Card index on the topic: Card index of Russian folk outdoor games. Folk games and fun

The game takes place on a flat surface. The players are divided into two teams, which line up opposite each other in a chain at a distance of 10-15 meters. The first team goes forward with the words: - Boyars, we have come to you! And he returns to his original place: -Darlings, we have come to you! Another repeats this maneuver with the words: - Boyars, why did you come? Dear ones, why did you come? The dialogue begins: - Boyars, we need a bride. Dear ones, we need a bride. - Boyars, which one is dear to you? Dear ones, which one is your favorite? The first team deliberates and chooses someone: - Boyars, this is dear to us (point to the chosen one). Dear ones, this one is sweet to us. The selected player turns around and now walks and stands in a chain, facing the other direction. The dialogue continues: - Boyars, she is our fool. Dear ones, she is our fool. - Boyars, and we whip her. Dear ones, we will whip her. - Boyars, she is afraid of the whip. Dear ones, she is afraid of the whip. - Boyars, we’ll give you some gingerbread. Dear ones, we’ll give you some gingerbread. -Boyars, her teeth hurt. Dear ones, her teeth hurt. - Boyars, we’ll take you to the doctor. Dear ones, we’ll take you to the doctor. - Boyars, she will bite the doctor. Dear ones, she will bite the doctor. The first team concludes: - Boyars, don’t play the fool, give us the bride forever! The one who was chosen as the bride must run up and break the chain of the first team. If he succeeds, then he returns to his team, taking with him any player from the first. If the chain is not broken, then the bride remains in the first team, that is, she gets married. In any case, the losing team starts the second round. The teams' task is to keep more players.

The game takes place on a flat surface. The players are divided into two teams, which line up opposite each other in a chain at a distance of 10-15 meters. The first team goes forward with the words: -Boyars, we have come to you! And returns to its original place:

-Darlings, we have come to you!

Another repeats this maneuver with the words:

-Boyars, why did you come? Dear ones, why did you come?

The dialogue begins:

-Boyars, we need a bride. Dear ones, we need a bride. - Boyars, which one is dear to you? Dear ones, which one is your favorite? The first team deliberates and chooses someone:

-Boyars, this one is dear to us(point to the chosen one). Dear ones, this one is sweet to us. The selected player turns around and now walks and stands in a chain, facing the other direction. The dialogue continues:

- Boyars, she is our fool. Dear ones, she is our fool. -Boyars, and we whip her. Dear ones, we will whip her. -Boyars, she is afraid of the whip. Dear ones, she is afraid of the whip. -Boyars, we’ll give you some gingerbread. Dear ones, we’ll give you some gingerbread. -Boyars, her teeth hurt. Dear ones, her teeth hurt. -Boyars, we’ll take you to the doctor. Dear ones, we’ll take you to the doctor. - Boyars, she will bite the doctor. Dear ones, she will bite the doctor . The first command completes:

Boyars, don’t play the fool, give us the bride forever!

The one who was chosen bride, must run up and break the chain of the first team. If he succeeds, then he returns to his team, taking with him any player from the first. If the chain is not broken, then bride remains in the first team, that is gets married. In any case, the losing team starts the second round. The teams' task is to keep more players.


Elena Anokhina


Elena Anatolyevna Anokhina

The Russian people reflected many processes of their life through play. Folk games are relevant and interesting even today; they can be used in work with schoolchildren and preschoolers, in health camps and in free time with the family.

Game "Blind Man's Bluff with a Bell"

Progress of the game. By lot (counting table) they choose the “blind man’s buff” and the player who

he will search. “Zhmurka” is blindfolded, and the other child is given a bell. The participants of the game stand in a circle. “Zhmurka” must catch the driver with the bell. Then a new pair of players is selected.

There can be several “blind man’s buff”. Children standing in a circle warn the “blind man’s buff” from meeting each other with the words: “Fire! Fire!"

Game "Blind Man's Bluff"

Skok-skok, skok-skok,

The bunny jumped on a tree stump

He beats the drum loudly,

He invites everyone to play blind man's buff.

The game "Blind Man's Bluff" is played.

Progress of the game. The player is blindfolded, taken away from the players to the side and turned around several times. Then they talk to him:

Cat, cat, what are you standing on?

In a kneading bowl.

What's in the kneader?

Catch the mice, not us!

After these words, the participants in the game run away, and the blind man’s buff catches them.

Playing with the Sun

In the center of the circle is the “sun” (a cap with the image of the sun is placed on the child’s head). The children say in chorus:

Shine, sun, brighter -

It will be hotter in summer

And the winter is warmer

And spring is nicer.

Children dance in a circle. On the 3rd line they come closer to the “sun”, narrowing the circle, bow, on the 4th line they move away, expanding the circle. To the word “I’m burning!” - the “sun” is catching up with the children.

