Rituals. Conspiracies

A strong spell on a handkerchief to fulfill a cherished desire.

A strong spell on a handkerchief to fulfill a cherished desire.

I would like to offer you a truly unique handkerchief spell that will fulfill your cherished wish on full moon days.

The handkerchief should also be charmed against the “seven troubles.”
I don’t know why, but the fulfillment of a wish directly depends on the correct magical execution of the spell, which involves a newly purchased handkerchief.
Used and washed will not work.

You don't even need to go to Orthodox Temple and light church candles.
Everything is much simpler!
The first thing you will need is a clear formulation of your cherished desire.

The second is an uncomplaining belief that the desire will come true.

Third, you must patiently wait for the calendar full moon.

Fourth, you will have to retire to a locked room, sit down at the table and put a piece of paper with a plot in front of you.

He, in turn, should lie on a handkerchief magic text out.

Mentally imagine your innermost desire and the process of its fulfillment.

Proceed to repeatedly and confidently repeat special occult lines.

A handkerchief, a handkerchief - it will be useful for a cold. This time there is a different covenant, a slander against desire. You will lie in your pocket and spell my fortune. I get what I want, I know what I want. May my dreams come true, you will help me with this. Not for the nose or eyes - let the order be fulfilled. So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!

After painstakingly reading the magic spell, throw the spell sheet into the trash, and carry a handkerchief with you everywhere.
Put it in a secret pocket or purse (briefcase).
You expect your wish to come true before the next full moon.

If necessary, re-create all the events to consolidate the occult result.

May all your wishes come true!

A strong spell for desire.

At exactly midnight, having carefully tracked the phase of the full moon, begin patiently whispering a magical spell. Mentally formulate a clear request, turning your gaze to the heavenly body.
To read a strong conspiracy, use handwritten text, which will come in handy in the future.

I praise you, moon and night. I turn to you with a request for the fulfillment of a wish. Let everything planned be accomplished and everything renounced not be fulfilled. Endow me with your strength and bestow good luck in this noble endeavor. May all desires gain your power, and I pledge to worship you. As you shine in the sky, so my wishes will be fulfilled on Earth. So be it. Amen. Amen. Amen.

Once again, I remind you that any desire, without exception, must be endowed with your internal energy. The full moon is just a battery that is charged by your influence.
Calling on the power of the moon for help, do not reject what nature has endowed you with from birth.
If within seven days your wish does not come true, you can whisper again strong conspiracy, only on the waning phase of the moon.

A powerful spell to fulfill a wish on a full moon.

Everything you have planned will certainly come true if you use the most powerful spell to make a wish come true.
The days of the full moon are endowed with extraordinary magical power, which is made to work by the casting spell.
Remember, we have already talked about the fundamental differences between a ritual and a spell.
In fact, both are occult acts aimed not only at provoking the fulfillment of desire, but also at gaining material well-being and long-awaited love.

You can cast a spell on any object or attract good luck without involving it.
Enough theory!
Let's get down to the execution itself.

Attention, you don’t even have to go to the Orthodox Church for church candles. There is no need to carry out any complex or incomprehensible manipulations.

Patiently wait for the calendar phase of the full moon and accomplish your plan exactly at midnight.
Lock yourself in a room. Sit down at the table. Turn on dim lights.
Stretch all the power of your energy and imagine what needs to be done.
Clearly draw pictures of your innermost desire in your head.
Do not leave this state for about 10 minutes.
After preliminary mental preparation, begin to read obsessively and confidently strong spell, written down by you on a sheet of white paper.

I conjure my wish to come true soon. Good luck will rush to me like a whirlwind, misfortune will be quickly rejected. Any idea and plan will be implemented omnipotently. With the power of fire I conjure desires, and with the demon of the night I fulfill them. What is planned, I know exactly what I will receive, I will take it forever. From this day on, success is in my power, my life will now be better than everyone else. Amen! Amen! Amen!

To enhance the occult effect, repeat the night spell for 13 days in a row.
The more powerful your own energy surge is, the sooner your cherished desire will come true.

Full moon rituals to fulfill a wish, 2 powerful rituals.

Hurry up to use the full moon to fulfill your innermost desire.
Every person has a dream.
These could be thoughts about wealth or getting rid of illnesses.
We all lack something to be completely happy.

So make a wish, fulfilling it with a special ritual.
Rite is sometimes identified with ritual. Let it be their way.

When the calendar full moon arrives, start serious work.
Wear your favorite clothes for the season. If you are a young lady, then make a “marafet”.
Sit down at the table. Light 13 church candles.
Mentally imagine the fulfillment of your innermost desires and instill in the process itself inexhaustible faith in success.
Proceed to repeatedly and confidently whisper special magical spells that are part of any ritual.

As the moon shone in fullness, I made a wish. Let everything I want come true, I won’t tell anyone - I’ll remain silent. Oh, Moon, let your dreams come true, let no tears flow from despair. May all the dreams that nest within me come true on the full moon. So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!

This conspiracy is truly feminine. Apparently it is intended for the weaker sex.

There is another one - universal - not inferior in strength to the first.

