How to quickly change your thinking to a positive one. Scarcity and Abundance

The most important function of the psyche is thinking. What a person thinks about himself or others, about some things, is thinking. The quality of life depends on it: bright, joyful or gloomy. The choice of a partner, a job, or a position also depends on how we think. If you are thinking about changing your life, the first place to start is with your mindset.

  • Identify the erroneous patterns by which you live without even noticing it. During emotional experiences, you need to follow the course of your thoughts. And gradually reveal the problem by asking yourself questions. For example, something upset you, ask yourself why, what exactly upset you? What lies beneath this and so on, delving deeper into the essence of your thoughts.
  • Now that your faulty patterns have been identified, they need to be seriously shaken. You believed in them for so many years, believed that you simply couldn’t live any other way, and now these thoughts turn out to be wrong. At this stage, you will understand how much your irrational beliefs are preventing you from living a peaceful life. Finally you are ready for change.
  • Replacing irrational schemes with effective ones. Every time you habitually have old thought patterns, immediately change them to new ones that are positive and effective.

In order to start enjoying every day, you need to work hard on yourself, because the way of thinking is embedded at a deep reflex level. It will take one month to form a new way of thinking. Sticking to following rules within a month, you will be able to form the habit of thinking differently.

  1. Stop watching news programs, most of which are negative.
  2. Choose comedies consciously, even if you're not a fan of the genre. Laughter will give you a boost of positive energy.
  3. Detach yourself emotionally from strangers. Even with a brief glance on the street at the face of a stranger, a person is able to perceive all the information about his internal experiences on an unconscious level.
  4. Eliminate the words “I can’t” and “I won’t succeed” from your vocabulary. Replace them with the phrases “I accept this,” “I receive this,” “I am worthy,” “I am grateful.”
  5. Watch your thoughts and words. Catch yourself every time you start thinking negatively out of habit.
  6. Live easy! Make time for things that bring you joy. Everyone has the right to follow their own path, and it is individual for everyone. By doing what you enjoy, you will achieve the best results.
  7. Trust your life. Draw with your imagination happy life, which you dream about. Take time every day to visualize a wonderful life.

Everything that surrounds a person social status, financial situation are the result of his thinking. It follows from this that you decide for yourself who you want to be: rich or poor, successful or failure.

It is always easy and pleasant to communicate with people filled with a love of life. And their life is going well: good job, pleasant surroundings, peace in the family. It would seem that these individuals have a special gift. Of course, luck must be present, but in fact, a person himself creates his own happiness. The main thing is the right attitude in life and positive thinking. Optimists are always positive and don’t complain about life, they simply improve it every day, and everyone can do this.

Thinking of introverts and extroverts

Before you can figure out how to change your way of thinking to a positive one, you need to understand your mental makeup. An introvert is a person whose problem solving is aimed at inner world. A person tries to figure out what is required of him in at the moment. He works with information without trying to resist circumstances or people who cause discomfort. The energy flow does not come out in the form of insults, but remains inside.

Extroverts realize that all challenges are surmountable and are required for personal development. Changing some character traits or increasing professional knowledge will help you cope with them. This approach is comparable to finding a person in the school of life, where he can move on to new level. Thus, we can say that positive and negative thinking characterize a person as an extrovert or an introvert.

Features of negative thinking

Modern psychology conventionally divides the thought process into negative and positive and considers it an instrument of the individual. His life depends on how much he owns it.

Negative thinking is a low level of human brain ability based on past experiences of the individual and others. These are usually mistakes and disappointments. As a result, the older a person becomes, the more negative emotions accumulate in him, while new problems are added, and thinking becomes even more negative. The type in question is typical for introverts.

The negative type of thinking is based on the denial of those facts that are unpleasant for the individual. Thinking about them, a person tries to avoid a repeat situation. The peculiarity is that in this case he sees even more what is unpleasant for him and does not notice positive aspects. In the end, a person begins to see his life in gray colors, and it is very difficult to prove that it is full of wonderful events. People with negative thinking will always find many facts that refute such an opinion. According to their worldview, they will be right.

