Why do you dream of large banknotes? Collapse of plans, unsuccessful investments

Money absorbs a person so much and sometimes becomes the meaning of life that even in a dream it gives no rest. Night visions of how a person loses, finds, and receives money keep popping into his head. A natural desire after what we have seen is to decipher the bottom dream. What is characteristic is that in the interpretation it is important not only the presence of banknotes, but also the situations in which they appear; it is from these intricacies that the correct decoding of the dream will whistle.

Dreaming with big paper money

Seeing large denomination banknotes in a dream is not just pleasant, it promises only the best. If you see such banknotes in your house, in your hands, then real life An unexpected and very impressive profit awaits you and your family. The most important thing is that in a dream you understand that this money belongs to you, in which case prosperity and new cash receipts will be directed precisely in your direction.

If you see large bills on your table, know that in the near future you will have to start your own business, possibly in a completely new direction. Also, such a dream signifies a transition to a new stage of life, full of vigorous activity, confidence and struggle for a happy and rich future, and the outcome of the matter will certainly be positive.

Paper bills: what does this dream portend?

Dream where you see paper bills, portends a trip soon. This can be either a trip to visit loved ones or a journey to distant countries, to the islands. It all depends on the denomination of the banknotes: the larger the money, the more expensive and long the journey will be. Most importantly, remember that wherever you go, the trip will be successful, bring a lot of pleasure and improved health.

Large banknotes are dreamed of...

Interpretation of dreams with paper large bills must be divided into female and male, since material wealth and well-being are understood by men and women slightly differently.

So if a woman had a dream with large bills, then peace awaits her in life. After such a dream, even the most difficult things in life will settle down. difficult situations: peace, happiness, love will reign in the house, and material wealth will flow like from a cornucopia.

For a man, a similar dream is a harbinger of career advancement, receiving a large sum of money and solving all problems. Also, large banknotes indicate the achievement of set goals, no matter how difficult they may seem.

A lot of paper money in a dream: what does this portend?

Money seen in a dream can mean various events in life. If you saw large number money, but its denomination is small, then know that on the way you will encounter small and nasty obstacles that will interfere with achieving your goals. In principle, overcoming them is not so difficult, but you will always run out of time. So as soon as you saw this dream, be sure to think about whether you have unfinished business or unresolved issues that could lead to various problems.

Always be on alert so as not to miss the moment of quickly solving the problem.
If a large amount of large denomination money appears in a dream, then expect only the best material events: promotion, bonuses, inheritance, help from influential people, and the like.

Find paper money, a large sum: what does this dream promise?

What is characteristic of dreams about money is that they can be interpreted almost literally. So, if you find money in a dream, then profit will soon await you, and depending on the amount you see, you can count on a small or large cash injection.

It is also important to pay attention to the condition of the bills. If you see brand new money in front of you, expect good news, changes for the better, but crumpled and dirty money is a harbinger of troubles related to the financial well-being of the family.

Losing money is a “dream in the arm”

A dream in which you lost money foreshadows losses of a material nature. Take some time to be wary of the scammers that may be around you. You shouldn’t be gullible, otherwise even among your inner circle there may be people who you shouldn’t trust with money matters, and who simply shouldn’t communicate.

In a dream, your money was stolen: what to expect in reality

A dream in which money was stolen from you means that an unfavorable period in life awaits you: losses, deceptions, unexpected expenses. They will force you and your family to “tighten your belts” for a long time.
Fake banknotes: what the dream warns about

A dream hint with counterfeit banknotes is nothing more than a warning about the bad intentions of rivals and the appearance of an “enemy” among “friends.” Take a closer look at those around you, listen to conversations and you will easily discover an ignoble person who will try to confuse you and your business.

Treasure found in a dream

In a dream, did you go looking for treasure? If after opening it you see whole banknotes - wait for replenishment family budget, and in the near future, and most unexpectedly, from a person or organization from whom you least expected it.