Game "Drag the Rope"

Place 2 hoops on the floor and stretch a rope from the middle of one to the middle of the other. The participants of the game are divided into 2 teams. One person from each team enters the hoops. At a signal, they run and change places. The one who runs first into the opponent's hoop and pulls the rope out of the other hoop is considered the winner. After the first pair, the second, third, and so on until the last.

Game "Burners"

The players line up in pairs one after another - in a column. Children hold hands and raise them up, forming a “gate.” The last pair passes “under the gate” and stands in front, followed by the next pair. The “speaker” stands in front, 5-6 steps from the first pair, with his back to them. All participants sing or say:

Burn, burn clearly

So that it doesn't go out!

Look at the sky

Birds are flying

The bells are ringing:

Ding-dong, ding-dong,

Run out quickly!

At the end of the song, two guys, being in front, scatter in different sides, the rest shout in unison:

One, two, don’t be a crow, but run like fire!

The “burning one” tries to catch up with the running ones. If the players manage to take each other’s hands before one of them is caught by the “burning one,” then they stand in front of the column, and the “burning one” catches it again, i.e., “burns.” And if the “burning” one catches one of the runners, then he gets up with him, and the player left without a pair leads.

Game "Merry Musicians"

Progress of the game. To any two-part melody, children, standing in a circle, play the musical instruments(rattles, rumba, bells, etc.). Petrushka stands in the center of the circle, conducting. With the end of the first part, the children, having put their instruments on the floor, easily run in a circle. Parsley becomes in general circle and runs with the children. When the music ends, the players quickly dismantle their instruments. The conductor becomes the one who did not get the instrument.

Game "Carousel"

We continue the fun

Weight running on the carousel.

Ribbons are tied to the hoop. Children take hold of the tape with one hand and walk first in one direction, and then, changing hands, in the other. The hoop is held by an adult. You can “ride” on the carousel accompanied by the traditional text:

Barely, barely, barely, barely

The carousels are spinning

And then, then, then

Everybody run, run, run.

Hush, hush, don't rush,

Stop the carousel.

One-two, one-two,

So the game began.

Game "Ring"

All players line up in a row. The buffoon has a ring in his hands, which he hides in his palms and then tries to discreetly hand over to one of the guys, while saying:

I'm burying gold

I'm burying pure silver!

In a high chamber

Guess, guess, girl.

Guess, guess, red!

The person standing last is looking for a ring, and the buffoon says: “Guess, guess who has the ring, pure silver.” If the participant guesses who has the ring, then he becomes the host.

Game "Baba Yaga"

The rooster was sitting on a bench, counting his pins:

One, two, three, you come out on this count!

(Baba Yaga stands in a circle drawn on the floor, on the ground. The guys run around the circle and tease Baba Yaga, and Baba Yaga tries to reach the children with a broom; whoever he touches stops and freezes in place, the last of the children becomes Baba Yaga).


Baba Yaga,

bone leg,

Fell from the stove

Broke my leg

I ran to the garden,

Scared all the people

I ran to the bathhouse

Scared the bunny!

Game "Zarya-Zaryanitsa"

Progress of the game. Two drivers are selected. Both the drivers and the players stand in a circle, holding a ribbon in their hands (ribbons are attached to the carousel according to the number of players). Everyone dances and sings.

Zarya-Zaryanitsa, Red Maiden,

I walked across the field,

Dropped the keys

Golden keys

Painted ribbons.

One, two, three - not a crow, but run like fire!

At the last words of the driver they run in different directions. Who will take it first

the vacated ribbon is the winner, and the remaining one chooses for himself

next partner.


Game "Loaf"

Probably the most famous round dance game in Russia! She is almost mandatory attribute any children's birthday from one year to the end primary school. This is the Russian equivalent of the American “Happy birthday!” The round dance is very simple. Everyone stands in a circle and joins hands. The birthday boy stands in the center of the round dance. The round dance begins to move in a circle, accompanied by the words:

How to... name day (say the name of the birthday child)

We baked a loaf.

Such a height! (hands raised as high as possible)

Such lows! (squat down, hands practically placed on the floor)

That's how wide it is! (spread to the sides, trying to make a round dance of as large a diameter as possible)

These are the dinners! (the round dance converges, shrinks, comes close to the birthday boy)

Loaf, loaf, choose who you love! (the round dance returns to its “normal” size and stops)

The birthday boy says: I love everyone, of course,

But here... more than everyone else! (calls the name of the selected child, takes him by the hand and leads him to the center of the round dance)

Now the birthday boy joins the round dance, and the child he chooses becomes the “birthday boy.”

Game "Boyars, and we have come to you"

The players are divided into two teams, which line up opposite each other in a chain. The first team goes forward with the words:

Boyars, we have come to you! And returns to its original place:

Dear ones, we have come to you!

Another repeats this maneuver with the words:

Boyars, why did they come? Dear ones, why did you come?

The dialogue begins:

Boyars, we need a bride. Dear ones, we need a bride.

