Name day September 14th for men's names. Angel's Day and Tatiana's Name Day according to the Orthodox calendar

The namesake has great value in a Christian environment. On this day, the patron saint in heaven, whose name was received in baptism, is honored. In the Orthodox calendar, Tatiana’s name day is a special phenomenon. They have their own aroma, charm, eternal purity and joy.

Orthodox calendar

Tanya celebrates name days several times throughout the year. The twenty-fifth of January stands out especially - Tatiana's Day. This number is natural, which is closely connected with the name of the Roman martyr Tatiana. The girl was a representative of a noble family, Tatiana's father was the consul. For her Christian faith and renunciation of pagan gods, she was betrayed the most severe torture and beheaded.

If you look at the calendar, you can see several names of holy ascetics relating to a specific day. Tatiana's name day church calendar fall on several dates:

  • July 17;
  • September 14;
  • September 23;
  • October 11;
  • October 21;
  • December 3;
  • December 23;
  • January 25;
  • February 4.

Historical background

In 1755, by decree of the Empress, Moscow University was formed. This event took place according to the new style on January 25 - just on the day of remembrance of the martyr. The date began to count university birthday, and later a general student celebration. The day named after Tatyana also has names: Epiphany Tatyana, Epiphany Tanka, Tetyana’s Day (Ukrainian). On the territory educational institution Metropolitan Platon consecrated the Church of the Holy Martyr

In the calendar, the day of the angel Tetyana falls in winter, summer, and autumn. In terms of quantity, only representatives of such names as Alexander, Alexey, Vladimir, Vyacheslav, etc. can compete with it.

Unlike, for example, the name Galina. The tradition of celebrating name days dates back to approximately the seventeenth century.

Determining the date

The seventeenth of July and the twenty-fifth of January are the main dates when girls with the name Tatyana have a name day. Angel's Day is also usually called name day, although this is erroneous. In fact, this angel's day is considered the date of baptism. It happens that these two events coincide.

The birthday girl can choose the Saint Tatiana whose commemoration is closer in date to after her birth. The remaining days are called “small name days.”

List of saints with the name Tatiana:

Their life is an example of courage and a guide to morality. Therefore, owners of this name need:

  1. Know the exploits of the saints.
  2. Remember the days of remembrance.
  3. Prayerfully turn to heavenly intercessors.

Characteristics of the name Tatyana

Tatyana's life is very unique. The meaning of the name (translated from ancient Greek means “founder”) leaves its own characteristic imprint. This is expressed in pursuit of leadership, individuality and dominance. Girls very rarely compromise, react painfully to the superiority of their rivals, and rarely listen to the opinions of others. They cannot stand sentimentality and clearly see the goal, to achieve which they display pragmatism and self-interest.

On the other hand, they are friendly, sociable and witty, which attracts many people. They have authority in the service because they do their job accurately. They have a weakness for parties, celebrations and noisy companies. They never leave you in trouble, they are ready to help at the first call. They value friendship extremely. Friends may be few, but they are real and last a lifetime. They devote enough time to communicating with friends. They treat their children with love. They make excellent godparents.

Have spectacular appearance, dress tastefully and have a good wardrobe at their disposal. They feel confident in relationships with the opposite sex. They never complain about life. They can carry on a conversation well and don’t skimp on compliments.

They value strength, confidence, and solidity in men, but they strive to suppress with their superiority. They are alien to uniformity and monotony. They try not to show jealousy.

They can be authoritarian in the family, but they idolize it and consider it a priority. They are strict at times. Subject to frequent mood swings. They are good housewives - they love to cook and preserve food. They try to keep the house clean and tidy. They love rearranging furniture and making renovations. Extremely self-organized - they set specific tasks for themselves and know how to solve them.

Name day celebration

Celebrating name days in different ways. For some, this is a noisy and numerous feast with dancing and singing. For others - a quiet evening in a relaxed atmosphere among those closest to you. Women treat them more responsibly and more reverently due to the fact that they are more prone to mysticism. Their attention is directed to the internal content of the event. In any case, they are worth celebrating, but how exactly is a matter of taste.

