Body lice. Causes and treatment of body louse

). The peculiarity of such a parasite is that it changes its “habits”; it lives on clothes, and not on the body. Body louse legs are unable to hold onto hairs on the human body.

  • papules;
  • blisters that have a blood crust in the very center;
  • pigmented spots.

What body lice bites look like (photo)

Body lice prefer:

  • unsanitary conditions;
  • pleasant perfume aromas;
  • natural fabrics (linen, cotton).
  • in a hotel;
  • at the market (after trying on clothes).

The eggs have an elongated shape and their size is only 0.5 mm. Eggs (they are called nits) are attached to clothing thanks to the adhesive substance that covers their shell. They ripen thanks to the warmth of the human body. Full maturation of the larva occurs after three molts. The size of the larvae is 1.5-2 mm; in appearance they are similar to adults.

Is the body louse the causative agent of typhoid fever? The answer is no. The body louse is a carrier of the causative agent of epidemic relapsing fever. Typhoid fever is spread through nutrition. Its carrier is Salmonella.

This video will tell you what body lice is:


Ways of spreading body lice are:

The appearance of body lice is indicated by the same symptoms that characterize the well-known head lice. These signs include:

  • waist;
  • armpits;
  • shoulders;
  • small of the back;
  • back (its upper part).

These are the symptoms that indicate a body lice infestation. It is very difficult to find them, because they are hidden in the folds of clothes. Therefore, if scratches or wounds on the dermis are detected, you should visit a dermatologist.

Below we will tell you how to detect body lice.

This video will tell you about the inspection for body lice:

Treatment of body lice

Treatment of body lice takes a little time, but it is advisable to contact sanitary services. Specialists will appoint special means for treating the premises, and will also advise suitable remedy for the patient.

Medication and therapeutic methods

To get rid of body lice you need to treat:

  • all things;
  • body.

Processing things

Processing things is:

  1. Collecting all contaminated items.
  2. Wash in washing machine at maximum temperature with the addition of vinegar or insecticide. If this is not possible, it is advisable to use dry cleaning services.
  3. Treat clothes in steam-formalin chambers.
  4. Hang clothes out in the cold (in winter). It is necessary to keep the laundry for at least a week at a temperature below -20 0 C.
  5. After washing, the laundry should be aired for 2 weeks.
  6. It is recommended to boil all the patient's belongings.
  7. You can place the things of a person with pediculosis in a tight bag, and introduce an anti-pediculosis agent (Sulfidoz, Karbofos) inside the bag.

To kill body lice, you can use the following: effective means:

  • Medifox.
  • "Pedilin."
  • "NOK."
  • "Karbofos".
  • "Buzzed."

Treating the body with a pediculicidal agent involves performing the following actions:

  1. Thorough body wash.
  2. Application of pediculicide.
  3. Washing the body with soap.
  4. Dressing new clothes, which is pre-ironed with a hot iron.

Treating Bites

Treatment of bites:

  1. To treat damage to the epithelium, you can use the balms “Rescuer”, “”.
  2. A histamine is used for allergies.
  3. Antibacterial and disinfectant preparations are used in the development of complications of pediculosis, which manifest themselves in the form.

Sprays, lotions, and shampoos are used to treat the body. Very effective means against body lice on the body are:

  • "Para Plus";
  • "Nit Free";

These drugs are applied to the body, especially to the affected areas of the epithelium. After applying the lice remedy, wrap yourself in plastic. After the specified time, the product is washed off.

To definitely get rid of body lice, you should treat the body, things and linen at the same time.

Read the article below to learn how to get rid of body lice at home.

At home

You can get rid of body lice using folk remedies. The following methods will definitely be effective:


With long-term body lice disease, the following types of complications may occur:

  • purulent lesions of the epithelium;
  • nervous disorders;
  • development of allergic reactions;
  • typhus.


If measures aimed at eliminating body lice are carried out correctly, then the prognosis for body lice is good. If you do not begin to treat this problem, then lice can multiply for several years. A negligent attitude towards the disease is dangerous due to the development of complications.

The problem is not only that lice suck blood. To reduce clotting and make it easier to obtain food, insects sprinkle a special enzyme under the skin of the victim. Because of it, a person experiences allergic reactions and spots appear on the skin.

