How to start a fire by friction. Making fire with flint in a damp forest

Do you consider yourself a modern person? Do you really believe that you can handle any complexity or problem? In principle, we can assume that this is the case. But, as practice shows, the average person can be proud of his omnipotence only as long as he does not leave his usual habitat. Shall we check?

Section 1. How to light a fire without matches? Relevance of the issue

The 21st century is just around the corner. We have learned to fly to the moon, with the help of the Internet you can find almost any information, and foreign languages You can already study without leaving your computer. All this is called scientific and technological progress.

What about simpler, but still vitally important things? Have you ever wondered whether it could modern man to survive, say, in the wild? Does he know, without matches, or how to build at least a temporary shelter from the rain? As sad as it may be, the answers to these questions will most likely be negative.

In general, if you look at the statistics, it turns out that most city residents cannot light a fire even with a lighter, and they have no idea about the various methods of making fire.

That’s why you shouldn’t forget about survival school. You never know where and when it might come in handy. There is an opinion that every man should know how to start a fire without matches, but women should also listen to our advice today. This, you see, is the most important skill for survival.

Section 2. We list the main ways to solve the problem

How to make fire without matches in the forest? Is this even possible?

It is absolutely clear that any moisture or dampness will ruin all your endeavors. Here, it would seem, there is nothing to argue about. Even junior schoolboy guesses that in order to get a fire in the forest without matches or using them (at this stage this is not so important), you will need dry rags or leaves; by the way, ropes, gauze, chopped bark or dry moss and etc. Let me note that this is only a minimum set of components. So to speak, the most accessible to the common man.

WITH scientific point There are four main methods to solve the problem:

  • chemical;
  • textbook (using a lens);
  • using friction force;
  • solid.

Now let's talk about each of them in more detail.

Section 3. Chemical method

Probably, from school, some of us remember that a flammable mixture can be caused by the reaction of potassium permanganate and glycerin. If you have access to these ingredients to “cook” a fire, go for it! IN in this case you can easily solve the problem of how to light a fire without matches in field conditions. Just 1 g of potassium permanganate, poured onto previously prepared cloths, and a couple of drops of glycerin are enough. But I would like to immediately warn you: as soon as you drop the glycerin, quickly remove your hand, because the fire will immediately begin to devour the offered “gifts”.

Section 4. How to light a fire without matches. Long, but reliable - a textbook method

Using a lens from glasses, binoculars, a telescope, a convex bottle, an aquarium or other shaped glass, you can focus the sun's ray to create a fire. For example, Robinson Crusoe from the well-known and beloved book from childhood, before getting fire without matches (what kind of matches and lighter could there be on an island?!?), diligently used watch glass.

Section 5. Ready to work hard? Tiring way

You can make a fire, although this is a very tedious and not always fruitful activity. To begin with, a bow is made from soft wood, but a rope will perfectly serve as a bowstring. The “drill” will be any pointed stick. The support should be made of dry hardwood logs, such as pine or oak.

The source material is first cleared of bark. Then you need to drill a hole 1-1.5 cm deep in it and carefully cover it with tinder. The drill needs to be wrapped in a bowstring, inserted with one ring into the hole, and tinder placed tightly around it. Only after this, firmly pressing the drill with your palm, you need to use right hand move the bow quickly. This should be done perpendicular to the drill. Important: to avoid damaging your palm, place a fabric pad between the drill and your hand; you can replace it with tree bark. After the tinder has smoldered, you need to fan it well and add kindling, which has been prepared in advance.

Section 6. Hard way

For this method, any stone can serve as a material. It is quite convenient to knock out a spark using a steel knife or other metal objects. The success of such an activity is difficult to predict, because everything depends on luck and a very dry base for the fire.

Section 7. “Diligence and labor will grind everything”

You should immediately warn that making fire by friction is the most difficult method. It's definitely not for the faint of heart.

In general, there is various methods, allowing you to get fire by friction. However the most important aspect is the type of wood used for the board and spindle.

