Permissible dimensions and maximum weight of goods transported by road. Rules for the transportation of oversized cargo - the concept of oversized cargo, fines, traffic rules

Any of our vehicles from time to time transports not only passengers, but also cargo. At the same time, it is good if the cargo fits in the body or trunk, and sometimes it is necessary to transport large cargo. And this is where the question arises: how to transport cargo without incurring a fine. And if there is a fine, what will it be? This is what we will talk about.

Rules for the carriage of goods (speaking)

Before “diving” into the depths of all kinds of rules and laws, let’s immediately say that we will be interested in cases relating to the transportation of goods up to certain sizes, that is, we will not touch upon the topic of transportation of large-sized cargo. Let's begin.
The first thing you should turn to is the traffic rules. There are 2 points worth quoting here:

23.4. A load protruding beyond the dimensions of the vehicle in front or behind by more than 1 m or on the side by more than 0.4 m from the outer edge of the side light must be marked with the identification signs “Large load”, and in the dark and in conditions of poor visibility , in addition, there is a front lamp or reflector white, behind - a flashlight or a red reflector.

A picture like this would be appropriate here. If the cargo is up to and including the specified dimensions, then a sign is not needed.

Here we can say that if you violated the rules for transporting non-large cargo, that is, up to these limits, then the fine will be minimal or even a warning. (Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation). This applies to cases:

(requirements from the same traffic rules).

If the dimensions “got out” beyond these limits, then we hang up a sign, or rather a “Large cargo” sign. Does this mean that protruding beyond more than 1 meter back and forth, relative to the dimensions, and more than 0.4 m on the sides relative to the side lights, the vehicle will be large?
Well, let's turn to Federal Law 257 and find a definition for a large vehicle.

large-sized vehicle - a vehicle whose dimensions with or without cargo exceed permissible dimensions, established by the Government Russian Federation

If at least one of the dimensions of the vehicle together with the cargo exceeds the established value according to the traffic regulations, the cargo is considered oversized

At the same time, large cargo of certain sizes must be transported according to the rules, in accordance with clause 23.5 of the traffic rules. Let us quote this point as well.

23.5. Transportation of heavy and dangerous goods, movement of a vehicle whose overall dimensions, with or without cargo, exceed 2.55 m in width (2.6 m for refrigerators and isothermal bodies), in height 4 m from the surface of the roadway, in length ( including one trailer) 20 m, or the movement of a vehicle with a load protruding beyond the rear point of the vehicle's overall dimensions by more than 2 m, as well as the movement of road trains with two or more trailers are carried out in accordance with special rules. International road transport are carried out in accordance with the requirements for vehicles and transportation rules established by international treaties of the Russian Federation.

Please note that we have not only one size left, when the load outreach from the rear is more than 1 meter, but up to 2 meters. In this case, cargo of this size is not required to be transported according to the rules, but it is necessary to attach the “Large Cargo” sign to it.

Actually, we can already draw some conclusions.
If the dimensions do not exceed 2.55 m in width, 20 m in length, 4 m from the road in height and 2 meters in the back, then even if it is a large-sized cargo, it is transported without special rules, that is, only in accordance with traffic regulations.
If the dimensions are more than that, then here according to federal law of the Russian Federation dated November 8, 2007 No. 257-FZ “On highways and road activities in the Russian Federation and on amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation”, road users are prohibited from carrying out transportation on highways large cargo without special permits.
We will not talk about these permits, that is, as we said right at the beginning of our article, we only touch upon cases for ordinary motorists, and not for professional carriers. Let's tell you better about the fine if your cargo extends beyond the limits indicated in the last picture.

Fine for transporting protruding cargo (Article 12.21 and 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation)

Here we have three options regarding what the fine for the cargo may be. The first, when traffic rules for the transportation of goods are violated:

Does not restrict the driver's visibility;
- does not complicate control and does not affect the stability of the vehicle;
- does not cover external lighting devices and retroreflectors, registration and identification marks, and also does not interfere with the perception of hand signals;
- does not create noise, does not generate dust, does not pollute the road and environment.