Characteristics of a negative thinker

By focusing on the negative, the individual is constantly looking for someone to blame and trying to find the reason why everything is so bad. At the same time, he rejects new opportunities for improvement, finding a lot of shortcomings in them. Because of this, a good chance is often missed, which is not visible due to past problems.

The main characteristics of people with a negative type of thinking include the following:

  • desire to live a familiar lifestyle;
  • search negative aspects in everything new;
  • lack of desire to receive new information;
  • craving for nostalgia;
  • anticipation of more difficult times and preparation for them;
  • identifying pitfalls in your own and others’ successes;
  • I want to get everything at once, without having to do anything;
  • negative attitude towards other people and unwillingness to cooperate;
  • absence from real life positive aspects;
  • the presence of compelling explanations for why life cannot be improved;
  • stinginess in material and emotional terms.

A person with a negative attitude towards everything never knows exactly what he wants. His desire is to make his current life easier.

Optimistic attitude - success in life

Positive thinking is a higher stage of development thought process, which is based on extracting benefits from everything that surrounds a person. The optimist's motto is: “every failure is a step towards victory.” In cases where people with negative thinking give up, the individuals in question put in twice as much effort to achieve the desired outcome.

Positive thinking gives an individual a chance to experiment, gain new information and accept additional opportunities in the world around him. A person is constantly developing, and no fears hold him back. Since there is a focus on the positive, even in failures the person finds benefit for himself and calculates what he managed to learn from the defeat. The one in question usually characterizes extroverts.

Features of a person with a positive type of thinking

A person who sees only the positive in everything around him can be characterized as follows:

  • looking for advantages in everything;
  • great interest in obtaining new information, since these are additional opportunities;
  • restless desire to improve your life;
  • idea creation, planning;
  • the desire to work hard to achieve goals;
  • neutral and positive attitude towards other people;
  • surveillance successful people, due to which their experience and knowledge are taken into account;
  • searching for answers to the question of why what is planned is necessarily implemented;
  • a calm attitude towards your achievements;
  • generosity in emotional and material terms (with a sense of proportion).

Based on the above, we can safely conclude that the discoveries and achievements made by man are the result of the painstaking work of people who have a positive way of thinking.

How to create an optimistic attitude?

In order to gain something useful from every situation, a person must have a positive attitude. How to do this? You need to repeat positive statements more often and communicate with optimistic people, learn from their worldview.

For modern citizens, this approach to life is completely unusual, since they were raised differently. There are various prejudices and negative attitudes received from childhood. Now you need to change your habits and tell your children more often so that they are not afraid of anything, believe in themselves, and strive to become successful. This is optimistic education, thanks to which positive thinking is formed.

The power of thought is the basis of attitude

The modern generation is very educated, and many know that everything a person thinks about higher powers they give it to him over time. It doesn't matter whether he wants it, what matters is that he sends certain thoughts. If they are repeated many times, they will definitely come true.

If you want to understand how to change your thinking to a positive one, you should follow the recommendations of Feng Shui practitioners. First of all, you should always think about the positive. Secondly, in your speech and thoughts, eliminate the use of negative particles and increase the number of affirmative words (I receive, I win, I have). You need to be firmly convinced that everything will definitely work out, and then a positive attitude will come true.

Do you want to become an optimist? Don't be afraid of change!

Every person gets used to everyday life, and many strongly. This can even develop into a phobia, which in no case should you concentrate on. You should pay attention to positive qualities that the individual will acquire rather than focusing on negative beliefs. They just need to be driven away.

For example, an opportunity arises to move to another job. A pessimist is very alarmed by this, and the following thoughts appear: “nothing will work out in a new place,” “I can’t cope,” etc. A person who has a positive way of thinking thinks like this: “ new job will bring more pleasure”, “I will learn something new”, “I will take another important step towards success.” It is with this attitude that we conquer new heights in life!