The spindle is the stick that you will spin to create friction between it and the board. Juniper, cypress, aspen, willow, cedar, walnut are considered the best materials for board and spindle. To use wood to make fire using the friction method, as well as, in principle, any other method, the wood must be taken exclusively dry.

Section 8: Hand Drill Method

Honestly, it is the most primitive, but also the most basic and difficult. All that is required in this case is wood, tireless hands and determination.

Build a tinder nest. For tinder, a material that ignites with a single spark, it is best to use:

  • birch bark;
  • dry grass;
  • pine needles;
  • wood shavings;
  • tinder fungi (crushed and dry mushrooms);
  • wax paper;
  • fluffy cotton wool;
  • burnt cotton fabric;
  • fir cones.

Make the cut by cutting a small indentation into the board. It is worth placing a bark under this cutout to catch the ember that arises from friction. Start rotating by placing the spindle in the recess. Typically, it needs to be about 50 centimeters long for this method to work properly. Rotate the stick between your palms until an ember appears.

As soon as a spark appears, quickly transfer it to the previously prepared tinder nest. Blow on it carefully, everything is ready - the fire is burning.

Section 9. Fire bow method

It is considered the most in an efficient way production of fire, which is based on friction. In this case, you will need to use a bow and auger.

Make a tight bow. To do this, pull a rope, belt, or cord around the stick. Then make a hole in dry wood. Next, quickly and for a long time twist the shaft in the hole using the bow. You should end up with a black powder. As soon as a spark appears in it, it must be transferred to the tinder.

Section 10. Flint and steel

In general, it should be noted that this is an old and reliable backup option for those who do not know how to make a fire without matches in the forest or in open areas.

In principle, good idea- this means constantly taking flint with you on a hike. After all, matches can get wet and will be useless. Otherwise, you can still get a spark from a piece of flint.

Flint remains the ideal option. In addition, you can always improvise using quartzite and the steel blade of any knife.

But that's not all. According to experts, you will definitely need a charred piece of cloth, which can be replaced with a dry piece of mushroom or birch bark.

  1. Take stone and cloth.
  2. Place a piece of stone between the large one and index fingers, while its edge should protrude by 7 centimeters.
  3. Pinch the fabric securely with your thumb and flint.
  4. Start striking sparks. To do this, hit the flint with steel or a knife blade several times; you will see that sparks will fly off onto the fabric, thereby causing a glow.
  5. Place the spark cloth on the tinder and blow gently to start the fire.

Section 11. Using the Lens

In general, all methods based on producing fire using lenses are considered the easiest. Before starting a fire without matches, you just need to focus sun rays at some specific place.

Also suitable for this purpose:

  • magnifying glass;
  • glasses;
  • binoculars.

By the way, if you add a little water to the lens, the beam of light will become more intense. Try to tilt the glass in such a way as to focus the rays to a point with the smallest possible diameter. Place tinder in this place, you will soon be able to get fire.

The only drawback of this method is that it only works in the presence of sun. And at night you will have to use other methods.

Section 12. Creative approach

Don't know how to light a fire without matches? Try to do it in an original way - you will have fun yourself and surprise your friends.

So, in addition to traditional ways there are three completely unusual, but quite effective methods, which are based on the refraction of rays.

  1. Balloons and condoms. If you fill a balloon or condom with water, it turns into a lens. True, they should be kept less from the tinder - 1-2 cm.
  2. Fire from ice. Make fire from a block of ice. This method extremely useful for winter camping. But for the method to work, the ice must be completely transparent and about 5 centimeters thick. Then shape the ice into a lens shape, polish it with your hands until smooth, and use it like a traditional lens.
  3. Coca-Cola and chocolate. You will also need chocolate. Moreover, the bottom of the first should be polished with the second; toothpaste will also work. After grinding, you will get a parabolic mirror. All that remains is to catch the sunlight and place tinder where the rays focus.

Publication date 02/04/2013 13:03

Making fire is one of the most useful skills a person can have. In this article we will tell you, in the wild, without having the usual matches or lighters on hand. Survival in difficult conditions dictates its own rules that you need to accept and be able to adapt to them. Let's find out how to make fire?