The second is when it is necessary to install a “Large cargo” sign if the cargo protrudes beyond the rear clearance by more than 1 meter, but not more than 2 meters. If this sign is not installed, then... For these two options, a fine will be issued under Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

Violation of the rules for transporting goods, as well as the rules for towing, entails a warning or the imposition of an administrative fine in the amount of 500 rubles.

However, the third option is when the cargo is large and, moreover, requires special permission, that is, it goes beyond the dimensions. This will already be a fine under Article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

If the size exceeds no more than 10 cm (without a formalized permit available) - 1000-1500 rubles (individuals) (part 1);
- if the dimensions are exceeded by 10-20 cm (without a formalized permit available) - 3000-4000 rubles (individuals) (part 2);
- if the dimensions are exceeded by 20-50 cm (without a formalized permit available) - 5000-10000 rubles (individuals) (part 3);
- if the size exceeds more than 50 cm (without or with a formalized permit) - 7,000-10,000 rubles (individuals) or deprivation from 4 to 6 months (part 6).

In fact, it is clear that the worst thing is if the load protrudes more than 50 cm. In this case, a very large fine or deprivation of a special right for up to six months.

Detention of a vehicle when transporting protruding cargo

It is noteworthy that for a violation under Article 12.21.1 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, that is, for our third case, detention may be used. This possibility is spelled out in Article 27.13 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Moreover, if your car cannot be loaded onto a tow truck, they can simply install blocking devices. We read 27.13 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

...If it is impossible technical specifications of a vehicle, its movement and placement in a specialized parking lot in the event of an administrative offense provided for in Part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 or 6 of Article 12.21.1 or Part 1 of Article 12.21.2 of this Code, the detention is carried out by stopping the movement using blockers devices.

As a result, you will remain there until you eliminate the reasons that led to the detention.

Is it possible to pay a fine for a protruding load with a 50 percent discount?

If you still failed to avoid a fine, then you should not forget about Article 32.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation. Thanks to it, respectable motorists have the opportunity to pay a fine with a 50 percent discount. This article allows you to receive a kind of “discount” if the fine is paid within the period from the moment it appears in the traffic police fines database, but no later than 20 days from the date of the decision.

Questions and answers on the topic “Fine for protruding load”

Question: With what protrusion of the load beyond the clearance and side lights can you drive “painlessly”, without installing signs?
Answer: Forward and backward no more than 1 meter relative to the clearance, up to 4 meters and on the sides no more than 0.4 meters relative to the side marker light.

Question: Up to what size can a protruding load be carried in the rear without special permission?
Answer: Up to 2 meters, while from the protrusion of the load from 1 to 2 meters, it will be necessary to hang a sign “Large cargo”.

The rules for the transportation of oversized cargo are discussed in Section 23 “Transportation of Cargo” of the Road Traffic Regulations and, in particular, 23.4, which prescribes the designation of oversized cargo with special signs. In the dark, as well as in case of insufficient visibility (read: snowfall, fog, rain), use reflectors or flashlights: white in front, red in back.

By oversized cargo, traffic regulations mean one that protrudes beyond the front/rear dimensions of the vehicle by more than a meter, or on the side by more than 0.4 meters from the side lights.

As stated in the traffic rules, the transportation of oversized cargo (including heavy cargo) is separately regulated by requirements, standards and rules. However, you need to know that the leading role still belongs to traffic rules. Therefore, if a controversial situation suddenly arises, you can go to court, which, as a rule, makes a decision based specifically on the points of the traffic rules, and not on some departmental rules.

After the new Rules for the carriage of goods by road have come into force, the famous Instruction, which prescribes the rules for the transportation of heavy and large-sized cargo by road on the roads of the Russian Federation, but only to the extent that does not contradict the new Rules. In any case, the loads on each axle should never exceed those permitted by the manufacturer, and it is necessary to take into account the weight of the semi-trailer, which also cannot exceed the maximum permissible values.