Lice nutrition

To live and be active, linen lice need to feed up to 5 times a day. At one time, an adult insect can drink 0.5 mg of blood. Of course, if you take one individual, the volume of blood it drinks is small. But the problem is that they do not live alone. A flock can cause great harm to a person. The skin turns red and bite marks appear on it if attacked by linen lice.

Where do they live?

The most common habitat is considered to be the clothes of tramps. It should be clearly understood that washing clothes once will not solve the problem. The insects are so tenacious that they can survive in water for up to two days.

Sometimes, even if a person maintains hygiene, insects may appear in his things. Before deciding how to remove linen lice, you need to understand where they came from. After all, if you are constantly in contact with the source of infection, even the most effective measures will not have the desired impact.

Methods of infection

  1. Close contact in places with large crowds of people (crowds, public transport, children's groups).
  2. Purchasing clothes at a second-hand store.
  3. Swimming in the pool and natural pond.
  4. Spontaneous clothing markets.
  5. Clothes storage in common locker rooms.

To summarize what has been said, a linen lice can penetrate clean house, if a person:

  • visited a budget hotel;
  • was traveling on a train;
  • tried on or bought things at a second-hand store;
  • was on a hiking trip;
  • came from the camp.

Why are they dangerous?

Linen lice are quite dangerous for humans in terms of infection. This is due to their lifestyle and way of eating. Individuals often live on people who lead an unsanitary lifestyle. Insects feed on blood by piercing the skin of the victim with their proboscis. If they get on another person's body, they can infect him various diseases. Linen lice bites cause:

  1. Unpleasant sensations, redness, itching.
  2. Allergic phenomena.
  3. Ulcers.
  4. Pyoderma.
  5. General malaise and irritability.
  6. Scratching leads to infection.

Cases have been recorded of body louse becoming a carrier of typhus and Volyn fever.

Hunger strike

When a person changes their wardrobe frequently, they are less likely to be bitten. Therefore, homeless people and tramps are ideal victims of these insects. They wear the same clothes for a long time, and it is these individuals who become the source of infection.

It is necessary to take into account that linen lice usually do not like smooth fabrics, woolen and “creaky”. Their favorite place is cotton products and linen clothing. It can be seen that insects live on natural fabrics. However, the fur is usually located far from the body, so they are rarely found in such things.

If an item was purchased second-hand or there is a suspicion that it is contaminated, then you should hang it on fresh air. The holding time must be at least a week. This is the only way to be sure that the lice died from starvation. After this, the item should be washed and ironed. When ironing, pay special attention to pockets, collars and seams.

  1. Vinegar. If you treat clothes with a vinegar solution, the lice will completely die.
  2. Turpentine. It has the same effect and dissolves the insect shell.
  3. For sensitive people we can recommend tansy decoction. Treating clothes with a decoction of the plant contributes to their death.

Grandmothers also advised that in order to cleanse the body of lice, you need to use tar soap. With its help you can also get rid of head nits. To destroy nits, old advice recommends using cranberry juice.

Previously, kerosene was used. They even boiled things in it. However, this method is now difficult to recommend. If the situation is severe, it’s easier to throw out the clothes altogether.

Industrial products

Many people are interested in how to quickly get rid of linen lice. In this case, you can take advantage of the developments of the modern chemical industry.

Any remedy for linen lice will help cope with the problem. However, it is better not to get infected at all than to deal with the consequences.

Preventive measures

Much easier to comply preventive measures than trying to remove linen lice. To minimize the possibility of infection, you should:

  1. Avoid homeless people and unkempt people.
  2. Do not enter premises where there is unsanitary conditions.
  3. When purchasing clothes from second-hand stores or from hands, you should wash them at the highest possible temperature and iron them.
  4. On public transport, it is better to avoid proximity to suspicious people.
  5. In public changing rooms, underwear should be placed in a closed bag.
  6. Maintain good hygiene.

If you follow these measures, you will not need to decide how to get rid of linen lice. But if this happened, then you can find out by certain signs.

Signs of infection

  • appearance of bite marks;
  • the wounds itch and itch;
  • redness at the bite sites;
  • sudden allergic manifestations;
  • the appearance of bluish spots on the skin;
  • restless sleep of children and crying for no apparent reason.