Boyars, which one is dear to you? Dear ones, which one is your favorite?

The first team deliberates and chooses someone:

Boyars, this one is dear to us (pointing to the chosen one).

Dear ones, this one is sweet to us. The selected player turns around and now walks and stands in a chain, facing the other direction.

The dialogue continues:

Boyars, she is our fool. Dear ones, she is our fool.

Boyars, and we whip her. Dear ones, we will whip her.

Boyars, she is afraid of the whip. Dear ones, she is afraid of the whip.

Boyars, we’ll give you some gingerbread. Dear ones, we’ll give you some gingerbread.

Boyars, her teeth hurt. Dear ones, her teeth hurt.

Boyars, we’ll take you to the doctor. Dear ones, we’ll take you to the doctor.

Boyars, she will bite the doctor. Dear ones, she will bite the doctor.

The first command completes:

Boyars, don’t play the fool, give us the bride forever!

The one who was chosen as the bride must run up and break the chain of the first team. If he succeeds, then he returns to his team, taking with him any player from the first.

If the chain is not broken, then the bride remains in the first team. In any case, the losing team starts the second round. The teams' task is to keep more players.

Game "Kalachi"

Children stand in three circles. They move by jumping in a circle and at the same time uttering the words:

Bai - swing - swing - swing!

Look - bagels, rolls!

Hot, hot, out of the oven.

At the end of the words, the players run scattered one by one around the court. To the words “Find your kalach!” return to their circle. When repeating the game, players can change places in the circles.

Thank you for your attention!

Russians folk games

1. Green turnip
All players stand in a circle, hold hands, and sing a song:
Green turnip, hold on tight
whoever breaks off will not return.
One, two, three.
On the count of “three,” everyone turns around themselves in any way they want, but they try not to let go of their hands. Whoever breaks his hands enters the circle, the rest repeat the song. And so on several times.

2. On a high chair
One of the players sits in a circle on a chair or on a stump. Everyone stands around him and says the words:
I'm sitting on a chair myself,
I’m sitting on the painted one myself.
Who loves me
he will buy me.
Who will buy me
kisses three times!
One, two, three!
On the count of three, everyone runs to the person sitting. Whoever runs up to him first and kisses (or touches) three times on the cheek sits in a circle and everything repeats all over again.

3. Zarya-Zarenitsa
A pole is fixed in the center (or one of the players holds it) on which multi-colored ribbons (about2 m). A driver is selected who stands or walks around the players, the rest take the ends of the ribbons and begin to walk around the pole singing:
Zarya-Zarenitsa – Red Maiden
I walked across the field, dropped my keys,
gold keys, blue ribbons.
One, two - not a crow,
run like fire!
At the word “fire”, the driver touches the one who happens to be opposite him (or whom he had his eye on in advance), he throws the end of his ribbon and they run in different directions around the players. Whoever grabs the free ribbon first stands in a circle, the latecomer remains to lead.

4. Dudar
Dudar is chosen and stands in a circle. A round dance goes around him and sings a song:
Dudar, Dudar, Dudarishche
old, old old man.
It's under the deck, it's under the damp,
it's rotten.
- Dudar, Dudar, what hurts?
Dudar shows and names what hurts him (arm, head, back, knee, etc.), everyone puts each other’s hands in this place and again begins to walk in a circle singing.
Dudar, Dudar, Dudarishche
old, old old man. etc.
When he gets tired of playing, Dudar says: “He has recovered!”

5. Cabbage
Everyone joins hands and starts singing a song:
Oh, cabbage, my seating arrangement,
There’s only one annoyance for the dear one.
Oh, cabbage, it spreads easily -
two are walking - the third is angry.
Ah, cabbage, golden root,
and my dear is a golden groom!
With the words: Curl, curl, curl, the circle in one place (near the leader) breaks and everyone begins to twist like a spiral around one of the ends (where there is no leader).
Then, with the words: Hang, hang, grow, the leader begins to quickly unwind the spiral (you can do it quickly, like a snake and a figure eight, in jerks).

6. Snake
The “snake” walks in front of the players saying:
I'm a snake, snake, snake
I crawl, crawl, crawl.
Suitable for one of the players:
– Do you want to be my tail?
- Want!
- stand behind me!
The two of them go:
I'm a snake, snake, snake
I crawl, crawl, crawl.
Approach another player:
– Do you want to be my tail?
- Want!
The player must crawl between the legs of the “snake” and become its “tail”. And so on until everyone has gathered.

7. Option Zhmurok.

Blind Man's Bluff and BUBENETS are selected.

They are inside the round dance. They tie a bandage on Zhmurka, they give a bell to the bell! Someone spins Zhmurka, everyone chants in unison:
Tryntsi-bryntsy bells
Gold plated ends
Who plays bells
The blind man's buff won't catch him!
After which Zhmurka catches Bubenets. The rest keep a circle and actively “cheer” for someone and give hints.” Then Bubenets becomes Zhmurka and choose (you can count on) a new Bubenets. If there are a lot of people, then you can probably launch several Bubents at once.