Also, every driver must know that transporting large cargo is possible only under conditions when the cargo:

  • does not interfere with the driver's view. And the driver must see both the entire road situation ahead and behind with the help of rear-view mirrors;
  • does not interfere with control and does not affect the stability of the vehicle;
  • does not block external reflectors and lighting devices, license plates and other identification marks for other traffic participants, and does not create obstacles to the perception of hand signals.
  • does not pollute the environment, does not create noise, dust, etc.

There are also traffic features in terms of speed limits. Oversized cargo is required by traffic regulations to be transported at a speed of no higher than 60 km/h on roads, and 15 km/h when driving on bridges.

In addition, the driver is prohibited from deviating from the prescribed route, agreed upon with special authorities.
If any of the conditions stipulated by the traffic rules for the transportation of oversized cargo is violated, the driver must eliminate the violation or stop driving. If this is not done, then a fine or even deprivation of rights will follow, according to Article 12.21 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

For example, for transporting heavy or large-sized cargo without a special permit (if one is required), as well as in case of deviation from the route specified in the special permit, the driver can either be fined in the amount of 2,000 rubles or be deprived of driver's license for up to 6 months, as well as detain the vehicle. On officials and legal entities fines are much higher - up to 20,000 and even up to 500,000 rubles, respectively.

When transporting cargo exceeding the dimensions specified in the special permit by more than 10 cm, the driver may be fined up to 2,000 rubles or deprived of his license for up to 4 months. An official will be fined up to 15,000 rubles, a legal entity - up to 400,000 rubles. And also - to detain the vehicle.

If the maximum weight or axle load exceeds those specified in the special permit, drivers, officials and legal entities will also face fines, as in the previous situation. But there is no provision for deprivation of rights and delay of the vehicle.

Services for the transportation of oversized cargo represent the transportation of objects large mass, volume, with a displaced center of gravity, exceeding the maximum acceptable standards. These indicators significantly complicate transportation, therefore, to solve this problem, you will need to seek help from professional logisticians who have undergone special training. But first, let's figure out what oversized cargo is? Next, we will look at the basic rules for transporting oversized cargo and choosing the appropriate transport.

Definition of oversized cargo

Oversized cargo is a non-standard, bulky object whose parameters exceed all established standards. Such oversized items cannot fit into a regular container and cannot be transported by truck. According to all the rules, large cargo has the following parameters: a length exceeding 16 meters, a height of more than four meters and a width of more than 2.55 meters. Such objects include the following:

Vessels, water transport.

Road and construction special equipment.

Agricultural machinery: combines, tractors, threshers, etc.

Products and designs of non-standard parameters.

Industrial equipment and special equipment.

To transport large objects with non-standard heights, you must use a low-loader platform. Thanks to it, you can significantly reduce the height of the load along with vehicle. If transportation of a massive object is planned, it is recommended to use a platform with an increased number of axles and an appropriate load capacity.

Requirements for freight transport

Special equipment used to transport oversized cargo must meet the following standards:

1. This transport should not interfere with the movement of other participants traffic.

2. Restrictions on the dimensions of the transported cargo must be observed.

3. If the limits are exceeded, additional escort by a traffic police vehicle is required.

4. Must be present on the vehicle corresponding sign– “Oversized cargo”, as well as other necessary identification and registration marks.

During cargo transportation you will need to adhere to the following rules:

The load must be correctly and securely secured to the vehicle.

The load must not cover lighting fixtures and reflectors.

The load must not interfere with the normal operation of the cargo vehicle.

The load must not limit the driver’s view of the controlled vehicle transporting oversized cargo.