It’s good to visit the temple on this day. If you wish, confess and take communion, having prepared in advance. IN fast days and the menu is compiled accordingly. During Great Lent, the celebration is postponed until Saturday or Sunday. The main thing is to have a spiritual mood and a feeling of joy from the knowledge of the help of the same ascetic.

What is presented on this day

As with any holiday, gifts are given on name days. But here they are filled with a different meaning - spiritual, high. Material things fade into the background. What gifts are appropriate:

It is also permissible to present flowers, but for a child an icon would be preferable. If you have the means, you can place an order with an icon painter. Now, in the 21st century, a custom that came from antiquity is being revived again- present the child with “measured” images with the image of his saint, that is, corresponding to the growth of the baby.

Tatyanas need to remember that they have very strong patronesses in heaven. We should not forget about them and we must sincerely believe that through prayers they will always help and protect in any difficult situations.

Attention, TODAY only!

Saints' Day of Remembrance is the date on which their earthly life ends. Every day the church celebrates several name days, often of the same name. They count how many people there are so many souls. A person celebrates his name day according to the church calendar, and after leaving for another world, he is also remembered by the name given at baptism.

Name day is a day of remembrance, worship and chanting of the memory of the Christian saint in whose honor the name was received at baptism. To find out in honor of which heavenly patron a person is named, you need to find the date of birth in the church calendar and celebrate the day of the holy angel falling on this day. Or the number following the date immediately following the day of birth (usually the eighth day).

IN church interpretation It is customary to pronounce it - Tatiana.

Diminutive - affectionate variations Christian name truly diverse and beautiful: Tatyanka, Tanyusha, Tanechka, Tatochka, Tatyanushka, Tanyuta, Tanyusha.

It has long been said: “By name and life.” This means that it is very important to know everything about the name you want to name your child. You need to read the biographies of Christian saints and choose what you like. The name of the famous Christian saint will help correct the path that a person has to go through in earthly and eternal life.

Secular characteristics of Tatiana

Tatyana lives up to the meaning of her name. This is a thorough, punctual, principled woman.

As a child, Tanya was a real tomboy and a “fighting friend” of the boys. A strong character can be seen from childhood. Self-sufficient and independent - a potential leader, and then a leader.

He is involved in various clubs and sections, studies well, does not tolerate boredom and monotony. Stubborn and uncompromising, does not recognize objections, can be selfish.

Loves praise and approval from superiors. He will begin to carry out assigned tasks with redoubled zeal. She needs inspiration.

A fairly liberated woman, she is not shy about performing on stage, she is extremely artistic and educated. In a company and a team, he is a clearly visible person, has certain life attitudes, and does not compromise on principles.

Competent in many areas of knowledge, able to work long and productively, and move towards the intended goal.

She is often successful in her profession; she can become both a skilled seamstress and a scientist - mathematician.

Tanechkas are artists, choreographers, artists, teachers, librarians. He will not give up his career if such an opportunity arises.

Tatyana's true calling is home economics. Here she has no equal: rearranging the apartment, cleaning, landscaping, decorating the home. The woman is a renowned florist and gardener. Truly, it suits and improves everything around.

In a family, she often strives for supremacy, subordinating her husband. Jealous, dominant, therefore, difficult relationships with my spouse. She adores children, but does not give them independence; she likes to control all processes.

Tata loves traveling, hiking, and changing places.