8. Frying pan

Two teams. The players stand one after another from each team, facing the center of the circle they form. They hold hands and run in a circle. At the same time, you cannot run into the center of the circle, that is, step on the “frying pan” - you will get burned, depriving the team of one point.

Hearing the command: “Plant!”, everyone stops and begins to pull their neighbors and opponents into the circle - “plant in the frying pan.” This must be done by bracing your feet so as not to get there yourself.

On command: “Light it up!” - everyone is running in circles again. This is repeated until everyone in one of the teams is “baked.” Sometimes lumps of snow are placed on the “frying pan” - “pancakes”. Then You can step on the circle, the main thing is not to step on the “pancakes”.

9. Game "Circles"

The driver is selected. The players form a circle. The driver stands in the center with his eyes closed. Everyone walks around him and sings:

Then they stop, and the driver feels everyone’s heads. The one whom he correctly calls by name goes to the circle of leaders.

10. Game “Honey or Sugar”

The players are divided into two teams: they choose who to be - honey or sugar. Then they take a stick and pull it at both ends. They compete to see whose side has more honey or sugar.

11. Game “Gardener and Sparrow”

According to the counting rhyme, “gardener” and “sparrow” are selected. The rest join hands, forming a circle, and the “gardener” sings:

Hey sparrow, don't peck the hemp
Not ours, not mine, not our neighbors’.
I'll break your leg for this hemp.

The “gardener” runs to catch the “sparrow”. Children let the sparrow into and out of the circle. Having caught the “sparrow”, the “gardener” changes places with it or new drivers are selected.

12. Game "Sun"

According to the counting rhyme, they choose the driver - “Sunny”. The rest of the children stand in a circle. “Sun” stands in the middle of the circle, everyone sings:

Shine, sun, brighter!
Summer will be hotter
And the winter is warmer
And spring is sweeter!

The first two lines are a round dance, for the next two they turn to face each other, bow, then come closer to the “Sun”, it says “HOT!” and catches up with the children. Having caught up with the player and touches him, the child freezes and drops out of the game.

Litvinova M. F.

Russian folk outdoor games: A manual for children's educators. garden / Ed. L. V. Ruskova. - M.: Education, 1986. - 79 pages.. ill.

Give children more and more general, human, world content, but mainly try to introduce them to this through native and national phenomena.

V. Belinsky

The “Main Directions for the Reform of General Education and Vocational Schools” set the task of “improving the work on the comprehensive development of preschool children, cultivating a sense of beauty, developing high aesthetic tastes, the ability to understand and appreciate the beauty and richness of their native nature, and educating in the spirit of love for the Motherland." Nurturing selfless love for the Motherland is the main, leading principle of Russian and Soviet pedagogy.

The homeland first appears before the child in images, sounds and colors, in games. All this is contained in abundance folk art, rich and varied in content.

Fun outdoor games are our childhood. Who doesn’t remember the constant hide and seek, traps, and tag! When did they arise? Who invented these games? There is only one answer to this question: they were created by the people, just like fairy tales and songs.

Russian folk games have a long history; they have been preserved and come down to the present day from ancient times, passed on from generation to generation, absorbing the best national traditions. Boys and girls gathered in the evening on a village street or outside the outskirts, danced in circles, sang songs, ran around tirelessly, playing burners, tag, and competed in dexterity, playing rounders. In winter, entertainment was of a different nature: skiing and snowball fights were arranged; They rode horses around the villages with songs and dances. All folk games are characterized by the Russian person’s love for fun and daring.

Particularly popular and beloved were games such as gorelki, Russian lapta, blind man's buff, gorodki, and ball games. The game of Zhmurki was widespread in many regions of Russia and had different names: “Blind Frying Pan”, “Zhmachki”, “Chicken Blindness”, “Crooked Rooster”, etc. Before starting the game, the children had a conversation with the driver in chorus: “ Cat, cat, what are you standing on? - “In the kneader.” - “What’s in the kneader?” - “Kvass!” - “Catch mice, not us!” They will talk to the driver like this, and also make him turn around in one place several times, and only after that he begins to look for the players, as a rule, with their eyes closed and squinted.

There were also many games where the success of the players depended primarily on the ability to accurately throw a bat, knock down towns, catch a ball or hit a target with a ball (towns, lapta, etc.). Like the names

games, and the rules were different in different regions of Russia, but what they had in common was the desire to win, to win.

Russian folk games for children are valuable from a pedagogical point of view, they have a great influence on the education of the mind, character, will, develop moral feelings, physically strengthen the child, create a certain spiritual mood, and interest in folk art.