If you found a treasure, but upon opening it exploded, evaporated, or disappeared in some fabulous way, you should know that there will be a difficult time in your business, and this will all be connected precisely with your mistakes. You spend too much time delving into the problems that have arisen, studying their origins, ways to resolve them, but everything is only in theory, and you never begin to take practical and constructive actions. It is for this reason that all the problems arise that can later snowball absorb your business. If you have troubles, solve them immediately, don’t hesitate for a day: this way you can quickly improve the situation.

Count money

Did you dream about how you were counting money? Know that you hold your business securely in your hands and everything is going well, and the situation depends solely on you. If you suddenly discover a shortage, know that troubles may lie ahead associated with loss of money or loss of business.

In order to answer the question of why paper money is dreamed of, it is necessary to study the history of the issue. Ancient beliefs say that paper money in a dream will bring happiness and good luck. But coins, on the contrary, represent misfortune and blows of fate. Everyone agrees on one thing - if you dream about money (for example, paper bills), this portends serious changes in your life. When you dream of paper money, count on a fantastic turn of events. It is enough to receive a substantial amount in a dream, and your reality is guaranteed to surprise you. “I dreamed about it” - with such a phrase one of the turning days of your life will begin. It is dreams about paper money that lead even the most ardent skeptics to believe that a dream is not a product of brain reflection, processing daytime impressions. Otherwise, bank tellers and tellers would see paper money around the clock. The prevalence and popularity of these professions suggests the opposite. The answer to the question “Why do you dream about money?” you will find by opening any dream book.

Money according to Miller's dream book

Miller's dream book answers the question of why money is dreamed of. Miller's dream book categorically states that finding money in a dream (say, paper bills) is good sign. Very soon you will immerse yourself in joyful chores and meet the most memorable moments of real life. You can say with confidence: “I dreamed of happiness.”

In the opposite situation, when a dream shows you parting with money, prepare psychologically and morally for possible problems and a streak of failures.

This, however, does not apply to gold minted coins. If you say, “I dreamed that I was parting with paper money,” this predicts new professional prospects and career growth. Keep in mind that borrowing money on your part (in a dream or in reality) will not bring the desired stability.

Miller's dream book calls good sign counting any money in a dream (in particular, we are talking about paper money). They, with a high degree of probability, will not keep you waiting in real life. Prepare a big wallet or open a bank account. A huge amount of money awaits you. Be wary if you discover a shortage, you may be seriously scammed, and not just for money.

To the question “What should I do if I dreamed that money was missing?” there is only one answer. Be overly cautious (both in reality and in dreams). Losing money in a dream for any person promises various troubles, their size directly depends on the amount of loss.

It is impossible to answer unequivocally what money is meant for in dreams,

For example, in the case of the theft of banknotes in any person’s dream, the dream at a certain time sends you a warning - be careful and attentive, do not go ahead on the way to your goal.

If you dream of a lot of money (no matter rubles or other currency), but these are coins of small denomination, Miller’s dream book speaks of this dream as a hint of a person’s internal irritation, fatigue from life’s ups and downs, and possible troubles in relationships with family.

“I dreamed that I was holding a fake thousand in my hands.” Counterfeit paper money in a dream (any day of the week and any time) is clearly interpreted as a symbol of future conflicts and scandals in real life.

Money according to Vanga’s dream book

Vanga's dream book explains differently what money means in dreams. A lot of money (rubles, euros, dollars) found in a dream (it doesn’t matter whether it’s paper money or coins) warns you not to forget to be careful with others. Too many people tend to camouflage themselves, covering their true goals with screens of plausible words and actions. According to what was seen in such a dream, the Universe does not advise accepting any gifts, receiving things or something edible from unfamiliar personalities.

In a dream, receiving money as a gift is interpreted as your generosity towards loved ones. They are one hundred percent confident in your support and are ready to receive it in any critical situation.

A dream about counting paper bills advises any person to give up the habit of being greedy. Stinginess does not lead to enrichment, reduce the degree of importance in relation to banknotes of any denomination.

Spoiled, torn and dirty banknotes in a dream warn of the likelihood of robbery. The dream advises you to think about protecting your property.

If in a dream you give money to someone, get ready to replenish your business with an impressive amount in reality.

