Cool ideas for a maternity photo shoot. Unusual ideas for “pregnant” photo shoots

Every woman dreams of preserving an important period of her life - pregnancy - not only in memory, but also in photographs. Often girls hire professional photographers and organize a real photo shoot. Ideas for a maternity photo shoot can be completely different, it all depends on the wishes of the pregnant woman, the time of year, and the photographer’s plans. It is important that the photo shoot brings joy, positive emotions participants, then you will definitely get wonderful photos.

Venue selection

Choosing a location for a maternity photo shoot is easy, but often the choice depends on several factors: weather conditions, the state of health of the pregnant woman, and the specific concept of the photo shoot. Also, the choice of location depends on the genre, format of the photo shoot, style, and image of the pregnant woman.

In the studio

A photo studio is considered a popular place for a maternity photo shoot.
The advantages of this choice:

  • No one will interfere or disturb.
  • Adverse weather conditions will not spoil photography.
  • All the necessary attributes and accessories are at hand.
  • The room, as a rule, is always warm, so it is possible to expose your tummy without fear.
  • Any idea can be realized here.

In the studio, the necessary, high-quality lighting is always at hand, due to which the photographs come out bright and clear. The photographer will be able to select the necessary scenery that matches the ideas for the shooting and will create the desired effect.

At home

Often a photo session is held at home, focusing on preparing future parents to meet the baby. Ideas for conducting a home maternity photo shoot are also varied.

The camera lens captures little things for the child and pieces of furniture. A girl expecting a baby is photographed in a familiar environment, so she can completely relax, feel calm, and the photographs will turn out natural and relaxed.

Outdoors in summer

Summer time is a great time to conduct a photo shoot in nature. This could be a forest, a park, a field, the bank of a river, sea or other body of water. The undoubted advantage of such photography is the beauty of nature, which cannot be replicated in the studio. Footage captured in nature always turns out bright, vibrant and fabulously beautiful. The disadvantage of such shooting may be unfavorable natural conditions, due to which the photo shoot will have to be rescheduled.

A great idea is to shoot together with your husband, future dad, and if there is an older child in the family, he can also become a participant in the photo shoot, making his contribution - spontaneity. Such truly family photographs turn out warm, touching, radiating love.

In the park

When it is not possible to go out of town, but you want to have a photo shoot on fresh air, a good idea would be to take photos in a city park. There are also plenty of interesting, scenic spots that will provide a wonderful backdrop for photos. You can take pictures against the backdrop of historical places, pose while sitting on a bench.

In the field

A great idea for photographing an expectant mother is to shoot in a field, among wildflowers and ears of wheat. For such a photo story, a wreath woven from flowers will be useful; additional details will also play a role - pieces of furniture, blankets, toys, children's clothing.

Accessories and props for a photo shoot

They are often used for maternity photo shoots. additional accessories, attributes, props. As a rule, this section includes:

  • Children's clothing, booties, rompers, bodysuits, small hats.
  • Soft toys.
  • Artificial or fresh flowers.
  • Ribbon to make a pretty bow.
  • Flower petals.
  • Signs with inscriptions.
  • Paper cut out or artificial butterflies.

If you want to do special makeup or body art for a photo shoot, then you will need special paints, not causing allergies, as well as (depending on the technique) brushes or an airbrush. The drawing can be completely different, it all depends on your imagination and mood - a smiley face on the stomach, a small toddler, butterflies, an interesting inscription. The image can be drawn by a photographer or an artist who works in tandem with him. The pattern can be covered with a special fixative to preserve it longer.

Clothes and makeup

Clothes for a pregnant photo shoot should be as comfortable and spacious as possible. Often a dress or sundress is used loose fit, beautiful underwear, shirts or blouses that can be easily unbuttoned, exposing the tummy. An interesting idea is to conduct a photo shoot with a naked body, when the girl is only wearing long segment light, airy fabric (for example, silk or chiffon). This image of a pregnant woman will be gentle, airy, romantic, and the photos will turn out simply amazing.

Sometimes women wear tight-fitting dresses, emphasizing their bulging tummy, creating a clear silhouette. Here everything depends on the woman’s wishes and the photo shoot scenario invented by the photographer. If the photo shoot is themed - for example, nautical - then the clothes should be appropriate - striped vests.