Fire can be made in various ways. For example, with the help of sunlight, by carving, by drilling, by simple friction. Each of these methods of making fire also has some variations. If for some reason you find yourself in the wild, you will probably need to make fire. After reading this article you will understand how this can be done.

1. How to make fire with a condom

You will need to fill the condom with water, the bottle can also be filled with water. After which we receive a means for focusing the sun's rays. You look for a windless place, set the “lens” accordingly and just go about your business. Be sure that the fire will already be burning by the time you arrive.

2. How to make fire using an iron can

Look at the bottom of a can of beer, it is concave and will perfectly be able to “collect” the sun’s rays. But for high-quality focusing, it is better to polish it first. After which this part of the jar can be used to make fire.

3. How to make fire using a piece of ice

Maybe you've seen one of the episodes of the MythBusters program? There they just told and demonstrated how you can make a lens for starting a fire from a piece of a certain shape of ice. So in the episode the presenters used a round piece of ice. Thus, even ice can become a “source” of fire. If there is no ice nearby, you can make your own piece of ice of the required shape. Just take a bag and fill it with water, you just need the bag to take the desired round shape. Then you bury it under the snow and after a while the ice lens will be ready.

4. Making fire using the “blacksmith” method

If you have a nail with you, then simply find a material into which you can drive the nail. Next, simply drive the nail in for about three minutes, turning it periodically. It will get hot enough to light a piece of tinder with it.

5. How to make fire using flint carving

A piece of steel can be used as a chair, but only hardened steel. But it will still be more difficult to make fire using flint, although it may be found right on the road. If you are looking for silicon, you only need to find very hard silicon; soft will not work.

If the stone is hard, then it looks like glass, cloudy or even transparent. You are unlikely to get fire from a smooth stone, but if you break the stone into two parts, you will be able to get a spark from the sharp part. To determine which stone sparks the most, simply test each stone one at a time.

The tinder you will burn should be as dry as possible. Fine tinder can be obtained from wood fibers. For example, you can also use cotton socks. In addition, plant fluff ignites well. You need to make fire only in a windless place. It is advisable to hold the tinder over the flint.

6. Making fire by rubbing a rope against a stick

A pine one might work as a stick. A split is made in it, where the tinder is placed. But the tinder must be placed in such a way that there is space under the stick. The rope is better if it is made of natural fibers. You can make handles at the ends of the rope for convenience. Holding the stick with your foot, we “saw” it with a rope from below. Movements should be frequent and fast. Within a few seconds you will be able to see smoke. And later you can fan the fire out of it.

7. Making fire by rubbing a cotton ball

Between two planks lies cotton wool, which can be taken, for example, from an old padded jacket. Then simply “iron” the cotton wool with planks using sharp and frequent movements. After a while you will see that the cotton wool will begin to smolder. The method is quite simple, but at the same time quite effective.

8. How to make fire by rubbing two sticks together

Take a board and make a groove in it at a certain angle where you can insert a stick. Next, you need to press this stick and just move it until clouds of smoke appear. The worn-out material will be collected in the appropriate place. Later the powder will turn dark brown. Some particles of powder will fly off and fall to the side, while they smoke, but no sparks are visible.

A fire can only break out in a place where enough powder has been collected and heated to high temperatures. It is important that air flows freely into the pile of powder. It is better to use planks and sticks from such tree species as beech and pine. For this method of making fire, you should not use aspen and linden.

9. How to make fire by drilling

A shallow hole is made in some part of the wood, into which a stick is subsequently inserted. The top of the hole needs to be covered with a stone.

Next to the hole you will need to place a material that will subsequently light up. It could be lint, moss, wick or tinder. The stick must be set in motion using a bow, which is placed on the stick using the overlap method.

Fire can be created as quickly as possible by rubbing a beech stick in pine. Again, do not use linden and aspen.

10. How to make fire from potatoes

How can you get fire from potatoes?

To get fire, you will first need to make a so-called “electric generator”.