The most famous holy martyrs

  1. Tatiana Rimskaya was born into a noble family. She devoted her life to the church, devotedly serving God, helping the sick and poor. During the time of persecution of the Christian faith, many people were executed. When Tatiana was grabbed and forced to kneel before the idol, she crossed herself and prayed. At that very moment, a devastating earthquake occurred, destroyed the idol, and many persecutors were crushed by the collapsed walls of the temple. Tatiana's eyes were gouged out, she was beaten mercilessly, and she prayed for her tormentors. And then four angels stood around and protected her from blows. The monsters, suddenly hearing the voice of God, converted to the Christian faith, for which they were executed. For several more days, the torturers tried by all means to take her life and force her to renounce Christ. They threw her to be devoured by lions, cut her body with razors, and set her on fire. But the ever-steadfast righteous woman remained invulnerable. At the end of the third day, she was beheaded with a sword, her father was also executed for introducing his daughter to the faith of Christ.
  2. The Venerable Martyr Tatiana (Gribkova) lived at the turn of the 20th century. She lived in the Kazan Golovinsky Monastery for almost thirty years, then the holy parish was destroyed by the Bolsheviks. Tatiana returned home, maintaining the usual way of monastic life, working tirelessly. Based on a false denunciation, she was arrested “for anti-Soviet agitation,” did not renounce her faith, and was shot in 1937. She received the crown of martyrdom from the hands of Christ. New Martyr.

Student's Day

In 1755, Empress Petrovna of Russia ordered the founding of a university in Moscow. This happened on the day of the Holy Great Martyr Tatiana.

Later, a temple was built at the university, which was subsequently destroyed by fire, but was rebuilt and consecrated. For the festive service - the name day of the martyr Tatiana, the service is conducted by the Patriarch himself.

January 25 is Student's Day, and Saint Tatiana is invariably considered heavenly patroness and intercessor of all students.

How to spend your name day

Angel's Day is filled with spiritual meaning. On this day, it is necessary to remember your heavenly patron, so that he can help in everyday worries. Birthdays and name days should be the most important in life.

On name day, it is advisable to come to church for confession, having prepared for this in advance. Festive dining should be a moderate, blissful celebration. If the day falls during fasting time, then the table should be accordingly.

Every day you should say a prayer to your Saint Tatiana for protection and intercession:

“Pray to God for me, holy saint of God Tatiano, as I diligently resort to you, an ambulance and prayer book for my soul.”

They pray to Saint Tatiana for successful passing of exams, help in studies, in illness and infirmity. They ask for a comfortable old age.

Men's and women's name day September 14 according to the church calendar! Who is celebrating Angel Day today? Full list female and male names and their meanings in the Orthodox calendar 2019!

Men's name day September 14

AifalIt is of Greek origin. Translated it means “immortal”, “unfading”, “ever blooming”. Memory of the martyr Aifal, deacon.
Ammonium (Amon, Ammun)Has Jewish and Greek origin. Translated from ancient Hebrew it means “skilled craftsman”, “artist”, from Greek it means “from Libya”. Memory of the martyr Ammun, deacon.
Angel (Angelius, Angelis, Angel)Translated from Greek as “God’s Messenger.” Memory of the martyr Angelis.
Hermogenes (Ermogenes)Comes from Greek. Translated as “descendant of Hermes.” Memory of the martyr Hermogenes.
EvodHas Greek roots. Translated as “good path”. Memory of the martyr Evoda.

Derived from Hebrew. Translated it means “savior”. Memory of the righteous Joshua.

Melentius (Meletius, Melantius)Comes from Greek. Translated as “busy”, “caring”. Memory of Saint Melentius.
SemyonThe Hebrew name means “he who hears God.”

Women's name day September 14

EvanthiaThe name is of Greek origin. Translated as “blooming”, “covered with flowers”. Memory of Saint Euphania.
CallistaIt is of Greek origin. Form of the name Kallis. Translated it means “the most beautiful”. Female form the male name Callistus, which also comes from Greek and is translated as “the most beautiful.”
MargaritaThe name is of Greek origin. Translated it means “pearl”. One of the epithets greek goddess Aphrodite.
MarfaThe name has several versions of origin. Translated from Arabic as “seaport”, translated from Aramaic it means “lady”. Memory of the Venerable Martha, mother of Simeon the Stylite.