If similar symptoms are noticed, then linen lice may have appeared. How to get rid of them (a photo of insects immediately makes you want to get rid of them quickly) so that they don’t appear again is an important issue that affects the health of all household members.

All means are good

If the symptoms described above are detected, it is important to carry out treatment as soon as possible. At the same time, attention should be paid not only to clothing.

How to get rid of linen lice in an apartment:

  1. Wash linens and items with tar soap and rinse in a weak vinegar solution.
  2. Drying is more effective in direct sunlight.
  3. Combs, hairpins, washcloths and other hygiene items should be boiled with the addition of vinegar.
  4. If the item cannot be subjected to heat treatment, you can simply wipe it with a swab moistened with vinegar essence.

After hygiene procedures, it is better to wear new underwear or carefully processed and ironed on both sides.


Unpleasant, but most importantly contagious - this is exactly what the linen louse is. How to get rid of them is discussed in this article. It can be noted that all the products are quite effective and safe for humans. However, it is important to understand that failure to comply with personal hygiene measures and being in unsanitary conditions can nullify all efforts.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the military. They often go to the fields for exercises. The conditions there are not the best. Therefore, all things must be processed immediately after the trip. And don't forget about bags.

All measures to combat linen lice are most effective at the initial stage. Their spread and reproduction must not be allowed. Otherwise you will have to call special services.

Externally, body lice bites are very similar to flea bites, but unlike the latter, they are located chaotically, and not in chains.

Bites, and, consequently, itching, with body lice are localized mainly in the area of ​​the shoulders, lower back, buttocks, thighs, armpits, and neck. Body lice bite less often on hairy areas of the body, preferring areas of smooth skin.

Possible complications

Body lice itself is a very unpleasant, but harmless disease. However, pediculosis, especially if it lasts for a long time, can provoke the development of serious complications.

Secondary infection. The skin reliably protects the body from infections. But numerous skin damages caused by lice bites and constant scratching reduce the protective properties of the skin to a minimum. The infection easily penetrates into wounds and causes inflammation.

Skin changes are possible with long-term head lice. The skin of such patients thickens, and pigmentation disorders may be observed in some areas. The skin pattern is clearly visible on the skin, so its surface appears rough.

Lice, including body lice, can become carriers of dangerous infectious diseases. A louse, having drunk the blood of a patient, becomes dangerous to other people. Once on another host, the louse infects him with an infectious disease. Body lice spread diseases such as rickettsiosis, relapsing fever and typhus. It is lice infestation that causes the development of epidemics when people live in unsanitary conditions (for example, in poorly organized refugee camps).


Characteristic symptoms of body lice:

  • The presence of bites, which, in the absence of complications, heal within 3 days;
  • Severe itching in and around the area where the bites are located.

In addition, with body lice, the following are possible:

  • Various allergic reactions from the development (characteristic rash) to the development of generalized symptoms.
  • Formation of small bluish spots on the skin. The appearance of these spots is due to the fact that when a louse bites, it injects a specific secretion inside that destroys hemoglobin in the blood. The breakdown products of hemoglobin, accumulating under the surface layer of the skin, give it a bluish color. Pediculosis spots are unstable and disappear quite quickly.
  • Development of pustular skin lesions due to large quantity superficial damage.

Some patients develop nervous disorders due to constant and intense itching.

It is important to distinguish pediculosis from. The main difference is that with pediculosis, superficial damage is visible on the itchy skin - bite marks. When scabies occurs, it makes passages under the surface layer of the skin, so there is no external damage.


Getting rid of body lice is quite simple, but the approach to solving the problem must be comprehensive.

If you find body lice, it is advisable to contact sanitary services. Specialists have effective disinfectants that can help you get rid of lice in just one day.