To make such a generator you will need:

1 potato

2 toothpicks

1 regular knife, 1 teaspoon (optional)

2 wires

Some toothpaste

A little salt

  • The wires will need to be exposed. You will need to cut the potatoes into two parts using a knife. The wires will need to be run through a piece of potato. Using a spoon, make a hole in one of the potato halves. The size of the hole should be the same size as a spoon.
  • Next, take salt and mix it with toothpaste. This mixture is placed in the prepared pit.
  • Next, the two halves of the potatoes will need to be connected. Wires will be required from inside bend them, you just need to dip them in toothpaste first.
  • To attach one half to the other you need to use two toothpicks.
  • To start a fire, you will need to wrap a piece of cotton wool around one of the wires.
  • After some time, our generator will charge.
  • Later it will be possible to connect the wires to create a spark.

Lighting a fire in the forest using matches or a lighter is a standard affair. What if, in a situation where you need to light a fire, you don’t have any matches or a lighter. It becomes necessary to light a fire without them. It is possible to do this. How to light a fire without matches? There are several ways to do this.

Friction without matches and lighters

This is a very complex method, with a primitive echo. The key aspect here is the type of wood that is used as a plank or rod.

A rod is a stick that needs to be rotated around its own axis. Powerful friction should form between the axle and this stick. As a result, a spark occurs. If the friction becomes very strong, smoldering coals will form. They can be used to start a fire.

The optimal types of wood for this purpose: walnut (preferably walnut), cypress, juniper, willow. Poplar, aspen and cedar wood are also good. Before use, it must be dried if it is damp or wet.

Using a hand drill

This method is the most ancient and extremely difficult to make a fire. It implies the presence of wood, good physical strength and great patience.

It is necessary to collect the tinder in a small pile, similar to a birds nest. A tinder nest must be used to ignite the flame. The task arises of obtaining a spark. A flammable material should be used to create this nest. To light a fire, dry grass, leaves or bark will do.

You need to make a slight depression in the nest. It is necessary to cut a V-shaped hole in the board. It is needed for the flame. A small depression is made next to the hole. The bark lies under it. Smoldering coals formed from the friction process will be stored on it. This will give you a chance to start a fire.

Then the rod needs to be rotated. It is placed in the indicated recess. Its minimum length is 60 cm. It exerts pressure on the board. The method of rotating it for lighting is between the palms. The movement should be fast up and down along the entire shaft. The steps continue until the required coals are obtained. They should have a red tint. If this is the case, you can knock on the plank to start a fire. The coals will end up on the bark. It should be placed next to the tinder nest created earlier. Then you need to blow on the coals a little to make a flame appear.

Making a drill from a bow

This method is considered the most effective. It helps to securely hold high blood pressure and proper dynamics of rotation of the rod. Powerful friction is generated, which is required for the appearance of a flame. In this method you need to use a rod, a board, and a weighting agent. Its function is to fix the rod and bow. It is used to press on the upper end of the rod. He himself moves due to the bow and therefore staggers. To fix it, you can use a small stone or an element of some kind of wood. In the second case, the wood element must be harder than the rod. Lubrication is also needed here. It can be water or oil.

The bow is created according to the length of your arm. A wooden rod with good flexibility and some curvature is used. For the bowstring you can use various materials: even a lace, even a rope or a piece of rough leather strip. The main thing is that this material has high strength. Next, the bowstring is tightened.

A special board is being prepared. A v-like hole is also cut. Tinder is placed underneath it.

The rod is enveloped by a bowstring. Then it is placed in a loop from it. One of its ends is in the hole in the board. For the second, it is necessary to apply pressure with a weighting agent - a stone or an element of wood.

You need to move the bow strictly horizontally forward and backward. The rod rotates at the maximum possible speed. The bow must move until the treasured coals are formed.

It is necessary to make the flame flare up. These coals are placed in tinder. Blow on them slightly. A flame will appear.

Applications of flint and steel

This is a rather outdated method. It was often used by soldiers before. The main components: high-quality flint and steel. If they are not there, a blade will do penknife(it's made of steel) and quartzite.