On the fourteenth of September the name days of Angel, Aifal, Ammonius, Hermogenes, Evanthia, Jesus (Joshua), Evod, Callista, Margarita, Martha, Melentius, Semyon are celebrated.

On this day, the icons of the Mother of God are venerated: Alexandria, Miasin (finding of the icon), Chernigov-Gethsemane, August, “All-Blessed”.

Today is the beginning of the indictment-church new year – Church New Year. This day is celebrated with a thanksgiving prayer. Also today, a prayer service is being served for the second time at the beginning of the teaching. Serial number years within a period of time that repeats every fifteen years is called an indict. By Julian calendar New Year falls on September 14th.

Published 09.13.17 23:49

Today, September 14, the Slavic New Year, the Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Cyprus and other holidays are also celebrated.

September 14, 2017 is celebrated folk holiday Simeon the summer guide. On this day the Church remembers Saint Simeon the Stylite.

According to legend, Simeon was a Syrian monk. He is considered the founder of "pillarism" - continuous prayer on open area, pillar or tower.

Simeon, strong in spirit, spent all his time on the pillar. He acquired the gift of healing spiritual and physical ailments and foreseeing the future. The rumor about him spread far beyond the borders of Syria. To many intkbbee he helped to find true faith. Even kings and emperors turned to him for advice. Saint Simeon lived for more than a hundred years and died while praying.

The holiday got its popular name - "Summer Conductor" - because on this day the peasants said goodbye to the summer. On this folk holiday, it was believed that Indian summer began, which was traditionally celebrated with folk festivities.

People considered this day a good day for housewarming. Also from this day onwards wedding weeks and viewings begin.

In many places with of this holiday gatherings begin - handicrafts in the house with a lit candle or lamp.

According to signs, if it is a clear day on Simeon, then it will be warm before the start of winter.

If there are a lot of cobwebs in the fields, the autumn will be long, and if the south wind blows, it means the winter will be warm.

If the birds have already flown south, wait for early winter.

New Year, Slavic New Year

On September 14, the Slavs celebrate the New Year. By this day, work in the fields ended, and houses were worked by fire.

The night before, the old fire in the house was extinguished, and in the morning a new one was lit with special sentences. During such an event, it was customary to go around all the fields with special songs and chants. The peasants hoped that such a ritual would provide good harvest next year. It was also necessary to clean the houses and arrange a housewarming party. By the holiday, all trade and economic transactions were completed, tribute was paid and all duties were paid.

Closing of Svarga

The Slavs believed that on September 14, the goddess Zhiva, personifying youth, strength and beauty, leaves the Earth, and Winter and Frost come into their possession. It is believed that from this day on the spirits of ancestors do not descend to earth.

Birds fly away to warmer regions, which is why the peasants thought that they were flying to the upper world, where the souls of the dead live. Vyriy is the ancient name of Paradise Eastern Slavs. The ancestors said that the bright heavenly kingdom is located on the other side of the clouds, right next to the warm eastern sea. There is also endless summer there.

Day of the fiery wolf

Today the Slavs also celebrated the Day of the fiery Volkh - the God of War among the ancient Slavs, the guardian of the Irian Garden and the husband of Lelya. The Volkh was born from the connection of the Indrik-beast and the Mother Damp Earth. And when Volkh grew up, he killed his father and at the same time inherited power from him over the forces of darkness.

The Volkh wanted to conquer the heavens, and then the entire Universe. The guy had many opportunities for this. The young god had not only strength, but also cunning. And when Volkh turned into a falcon, he entered the heavenly garden and wanted to peck the golden apples. Such apples gave immortality and power over the World. When God arrived, he heard Lelya singing in the garden.

The falcon listened and forgot why he came. And when he saw the beauty, he immediately changed his mind about taking over the Universe. Volkh became secret lover Lely. This story talks about love, Lelya’s wanderings and searches for each other. Lelya was still able to free Volkh from the underworld.