On the full moon I call on the forces to make everything I wish come true. There will be no barriers, no obstacles, and let no one judge me. Oh, Luna, I keep everything a secret, I won’t tell anyone about you. Help me fulfill my dream, I will read this plot again. So be it. Amen! Amen! Amen!

Put out the candles. Take the cinders to the trash bin. Take off your favorite clothes. She has already helped you in this simple ritual.
You wait for your wish to come true until the next full moon, once again completing all the activities and working towards the final result.

Probably every girl has wondered in her life. And this is no coincidence, because the unknown always attracts, and if we are talking about a young girl, then the attraction grows exponentially. For fortune telling they use different magical rituals, rituals and conspiracies. It is best to carry out all rituals on full moon, because the mystery of abundance on the full moon is obvious. The moon influences a person and his actions in an incomprehensible way. Therefore, as a practicing magician, I want to tell you about conspiracies and rituals that can be performed during the full moon.

It is best to perform all rituals on the full moon.

Magic on a banknote

To attract money you can spend magical ritual for a banknote. This ritual is performed on the full moon. The following conditions are met for this ceremony:

  • begin the ritual after the sun sets;
  • there should be no one in the room except you;
  • the largest possible banknotes are used for the ritual;
  • The ritual requires full concentration, so leave all problems at the door.

Take the largest banknote you have from your wallet and lie down on the sofa. Close your eyes and concentrate. Now draw the following picture in your head. All the energy of the universe gathered and headed towards you. Feel how this energy forms a bright sunlight, which pierces you through your head and into your heart. Now feel how this energy comes out of your heart and charges the banknote in your hand. Imagine that this bill emits light from the energy received. And when you feel that the banknote is sufficiently saturated with universal energy, mentally send it into space. Imagine how thousands and thousands of currencies are flying towards you, feel like you are swimming in a waterfall of money. And when the money whirlpool ends, draw an image of how the bills around you are stacked and form a wall around you. Put greed aside, let the money wall not exceed your height. This completes the ritual, now the charged bill must be either spent or exchanged within 24 hours.

Rituals for gaining financial independence

I'll tell you about simple but effective ways attracting money to your wallet. Rituals performed during the full moon will have the power of the moon itself and be fueled by its energy.

Money ceremony for a cup of tea

This ritual is very simple, it will help attract cash flows in the near future. To do it, wait until the full moon, and when night falls, start general cleaning of the entire apartment. Wash everything in the house, don’t forget the closets, chandeliers, and wash dirty laundry. At the end of this procedure, take out any three coins and put them in one of the pockets of your frequently worn outerwear, and put a magnet in the opposite pocket. Next, leave the candle in the hallway for a while. You can be sure that in less than two weeks, cash flows will fall on you.

How to prepare for the ritual

The following full moon ritual to attract money will help those people who have an urgent need for a specific amount. But we are not talking about a million dollars; you need to ask for exactly as much as is necessary at this particular moment. This money ritual is performed at night during the full moon.. It is important that the moon is visible through the window, otherwise the ritual will not work.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform this magic you will need:

  • a cup of tea;
  • green napkin or green paper;
  • ¼ spoon of honey;
  • pen;
  • purse.

Once all the necessary attributes are ready, begin the ritual.

The money ritual for a cup of tea is very simple

How to perform a ritual

The ritual is carried out in several main stages:

  • Make strong tea and pour it into a clear cup.
  • Place a glass of tea on the windowsill, first placing a green napkin under it.
  • Now add ¼ teaspoon of honey to the drink and stir in a clockwise direction.
  • While you are performing this action, think about the specific amount that is needed now.
  • Imagine in detail what purposes this money is needed for and how you will spend it.
  • After this, take a napkin from under the cup and write down the amount needed, with the words: “I have (this amount).”
  • Now you can drink the drink, fold the sheet of paper several times and put it in your wallet.

There, keep the treasured note secret from everyone, and if the ritual to attract money on the full moon was carried out without errors, then soon you will have the required amount.

Ritual spell for a silver coin

Like previous wealth rituals, this one is also performed at night under the full moon.

What is needed for the ritual

For this plot you will need:

  • a glass of melt water;
  • gray coin.

What you will need for the ritual

On the night of the ceremony, the sky should be clear and the moon should be visible in the window:

  1. Take a transparent mug, fill it halfway with water, and throw a coin of any denomination into this container (the main thing is that it has a silver color).
  2. Place a glass of water on the windowsill so that the moon is reflected in it.
  3. Now, carefully and slowly, collect the silvery light with your hands (of course, you won’t actually be able to do this, but your hand movements should seem to capture the light of the moon reflected in the glass).
  4. Next, say the following spell 3 times:

    “Beautiful mistress of the moon! Bring me wealth, fill my hands with silver and gold. I can take whatever you give!”

After the ritual, thank the Moon and all the spirits that bring wealth to people.

Ritual to attract money using essential oils

Since ancient times, essential oils of patchouli and cinnamon have been considered a means of attracting wealth to the home.

What is needed for the ritual

To perform the ceremony you will need:

  • green candle;
  • wallet;
  • money;
  • essential oil cinnamon or patchouli.