What the result of changes in fate will be depends on the individual himself. The main thing is to start a new day with positive thinking, enjoy life, smile. Gradually, the world around will become brighter, and the person will definitely become successful.

Tibetan Art of Positive Thinking: The Power of Thought

Christopher Hansard wrote a unique book about the thought process in question. It says that right thinking can change the life of not only the person himself, but also those around him. The individual is completely unaware of the enormous potential that lies within him. The future is shaped by random emotions and thoughts. The ancient Tibetans sought to develop the power of thought, combining them with spiritual knowledge.

The art of positive thinking is still practiced today and is just as effective as it was many years ago. Some inappropriate thoughts attract others. If a person wants to change his life, he must start with himself.

Tibetan art: why you need to fight negativity?

According to K. Hansard, the whole world is one big thought. The first step to harnessing its energy is to understand the extent to which a pessimistic attitude can affect your life. After this, study ways to expel unwanted fantasies.

The amazing thing is that negative thoughts can take over a person even before he is born (in the womb) and have an impact throughout his life! In this case, you need to get rid of them as quickly as possible, otherwise the number of problems will only increase, and the ability to enjoy simple moments will be lost. Negativity is always hidden behind anything overly complicated so as not to be exposed. Only a positive way of thinking will be your salvation, but to reach a new level you will need to make an effort.

Exercise No. 1: “Removing barriers”

In a book about the Tibetan art of positive thinking, K. Hansard gives the reader a lot practical recommendations. Among them there is a simple exercise that helps eliminate obstacles in life. It is best to do it on Thursday morning (the day of removing obstacles according to Bonn rules). It is performed for 25 minutes (longer if desired) according to the algorithm described below.

  1. Sit in a comfortable position on a chair or floor.
  2. Focus on the problem.
  3. Imagine that the obstacle crumbled into small pieces from the blow of a large hammer or burned in the flame of fire. At this time, it is necessary to allow the negative thoughts hiding under troubles to come to the surface.
  4. Think that everything bad is destroyed thanks to the resulting explosion of positive energy.
  5. At the end of the exercise, you need to sit quietly, offering a stream of gratitude to the higher powers.

You must continue to perform the exercise for 28 days with an interval of at least 1 week. The longer it lasts, the stronger the development of positive thinking.

Exercise No. 2: “Transforming a negative situation into a positive one”

A person with a positive perception of the world around him is sometimes faced with the need to make an unfavorable situation beneficial for himself in order to continue moving forward. This can be done with the help of a fairly powerful positive energy of the thought process.

First of all, an individual must understand the cause of the problem and how long it lasts, look at the reaction of other people (concerning the problem): do they believe in eliminating it, what results could be if you turn a negative incident into a positive one, how long will the effect last. Once all of these questions have been answered honestly and thoughtfully, the following technique is used.

  1. Sit in a quiet place.
  2. Imagine a burning fire in front of you, surrounded by pleasant aromas.
  3. Imagine how the cause of the problem falls into the flames and melts from the power of thought and high temperature fire.
  4. Mentally transform the reason into something positive and useful.
  5. The situation changes, and along with it the fire becomes different: instead of the orange flame, a dazzling white-blue column of light appears.
  6. The new object enters the body through the spine and distributes itself to the head and heart. Now you are a source of light and positive energy emanating into the world around you.

After performing this exercise, the result does not take long to arrive.

Exercise No. 3: “Luck for your family”

Tibetan thinking allows you to help loved ones find a good job, friends and find happiness. The main thing is to be clearly confident that only benefits and sincere intentions will be brought (concern is not about oneself). To perform the exercise, it is necessary to direct mental energy to the person who needs to be taken care of (freed from obstacles). Next, you need to see and feel how all the barriers in life disappear under the influence of a strong thought. After this, direct a white beam of mental energy into the person’s heart, in which positive energy begins to awaken, attracting good luck. This way the vitality of loved ones is stimulated. Upon completion, you need to clap your hands loudly 7 times.