Money according to Loff's dream book

If a person you know in a dream hands you paper money worth a round sum, you should rejoice. This sure sign supporting and strengthening partnerships.

Dreams in which you selflessly help someone with money predict that they will soon turn to you for help in reality.

Losing money in a dream clearly advises you to moderate your financial appetites. It will be nice to learn to control yourself without giving free rein to your emotions.

A good, calm mood in a dream in which you dream of money: is a harbinger of profit or some useful acquisition.

If, at the sight of money, your feelings overflow or you experience excessive excitement: such a dream is most likely empty.

Negative atmosphere in dreams about money: usually foreshadows difficulties in life, losses, or is a reflection of old problems.

At the same time, metal money, if it makes you happy: usually indicates monetary profit, while finding paper money in a dream means that by using some idea that you might have forgotten about in reality, you can secure yourself a good income or buy a very useful thing.

Collecting money in a hat: a sign that one of your ideas can significantly improve your business.

However, if there is not enough money in the hat or in this dream you are in a bad mood, money is in handfuls: the well-deserved fruits of your personal efforts and efforts.

If there are few of them, it means that there was not too much effort or you applied your strength in the wrong direction.

Worrying or getting upset when counting money: a direct indication that you should be more careful in your affairs.

Losing money in a dream is a sign that in reality you are missing out on some opportunities to improve your well-being.

Borrowing money: means that your future well-being is in question, and you have to work a lot to avoid losses.

Interpretation of dreams from

Money - This indispensable attribute our everyday life. That is why a dream about money may mean nothing at all, being only an understanding of pressing concerns. At the same time, a dream can also be prophetic, especially if the dreamer sees a lot of money or they have unusual look.

Why dream of finding money according to a family dream book

Finding paper or iron money in a dream- to large expenses in reality, and expenses will significantly exceed income. The dream warns that the dreamer must be thrifty and take care to ensure his future.

Sometimes a dream can predict the receipt of some news about money. It can turn out to be both bad and good. Why do you dream about finding money? If someone owes the dreamer a large sum and does not pay it back, then in reality there is no hope of repaying the debt. In any case, this is unlikely to happen in the near future.

If the dreamer found money in a secluded place and felt remorse, then he will face big financial losses. The dreamer himself will be to blame for this. Moreover, subsequently, memories of what happened will cause shame.

Find ancient coins- a harbinger of unexpected enrichment that will occur in the coming days. Picking up copper money in a dream means chagrin, tears, and worries. Finding golden chervonets in a dream is a sign of favorable news, viable plans and real hopes.

If someone claims money found by the dreamer, predicts that it is he who will make every effort to quarrel with the dreamer’s life plans.

Why dream of finding money according to Freud's dream book

According to Freud’s dream book, money symbolizes male wealth and potency. The symbolism is interpreted as the dreamer’s attitude towards his own sexuality, and also touches on the problem of male self-esteem. The larger the bill found in the dream, the higher the value of sexual health and well-being for the dreamer.

Why dream of finding money according to the dream book of a famous psychoanalyst? A dream means an unexpected change of sexual partner. Moreover, this will be both an unexpected event and a very bright, promising connection, promising to receive unusually strong pleasant sensations.

The dreamer will get a lot of pleasure from the unexpected connection. It is possible that the conversation will not turn to romance, but pleasant moments will be remembered for a very, very long time.

Why dream of finding money according to Miller’s dream book

This interpreter interprets the dream of a money find extremely negatively, especially if small money was found. After waking up, you need to be prepared for failures at work, quarrels with family and friends, and upset of business plans.

Why dream of finding money in large bills? The dream book warns: the dreamer lives beyond his means, he urgently needs to learn how to save and calculate the budget in advance. If the bills are folded into several bundles, this may mean a woman’s negative role in current spending. Perhaps the dreamer is wasting money on a mistress or manipulator, instead of spending it on development own business or invest in a profitable business.

If in a dream you found money in a pile of garbage, then the dream should be interpreted in a positive sense. The dream book interprets any find in the trash as a favorable sign that promises wealth. Money found in the trash is a harbinger of unexpected enrichment and increased prosperity.

