Quotes about gifts of flowers. Quotes about flowers

The snowy forest is a mesmerizing sight - as if you find yourself in an almond orchard during the flowering period.

Flowers given to a wife by a husband without any reason are a good reason to think that the missing reason may well be animate.

These were the first flowers that were given to her for no reason. The feeling was indescribable - as if these flowers contained the treasures of the whole world.

– You can buy professional roses from us. – What is their main profession?

Reading “she walked on the carpet of roses” in another novel, I thought – who is it written “don’t walk on lawns” for?

“They even bring flowers to graves more often than you do to me!” - Darling, this is not the best way!

They don't give flowers to their wife without a reason. One day this reason may call you and tell you the whole truth about the donor.

– What do Edelweiss flowers look like? - On the little yellow stars that live in the mountains and protect themselves from the cold by wrapping themselves in white fur coats.

Give me 15 chrysanthemums... no, better than roses. How many?! I said chrysanthemums.

Flowers live truly bright, but short life like the best of people.

Read the continuation of famous aphorisms and quotes on the pages:

If ordinary flowers are planted in ordinary pots, then what are night flowers planted in?

Flowers are the painted whores of the plant world! - M-f 'The Simpsons'

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when the light kisses them - Rabindranath Tagore

I didn't tell him I loved purple roses. It's too personal for me.

The flower child opens her cup and exclaims: Oh, dear world, please don’t fade! – Rabindranath Tagore

The flower blooms in warmth and in winter. – Silovan Ramishvili

A weed is a flower that no one likes. – Ella Wheeler Wilcox

Pistil, stamen, something else... Plus something else, and it seems like a flower has come out! – M-f ‘Children from class 402’

Flowers are fragrant for the soul, and therefore incredibly good. – Valery Kazanzhants

When the rose falls, the thorns guard themselves. – Victor Konyakhin

White flowers, red thorns... White flowers, red thorns... It would be easier if I weren't colorblind. - Mf 'Shrek'

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life.

Where there is a lot of love, flowers are always few. – Leonid S. Sukhorukov Leonid S. Sukhorukov

I hate flowers!!! But this is only when they are given so as not to bother with an exquisite gift.

Musk is something that has an aroma, and not something that the mosquito man says is musk. – M. Saadi

I'll give you flowers...you'll die from allergies!!!

Flowers cut for a bouquet are barbarism in the name of beauty... - Igor Krasnovsky

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live - Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel

These were non-binding flowers. – Valery Afonchenko

She carried yellow flowers! Not a good color.

I’m bringing you a bouquet of flowers... Go to hell, whore. – K-f ‘500 days of Summer’

I throw flowers at my enemies - in a coffin - Salvador Dali

Do you want to know what to do if you did something wrong? The answer is, baby: never ask for forgiveness. Don't say anything. Send flowers. No letters. Only flowers. They cover everything. Even graves.

There is more life in the quickly withering petals of a flower than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite - Ludwig Feuerbach

The flowers on the grave of the enemy smell intoxicating. – Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

Flowers of inspiration are watered later. – Leonid Krainev-Rytov

Usually, when women are given flowers, they want to say without words: I love you!, but in my case, I only whisper in my mind: I really, really want you! – Vladimir Borisov

The beauty of a flower is in one flower - Japanese proverb

You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.

She carried yellow flowers! Not a good color. – K-f ‘The Master and Margarita’

For others, nature is firewood, coal, ore, or a summer house, or just a landscape. For me, nature is the environment from which, like flowers, all our human talents grew - Mikhail Prishvin

Not all women are satisfied with a bouquet of flowers; some will also require a man to replace the water in the vase. – Janusz Gaudyn

I like flowers, I wish I could add them to my life - K-f ‘Exchange Vacation’ / LIFE

A bouquet of roses - when one breaks, two are thrown away. – Igor Karpov

Flowers of oblivion grow best on graves. – George Sand

Enfleurage is when flowers die slowly, as if in a dream. – K-f ‘Perfume: The Story of a Murderer’

If flowers came from nowhere at home, it means it was his wife’s birthday.

In life it’s like in the theater: you get flowers only after leaving the stage. – Yana Dzhangirova

The tenderness and delight that we experience from contemplating nature is a memory of the time when we were animals, trees, flowers, earth. More precisely: this is the consciousness of unity with everything, hidden from us by time - Tolstoy

Dark clouds turn into heavenly flowers when they are kissed by the light.

Now it’s quiet and peaceful, now it’s war, sights. Flowers don't help matters at all.

I went to take out the bucket, opened the garbage chute - and from there were white flowers. In general, no one except the garbage chute gave me flowers.