How to perform a ritual

  1. On the night of the full moon, go out to open field, and turn your gaze to the moon.
  2. Next, open your wallet and move all the banknotes from one place in the wallet to another.
  3. Carry out this procedure three times, and then look at the celestial body and say the following:

    “Mother Moon, increase my income many times over.”

  4. Now return home and anoint the candle with oil, and do the same procedure with all the banknotes in your wallet. When performing these manipulations, think about how income increases.
  5. Now light the candle and place the money in a circle around it. Sit nearby and focus on the flame.
  6. At this moment, think about how your capital increases.
  7. Wait until the candle burns out, then put all the money in your wallet.
  8. Having completed the ritual, go to bed, and in the near future you will see how your financial condition will improve for the better.

All conspiracies and rituals for money on the full moon are very effective, the possible effect sometimes exceeds all expectations, so follow all the rules when performing the rituals, and you will succeed.

The green candle can attract money

Rituals for making wishes come true

Now I’ll describe a simple one, but effective ritual on the full moon for the fulfillment of desires.

  1. On the eve of the full moon, you need to take a piece of paper and write on it what you dream about. Just write as if you already have it. For example, you want a new car, so write: I got a new car.
  2. Now place the sheet with the wish on the windowsill so that at night the moonlight falls on it and illuminates the lines written there.
  3. You need to put a horse figure on top of the note.
  4. For three days, desire will be nourished by the full moon.
  5. Then the sheet is put away in a secluded place where no one will see it.

The performed ritual will help you get what you wanted soon, and when this happens, the sheet left after the ritual should be burned.

Ritual to increase income during the full moon

The next ritual is performed at night during the full moon.

What is needed for the ritual

It is very effective and efficient money ritual, to execute it you will need:

  • plate;
  • sheet of paper;
  • pen or felt-tip pen;
  • church candle.

How to perform a ritual

  1. When all the attributes are ready, wait until midnight, stand in front of the window and look at the moon.
  2. At this moment, formulate your desire. Only it should be clear and understandable.
  3. Now write down this desire on paper, and at this moment pronounce all the words while writing.
  4. Next, light a candle and place it on a plate.
  5. Bring the wish sheet to the candle and light it. While the sheet with the wish is burning, you should quietly pronounce the wish, word for word, without changing a single letter of what is written. Try to let the ashes from the leaf fall onto the plate with desire.
  6. When the paper burns out, do not put out the candle, but wait until it burns completely, and in the meantime continue to repeat the wish, only now not out loud.
  7. After the candle burns, collect the wax and ash and roll it out into a ball.
  8. Now carry this attribute with you everywhere, just don’t show it to anyone.
  9. When you go to bed, take this ball in your hands and warm it, repeating your wish.

Conspiracies pronounced on the full moon have extraordinary power, this power is given to them by bright moonlight. After your wish comes true, melt the wax ball over the water and pour the water out the window, and do not forget to thank the Almighty for helping.

Rituals to attract good luck

If you've decided to use the full moon to attract good luck, then you've come to the right place. There are many known rituals and ceremonies that can be performed during the full moon. The question arises, what rituals are performed for good luck. In this matter, I will help and tell you what rituals are performed on such a lunar day.

You can attract good luck with the help of talismans. To do this, the thing that is planned to be used for these purposes is charmed. A ring that will always be nearby is good. This conspiracy can be carried out on any day, but it gains greater power precisely during the full moon, since it will be nourished by the power of this heavenly body.

Lunar energy talisman for good luck

  1. Take the intended ring with your left hand and say the following words:

    “We are of the same blood, you and I.”

  2. These words are pronounced three times.
  3. The main condition for such a ritual will be the person’s faith in what he is doing.
  4. When pronouncing this plot, you need to think about why the talisman is being created.
  5. If you need luck in business, then think about it, if you need luck in love, then think about it.
  6. During the ritual, constantly look at the ring. After the words of the spell are spoken, wet your finger with your saliva and circle it around the ring three times.
  7. Make circular movements clockwise.
  8. Then light the match and draw the flame around the ring three times as well. When you put out the match, make sure that the smoke passes through the ring.

Now the enchanted item must always be with you, otherwise it will lose its power. The ring cannot be passed on to other people; it is forbidden to even give it to someone else.

You can attract good luck with the help of talismans

Universal rites of Fortune for the full moon

There are universal spells for good luck and luck, and such rituals are often performed on the full moon. Such rituals will help attract success in all endeavors. If you decide to perform a ritual for good luck on the full moon, then do the following:

  1. Wait until the moon is full and at dawn say the following words:

    “Just as the morning dawn cannot meet the evening dawn, so my house becomes a full cup. So that wealth and other benefits fill my home, there is always money in it, and luck does not pass me by. It will be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

  2. In the evening, when the sun sets, these words are repeated, just correct them:

    “Just as the evening dawn does not meet the morning, so that my house becomes a full cup. So that wealth and other benefits fill my home, there is always money in it, and luck does not pass me by. It will be so from now on and forever and ever. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Ritual to attract love

If you dream of big and bright love, but your betrothed is in no hurry to meet you, then the full moon ritual for love is for you. But this ritual has special requirements, it is thanks to them that this ritual has strength and power:

It is necessary to choose a special day for the ritual. There should be a full moon on this night, but the main thing is that this event falls on Friday. The ceremony itself is performed at midnight, when the moon gains full strength.