As for makeup, everything is individual and depends on the woman’s wishes, as well as the image that is created for a pregnant photo shoot. For a delicate look, discreet makeup using natural, soft colors in makeup - beige, soft pink, light gray - would be ideal.

If the style of a vamp is closer to you, then you should choose brighter colors, line your eyes with arrows, and choose bright lipstick or gloss for your lips. The main thing is that everything looks harmonious and fully corresponds to the inner state of a woman expecting a child.

Beneficial poses for pregnant women

For maternity photography, photographers have certain schemes, successful poses in which the pictures turn out to be as interesting as possible. Advantageous poses are possible both for a pregnant woman (for a single photo shoot) and for a couple if the photo shoot takes place together with her husband. When choosing a position, you should listen to the advice and recommendations of a professional and the comfort of the woman herself. Look at the photo for examples of such positions.

Price for photographers' services

The price of a photo shoot depends on many factors.

  1. First of all, this is the level of the photographer - for beginners the price will be lower, but the quality is not always ideal. The more famous and popular the specialist, the higher the cost.
  2. The second factor is the time allotted for shooting. As a rule, one session lasts 1-2 hours.
  3. The third factor is the number of finished processed photographs.

The minimum cost is from 5,000 thousand rubles, on average, photographer’s services cost from 9 to 14 thousand, and famous photographers ask for their work from 20 thousand. This pleasure is not cheap, but it will leave wonderful photographs as a keepsake.

To see examples of pregnant photo shoots by famous professionals, watch the video:

Creative ideas for a photo shoot and original images

There are a lot of ideas for photo sessions for expectant mothers; you can choose an image that is closest to you, and additionally use various attributes and accessories.

Tell the photographer about your ideas, but you should also listen to his professional advice, because he absolutely has several creative ideas.

With watermelon

Watermelon is perhaps the first idea that comes to a pregnant woman’s mind. Yes, and to the photographer. Its symbolism is obvious: the watermelon is round, reminiscent of the belly of a future mother. Such a photo session is often accompanied by body art, for which a special artist is invited.

With my husband

My husband is a frequent guest at pregnancy photography. There are classic scenes and poses in which a family expecting a baby looks advantageous. A courageous future dad sets off a romantic mother - what’s not the beginning new history, which can be continued when a son or daughter is born?

With a child

If the family already has children, the photographer will definitely offer the following story: a pregnant mother surrounded by babies. Such a photo shoot looks amazingly harmonious if you choose the same clothes for all family members - T-shirts, dresses for girls (including mother), headwear - hats.

Marine style

The marine theme is very close to many photographers, and in connection with pregnancy it gives birth to a lot interesting stories. A sailor and a sailor, and even with several cabin boys - a wonderful photo shoot, leaving behind the memory of a fun time spent. Accessories play an important role here - toys, a compass, a decorative steering wheel.

With inscriptions and drawings on the stomach

One of the brightest ways to decorate a pregnant woman is to come up with an interesting design that decorates her belly. Who is inside - a boy or a girl? This will give the artist an idea, the embodiment of which the photographer will capture in the photographs. Here we consider options that are funny and elegant, plot-based and sentimental, because a pregnant woman is sensitive and often tells herself what she would like.

Below are seven good, fun, creative and touching photography ideas. In some cases, Photoshop skills will be required, in others, a little preparation, planning and a couple of minutes of filming will be required.

1. Reflection

The first three versions of the shooting were performed according to the “before and after” type. Therefore, here you need to plan one or several shootings during pregnancy, and then arrange a photo session after the birth of the baby. The results are definitely worth it!

Photo with reflection is the simplest option. All you need is a little Photoshop skill and a reflective surface in the studio.

2. Basic “before and after” shape

Before and after. Photo by: Mick Fuhrimann

This classic version, but it is not implemented very often, because such shooting requires time and planning of details. During the second shoot, keep the first photo with you to best match the pose and expression of the model. This way you can achieve the best effect.

3. Time-lapse photography

Photo by: Igor Koshelev

The last type of shooting “before and after” will require best efforts. You need to plan several shoots during pregnancy, and then after the birth of the child. If you try, it will turn out beautiful and touching.