The “Creating Luck for Your Family” exercise must be completed throughout the week, starting on Sunday. Repeat three times. Then the person for whom help is being sent will begin to take the first steps towards achieving new heights and doing the right things.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude that success, positive thinking and a person’s will are three interconnected elements that can improve his life.

To move towards success, you should change your thinking to a more positive one and try to eliminate the negative. Humanity has developed spiritual patterns for prosperity. Many lessons on . In the thoughts, intentions and desires of people there are power resources for implementation. But after a while, both positive and negative plans can come true. Having learned to distinguish between them, as well as to introduce positive notes and colors, you can change not only yourself, but also the surrounding reality with the idea: change your thinking and you will change your life.

Positive thinking is success in life!

Complaining about a difficult life aggravates the situation, which in many cases leads to its deterioration. Moreover, circumstances will become more complicated to such an extent that it will be impossible to find a way out of it. Let's look at how to attract success by changing your thinking to a positive one and turning your life for the better.

Characteristics of a person with positive thinking

How to think positively? Some individuals see only good in everything that surrounds them. Such a person who thinks positively has the following characteristics.

  • Looks for advantages in everything.
  • Interested in new information as an additional opportunity.
  • Improves life, creates plans and ideas, works a lot.
  • neutral or good.
  • Observes successful ones in order to take into account their experience.
  • Calmly regards achievements and considers why this is possible.
  • Has generosity in emotional and material terms.

How ? It should be concluded that successes arise as a result of the hard work of people with positive thinking.

Negative thinking methods and how to avoid them

There are several ways of thinking that lead to bad results. But options have also been developed with which it is possible to avoid and get out of a difficult situation. The principle is to change your the usual way to think, to perceive life within oneself. Without this, it is impossible to achieve success, and subsequently independence. You can make the following list of situations and how to turn your life to the positive.

  1. Getting used to adhering to clear boundaries, a person does not think about whether this makes sense. It should be realized that in addition to established rules There are a great many possibilities and options for action. When building your thinking and life, you need to try to make decisions on your own, which is often much more pleasant than following advice. At the same time, the ability to do right choice doesn't come right away. Given the many daily situations that require decision making, the following questions need to be considered: a) What will be the consequences? b) Will this lead to the satisfaction of the person himself and his environment?
  2. If the answers to both questions are affirmative, it is quite possible to make this choice. This way we will gain a small amount of independence, as well as the awareness of our independence and the absence of anyone's pressure.
  3. Changing your mindset to achieve success includes the rule: you should not try to look for problems where there are none. Some out of the blue instead of simply resolving the situation. A mass appears negative emotions, which affects the rest of the day. Sometimes a person creates a bad condition for himself
  4. How to change your attitude towards life? Chinese wisdom advises not to focus on problems that cannot be solved. And if it’s still possible, then there’s absolutely nothing to worry about. The way out of such a situation is to avoid the conflict and refrain from stupid actions associated with it. Another method to improve your life is to not be the source of such quarrels.
  5. The absence of fears associated with change helps you achieve success quickly. A new path can be started with a small step. According to Mark Twain, after 2 decades, people regret more about what they didn’t do than about their actions.
  6. Change your thinking, but how? Its scope should be expanded. Positive thoughts: If there are problems today, everything can change tomorrow.
  7. How to change your lifestyle? There is no need to stop learning, as new knowledge opens up opportunities to achieve goals and makes the process more efficient.
  8. How to think positively? It is necessary to eliminate bad qualities in yourself such as envy. If you learn to look positively at other people's successes, they will be perceived as a motivating stimulus. Using other people's accomplishments as role models can help you avoid judgment that leads to problems. And also change lives.
  9. The process of brain functioning and the reproduction of thoughts takes quite a long time. The more often we resort to it, the more obstacles appear. You can try to choose one of the options rather than endlessly go through and invent situations. We need to change our minds: think less and instead take decisive action. A person must control his thoughts, and not vice versa.