What to prepare for the ceremony

To perform the ritual you will need:

  • red or pink candle;
  • a red or pink new scarf (or tablecloth);
  • red or pink rope;
  • rose-scented essential oil;
  • an image symbolizing love;
  • metal plate;
  • red or pink rose petals.

If the attributes are ready, then proceed.

How to perform the ritual

  1. Place a scarf on the table, place a lit candle, essential oil, an image with a symbol of love on it, and place a rope with rose petals. The rope for the ritual must be long so that you can tie it around your belt.
  2. Now take a piece of paper and write on it:

    “For the one who waits for me and loves me.”

  3. Now that the preparatory process is complete, stand at the table and think about the upcoming ritual, and about future love. When you are completely focused and only love is in your thoughts, say the following words:

    “My heart is empty. Send me someone who will fill him with love. My soul feels a burning desire. Lead me to love harmony. My mind is asleep. Fill it with living thoughts."

  4. Now pass the sheet with the written lines over the candle, do the same with the rope, and say the following words:

    “Let there be bonds of love that stretch between us through space and time and draw us to each other until we stand face to face and heart to heart.”

  5. After you finish saying the words of the spell, tie a piece of paper around your waist with a rope, and silently thank the Virgin Mary for your help.
  6. Now remove the rope and paper from your waist and tie it on the same piece of paper. Put out the candle, don’t touch everything else, go to bed.

When you wake up in the morning, try to remember your dreams; they can be prophetic that night. Go to the table with ritual things and light a candle. Mentally draw an image of your future loved one, and think that your wish will soon come true. Now take a sheet of paper with the lines you wrote and light it with a candle. Try to ensure that the ashes only fall on the plate. After the paper burns out, throw its ashes outside.

The full moon is a special mystical time of peak energy, so most rituals are recommended to be performed during this truly magical period. Experts believe that full moon rituals are endowed with special miraculous power full moon, so when they are held you can get maximum results with a minimum of effort.

What rituals and ceremonies are performed on the full moon?

Traditional techniques for the full moon are rituals for money, for love and for the fulfillment of desires.

In this article we will analyze in detail all the most powerful and effective practices carried out during the full moon.


How to prepare for full moon rituals

Before you begin to carry out any rituals, you must first of all prepare well for them, and above all psychologically. Since all full moon rituals are mainly carried out at night, and this time of day traditionally evokes natural fears and natural instincts in many people, they need to be overcome or neutralized.

Here are some tips for performing rituals:

  • First of all, decide for yourself, do you really need it? Are you really ready to attract money, love, success and fulfillment of desires into your life in this way? If this is the case, then feel free to proceed and cast aside all doubts.
  • Be sure to check out lunar calendar so as not to make a mistake. All full moon rituals are carried out during the period of the full moon, namely in the period from the 15th to the 17th lunar day. At this time, the “housewife of the night” concentrates all the forces accumulated over previous periods and is in its most active phase.
  • Basically, all rituals and ceremonies are carried out with the pronunciation of texts aloud - spells, sayings, whispers. Prepare well, learn them by heart so as not to get lost during practice.

Well, let's move on to the rituals themselves?

Full moon rituals to attract money

If there is a money crisis in your life, if you are tortured money problems, if you just can’t get out of debt, or you just want to improve your financial situation, then wait until the next full moon and perform one of the rituals suggested below to attract money.

Ritual for money “Money water”

You will need:

  • 1-1.5 liter bottle
  • melt water
  • sheet of paper
  • pen
  • paper glue

On the night of the full moon, pour it into a bottle melt water and place it in front of you. Close your eyes and for about one minute, create on your mental screen a picture of money falling from the sky (paper or metal, it doesn’t matter). Then take a breath, open your eyes, clasp the bottle with your hands and, as you exhale, mentally “transfer” this picture into the water, at the same time charging it with your energy through your hands.

After this, write a dollar sign $ on a small piece of paper, stick it on the bottle and transfer it to a windowsill that receives moonlight. Look through the window at the full Moon and say out loud three times: “Magic Moon - shine, charge the water with power!” Leave the water bottle to sit on the windowsill for two to three hours. After that, give it a place in the refrigerator and drink 2-3 sips of “money water” from it once a day.

Ritual for money “Money Magnet”

You will need:

  • 3 coins of any denomination
  • small magnet
  • small white or green candle

Before performing this ritual to attract money, you need to cleanse your home, since money really loves cleanliness and order.

Wait until it is completely dark and thoroughly clean your apartment or house. After this, arrange 3 coins in the form of a triangle, in the center of which place a candle. Light it and let it burn to the end. Then put the coins in the left pocket of the clothes you wear most often. Place a small magnet in your right pocket. Carry all this with you for exactly 7 days. If you change clothes, put money and a magnet in it. The financial situation should improve within a week.