However, if the money found turned out to be counterfeit, expect trouble. If these are fake large bills, the dreamer may become a victim of scammers and lose a lot of money in real life. If the bills were small, then the dreamer himself will start a scam and get caught cheating.

Why do you dream of finding money according to Vanga’s dream book?

Vanga's dream book warns: money found in a dream portends misfortune, disappointment, and great crime. Why do you dream about finding money? In real life, someone is trying to harm the dreamer and acts actively and purposefully. It is strictly forbidden to take other people's things into your hands; it is also forbidden to bring them into your home, since it is through abandoned things that damage is caused.

It’s bad to find damaged, torn money in a dream. This is a bad sign, especially if the dreamer picked them up and took them in his hands. In real life, hunger and poverty await him, and a robbery may occur.

Why dream of finding money according to Loff’s dream book

According to the interpretation of the dream by Loff’s dream book, finding money in a dream is not very good. After awakening, you need to be extremely careful when concluding commercial transactions, since the power of other people's money can turn against you.

It’s very good to accidentally find small change in a dream, lost in your pockets or hidden for a rainy day. After such a dream, a favorable change in circumstances may occur. Business life will begin to be in full swing, income will increase, sudden events will help you increase your budget and get rich.

Why dream of finding money according to Hasse’s dream book

This interpreter interprets dreams about money differently. If the dreamer found a lot of money in different bills, then in reality he will become the owner of unexpected wealth.

However, if the money found turns out to be counterfeit, you need to beware of negative developments in financial events. There may be a loss of an inheritance, which would be very useful and could straighten out the circumstances of life.

Why dream of finding money according to Tsvetkov’s dream book

Money according to the interpretation of this dream book - negative energy, and dreams about them do not promise anything good. Why you dream of finding money depends on its type and quality.

I dream about golden chervonets Unfortunately, this is a particularly unfavorable dream. If the dreamer found silver coins, then this can equally mean small profits and bitter tears.

Find copper coins- to sadness, and paper bills - to important news. There is another interpretation of this dream. Found banknotes dream of deception, and after waking up you need to be very careful when communicating with strangers.

Why dream of finding money according to the combined dream book

This dream book interprets the dream about found money in a completely different way. A dream in which someone else's wallet filled with money was unexpectedly found represents a love affair. He will definitely be joyful and happy.

Moreover, a person who has a dream about a money find will soon get married, and the chosen one will be a very rich person. Love and monetary abundance will make family ties not only happy, but also very strong. Harmony will last for many years, and the family will never know either grief or disappointment.

Why dream of finding money of foreign origin? Currency in a dream foreshadows a sharp but very favorable turn in life circumstances, a good change in fate, complete prosperity.

If money was found on the street, then in reality the dreamer will experience an unexpectedly large win, great luck, sudden enrichment. Paper money, if there is a lot of it, foreshadows pleasant troubles associated with equally pleasant changes. After such a dream, any, even the most complicated matter will soon be resolved to the benefit of the dreamer.

If in a dream a person found money, counted it and hid it in a safe, then such a dream is also extremely favorable. It predicts financial success and the achievement of the most ambitious financial goals.

Why dream of finding money according to the modern dream book

Different interpretation money find is given by this dream book for women and men. Finding money is favorable for a woman. The dream predicts good changes in my personal life. If the amount found was large, then joyful events await the woman. It is possible that a new admirer will appear in your life or an unexpected surprise that your husband will make.

If a man found money in a dream, then this predicts good business prospects for him, successful changes in work, promotion career ladder. The larger the sum unexpectedly ends up in the dreamer’s hands, the greater his opportunities will be in real life.

The interpretation of the dream changes if the money found will be torn. This poses a serious threat to the well-being of the home or the safety of relatives. You shouldn’t go out on the street with a large amount of cash; you need to set an alarm and take other security measures. Possible attack by thieves or robbers, loss of savings.

If counterfeit money is found in a dream, then in reality financial well-being will be short-lived and will be replaced by exposure, disappointment and shame.