Route and support

Proper support of vehicles carrying oversized cargo is the key to success. It must be taken into account that the carrier must be escorted from point A to point B without missing any section that may seem safe for the owner of the cargo. An unexpected incident may occur along the way, in which you may not only damage or lose your cargo, but also incur great liability. In this case, small savings are absolutely impractical, because they can result in much more significant costs.

Why do you need to accompany the transportation of oversized cargo?

Transporting oversized cargo involves all sorts of risks associated with it, which can damage the cargo and cause harm to strangers and their property. To ensure the safety of transportation of such cargo, it is necessary to attract accompanying cover vehicles throughout the entire route. In this case, you can contact local law enforcement agencies for the provision of police patrol cars or carrier company cars.

Cover vehicles are used only in cases where the width of the loaded vehicle exceeds 3.5 meters and the length is 24 meters. Escort of vehicles transporting oversized objects is necessary when changing routes if there is a bridge or tunnel on the way, and the safety of movement of oversized objects or provision of sufficient space for travel is in question. In this case, as a rule, traffic is blocked until the load passes.

Main purposes for which escort of oversized vehicles is required

1. It is necessary to ensure the safety of transporting massive loads.

2. It is necessary to ensure the safety and integrity of the transported cargo.

3. The safety of other road users must be ensured.

4. To ensure the safety of road communications.

Escort of oversized transport by traffic police vehicles

Traffic police escort is required if the width of the road train is more than 4 meters and the length exceeds 30 meters. Such a vehicle can take up more than one and a half lanes of the road, so oversized objects must be accompanied by state traffic inspectors. This is necessary in order to quickly redirect traffic flow. In this case, the traffic police vehicle ensures not only the safety of the vehicle and the cargo being transported, but also of other road users.

Who can you trust with transportation?

As you already understand, transporting oversized cargo is a rather difficult task. If there is such a case that only one of the permissible design parameters is exceeded - height, for example - you can get by with ordinary transport for transportation and only worry about hanging additional beacons on the contour points of the transported object. But if at least one more non-standard parameter is added, then the cargo automatically acquires the status of oversized.

To ensure high-quality loading and delivery of the object non-standard sizes, special equipment is required. In order for freight transportation of oversized cargo to take place in compliance with all safety standards, it is necessary to use platforms with a low-frame design and sliding trailers, which are equipped with various fastening elements.

These are often designed according to non-standard designs for oversized cargo. Such structures must be loaded and unloaded with special engineering control, based on calculations of loads on axles and fastenings.

A carrier company that provides transportation of oversized cargo is required to have special permits that confirm the coordination of transportation with the main management bodies and regional structures. Among other things, the cargo carrier must organize a patrol that will accompany the transportation of the object. Transportation of oversized objects contains many potential dangers and difficulties, so it is better to entrust this type of work to professional transport companies.

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According to the Road Traffic Rules of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as traffic rules), the permissible vehicle width is 2 meters 60 centimeters for refrigerated vehicles and isothermal vans and 2 meters 55 centimeters for other vehicles. The maximum height of the vehicle is 4 meters. The maximum length of a road train including one trailer cannot exceed 20 meters, while the length of the tractor and the length of the trailer cannot exceed 12 meters.

The permissible weight of a two-axle vehicle (hereinafter referred to as vehicle) cannot exceed 18 tons, 25 tons for a 3-axle vehicle and 32 tons for a 4-axle vehicle. The weight of a 3-axle road train must not exceed 28 tons, a 4-axle road train 36 tons and a 5-axle road train 40 tons.

The maximum axle load at a distance of more than 2 meters between nearest axles should not exceed 10 tons per axle, at a distance from 1.65 to 2 meters inclusive 9 tons, at a distance from 1.35 to 1.65 m inclusive. maximum axle load should not exceed 8 tons, with a distance from 100 to 135 cm, the maximum axle load should not exceed 7 tons, and with a distance between nearest axles, the maximum axle load on 1 axle should not exceed 6 tons.