When I see flowers being cut, the chopping block involuntarily pops into my head, but the moment when they are placed in a vase is like a pathetic attempt at resuscitation

You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe their scent - Antoine de Saint-Exupéry

When a woman gratefully accepts flowers, she evaluates which berries she can count on.

Smell is the soul of a flower.

Do you want to know what to do if you did something wrong? The answer is, baby: never ask for forgiveness. Don't say anything. Send flowers. No letters. Only flowers. They cover everything. Even graves – Erich Maria Remarque

And I just looked at the flowers. Some broke, while others raised their heads again. This is cool!

Roses instill love for nature, and thorns instill respect - Anton Ligov

What if a flower smells us with its scent? – Vitaly Vlasenko

Sunflowers are unfortunate creatures in God's perfect world. – K-f ‘Sin Eater’

Say it with flowers! – Patrick O'Keefe

In the dark, all colors are the same. – Francis Bacon

Women remember ungiven roses for too long.

Beautiful flowers are embarrassed when they are stuck in the hair of older women

A poster on one of the stores: Scientists have not yet figured out what is more dangerous: smoking or forgetting about your wife’s birthday.

Marriage is when a young man stops buying flowers and starts buying vegetables

A cynic is a man who, smelling flowers, looks around for a coffin - Henry Mencken

Sometimes flowers are just flowers.

The higher the flowers rise towards the sun, the deeper their roots go into the ground on which they grow. – GRIMM Fridrik

Perfection doesn't last long cherry blossoms on a spring day. – Stepan Balakin

It is possible to lie without words, with just a bouquet. – Mikhail Khoromansky

Don't send me flowers when I die. If you like me, give them to me now.

Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasures are its fruits - Claude Adrian Helvetius

Flowers must be loved, this is true, but one should not stand on ceremony with them - Erich Maria Remarque

It seems to me that we owe our faith in divine providence to flowers. Everything else - our abilities, our desires, our food - is necessary for us primarily for existence. But the rose was given to us beyond that. The smell and color of a rose decorate life, and are not a condition for its existence. Only divine providence can be the source of beauty. That's why I say: as long as there are flowers, a person can hope.

Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me maintain self-respect, because they prove that I am not shackled hand and foot by everyday worries. They are evidence of my freedom - Rabindranath Tagore

The most expensive gift for a woman is attention. And such a gift is much cheaper than flowers or perfume.

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life. - K-f 'The Addams Family'

Roses smell professional – Stanislaw Jerzy Lec

What beautiful flowers. Can they be smoked? – K-f 'Taxi' HUMOR

Even the most beautiful flowers will become trash tomorrow. – Stepan Balakin

It’s cold when the bird cherry blossoms outside and the buttercups wither in your soul. But we just don’t have flying weather. – Irina Vyazovtseva

When I was little, I loved to run in the rain. It drove my mother crazy.

Dandelion flowers have a short life, even the fluff leaves no trace. Wherever possible they bloom, but they attract no one. – Neyah

Women are like flowers... Some are allowed to bloom for a short time, while others pass from age to age, maintaining their beauty and aroma for a long time. for many years from the moment of blossoming and flowering until the saddest hour of petals falling.

It’s still nice to receive flowers, so simply, unexpectedly, when you think that this is a simple day, and not a holiday at all, but then in the morning, receiving a bouquet of flowers, your mood immediately lifts, you shine all day long... thank you...

I didn't tell him I loved purple roses. It's too personal for me.

She had never been given flowers before without a reason. She felt at that moment as if she had been given the whole world.

She: damn, they bring flowers to the grave more often than you do to me... He: and what are you offering me?

I'll give you flowers... You'll die from allergies!!!

There is more life in the quickly withering petals of a flower than in heavy thousand-year-old blocks of granite.

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live.

Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasures are its fruits.

The beauty of a flower: - in one flower.

You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.

For some women, a bouquet of roses is not enough: they also demand that the man change the water in the vase.

One rose given by a poor student expresses more than a huge bouquet given by a millionaire.

For my last birthday I was given a lot of flowers! True, everything is on Odnoklassniki...

Instead of complaining about the rose's thorns, I rejoice that there is a rose growing among the thorns.

Loved girls are given flowers, not tears!

Flower lover! You have become an inconspicuous slave of chrysanthemums.

Roses instill love for nature, and thorns instill respect.

I don’t believe women who say they are indifferent to flowers. They just didn’t receive them from the men they loved...

A simple chamomile given just like that will say much more than a scarlet rose given for a birthday!

A favorite flower is, first of all, a rejection of all other flowers.

Happiness is not in the number of roses given, happiness is in the person who gives them...