Paper money is considered one of the most auspicious symbols in dreams. Big money predicts an improvement in your life situation in many areas. If in a dream you dream about the process of receiving big money, it means a person is approaching great success, to which he has been walking for a long time.

Why do you dream about a large bill? If money is transferred to a person in large bills, it means that a new great opportunity in life will soon appear. This could be an interesting offer new job or a long-awaited promotion. Provided new opportunity reach unrealized heights and prove yourself in a new area. Some dream books interpret large paper bills in relation to the sounds they create. The rustling of money symbolizes the emergence of rumors or gossip around the one who sees such a dream. If you dream of losing a large sum of money in large denominations, this can mean big troubles. But these problems are most likely in the material sphere, at work, or loss of property, this is not related to health or personal relationships. There may be problems with management or a demotion. To avoid this, you should focus more on your career.

Why do you dream about losing large bills? If you dreamed of a large wad of money being stolen or lost, this could mean losing money in life. Moreover, the loss of money intended for work. Money may be spent for other purposes.

A large bill always promises something good in a dream. For example, if a person counts a large sum of money, this means that in life he will receive a large material profit. If big money came unexpectedly in a dream, for example, a person found it, this can also promise unexpected profit in life. If money is given to someone else, it means problems or material losses. Saving money in a dream - good sign, it means everything in life will work out, the desired level of well-being and comfort will be achieved. It is also considered a good sign to save money for some large purchase or a trip. This means that you should do the same in life, and the goal will be achieved in the shortest possible time. But counterfeiting large bills is a bad sign. It means the loss of one of your friends due to the fault of the person who is having a dream. It also means some bad deed of his, from which close people will suffer.

But stealing large sums of money means trouble. Just like spending other people's money in a dream. This is a warning about the possibility of a quarrel or even a complete cessation of communication with one of your close friends. But small money and coins have different interpretations. So, scattered coins mean minor troubles and problems. Coins are often associated with tears. Receive money from someone - perhaps the birth of a child or a successful outcome of the trial, or something else important decision. Large bills are associated with an imminent long journey. Perhaps for a business purpose, a long-distance business trip, or even a relocation for work. Giving away money is a good sign, it means that a person will always give to his family and friends necessary support, and they can be confident in it in any situation. It can also promise unexpected wealth, winnings or inheritance falling on a person.

If a person finds money in a dream, especially a large sum, it means that fate has prepared some kind of lucky chance or gift that must be used wisely. This may be due to an imminent promotion or an interesting offer.

Most often, money, especially large bills, means something very good. Money in a dream attracts money in life. The main thing is to correctly interpret the dream and be able to take advantage of the clues that the human subconscious provides.

Find money from a dream book

Finding money symbolizes not only prosperity, but also power, strength, which is why it is so important to understand why this pleasant event is dreamed of. Moreover, dream books are very contradictory in the interpretation of these signs from above. The sudden discovery of them in a dream can predict good luck or be a warning; this largely depends on the position of the predictor and the details of the dream.

Look for someone else's or your own

According to most European dream books, finding money in a dream means easy troubles, positive changes, and many also predict wealth.

According to the interpretation of the Sorceress Medea, they reflect the inner essence of a person - generosity, responsibility, hard work. Honor cannot be lost and returned, so Medea interprets the loss of a certain amount as the bankruptcy of a business, and finding money portends the loss of a fortune.

According to Freud, securities in a dream are nothing more than a sexual symbol of “I want and I can.” If you dreamed of unexpectedly finding money dropped by someone, it means a sudden, promising change of partner, receiving new bright sensations.

Loff's dream book emphasizes that it is necessary to maintain sobriety, prudence, and vigilant attention during commercial transactions if you dream of a pleasant find: it is important that the power of other people's money does not turn against you.

If in a dream you find your own small change, tucked into a holey pocket, or hidden somewhere, shaky business will go uphill thanks to some sudden events.

To gain is not to lose. As a rule, such a dream is colored with joyful emotions, this confirms favorable forecasts. But if the rejoicing in the dream was too violent, interpreters Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima say that this is an empty dream. Finding money and maintaining an even mood is a harbinger of profit or a valuable acquisition.