All vehicles that do not fit into these restrictions are oversized and require special permits to be driven on public roads. For driving a vehicle exceeding these dimensions, the driver is fined or the driving license is confiscated in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

The main problem is drivers' lack of understanding of these standards. So let's break it down into questions and answers.

B: car width 2.55 + mirrors. Is it oversized?
A: no, this is the size.

Q: Is it acceptable to overhang the load by 0.4 m on each side and 2 meters at the rear?
A: yes, but the width of the loaded vehicle cannot be more than 2.55 m, and the length of the road train cannot be more than 20 meters.

Q: What does the phrase “pierced along the axes” mean?
A: For example, a 3-axle truck drives onto the scale. The total weight is less than 25 tons, the distance between the rear axles is 135 cm, but the load on the rear bogie is 20 tons, i.e. not 8 tons per axle, but 10. This is not much better than that, if the truck weighed more than 25 tons.

Q: I was carrying tires (tires are taken as an example), on the road they fell apart, the awning was opened and my license was taken away. IDPS right?
A: Yes, IDPS is right because the dimensions of the vehicle are exceeded, but there is no permit. The driver is responsible for exceeding the dimensions.

Q: Will the walls of the refrigerator, which according to documents have a width of 2.6 m, be “inflated” even without cargo, be taken away?
A: yes, they will take it.

Q: The height of the vehicle on raised cushions (meaning axle cushions, similar to springs) in the transport position is 402 cm, will your license be taken away?
A: yes, the rights will be taken away. If in the transport position the vehicle exceeds the size, then this is your problem; the IDPS does not care about them. Try to bleed the air during stops or look for legal justifications that the measurement of your vehicle was not carried out in accordance with GOST.

Q: According to the documents, the cargo is 20 tons, it fits within the clearance, on the scales it turned out that there are 25 tons, who is to blame.
A: The shipper is to blame, he will pay for the entire “representation”, but, often, it is not always possible to immediately prove this, so legal delays are possible.

As you can see, the working conditions are quite tough and the driver almost always has a good chance of being left without documents, but you should not be afraid of this and give money, since giving a bribe is a serious offense, and your guilt has yet to be proven in court. According to the stories of those who transport oversized cargo, there are years when they drive for 8-10 months a year not with a license, but with a temporary permit. The main thing is to know the laws, and not at the “heard somewhere” level, but the literal wording and, if possible, carry a collection of laws with you.

Transportation of oversized and heavy cargo is regulated by a number of requirements, standards and rules, which are described in the relevant documents. However, it should be remembered that despite the fact that oversized cargo must be transported in accordance with special rules developed specifically for this category of cargo, traffic rules still play a dominant role during transportation. It is worth keeping in mind that large and heavy cargo can be transported by road only if the cargo cannot be transported in parts. In addition, it is prohibited to transport cargo if it exceeds the size of the car in front by more than 2 meters and in the rear by more than 4 meters. The only exception can be when reducing the load is impossible and transporting the load in parts can be very difficult and expensive. Particular attention should be paid to the requirement that if, when loading goods, it is possible to choose the dimensions of the load (width, height or length), then exceeding the permitted width should be avoided.

The maximum travel speed is determined by the special permit holder depending on the size of the cargo, its weight and other nuances and road conditions.

In this case, the speed should not exceed: the maximum permissible speed of the vehicle is 80 km/h.

Transportation of oversized items is permitted only if a number of conditions are met:

1. The load does not impair the driver’s visibility;

2. Does not provide negative influence on vehicle stability;

3.Does not cover reflectors, lighting devices, identification marks, does not interfere with the perception of hand signals given to the driver;

4.Does not create noise, does not raise dust during transportation, does not harm the road or the environment.

If one of these conditions is violated while driving, the driver’s task is to eliminate the violation. If for any reason this is not possible, you must stop driving, otherwise a fine will be issued for transporting large cargo.