The collection includes outdoor games collected from various sources. They are quite diverse in their content, themes and organization. Some games have a plot, their rules are closely related to the plot (for example, “Kite”, “Hen”, “Geese and Les”, “The Herd”). In games like “Lyapka”, “Three are many, two are enough”, “Hot Seat” there is no plot and roles, all children’s attention is directed to movement and rules. There are games in which the plot and actions of the players are determined by the text. In the game “Kras-ki” the buyer talks to the driver: “Knock-knock!” - “Who’s there?” — “Buyer.” — “Why did you come?” - “For paint.” - “For which one?” - “For blue.”

Various songs are attractive for children in Russian games. In the game "Corners" each dash is accompanied by a left-handed movement. At the last word, the players change places, and the buyer and driver strive to occupy the corner vacated during the dash.

In games like “Burners,” the text distracts the attention of the catcher; while singing, he must look up.

The collection presents games mainly for children of senior preschool age. They are divided by types of movements: games with running, jumping, throwing; some of them can be carried out both in warm and cold seasons. Low mobility games are also presented, suitable for playing in inclement weather in a limited area.

The collection contains many ancient and modern rhymes and conspiracies. In any Russian game there is always a driver or presenter. There are usually many people willing to fill this role, but you need to choose one, sometimes two, which is what counting rhymes and conspiracies are used for.

The driver can also be chosen by drawing lots. It is carried out differently than counting, and is used in those games where you need to split into two parties.

In the practice of preschool education, folk games are rare. In some collections there are folk games, but they are so changed that in the new version they have lost their folk traditions, are deprived of the game’s origin, etc.

Russian folk games and their variants, given in the collection, are available to preschool children. They can be successfully used in working with children during walks and physical education.

State budget preschool educational institution kindergarten No. 48 Kalininsky district of St. Petersburg

Card index

"Russian folk games"

for preschool children.

Compiled by the teacherLebedeva Elena Alexandrovna


Russian folk outdoor games should not be forgotten. They will give positive results when they fulfill their main purpose - to give children pleasure and joy, and not to be a learning activity.

Fun outdoor games are our childhood. Who doesn’t remember the constant hide-and-seek, blind man’s buff, catch-up, and tag?

When did these games originate? Who invented them? It is probably impossible to find an exact answer to these questions. These games, like songs and fairy tales, were created by the people. They perfectly temper the body and soul.

These games force you to move a lot and require resourcefulness, ingenuity, dexterity and perseverance. They are usually carried out on fresh air in an open area.

The world of childhood cannot exist without play. Play in a child’s life is moments of joy, fun, competition; it guides the child through life. Children's games are diverse, these are games with toys, games with movements, games-competitions, games with a ball and others. sports equipment. IN preschool age Children play all the time - this is their natural need, it is a way of understanding their surroundings.

Target: Motor activity - as a factor influencing healthy image life.


  • Develop various types memory.
  • Develop communication skills and emotional sphere child.
  • Develop mental operations through play.
  • Develop imagination.
  • Learn to relieve emotional stress through games.


Two people are selected for the game: one is the “cat”, the other is the “mouse”. In some cases, the number of “cats” and “mouses” is even greater. This is done to spice up the game.

All other players stand in a circle, holding hands, and form a “gate”. The task of the “cat” is to catch up with the “mouse” (that is, to touch it with your hand). In this case, the “mouse” and “cat” can run inside and outside the circle.

Those standing in the circle sympathize with the “mouse” and help it as best they can. For example: by letting the “mouse” into the circle through the “gate,” they can close it for the “cat.” Or, if the “mouse” runs out of the “house”, the “cat” can be locked there, that is, you can give up, closing all the “gates”.

This game is not easy, especially for a “cat”. Let the “cat” show its ability to run, its cunning, and its dexterity. When the “cat” catches the “mouse”, a new pair is selected from among the players.

Blind Man's Bluff

The game takes place on a small limited area with no dangerous obstacles. The driver is blindfolded, or simply closes his eyes. He must, with his eyes closed, make fun of one of the players..

The players run away from the driver, but do not go beyond the boundaries of the site and always raise their voices - call the driver by name or shout: “I’m here.” The spoiled player changes roles with the driver.


Two lines are drawn on the site at a distance of 6–8 meters from one another. Behind one line is the driver - the “bear”, behind the other is the “house” in which the children live. Children go out of the “house” into the “forest” to pick mushrooms and berries.
They approach the bear's den with the words:

By the bear in the forest
I take mushrooms and berries.
But the bear doesn't sleep,
Everything is looking at us.

On last words The “bear” jumps out of the “den” and tries to pick on the children running away to their house. A player hit by a bear becomes a bear.


On the site, at a distance of 10–15 meters, two lines are drawn - two “houses”. In one there are geese, in the other their owner.
Between the “houses”, “under the mountain”, lives the “wolf” - the leader.
The “master” and the “geese” conduct a dialogue with each other, known to everyone from early childhood:

- Geese, geese!
- Ha-ha-ha!
- Do you want something to eat?
- Yes, yes, yes!
- So fly!
- We can't. The gray wolf under the mountain won't let us go home!