When taking steps that will change your thinking to a positive one, we start with the same thought. By controlling emotions, you should protect not only yourself, but also your neighbors from negativity. And also not to enter into conflicts (not to be their initiator). Changes will occur not only with thinking, but also with consciousness. And then it will become clear from the surrounding world that life has changed.

Changing thinking

Often our way of thinking is stereotypical, and bias can make a person a failure. When you change your thinking, life becomes completely different. By perceiving internal (subjective) reality, the world of our ordinary thoughts, we distort the external world. It turns out to be illusory or invented. At the same time, emotions and feelings are distorted. This makes a person inappropriate or even unhappy, which can lead to failures in the areas of life and activity. How to change your attitude towards life?

Using the method of changing thinking, we come from irrational to rational perception, using the technique of objective refutation. This ensures a self-sufficient life. How to think positively can also use technology emotional experience. But the first method is more suitable for people who want to avoid. Following the adoption of a different way of thinking, life can change.

For the same purpose, there is a method of alternative interpretation that changes “automatic” thoughts. To change his life, a person applies a method according to the following principles.

  1. Priority allows you to pay more attention to first impressions of events. This perception is not always the best, since people often behave impulsively and follow their intuition. As a result, late assessments lead to little objectivity, which is not entirely consistent with the circumstances. People are being misled. How to change yourself? We conclude that it is necessary to refrain from hasty assessments. It is necessary to obtain more information for an accurate perception.
  2. How to change your lifestyle? Conducting independent work over your thoughts, you can try to write down unpleasant emotions throughout the week. It is also necessary to note the event that activates them, and the first thought about it. On next week As you continue to take notes, you need to come up with a number of interpretations—alternatives for the situations. Continuing to act in this way, we replace irrational thinking with objective thinking. Within a month, you can learn to think like this automatically and rebuild your lifestyle for the better.

How to improve your life

It is quite possible to learn to perceive different reality, and not just its black and white colors. Ambivalent thinking does not correspond to the division between “good” and “bad.” Once you have made your choice, you can confirm your decision without thinking about it further. But gray (or ambivalent) thinking differs from black and white in that a person is able to accept the opponent’s position. This way of perception reduces the degree of determination, but brings benefits in the form of wisdom. And you can not only change your life, but remember yourself in childhood, when you already used this method.

How does the world turn black and white?

A person’s views become rigid, as “frameworks” are imposed from the outside. For example, is it favorable for us higher education or is it just a waste of time. Strong beliefs do not allow you to find multiple answers to a question. Although it is clear that the world is not so simple as to be divided into “bad” and “good”. It's not good to make hasty decisions, but it's also bad to take forever to make choices. Wisdom allows you to look at a problem from a variety of perspectives.

How to learn to think ambivalently?

It is difficult to change the way you think, especially if you like radical judgments. But attempts will teach you to take a comprehensive approach to problems, which will help eliminate hasty assessments. There are a number of rules for thinking positively in order to change your destiny.

  • You should abandon strict judgments. For example, don't pronounce them. By refraining from dividing into “bad” and “good”, one can understand that the world cannot limit itself to these two categories.
  • If you take the perspective of an event, it will be possible to assess its significance.
  • You need to accept that a person can make mistakes. By feeling yourself in your opponent’s shoes, you can realize that his point of view is the correct one.
  • Having gotten used to the fact that the true solution is not unambiguous, a person learns to accept a different opinion and see the problem comprehensively.

To change your life, as well as thinking about ambivalence at least at the level of the first step, you need to pay attention to how the child perceives the world.

Usually this question is asked by people for whom everything, if not very bad, is certainly not very good. For about 5 years I have been watching one guy who, year after year, asks the same question: what is easy and quick way succeed? Yeah, once and from pawn to queen. No, of course there are ways, for example, marrying the daughter of a corrupt official who stole millions - but we won’t talk about that.