For ignition, you can use any dry, not very dry thick fabric. Moss will also work here. These materials are excellent at catching sparks. Their smoldering without flaring up continues for a very long time. If such materials are not available, you can use part of a mushroom or birch bark.

Any material taken, as well as stone, is fixed. The stone should be taken with two fingers: thumb and index. Their distance from it is approximately 5-7 cm. The position of the material being ignited is between the thumb and the flint used.

The blade hits this flint several times. Sparks appear. They get on the material used. It turns out to be smoldering

The flame is ignited. The material is placed in a tinder nest. You should blow on it a little. The fire is fanning.

Using the Lens

The lens is great for starting a fire. A standard lens can be used. Its task is to focus light from the sun on a specific area.

Suitable things for this method: magnifying glass, glasses, binocular lenses. When there is a little water on the lens, the ultraviolet ray is enhanced.

The lens rotates at the angle of the light source, that is, the sun. You need to focus the beam on a very modest area. The tinder nest is placed near the indicated spot. And after a few moments a flame appears.

The main drawback of this method is that the method is carried out only if there is sunlight. For example, in the evening or in cloudy weather it will not work

Using balloons and condoms.

If you fill such vacuums with water, you can form them into a lens. And with the help of a lens it is not difficult to make fire.

Any of these containers is filled with water. The end is tied tightly. The shape of the container should be spherical (as far as possible). Just don’t inflate the vacuum to the limit. This will only distort the focus. ultraviolet ray. The form should help create the necessary focus. The condom can be squeezed in the center. This creates two smaller lenses.

The vacuums used have a shorter focal length than standard lenses. For this reason, they are placed only 2-5 cm from the nest.

Using ice

In the classic work the phrase “ice and fire” appears. And these are not just words. By using a piece of ice, you can actually create fire. This piece just needs to take the shape of a lens. This way the process can occur as in the fifth method.

A this method often used by winter tourists.

You will need clean water here. Because the ice should be transparent. If it is cloudy or contains impurities, then the lens method will not work.

To form ice of the required transparency, you need to pour it into a mug clear water. It is better to take it from a lake or other body of water. You can use fresh snow. It fits in this container. It's melting. The water needs to be frozen. The required thickness of the ice piece is approximately 5 cm. This layer is enough for a high-quality lens.

You can use a knife to make a piece of ice of the desired shape. It must be taken into account that the correct lens thickens in the middle and narrows at the edges. Once this shape is obtained, it must be polished by hand. The heat from your hands will melt the ice a little. Its surface will become smooth.

Such an ice lens is placed in relation to the sun in the same way as a glass lens (method five). The light beam is focused on the nest. A flame appears.

Soda can and chocolate bar

Required components:

  • A can of carbonated drink, it is better to take a Coca-Cola container.
  • Chocolate bar.
  • Sunny weather.

The chocolate should be rubbed on the bottom of the indicated container. This is a kind of polishing. This will create a mirror effect on the surface of the tin bottom. You can use it instead of chocolate toothpaste. The effect is similar.

By polishing this way, you form a parabolic mirror. And the light beam will be reflected from it and concentrated on one point. In a telescope, mirrors operate on a similar principle.

The treated bottom of the jar turns towards the sun. This creates a perfectly focused beam of light directed at the tinder itself. Approximate distance of tinder from the beam: 2-3 cm. Literally within moments, a fire is formed.

This is good and effective way. But not all tourists take them with them into the depths of the forest, or others are given a soda can and a chocolate bar

Flint made from batteries and real wool

Maybe some hikers take such things with them. And the procedure itself is as follows:

The strip of wool stretches. Its length is 15 cm, width is 1 cm. You need to rub the battery with it. The battery itself should have a power of 9 W. Its contact side rubs well with wool. This material will ignite. You need to blow on it a little. The ignited wool falls on the tinder. It burns very quickly, you need to have time to light the tinder nest.