After these words, the “geese” try to run over to the “master”, and the “wolf” catches them. The caught player becomes a “wolf”.


The plot of the game is very simple: one driver is selected, who must catch up and make fun of the players running around the site.

But this game has several options that make it more difficult.

  • The taunted player becomes the driver, and he must run, holding his hand on the part of the body for which he was taunted.
    The first player whom the driver touches becomes the driver himself.
  • The embarrassed player stops, stretches his arms to the sides and shouts: “Tea-tea-help out.” He is "bewitched".

Other players can “disenchant” it by touching their hand. The leader must “bewitch” everyone. To do this faster, there can be two or three drivers.


The basic rules are: one person leads and the others hide.
The driver must find all the players and make fun of them before they have time to hide “at home.” The driver, chosen using a counting rhyme, stands in the appointed place with his eyes closed. This place is called "con".

While the driver counts loudly to 20–30, all the players hide in a certain area. After the end of the count, the driver opens his eyes and goes in search of the hidden ones. If he sees one of the players hiding, he loudly calls his name and runs to the stake. As a sign that the player has been found, the stake must be knocked on a wall or tree. If the found player runs to the stake and knocks there before the driver, then he is not considered caught. He steps aside and waits for the game to end. The driver must “catch” as many hidden players as possible.

Next time, the driver becomes the player who was found and “caught” last (or, according to the decision of the players, first).

Every time the driver moves far from the horse, hidden players can sneak up to the horse unnoticed and knock. In this case, they will not be considered detected.


The players line up in a column in pairs, holding hands. The driver stands in front of the column a few steps away, with his back to the players. He says:

Burn-burn clearly
So that it doesn't go out.
And one, and two, and three.
Last couple run!

On the word “run”, the last couple standing must quickly run around the column and stand in front. And the driver strives to get ahead of them and take one of the places of the first pair. The one who does not have enough space becomes the driver.

Instead of the words “last pair,” the driver can say: “Fourth pair” or “Second pair.” In this case, everyone playing must be very careful and remember where they stand in the column.


They choose Alyonushka and Ivanushka and blindfold them. They are inside the circle. The players stand in a circle and join hands. Ivanushka must catch Alyonushka. To do this, he can call her: “Alyonushka!” Alyonushka must always respond: “I’m here, Ivanushka!”, but she herself is in no hurry to meet Ivanushka and, sensing his approach, runs away to the side.

The drivers' movements are comical and sometimes unexpected. It happens that Ivanushka mistakes someone standing nearby for Alyonushka and rather grabs onto him. The mistake is explained to him.

As soon as Ivanushka caught Alyonushka, other guys take their place and the game starts all over again.


The driver is selected - the “monk” and the leader - the “seller”. All the other players make a secret secret from the “monk” of the colors of the paints. Colors should not be repeated.

The game begins with the driver coming to the “shop” and saying: “I, a monk in blue pants, have come to you for some paint.” Seller: “For what?” The monk names any color, for example: “For blue.” If there is no such paint, then the seller says: “Walk along the blue path, you will find blue boots, wear them and bring them back!” "Monk" starts the game from the beginning.

If there is such a paint, then the player who has wished for this color tries to run away from the “monk,” and he catches up with him. If you catch up, then the “paint” becomes the driver; if not, then the paints are guessed again and the game is repeated.


The players are divided into two groups. One depicts Cossacks, the other – robbers.
The Cossacks have their own house, where there is a watchman during the game. His responsibilities include guarding captured robbers.

The game begins with the Cossacks, remaining in their house, giving the robbers the opportunity to hide. At the same time, the robbers must leave traces: arrows, conventional signs or a note indicating the location of the next mark. The traces may also be false in order to intimidate the Cossacks. After 10–15 minutes, the Cossacks begin searching.

The game ends when all the robbers are caught, and the one whom the Cossacks saw is considered caught. It is better to play the game in a large area, but limited by some signs. At the end of the game, the Cossacks and the robbers change roles.


A fishing rod is a jump rope. One end of it is in the hand of the “fisherman” - the driver.
All players stand around the “fisherman” no further than the length of the rope. The “fisherman” begins to spin the “fishing rod”, trying to hit the legs of the players with it. The “fish” must protect themselves from the “fishing rod” and jump over it. To prevent the “fish” from interfering with each other, there should be a distance of about half a meter between them. The “fish” should not leave their places.
If the “fisherman” managed to catch the “fish”, that is, touch the “fishing rod”, then the place of the “fisherman” is taken by the caught “fish”.

The following condition must be observed: the rope can be twisted in any direction, but it cannot be lifted from the ground higher than 10–20 centimeters.


The driver and the players are on opposite sides of two lines, which are drawn at a distance of 5–6 meters from each other. The task of the players is to reach the driver as quickly as possible and touch him. The one who did this becomes the driver. But getting to the driver is not easy.