Ritual for money “Money Bank”

This ritual to attract money should be performed if you urgently need a specific amount of money.

You will need:

  • Jar with lid
  • 7 coins of the same denomination
  • Sheet of paper
  • Pen

Wait until the full moon. Exactly at midnight, on a piece of paper, write with a pen the amount you want. at the moment really needed. Write it 2 times - in numbers and in words. Roll up the leaf and place it at the bottom of the jar. Then, with the hand with which you wrote, take 7 coins and throw them into the jar one by one, while saying: “The coins ring, they reflect the light of the Moon, wealth and money attract me!” Leave the jar overnight on the windowsill on which the moonlight falls. In the morning, remove it from the window, hide it in a secluded place and every day, until the next full moon, add 3 more coins (of any denomination) to this jar, repeating the same words.

Ritual for money “Moon Wallet”

You will need:

  • wallet or purse
  • paper money and coins

Wait until the full moon. After midnight, fill your wallet or purse with money to capacity. Use as paper bills, and coins. The main thing is that your wallet is completely filled with money, as they say, “bursting at the seams.” Place it on the windowsill that is illuminated by moonlight, and looking at the moon through the window, say the following words out loud: “As the moon is full, so is my wallet full of money!” Leave it on the windowsill until the morning. You can start spending money from your wallet only at 18 lunar days when the moon begins to wan.

Ritual for money “Moon meditation”

This ritual for attracting money stands out among the rest, as it is based on meditative practices. It is very powerful, and if you are good enough in meditation techniques, then correct execution This ritual will attract money to you with a very high degree of probability.

You will need:

  • A new banknote of any denomination (preferably larger)

Wait until midnight on the day of the full moon, go outside and sit in a moonlit area. Take a comfortable position, take a banknote by the ends with both hands and peer at it closely for 2-3 minutes. Imagine that the banknote is filled with moonlight, saturated with it and itself begins to glow and shine. And the moonlight begins to turn into a beam of light connecting the Moon and the banknote. Come out of meditation when you feel that the banknote is maximally filled with the power of the full moon. Put this “charged” bill in your wallet and do not exchange it until the next full moon, it will serve as a money magnet for you and will significantly increase the incoming cash flow.

Ritual for money “Coin of Happiness”

You will need:

  • Coins of any denomination

After midnight on any day of the full moon, collect all the coins you have in your house. Make a wish for one of the sides of the coin that will be lucky for you (heads or tails). Collect them in a handful, shake them several times with the words: “I shake and tell fortunes, I find a coin of happiness,” and as if dice, throw them on some surface, such as a table.

After this, select only those coins that came up on the “lucky” side. Do this procedure several times until you only have one coin left. Did it work? Congratulations! Now this is your “happiness coin”. Never waste it and always carry it in your wallet as a money talisman. It can also be used in fortune telling as an answer to a question (the lucky side will mean “yes”).

Don’t be upset if at the very end the last coins didn’t fall out on the hidden side – there just wasn’t a “lucky” one among them! Just repeat the ritual on the next full moon.

Ritual for money “Money spices”

You will need:

  • tablespoon raisins
  • tablespoon sugar
  • half a teaspoon of cinnamon
  • tablespoon walnuts

Mix all the ingredients thoroughly, wait until midnight on the day of the full moon, go outside and address the Moon with the following words: “Mistress of the night, accept the gift, and bring a lot of money!” After this, you need to scatter this mixture around yourself, making 3 turns counterclockwise.

Full moon rituals to attract love

I would like to point out right away that rituals to attract love and magical love spells are NOT the same thing. The difference between them is that love spells are always aimed at specific person and act against his will.

Rituals that attract love are designed to attract the Energy of Love, to increase the frequency of a person’s internal vibration to the level of the Frequency of Love.

Rituals to attract love, unlike love spells, are absolutely safe; they only help the practitioner meet his soulmate and become more attractive to people of the opposite sex.

Ritual for love “Note of love”

You will need:

  • 2 small red candles
  • small piece of paper
  • pen
  • scissors

Wait until the full moon. After midnight, place two candles on the table in front of you. One of them will be yours, the second will be your betrothed. On a small piece of paper, use a pen to write your love desire, for example: “This year I will meet my soul mate and get married!” Using scissors, cut the “love note” in half and burn them one by one in the flame of a candle - one above yours, the other above your fiancé’s candle.

Ritual for love “Rose of Love”

As you know, a rose is ancient symbol love and it is very often used to attract love into your life. If you are single and passionate about meeting the love of your life, then you definitely need to perform this romantic ritual.

You will need:

  • red rose flower
  • vase
  • 2 red candles

On the day of the full moon, go to flower shop and buy a beautiful red rose. Place it at home beautiful vase and look at the flower from time to time, creating a romantic mood for yourself. After the clock strikes twelve at night, light the candles and place a rose between them. Turn on a romantic melody, sit on a chair and look at this “composition” for a few minutes, enjoy, inhale the rose aroma, mentally imagining the image of your soulmate. After this, say out loud three times: “Love in the present, love in the future, love forever. Love is the sky above me, love is the earth below me, love is around me. I attract love, I welcome my betrothed!”