When relaxing in nature, sometimes you want to warm up by the fire, cook yourself a warm meal, or desperately need to dry your wet clothes. On a hike, on a picnic, in the fireplace or stove at your dacha, you can light a fire in different ways. But how to light a fire without matches if they are damp or, in case of your forgetfulness, left at home - in the city. It is generally accepted that a woman is the keeper of the fire (hearth), while a man is its breadwinner. It is difficult to predict the situation when he does not have matches or a lighter. Therefore, the information given here is needed by a man first and foremost.

There are many ways to make fire. The main ones are: striking a spark, friction, using a lens.

Living fire from a spark

Fire, as we know, starts from a spark. A spark can be obtained using flint and chair(medieval method).

AND using modern flint(friction of two metals).

The difference between them is that modern version flint when wet does not create a spark. In contrast, flint and steel, abundantly soaked in water, successfully strike a spark.

We were taught how to properly light a fire in a snowy, wet forest at school, but not everyone can do it. The most simple rules, as we know, is the presence of a piece of dry wood, the absence of laziness in order to plan dry shavings (the more, the better) - this will take a lot of time. When making shavings, it is better to cover yourself with a tarpaulin to protect yourself from the wind and possible precipitation. When the fire flares up, you can place wet twigs in the shape of a hut, which, when dried, will also light up. Then you can add thicker branches - the fire will gradually gain strength. The only thing left to do is to get fire from a spark.

To create it, you can use special kits that are commercially available or created by yourself. They include: a skein of linen rags or twine for creating rags, burnt flax tinder, a forged chair, and flint.

Flint is a hard silica stone that can leave scratches on glass.

Kresalo – metal object in the form of a strip of hardened steel artistic forging sizes 6 and 7.5 cm. The 7 cm chair is more convenient to use. The steel blade of a knife can serve as a knife.

Tinder is a material that is easily flammable. Natural tinder can be dry grass or wood shavings, birch bark, spruce cones, crushed tinder fungi, pine needles and even fine dust created by wood-boring insects. The contents of a bird's nest will also work. Tinder can be cotton wool, wax paper, cotton fabric. Burnt pieces of flax tinder or pieces of birch tinder fungus, made using a special ancient Russian technology, are also used.

A piece of burnt tinder smoldering from a spark can be safely placed in the tin box in which it is stored along with the rest of the pieces - it will safely go out when oxygen supply is cut off.

We make fire using flint - steel, flint, tinder

Juniper bark and birch bark are used as tinder. We create a tinder nest - a lump of crushed juniper bark, which we will then put into a piece of birch bark.

Using a stone and a hammer, we extract a spark, holding a piece of burnt labor or a tinder fungus close to the stone at the moment the hammer hits the stone. A spark hitting the burnt tinder causes it to smolder. The smoldering piece is wrapped in a rag or a lump of natural tinder made from juniper (birch tinder fungus or any other aforementioned material), inflated in the palms, wrapped in birch bark and inflated some more. The fire will certainly flare up.

Let's consider a way to light a fire in the forest using the friction method. It can be called the “bow and auger method.”

First you need to stock up on dry moss and create a tinder nest. You should not use paper for these purposes - you are unlikely to achieve anything with it.

Next, you need to build a so-called “fire bow”, carve out a rod or spindle, or drill, that is, that same “drill” - a thick, smooth stick of soft wood (walnut, aspen, juniper, cedar, cypress, willow) 50 centimeters long. , and also create a foundation. Its role can be played by a stone with a smooth depression, a piece of wood (wooden die) of dense rock, or an ordinary tree stump. For this purpose, pine and oak wood is used.

A smooth hole or recess of 1 or 1.5 cm is cut out in a wooden base with a knife. The diameter of the hole or recess in the base must correspond to the diameter of the “drill” rod for a tight fit. A cut is then made in the hole to come into contact with the moss, which will ignite.

Any flexible stick tied with a cord or any rope can serve as a “fire bow”. Insert the rod into the string of the “fire bow”, turning it so that it is in the loop, without tying any knots.

Fire will be produced by friction of the “club” rod against the base.