Again, pay attention to the staging. Try to tell a story, this will make the image much more interesting. In addition, dim lighting and a little post-processing will help you achieve great results.

4. The child is loading...

Loading. Photo credit: Marco Ciofalo Digispace

5. Floating Mom

Small yellow ball. Photo by: Charles Brooks

If your Photoshop skills allow, add a little fun, like Charles Brooks did by imagining a pregnant woman like a hot air balloon in danger of flying away. The couple in the photo are musicians, so they have instruments, which makes the photo distinctive, but such props are not at all necessary.

6. Fun with animals

Children's sound;-) Photo by: Sasha Werner

By using animals in the frame, you can take a variety of interesting pictures. For example, capture the moment when a furry pet sees a child for the first time. It’s even more interesting to take a photo before the baby arrives; for example, in the photo above, the dog seems to be listening to what’s happening in his mother’s belly.

7. Phone game

Memories. Photo by: Ivan Geverd

A simple and very good idea for shooting. One of the children can talk to the baby through an improvised telephone line. If there is no brother or sister, let mom or dad talk.

Another idea: Bicycle pump

Pump up volume. Photo by: John Wilhelm

Inflating your belly with a bicycle pump is another fun way to photograph a pregnant woman. Involve children in the filming process; if they are not in the family yet, then the husband can do this. Facial expression is of particular importance here. The more extreme it is, the funnier the shot and the more memorable the photo shoot.

The pregnancy period for a woman is, of course, difficult. But this magical state I want to capture it for a long time, because it is unique. Waiting for a baby is important event, which should be allocated special place in a family photo album. If you are in interesting position If you are planning a photo shoot, then this article will help you prepare for it correctly.

There are girls who are expecting a baby, but at the same time refuse to do photo sessions with their belly, believing in various groundless superstitions that something will happen to the child after the photo shoot. Nothing like this will happen just because someone will film you. It’s another thing to be afraid of the lens, to feel awkward in front of it, thinking that you have an ugly or photogenic face, a plump figure.

In fact, all this doesn’t matter, the main thing is the mood of the expectant mother, because the camera is sensitive to people’s emotions. Pictures always turn out beautiful if the people in them behave naturally, calmly, they are happy and relaxed. Tense face and Bad mood They will ruin any photo, not just a photo of the expectant mother.

The expectant mother needs to flirt with the camera in the same way as with her husband, do not be shy, relax and think only about your baby. Just imagine the memories you will have of your pregnancy. When the child grows up, you will show him how beautiful his tummy was, tell him how much you waited for him and even then loved him with all your heart. Therefore, do not take into account any nonsense and do not miss the opportunity to make a memorable photo shoot during pregnancy.

At what stage of pregnancy is it better to have a photo shoot?

Everyone who has decided to capture their wonderful state is wondering at what time it is better to conduct a photo shoot during pregnancy. There is no clear opinion on this matter, because every girl’s pregnancy develops differently. The main thing is that the photographs should already show a noticeably rounded tummy, and the girl should not look too tired - even if this is not the very last month of bearing the baby.

  1. If you are pregnant for the first time, then memorable photographs can be taken at 32-35 weeks of pregnancy.
  2. If you are expecting your second child, then, most likely, your tummy will already be round at 28-32 weeks.
  3. If you are expecting several babies at once, then do not delay the photo shoot. Need to get there before 30 weeks.

How to choose a photographer for a photo shoot during pregnancy?

The result of the shooting will depend not only on your mood. A very important role is played by the personality of the photographer, who knows how to professionally pose the model, create an organic space around her, and also make the very atmosphere during the shoot comfortable.

It is the photographer who will process the photographs in which you are depicted; it will depend on him what your face and entire figure will be like. If you choose a non-professional, it is unlikely that he will be able to choose a good angle for you to highlight your charming belly and at the same time hide the swelling and extra pounds that gain during pregnancy.

Give preference to those photographers who specialize in family photography and photography of children. They have significantly more experience. Be sure to look through the specialist’s work, discuss what images are popular now, what looks beautiful, and what specifically suits your family.

Where is the best place to have a photo shoot during pregnancy?

After the photographer who will work with you has been selected, you need to move on to thinking about the place where you want to be photographed. Of course, you can first take pictures in nature, then in the studio or at home, but all this will be quite expensive. It is advisable to decide on one place, and the photographer will select the locations himself so that the photographs are not the same.