If it is impossible to use special disinfectants (for example, if you have allergies), you can get rid of body lice without using them. Patients are recommended:

  • All bed linen in the house should be washed at the most high temperature or boil. When using a washing machine, you can add vinegar to the powder, or even better, special products - pediculocides.
  • You also need to wash your clothes. Ideally, clothes should be treated in steam-formalin chambers. As a last resort, in winter you can hang your clothes out in the cold (the temperature should not be higher than minus 20 degrees). Clothes should be kept in the cold for at least a week. It is also recommended to hang washed clothes and linen out for airing for at least two weeks.
  • The patient needs to wash the body well, then apply pediculicidal shampoo, cream or aerosol to the body. After half an hour, wash your body thoroughly with soap again. Wear clothes that are new or have not been worn for at least two weeks and have been ironed with a hot iron.

Lubricate the bite areas with “Rescuer” or “Zvezdochka” balm. If there is an allergic reaction, an antihistamine is selected. If complications of pediculosis (pustular skin lesions) develop, symptomatic therapy is prescribed - antibacterial, disinfectants.

Treatment with traditional methods

For speedy deliverance against body lice can also be used folk recipes.

  • The body louse really does not like the smell of tansy. This plant is in dry or fresh It is worth hanging in places where the patient’s clothes are dried and ventilated after washing and processing.
  • Tansy decoction can be used to rinse the body after bathing.
  • To quickly heal the affected skin in the area of ​​lice bites, you can prepare an ointment by mixing four parts of baby cream or rendered pork fat and one part of a powdered mixture of dry roots of white cherry and angelica. Apply ointment to the affected skin for pediculosis.

Prognosis and prevention

The prognosis for properly carried out measures to get rid of body lice is good. If left untreated, body lice can last for years, and complications cannot be ruled out.

Prevention of body lice involves maintaining hygiene, changing and washing clothes in a timely manner, and if possible avoiding visiting places where the risk of lice infection is high. In addition, you should not try on other people's clothes and underwear.

Body lice cannot live in hair - their legs are not adapted for this, and therefore they usually do not linger directly on a person’s head. But they managed to perfectly adapt to living in clothes - in its folds, between seams, in folds and pockets - confidently clinging to the fabric itself.

What do body lice look like?

Body lice are very similar in appearance to head lice. This small insects with a body length of about 3-4 mm, whitish or grayish-yellow in color with a characteristic slightly elongated abdomen. The photo shows a body louse at high magnification under a microscope:

Body lice do not have wings, which makes it easier for them to move through hair. On the other hand, due to this feature, they are not able to easily and quickly move between their owners.

In the photo - body lice on fabric:

And the following photo clearly shows what body lice look like after they have sucked blood:


Body lice larvae differ from adult insects only in size - they reach a length of half a millimeter to 1.5-2 mm. During growth, they molt three times, and after that they turn into an adult insect.

In the photo below you can see what a body louse looks like at the larval stage:

This is interesting

Only that stage of louse development that immediately follows the egg is called a larva. The larva after the first molt is called a nymph.

Body lice eggs are called nits. They are attached to clothing with a special secret, and it is mechanically very difficult to tear them off from it. Each such egg has a slightly elongated shape and a length of about 0.5 mm. Typically, body lice nits can be quite difficult to visually detect on clothing.

The photo below shows what body lice look like when they have drunk blood:

This is interesting

As noted above, head and body lice are different shapes of the same type. Under natural conditions, even on the body of one person, they usually do not meet each other (after all, they are separated purely territorially), but under experimental conditions they interbreed and produce viable offspring. Moreover, the offspring themselves have more signs of head lice as the main form.

Lice avoid shiny, silk and satin clothes; they love wool and cotton fabrics.

This determines the contingent of victims of body lice - tramps, beggars, refugees, soldiers in war who cannot regularly change clothes; lice in their underwear find an ideal refuge. Body lice cannot live on people who constantly wash their bodies and have at least two changes of linen a week. In this they lose to head lice.

Despite being inactive, body lice can spread quite effectively between people. As a rule, they are transmitted through close contact between an infected person and healthy person, as well as when using someone else's clothing. This usually happens in:

  • homeless sleeping areas
  • refugee camps, shelters during natural disasters
  • trenches and tents during military operations
  • kindergartens and schools
  • public transport
  • saunas and public baths
  • on hiking trips
  • children's holiday camps
  • dirty cheap hotels.


Body lice can survive in water for 2 days, and therefore they can, in exceptional cases, be transmitted through water, even in open water. Such cases have been reported in India and Bangladesh.