Gold and copper

What kind of money did you dream about – paper money or coins? Studying dream books, one can come across extremely contradictory interpretations.

In the dream books of Aesop and the Eastern Women's, the following interpretation is given of why one dreams of finding money made of metal: anything, from copper to gold, portends tears. Finding old ones crumbling at the touch predicts wasted efforts and disappointed hopes.

In other dream books, gold and silver coins play a role auspicious sign, is a harbinger of improved well-being. In addition, silver ones reflect the state of the psyche; finding them means finding peace of mind.

The ancient Persian dream book Taflisi considers the question of why one dreams of finding metal money, in more detail. Found coins predict unexpected enrichment, gold ones - people will respect the dreamer, on the contrary, old, darkened ones - will be at enmity with him, and if the patterns on them are clearly visible - get ready for a fierce conflict.

If you dreamed about a bright coin - a good omen, but an old, bent one - you will be slandered. Finding a small one, tiny in size, means you will soon rejoice at the birth of a child. Miller interprets differently what dreams of discovering small ones mean: he predicts failure in the service, aggravation of relations with friends.

Paper money

By Eastern dream book, find paper money - they promise a long journey. And it seems that this will be a happy journey, because the predictors are almost unanimous - finding paper money will lead to prosperity, not only in terms of enrichment, but also the acquisition of valuable purchases.

However, psychologist Miller warns against spending beyond your means if in a dream you find a lot of money in the form of packs of large bills - this means that a woman plays a fatal role in spending funds that should be used for business development.

Why do you dream of banknotes thrown in the trash? sure sign profit. Whatever you find in the trash, it in itself represents wealth; finding money there means you can count on increased wealth.

If you dreamed about fake ones, this is a warning sign. Finding counterfeit money in large denominations in a dream is a warning: beware of becoming a victim of a major scam; in small denominations, you yourself may not be able to resist fraud.

Why do you dream of finding money?

Different dream books explain differently why you dream of finding money. Everything will depend on what exact amounts, as well as paper bills or coins, the person saw in a dream. If you want to understand why you dreamed of finding money, you should carefully remember all the details of the vision. It is the details of the dream that will help you interpret it correctly.

Why do you dream of finding paper money?

When a person dreams that he unexpectedly found banknotes, this may mean that good luck awaits him in future work-related endeavors. If you dreamed about this before an important interview or meeting, you can be sure that the person will receive a promotion or a new position.

In many ways, the interpretation of the dream will depend on what exactly the bills were. For example, torn or dirty paper money can be an omen that a person will face financial difficulties, which, however, will soon be resolved in the best possible way.

Money found in a dream and immediately given to someone promises losses and disappointments. If a woman dreamed that unknown man lost a wallet that she found and gave to a friend or something unknown girl, you can expect a quarrel with your loved one, this is why you dream of finding a wallet with money and giving it away.

A man who sees a large sum of money in a dream will most likely receive a salary increase in the near future or win the lottery, but only if he spends the entire amount found in the dream on himself or puts it in his pocket. If he gave the money to someone in the vision, then there is no need to expect good luck.

Why do you dream of finding money in the form of coins?

Finding gold or silver coins in a dream is a good omen. This vision means that all a person’s deepest desires will come true in the very near future. Even if the coins are dirty, sleep still portends good luck and happiness. Especially if you dreamed that you cleaned the money you found.

If he gives you coins stranger, then a patron will appear in life who will help you quickly achieve your goals. You can also expect that a promotion or salary increase is coming.

Coins received as an inheritance mean that a source of additional income will soon appear in a person’s life. Many dream books advise after such a vision to purchase lottery ticket, because the probability of winning at this moment is very high.

Why do you dream about a lot of paper money?

The most mysterious part of a person’s life, in which he spends up to a third of his time, is sleep. This area not yet fully studied modern science and scientists cannot reliably explain the meaning of dreams that come to a person, which makes them even more mysterious and mystical.