We will tell you about several options for conducting a photo shoot in different locations.

Pregnancy photo shoot at home

Home photo. The photographs will also look very stylish if you have a vintage-style bedroom. Beautiful pregnancy rooms will look good if you have a beautifully equipped children's room for the future. Babies always add solidity to any photographs. Having chosen the appropriate image, you can make beautiful photos during pregnancy.

The advantage of this kind of photography is that you can take pictures in different rooms, change clothes in your usual place, fantasize, experiment. If you live in your own home, you can also take a few shots in the yard in nature.

The disadvantages of such shooting are that you probably already have photographs in your album against the backdrop of the usual home interior. But a photo shoot during pregnancy should still be something special.

Pregnancy photo session in the studio

In any case, no matter what the weather is outside, you can always take a photo in a beautiful photo studio, where there are different locations, interesting interiors. Only the photographer you invite to create your photo shoot should choose the studio. He must have experience working in a studio so that he knows how best to set the light and what background to choose. In addition, most professional studios have makeup artists and hairdressers who will prepare you for the shoot, so you don't have to walk around the city ruining your beautiful makeup and formal hairstyle.

In addition to having equipment and styling stylists, the professional studio also has a dress salon for rent. If you don’t have a suitable formal outfit in your wardrobe that would accommodate your rounded tummy, then it is quite possible that you will find something suitable for yourself in this dress salon.

The advantage of such a photo shoot is that you do not need to adapt to weather conditions and time of day. The downside is that most married couples They are filmed in studio locations, so it is difficult to make a photo shoot original. Although, if you show your imagination and get creative in the process of preparing for the shoot, you can do a very unusual photo shoot with a pregnant belly.

Pregnancy photo session in nature

Any photographs taken in nature always turn out alive, beautiful, bright and interesting. However, it is not always convenient for a girl in pregnancy to be photographed in the cold and rainy season. Not good good choice conduct a pregnancy photo shoot in winter, because the belly will hide under a warm down jacket, the girl will not look the way she would like, and this will only worsen her mood.

Another thing is to take photographs outdoors in spring, summer and early autumn when everything is still fragrant and full of bright colors. You can have a mock picnic, take a boat ride, stroll along autumn forest. All this flavor will give photographs depicting a pregnant belly a special charm.

However, the planned shooting for a specific day may not always be carried out due to the unpredictability of the weather. If you want to know for sure when is the best time to do a pregnancy photo shoot, then carefully study the weather forecast, otherwise you may end up in unpleasant situation, which will overshadow the fascinating process of photographing.

Ideas for a pregnancy photo shoot

A pregnancy photo shoot is not a banal photograph of just the expectant mother in different outfits and a close-up of her belly. You don't have to focus on the belly. Very beautiful and warm photos are obtained if next to the pregnant woman in the photographs there is a caring husband, older children, pets and other surroundings.

In short, there are a lot of ideas for a photo shoot during pregnancy. We will present you several original options, which are popular and in demand today among expectant mothers. Based on them, you can come up with any other one for yourself. interesting idea for your photo shoot.

Pregnancy photo session with husband

Previously, not many dads agreed to take photographs during the happiest period of waiting for the baby. Modern fathers approach this issue with with special awe and love. On the World Wide Web and in social networks Photos of young people with pregnant wives are increasingly appearing. If your husband or young man, who is the father of your child, is ready to take part in a photo shoot with you, then think through this event with him to the smallest detail.

Photos look very beautiful when the future parents are dressed approximately the same, when they are holding the same props in their hands. Often expectant mothers want their pregnancy photo shoot to be romantic and touching. But no less interesting are the pictures with your husband, where you can fool around and have fun.

Family photo session during pregnancy

A family that already has children must take photos of the mother’s pregnancy together. When the long-awaited baby is born, he will be very pleased to see how happy and touching his wait was.

Also in the process of preparing for a family photo shoot, you need to maintain a uniform style of clothing for each family member who will take part in the shooting. If the children are small, then they need to be explained what they have to do and how they should behave. As a rule, kids really enjoy the process of being photographed, so they are happy to pose for the camera and have fun. Thanks to children, the photos will turn out alive and bright.

