to bring to its logical conclusion without outside help. It's all in the back. Will you be able to cover it all with the described touches? One hundred percent - no. It's not particularly scary if you're nearby loving person. His help will be quite appropriate. Removing damage can be done independently or in pairs. That is, another person can work on your energy. And he doesn’t have to be a magician. The main thing is that he sincerely wishes you to get rid of negative energy. When such a volunteer cannot be found, another method is recommended.

The second option for removing damage

For this ritual you will have to learn the ninetieth Psalm. There's quite a long text there. It will have to be said forty times without interruption. Prepare as in the previous case. Light the church candles. Take the egg to left hand and start reading. As the “tool” gets heavier, change it to the next one. Don't interrupt your prayers. Break the last egg again into a container of water. It should demonstrate to you the result and effectiveness of the procedure. You may need to remove the spoilage with an egg again.


If you did everything as described, then look what’s in your glass.

A satisfactory sign is when the egg sinks to the bottom without losing its shape. That is, if you see that it remains fresh and has not put down “roots” or “snot.” If its integrity is violated, then certain problems remain. The yolk is dark or has a film on it - you will have to repeat the ritual. This means that the damage was caused by someone close. By the way, you may dream of a person that same night. If we saw black spots in the glass, it means the damage was fatal. Do you need professional help. A specialist will perform a more serious egg rolling.

The interpretation of “white pillars” (when strings of protein rise to the surface) is as follows: a person has a generational curse. It is necessary to work with karma. If a “white jellyfish” swims in a glass, this is an indicator of damage to the family. The protein rose in bubbles - the enemy wanted to limit your creative abilities and was jealous of your financial success. It's bad if the egg breaks (especially the yolk). In this case, it is necessary to repeat the ritual up to seven times. Blood in a glass indicates a strong negative impact affecting the entire family. If the yolk was cooked, they wanted to put you “behind bars.” People with a good imagination can identify the author of the damage from the picture in the glass. For example, if a squirrel rises up in the shape of a ball gown, then it is usually a woman. Sometimes you can see the faces of evil enemies there.

Where to put the eggs

Attention! This is extremely important! If you want to get rid of the induced blackness forever, then the eggs should be taken to the graveyard. Magicians say that the energy of corruption will be processed by dead souls. Thus, you will cleanse the planet of it. Once in the hands of another person, the egg can “reward” this unfortunate person with your damage. And this is actually a great sin. As a last resort, broken eggs are poured down the drain, although it would be more correct to take them to the cemetery. There they are poured directly onto an abandoned grave.

The eggs will be eaten by birds or small rodents, and the energy will be “utilized” by perfume.

It is recommended to place the egg left after the ritual at the head of the bed at night. It will continue to work while you sleep. Since only the last “magic instrument” is broken, all others should be placed (before disposal) in holy water. This way, the negative energy will remain “locked up” and will not affect anyone in the house, including you. It is only permissible to store “waste eggs” in an apartment until the morning. Then they must be taken out and disposed of (as it happens). If the result of the ritual is not satisfactory, then be sure to repeat it. Nothing bad will happen. This procedure is recommended even for people with fairly clean energy. Every person’s field contains negativity left by someone else’s envy or their own bad thoughts. And it’s because of them that all the troubles arise. As they say, all the Saints have been in heaven for a long time! After the ritual, try to spend time in nature to recover. Believers must go to church, and it won’t hurt others either.

Look for the simplest and affordable way check availability damage or the evil eye? Do you want to quickly and independently put away is this a negative impact on your life?

I suggest you familiarize yourself with the rituals where the main tool is an ordinary chicken egg.

This tool was actively used by our ancestors to determine and withdrawals all kinds of witchcraft. They are time-tested and have large number admirers among my colleagues.

How to determine spoilage using an egg?