Instructions for the transportation of oversized and heavy cargo special attention on the loads acting on each axle of the vehicle. In no case should their value exceed that permitted by the manufacturer. In general, it is necessary to take into account the weight of the semi-trailer, which also should not exceed the maximum permissible values. However, even if all calculations are carried out correctly, the safety of the route largely depends on the qualifications of the driver - the rules for transporting large-sized cargo require him to constantly monitor the quality of cargo securing and their location on the platform.

The responsibilities of a large cargo driver include:

1.before departure, make sure that the cargo is in good condition and check this throughout the entire journey;

2. keep to the right on the road and, if necessary, stop in a suitable place to allow cars behind you to pass, or give way to oncoming cars.

The responsibilities of a large cargo carrier include:

1. organize transportation in such a way that it least interferes with and threatens other road users;

2. avoid transportation during rush hours and at other times when, due to road or weather conditions and frequency of traffic, it is dangerous and causes an obstacle to the movement of other vehicles;

3.if possible, avoid transportation in residential areas, also along busy streets and intersections;

4.take into account buildings located on the side of the road: traffic signs, power lines, etc. If necessary, agree with the road owner on the temporary removal of obstacles on the road;

5.Strictly follow the established route. If it is necessary to change the route, you must again apply for a new special permit. The carrier company and the driver performing the flight are responsible for ensuring the safety of oversized cargo during transportation. However, this is often not enough, since the sender wants to play it safe in order to be completely confident that the expensive cargo will be delivered to its destination on time, safe and sound. In such cases transport companies offer to use the oversized escort service. The cargo is accompanied by so-called “cover vehicles” - vehicles equipped with special signals, and in some cases with special markings. Thus, the presence of cover vehicles notifies all road users that oversized cargo is being transported, a special speed limit and other rules for the transportation of oversized cargo are observed.

In addition to cover vehicles, escort and security vehicles (as a rule, these are traffic police vehicles) may also accompany oversize vehicles. Their presence makes cargo transportation as secure and safe as possible. Escorting oversized cargo requires additional financial investments, but such expenses are more than reasonable, especially when transporting valuable cargo (expensive or exclusive equipment). In addition, accompanying oversized items can significantly speed up the transportation process, and the sender can be confident that the cargo will arrive on time. In addition to all of the above, there are also requirements for the technical condition, equipment of vehicles and the designation of cargo. Vehicles transporting oversized cargo and heavy loads must be equipped with special light signals (flashing beacons) of orange or yellow color.

The requirements for the transportation of oversized and bulky cargo are divided into several groups, based on the size and dimensions of the cargo. To get a more detailed and clear picture, the author compiled the following table:

Parameters of a road train with cargo

Parameter changes

Need for permission

Cover car

Patrol car

Length of road train with cargo (m)




30 or more



Width of the road train with cargo (m)






Height of the road train with cargo (m)


4.50 or more

development of a route depending on obstacles using special equipment for lifting electrical networks, etc.

Weight of the road train with cargo (t)


44 or more

development of a special project

In addition, on vehicles transporting large-sized and heavy cargo, identification signs “Road Train”, “Large Load” and “Long Vehicle” must be installed. Sign “Road Train” Sign “Large Load” Sign “Long Vehicle”

Road train sign indicated in the form of three orange lights located horizontally on the roof of the cab with intervals between them from 150 to 300 mm. This sign is installed on trucks and wheeled tractors with trailers, as well as on articulated buses and trolleybuses.

"Large cargo" sign designated in the form of a shield measuring 400x400 mm with diagonally applied red and white alternating stripes 50 mm wide with a reflective surface.

Long vehicle sign indicated in the form of a yellow rectangle measuring at least 1200x200 mm with a red border (40 mm wide), having a reflective surface. This sign is installed on the back of vehicles whose length with or without load is more than 20 m, and road trains with two or more trailers. If it is impossible to place a sign specified size It is allowed to install two identical signs measuring at least 600x200 mm symmetrically to the axis of the vehicle.