Exaltation of the Holy Cross in Cyprus

The Exaltation of the Holy Cross is celebrated in Cyprus on September 14. Traditionally, on this day, island residents go to church, where they pray for the health of their loved ones.

According to legend, Queen Helen many centuries ago wanted to find the Cross on which Jesus was crucified in Jerusalem. The cross was found after a long search in 326, and then Helena went home with it to Constantinople, but the ship was caught in a storm and landed on the shores of Cyprus, where few people lived then and were suffering from drought. When Elena came ashore, she fell asleep in the shade of the trees.

According to legend, a vision came to her in a dream. In it, a young man asked to build a temple on the island in the name of the Cross of the Lord. That's what Elena did. After this, the heat and drought disappeared and peace reigned on the island. The rains came and people began to feel more comfortable. Harvests began and new people arrived.

Day of the mobilization worker of Ukraine

Today in Ukraine we celebrate the Day of the Mobilization Worker. The holiday is associated with the date in 1992. It was then that the Department of Mobilization and Recruitment of the Main Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine was created. In 1993, on September 13, it was reorganized into the Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate.

Marfa, Natalya, Semyon, Tatyana.

  • 786 - 20-year-old Harun al-Rashid took the helm of power in the Abbasid state.
  • 1812 - Napoleon's army entered empty Moscow.
  • 1829 - Russia and Türkiye signed the Treaty of Adrianople.
  • 1911 - there was an attempt on the life of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of Russia Pyotr Stolypin.
  • 1944 - the offensive Baltic operation of the Soviet troops began.
  • 1954 - at the Totsky training ground Orenburg region Experimental tests of one of the types of atomic weapons began.
  • Peter Lely 1618 - English painter.
  • Alexander Humboldt 1769 - German naturalist.
  • Pavel Yablochkov 1847 - Russian electrical engineer.
  • Robert Cecil 1864 - British politician.
  • Igor Kirillov 1932 - Russian TV presenter.
  • Dmitry Medvedev 1965 - Russian politician.

The Orthodox Church calendar associates September 14 with the name of St. Simeon, who is known as Venerable Simeon the Stylite or Archimandrite of Antioch.

In addition, this day has symbolized the beginning of Indian summer since ancient times and, according to popular belief, gives an accurate weather forecast for the coming autumn. In 2019, on September 14, Natalia, Tatyana, Marfa and, of course, Semyon celebrate their name day


It is believed that the saint patronizes everyone who bears these names in every possible way and protects them from illnesses and troubles.

September 14 is the day of the angel of girls and women named Natalya, Tatiana (Tatiana), Callista and Martha. And among boys and men, name days are celebrated by Simeon (Semyon), Jesus, Aifal, Ammun, Evod and Hermogen. In addition, it is believed that on this day all birthday people's dreams will certainly come true.

The Monk Simeon was born in Cappadocia into a poor Syrian family. He began his service to God from a young age. One day a young man came to the temple and suddenly heard wonderful singing. Seeing this as a sign from God, the young man in prayer turned to the Almighty with a request to guide him on the true path and indicate his future path in life.

After this, Simeon decided to devote his life to serving the Lord, humility and prayer.

Choosing the life of a monk, he became a hermit, left his father's house and retired to the desert.

There he built a pillar several meters high for himself and settled right on it, offering prayers to God both day and night. Pilgrims came to this place from different countries, in hopes of receiving healing from illness or a word of wisdom. Simeon helped people, but did not descend from his stone monastery for a long time.

And having lived to be a hundred years old, he died quietly during prayer, handing over his soul to the Lord. The monk's long stay on this stone tower served as the beginning of pillarism - a new type of pilgrimage with strict abstinence from food and other deprivations.

In Rus', September 14 received the name - Day of Simeon the Stylite or Semenov Day. Old Russian name towers - “pillar” - formed the basis for the nickname of this saint. From the end of the fifteenth to the beginning of the eighteenth century, Semenov Day was considered an important and revered holiday - the beginning of a new year.