Men distinguish two types of flowers: - roses and “what are these called?”

Chrysanthemum - the last chord in the autumn symphony of colors - has long conquered the whole world with its beauty...

Let the book of life open to you only the most beautiful pages, the river of hope joyfully flows, - the flowers of love bloom along the banks!!!

If you have found the keys to a woman’s soul, take care of her, be for her like a gardener for flowers!!!

If a husband gives his wife flowers for no reason, it means he has just seen that reason.

Of course, I understand that flowers are a waste of money, they will quickly wither and that’s it... but damn it, it’s so nice when they are given!

Every woman loves being given flowers until she finds out that others are given diamonds.

One modest flower and many feelings are better.

Flowers as a gift... A trifle, but how nice!

Agree, a girl with a bouquet of flowers is much more beautiful than with a bottle in her hands...

When calling a woman a flower, don’t forget to choose the right fertilizer!

Flowers, like people, are generous with goodness and, giving tenderness to people, they bloom, warming hearts, like small, warm fires.

Love... is like a rose flower. Just as beautiful and just as unpredictable.

I prefer a man to be good in bed! I'll buy him flowers myself...

Artificial flowers do not smell. That’s how artificial relationships don’t bloom.

Flowers bring the greatest joy when they are given not on a birthday or by a bad husband, but... just like that!

I often gave her flowers, and you know what I understood: - in a relationship, a man is just a mediator. Some women sell flowers to other women through you.

On a date, tell your girlfriend that she is beautiful, and then hit her in the face with a bouquet. Girls love flowers, warm words and strong men.

Beautiful statuses about flowers are something that any girl will like. This is another way to smile even on the gloomiest day.

Roses or daisies - attention is always nice

  1. As a rule, flowers not given are remembered much better than flowers given.
  2. Men, come to your senses! Why has it become common to buy a bouquet for photographs yourself?
  3. A girl’s thriftiness can be determined not only by her ability to cook, but also by whether she remembers to water the flowers.
  4. If you don't give your woman bouquets, you don't even have to say words of love to her. “What’s the point?”
  5. Level of a strong and independent woman: I grow flowers myself.
  6. A broken glass can be glued back together. But you can’t put a flower there because the water spills.
  7. The most wonderful time is when daisies bloom. Nature is still so young and untouched even by the scorching sun...
  8. How simpler girl, the more complicated her manicure and... requests for bouquets.

Give me a meadow with flowers and I will be happy

How nice it is to get out into nature at a time when wildflowers are in full bloom. More on this further in the statuses about girls and flowers.

  1. Almost every woman knows how much a rose costs, woman loving man doesn't even know about it.
  2. Guys, if you only knew how gorgeous you look rushing to your beloved with a huge bouquet in your hands!
  3. Such a useless and at the same time pleasant purchase as flowers cannot be found on this earth.
  4. “My girlfriend doesn't like roses. They are expensive and fade quickly. I think so."
  5. How wonderful it is to wake up in the morning and see flowers in a vase that you just brought from a date yesterday.
  6. A girl’s success should be judged by whether she bought flowers for herself!
  7. If there are flowers in your relationship, this speaks of a kind of lightness and freedom, no matter what stage the relationship is at.
  8. Gifted roses are not just flowers that will fade, but original seeds. The girl's trust and tenderness will grow from them.

Relationships are like peonies: the bud appears first

Statuses about flowers with meaning will make many of us think. Oddly enough, but this is a step towards greater understanding of each other.

  1. The beauty of flowers is that they are given. Then they are like love, which requires nothing in return.
  2. Together we reached for the stars. But the mistake happened when we forgot that there were flowers under our feet, from which it all began...
  3. If you trample on a beautiful lily, it will definitely give off a pleasant smell. This is the whole essence of forgiveness.
  4. The aroma of chamomile will say much more than appearance. This happens with people too...
  5. If you give your beloved a bouquet for a holiday, it will be a formality; if you give it for no reason, you will bring real happiness to her.
  6. Advice for young lovers: compliment each other and give flowers more often. Very few people manage to maintain passion for long.
  7. The advantage is that you don’t present bouquets - just one. Someday a woman will be able to forgive you for an armful of lilies. Unless, of course, no one gets ahead of you.
  8. Women who work in flower departments probably crave special gifts.

A bouquet in your hands says a lot, especially if you are a man

They say that girls are divided into two types: those who love inexpensive flowers, but more often, and those who love expensive ones, but whenever possible. Set statuses with meaning about flowers, and agree only to your favorite bouquets as often as you want!