Watch this video. In it I show 3 rituals to attract love during the full moon.

Ritual for love “Talisman of Love”

This ritual to attract love can be performed at any time of the full moon, regardless of the time of day.

You will need:

  • personal photo
  • large flat plate
  • cinnamon
  • basil
  • large red candle with candlestick
  • red thread
  • ceramic bowl
  • natural red fabric

Take a red candle, hold it between your palms, and with your eyes closed, visualize yourself happy next to your loved one for a couple of minutes. Try to “send” the “picture” through your hands into the candle. After this, place the candle in a previously prepared candlestick and light it. Place a flat plate in front of the candle and place your photo on top of it (you should be alone in it).

On a plate around your photo, sprinkle a circle of cinnamon clockwise, while saying: “Let love surround me!” Above the cinnamon circle, pour another circle, this time from basil, again saying the same words. And finally, pour the third circle of cinnamon again (above the basil one), again saying out loud the spell “Let love surround me!”

After this, pour the spices into a ceramic bowl and mix them with your hands, while saying: “Magic herbs, send me my betrothed! Our love is mutual! So be it!”

Then pour the spices from the ceramic bowl onto the red natural fabric and place your photo on top. Connect the ends of the fabric with red thread to make a bag. Now this will be your love talisman. Leave it near the candle for exactly 7 minutes, then hide it in a secluded place. Do not throw away the rest of the candle, but every day, placing your talisman of love in front of it, light it for 7 minutes until it burns out completely.

Ritual for love “Wax Heart”

This ritual to attract love can be used both to find your betrothed and to enhance the passion between spouses.

You will need:

  • red rose petals
  • juniper sprig
  • dill seeds
  • red wax
  • red bag made of natural fabric
  • scissors
  • tablespoon
  • wooden mortar
  • small plate

On the day of the full moon, after midnight, take the dry petals of one red rose, a dry sprig of juniper and cut them into small pieces with scissors. Mix them together and put 2 teaspoons of this mixture in a wooden mortar. Add one teaspoon of dill to it and grind it all into powder.

Then put a small piece of red wax in a tablespoon and melt it over the fire. Add 3 pinches of “love” powder to the melted wax and pour it onto a plate.

Let the spiced wax cool a little (so it doesn't burn your hands, but remains pliable), and mold a small heart out of it. At the same time, imagine the image of your lover and draw mental pictures of your happy future.

When you finish this “love magic”, put the heart in a pre-prepared red bag and hang it at the head of your bed. If you are in a relationship and your bed is your marital bed, then hide a bag with a wax heart under your pillow.

Full moon rituals to make wishes come true

As mentioned above, the full moon is the period of maximum lunar activity and the most energetic time, so the fulfillment of desires made during this time period occurs much faster.

After all, in order to realize a desire, for its speedy materialization in reality, energy is needed, and during the full moon the energy background is maximally increased.

Ritual for wish fulfillment “Magic note”

This is a very simple ritual to perform, but its effectiveness does not diminish in any way.

You will need:

  • small piece of paper
  • pen

Wait until the full moon arrives. After 12 o'clock at night, write your deepest desire on a piece of paper with a pen. It should be written in the present tense, without negations and the word “I want.” For example: “I’m getting a high-paying job!” Place a magical note with a written wish on the windowsill where the light from the Moon falls. Leave the leaf on the windowsill for 3 nights in a row (pick it up from the window in the morning). During this time, your desire will be “saturated” with active lunar energies and will soon begin to come true. Hide the piece of paper with the wish away until the wish comes true. After this, you need to burn it and thank the Universe for its fulfillment.

Ritual for wish fulfillment “Moon magnet”

With this ritual you can fulfill any desire quite quickly.

You will need:

  • 2 candles (green, red or white*)
  • sheet of paper
  • pen
  • dressing tape (green, red or white*)
  • small magnet

*Note: the color of the candles and bandaging tape in this ritual is selected depending on the type of your desire (for money - green, for love - red, for the rest - white).

On one of the full moon days, after the clock strikes midnight, light two candles. Write your desire on a piece of paper in great detail, in all the details. Avoid the future tense, the word “want” and all types of negations (not, nor, never). Place a piece of paper with a wish between two candles. Look closely at the fire and imagine your wish already fulfilled. Enjoy the emotions of its implementation! At the end, say the following words out loud 3 times: “The moon-mistress is filled with power - my wish has already been fulfilled!” After this, wrap a small magnet in a piece of paper with a wish, tie it with a bandage ribbon and carry it in your bag or pocket until the wish comes true.

Ritual for wish fulfillment “Moon Mirror”

One of the most powerful lunar rituals that fulfills wishes. To carry it out, you will need only one accessory - a small mirror.

Wait until the night of the full moon. After midnight, go outside near your house (you can go to the balcony). The main condition is that the full Moon must be clearly visible and you must be in the flow of moonlight. Take in right hand small mirror, turn your back to the Moon, catch the lunar reflection in the mirror, and without taking your eyes off it, say out loud:

“Luna, beauty, all the stars like it. Share the moonlight, stand up for me. Whatever I want, let it come true, your power will descend to me. Your light is poured onto the earth, my wish is fulfilled. So be it!”