When people ask me for help, I use one simple method to check the availability damage or the evil eye. This method helps not only to determine the presence energy negativity on the victim of witchcraft. With its help, I find out in which direction I need to move in order to take off influence of black magic.

You can do this ritual yourself, or you can ask for help from loved one. If you decide to involve someone to perform the ritual, make sure that this person also believes in magic.

Take a glass of ordinary raw water and a fresh chicken egg that is no more than a week old. Carefully crack the egg and pour its contents into a glass of water.

Important! The yolk should remain intact. If it is damaged in the process, repeat the procedure again.

Sit comfortably, tilt your head and place a glass of water and an egg on the top of your head. You need to sit like this for no more than 5 minutes. Now put the glass on the table and see what happens:

  • The egg lies evenly on the bottom of the glass, the water remains clean - no damage . Perhaps the reason for life's failures lies in something else.
  • If the water becomes cloudy, the yolk separates from the white, the white floats up completely or partially, the white in the water resembles the body of a jellyfish - all this indicates that the whole family is being negatively affected. Someone performed a ritual to inflict loneliness and minor everyday troubles on you for seven years.
  • If white threads rise upward from the squirrel, which in appearance resemble a cobweb, this means that spoiling or you received the evil eye from a weak sorcerer. We can say that this person is just beginning to comprehend the basics of magic. This threatens minor troubles that will haunt you throughout the year.
  • If you can see bubbles in the protein strings, then the negative impact is aimed at your physical health.
  • The presence of black dots in protein threads is evidence damage to death using cemetery land. This state of the protein indicates that the ritual was performed quite recently.
  • But the black yolk, which is surrounded by a cloudy white, shows that damage to death and it is already in full effect.
  • The combination of a boiled yolk and bubbles in the white suggests that your ill-wisher zealously wants a life of severe torment for you.

With this simple ritual you can glean a lot of information about the negative energy program that is haunting you.

You can take detailed pictures of your results. They may be needed to compare diagnostic results and performed rituals.

Whatever the damage , you should immediately be concerned with the question of its removal , otherwise the consequences can be the most dire.

Rituals for removing damage using an egg

Did the diagnostics show that a certain person really wishes you harm? Is his desire so strong that he resorted to magical help?

Don't worry, I provide you with several egg rituals that will help you take off any negative impact on your energy.

Egg rolling

Rolling out damage with an egg is very effective way to remove almost any witchcraft “muck”.

To carry it out you will need:

  • a fresh chicken egg from the village, no more than 3 days old. It needs to be washed with melt or spring water;
  • glass of water;
  • consecrated icons;
  • church candle;
  • assistant

The ritual should be performed in a bright and spacious room with open windows. The victim of witchcraft should sit facing the icons, and the assistant should stand behind him.

The assistant must light the church candle and hold it in his left hand. IN right hand an egg is taken and rolled out damage . Throughout the entire process, the egg must not be removed from the victim’s body and must be passed over every centimeter of the body.

You should start from the head in a clockwise circular motion. Then, you should go down the neck and spine. Now you need to roll the egg all over your back, moving to your right hand. The next step is to roll the egg on chest, stomach and left arm. Don't forget about the legs: first roll the egg on the right leg and then on the left leg. Throughout this entire process, the assistant should recite the Lord's Prayer.

When the rolling out is finished, the victim should break the egg and pour it into a glass of water and let it sit for a few minutes. After this, you can evaluate the result.

The result should be interpreted this way:

  • If the yolk and white lie flat on the bottom of the glass, they appearance remained unchanged - the damage was removed.
  • If some “deformations” are still observed in the condition of the egg, the ritual should be repeated.

You can repeat the ritual for 7 days. Then you need to take a break for a month. Each time, after performing the ritual and interpreting the results, the contents of the glass must be poured into the toilet, and the glass should be hidden and no one should be allowed to drink from it. At the end of the week, this container should be thrown away.

Yes, this is not a very simple and fast way removing damage , but its effectiveness is simply amazing.