Place a prepared base with a depression on an island of moss or any other tinder and press it with your foot. Place one end of a stick entwined with a bowstring vertically into a smooth recess in a stone or wooden base. The bowstring is in a horizontal position. Holding with one hand top part“drill” rod using a piece of bark (so as not to damage the hand), with the other hand we begin intense horizontal movements“fire bow”, holding it by the hard part - a flexible stick.

These movements resemble cutting wood with a regular saw, and the method itself resembles the work of a modern hand drill.

You should not create friction by rotating the “club” with your hands - this is ineffective.

If the moss nest starts to smoke, you need to take it in your palms and fan the fire harder.

When this happens, we place leaves, dry small twigs or other forest materials on top of the nest in the form of a wigwam or a “pioneer” fire. The fire has caught fire - be careful not to get burned!

The video shows how to make fire using the friction method.

You can enjoy a fire created using the lens effect only in clear sunny weather. With this method of lighting a fire, the concepts of “sun” and “lens” are inseparable. This method of making fire is the easiest, but requires some patience.

A lens can be anything that reflects light: the glass of a watch or glasses, a piece of ice, a metal spoon or ladle, water in transparent cellophane or hot air balloon, binocular lens, bottom tin can. These objects focus the sun's rays at one point, which is why ignition occurs. In a dry and bright place, place dry “fuel” - natural tinder or paper - under the lens.

1. WATCH GLASS. To create a lens from two watch glasses, they are placed together, water is poured between them and coated with clay.

2. METAL SPOON. As a lens, it is used together with a cauldron - a carrier of soot and a dense 3-4 centimeter rope of toilet paper with an evenly torn end, which is stained with the soot of the pot. They create the same lens from a deep spoon, bending it even further to deepen it to focus the sun's rays. Instead of a spoon, you can use a ladle. In bright sunshine, place the end of the soot bundle close to the middle of the spoon and patiently wait for it to ignite. The peculiarity of toilet paper is that it smolders very well. The rope will definitely begin to smolder, and the soot will create an ember - a reliable keeper of the fire.

If you don't have matches, you can light a fire with ice. But this can only be done in sunny weather. So, we must choose a piece clear ice the size is slightly larger than the width of a brick and we form it into a smooth product in the form of a huge tablet or a very thick lens 5 cm thick. To do this, the surface of a piece of ice is polished, warming it with the warmth of your hands. An ice tablet can be obtained by freezing melted snow or clean water from a reservoir in any cup or pot. The main rule is that the shape of the lens is a thick middle and thinner edges. Then we install this kind of lens on a stump, on a stone or any hill and tilt it, directing the ray of the sun passing through the ice lens onto a hill of dry moss or other flammable forest materials.


These “devices” are characterized by a shorter focal length Therefore, they should be located somewhat further from the flammable object - 1-2 cm.


The bottom of the tin can is sanded with chocolate or toothpaste to create a parabolic mirror and used as a lens.


When mixed, rubbed or struck chemicals ignite. You should also adhere to the proportions of these substances.

Component options:

  • Potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) and sugar (in a ratio of 9:1);
  • Cover the potassium permanganate with tinder (for example, a cloth or napkin), carefully drop 2-3 drops of antifreeze or glycerin on top;
  • Sugar and potassium chlorate (ratio 3:1).

Pour potassium permanganate and sugar onto a dry wooden board (not rotten) and grind it with a stick as you do in a mortar. After 20 seconds, fire appears as a result of a chemical reaction.

The produced fire can be transferred to the original homemade wooden “stump stove”. To do this, you need to cut a thick log into 6 parts and tie these parts in the form of a stump, without tightening them tightly. Then place the thin bark of this hemp (birch bark) in the middle of our “stove” - between the logs. With the fire you have obtained, you can ignite birch bark and safely place a kettle or bricks on the “stump stove” that will warm your home. You will need 10 of these bricks; they can be heated periodically on a miracle stove.

Whether you are a tourist, a hunter, a fisherman, or just a random traveler lost in nature, armed with such information, you will feel much more confident.


The Galileo program is about ways to make fire without matches.

Galileo experiment: Fire by friction.