After this, you cannot look into the lunar mirror until the next full moon. During this time, your wish should come true.

Watch this short video. In it I show 2 rituals for fulfilling desires.

Friends, do not miss the wonderful time of the full moon and be sure to spend magical rituals to attract money, love and fulfill desires!

May your Dreams come true!

Alena Golovina

P. S. Receive a powerful Digital Amulet as a GIFT "EMERGENCY LUCK" :


Wait until midnight. Do a thorough general cleaning. Take three coins and put them in the pockets of the clothes you wear most often. Place an ordinary magnet in the second pocket. Light a candle and place it in the hallway. Profit will “visit” you in about a week.

Money Tea Party

Brew strong tea in a clear cup when you see the full moon at night. Add a little fresh honey to it. Place the cup on a green tablecloth or green leaf papers in front of the window. Stir the honey tea with a new pencil (stir strictly clockwise). Think exclusively about the amount of money that you are sorely lacking. Take a tablecloth or piece of paper from under the cup. Write on it in pencil that you will definitely have money. Drink tea, and hide the “note” in your wallet and never take it out.

Emerald candle

Light a green candle on the full moon. Place it in the middle of a table covered with a snow-white tablecloth. Watch the flame carefully. Wait until the candle temporarily stops smoking and crackling. Mentally say that you dream of stability in financial sector. Put out the candle and immediately go to bed.

Conspiracies during the lunar full moon

Powerful money plot

Take a small denomination bill. Make a triangle out of it, fold it in half and slowly bring it to your lips.

Say the following:

“Just as this day attracts the night of the full moon, so let this bill attract its “relatives.” I will have a lot of money and I will become a rich man. Let everything that is said come true! Amen!".

Place the bill with all the other money. Keep it there for about three months (but no less).

Silver Coin Conspiracy

Place a bowl filled with water on the windowsill. Make sure the moon is reflected in the water. Throw a silver coin into the bowl. Move your hands in the air over the bowl several times, as if trying to capture a handful of moonlight with your hand.


“Mistress Moon, give me a handful of silver and a handful of gold! Thank you for what you can give me."

Go out and look asphalt pavement. Pour water from a bowl onto it. Keep the coin until real wealth comes knocking on your door.

Full moon rituals

"Financial Bank"

Wait for the full moon. Write any amount of money on a piece of paper. Place it in a square jar. Take exactly seven coins into your dominant hand.

Place them one by one in the jar and say:

“The coins ring and sparkle and are deposited in the bank account!”

Take a large bay leaf. Write your name on it. Place it in the same jar. Cover it with a good quality lid. Add three coins to the jar every day.

"The Power of Cinnamon"

Leave the house as soon as it is time for the full moon. Stop at any open place, which is well illuminated by the moon. After looking closely at it, transfer the money in your wallet three times from one compartment to another. Look down. Wait a few seconds and point up again.

Say quietly:

“Lady Luna! Make sure that my monetary income increases as soon as possible, and does not stop increasing!”

Come home. Rub the money with cinnamon. Do the same with the candles you have in your home. Light a candle and place money rubbed with cinnamon next to it. Clearly imagine a dream that is directly related to getting rich. After fifteen minutes, thank the moon, put the money in your wallet pocket and wait until the candle burns out completely. Put the rest of the candle in the cabinet and go to bed quietly.

Prayer to attract money during the full moon

All prayers presented below must be read and repeated only on the full moon.

Prayer before the icon of Spyridon

You need to use this prayer until the financial situation in your family improves:

“O great Saint Spyridon! Ask me, the servant of God (servant of God), from God and Christ for physical and mental health, a serene life. Amen!".

Prayer to Nicholas the Wonderworker

It will help you attract money that suddenly disappeared from your difficult life:

“Father Nicholas! I pray to you, ruler of those floating on the sea, feeder of the hungry, helper and patron of all, for a peaceful and bright path of life. I unceasingly glorify the one God in the Trinity forever and ever. Amen!".

“The miracle of moonlight” - we pray...

Wait until the full moon. Sit by an open window. Peering into the heavenly canvas, whisper prayer words:

“Lunar powers of the dark nights! Come into me and stay in me forever, taking money and riches with you! I attract to own life everything that is bought, and I forever renounce everything that is sold for pennies! Amen!".

Amulets that attract money at any time

Runic symbol of prosperity

You can engrave it on a ring or carve it on a tree trunk.

Magic fish

Do you have an aquarium? Place in it the fish that you really like. She will play the role of your amulet. If there is no “fish house”, then you can simply draw a small fish holding a shiny coin in its mouth on a red piece of cardboard.

Salt dough figurine

Make a stiff dough from flour and salt. Make some kind of figure out of it. Dry it, paint it and carefully varnish it.

Pumpkin seeds

Wrap twenty-seven pumpkin seeds in red cloth and carry them with you always.

Fixing magic after full moon rituals

Rice magic

Take a deep bowl. Fill it with rice. Place it near the threshold of the apartment. Every time you approach the door, throw any banknotes and mix them with rice grains. Do this for twenty-seven days. On the twenty-eighth day, count everything and give a tenth of the amount to charity.