Removing damage from a child

Our children are affected too damage or the evil eye. This can manifest itself as constant nightmares, anxiety, and frequent illnesses.

If you have a restless child, perform a ritual with him to determine damage, which is described at the very beginning of the article. This way you will confirm or deny the presence of extraneous negative influence on your child.

If the “diagnosis” is confirmed, a ritual should be performed withdrawal witchcraft from a child. There is a simple way to do this - rolling out from a photograph. The essence of this ritual is the same as the previous one - to roll out. Only here there is no need to force the child by sitting motionless on a chair.

To roll out damage according to the photo you will need:

  • Photo of a child - a victim of witchcraft;
  • His personal item (it is best to take an item of clothing that was recently worn);
  • Candle from the church;
  • Icon of the Mother of God;
  • Fresh chicken egg.

Place the clothes of the child you want on the table. take off negative program, and on it a photograph of the child himself. Place a lit candle and an icon of the Mother of God next to it. Now roll the egg over the photo in a clockwise circular motion.

In the process of rolling out, it is necessary to say any prayer: Our Father, Prayer to the Mother of God or any spell on withdrawal negative energy. Upon completion of these activities, the egg must be wrapped in newspaper and taken to a vacant lot. Be sure to choose a deserted place where no one can see you.

Burn the newspaper bundle, trying not to get caught in the clouds of smoke from this “bonfire.” Now you can return home. Be sure to take a shower or wash your hands in water.

As you roll out, you will feel the egg become heavy. The ritual must be carried out until this feeling disappears.

A very simple ritual with an egg

This method of removing damage can be called “lazy”. Take a glass of ordinary water, add a tablespoon of holy water to it and carefully add the contents of the raw chicken egg. This mixture should be left overnight at the head of the bed. Look at the result in the morning.

If everything is clean, then the ritual helped. But if there are noticeable changes, compare them with the pictures after the diagnosis damage . Assess whether the situation has worsened or improved.

Be careful

Today on the Internet you will find many effective ways remove almost any damage on one's own. Sorcerers who perform black witchcraft also know about this. Therefore, it is often damage supplied “ defense mechanism”, which will not allow take off her on her own simple methods. Evidence of this may be that the results after removing damage turned out to be even worse than when she was diagnosed. In this case, you should immediately go to to a strong magician or a psychic. This person will be able to look at your energy in detail, identify its “hole” and correctly eliminate all negativity.

I am not inclined to hide my methods of work and therefore I share with you the simplest and most accessible rituals removing damage . But from my own experience I know that ordinary person even in such simple things can make a lot of mistakes. In turn, this becomes the reason that a simple evil eye degenerates into a generational curse, which very difficult to remove.

Therefore, I advise immediately after diagnosis to contact a specialist who can correctly read your ritual results by definition damage and determine the most effective method to eliminate negativity.

You can use my services. I will help eliminate all the negativity that has been brought to you, your family, housing and other areas of life.

I look forward to your inquiries via the contacts listed on the website.

Damage can be defined as a disease caused by a targeted negative magical effect. Moreover, it can manifest itself not only at the psychological level, but also affect the state physical health person. This is very dangerous because disorders in the body caused by magic are poorly diagnosed and cannot be treated with traditional medicine.

In this regard, you can only get rid of damage using magical methods. More often than others, egg treatment is used to prevent spoilage. But before you start, you should definitely clean the house. An effective remedy is holy water, which needs to be sprinkled throughout the house or apartment.

Cleansing from spoilage with an egg is an ancient technique that has long been used by folk healers to restore damaged energy field person. With the help of the egg, negative information received from the outside is rolled out. This natural product absorbs it and, thanks to the presence of a strong shell, does not give it back. Therefore, treating damage with an egg is very effective if all the rules of the magical ritual are followed.