I’ll say right away that I don’t consider poverty a vice and, unlike various “gurus,” I think it’s flawed to call poor people “ beggars". But at the same time, I consider the philosophy of life that leads to poverty and the inability to live in principle to be deeply flawed and vicious. To eradicate these wretched ideas from your head and help change your thinking - that is my task. Then it all depends on your own actions and solutions.

Compared to them, you are rich!

Many of those who have achieved success in life started from scratch. From the point of view of the arrogant "gurus" they were the real " beggars“, because they did not have a normal income and serious cash savings. The only thing they had was the desire to do what they liked without looking at anyone or listening to anyone.

Son of emigrants John Paul DeJoria was a poor man. To start his business, he took out a bank loan. He had no home and therefore lived in his car. And every day he went and sold his shampoo because he believed in it. Today, John Paul Mitchell Systems is a company with a turnover of $900 million a year.

He simply allowed himself to do what he liked.

Samuel Morse, despite the fact that he was born into a rich family, in his ordinary life eked out a miserable existence, who almost died from malnutrition (a certain Stropher, who took painting lessons from him, literally saved his life by feeding him lunch and giving him 10 dollars). However, he did not give up and, having created an electromagnetic writing telegraph (“Morse apparatus”), he eventually received 400,000 francs from ten European countries. He bought a ranch and became involved in philanthropy.

Just because he allowed himself to do what he really wanted

JK Rowling, a 31-year-old single mother living on welfare benefits that was barely enough to cover her cheap food and payment of housing. She was depressed and periodically had thoughts of suicide. Her novel about Harry Potter, typed on an antediluvian typewriter, was rejected by publishers one after another, mockingly advising her to find a “normal job.” But she did not give up and continued to fight to get her book published. Today Joan is the world's first female writer to earn $1 billion from her work.

Simply because she did what she loved and believed in, without giving in to difficulties.

Slaves' daughter, black Sarah Walker, a 20-year-old poor widow with a daughter in her arms, who was paid a maximum of $1.5 a day. At the age of 25, she began to go bald; the available remedies did not help. But she did not give up and found a way out - with the help of her brothers, she invented her own remedy for baldness. She liked it so much that she started selling it. But what was it like for a black woman to peddle her product from door to door in a 19th century society steeped in racism and male chauvinism? Not only did she succeed, she founded her own network marketing company and became the first black female millionaire.

Simply because she allowed herself to be who she is and do what she wants.

Raymond Albert Kroc he was also a “rogue”. Dealer paper cups and milk mixers who have not achieved material wealth by the age of 50. At one time he even worked for food and a roof over his head in one of the restaurants. But chance or providence confronted him with the McDonald brothers and their restaurant. Ray liked the idea of ​​quick service so much that he bought from his brothers the right to open similar restaurants throughout the United States (now called franchisees). This eventually led to the creation of McDonald's Corporation. At the time of Raymond Kroc's death in 1984, his net worth was more than $500 million.

Simply because he was doing something that he liked and enjoyed.

Walt Disney born in large family carpenter The family was so poor that they could not buy him a pencil and paper, although Disney really wanted to draw. Nevertheless, at the age of 7 he began selling his first comics, and at the age of 22, together with his brother, he founded The Walt Disney Company. Even the meanness of business partner Margaret Winkler, who fraudulently stole the copyrights to all the cartoon characters created at that time, did not stop Disney, and now his company is a world-famous multimedia empire.

Simply because he did what truly made him happy.

All in all, it's not about how much money you have now. What’s more important is what your dream, goal is, how large-scale it is, how promising and useful it is. What matters is whether you have a business to which you are ready to devote yourself wholeheartedly or whether you dream of becoming an “emelya” and ordering the stove to fulfill your desires. This is the mindset that helps you become successful.