  1. Everything in this life needs to be calculated: a girl can even be allergic to a bouquet.
  2. If you give armfuls of roses just to be forgiven, consider that you didn’t give anything at all...
  3. Appreciate a girl who doesn’t want to pick violets simply because they are alive.
  4. It's scary to think, but even the most beautiful blooms can become something ordinary, especially if they are presented regularly.
  5. Fans of the phrase “A girl with a bouquet is more beautiful than with a cigarette,” you are, of course, right. But be kind enough to buy bouquets for women and, if possible, take away cigarettes.
  6. If a young man managed to touch a lady’s heart, then this evening she will have roses in her vase, and a whole garden of delicate flowers in her soul.
  7. Appreciate those men who are ready to present bouquets simply for your beauty!
  8. They say that in order to make peace with an enemy, you need to mentally give him an armful of roses. Now, of course. This would not happen even in my dreams!

Flowers are small warm hearts

Cool statuses about flowers are always interesting to read and show to a friend. And why not set them in the status line?

  1. Roses in winter are persistent, a little cold, and therefore give off virtually no fragrance.
  2. Do you know how to distinguish good girl? See how much she likes wildflowers.
  3. If a bouquet is too banal for you, have the opportunity to offer something more!
  4. You may quarrel after a date, but flowers will remain something that unites you.
  5. Remember that delicate petals can smooth out even the most tense situations.
  6. It's a shame that in family life Giving flowers necessarily means apologizing.
  7. Bouquets by mail - this is real delight.

Dear girls, know how to hint correctly. Use our statuses about flowers...

Women are like flowers... Some are allowed to bloom for a short time, while others move from age to age, preserving their beauty and aroma for many years from the moment of blossoming and flowering until the saddest hour of the petals falling.

Agree, a girl with a bouquet of flowers is much more beautiful than with a bottle in her hands...

The beauty of a flower is in one flower.

Roses smell professional.

Something about dandelions: if you can't beat them, eat them.

"James Duke"


Sunflowers are unfortunate creatures in God's perfect world.

In life it’s like in the theater: you get flowers only after leaving the stage.

"Yana Dzhangirova"

Marriage is when a young man stops buying flowers and starts buying vegetables.

A million daisies - cool too!

Sometimes flowers are just flowers.

Flowers have no everyday life; they are always dressed festively.

"Malcolm de Chazal"

If flowers came from nowhere at home, it means it was his wife’s birthday.

Some people grumble that roses have thorns. And I'm glad that the thorns have roses.

"Alphonse Carr"

Desires are the flowers of love, and pleasures are its fruits.

"Claude Adrian Helvetius"

Live with peace. Spring will come and the flowers will bloom on their own.

“This is a flower without fragrance,” the old people noted. - Nowadays, many girls look like such flowers. If you touch them, they are made of paper...

A favorite flower is, first of all, a rejection of all other flowers. Otherwise, it will not seem the most beautiful.

"Antoine de Saint-Exupéry"

Where flowers degenerate, man cannot live.

Art is a constant attempt to compete with the beauty of flowers - and always unsuccessfully. Marc Chagall

I hate flowers! But this is only when they are given so as not to bother with an exquisite gift.

In the world of feelings - like in a bouquet of flowers... there is always one flower that is reflected in your eyes in a special way...

Flowers of inspiration are watered later.

"Leonid Krainev-Rytov"

You are the only cactus in the flower garden of my life.

The bindweed outside my window makes me happier than the metaphysics of books.

"Walt Whitman"

Of course, I understand that flowers are a waste of money, they will quickly wither and that’s it, but how I love it when people give them to me!

Flowers in the city are like a woman’s lipstick: with a little color you look more interesting.

Even the most beautiful flowers will become trash tomorrow.

"Stepan Balakin"

Do you want to know what to do if you did something wrong? The answer is, baby: never ask for forgiveness. Don't say anything. Send flowers. No letters. Only flowers. They cover everything. Even graves.

She had never been given flowers before without a reason. She felt at that moment as if she had been given the whole world.

For some women, a bouquet of roses is not enough: they also demand that the man change the water in the vase.

Enfleurage is when flowers die slowly, as if in a dream.

Scientists, or pseudoscientists, claim that geranium blooms better, if you talk to her. In fact, a rare friendly word is enough for her. Excessive attention, such as excessive fertilizing, weeding and loosening, confuses and restrains it.

"Victoria Glendinning"

Roses instill love for nature, and thorns instill respect.

"Anton Ligov"

When flowers are cut, I associate this operation with execution, and when they put them in a vase, with resuscitation.

Hearts are like flowers - they cannot be opened by force, they must open on their own.