Money, both in dreams and in real life, is given a special role and place. For example, why do you dream a lot? paper money What can such a dream tell the dreamer? The main thing is to immediately understand and comprehend that if a person in life is only interested in material values ​​and financial well-being, or such a dream came during a period of their urgent need for money (any material difficulties that may happen in life), then he will not bear any symbolic loads, but will only serve as a continuation of daytime thoughts on the topic of financial well-being, embodied on a subconscious level in the form of a dream. Returning to the dream about paper money, it is worth saying that in general this is a good sign, minor failures are possible, not big changes, but after them there will definitely be great happiness. The main thing is not to let go of this happiness, even in a dream.

There is an opinion among psychologists that money in a dream is not exactly a currency and most often acts as a symbol of a person’s self-esteem. They suggest what needs to be changed in your life, what to focus on, and indicate underestimation of yourself.

If the dreamer managed to lose a lot of paper money, then this will not be a very good sign for him, namely unpleasant events, both at home and at work. Also, under no circumstances should you give these banknotes to other people (as a gift, debt, etc.), this will threaten a very big failure. And a person who asks the dreamer to borrow money in a dream should pay attention close attention, since, firstly, he has a dual position: people around him admire him, but he is never satisfied with himself, and even asking for a loan in a dream is not a good sign and means acquiring new worries. If in a dream there is an attempt to take this money away from the dreamer, then this will mean a threat to the money that is already real. Thus, when you have a dream involving paper money, you should never lose it, this is a very bad sign. It is better to preserve and save them, which portends a life of wealth and prosperity.

And the most important thing for the concept of sleep will be the amount of paper money. If the amount is large, then well-being in real life will not be small and will not take long to arrive. But a small amount will indicate dissatisfaction with the current circumstances and troubles. At the same time, paper money promises big changes in the field of finance, and very pleasant changes. But in contrast to them, coins mean luck, but not great and not in the area in which we would like. A bad sign Seriously, the fact of detection of loss of banknotes during recounting, this threatens financial difficulties, namely problems in the field of payments. But if there is a lot of money and it cannot be counted, then this promises material well-being. Another not very good sign would be if in a dream the savings were damaged (torn, dirty, etc.), then this is a threat financial well-being dreamer

Another equally interesting interpretation of such a dream, from psychologists: money can be personified as human resources (both material and spiritual), as well as the potential for success, or express a person’s assessment of his own strengths.

Detailed analysis possible options the meaning of this dream allows us to conclude that it should not disappear from view, since it carries quite a lot important information for the dreamer. And you should be attentive, not only to dreams of this kind and to any others, so as not to miss anything important.

Dream Interpretation Money

Money, Paper money, Coins

Dream books foretell many pleasant events to everyone who dreamed of Money in a dream. But Dream Interpretations suggest remembering exactly what kind of Money was present in your dream, whether it was Paper Money or Coins. Dream Interpretations claim that the final forecast will depend on this.

Seeing money in a dream, Receiving money, Finding money- profit, luck, winning or receiving an inheritance.

Such dreams are often prophetic. Having received a certain amount in a dream, you can count not only on a financial replenishment of your wallet - we can also talk about outside help, support or participation in your destiny. Perhaps Someone will share with you a brilliant idea or give you a push in the right direction.

Seeing paper money in a dream, Giving paper money to someone- large expenses are coming; otherwise, share your own experience and accumulated potential.

The interpretation of this dream will depend on who, how, under what circumstances and with what internal attitude you gave the Money. If in a dream you did this with obvious reluctance or forcedly, you will probably face equally forced and unpleasant expenses in reality. And vice versa - if you gave Money (or lent it) with joy, easily and naturally, then in reality you are not just a generous person, but you will also willingly share your own knowledge and experience with anyone in need.

Seeing coins in a dream- to tears, minor troubles.

This is the traditional interpretation of the dream. The coins really resemble tears, but modern interpreters categorically do not support this explanation of this dream image.

Seeing change in a dream, Coins- many unexpected events.

Placers of Coins symbolize equally insignificant, but mostly pleasant events that should soon happen to you in reality. Particularly symbolic vintage coins- they foretell you a meeting either with older people, or with someone from your past.