To remove spoilage, take a fresh egg, preferably purchased at the market from a private owner. In this case, its energy will be stronger, and it will absorb negativity better and faster. In addition, professional magicians recommend choosing dark-colored eggs for the ritual.

You can cleanse yourself from damage with an egg, but a ritual performed by a magician will be more effective. If it is not possible to turn to a professional, it is better to ask a loved one to remove the damage.

The patient needs to sit facing east in front of the icon and a church candle lit in front of it. It is important to focus on thoughts about your own healing, completely detached from the events of the world around you. Your hands should be relaxed on your knees and your eyes should be closed. It is necessary to take off your watch and all jewelry for women.

Before the start of the ritual, all participants read the well-known prayer “Our Father” three times. Then the person who cleanses from damage takes the egg in his right hand and passes it several times around the patient’s crown in a clockwise direction. After this, the entire head is rolled in. Next, slow spiral movements are performed along the spine. This is where the negativity is concentrated maximum quantity. And at the final stage, the damage is rolled out along the arms and legs in a downward direction.

In the process of cleansing from spoilage with an egg, you must repeat the following magic words:

“I roll the egg, I roll out the evil spirits and dirt. I cleanse the body, mind and soul from damage. Away with the dark alien witchcraft sent by an enemy to harm me. With the egg I heal and provide reliable protection, protecting me from various troubles forever.”

After the ceremony, the egg is broken and its contents are carefully poured into a glass of water. It is important not to damage the yolk. The shell should be crushed with a sharp movement and thrown onto white sheet paper, which later needs to be burned and the ashes scattered to the wind. After decoding, the contents of the glass must be poured into the sewer or under a street fence.

At the same time, the following magic words are pronounced:

“In the name of the Lord, I command you, Satan! Move away from the Servant of God (s) (name of the sick person or sick person) with all your demons forever. Amen!"

The glass must be washed thoroughly in a running cold water with words that will consolidate the action of the ritual:

“I don’t wash a glass with clean water, but I wash God’s Servant (name of the sick person) from illnesses and troubles sent by evil words. Just as this glass is transparent and pure, so the soul of God’s Servant(s) is pure evil word. Amen".

After completing all actions, be sure to wash your hands up to the elbows with cold running water.

Human actions after removal of damage

After the damage has been removed, it should be remembered that the energy protective field still cannot work fully. Therefore, a person is very susceptible to a wide variety of negativity.

This means that after removing the damage you should behave very carefully, namely:

    You cannot give your own things to strangers. You cannot sleep next to a mirror. You should also be around as little as possible mirror surfaces, which are located outside the house. You cannot pick up any objects or things on the street, especially near the house. It is necessary if you have the opportunity to visit the temple every day during the morning service and receive communion. You cannot enter into conflicts with strangers. You should definitely start the day with prayer, and also prays immediately before going to bed. You must always keep a talisman or icon near you. You must wear a cross on your body.

It is very important to remember that after the damage is removed it is not recommended to visit public places. And for the first few days it is better not to leave the house at all. It is believed that natural energy is restored within three days after the damage is removed.

In order to avoid receiving a negative program again, you need to install reliable protection. Of course, for this it is better to use the services of a professional. But you can also make efforts on your own that will allow you to push away the negativity:
    Be righteous and honest. Do not wish harm to anyone and do not envy, love your neighbors, do not offend those who are weaker than you. Use protective amulets. They should not only be carried with you, but also hung in your living space. One of the amulets must be placed under the pillow every night, because at this time of day a person is most vulnerable. Do not lend money to strangers and do not give bread and salt to your neighbors. Also, you should not give your own photos to strangers. Visit holy places and go to church as often as possible, where you must light a candle for your own health. Wash your face with blessed water in the mornings and evenings. Periodically clean your home with church candles and holy water.
This approach to life allows us to strengthen defensive reactions body. This means that even directed negative messages will not be able to cause harm. And most importantly, do not wish harm on others, do not use magic to send negative messages in order to take revenge.