Pregnancy photo session with a child

Photos in which the expectant mother hugs her firstborn or several children she gave birth to earlier are very tender and touching. The topic for such filming must be selected based on the temperament and character of these children. If they are nimble and cheerful, then it is better to do some kind of themed photo shoot in the style of a party, so that the children play during the shoot, rejoice and perceive the process itself as entertainment.

If the children are serious, sophisticated and sincere, then you will have an excellent opportunity to take ceremonial photos in beautiful dresses and classic suits. Both options always look advantageous and beautiful.

How to prepare for a pregnant photo shoot: makeup, hairstyle, clothes, accessories

When preparing for a photo shoot, the expectant mother needs to take a very responsible approach to how she will look in the photographs. We have compiled a list of what you should pay attention to first:

  1. Make sure that your makeup was neat, natural and not flashy. The expectant mother is the embodiment of tenderness, kindness, care and love. Red lips and fatal black eyes in the smokey eye style would be inappropriate in such a photo shoot. You need to be very feminine and soft in your baby bump pictures.
  2. It should be the same type hairstyle. Give preference to light and airy styles with waves and beautiful curls. You should not make ponytails, buns, or twist buns. All this looks casual and routine. It is much more pleasant to look at a pregnancy photograph where the mother is beautiful and feminine.
  3. Manicure must be done simply because it is required according to hygiene standards. However, under no circumstances should you extend your nails or paint them with bright varnish. All this will look quite vulgar in an interesting position. Let it be a regular hygienic or, as a last resort, a French manicure. You shouldn't get nail extensions, they will still bother you, and you will get rid of them as soon as you give birth.
  4. Regarding accessories, then you can use them. This could be a hair decoration, beads, necklaces, bracelets. But they should not look cluttered and rude. Choose accessories that will only complement your natural beauty.
  5. Wear something that is not only beautiful, but also comfortable. clothes, in which you will feel comfortable. Many mothers today are photographed in transparent negligees. If this is an unacceptable trend for you, then don’t mock yourself. Wear a beautiful floor-length dress or jeans with a T-shirt. You can simply throw on your husband’s favorite shirt or the usual outfit you always wear. It is recommended not to wear anything tight. It’s better to let it be either a loose dress or shirt, or a bare tummy that won’t be tight.

Of course, don’t forget to think about whether you would like something to be in your hands at the time of shooting - fruits, flowers, toys, balloons, inscriptions and other details that will complement your shooting.

Images for a pregnancy photo shoot: options

Pregnancy photo session with flowers

Pregnancy photo shoot in jeans

Pregnancy photo shoot in a shirt

Pregnancy photo shoot in loft style

Black and white pregnancy photo shoot

Poses for a photo shoot during pregnancy

You can be photographed during pregnancy in any position that is comfortable for you. We will tell you what a photographer can offer:

  • You can stand sideways so that the outline of your tummy is clearly visible.
  • The ¾ turn is very visible. In this photo you can see both the belly and the face of the expectant mother.
  • Often the photographer asks the girl to lie on her side and clasp her arms around her stomach.
  • Beautiful photographs are obtained if the expectant mother lies on her back and raises her arms above her head.
  • Often pregnant women are also photographed while squatting or kneeling.

In other words, photos from a pregnancy photo shoot always turn out touching, beautiful, and memorable. The woman in such photographs is especially beautiful, because in her was born new life, which will be released soon. Don't miss the opportunity to capture your happy family moments for a long time.

Video: “Pregnancy photo shoot. Ideas for a photo shoot during pregnancy"

Do you think maternity photo sessions are boring and monotonous? Or are you thinking about organizing your own photography, surfing the Internet in search of unusual ideas, but can’t find anything suitable? Don’t rush to draw conclusions and give up taking photographs during this magical period. Here are 10 bright and original ideas, which can only be accomplished while in position.

“Tie my shoelaces!”

During pregnancy, there will come a time when looking down you will only see the part of your feet closest to your toes. It's very uncomfortable and surprisingly cute! Show this unusual perspective to others: do a photo shoot: the world through the eyes of a pregnant woman.

Silhouette of love

Modern smartphones have a lot of programs, among which there is the “your silhouette” function. During pregnancy, be sure to try taking a regular photo and a photo in the same pose using this filter. A collage of these photographs will remind you of the magical period of pregnancy, when the baby was already visible in profile.