Seeing any money in a dream, paper money or change- financial difficulties and problems.

It is believed that most often dreams about Money come to those who in reality are simply fixated on financial problems. If you are with lately If you are painfully trying to resolve issues related to Money and Finance, then you should not look for too deep a meaning in the dream - the dream appeared to you under the impression of daytime experiences and anxieties. This is just a projection of what is happening in reality into night visions.



I dreamed that I was “showing off” in front of my friends, I took out a lot of money, I started putting it in packs, 5 thousandths, thousandths, 500 rubles, hundreds, a lot of money, “weighty” packs, friends, too, like with money were)))))))))thank you


Withdraw paper money, both foreign and local currency, they also give it to me for some services at work!!!


It’s as if I’m in Germany and I’m late for the train, there are blue trees around me and I’m surprised, and I count paper money several times. I want to buy shampoo and I see the price there, all 8s, then I run after the train and catch up with it


I no longer remember the details of the dream. But it included an old friend of mine, with whom we have not communicated for several years. some old lady...
in general, I remember exactly that I was counting a decent wad of bills, I remember that they were not new. a little shabby.

and yesterday I actually dreamed that I saw it in the sky at a low altitude huge ship in the form of a golden half-disc. I wanted to take a video, I ran for my phone, but it seems I didn’t capture it


I dreamed that I received a salary, giving it to my wife, I discovered that there was much more. I started counting and it happened. Twice as much as it should be.


I dreamed that money appeared in my jeans in the back pocket, it was two two hundred paper.


Hello! Me and 2 other people (one seemed to be an acquaintance, and the other was not) robbed some shop, immediately sold everything and divided the money equally, (for some reason in the dream it seemed to me that the amount should be greater), I sat counting them, (the bills were large). It’s strange, in reality I didn’t steal anything, but in a dream I took it for income... Please tell me what this is for?


They gave me money in coins and paper bills. I left money, i.e. I forgot. Remembering, I counted the money and it was there, i.e. Serbter gave the same amount.


the bills spilled out of my wallet and I accidentally covered them with garbage and threw them away near the burning stove (I swept the floor and under the bed with a broom) And then I cried very bitterly that I couldn’t even answer anyone - why am I crying? I guess they burned in the rough - but I didn’t saw this one


I leave the apartment and in the drawer near the door I see money of 5,000 and 25,000, I take it and go and meet some woman and I count the money and give her more than 15,000,000 rubles there.


I dreamed that my cousin’s sister was supposed to have a birthday and I was thinking about a gift and my mother told me that everyone was going to give money and I started counting the money, there were 100 ruble bills, I counted 1000, then I counted it again and 200 rubles turned out to be extra


I’m on the bus, there are a lot of people, I have a large sum in my wallet, I was counting them, when I got off the bus I realized that the bag was there, when I returned, the guy was already counting my money, he gave it to me. I don’t remember anything else.


Hello! Today I dreamed of paper money with a face value of 1000 rubles. Almost a pack and I count them, get lost and read them again 5 times. Then they give me money in an envelope for something. I go to the market without money. And that’s where the dream ended


I counted a stack of paper money in the exchange office to exchange it for $. I gave it to the deceivers to count, he put it in a strange machine, lifted the lid, and only one bill remained from the stack of money.


There was paper money in all the pockets, I took a pack out of one pocket and began to count it was 20800

Alla Pak:

counting large bills for payment utilities, but I can’t count out the required amount, my mom is nearby, my dad is helping, they are no longer alive


I counted a large amount of money, in bundles, about a million, the color was lilac or purple, I don’t remember, I just gave it or received it



I dreamed that several times I carefully counted my accumulated money (paper money, quite large), and then some people kept trying to steal it unnoticed, but I didn’t give it, I even fought. and in the end she got her money. What is this for?)


collected, carefully folded paper bills in red or orange color in the bag, I had a dream for the second night in a row


I saw a lot of paper money in large bills in bundles in my father’s closet. I thought I should ask my father for money to buy currency.