Experiment in Galileo: potassium permanganate and hydrogen peroxide.

Making fire is one of the most useful skills a person can have. In this article we will tell you what you can use to make fire in conditions wildlife. Survival in difficult conditions dictates its own rules that you need to accept and be able to adapt to them. Let's find out what you can use to make fire?

Fire can be produced in various ways. For example, with the help of sunlight, by carving, by drilling, by simple friction. Each of these methods of making fire also has some variations. If for some reason you find yourself in the wild, you will probably need to make fire. After reading this article you will understand how this can be done.

1. How to make fire with a condom

You will need to fill the condom with water, the bottle can also be filled with water. After which we receive a means for focusing the sun's rays. You look for a windless place, install the “lens” accordingly and just go about your business. Rest assured, the fire will already be burning by the time you arrive.

2. How to make fire using an iron can

Look at the bottom of a beer can - it is concave, and it can perfectly “collect” the sun's rays. But it is better to pre-polish it for high-quality focusing. After which this part of the jar can be used to make fire.

3. How to make fire using a piece of ice

Perhaps you have seen one of the episodes of the MythBusters program? There they just told and demonstrated how you can make a lens for starting a fire from a piece of a certain shape of ice. So in the episode the presenters used a round piece of ice. Thus, even ice can become a “source” of fire. If there is no ice nearby, you can make a piece of ice of the required shape yourself. Just take a bag, fill it with water, you just need the bag to take the desired round shape. Then you bury it under the snow and after a while the ice lens will be ready.

4. Making fire using the “blacksmith” method

If you have a nail with you, then simply find a material into which you can drive the nail. Next, simply drive the nail in for about three minutes, turning it periodically. It will get hot enough to light a piece of tinder with it.

5. How to make fire using flint carving

A piece of steel can be used as a chair, but only hardened steel. But it will still be more difficult to make fire using flint, although it may be found right on the road. If you are looking for flint, you need to find only very hard ones; soft ones will not work.

If the stone is hard, then it looks like glass, cloudy or even transparent. You are unlikely to get fire from a smooth stone, but if you break the stone into two parts, you will be able to get a spark from the sharp part. To determine which stone sparks the most, simply test each stone one at a time.

The tinder you will burn should be as dry as possible. Fine tinder can be obtained from wood fibers. For example, you can also use cotton socks. In addition, plant fluff ignites well. You need to make fire only in a windless place. It is advisable to hold the tinder over the flint.

6. Making fire by rubbing a rope against a stick

A pine one might work as a stick. A split is made in it, where the tinder is placed. But the tinder must be placed in such a way that there is space under the stick. The rope is better if it is made of natural fibers. You can make handles at the ends of the rope for convenience. Holding the stick with your foot, we “saw” it with a rope from below. Movements should be frequent and fast. Within a few seconds you will be able to see smoke. And later you can fan the fire out of it.

7. Making fire by rubbing a cotton ball

Between two planks lies cotton wool, which can be taken, for example, from an old padded jacket. Then simply “iron” the cotton wool with planks using sharp and frequent movements. After a while you will see that the cotton wool will begin to smolder. The method is quite simple, but at the same time quite effective.

8. How to make fire by rubbing two sticks together

Take a board and make a groove in it at a certain angle where you can insert a stick. Next, you need to press this stick and simply move it until clouds of smoke appear. The worn-out material will be collected in the appropriate place. Later the powder will turn dark brown. Some particles of powder will fly off and fall to the side, while they smoke, but no sparks are visible.

A fire can only break out in a place where enough powder has been collected and heated to high temperatures. It is important that air flows freely into the pile of powder. It is better to use planks and sticks from such tree species as beech and pine. For this method of making fire, you should not use aspen and linden.

9. How to make fire by drilling

A shallow hole is made in some part of the wood, into which a stick is subsequently inserted. The top of the hole needs to be covered with a stone.

Next to the hole you will need to place a material that will subsequently light up. It could be lint, moss, wick or tinder. The stick must be set in motion using a bow, which is placed on the stick using the overlap method.