We count by week

In places where they print photographs on T-shirts, mugs and pillows, they can easily make you custom stickers with the numbers of your pregnancy by week. Decoration to suit your taste. Take a photo every week with these stickers, they will look especially cute on your growing belly. And before giving birth, make yourself a collage as a souvenir: how long have you carried this baby under your heart!


Order a T-shirt with a countdown calendar from the same shop that printed the stickers. Every week, mark the past deadline and take a photo: you are getting closer to the cherished day! Later, you will remember with pleasure how you were in a hurry to give birth and see your fidget.

It's already close!

Another popular idea for a photo shoot while expecting a baby: photographs by week of pregnancy with a caption of the due date. The highlight will be the same clothes in each photo - thanks to this, it will be especially noticeable how the baby inside you has grown.

On record

If you have at home slate, then there will be no end to your experiments! You can write down the days, weeks, months of pregnancy, as well as what unusual things you ate during this month. Or draw smiley faces for your baby: when he is born, you will show him a whole story.

"I know what you are like..."

Expectant mothers, do you know what size the baby is at 11 weeks? And at 25? Great idea will not just mark the appropriate stage of pregnancy, but will be photographed with objects that at that moment match the size of the fetus. Lime, apple, melon? You can try everything if you start from the first months.

This is the width...

The female body gets better during pregnancy, and this is a natural process. Therefore, if you know how to laugh at yourself, take a series of photographs of how your parameters changed as labor approached. An idea for brave and cheerful expectant mothers.

Counting on our fingers

Another interesting series of photographs where the expectant mother shows on her fingers what month of pregnancy she is. It's fun and simple, and most importantly understandable - after all, everyone can count on their fingers. Such a collage will look especially interesting if the pregnant model wears plain clothes and uses a black and white filter.

“This letter is for you, dear...”

One of the most best ideas, in our opinion, was a shooting against the backdrop of a letter for the future baby, who has not yet been born, but wants to tell him so much. A touching idea can be realized using two options: write a letter on a slate wall or take a photo on a single-color background and later add text through the application. In any case, this letter will definitely become your favorite!

Every expectant mother wants to remember the exciting period of her life - the time of pregnancy. For this purpose, you can contact professional photographer and capture an unusual, beautiful image of a pregnant woman in photographs. Ideas for a photo shoot can be completely different, depending on the girl’s wishes.

Maternity photo ideas in the studio

Photography in a specially equipped studio has a lot of advantages: there is suitable lighting, scenery and props, there are no strangers who can embarrass a woman, there is comfortable conditions for changing clothes, etc. It will be easier for the photographer to choose the necessary design for shooting and take beautiful, clear, bright pictures. There are a lot of ideas for a maternity photo shoot in the studio, so it will be easy for you to choose a suitable image that is as close as possible.

Share your ideas with the photographer and the master will be able to give professional advice regarding makeup, hairstyle, attributes and accessories that will correspond to the theme of the photo shoot. Examples of creative ideas for studio photography:

  1. Pregnant girl in a chair. Expectant mothers look very beautiful and feminine in light wicker or decorated with bright soft pillows armchairs. If you wish, you can ask the photographer to photograph you lying on your back.
  2. The belly in the lens. Don't miss the opportunity to capture your baby bump! close up, tying it with a beautiful bow or placing booties on top. In addition, you can use other interesting accessories: a bouquet of flowers, beads, soft toys, and other things.
  1. Original poses. Advantageous body positions during pregnancy are standing on your toes, sitting sideways, lying on your side. To make the image original, to emphasize the girl’s tenderness and femininity, use soft, flowing clothes and drapery. If the photo shoot takes place in winter, wear a knitted sweater that covers the top of your thighs and high socks to match.
  2. Nude photo shoot. A naked pregnant woman is beautiful. When shooting in a photo studio, use a thin, lightweight fabric to cover your body to create a gentle, weightless, airy image of the expectant mother. At the same time, the whole image should be harmonious, so it is better to keep manicure and makeup light and light.
  3. Emphasis on the belly. If you wish, you can emphasize your roundness by wearing a tight-fitting dress. Some people like to combine two incompatible images: a vamp woman and a gentle, defenseless pregnant woman. Makeup and hairstyle in in this case must answer alongside.
  4. Pregnant woman in flower petals. The expectant mother looks very beautiful and unusual lying in a bathtub or bed strewn with rose petals.
  5. Decorated belly. Many photo sessions during pregnancy take place with the participation of a body art artist. Using paints that are safe for health, the artist decorates the expectant mother’s belly with a cool design, for example, a smiley face, an image of a funny baby, or a funny inscription.