"Louisa May Alcott"

Every woman is a flower. The way you take care of it is how it blooms.

Flowers bring the greatest joy when they are not given on a birthday.

Having barely looked at the bouquet, he determined: “It smells like fifty”...

What if a flower smells us with its scent?

Of course, I could do without flowers, but they help me maintain self-respect, because they prove that I am not shackled hand and foot by everyday worries. They are evidence of my freedom.

"Rabindranath Tagore"

And I just looked at the flowers. Some broke, while others raised their heads again. This is cool!

She: damn, they bring flowers to the grave more often than you do to me. Him: what are you offering me?

Quotes about flowers

I didn't tell him I loved purple roses. It's too personal for me.

I prefer a man to be good in bed! I'll buy him flowers myself...

Don't send me flowers when I die. If you like me, give them to me now.

Now it’s quiet and peaceful, now it’s war, sights. Flowers don't help matters at all.

An orchid as beautiful as the seven deadly sins.

"Oscar Wilde"

Usually, when women are given flowers, they want to say without words: I love you!, but in my case, I only whisper in my mind: I really, really want you!

"Vladimir Borisov"

I never wanted to know the names of flowers that amazed me with their charm and originality. Subsequently I recognized these names. But did they add colors and petals?

Fragrances are the feelings of flowers.

"Heinrich Heine"

Violets in the mountains sprouted through the stone.

"Tennessee Williams"

Musk is something that has an aroma, and not something that the mosquito man says is musk.

"M. Saadi"

It’s still nice to receive flowers, so simply, unexpectedly, when you think that this is a simple day, and not a holiday at all, but then in the morning, receiving a bouquet of flowers, your mood immediately rises, you shine all day long... thank you.

You should never listen to what flowers say. You just have to look at them and breathe in their scent.

"Antoine de Saint-Exupéry"

I like flowers, I wish I could add them to my life.

If you have found the keys to a woman’s soul, take care of her, be for her like a gardener for flowers!

Loved girls are given flowers, not tears!

Instead of getting a divorce, it’s better to send your wife a dozen roses. The shock will kill her, and you will put roses on the coffin.

Artificial flowers do not smell. That’s how artificial relationships don’t bloom.

Some women sell flowers to other women through you.

See also -

Gives little good mood as well as flower quotes that conjure up various scented and fragrant flowers. Quotes about them will prove that these plants are of great importance in our lives.
In general, without much prelude, read the statements about flowers.

When someone gives you a sincere compliment
- a new beautiful flower blooms in the heart.
Maria Berestova

I love orchids. They say that when you look at them, the sadness goes away.
Maria Farisa. Better crane

And dried flowers can sometimes be beautiful, but even the best of them can never compare with the simplest, but living ones.
Cassandra Clare. Mechanical Angel

Flowers bloom everywhere for everyone who wants to see them.
Henri Matisse

What a delightful quote about flowers!

A fallen chrysanthemum will not return to the bush.
Japanese proverbs and sayings

There are no women who don’t like flowers, there are men who think so.
Rinat Valiullin. Cookbook

Your apartment may be full of beautiful furniture, art objects and other expensive things, but only fresh flowers bring true beauty to the house.
Anika Vicious

Love is a flower that needs to be watered every day. Otherwise it will fade.
Natalya Solntseva. All coincidences are not accidental

Favorite flowers?
- Dandelions.
- Why?
- They are free, and they are not sold.

film "I am the beginning"

A flower can be compared to a pleasure that will soon wither, and the smell of this flower is like a memory that is remembered forever!
Bogdan Lee

And I love flowers so much that no one has ever given me.
Gaetan Soucy. The girl who loved to play with matches

Flowers, like people, sooner or later fade and turn black.
Natalia Frolova

... Life without love is a flower without fragrance, as they say in the East.
Ponson du Terrail. Secrets of Paris

“Cornflower” is a cheerful word that sounds like a child’s laughter.
Emil Azhar. Darling

It is better to admire flowers when they are blooming in the garden, and not when they are withering in a vase...
Unique Reality

... The giant sunflowers leaned their heavy round faces onto the fence, and it seemed that they were making eyes at passers-by with passion and enthusiasm.
Washington Irving. Wolfert Webber, or Golden Dreams

... love, it is not a flower, you cannot transplant it from one pot to another. And you can’t uproot it and then throw it away and plant another one in its place. For some reason it doesn’t take root. Although... Everything passes.
Natalya Andreeva. Styx

By reading good books, we water the flowers that grow within us.
Nadeya Yasminska

It seems that a surprisingly pleasant aroma is spreading throughout the room - this is how the imagination draws images, responding to aphorisms about flowers!