Slave attitudes in the head

But some attitudes in the brain, received from parents, communication with those who got a “normal job” and reading stupid books, prevent you from starting to think like that. Let's fix it.

Stop thinking that someone owes you something. Do you think that the fact that you will sit and monotonously whine “The rich should help the poor, the government should make our lives better, God should help the unfortunate,” etc. will something change?! Do you want to live on handouts?! Or do you want to get what you really deserve? Then stop whining and complaining.

Stop saving on yourself. Unemployed homeless man Edison Miranda gave his last pesos to a boxing coach to learn techniques and techniques. He could buy new clothes, a beautiful mobile phone or delicious food, but he invested in himself. In yourself, and not in your clothes or food. Your problem is that you value yourself less than the things you buy. This unconscious position manifests itself very clearly throughout your life.

Stop chasing "quick money". Every day I receive dozens of letters in my spam with something like “money button”, “automatic earning program”, “excellent earnings on the Internet” and other bullshit. Who are they intended for? For those who are not ready to persistently and hardworkingly do something that they really enjoy, but want to quickly “make money” in order to pay for the false “pleasures of life.” You can succeed in this business... if you lie a lot and brazenly, but in such people both the brain and body are quickly destroyed due to the growth of neurotic zones (the famous liar and manipulator Dale Carnegie died of Hodgkin's disease).

How to change?.. How to turn negative thinking into positive?...

Of course, the speed and power of personal action magic wand are always individual and depend on the willingness to abandon the stereotypes of a particular person. Let's at least try to start...

In fact, it would be easier to analyze specific cases, but the general ones can be identified.

Try to thoroughly analyze several examples from life: what is the reason for your frustration, dissatisfaction, etc.? This helps a lot!

Too many problems happen because someone else does not do what a person believes to be correct. And it works especially great on family and friends: “How can they??” .. well, for example... “watch this football - they pump up their potential! And TV is absolutely zombie-like!”

I deliberately took a weak example with correct phrases, but not correct general meaning: Whatever truth you know, you have no right to decide for others. And with your booing and indignation you can only worsen the situation:

1. you have emotions;
2. you affect others with your emotions;
3. others also begin to resonate in a negative mood

As a result: everyone’s immune membrane is not intact better condition, and much more potential will be removed than was possible before the disturbances.

In addition, if you broadcast the meaning with a raised tone, in a position of pressure, then the force of kicking will be directly proportional to the force of pushing the information.

So in all cases concerning decisions that are not yours, why go where you weren’t invited and, in addition, with a claim to the post of manager? A joke is the best way out if you are already participating in a conversation, otherwise you just don’t need to interfere.

By the way, about football:

Christ got bored with the bland life of paradise and decided to come down to earth in Ireland to watch football.

The stadium is full of people, a match between Catholics and Protestants - fans, chants blaring, chants blaring, chants screaming...

The Catholics score a goal - Christ rejoices and claps his hands.

The Protestants score - Christ rejoices and claps again.

Fans flock to Christ:

- Listen, let’s decide who you’re rooting for!


- I don’t root for anyone - I just love beautiful football!

- Well, this is all clear: he is definitely an atheist!

Everyone has their own truth, and the Inviolability of Reason and Will is one of the basic laws of the Universe! And where is the meaning of indignation from this point of view?

Frankly, eniology has given me a lot - the very understanding that it is you who create your world significantly changes your mood. If everything essentially depends on you, then what else is needed?! Whatever situations occur, this is always invaluable information with which you can work: life constantly gives us many hints so that we understand the essence of the processes, and being angry and sad about this is not only pointless, but also stupid.

There are reasons for any situation, and if at some point it goes negative impact, then you have been given an excellent chance to see what exactly is being affected and identify cause-and-effect relationships.

I think understanding what exactly makes a negative perception of what is happening can also greatly contribute to a change in views. As I already wrote, in any negative there is a positive - the experience gained from the situation.