Photo session of pregnant women outdoors in an urban environment

If a pregnant woman does not have the opportunity to travel outside the city, but wants to take photographs in nature, excellent choice the place will be a city park or a beautiful square. Each city has interesting places that will serve as a beautiful backdrop for photos. Ask a specialist to photograph you near historical sites or bodies of water. Photos where a pregnant woman is posing simply sitting on a bench surrounded by greenery turn out beautiful. Nature is the best backdrop for photographs at any time of the year, but the most striking are the pictures taken in the summer.

Photo session for pregnant women in nature outside the city

The summer months are a great time for photo shoots in the lap of nature. The choice of locations outside the city is rich: filming can be carried out in a park, field, forest, near a river, lake or seashore. Photos of pregnant women in nature cannot turn out badly; the surrounding beauty cannot be replicated in even the most richly equipped studio. Shots captured on the banks of a river or the edge of a forest always come out very lively, bright, and fabulous. The main disadvantage of such photography is the unpredictability of weather conditions. Ideas for a maternity photo shoot in nature:

  • shooting in a wheat field, on a green meadow;
  • in a clearing with blooming wildflowers;
  • a pregnant woman poses in a wreath of collected flowers (the picking process can also be filmed);
  • sitting on a colorful blanket, having a picnic (for this you will need additional details: dishes, baskets, fruit);
  • pregnant woman in the forest in the form of a nymph (you should wear a loose one long clothes, and let your hair down).

Photoshoot of pregnant women at home

Often, a photo session in anticipation of a miracle is held at home, with the focus on preparing parents for the arrival of the baby. There are a lot of ideas for home photography, and its main advantage is comfort, since a pregnant woman feels as free as possible within her own walls. You can use any pieces of furniture, things for a baby, children's books, soft toys, etc. It is better to choose comfortable, loose-fitting clothes. For example, an expectant mother looks very cute wearing her husband’s T-shirt.

Ideas for a maternity photo shoot with your husband

If your husband is involved in the creative process, that’s great. There are many poses and classic scenes that allow you to get very beautiful, touching family photos. A courageous dad will set off a romantic and tender expectant mother. In this case, it is better to arrange a photo session on later pregnancy, when the tummy is already clearly visible, but swelling has not yet appeared (at 30-35 weeks). Successful ideas for a maternity photo shoot with her husband:

  1. With watermelon. This is a popular subject for filming during pregnancy. The symbolism of the idea is obvious - the watermelon is as round as the tummy. You can add originality to your photo shoot by calling an artist who does body art.
  2. Marine theme. Prepare sailor and sailor costumes, a decorative steering wheel, a compass, and have fun photographing, leaving funny, bright pictures as a souvenir, reminiscent of this important period of your life.
  3. With a pregnancy test. Despite the popularity of this story, the photos with the chronology are very interesting and unusual. In the first picture, the girl should be holding a pregnancy test in her hands (you can use a large fake one), in the second you can see your growing belly, and in the third the mother is already holding the long-awaited baby.

Maternity photo session with husband and child

If you already have children, be sure to involve them in photography. A pregnant mother surrounded by babies – it’s impossible to take your eyes off such photos. Such pictures look very harmonious, especially if you choose clothes of the same style/color for all participants. Worth wearing for girls beautiful dresses, and prepare funny hats for the boys. The process should be fun and enjoyable, then the pictures will turn out beautiful. Ideas for a photo shoot:

  • children and mother sit like a train, combing each other’s hair;
  • mom, dad and baby left a place for the new baby at the table;
  • the feet of future parents and children are visible, and for the unborn baby there are booties or small shoes nearby;
  • Mom is holding her tummy, and the kids and dad are kissing him.

Video: photo session of pregnant women with her husband in nature