The players move only to the words of the driver: “If you drive more quietly, you will go further.” Stop!" At the word “stop”, all the players freeze.

The driver, who had previously stood with his back to the players, turns and looks. If at this moment one of the players moves, and the driver notices this, then this player will have to go back beyond the line. The driver can make the frozen guys laugh. Whoever laughs also returns beyond the line. And then the game continues.


The players are divided into two teams and stand, holding hands, facing the opposing team, at a distance of 5–7 meters.

One of the teams starts the game with the words: “Ali Baba!” The second team answers in unison: “About what, servant?” The first team speaks again, calling the name of one of the players on the opposing team, for example: “Fifth, tenth, Sasha is here for us!”

The named player leaves his team and runs to the enemy team, trying to break the chain with a run, that is, to unhook the players’ hands.

If he succeeds, he takes the player who unclasped his hands to his team. If the chain is not broken, then he remains on the opposing team. The teams start the game one by one. The team that has the most players after a certain time wins.


This game is the opposite version of hide and seek. Players close their eyes and count to 10 while the leader runs away and hides..

After some time, one of the players goes in search of the leader and if he does not find him in one minute, he drops out of the game. If he finds the leader, he hides with him. Then the next participant goes out in search of the leader, and if he finds him, he also hides; if not, he drops out.

The game continues until the last person leaves the game or until everyone hides together with the leader, like sardines in a barrel. The main thing is not to laugh!


This game is familiar to everyone; as a rule, two people play it. Each player, on the count of three, draws a shape with his hand - a stone (a clenched fist), paper (an open palm) or scissors (two fingers extended in a letter).

The winner is determined as follows: the scissors will cut the paper, the paper will wrap the stone, the stone will dull the scissors. For each victory, the participant receives one point; the one who scores the most points wins.


Traditionally, the game used real potatoes, but they can be replaced with a tennis ball or volleyball.

Children sit in a circle, the leader is in the center. He throws a potato to one of the players and immediately closes his eyes. Children throw it to each other, wanting to get rid of it as quickly as possible (as if it were a natural hot potato). Suddenly the presenter commands: “Hot potatoes!” The one who has at the moment ended up with a “hot potato” in his hands – he’s out of the game.

When one person remains in the circle, the game ends and that player is considered the winner.


Holding their hands behind their backs, the players stand shoulder to shoulder in a circle. One of them is holding an “invisibility hat” - a cocked hat folded from a sheet of paper. The driver is in the middle of the circle.

At a signal, the participants in the game begin to pass the hat to each other behind their backs, trying to do this so that the driver does not know who has it. The driver walks in a circle and vigilantly watches the movements of the players. From time to time he stops and, pointing to one of the players, loudly says: “Hands!” The one to whom the driver is addressing must immediately stretch his arms forward. If the player ends up with the cap, he changes the driver. In a moment of danger, you should not throw your hat on the floor. Anyone who violates this rule leaves the game. Any participant in the game, when he gets a hat, can put it on his head, unless the driver pays attention to him or is not very close. After showing off your hat for a second, you need to take it off and pass it around. If the driver gets dirty while the hat is on his head, you will have to give him your place and drive him yourself.


There are many variations of this game.

Give the kids a high five playing cards, shelled nuts, drinking straws, etc. and ask them to hit the hat with these objects while standing at a certain distance from the target.


Children sit in a circle. One of the players receives a piece of paper with a sentence written on it, or one of the adults speaks this sentence to him in his ear (if the child cannot read). Next, the player whispers into the neighbor’s ear what he heard or read, who whispers to the next one, and so on, in a circle. The last player says the sentence out loud, and then you read out the original version. What the children end up with is usually very different from your version!


The game is intended for children, it is better to play it outside, where there is plenty of space.

Children choose a leader. His task is to come up with and perform actions that would be difficult for the rest of the players to repeat, for example, jumping over something, jumping 50 times on one leg, etc. Those who fail to repeat after the leader are eliminated from the game .

You can also introduce a rule that children take turns driving, then no one drops out of the game, everyone plays just for fun.


Children choose a leader, he leaves the room for one minute, and at this time the children appoint a “chief”. When the leader returns, at his command, the “main” begins to make various movements, for example, shaking his head or stomping his foot, and the children must repeat these movements after the “main”. They must do this so that the presenter does not guess who comes up with these actions.

The presenter’s task is to try to quickly guess who is “in charge”, and if he succeeds, then the “main person” becomes the leader in the next game.


This is a relay race, it is similar to the game “Collect a box”.

Children are divided into two or more teams, each team is given a plastic cup of water. A large pan or bucket is placed at a certain distance from the start. At the signal, the participants of both teams begin the relay race. They run with a glass of water in their hands to the pan and pour water into it. Then the players run to their teams as quickly as possible and pass the cups to the next participant. The cup is filled with water from a hose or other source (both teams share the same hose for more fun) and the player runs to the pot again.