That is, in principle, such a situation can be “broken down” into negativity and experience: the more consciously you treat what is happening, the more expediently you move forward in understanding, gaining experience, the less opportunity you leave for negativity.

And vice versa: if you concentrate on the unpleasant aspects of the issue (and where there is thought, there comes energy), the more you cultivate, fertilize, groom and cherish these same troubles and negativity. And, by the way, waste your potential, your life and your capabilities on the embodiment of all sorts of nasty things for your loved one!

The phrases “like attracts like” and “the world around us is a reflection of ourselves” very accurately describe the energy-information exchange. This reminds me of the cartoon about Little Raccoon - where the mother is very good advice Gave about the smile! 🙂

In today's stressed-out society, there are often only two types of communication interactions: attack and defense. Why??

I still don’t understand why, when approaching another person, you immediately tune in to something bad? What you ask is answered!

Several times I came across the fact that people forgot their own good traits: you treat him in a normal way, kindly and from the position of an equal, you stop your “look” at him positive features, and the person turns out to be even a little dumbfounded by this (it feels like he is “feeling” himself: “Am I really like that?”)

No I don't live with rose-colored glasses before our eyes, different things happen in life: sometimes troubles and difficulties in communication occur, but then there is a reason to ask yourself questions.

And is it really so important what others did? It’s much more important how I acted in that situation!

Sometimes there are mistakes... But this choice is precious because I made it myself! If I went too far in something, then straightening up it will crack me on the forehead, and this will be my experience! 🙂 The lump will go away, and you’ll see your brains will fall back into place.. 🙂

True, there must be a sense of proportion, necessity and sufficiency in everything, otherwise the thought sometimes flashes through my mind that any archaeological society would be very happy to take me on an excavation! 🙂

With a tendency to excessive self-examination, it is easy to bury yourself in yourself... As they say: “I went into myself - I won’t be back soon!”

In general, we must learn to perceive ourselves as anyone and at the same time look at the prospects for development with confidence and anticipation of joy!

In the topic “Hello, Mental Plane!” I wrote about an anecdote I told about shaving a client in a barber shop, after which it began to dawn on me the importance of trying to walk along the road, and not wallow in hysterics on the side of the road screaming: “I can’t do it-ah-ah!!”

And it won’t work out if you continue to be “hysterical” - because you yourself have approved this form of interaction with the world!

Psychological attitudes work well, and a person sees what he wants to see, sometimes even creating something that does not exist.

Yes, it's a matter of perception, but who is the master of this perception?

In any situation, the choice is always yours.
You either walk in the rain or just get wet in it.

By broadcasting the negative, a person imposes this matrix on the entire PS and only he himself can change the setting. Yes, the vulture is trying to create an environment of constant stress and aggression, imposing relationships of vampirism that are beneficial to her because she gets a huge profit from this. But a person decides for himself what to invest in and what to nourish within himself!

Once upon a time, an old Indian told his grandson one vital truth.

“There is a struggle inside every person, very similar to the struggle of two wolves. One wolf represents evil - envy, jealousy, regret, selfishness, ambition, lies... The other wolf represents good - peace, love, hope, courtesy, truth, kindness, loyalty...

The little Indian, touched to the depths of his soul by his grandfather’s words, thought for a few moments, and then asked:

- Which wolf wins in the end?

A barely noticeable smile touched the old Indian’s face and he replied:

“The wolf you feed always wins.”

And, of course, humor! Everyone has their own - sometimes sharper, sometimes awkward - it's about your attitude, not how brilliant your joke is! If someone likes it, they will support you, and if not, you’re not making anyone laugh, you’re just enjoying life!

And you don’t have to be afraid of being funny in someone’s eyes: as someone said (I don’t remember who) - “It’s better that they laugh at me than cry.”

Humor can be inappropriate, but not very often. Moreover, it is not synonymous with irresponsibility and frivolity, although... Easy thoughts sound very pleasant!)))

Smile at each other, faces!
All this will come back to you!

Varvara Elkhova