The full moon has always been considered the most mystical time. Since ancient times, it was at this time that the most significant and complex rites and rituals were performed, spells and prayers were recited aimed at achieving what was desired.

The whole point is that magical work not only helps own strength, but also doubled the energy of the moon itself, which has accumulated over the course of the month.

At this magical time, any ritual is doomed to success, especially if it is a full moon spell for a man’s love, provided that everything is carried out exactly as required in the ritual, since the power of the moon plays an important role even for experienced magicians.

When is the full moon?

As is known , all lunar cycle clearly divided into phases, each of which has its own positive and negative aspects.

Important! It is necessary to be absolutely sure that the moon is in the full moon phase before the ceremony, and not in the waxing or waning phase, since each of them has its own energy. Otherwise, the consequences of the ritual may become exactly the opposite of what is desired.

What can you do on a full moon?

Not all full moon rituals can be given the same power, although the moon provides additional nourishment. There is a list of rituals that can be performed at this time:

  • Love spells during the full moon are most powerful. This can be either a conspiracy to return feelings, or to meet your betrothed.
  • Spells for beauty and health promotion. Since ancient times, it was believed that the full moon could reward beauty or restore health and psychological balance.
  • Rituals to attract money.

Each ritual has its own order. It is the exact sequence of actions that will lead to the fulfillment of what you want.

You cannot perform any rituals on a high emotional background on a full moon. And also the moon does not like being asked to resolve minor family troubles.

Love magic

This is one of the most popular sections of magic since ancient times, because women have always wanted to love and be loved and used rituals for love. Here are a few spells for a man's love that a woman can make on the full moon.

For single girls

When the moon is at its peak, this is the ideal time for unmarried girls to make a spell for the full moon. The ideal days for this are Wednesday, Friday and Saturday, since these days have more pronounced feminine energy.

In addition, this ritual helps not only to attract love, but also to develop the feminine principle. The ritual itself must be performed naked.

You need to purchase rose oil and a bright red rose in advance - .

Place a mirror in front of you, and next to it - a bowl of water, to which rose oil and rose petals have been added. Above this water you need to read the following words:

“Just as this rose blossomed under the light of the moon and enchanted me with its beauty, so I (Name) became a beauty and found my love for the rest of my life. Milky Way help me, show my betrothed the way to my doorstep. Amen»

Ritual for marriage proposal

This ritual will help, first of all, if your loved one still does not dare to propose marriage. Then unmarried girl You can perform a ritual on the full moon to get married in the shortest possible time.

First of all, you will need holy water or spring water, but not the kind that flows from the tap. This must be done during the full moon.

Take a glass of prepared water and read over it:

« Just as grass cannot live without water, a tree burns with fire, just as fish die without water, so the servant of God (name of the betrothed) withered without me. As soon as this water quenches thirst, the beloved (name) will experience longing in the heart, mortal boredom, love until the end of days for me, the servant of God (name). He looked at me and couldn’t stop looking at me. Amen!»

A conspiracy to return a husband to the family

It happens that a husband loses love for his wife over time and may cool off or even leave the family completely.

For a relationship to flare up with renewed vigor, you need to take two wedding rings and wash them with soda in one container, and then, rubbing soft cloth, say:

« How pure the water is,

Mother earth is good to us,

I call on you for help,

Revive your old love and passion,

Bring our hearts together again.

How these rings sparkle in the light,

This is how our love comes to life,

Strengthens our family again ».

So that the guy doesn't go around with girls

You need to be the last one to enter the room where the boyfriend or husband is, and very quietly pronounce the love spell: « You are dumb walls, blind chickens. And I am the nightingale - the red sun. I’ll go, I won’t shake the board, I’ll stand opposite others, I’ll take the heart out of the chest of the slave (name) and take it with me. Amen».

Conspiracy against the homewrecker

If the husband has already gone on a spree, then you can perform a magical ritual to return him to the family. On the day of the full moon (ideally, if it is Wednesday), at midnight you need to say salt, which you will then use to salt only your husband’s food. This conspiracy has the same power as love spell. Above the salt we read exactly at midnight:

“I will speak salty salt against my rival, so that my betrothed, God’s servant (name), does not look in her direction, does not go to her doorstep, does not want to be with her, does not go to bed with her! Let all the passion for this toad go away, like this salt is salty, so it will not be nice to him.”

This salt must be stored so that it does not spill, otherwise it will be very bad omen and you need to perform the ritual again.

Ritual for maiden beauty

  • Mirror, the bigger the better.
  • A pair of white church candles.
  • Dishes that are not afraid of fire.

Exactly at midnight, stand in front of the mirror in what your mother gave birth to, place candles on both sides and read:

« I leave my house and go to a clear, endless field, where there is a gilded throne. A pure angel is waiting for me on that throne. I ask him with a prayer on my lips and a cross in my hands for beauty for myself. So that she is sweet, pure as the first snow, beautiful as the clear sun. Amen».

They read the plot three times, wait for the candles to burn out, and then go to bed..

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