The first team to fill the bucket with water wins.


This is a fairly old game and traditionally uses an object that children may have never seen before.

The clothespin can be replaced with a coin, candy, or other small item. Children take turns kneeling on a chair and trying to throw a small object (which you choose to play with) into a box or basket. The one who could throw the most items into the basket won.

If the game involves candy, the child takes whatever is in the basket as a prize at the end of the game.


To play you need a large basin of water.

Several apples are thrown into the basin, and then the player kneels in front of the basin, holding his hands behind his back, and tries to catch the apple with his teeth and remove it from the water.

Since children will almost certainly spill water and get splashed themselves during play, it is better to play outside and dress the children in something that will not fade or get wet.


This game is also a good test of attentiveness. It is very simple, its rules are easy to explain.

With your right hand, point to the floor and say: “Floor.”
Then point to your nose (it will be better if you touch it), say: “Nose,” and then raise your hand up and say: “Ceiling.” Take your time. Let the guys show with you, and you will call.

Your goal is to confuse the guys. Say: “Nose,” and at this time point to the ceiling. The guys must listen carefully and show correctly. It’s good if you cheerfully comment on what’s happening: “I see someone’s nose fell on the floor and is lying there. Let's help find the fallen off nose."

The game can be repeated many times at a faster pace.
At the end of the game, you can solemnly invite the owner of the “highest nose in the world” to the stage.


The game is played in an open space.

One hunter is chosen from all the players, all the others pretend to be hares, trying to jump on two legs. The hunter's task is to catch the slowest hare by hitting him with his hand. But there is one important condition in the game: the hunter does not have the right to catch a hare if it is on a “tree”. In the context of this game, a tree will be any sliver or stump. This condition makes life very difficult for the hunter, which often makes him indignant during the game. However, as soon as he manages to kill one of the hares, he immediately becomes a hunter, taking on the unenviable responsibility of catching hares.


All children who participate in this game are divided into 2 equal teams. One person from each team is invited. There is a meter stick in the center of the site. The participants who come out grab a stick each from their side and, on command, begin to pull the stick, each in their own direction. The winner is the one who wins the opponent to his side. Next, the next team members go to the center of the site. The team with the most individual victories wins.


For this game you will need “wolves”, no more than 2 or 3 people, and all other children will be designated “hares”. A corridor about 1 meter wide (ditch) is drawn in the center of the site. "Wolves" occupy space inside the corridor (ditch). The task of the “hares” is to jump over the ditch and not be touched by one of the “wolves”. If the “bunny” is insulted and gets caught, he should leave the game. If during the jump the “hare” steps on the territory of the ditch, then he fails and also leaves the game.


Children gather in the yard, in the garden or in a spacious room, squat down, hands on their sides and vying with each other, racing each other, trying to jump to the opposite end of the place designated for the game..

Whichever child reaches the designated place first in this way is considered the winner, and the one who stumbles along the way is punished by being excluded from the number of players. This simple game gives children great pleasure and develops their physical strength.


Children stand in a circle, at a distance of one step from each other, and begin to throw the ball, calling by name the person who should catch the ball. The ball is thrown around until someone drops it. The one who dropped the ball stands in the center of the circle and, according to the instructions of the players, performs 1-2 exercises with the ball.


A line is drawn on one side of the site - this is the city where all the players are located. The space outside the city is a playing field.

Children stand up to the line and roll the balls towards the field. Whose ball rolls farthest gets to drive. The driver takes the ball and waits for the players to come out to get the balls, and tries to hit everyone who crosses the city line with the ball.

When the driver misses, he catches up with the ball, and the players try to take their balls and run over the line. The salty one becomes the driver.


Children are divided into pairs and stand 3-5 steps apart from each other.

Couples pretend to be fighting roosters: jumping on one leg, they try to push each other with their shoulders. The one who lost his balance and stood on the ground with both feet is out of the game.


The players stand in a circle and choose the leader using a counting rhyme.

Starting the game, he runs past the players, spots one of them and continues to run further in a circle. The stained one runs in the other direction from the driver. Whichever of them is the first to reach an empty space in the circle takes it, and the one who is late becomes the driver.


The players choose the mistress and the cockerel, and all the other hens.

The cockerel takes the hens for a walk. The hostess comes out and asks: “Cockerel, cockerel, have you seen my chicken?” “And what is yours like?” “Pockmarked, and the tail is black.” “No, I haven’t seen it.” The hostess claps her hands and shouts: “Kshsh, kshsh!” the hens run into the house, and the housewife catches them, the cockerel protects the hens. The owner takes all the caught chickens into the house.


The players are divided into two groups: bears and bees.

The bees - most of the children - are placed on a bench (hive), the bears are on the side. At the teacher’s signal, the bees fly away for honey, and the bears climb into the hive (bench) and feast on the honey.

The bees return home and sting (catch) the bears.