By and large, any crowded place can be a source of lice infestation. However, the easiest way for them to be transmitted is when people share clothes and underwear.

Fighting body lice and treating body lice

Getting rid of body lice is not that difficult, and with the right approach you can literally do it in one day.

The easiest way is to contact the sanitary service or a special detention center. The public there, of course, can confuse even the most notorious optimist, but the means and treatment methods there are so powerful that they will allow you to remove body lice literally within a few hours.

You can get rid of body lice at home. To combat them you need:

  • Take off all clothes and load them into washing machine, add any modern remedy against body lice, and in the absence of such - vinegar or tar soap- and wash things at the highest possible temperature. Ideally, items should be boiled or dry-cleaned for processing in a steam-formalin chamber.
  • Swim thoroughly, wash your body with pediculicidal cream or shampoo, leave the product on your body for half an hour, then rinse it thoroughly.
  • Wear clean clothes that have been stored in a closet or aired outside for at least two weeks.

It is advisable to change the bed linen after this. You should not wear untreated clothing when infected.

Treatment of body lice bites involves treating them with alcohol lotions, “Rescuer” type balms, and “Zvezdochka” product. In the presence of allergic reactions, symptomatic treatment is used (headache medications, painkillers, decongestants) and antihistamines.

It is important to remember that fighting body lice and treating the consequences of their bites is always more difficult than avoiding infection in the first place. Therefore, you should avoid places where you can become infected with lice, do not contact with unfamiliar and untidy people, do not spend the night in dubious places, use only your own hygiene items and clothing, and teach children to observe the rules of hygiene and sanitation.

Under these conditions, even in difficult life situations It is entirely possible to avoid lice infestation and never become infected with head lice.

Be healthy!

Useful information about human lice

Interesting video: where do lice come from and how to deal with it

And this is what pubic lice look like on eyelashes: unique shots

Type of lice

The body louse loves natural fabrics, especially wool and cotton. But she doesn’t like various shiny materials like silk.

  • close contact of a small group of people in a small room;
  • poor living conditions;
  • being in forced confinement for a long time;
  • military service.

The louse, feeding on a person's blood, constantly bites his skin.

Therefore, the following symptoms appear:

  • blue spots;
  • redness and itching of the skin.
  • rashes at the bite sites, healing in about 3 days.

  • formation of boils.
  • blisters with pus.
  • manifestation of an allergic reaction in the form of fever, digestive system disorders.

Bite sites are usually on:

  • lower back;
  • buttocks;
  • hips;
  • sides;
  • in the armpit area.

It is worth paying close attention to such symptoms, since lice are a carrier of quite serious diseases, for example, typhus. Therefore, every person should know what body lice look like.

Treatment of pediculosis

There are two options to completely remove all body lice. These include:

  • call exterminators;
  • fight on your own.

Products used for washing things:

  • Akromed, 25% permethrin;
  • Medifox, 5.0% permethrin;
  • Avicin, 15% permethrin;
  • Celandine, 14% permethrin;
  • Forsyth Anti-louse;
  • VITAR (soap);
  • A-PAR (soap).

It is recommended to soak the laundry in a solution of these products for 15–20 minutes in the proportions specified in the instructions, and rinse thoroughly. One such treatment destroys all insects and nits.

Afterwards you need to take care of the body, since insects or nits may remain on it. Pharmacies sell many special products and shampoos.

Body Treatment:

  • take a shower, and the water should be as hot as possible;
  • use tar soap if there is no aversion to its smell (the product can be used by pregnant women, children and nursing mothers);
  • use herbal decoctions for bathing: parsley, wormwood, mint;
  • use special tools: Medifox, Veda-2, Nok.

Do not lose sight of bedding, bed and other upholstered furniture– a louse can also live there. Best to spend general cleaning apartments. If a body louse has left itchy bites on your body, you should treat them medicines to speed up the healing process.

Pediculosis is a contagious disease that requires rapid pest control.

Disease prevention

Large number of people possible way lice infestation

  • Children often become carriers in kindergartens, schools, and children's camps. Because they don't pay special attention on hygiene rules and social circles.
  • In stores selling used clothing and bed linen. Typically these sales points are called second-hand stores. Sanitation rules are not always followed there.